The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-09-24, Page 4The
Fall Fair Specials
$2.00 'Water Bottle Guaran-
teed, On Sale 1.29
A Fountain Pen "The Hercules"
equal to any pen at
$2.5o, for
• Guaranteed in every way, self filler, standard Pocket clip, x4
Karat Solid Gold Nib, tipped with iridium, screw cap, self filler for
One Dollar.
35e Tube of exalt Shaving Crew., and
Gillette Safety •`razor both for 39e.
That is a $z.00 Gillette Safety Razor only costs you 4 cents.
clKibbon's Dr g St
271 a_eixacio Stone
Winolism, Ont.
Phone 53
TO RENT—Double Garage. Apply
to Mrs. Jas. Walker, John Street.
BARGAIN—I Walnut Bedroom Suite
Dresser, Bed, Springs and Mattress.
Mrs. J. W. McKibbon, Centre St.
BULBS—Hyacinth, Tulips, Daffodils
I are now here. Ask for our prices
r on trees, shrubs, etc. J. M. Graham.
FOR SALE—Eight rooled dwelling,
hard 'and soft water, good cellar un-
der house. A bargain for quick
sale. Also a good young driving
horse. Apply to Ernest Dennis,
• Route Wingharre
FOR. SALE -1 Oak Dufold Suite;
Oak Dinning Room Suite; x Oak
Bedroom Suite; r Simmons Steel
Bed; i Refrigerator; / Sideboard.
R. J. Bloomfield.
FOR SALE—Lot number xx and pt.
of 16, North of Bristoll Terrace in
Town of Wingham, known as the
•.;$ Richardson Property. Full partico-
lars can be obtained from the un-
dersigned. Dudley Holmes.
fortable frame dwelling on Minnie
St., the home of the late J. J. Cunn-
ingham. All modern conveniences.
1.1 A snap for quick sale. Write to
Miss M. Madigan, 65 Lakeview Ave.
' Toronto,
FARM FOR SALE—Lot 3, Con. 2,
Morris, zooacres, frame dwelling,
barn sox5 /-6 stone foundation, dri-
ve shed 50x35, splendid pasture land
river running through, good well,
several acres of swamp timber. For
further particulars apply to Box 9o,
FARM FOR SALE—Ninety Acres,
Lot 13, Con. ro, Turnberry, six. ac-
res of bush, remainder good work-
able land, good brick house, stone
wall barn 50x64. For further par-
ticulars. Apply to R. B. Aitken,
PENED. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Single edge 3c;
Double edge 4c. G H. McAvoy,
Druggist, Wingham.
Bloomfield's residence •on Edward
St. Apply to Mrs. Enima Bloom-
• field, Edward St.
WANTED—London Life has opening
for real live man. Write C. K. Ke-
kay, Agency Manager, Stratford,
dale Huron in good condition, price
$5.00. Apply at the Advance Times
• Office.
WANTED—Part or full time agent
for a Life Insurance Co. Good ter-
ritory and good contract. Box C
Advance Times, Wingham.
FOR SALE -5o Pure Bred White
Rock Chickens, • (Pullets). Apply
to Mrs. Robt. Golley, .Phone 618-3
FOR SALE—Bed spring and mat-
tress for sale, cheap. Apply to
Jos. Daig.
FARM FOR SALE --zoo acre farm
for sale, being south i; Lots 54 and
55, 1st. concession Morris. On
premises are a good bank barn 48x
5; straw shed 3ox4o, silo, good ce-
ment stabling, driving shed, com-
fortable frame house with cellar,
two never failing wells, also river
runs through at one side of farm,
12 acres of hard' wood bush. This
farm is well fenced and drained and
in good state of cultiVation, j mile
from school. A real good orchard.
Reason for selling to wind up es-
tate of late R. Messer. For further
particulars apply to Mrs. Annie
Messer, R. R. No. 2, Bluevale.
FOR SALE—Good second hand or-
gan, will sell cheap. A. 5. Walker,
WANTED—A capable man to handle
the business of an old established
Life Insurance Company in Wing-
liam and diatri
We have completely overhauled our
cider mill plant this season, and also'
increased the boiling capacity for the
manufacture of apple butter, etc. • We
employ experienced help only and
with an unlimited supply of fuel we
guarantee to take care of our custom-
ers, old and new. Watch this "ad"
write in con 1-narning date . will steam
dence to Box A, Advance -Times. Gibson Lumber and Cider Mills..
NOTICE—From this date we are Phones -3c and 28-2.
chopping every day. For quick
service and fine chop bring your
grain to us. Howson & Howson.
FOR SALE—Chickens, fat hens,
fresh eggs, pickling beets, green on-
ions, ripe onions, cabbage, tomatoes,
peppers atd red carrots. John Kerr,
Phone 4 on 625.
pressing every day. Cooking Tues-
day and Friday. Bring 1 bag clean
apples to every 5 of cider apples for
filling. Making cider 40 gam
Tenders will be received up to Oct.
3, for the booth privileges at the
plowing match,
L. E. Cardiff, Sec., Brussels.
Men's Snits Made to Orderl
Suits made and trimmed at moder-
ate prices. Suiti made to order any
style desired. Fit workmanship and
materials warranted. A. W. Webster,
The Tailor, up stairs over The Ad-
vance-Tifnes Office, Wingharn.
H'i" CO"' Our Personal
Council niet in the Township Hall,
Pursuant to adjournment, all members
present, the Reeve in the chair. Min-
utes of last meeting were read, on mo-
tion of Hubbard and Gamble were
Moved by Gamble and Leonard that
the Council give a grant of $15.00 to-
wards the County plowing match.—
Moved by Hubbard and Gamble that
the Reeve and Councillor Taylor be
a Committee to procure zoo chairs for
the Township Hall,—Carried.
Applications for the collection of
taxes for the Township was read,
there being no application for the tern Division it was moved by 'Leon-
ard and Gamble that E. W. Carson be
Collector for the Western Division.—
Moved by Taylor and Hubbard that
the following accounts be paid. —
Carried.—C. E. Walker, r'ep. school
section 17, By-law, $2.xo; W. G.
Strong, underbrushing lot ro and Is,
con. 9, 2.00; John Gibson, Estate,
plank for bridge, 7.50;• Wm. Doig,
digging ditch and tile, 8.00; Bert Mar-
tin, sharpening grader blades 4.00; E.
D. Denny, putting in two culverts,
9.55; Geo, Galbraith, Tp. share for
road water 15.0o; Robert F. Edgar,
services, as Road Superintendent,
41.10; Melvin Stockton, compensation
forwire fence H. and 14 Bdy., 10.00;
Thos. Pritchard, compensation for
wire fence H and M Bdy, 9.70; R. F.
Edgar, gravelling on Side Line, io and
II, 102.10; Ross Bayliss, work on Ho -
wick and Carrick Bdy., (in full) 29.25;
Dobbs and Seyworth, part pay on
Bolton Mun. Drain 1330.23; Walter
Reddon, work on Howick and- Carrick
Bdy., 66.25; Win. J. Strong, work on
Fordwich Street 4.25; Harry • Smith,
bal. on Cathers Mun. DraM, improve-
ment, 14.15; R. j. Huestin, plank for
bridge, 220.00; E. Hargrave, work on
bridge, con. 4, 22.35; R. J. Hueston,
plank for culvert, 4.60; Wm. Craig,
gravel 22.50; 5. T. Shera, scrapers,
28.25; J. H. Rogers, excise stamps
5.00; Hugh Edgar, Grant to Plowing
Match, Huron County, 15.0o.
Moved by Hubbard and Gamble
that this Council adjourn to meet in
the Clerk's Office on Saturday, Sept.
26th., at 7 o'clock p. in., when applica-
tions for collector, Eastern Div. will
be received.—Carried.
C. E. Walker, Clerk
Thursday, September 24the, 1925
Item Column
Mr. H. Sherbondy is in Winnipeg.
Mrs. D. ji Boyd is visiting in Lon-
don and Windsor,
Mrs. J. Anderson from near Bel -
grave, spent Monday in town,
Mi. Harold Wild is visiting wth re-
latives in London and Port Franks.
Miss Harris frorn -near Belmore,
, called on friends in town on Tuesday.
I Mrs. Huntz of Buffalo isvisiting at
the home of her brother, Mr. F. H.
I Mrs. 5. J. Johnston of Sault Ste.
Marie, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Breen, sr.
I Mr. T. C. Kelly, wife and family of
-Banff, are 'visiting .with relatives in
this vicinity. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fixture of
Wall.a.ceburg are visiting the former's
parehts in town.
Miss Vera Robison of Brampton is
.renewing acquaintances and visiting
her aunt here, this week
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sutton of North
Bay, are visiting at the homes of Miss
H. and Mrs. Chas. Sutton.
1 Mrs. Halliday has returned from a
trip, visiting friends at Toronto and
Lake Simcoe and London.
Mrs.. 5. E. Mutch and daughter,
Hope, of Goderich, was a week -end
visitor at Mrs. E. Aitcheson.
IMr. and Mrs. Thos. Irwin of East
Wawanosh, visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Wm. Ruddy of Auburn,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sturdy of New
Castle, Pa., are visiting at the home
of their sister, Mrs. Levi Lott.
Mr. and Mrs. Rphard Irwin of town
was spending a few days with his sis
ter, Mrs. Wm. Ruddy of Auburn.
IMiss Emma.. Little of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of Mr. A. E. Fo
ther*gill and renewing acquaintances in
Miss Emma Walters, R. N., Wing -
ham, spent the week -end at the home
of Mrs. Rueben T. Appleby, Glen
• h
Mr. and Mrs. L. Setinders of Wind
_sor are visiting at the home of Mr
and Mrs. A. L. Posliff. "The ladies
are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr and Miss
Agnes Walker of Toronto, visited ov-
er the week -end with their mother',
Mrs. Jas. Walker.
Mrs. C. C. McIntyre and little
daughter, Mildred, -of Peterboro, are
spending a couple of weeks with her
'mother, Mrs. Jas. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs., J. Pemberlake and
Miss B. Mitchell, motored up from
Toronto and spent the week -end at
the home of Mr. Fred Fuller,
Mr. Jas. Netterfield of Big- Forks,
is renewing acquaintances in Wing -
ham. Mrs. August Homuth, Patrick
St., is a sister of Mr. Netterfield.
Miss Dorothy Snell returned to
London this week to resume her stu-
dies at the Western University. Miss
Snell is training for a Medical Miss-
Mr. and Mrs. Strafford of Fairport,
N. Y. and Mrs. E. Laundy of Blyth
ale been called home on account of
he serious illness of their father, Mr.
. H. Rodents. •
Card Of Thanks
Mrs. Frank G. Fair and Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. O. 'Thornton wish to thank
their neighbours and friends for their.
kindness during the, long and
death of Mrs. Fair s mother and Mrs.
Thornton's sister, Mrs. Isabella Pat-
Hamilton—At Bluevale on Monday,
Sept. 2rst., to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hamilton, a son.—Vernon Wilbert
Mulligan. •
Mconeld--ICnight—On Wednesday,
' Sept. 2nd., 1925, by Rev. Mr. Chand-
ler, at the manse, Walton, James
Roy McDonald, youngest son of
Mrs. Mary McDonald, Grey Twp.,
to Miss Mary Edna Knight, daugh-
ter of Andrew and Mrs. Knight, h
Morris Twp.
III HI 1111111111HI 111
Iffiele111111111111 1111101111111
Shoes that will appeal to the Parents as well as
to the Children in every --Style, quality,
appearance and price.
Our Boys Stock is brim full
of sturdy shoes, built to stand
the onslaught of both boy and
weather. A wide range, Prices
$2.00 to $4.50
You'll find High Lace Shoes,
ps well as New Oxfords and
Strap Shoes, made with heavier
soles for Fall and Winter Wear.
Styles and prices that we know
can not help but please you
$2.00 to $5.06
Fair Days, September 29th and 30th.
Make our store your headquarters.
bri — Telephone 23 —
11111111 111111111111111A11311ZINIIIIIMIC1M111111111111111111,11111111111RIIIBIDI 11161110 lIMIiIIlIII III.
ould hat fer two arr tree saysons an ixtint, fer as me dawter-in-law wance
shtill be a reshpicired, citizen av the read to me out av a book written be
town, an mebby be elicked to the a fellah called Si. Collegey "Great is
council, ler mebb3r,bnoine min out av the power av moind over Matther."
tin do be wearin the same shtyole av Yis, good clothes even hilp us to fer-
hats thimsilves, but a win/final-1 musht git our thrubbles, an lasht noight
hev a new wan about iviry toime the fell ashlape tinkin av these tings, an
dhramed that 1 wus welkin down
shtrate, an a11 the dry goods min an
tailors wus handle me out new nick -
toys be° rayson av the boosht I wus
afthur givin theer business. Dhrames
nivir , come thrue to anny ixtint wid
me, an I am glad that I hev nivir
dhramed yit that Jarge Shpotton wus
Mebby it is because I am gittin
oulder iviry toime an elicksun conies
around, that I don't same to take the
same interest as usual in this wan.,
Shure, it is a quare elickshun anny.
way, wid Tories not wurrukin fer Jar-
ge Shpotton, Grits declarin they won't
vote fer Jawn King, an a lot av the
Aven I1iss McPhail sez that she wus U. F. 0.'s harrudly knowin what to
a fool to only take $2500 inshtead av do. Wan ting ye kin be sure av, theer
$4000 fer aitch seshion av Parlymint, will be a shniall vote polled in Nort
•moon changes, an if she foinds out she
• has wan loike her nixt dure nayber,
she will trow it away, an the nayber
will do the same wid hers, an that
manes twinty, arr mebby twinty foive
dollars more for the milliners.
Mishter Meighen sez the counthry
is harrud up, an will soon be broke in-
toirely if someting isn't done to put
a brake on the whales, but Mishter
Mackenzie King, sez toimes are good
an gittin betther all the toime, an iv-
iry body has plinty av money. Meb-
by the rayson thine lads don't see
tings the same way is because Mish-
ter Meighen is a married man an
Mishter King has no woife to kape.
7.,..• Special Harvest Home Servi-
ces and Rally Day in the Sun- r s
I! day School next Sunday. The
fel Church will be decorated with
ri— e ncrease o t e and and a i
real blessing is expected. "The
id Harvest is Past, the Summer is .?.---
Ended, and We Are Not Saved." :.7.-7...;
T. Where' do you stand? All ivel- Ill
11111111111111111111311111211110111641111111111111111111111111111 1111111
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grieve of
gmondville, and their daughter Bess -
of the .Seaforth Collegiate staff,.
unday at the home of, Mr, Grieve's
ister, Mrs. J. E. Homuth.
Mr, and Mrs. 0. A. Currothers and
ttle son, Terry, motored from Lon-
don and. spent the week -end with the
latter s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Allen
,VanAlstyne, 1st. line Morris.
I Mr. asd Mrs. Hugh Gilmour and lit-
tle daughter, Marion, also Miss Rena
Haugh of Turnberry, enjoyed a motor
trip to London, Windsor and Detroit,.
where they .visited relatives.
ill come.
By virtue of a warrant under the
hands of the Mayor and Treasurer of
the Town of Wingham and having the
seal of the said Corporation attached
•thereto, bearing date the xoth day of
September, A. D. 025, commanding
me to levy upon the lands enumerat-
ed hereunder for the arrears of taxes
respectively due thereon together with
costs, NOTICE IS HEREBY given
that in accordance with the Assess-
ment Act unless such taxes and costs
are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell
by public auction the said lands or so
much thereof as may be necessary for
IMr. and Mrs, Gordon Irwin who
have been spending their holidays for
the last monr
month with his parents, M.
and Mrs. j, Thos. Irwin of East Wa-
wancksh have returned to their home
in Timmins. They were accompanied
by his sister, Miss' Verna Irwin.
1 • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gatipp and lit-
tle daughter, Giosia, from Mount La-
bor, New Jersey, were visitors for the
week -end at their aunt and utcle, Mr.
• and Mrs. Chris. Templeman. The vis-
itors were loud in their praise of the
'good roads all through Canada,
the payment of the taxes and costs To the Editur av the Advance-Toimes
thereon at the Town Hall, in the Deer Sur,—
Town of Wingham on Monday the , I tilde I tould ye befoor the differ
28th day of December, A. .D., 1925; at that betther clothes makes in the looks
the hour of two o clock in the af- lay a man am not shpakin av wirn-
ternoon. itnin in this lctther, fer, in the fursht
Lot, Part of Park "x2; Street, Jose- place, they are quoite able to shpalte
phine West; Acres, ii; Patented or fer thimsilve,s, an in the next place
Unpatented, Patented; Taxes $135.81. don't purtind to be a judge av theer
Costs $32.50, Total $168.31. • clothes be rayson av the shtoyles chan-
• W. A. Galbraith, I gin so often. A man, (I mane a man
Treasurer, Town of Wingiltn.ian, not a dood) kin wear the same
.• ' • . • •
• ,•••• v ...'..,,,,a.i.,,,,w,vvv...a,••i....,,,,54vvol;v400voarvivoiivv.imeolinovVvVv*VvvilvIgtgvvog,144.4.41M0Avv,vv4.46,,,,g.4,
not knowin the proice av millinery in Huron this toime. .
. . Yours till nixt wake,
But I em wandherin 'from Inc sub- ' Timothy Hay:
jickt, so I am. Shure, 'tis a habit I
have an growin wurse as 1 git oulder.
What I intinded tenni ye wus about i
seem a fellah goin up the shtrate wan I
day wid the worst ould overcoat on ye
iv -h• saw. I fink he musht hev shtruck
Jawn Hanna s'Sale, fer in half an hour
he came back lookin loike a diffrunt
man an wid his head up an a shwing
in his shtep that he didn't hev whin
wearin the ould coat.
Now theer wussn't rayly any differ
in the man hirnsilf but the new coat
made him fale betther an look bet-
ther. If he wus Irish whin he wint up
the.slitrate he wus Irish whin he came
back; if he wus a Presbyterian wid
the ould coat on his back, he was a
continuing wan wid . the new coat; if
he wus a married man he wus a mar-
ried man shtill, wid the proshpickt av
his woife foindin fault wid the cut an
the color av the coat, as soon as he
got home, an shpoilin his enjoymint
av it; if he wus thrubbled wid lumba-
go 'the new coat wudden't cure it•but
moight hilp him to fergit it to some
Don't leave off paying your
subscription to The Advance -
Times until all the tape lines
are gone. We have only a litti-
ited number and put them on
early to give all our readers a
chance and also to clean up
some money from our subscrip-
tion list at this quiet season.
Ask some of your neighbors
who have been in already how
they like them. A traveller
coaxed. us to sell him one for
6o cents, and after he had shown
it in the hotel, three other tra-
vellers were right after us but
we said we were holding the
rest for our paid in advance sub-
scribers. In order to get yours.
you should be in early. There
will not be enough to go around.
m Cast includes Jack Holt, Ernest Torrence, Lois Wilson and NI
L Noah Eierry. See the fight between. White Men and Indians.
Prices 20c and 40c, Tax inciuded).
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rsday, Friday, S: turda.y
The companion photoplay to "The
Covered Wagon"