The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-07-09, Page 3T 111 Here's a piece taf .rnatkriery of in- terest to you radio,*#arts. ,It,'s, used for .!baking radio tubes. Anti ,the process is quite interesting, :tato. :T!he tubes 4\liti i"l fie 9Zoa d `"""I`q Oj11` eal INSOMNIA By Dr. W. J. Scholes Many apparently healthy people :troubled with insomnia. It is not • ;ways easy to Iocate the cause in , ;individual case. Even though one gards himself as perfectly hea1tt ,careful examination may reveal the b sinning of disease, The abnar. ,waltefulness may be a symptom are al- raw oma:t e eye lnd•w th a piec any of adhesive tape ;en :that the lid -mar e gin will be" turned out and ,thei'ashe kept from scratcharag qhe eye. ;Opera seemed to have dropped down among them with an astonishing message of love, should so electrify the people as to bring 'them togethed in such num- bers. Paul no ,longer met with atten- tion and eager listeners for the Jews, again and again interrupted him with contradictions and blasphemy, The: ,APostIes saw that it was no use tp. 'proceed, so, summoning all his 'cour- age, Paul exclaimed they had clone their duty to their fellow Jews. They !had made to thein the offer of the gos- pel and that offer had' been rejected. Henceforth they would turn.to the fientiles. - This utterance fell as a .gladsome sound on, the ears of .the Gentile listeners, More and more, ,widely the word of the Lord began to spread, But the Jews were not eas- ily defeated, They used their influ- ence with he chief men of the city, exercising it through their wives, ,and the result was that the apostles were drven forth to preach in other cities of the same central region - of.-• Asia ,'Minor: It might have been expected' {'that their converts would be filled with discouragement, but it was not so. They were filled with joy, and ,'with the Holy Ghost. Wherever St. PERFE TING RADIO TUBES ' Paul and his friends went henceforth are a, revolving :drum that ` a springa they became the objects of keenest through apparatus—shown in hatred .because the Jews recognized operates ,about, a heated oven. The the lower part of the picture—and all that they taught a -form of belie - base;,Qftthettuube is filled with glue. is in readiness for the actual baking . fab The tulze,then is; attached to the base Rather novel method. solutely inconsistent with the Jewish aith hitherto known ff WORLD MISSIONS �pull .some �gf lthe;lashes,•.out but they rapid heart action than others, Any ( Will He Do? I can grow back ,again. Is .there anything:weakness in the heart muscle may A few weeks ago I employed Pedro ,do .to stop them , frgm growing., cause the heart to beat fastas a c „ It makes olporeur, and I often wondered 'like this? .. y up in the number of beats the power If he "would do." He was not learn- -Reiily that it lacks each beat The weak- ed, but I liked his spirit. 'This rani be corrected lb,y,s,n opera- (ness of the muscle may be caused by One Saturday , I sent him .to Ser tion on the eyelid. {infection or valvular disease. Over- rezuela, bytrain from .•Bogota„ to "sell If you ,object to ,this :little ,opera- activity of .the thyroid often causes a Bibles and portions of the Scriptures. tion, you ,can lave the :lashes :pulled 'rapid heart. Fever, such as that oc- In the afternoon two policemen ar- out when they b•Ather ystu. ,Qr,you,�curring in tuberculosis and the toxins rested .him; took charge of his "ma :and d h e, of some diseases, may increase' the leta" or handbag full of books,' and - number of beats. Tobacco or coffee led him through the streets to jail, s „may be the cause, i There he spent the long, dark, cold -o— night walking the floor, for although (Note:—Dr. Scholes will answer one of the seven other prisoners of - such health questions in these col- feredt him his rude shakedown, the umns as will be of -interest to others, vermin, the smells, the lack of fresh air,, ,and the thought of his wife's an- faulty functioning of one or more :. gaps: When this is the case; t •treatment of the insomnia is th treatnc nt of the abnormal conditio on whiich tit is based. If no �ilis_„ease is present, - the habit e' ,tion is the best. of .They Probably Cant Bw i 1The f Channel ohe Jj. M. writes:"I had a, ysrtnng •nian e staging with me a "-found 444 ;Cha n be ;had lice. I have been trying. _to get said of them ever since by i;atleh- s ing and killing them, and washing my d clothes in boiling water: I am .an !Englishman and never knew what lice o were R t -I came- here. Would you f pi' e ethere"e what to do . to get rid u_ +oeaslet an f the and permissible in public- print.: Per- sonal questions will be answered only kiety and uncertainty -he was` not al- t when accompanied by self-addressed lowed to sen d a telegram,..—made stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. sleep impossible. Neither food nor 5, Scholes, in care of - this paper.) water was offered him. The weary hours of Sunday Iazorning dragged S. S. LESS0N FOR JULY i2, 1925 heavily, but Pedro kept thinking of the bright Bogota Sunday School with Lesson Title ---The Gospel in An --I ifs Iso members singing hymns and should :be carefully investigate Some people:are wakeful because the indulge in rtes or coffee, or use to much tobacieo ar bedtime. flies sometimes realrlt to a nervous stim lation that makes sleep impossible Much mental effort during the even ing niay also snake the mid too act' for sleep. Late Meal A Cause The cause sometimes' consists in eating' too heartily a short time be - fere going to bed. This is especially likely to be true if there is any tend- ency to digestive disturbances. On the other hand, some people have difficul- ty in sleeping if they; are hungry. In such cases, a glass of milk and- a cracker, taken at bedtime, is all that is needed. A Bedroom that is too hot, or poor- ly ventilated, may cause restlessness, 5o may a bed that is too soft,. too well covered, or otherwise uncomfort- Able , ...l i_., ;: ' ::• �. r Efforts; to overcome insomnia by! means of drugs are usually unsatisfac-! tory and dangerous... Many - sleep producing drugs are habit-forming. They should be avoided except when! prescribed by a physician. 'A •warm bath, a hot foot bath, and sponging! the head with cool water before going' to bed are safer remedies. And the sleep produced by these simple meas- ures is natural and refreshing. But 'the cause of the insomnia should be sought in the habits or in the presence of some beginning dis- t ease. Removing the cause is the best way to a cure., Hoch of Pisidia. repeating Bible verses. The clothigg should be boiled, bak- From Cyprus the" . apostles !nee, booksand 'had to p passed him that he and his had to ve ,ed or. gone :oyer with a hot iron. over, to the continent; and opened up leave.in the train about to depart Lice live in the seams of clothing. rnissionary'work at Antioch in Pisidia. ;from the station, and that if. ever (Treat the ,bed elothing. in the same 'Here Paul delivered his frst recorded'again he set foot in Serrezuela the way, as wearing apparel. The body address. Comparing it with the ad- i consequences would be more serious. dress of St. Peter at Pentecost and) "That is all right!" said Pedro. "1 with that of St. Stephen before the ,like the town and : I like the people, Sanhedrin, all three will be found to and Ill be back again some day to run upon the same lines. The Apos- make"'another visit" ties did not make any special effort to ! Two policemen, keeping t a respect - direct attention to themselves ,but ful distance, spied all his movements waited until the Sabbath came round, to make sure he left in the train, and and then they sought out the meeting so Pedro arrived in Gogota on Sun-` Place of the- Jews. At the conclusion! day night, tired and. hungry, but hap - of the public worship and the reading PY, and feeling something of the joy of the lessons out of the law and the which comes to those who suffer in prophets, the Rulers of the Synago-a great cause, even "the fellowship of gue sent to them saying "ye men and his sufferings;" brethren, if ye have any wordofex- hortation for the people, say on." Lesson Passage -Acts .13:42-52: At three o'clock the mayor sum - Golden Text—Isa. 53:4, moned him to his Office, should be thoroughly -scrubbed with soap and hot water. As a preventive,' the clothing should be dusted once a week with washed sulphur. Be sure that the sulphur- is distributed along. the seams. Sprinkle sulphur in the bed -cloth- ing. ti Rooms which may harbor - lice should be thoroughly. 'cleaned --by washing the walls with a 5 per cent. !solution of 'carbolic acid. , Kerosene wi11; kill lice in the .hair, Leave -it on all night. But keep away from open flames! Vinegar will dis- solve the nits. "I! !. , CROPS ARE GOOD St. Paul stood up, and began his - - Nokomis, June 24th., 1925 To Purify Water sermon by referung to the : lessons To the Editor of the Wingham Ad- R. G. S. asks; "Will you tell merwhich had just been read, pointing vance-Tines, what it is that can he put into -water out the providential dealings of God Dear Sir: to purify it? Someone has told me 'with their forefathers and, in conclu-' Enclosed please find two dollars for that there is` something that one can Ision, announced that the long -cherish- my paper. Our crops are looking fine carry on trips thatyoucan usein wa-ted hope of Israel had at last been ful- out here and we are having fine rains ter when you dont know whether it ''filled. At the close, the Jews.' left the and if nothing happens until we get is pure or not." 'synagogue but the Gentiles talked it harvested it will be a big crop. In Reply with them and begged them to preach some places the cut worm has been Halazone tablets are used for this to them again on the: following Sab-;working and they have damaged the purpose. They liberate chlorin in the bath. During the week they were, no gardens a good deal. water. Your ` druggist can supply doubt, busy conversing with Jews and Yours Truly, hem. ,religious proselytes and persuading Wtn. H. Hele. --o— - them to continue in the grace of God Heart Beats- Too Fast l (verses 42.43). DIED A B. P. writes: "I.am 20 years old 'Verses. 44.52Results of Sermon Stinson ---In Gorrie, on Monday, June nd seem to be in fairly good health.' . Tidings of that first sermon spread 291h., 1925, William Stinson, in his ut my heart beats too fast. It beats !through the city and on the following 72nd yean o times a minute and it beats that ! Sab_bath, ,a vast crowd' of all ranks, Esty—At 1332 Barley Ave., Buffalo, ast even when I am not exercising nationalities and classes, thronged the on Sunday, June 2Tst., 1925. Gert What would cause it to beat so fast?"idoors,of the synagogue; Immediate- rude Esty, beloved wife of A. J~ s- Reply ly Jewish jealousy, burst into flame, ty, aged 48 years, '6 months and. 18 Some people normally have a more They were indignant . that one who 1 days, —0— Questions and Answers a Eyelashes Turn In B Mrs. W. D. writes: "My lower eye- lid seems to be turned in so that the f eyelashes grow into the eye. The eye is always' sore because the eyelashes keep,4.scratching it Sometimes I can NOW , boNT -GET EiXCITED QLD - D AR - I'LL BE READY IN TEN N t'4Or'ES.!! THAT MAN! SAW'.- t `I•tiOUGH't. YOU WAS GOING To BE READY 1N TEN MINU'T'ES - YOU'VE. nn ME WAFTING T4 TY!! OUR OWN, DEFINITIONS ACCIDENT: To hear Europe on your radio. — -0 --- ECHO: -.ret your mother-in-law to wallop you on the ear and find out. SALARY; Like water—it evaporates, TELEPHONE: Means of carrying on a'flett without casualties. OPTIMIST: A man who can greet his: landlord with a smile. —0-- IIAIR-PINS: Tiny wire contraptions now to be ,seen in the country's foremost museums. —d` JOB: Trying to convince friend wife over the tele- , phone that you're working late at the office. ANTIQUE: Junk covered with a coat of dust. ERROR: To get fresh with a traffic cop, IMPROVEMENTS: A hair -cut and a shave. REWARD. - Something you get after you die. —o FAINT: What happens to you when you see the bills for,friend wife's vacation outfit. (To be continued) - In England England they say women's short skirts are can- • ing unemployment. And strained -eye-sight—over here. —o -- Rolled down stockings cover a multitude of shins - these. warm July days. —0— THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN! Eleven hungry hoboes were sentenced to "big eats" by a kind-hearted Chicago judge the other day. They re- fused the "eats" and asked to be given hard labor. Yes, they did—not! - —0_— A small leak may sink a great ship. Also get you pinched if it's- conning fromthe hip. —0--- A BURNING QUESTION! Manufacturers of matches claim that the present Lucifers we use are too long. So they intend to cut them in half, Yes, and some of them might as well be cut in six parts for aII the good they are. Neither end lights. _0 "A live fly cannot be swallowed"—proverb. Got to - tell that to our waiter to -day when he brings our glass of milk. --o--- FAMOUS LAST LINES "Take back your fish. I ordered liver!" My. llllllll lrrllrr III l r r"u"n nrl urlrulillrlll111Urrlll'ililrl"lllll"Ili ll l l llll rlrllil„rlp,,, llllnrl"Ilru -I MEANT A WSI. ji TEN M4NU er` �. r �IU1t1�' � lir` 5 (MINUTES ATER,