The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-09-24, Page 1Wingham Fall , Fair, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 29th. and •30th.
See list of Specials in this paper.
Single Copies, Five Cents.
A couple of rinks of Wingham bow-
lers,took in the Scotch Dotibles Tour-
narnent at Chesley last Wednesday.
A, M. Crawford and jack Mason won
the trophy and., brought home a cou-
ple of nifty smoker's cabinets in wal-
nut. This twintette have made five
trips to Tournaments this year and
four times have won the trophy. Mr.
J. Hirst and Mr. W. H. Willis were
at the Chesley bonspiel but were not
so fortunate, although .they won three
Three rinks of bowlers from Tees -
water and three rinks from Blyth
came over to Wingham on Tuesday
night and played in a jitney.
On Tuesday afternoon twenty lad-
ies from. Lucknow came over to
Wingham and played in a friendly
•.jitney. They got even with the Wing -
ham ladies for their winning in Luck -
now a couple of weeks ago, 'and won
most of the prizes in Wingham.
Retain the Henning Trophy
A rink of. Hanover bowlers motored
to Wingham on Monday night in the
hopes of again claiming the Henning
Trophy which was brought from Han-
over a few weeks ago by a rink com-
posed of W. B. McCool, H. Sherboh-
dy, Don. Rae and Bert Porter, skip.
The same rink defended the trophy
and were successful in retaining it.
The visiting rink was down 4 shots.
Newspaper Changes Hands
Mr. Harry E. Pense of the King-
ston Whig has purchased the Walk-
erton Telescope from Mr. Lorne .4,
Eedy. Mr, Eedy and family will re
turn to St, Marys where he will take
over the St. Marys Journal from his
father, Mr. John Eedy, who has grown
old in the newspaper field and has de-
cided to spend the evening of his life
in rest.
The Late Mrs. Patterson
• On Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1925, there
passed peacefully into her Eternal
Home, Isabella. Peacock, widow of the,
late John I. Patterson. She was born
on4.the farm now owned by her bro-
• ther, James, •1st. line Morris, Feb xo,
1865 and was the eldest daughter of
George and Eleanor Peacock. She
was a patient sufferer or many rnon-
• ths and a woman of sterling Christian
character, beloved by all who knew
her. She leaves to mourn her loss
her daughter, Mrs. Frank G. Fair,
Aacaster, Ont., who cared for her dttr-
ing her long illness, her son, George
.of Wingham, three sisters namely: -
Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge, Mrs. John
Fell and Mrs. Geo. 0. Thornton .at
4whose home she died,• also two bro-
thers, Jas. of Mbrris and John in the
A short service was held at the
'home of her brother-in-law, Mr. Geo,
-O. Thornton by Revs, Walden and
Tate, then the cortege prlaceeded to
W#ighani United Church, where a
•most impressive sermon from Rev. 21
.5, "Behold I make all things new" was
.preached by Rev; A. V. Walden. Rev.
Mr. Bennett assisted in the services at
,the church and grave. Interment was
made in Wingham ,cemetery.
• The pallbearers were: -Jas. Curtis,
Richard Johnson, Edward Johnson,
:Dr, Redmond, Dr. Stewart and W. J.
The floral tributes were many and
bea0iful, among them being a spray
fro& the Eureka Bible Class, of
:which she was a member.
"Asleep in Jesus"
'Si PerlcirgAllows
±,%1i' only liqUY
keep th
less driver off
tie street is t'
bartish t" auto-
mobile ---"
Local and General News of
Interest to The Community -
Sale Of Boys Clothing, Saturday at Parish Hall, Monday, October' 5th.
Isards at Keduced Priees. Supper served from 6 to 8.
Mr. Clarence Shiell has bought the Miss Babe Johnson, daughter of
Bloomfield property on the B. line. Mr, Fred Johnson, town and Miss
We regret to ,repOrt the serious ill- Lillian Meyers, nurses in training at
ness of 'Mrs. J. W. Smith, Patrick St. Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, have
been chosen as delegates to attend the
The regular meeting of the Wo- a
men's Institute will be held on Thurs-
World Wide Convention, held at El
day, Sept, 24th at 3 o'clock. •gin House. 00 Lake Rosseau, Muskoka.
The Wornen's Institute will hold a The East Huron Teachers' Institute
sale of basketry, in aid of the blind, has an interesting programme ready
at the Wingham Fall Fair, Sept. 3oth. for their •annual convention which
• Cut prices at Isard's on all lines of will be held on Thursday and Friday,
Reidy -to -Wear. You save on Ladies Oct. 1st. and 2nd, in the Parish Hall,
. . . ,
Dresses, fur trimmed cloth coats and Wingham. MrALPosliffprinci-
fur coats. pal of Wingham Public School, is the
• president. •
Miss Mary Johnston left on Mon-
day to take the course of "Librarian Mr. and Mrs. T. R.. Garrett, John St.
and Private Secretary" at the Western announce the engagement of their on-
ly daughter, Evelyn May, to Mr.
George Ewart Sanders, of. London,
• Owing to the Wingham Fall Fair
Ont., son pf Mrs. H. A. Bailey of
being held on Wednesday, Sept. 3o.
Courtland, Ont., and the late Mr. W,
there will not be the usual Wednes-
•H. Sanders of Exeter, England. The
day half holiday tha week.
•marriage to take place Saturday, Oc-
Service in St. Paul's Church on tober loth., it St. Pauls Church.
Sunday morning will be conducted by
We are pleased to see by the Wal -
Rev. Arthur Shore of Ilderton and in
•kerton papers that Dr. J. T. H. Ro-
the evening by Rev. Roberts of Car- .
binson has opened up a medical prac-
tice at Walkerton. Harold is an East
A few recruits wanted at once for Wawanosh boy who has many -friends
training in the 33rd Huron Battalion in this vicinity. He is a former sw-
at the Wingham Armouries. Apply dent of Wingham High School and an
to either Lieut. Dr. Howson or Capt. honor graduate of the University of
A. M. Forbes. Toronto, He has been engaged in
The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's post graduate work with Mayo Bros.
Church are holding their Harvest at Rochester for several months.
Thanksgiving Fowl Supper, in the Owing to the Wingham Fall Fair
Parish Hall, Monday, October 5th. being held on Wednesday, Sept. 3oth.,
Supper served from 6 to 8. there will not be the usual Wednes-
Miss Marie Mines is to be congrat- day half holiday that week.
ulated on obtaining the highest num-
ber of points in S. S. No. 9, Turn -
berry, and also 3rd. highest points in
connection with Bluevale School Fair.
• While at present a very busy man,
Geo. Spotton finds time to help the
other fellow. He was the chief spea-
ker at the Conservativz Nominating
Convention in St. Thomas on Tues-
The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's
Church are holding their Harvest
Thanksgiving Fowl Supper, in the
Chairman of the Canadian section
of the International Joint Waterways
Commission, who has been appointed
to succeed the late Sir Adam Beck as
chairman of the Ontario Hydro Com-
Eighteenth Annual Games of the
Wingham High School, Friday, Sept.
25th., 1925, commence at g a. in. and
at 1.3o p. m. You are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Events for girls, morning -x,
On Sunday last in the Presbyterian Throwing Baseball, jr. and sr.; 2,
Church, Rev. Dr. Perrie, preached Throwing Bisketball, jr. and sr.; 3,
most earnest and impressive sermons.
Dr. Perrie believes the bible and prea-
ches the truths of the bible. Miss
Bertha Mackay sang a solo in the
morning and Mrs. A. H. Wilford in
the evening. The solo singing of both
these ladies is of a high order and is
always greatly appreciated. Mr. Hill
is te be congratulated -upon the ex-
cellent choir which assists him in his
A 'sad fatality occured at 'Listowel
on Monday morning when John Lof-
tus of near Molesworth, Was killed by,
one of the northbound C. N. R. trains.
The old gentleman was taking a load
of hogs to Listowel and while cross-
ing the tracks had waited for one
train to pass but did not notice an-
other train -torning from the opposite
direction. The engine struck the
horses killing both of them. The driver
was thrown from the wagon and fell
under the train., Both legs ,awere cut
off and an arm badly mangled. He
died while on the way to Listowel
Hospital. A widow and ane son sur-
vive. He was a highly esteemed resi-
dent of Wallace ownship and the ac-
cident has cast a gloom over - the
Public Meetings -
Public meetings in the interest of
George Spotton, Conservative Candi-
date in the Federal Election, will be
held in the School House, Lower
Wingham on Wednesday, Sept. a3rd„
and at Glenannan School House on
Thursday, Sept, 24. Opposition invit-
ed. Meetings begin at 8 p.
q.rernment Grants
Inspector J. M. Field of East Mir -
on has issued the following informa-
tion: "The Minister of Education has
decided to retain for another year the
present mode of apportioning the Le-
gislative grants. That is to say, on
an excess of salary above $5oo for a
principal and $400 for an assistant, be-
ginning at $700 but less than $800, 5
per cent. will be paid; beginning at
$800 but less than $goo; to per cent.
will be paid; beginning at $poo but less
than $1,000, 20 per cent will be paid;
on salaries of $x,000 and over, 40 per
cent, will be paid. Permanent first
and second class certificates when the
experience of the teacher is five years
or over, receive grants of $xoo and $6o
respectively; when the experience is
less , than that, permanent or interim
first and second class certificates will
draw grants of $8o and $so respec-
Mr. Saint Burke has returned from
Port Colborne where he has visited
at the home of his daughter,. (Mae)
Mts. 4t1C ?JAM
Clark -MacDonald Nuptials
Mr. James Clark and Miss Mary
Stevenson MacDonald of the town-
ship of Grey, were united in marriage
on Wednesday Sept, /6th., at the
Manse, Wroxeter. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. D. A. Arm-
strong of Knox' United Church. The
bride and groom were unattended, af-
ter their honeymoon theywill reside
in the Township of Grey,
Mrs. Lawrence Hyslop of Listowel,
and her mother, Mrs. 0. Wessell of
Kincardine,, were visitors in Wingham
and Morris over the week -end.
Standing Broad Jump, jr. and sr.; 4,
Needle Race, jr, and sr.; 5, Hurdle
Race, jr. and sr;
Events for boys, morning: -Putting
Shot, jr. and sr.; Standing Broad
Junip, jr. and sr.;. Running Broad
Jump, jr. and sr.; Hop Step and Jump
jr. and sr.; Hurdle Race, jr. and at.;
220 yard Dash, jr. and sr.; 440 yard
Run, jr. and sr.
Girls Afternoon -Putting the Shot,
sr. and jr.; too yard Dash, sr. and jr.;
Egg Race, sr. and jr.; Nail Race sr,
and jr.; Three Legged Race, Inter -
form; Relay Race, Interform; Basket-
ball Game, Clinton H. S.
Boys •Afternoon: -too yard Dash,
sr. and jr.; High Jump, sr. and jr.;
Pole Vault, sr. and jr.; Obstacle Race,
Open; Baseball,- Clinton H. S.
Simpson -Conn Nuptials
Married on Wednesday, Sept. 23, at
the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.
Conn, Kinloss, their eldest daughter,
Lula, to Mr, A. Hardie Simpson, of
Kinloss. Rev, Jas. Scobie of Bel -
grave, officiated.
Popular Salvation Army Officer
Passed Away at Seaforth
in Seaforth Hospital, on Saturday th of the audience to consecrate their
morning last, about 8 o'clock, Captain time and talents to God, Her brave
Arthur J.' Nevill, who was recently in spirit and earnest entreaties were
charge of the Wingham Salvaiion moving indeed to all hearts.
Army :Corps, succumbed to two oper Xii Wingham, a Memorial ;service
ations. He held trust right ,up to the was held On Sunday night when furth-
last, as he fought for life with clihr- er tributes were offered by Comrnan-
acteristic courage and tenacity, but dant Taylor, Y. P. Trees, Mrs. Stone
his none too robust constitution was and Candidate C. T. Hetherington.
unequal to the tremendous strain. All agreed as to his sterling charac-
, This sad news came as a.' great ter, boundless enthusiasm, whole -
shock to every citizen who had .be- hearted consecration and staunch loy-
come in any way acquainted with the' alty to God and the Salvation Army.
Captain. His work in • the town had The Captain was buried in the
left an indelible impression 'upon Army's .Plot in Mount Pleasant Ceme-
those who had come hi touch with tery, Toronto, following a service in
him. Yorkville Citalel. The • Cadets
Comrades and friends journeyed to Band of the Training College supplied
Seaforth bn Sunday afternoon 'to pay the music and headed the' slow march
their humble tribute to the Captain's up 'Yonge Street ,Thus was a young
memory, in an exceedingly impressive and brave Warrior borne to his last
service held in the S. A. Hall of that resting place by comrades who mourn
town, where he was last stationed. but honour and cherish the memory
Those present will never get away of one who has been such an inspira-
from the influence of that service. A tion. to many lives.
tnost remarkable and. representative. Captain Nevill is survived by his
crowd filled the bUilding. Lieut. Co- parents and a. sister in London, Eng-
lonel McAmmond led the service.`Rev. land. • The former are also Salvation
Mr. Larkin offered prayer, and sever- Army Officers, retired from active ser -
al tributes were given by other spea- vice. A younger brother also resides
ers including, Mrs, Lieut -Colonel Mc- in Detroit,
Ammond, Sergt. Major Mane of Lon- Capt. Nevill was stationed in Hail -
don, who was a College churn and eybttry at the time of their disastrous
Captain Evetulen of Wingham, who fire, and his great bravery and untin.
has been intimately associated with ing efforts in behalf of the destitute
Capt. Nevill in thepast, were recorded in the daily press of
Captain Eva Clark, the intended the province at that time, He lost
bride of Captain Nevin, gave a most everything in the first excepting the ceremony took place under a bridal
Moving appeal, especially to the you. clothes he was wearing. arch of flowers interspersed with
Subscriptions $2.00 per year,
Belgrave School Fair Successful
Good Exhibits, Large Crowds
The crowd at Belgrave School Fair
on Wednesday afternoon must have
surpassed all the fondest expectations
of those in charge. The weather was
splendid and the people came from far
and near. The exhibits were better
than on previous years and that is say-
ing a good deal for they have alwaya
been No. 1.
The following list of prize winners
in the different events:
Spring Wheat Sheaf, xiat. -Jno. Le-
itch, No. a- Morris; Morris Leitch No,
3 Morris; Elmer Arbuckle, No. 9 East
• Spring Wheat, sheaf -Elmer Ar-
buckle, No. 9 East Wawanosh; John
Leitch, No. 3, Morris; Morris Leitch,
No. 3, Morris; Harvey McDowell, No.
13 East Wawanosh; Geo. Michie, No.
5, Morris.
Oats, x qt. -Edward Marsh, No. 9
East Wawanosh; Clayton McGregor,
No. 13 East Wawanosh; Robt. Scott,
No. 9, East Wawanosh; Francis Jack-
son, No. 5, Morris; Ross C. Anderson,
No. 8, East Wawanosh; Harvey Sta-
pleton No. 8, East Wawanosh.
Oats, Sheaf -Clayton McGregor,
No. 13 East Wawanosh; Edward Mar-
sh, No. 9, East Wawanosh; Harvey
Stapleton, No. 8, East Wawanosh;
Meryn McCauley, Ist in field Comp.,
No. 3 Morris; Francis Jackson, No. 5,
Barley, 1 qt.-Robt, Arbuckle, No.
g, East Wawanosh; Harry Jackson,
No. 5 Morris; Norman Coultes, No.
g, East Wawanosh; Bruce Chanmey,
No. 8 East Wawanosh.
Earley, Sheaf-Robt. Arbuckle, No.
9, East Wawanosh; Norman Coultes,
No. 9, East Wawanosh; Harry Jack-
son, No. 5, Morris; Bruce Chamney,
No. 8, East Wawanosh. •
Field Corn, Golden Glow -Marion
McCauley, No, 3, Morris; Blair Gib-
bons, No. 8, East Wawanosh; Dorothy
Higgins, No. 7, Morris; George Grigg,
No. 7, 1Vlorris. •
Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam-Jno,
Clark, No. 3, Morris; Florence Neth-
ery, No. 13, East Wawanosh; Grame
McDowell, No. 13, East Wawanosh;
Harold Vincent, No. 8, East Wawa -
nosh; M. IrWin, No. xx, East Wawa -
nosh; Calvin Robinson, No. 7, East
I. C. Potatoes -Margaret Cunning-
ham, No. 7, East Wawanosh; Mary
Robertson, No. xi, East Wawanosh;
Calvin Robinson, No. 7, East Wawa -
nosh; Marg McCrae, No. 17, East
Wawanosh; Leonard, James, No, 9,
East Wawanosh.
G. M. Potatoes -Jean Robertson,
No. 8, East Wawanosh; Roy Patter-
son, No. g, East Wawanosh; Doris M.
Scott, No. 8, East liVawanosh; Ross
C. Anderson, No. 8, East Wawanosh;
Dorothy Golley, No. 7, Morris.
D. Potatoes -Hazel McGregor, No,
13, East Wawanosh; Irlma Casemore,
No. 7, Morris; Mildred Mason, No. 7,
East Wawanosh; Gordon Kerr, No. 9,
East Wawanosh; MasonRobinson, No.
7, East Wawanosh; Stanley Black, No.
13, East Wawanosh.
Mangolds-Geo. Noble, No, 5, Mor-
ris; Bobbie Yuill, No. 3, Morris;
Agnes , Robertson, No. xa East .
Wawanosh; Stewart Shedden, No. 3,
Morris; Winnifred Edgar, No. 7,
(Continued on page two)
Freeman -Johnston
An interesting wedding took place
at the home of Reeve Albert John-
ston and Mrs. Johnston, of West
Wawanosh, recently, when their eld-
est daughter, Miss Lottie E. Johnston,
became the bride of John N. Freeman,
of Iroquois Falls, Ont, Rev P. Banes
of Auburn, officiated.
The rooms were prettily decorated
and in the drawing -room the cere-
mony was performed beneath a beau -
many miniature colored lights, the
Rev. G. C. Mitchell of Tillsonburg,
Ont., uncle of the bride officiating.
To the strains of the Lohengrin Bri-"'
dal Chorus played by Miss Madeline
Cooper of Richmond Hill, Ont., the
bride entered the drawing room lean-
ing on the arm of her father. She was
becomingly gowned in white georg-
ette over duchess satin with bridal
veil of. silk Brussels net trimmed with
pearls and caught by a wreith:of or-
ange blossoms, and carried a bouquet
of butterfly roses and maidenhair fern
tiful floral arch. The bride entered tied with white streamers. Miss Mar -
room on the arm of her father to ian Mitchell, A. T. C. M. of Toronto,
the strains of the wedding music, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and
played by Miss Robinson, organist of was gowned in powder blue georgette
the Donnybrook United Church. heavily beaded and carried a bouquet
The bride was charmingly gowned of butterfly roses. The groom was
in white crepe de chine with trimming supported by Mr. Neil McDonald of
of moire ribbon. She wore the tra- Thornhill, Ont. Little Miss Margaret
ditional wedding veil and carried a Mitchell, daintily dressed in pale blue,
bouquet of white roses. She was at- was the flower girl, and Misses Is
tended by her sister, Miss Mary John- bell Mitchell and Willa Fox, dressed
ston, who wore a gown of blue can- in white, acted as ribbon bearers, all
ton crepe and carried a bouquet of being cousins of the bride. Miss Myr-
chrysanthemums. ;# The bridegroom ltle Moore of Toronto sang "Because'
was attended by Charles Shawls, of in a very pleasing voice during the
Montreal. signing of the register.
After the ceremony a wedding dinn- The grooms gift to the bride was z
er was served and immediately after- cheque, and to the bridesmaid, pianist
wards Mr. and Mrs. Freeman left on and soloist, barpins; to the best man
a wedding trip to Montreal. They a gold knife, and to the little flower
will reside in iroquis Falls. The girl and ribbon bearers, pearls.
guests from a distance included Mr. After the ceremony the bridal cou-
and Mrs. Thomas Hatvey and daugh- ple received the congratulations of
ter, Miss Mildred Harvey; Mr. and` those present, the bride's mother re
Mrs. S. M. Sanders and son, Grant, ceiving in a blue georgette gown over
and Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, all sand crepe de chene, and the groom's
of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Freeman mother in a gown of beaded black
and Mr. Freeman; Miss Dorothy satin. A buffet lunch was served at
Douglas, of Rockwood, and Miss the conclusion, after which Mr. and
Beryl Johnston, of Fordwich„ Mrs. McNabb left amid showers of
The bride is a former student of confetti for a honeymoon at Lake
Wingham High School and has a host Rosseau, the bride travelling in a
of friends in Wingham. Mexico silk dress with Bolivia Cloth
coat of the same colour and hat to
MacEwen -Norris match. On their return they will re -
An interesting wedding took place side at 123 a Grenadier Road, Toron-
at the 'United Church, Mitchell, re- to, Gifts were numerous and showed
centlY, when Miss Jewell Norris, eld- the high esteem in which the young ,•
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James couple are held,
Norris, of Mitchell, became the bride Out of town guests present were: -
of James W. MacEwen, of Detroit. Mrs, A. McNabb, Miss Birch, Mrs.
Rev. W. D. Moyer officiated. Mr. Lawrason, Miss Moore of Toronto;
and Mrs. MacEwen will take up resi- Mrs. F. We Wright, Rev, and Mrs, G.
dence in Detroit., C. Mitchell and Miss Whyatt of Till -
Mr. MacEwen is a son of Mr, Alex. sonbtirg, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dy -
MacEwen, Clerk of Morris Township. ce, Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Keight, Mrs.
Robt. Greenfield of Ivleaford, Ont.;
McNabb -Mitchell Miss Madeline Cooper, Richmond
On Wednesday, September x6th,, Hill, Ont.; Mr, N. McDonald of
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mit- Thornhill, Ont.; Mrs. A. L. Mitchell
chell, John St., Wingham was the and daughters Isabell and Margaret
scene of a pretty wedding when their and Miss B. Mitchell of Paisley, Ont;
daughter, Edna Ada Margaret, was Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Copland, Mr, and.
united in marriage to Mr. Ian Alexart- Mrs. M. S. Copland, Mr. and Mrs. R.
der' McNab of Toronto, son of Mrs. A. S. Copland, Mrs. R. Leppington, Miss
McNabb and the late Rev. A. Mc- Alma Hunt and Miss W. Fox of [lar
Nabb,. riston and others.
They house was beautifully decorat-
ed with flowers and lights, and the Miss M. T. Reyeolds of Galt, is in
town for a few days making a final
collection of accounts.