The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-09-03, Page 2AM ADVt C -T
P b'
u ltslted at
RX F y.�
Every Thursday Morning
Statin, Editor and Proprietor
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as months $I.00, in advance.
rates: on application.
A'clvertisemeuts without specific di
sections wvilI be inserted until forbid
and charged accordingly.
Changes for contract advertisements
tie in the office by noon, Monday.
manna* ttn ,turf rl"a, I tt"uu, Iraa,l l 11 u t t l t u t, 1,t to 11 ui tau 1,1 n
Commons, Galt, Eleanor Jeffray,
Bela -tore, motored to Walkerton, Mon-
- day. Mss Commons being a visitor
as the manse.
In the absence of the lady of the
house, a young man in town made a
party and invited many, but the lady
being a long headed Grit, as Timothy
3 says, smelled the rat, likewise the
• merry makers resorted to the street
26, corner and spent the evening in so-
cial intercourse.
= Minnie Jeriray, spent Sunday even-
ing at John Harris' Huntingtield-
The Little Misses Wolfe, Lakelet,
visited the past 'eek with their sister,
WINGHAM TOURIST CAMP -Mrs. Roland Ballagh.
Wingham will have a real surely -to ' Mr. and Mrs. McNeil and Miss
coodisess tourist camp in future. Not
Mary, visited friends in Teeswater
that we have not had the camp. here Sunday and Saturday
for some time, but the writer has at
':'lost succeeded in having the Ontario HOLYROOD
"-Motor League to officially acknow-
`yedge it and a coupe of dozen motor
League signs pointing to it have been
sent us. In future \Vinghare Tourist
Camp will be (narked on all Tourists
Road Maps, whichhave formerly told
tourists they could get no parking ac-
comodation between Stratford and
Kincardine. A fen- who knew of the
nice spot on the Lower :Towyn Fair
Grounds bave availed themselves of
,the comforts of camping out by the
Maitland at this beauty spot but of-
ficially it was never recognized be-
As the tourist drives through St.
Catherines headed for Niagara Falls
he is directed on all sides to a tourist
camp on the banks of the Welland
Canal This camp is not as inviting
as the one at Wingham and a little
store not any :closer than the store of
Mr. Law,, sells the ton-istea provisions.
The only necessity iac ng at Wing -
ham is drinking water and an oId
store to beat water ea.
Here is an opportunity for some en -
citizen to set up an old �Ir. and firs. 'L hampiou and _=ons,
soy d also to start hind for the
l The I. S. of the 'Union Chur-
li met Wednesday y ' Ott e
e. rnooaw, s..cfn
bershap la. Meeting opened by sing-
ing. Scripture reading by Mrs. Roy
Rutherford. 3limites of last :Deena
by Sec.-Treas., ifrs. Wm. Mundell;
Toi v by Mrs. John Mulvey, "Ron
Call, What can we do to help our So-
ciety", prayer, Mrs. Peter Hackney
and Minnie Jeffray, offering1.45.
Vtsitara out of the village last week
sere Mrs. John Peterman in Wing -
m, Mrs. Mulvey and family at St.
ti llev. and Mrs. McKenzie, Miss
1925 SEPTEMBER 1925
u: Mo� Tu e Th':.Fr Sa
.1 23.4,6{
7 8 9'1011;12'
0 21:22 23 242
Miss Catherine Murray and Dr. Mc-
Leod, spent Thursday afternoon at
the Ackert horde.
Mr. Johnny Barr, spent Monday ev-
ening' at the borne of Miss Margaret
Stanley, who is on a holiday from
The Young Wor*en's Auxilliary
met at the borne of Miss Nettie Col-
wel on Thursday afternoon.
'sir. Elmer Ackert made a business
trip to Toronto over the week -end.
Mr. J. McDonnell of Kansas City,
'spent a few days at the Purvis borne.
Mr. Jack Thornburn, spent <. ;nday
t the honiz of Miss Nettie Colwell
aad k1
',inflamed and granulated ej-elids.
Valle vaseline may keep the lids
from sticking, and boric acid solution
!malt give
little temporary TClief n 1 -
mate a a tic e
; ther of these is likely to effect a cure.
'f;.ilw`�' _ `It is probable that the girl requires
nalasses to correct her vision. This
CAUSES OF HEADACHE ;can be determined by having her eyes
By Dr. W. J. S ;examined an o ni9ist.
One of the most common of human Auto -Intoxication
paina is headache. Like other pains, ,i J. F. asks: "What is meant by au -
it is one of nature's methods of call- ',to -intoxication?"
ing attention to the fact that souse- Reply
thing is wrong. It is a symptom that i Poisoning by sonne,�toxin (poison)
may raise from any one or more of `generated within the body.
several causes. (Note: Dr. Scholes will answer such
Sometimes the conditions under ,health questions in these columns as
which headache occurs give a hint as !will be of interest to othersandper-
to the possible cause.- For exarple, in issibie in public print. Personal
the attack may come on after using ' questions will be answered only when
the eyes in close work. In that case'acconnpanied by self-addressed stamp_
there is probably some disorder of the ' ed envelope. Address Dr. W. J.
eyes which is causing eye -strain. Pro -'$choles, in care of this paper.)
perly fitted glasses, and care to avoid
abusing the eyes, would then be the s. S. LESSON FOR SEPT. bth., 1925
remedy. Or, the headache inay,occur 1
when one is fatigued either in mind; Lesson Title --Paul Writes to the
or body. Sufficient rest would then Philippians.
be the remedy. And prevention would i Lesson Passage—Fan, 3:q -ib; 4-8
consist in avoiding physical and free --j Golden Text—Pia 4.13.
tal activity to the extent of fatigue. - The church at Philippi had a very
Poisons In System small beginning but it grew` and
The presence of various poisons inflourished. Paul, having established
the system may cause headache. 'it, nourished it by keeping in touch by
These poisons may be introduced into `letters. This epistle written to "all
the system from without. Alcohol„the saints in -Christ Jesus which are
tobacco and lead are earmples. Or, 'at Philippi, with the bishops and dea-
the poisoning may result from f.';----1-;cons,” was penned while he was a
are of the system to properly elinin- prisoner!at Rome_ They had once
ate waste products. This type of po- ;again sent contributions towards his
isoning is likely to occur in disease 'support and, in return, he sent his
of the kidneys and in 'constipation. benediction, which to thein was of
The complete list of disease which amore value than gold and silver.
may cause headache is a long one. In the beginning of today's letter
Bright's disease, arterio -sclerosis, peh ?he warned them_ against giving heed
Vic disorders, digestive disorders, an -'-to false teachers, especially -those who
entia, functional and organic nervous argued;that circumcision was neces-
disturbances, fevers and various infec tsar • to salvation. He sited his own
tions, and diseases of the ear, nose -lease, telling them he was a "Hebrews
and throat are among the possible of the Hebrews," that is, an Israelite
causes. ibdth by father and mother for gener-
To find the cause in any individu¢l =ations; there Weser hating been any
case is not always an easy matter. jinternfarriage with Gentiles. Having
But this is the first step in seeking a ,their birth privileges he had as much
aermanent cure. A careful physical;to boast oras any Jew. Then too he
examination may reveal the underly- :was a learned Jew, brought up at the
mg disease or disorder, if so inu
disease or disorder is discovered, a
careful investigation of the habits may
reveal the cause. -
a' q
Miss Hazel Percy and airs. J. 1.V.
Colwell,. left for the Exhibition' on
Mr. Howard Harris, spent Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Audrey Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harris, spew: Sun-
day at Kincardine.
a.n also 1,c. •t c _
Harry and John and Mrs. Spackmaa
lain of a racy. to force rarer
insta g
from the sprig - creek 'which ;runs
through the laud to the river.
lis_. Oshortie ofKincardine. spent
n day with Mrs. Yule.
Mrs. �� m. Robb of_els. is rs-
iting this -week with Mrs. J. A. Bran-
Mr. and Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Van
Camp, visited. for a few days ins.
-week :tb Heeds at Niagara.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucyot of Elmira, j Mr. James St. .care is wearing a
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. "bread smile these days, its a girl..
A. ;::audon. ICcngra e?atioas.
of London, also Mr. and MM -s. Elliott
Tay nor and family and Shelter Taylor
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Harins of Lack -
now and Mr, and Mrs. Mare; Gardner
of $Lapid City and.Mr. and Mrs. Benja-
min Chestnut and family, also Mr.
Choles Leaver of Fordyce, motored
to the Eugenia Falls and spent a plea -
sent day recently.
Mrs. Broomer and family of Toron-
to, who have been stending the. sum-
mer vacation visiting relatives :n this
location have returned to Toronto.
3.—i wide range of excellent courses
in Arts, Medicine, Public Health and
2—New buildings and t4,a`to-date
3 --Splendid library facilities.
,.-.- —Highlyy d e v elope d
work in Physical: Educa-
tion; a +.lance for every
student to take part in
,S—aa attractive Sstigilife.
6---Ctvse persaq eantect b!-
tireenTad escrsrs-students
7—A aJ 5 mea e``'ast by the
II..,.ers5,`yto¢eipwcrt» sittee:is
t -s get pltmi after greeeettem.
e. s¢ h HE 3:;5Y DRO HOP x a
OOK ;�-4'
See Our New My Electric
--�-Ranges —
a. r Announcement of Our
c Cooking eronstraticy
cb i'feet of Gamaliel, :and, more than all,
he was a zealous Pharisee, persecut-
ing the sect pi Christians to which he
now belonged.
The point is that anyone -rho is ;Verses 7-35—His Renmiciation
subject to frequent headaches should The Apostle told how little account
not be satisfied to obtain mere tens
ryne made of all his past qualifications
porary relief .by takiamg some pan- ;,in comparison wwtii his interest in !,
Lilting drug. t ;Christ, and his expectations from hiss !,
The cause should be carefully sear- :He did not try to nersaiade the Philip
cited for, and removed -whenever this .pica Christians to do anything but.
is nos- bte :what he himself did, to quit anything
--ca— !but what he had quitted himself; or
Qnesdons and Answers leo venture anything for their souls'
Adhesions ..,Y welfare that he had not *Inured for
J. G. asks: "i. What causes adhes- `his own sant He was reaching out
ions after an operaat..ane 2, Can they ;:after a real experimental kuowledge
be cured without being operated ;of his Lord: "Yea doubtless and I
againr '.count 0 thin__ but less, for the es-
Reply '`celiency of the kn.oveledge of tibrist
_. Adhesions are often the - ret -it Iest.s My Lord." He again, told
of pthe disease for which the o_pe-anion;'them what 1a2 .ltkd Given tip and added.'
Sias perfoi -med. - For example, repeat- ?that he regarded these as conterep-y
ed attacks of appendicitis very ire --',tib e when they came in competition
quentl3• resp=it in the ism -ea -non of ad- with Christ. He had now but two
hesionss. The same is trae.,oi many ambitions—to win Christ and heaven.
;outer conditioas which h may require ,Aad to this end he pressed forward.
operation for their Tenet. 'As he who runs a race never takes up
The healing of operative wounds 'short of the end, but is still making
somet=haes results in the iora:a on of i'leeward as fast as he can; so they
adhesions, `who have heaven in their eye. must
z - As time goes or, adhesions of- `still be pressing forward to it in holy
ten stretch and cease to be trouble- desires'and hopes, and constant en-
soane. Adhesions eat persist in-deavors and preparations. Heaven is
causing discozo=fo-t fee a considerable %,enned here the mark, because it is
`f fie after operation may require op -'.that which every good Christian has
e-atipn for their relief. in his eye. Eternal life is the gift of
If you are sure that adbesions are ;God; but it is in Christ Jesus, through
.lye sole cause of your t onble, give His hand it. must come to us, as it is
Rtfine a chance to effect a dere. ;procured for us by Him There is no
- - 'getting to heaven as our home but by
Tonsils andel RRbenmadszu 'Christ as our way. So Paul wrote
D. L. G. writes: "I have had two ,;those whom he regarded as his own
attacks of inflammatory rheumatism 1chii'dren and urged them to do like -
the East four years. My heart was 'wise. "I press towards the mark for
!tad in the last attack. The doctor the prize of the high calling of God
'says that I should bane tang tonsils tin Christ Jesus. Brethren, be follow -
taken nut. a. Do tonsils cause rhea- ter= together of me."
nma,isnn a. If I do act have the ton- Chap. 4:£ -8 --Exhortation
in its taken nut. am 1 liable to have an- By the termsof endearment he used
.uother attack of rhemuuatisrrae 3. Is the he expressed the pleasure he had in
°Ice:a ion dangerous? 4.. Will any
e. rt ever be er :re y again?
Infections in the tonsils
tam a. Yes,
1�3 3'
Not in g
4. You may always have a da -rag
Nr ed heart vas 1,e. This will not ne ss
ari`y canse you troi"bie as long as the
41 t esde of the heart is able to do its
k,. Your heart will probably net
ave the reserve -power that. it would
• haze had if never infected as a result
la cci *hesar:atisra.
Granulated Eyelids
:lir D. L. F. asks: 'What male
use granulated e .Mils? My dasg`r-
• ter see ns to be healthy in every re-
, hut she a,^nost always has
scalee cm herwewy elids, VI1 su't lase.
▪ line on 1, h J at YJightthey •e...
stick. We have tared boraa;.c .scaa
n them. , at it does no
d hands.
cra._taotn Misr
'them. He towed them, longed to see
them and hear from theist; he bad no
sr eater joy than to hear of their spir-
it sal health and prosperity. They
s crown as well as his joy,
:4'e3er was preen ambitious Haan more
pleased with the ensigns of honor than
:Paul was -with the evidences of the
sincerity- of their 'faith and obedience.
He then exiaorted them to be mutual-
ly helpful, especially towards the wo-
men who were his foremost helpers.
Paul had a kindness for - all his fel-
;leis-labrsrers, siuue he mentioned by
name and ethers "whose names are in
the hook of life. -
He further e,dtorted thein to culti-
vate a g adsome mind and to enter -
lain a good disposition towards all
'=en. Above all he cautioned them
r_Ot to be over-anxious about the
rid difficulties of hie. As a
n antidote against perplexing
s be t.rrf r aemded theta to let
eclnes s be known unto God.
at God te4-d+ed to be toldeither
s or d1, , but thereby a
tendaece and thandcfuitsss
ir i
, I)) 'iunl uutnu neali gill111
Paramount Week celepratcs one gtar
round of Pmmpoamt Picturep—u review of
once :you+mases-a previete ei'the newt
"If ft's a Paramount Picture
is fho best show in town!"
WINGHAM joins in the Paramount, Week Celebration!
Lyc ru
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
September 7, 8 and 9
e Female"
From the story `aDalla, the Lion Cub''" by
Cynthia Stockley, starring ..
Betty Compson.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Sept. 10. 11 and 12
'A ache1or Daddy"
would be expressed. The result
would be, he told them, a stealing in-
to their hearts of a great peace. As
it is written, "Eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard,neither hath entered into
the heart of man, the things which
God hath prepared for them that love
Him, but God hath revealed them un-
to us by his Spirit."
He 'ended his exhortation by telling
then}. to do the things which they had
learned, and received, and heard, and
seen in him: "apd the God of peace
shall be with you."
Stanley on Prayer
Sir Henry M. Stanley, the great
African explorer, was one of the hard-
est -headed men of his generation. Yet
his biography is not only one of the
most fascinating books, but reveals a
remarkably strong religious side to his
tremendously vigorous personality.
With him, as with so inany of the
world's: strong men, a firm faith in
hod was combined with a prener411
heart and his ekirao-rdi.alRty /Oven -
tures and achievements in. the wilds of
_hirica. Let us select a few of his
contents --on the subject of prayer.
"In all nay expeditions prayer made
me stronger, morally and mentally,
than any of my non -praying compan-
Speaking of a desperate situation,
he writes: "And -thus that night was
passed in prayer, until the tired body
could pray no more. But the next
dawn, a few minutes after the march
began,'my people were restored to
me with food sufficient to save the
perishing souls at the camp."
"I have evidence, satisfactory to
myself, that prayers are granted. By
prayer, the road sought for has be-
come visible, and the danger immedi-
ately lessened, not once or twice or
thrice, but repeatedly, until the cold,
unbelieving heart was impressed."
These experiences of Stanley are
not remarlable. Probably the truly ,
wonderful thing about it is that he so '
openly confesses his faith in God and
lays bare his inmost convictions and
experiences. Many great men have
confessed, as Stanley has, that prayer
was to.theni a supreme source of con-
fidence and strength. But the vast
majority of us are probably all too
timid about telling of victories won
by intercession at the Throne where
the greatest men have deigued to sue
for mercy and help.
Finally, we - can gather much Chris-
tian instruction from ohne short sen
tence of this writer:
"When I have been in earnest, I
have been answered," Is it not true
that the incense of the ardent and
Spirit -directed prayer ascends to God?
Miss Edith Metcalfe of Toronto,-
spent the week -end at her hotne here,
Miss Myrtle . Stokes, spent last
week with her cousin, Miss Mary Aus-
tin of Beknore.,
Among those who left for the West
on Friday last were: Messrs tanee
Lincoln,, Reuben Appleby, Alvin
Smith and Isaac Metcalfe.
Mr. Leonard Bennett of 'stat; ltttttt,
spent a fey, days at the 'home of Mr, I
and Afrs. Oliver Stokes,
W'en you see a man in -woe,
Walk right up and say "hullo?"
Say "hullo," an' "how d'ye dol"
"How's the world a-usin' you?"
Slap the fellow on his back,
Bring your hats' down with a whack;
Waltz right up, an' don't go slow,
Grin an' shake -an' say "hullo!"
Is he clothed in -rags? 0 shoi
Walk right up and say "hullo!"
Rags is but a cotton roll,
Jest for wrappin' up a soul;
An' a soul is worth a true
Hale an' hearty "how d`ye do?'
Don't wait for the crowd to go,
Walk right up and say "hullo!"
W'en big vessels meet, they say,
They saloot an' sail away.
Jest the same are you an' me,
Lonesome ships upon a sea;
Each one sailing his own jog
For 1,t POI beyend the fol.
Let your spe.alcin' trumpet blow,
Lilt your horn an' cry "hullos"
Say "hullo," an' "how d'ye dot" _
Other folks are good as yen.
,W'en you leave your home of clay.
Wanderin' in the Far -Away. -:
When you travel through -the strange
Country t'other side the range.
Then the souls you've cheered will
Who you be, an' say `.`hullo."
Rev. Dr. Brown took charge of the
services in tTe United Church in Brus-
sels Iast Sunday. -
Miss Bernice Howe returned to
Leamington on Monday after spend-
ing the vacation with her sisters here.
Mrs. Munroe and Mr. Jim Aden
left for the West last Wednesday to
attend the funeral of their brother-in-
law, Mr, Carter.
After spending some time visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Sanderson of Har-
riston, Mrs, A, McDonagh returned to
her- home last week
Mr, and hers. Lloyd Henning call-
ed on friends in town on Sunday,
Miss Mary McAlichael left Afinday
afternoon to resume her duties as tea-
cher in Morris township.
Rev, and Mrs. Bryce of Bracebridge
are visiting at the home of Mr. R.
Stocks. -
Mrs. Angus White and son, Stewart
who have been visiting Mr. Neill
White of - town, started for their home
in the West last Tuesday.
Mr, Ashton Morrison and bride,.
who has been visiting with friends in
twon .left for St, Catharines on Mon-
day. -
Hohn--InTttrnbcrry on Sunday.
August doth to Mr, and Mrs. Bert
E. Holmes, a son. _
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McGee and farm-
1y' visited at Mr. Wm, Corbett's,
Potdwwit'1a oft Sunday.