The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-09-03, Page 5■
ptember-$xtl,,' x
SEPTEMBER 12th -- 191 1920
This. leading Canadian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibitio
is now over h if ; improving with age. Come
e attractions booked for this year.
Entries Close September' 3rd
fills our thoughts and Milt tells .of
the wonderful curves u ves wllfcli Wardell
the Varsity pitcher can throw.
"If I had a ten dollar bill; 1 would
bring him up,"
But the rest of the village is not as
a excited over the game as the young
-a-century old and I law student, Three or'four citizens
and see the large list of added fare seated on Bob Gallagher's steps
'land there are an equal number bilock-
king the narrow planks which form the
'sidewalk. Charlie 1125Clelland is
(there in his shirt -sleeves, because it
lis the good fellowship of one mere
)chant to visit another during the slack
part of the day,,' Frank Wheeler has
MOW ;a window sash in his hand which M.
"® 1Beiigough has ordered, but business
Lein®Mi®g) ®®niMlinifi ®®®■®��®��I��■rr lis not so rushing that. a half-hour tali
11AN ��ll ) not be spared. It is a much more
For further, information apply -1H. SAUNDER'S, Pres., W. D,
JACKSON, Sec., London, Ont.
r Small Profit, Quick Return System
® We have just passed into stock new
® Fall and Winter Coats and
Fur Coats.
Dress, Goods and Silks from England and Fran
/ • ce, comprising Fancy Silk Crepes, Charmeens, Plain
1■il' and ,Bordered Flannels, Wool Crepes, Plain and fan-
■. cy Silks. Silk Hosiery in the best makes.
■ Ready -to -Wear Knit Silk Dresses, black, brown
or navy, special at... ..: 9 50
Plain Flannel Dresses at , . , , ... • , . • ••• 5.00
See Our Range of Fall and
Winter Coats
Prices are down; Values are unsurpassed.
See our • Special Coats, Fur Trimmed .... 19.75, 22.50
Rugs, Oilcoths, Linoleurns, Congoleums in all sizes; Curtains and
Curtain Material in New Designs.
Men's Wear Store
Our stock is now complete with the latest models in Men's
and Boys Suits and Overcoats Fite -Rite Brand Clothes will give
the best of satisfaction.
See our -range of Fall Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishings,
Sweater,; Underwear, Boots and Shoes.
0 •••
Wingham, Ontario.
Home Journal Patterns,
s r
a noisy citizen than Frank who is the
centre of the argument,
■ .: It is Mr. John Gillies; the station-
master, who seems to have the floor
as chief speaker. "Mr, we repeat, be-
▪ .cause there are men in the village
discussed as they leisurely ramble dill$111I1i11111111p10011p111110111NN11101111lNlillNAlIIANI!lin111�6114111I1NIIi11111111111101 111111 Al1IN1(IN1111]AAIiI Ifli�Ilt
home from church. As we watch the I
anirige.0 otheyl
rig go over the Brandon hill, there is I I1
a feeling that the school teachers are Al
a sort .of rural gentry to be bowed Ill
down to.
Milt .and 1 sit on the steps of Bob —
Gallagher's tin -shop, which have just
been vacated by the above mentioned
crowd. We cannot, but look anxious;,
ly up the Nineth to the Cheese Fact -i
ory. Belle Allison, a prim little mai- I
den with dancing. brown eyes goes IN
past to the store and in a few minutes I
returns with a wee tot from the hotel ly .-
-cute .little Lily Scandrett. The
give us some fine harvest apples and
a real bunch of village children con- 11.1
gregate for a bite, 1 LI
All eyes soon turn.south as a love- ;.t-'
ly span of horses step gracefully in . e
front of the hotel. The front seat. of
the light wagon is covered from sun ri
and rain.. It is a livery rig from:-.,
Shane's barn in Blyth with a Toronto
dry goods traveller and his 'heavy i •r.
IN whom we call "Bob" and "Tom,, and ltrttnks. Will Shane assists in unloadII
•"John" but this popular 'citizen by al- I ing . and then he wheelA the team' I Io
most universal consent is "Mr. Gill- laroundd to the hotel stades, A • piens-' ii
,New Fall Fashions for Men
■ , les, It is partly because he has an ant looking chap walks towards Mc-
• honored position and ismost oblig- Clelland's and enters the store, In
® ing but there is just enough edge to a few minutes he again appears and si
is his character and intellect which mer- with Charlie McClelland, Miss Mc- ■
■ its from a genuine people the respect- Clelland and a young lady from Mil.. _M
11111 lin] address of "Mister." " This morn- ton, passes' through the gate to the I®
• ing there is a little added weight to croquet lawn, We lean against the m
® his authority. His dark eyes are dom.- picket fence and other spectators
111 nant and his dark glossy beard might join us. They play delightfully and
®15,,,we1I be the envy of a prince, under the shade of the store spend a10
• "Five tickets this week' to little pla- merry hour. 01
■ ces .-irr Athabasca) Just to Hudson It is getting near mail time and the let
®■ Bay posts, where- a few' seftlers are on fathers of the town gather at their fa- 61Y
the plains, Two 'fellows from across irtiiiar seats. William Ferrier, Will- �g MILLS,
■ #he'river; are going ranching sortie- rani Wylie ,William Wray and William �•
pwhere near Calgary." Bengough! They take positions un- = �' '
It is the excitement of the village, der the maple ,'beside. McClelland's T110f1111III®1111Ai111N11111111B11ellls',Ill®1i1011101110111011101I1II1111611101110111 111 IIlillfalil I ■
■ 11®III®ill '
■ Rev. George Law, the minister of the store and while awaiting the first as- '�" __Tilt
• big frame church on the southern,ele- sortment of mail, interest one another brands of spirits sold over that bar, both of us in weight and could knock
■ vation of the Main street where the in c&hversation about the weather, the there are far more of the citizens of down a houseful of youngch
harvest and the- church. Tlie• g i chaps sof
� tIe�Elsrerin one handians attend, stands with lit- good and true m y are Bel rage -who drink from Scandrett s our strength. His hair - has the gloss
■ and the milken and have begun ,well than out of the bottles. Mr. of velvet and he has a bewitching pair
MI pail in the other. The tall and ,dig -
...„,to take a little less of life's burdens McCummens' is a picturesque figure of `dark eyes. In our view he is
than when in their r'two
reified minister is .always a bit resery-. prime.- himself and takes pride in a well- or three heroes piled up together.
rIN ed outside the Manse but takes a deep Mail time• brings the whole village 'dressed village and countryside. It is Chiefly, because he looks the part and
and helpful interest• in all public af- to the street except those responsible (too near dinner time'or we would in the recent • game with Clinton
• fairs. Mr. Gillies is a regular listener for the mid day: meal. A number ga- 'drop in his shop. His counsel to caught the ball `on the end of a cant-
to the ministrations of his, pulpit but ther in front of Scandrett's hotel. !young folk is just as• good stuff as the hook -handle which he uses for a bat
/ today he has no apologies for speak- Malcolm MacKinnon and the mini- I cloth he makes into suits and there and knocked it outside the show
• ing. Bob 'Sterling is one of those- in ster, Mr. Law, are there. This time are always a couple of young ladies
■ the crowd resting from his wagon -ma- the latter has a neat bag of groceries Ion his staff which are' the. biggestgrounds.From what people say, about
II kers bench. tucked under his arm. The fact is traction. He is leaving hisp pitcher that wallop, the ball may be going
Just behind him where yet.
•he sits on the veranda is his pretty that if Malcolm. gets his theology ,beside the pump and joins in the dis- But Van has no news about the
little daughter Maude. They have I. from the Presbyterian minister, the I •cession. Happy is he if he canget
popular divine bus l protest. He only give orders that
■ both come down to main street for an y his oatmeal from la little Orange infusion into the minds both Kaiser and Burnie must be on'
1 1 airing and to get the latest news. The that obliging store. They are good of the minister and merchant, bec't.use hand and that Blyth will go home to
truth 'is that Bob. has the idea thatfriends. The merchant is a trifle old- i McCummens is a royal Orangeman night licked. But the whistle is
C/ Mr. Gillies never talks so - well as er than the clergyman but they are 'from the "'Owid Sod." , blowing at the mill. George Tyner
when somebody opposes his views. well -mated as "nature's gentlemen." 1 There is VanVanNorman out first tells the world that a half day- has
■ Arid he has just the idealMannerof Now, McCummens, the tailor, arrives with some Letters. Passed.
a lawyer for the opposition. from his shop across from MacKinn "Come, Milt, let's see if he has'any- [It is a Day Dream, A good
I "It is highway robbery to take the on and brings his pitcher with him thing from Clinton. The baseballg d deal of
■ money from those boor be to carry home a draught of refreshingclub there is what is here writteny day never happened.
■ � A ggar•s..Any g protesting his bat which But man a lie
■•-bunch of Reople• who go out on the water from Scatidrett's well. Indeed, the used in the last game." the long ago very much like Sthis.nAnd
■ ,plains should get a free ride." although there. are few restrictions We catch up to him as he walks to it comes very near to the reality
Very few catch the twinkle in his against indulgence in—the different his shop. Physically he is equal to we recall the memory,] when
eye. His voice is so mellow :and a
look at his soft white hand with the
long pipe freed from leis lips marks
him out as a real character iii the
"`They are lucky fellows,". Mr. GiII-
ies contradicts, "The 'day will yet
yet come when Ontario will look like
a township as compared to the West.
The few drawbacks at present will be
pvercome in a short time. I would
:like to see about one-third of the peo-
le of Huron pick up and: start break-
" "- " ing up the prairie."
at He is emphatic. Old Mr. 1VtcClel=
er, And has heard the words as fie was
on posting the ledger in. the cool side of
;the store -and is coming slowly to-
re wards the crowd, • Straight and erect
r -in figure; a very fine face and head;
in his cheeks; clean shaven and ruddy
�tnd a very .intelligent and dominant
r. forehead! He is also oe of the first
s 'citizens and a personality of great
interest -and worth. There - is moreov-
Clothes never pass unobserved, it is
always a, matter of satisfaction to kr/-
know that your clothes are correct in NI
style and material
We would like you all of
the newest styles and fabrics for this
season ■
Young Mens' Models in the New
Soft Finished Materials from $ag.00 to ■
$40.00 1
Mens' in the conservative: ,styles, a
host of patterns and cloths to select
from $25.00 to $45.o0 • ...
Made in out sizes 34, 35 and 36,
Boy's Suits with two pairs of Bloom-
ers in Greys, and Browny exceptional
values, specially priced at $r5.00.
HATS—Fitwell and Empire Hats
in the season's newest shapes and col-
ors, $4.00 to $6.5o
about Bl th! To -night
six o'clock, sharp?" We ask Dais
(Continued from page four) who was one of the best hitters
covered with a glorious beard, now the Belgrane baseball team.
iron grey, and walks briskly down the . "Rats! It's just my luck. The
path to his gate; ° are some buyers coming this afte
A fine driver and buggy passes noon! Can't you get somebody
north." It is moving. rapidly but not my place?"
too fast to recognize Dr. Bethune.,. .A Charlie Burnie looked even sadde
handsome looking man! His face He is another run getter and know
might well be the model for a paint- that the best are needed to beat i3
ing to place in a medical college. He th. We were just at the serious part ei
bows because he is a friendly man of the discussion when Milt Godfrey ab
and besides, there may be a vote or !enters the factory on the same busi- w
two when the Dominion election ta-:ness. There is little. for him to do lo
kes place. (around the Methodist. Parsonage sin-• no freight at Wingham warns
ban Wheeler is down for the morn- ce he arrived hom from Varsity ex -station -master of its approach and. he
ing mail and to see how the village , ce t acting as Manager' of the base- breaks from the crowd and in a semi
has � p
has rested since .he left it about nine ball team, He is very young for a rot turns the corner. Mr; McClell-
last evening. He has some informa- I Second Year student and a ° little in- and's head isjust
i poised a bit more
tion about the doctor's mission. experienced for the first nine on the lordly as he turns on his heel and the
"It's that boy across the river" Dan, (diamond, But as snare pian he quail- )crowd scatters,
begins with a fine British voice, "He's jfied for manager without salary and A democrat drives ' past leisurely.
had inflammation of the Bowels atid,rooter, unlimited. Harry Clark of the Fifth of Morris
is the last hope of saving him." , I "Well. invite them to the game," has the lines and with him are four
That being settled, Dan proceeds Milt begins authoratively. "If they're;other "school teachers, It is holiday
across the street while we watch him any kind of sports and men with their 'tines and they' are having a drive to
have a .word with Mr. Tovell, the Post i position usually are we can £x' it up Wingham, - Stephen Taylor, a churn
Master, and theft crosses to find out 'in a few minutes." is beside hint in the front seat and
whether. Mr. McClelland has.yielded' Kaiser winked at Charlie, .knowing three young ladies, Belle Tricker, Sar -
the point in the argument which rea- , cheese men better than the idealistic ah Dunbar and Belle Wightman com-
clied a deadlock when they separatedminister's boy. �plete the party. The young men are
last night for their respective beds. A I "Besides this," Kaiser continues ,pretty swell in their new suits and
wagon with a heavy load of milk cans ywith some pessimism, "we have milk tinibrella-shaped "christies" while the
has arrived and we follow it to the I to burn, today. There is Dan Mei- -ladies are in nifty summer prints with
cheese factory which is just at the Ikeljoltn with sixteen cans and I think 'brightly colored collars Yip to their
foot of the hill on the west of the1the Maitland river must have helped 'ears. They will have a fine day
It is a lively place. Charlie Burnie
is receiving the sweet and steaming
milk and Kaiser the foreman is giving
ie eager look of - the champion mi
out him as lie conies leisurely ■
here debate is waxing.. louder and ni
oder.. But to whistle of the fore -
those fellows from the 'tetitin" iswapping experiences with cranky
We see that the case is. with Kaiser (,ti-ustees,inspectors artd rough big
conserve their
and it is good policy, to boys. They are sure to dine at the
and Charlie
heir time, 'We walls slowly 'Queen's where a banquet of. courses
11 Rea
■ s
We announce our Fall showing of,,,Northwa Garmcnts, comprising the latest sty- MI
les in all the new shades, as Kozac, Drc gs of Wine, Tanne, Malaya, Brown, Ift
Chuck er, Pencil Blue, Pansy, Navy and Black.
■ .
Coats, Suits, Dresses and Blouses, IM
500 Garments for Your Selection.
first attention to the long vats where (back to the village. The air is scent -alis set before the guests at twenty-five 1
trio white fluid is being transferred, ed with clover hooey and the music ,cents apiece. On the return drive the IM
They are a pair of active workmen of the mower comes front a field on gents will serve an orange and some
and with very pleasant manners to ,the hill behind us where Jack Taylor ' conversation-lozengers to each, Ili
both old and new friends. is cutting. But that game with 3lyth three weeks the group photo will be
Fur Coats on Display
Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal, Muskrat and French Seal.
Every Garment Guaranteed..
Buy your Furs here and receive full protection.
Dry Goods
New Dress Fabrics, Silks, Flannels, Kashas, Under- tit
wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Flannelettes, Wool Blankets, Linens,
Etc., Etc.
Men's Furnishings.
The most complete stock yet shown.
House Furnishings,
ing.P'1hone 1
laIzaa111R1111aauau*111ar*m;,p01111aa111>waiaalN1. 1111110111lN SIIIIIIiIMIA