The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-25, Page 5Thursday, ,lune
5th., xcJ
111001/10/ MINIONS••••is 00 SIMONS■■SNO11.11111
pi 'Reliable (Gods.Hornewis Journal Patterns. I1
1 Hot thorn1. ag
■ ■
II Girls' Voile Dresses, pretty sty- Towels -5 doz. Turkish Towels,II
MI les,
• .les, best colors ......$r.95, 2.25, 2.50 large size, reg. $x.00, now_.:..„69c
■Gin ham -- Fancy check Dress NE
House Dresses, made of good g IN
® in hates - __. _ , Gingham on. sale at..aoc and 25cNI
.quality g g
NI _.,- ...$x.00, z.50, 2,95, 2.25 Brass Rods -- Flat ._Extension IN■
® Rods, bargain price 'roc, x5c, ;2oc ■
Ladies' Racine and, Crepe Dress-
ress ■
® es, .bargains at _.„.. Curtains Curtain Lace and Net ■
■-..,_..„__,-...„.__.. $4.5o) 5.00, 5•953 6.5o at .„.-..„_.._.-„..-.-,-.__. ...... .25c, 35e, 50C ■
,l*Tpse--ro doz. Ladies' and Chit- Socks -Men's Fine Quality Work ■ I • Veteran conductor on the Grand
•® ,dreft's Lisle Hose, on sale _....39C Sox 350, or. 3 pr. for __-„.__$x•oo ®Trunk Railway who on Wednesday,
■ Crepe —11 :pieces Cotton Crepe, Underwear —• Men'sl Balbriggan ■ 'Tune 24th., celebrated his 92nd. birth-;
`® eg. 75c to'SSc, best colors, now Shirts 'and Drawers, reg. value ®' •day. Mr. Quirk never fails to take a.
John Quirk
Mr, and Mrs. Drew of "Canntngton
who have been 'visiting at the home of
Mr. Aidrid Wearing, returned home
on Friday.
M. and Mrs. Clarence White • and
family of Brussels, spent Sunday
with friends in town,,
The new side walk whish is being
laid along the mill dam is near com-
pletion and adds much to the appear-
ance of the' village.
Rev. Dr. Brown preached his last
sermon in what has been the Metho-
dist Church last Sunday night. The
Inaugural Service will be held neat
•® .only .„.„„. _ _. _ _. .,,-__.„.„
■ Corsets—.-Orompton and D. & A. Suits—Boys' Fancy Tweed and
'■ „ Corsets at Bargain Prices _.........:. Serge Suits, on sale at __.-.:.:....— II
Et® -._.._ .......•„„..„„_..._„�. $Loo, 1.25, 2.5o ............. $6.75, 8.50, x0.00 and 12.0o
s Rubber :Aprons, ;fancy floral pa- Wash Suits—Boys' Wash Suits
.w,tterns'in .large :aprons, now......65e in smart styles,; special at -.-...._„
® „_ _. El
$x.25, x.39, x.95 ■
®` Baby .P.ants—guaranteed.Rubber ■
Ni Pants, two colors at 35c or 3 Hats -Young Men's Sailor Straw ■
■ pairs for -_,-_.-..-- ---_•••$x.00 Hats, special .:..._$1.50, 2.00, 2.50, kill®i Voiles and Crepesto clear—r5 Suits—xo Suits in Young Men's ■
:■ pieces fancy patterns, value up models, fancy grey mixtures, re- ■
■ to $x.00, reduced to -- -- 39c duced to ----_—_
Boots and Shoes
• Children Brown Sandals .-.. x.20 Ladies' Suede Slippers, brown
,or ,grey -------------4.39
▪ Children's Patent Slippers, one
SI strap -----$1.25 and 1..50 Ladies' 3 Strap Brown Kid
Slippers at .___.._..,--_- .._3.95
11111 Misses' Patent .Slippers .—•z•95
Slippers, 3 Ladies' .:Black Kid Oxfords of
1113 Children's Kid Sli - fine ,quality _.-...„_ —•-:-3.98 NI
® - strap----_—__ x.75 — ■
® Ladies' Fancy Patent Strap Ladies' One Strap House Slip- ■
pers at ------ -_.x.35 a
5 Slippers at - -3•B5
• Fleet Foot Canvas Shoes ■■
4015 ■
® "Crepe' Sole” all styles andsizes in Men's and B.oys', Lad-
. ■ IN
1 les', Musses' and Children's at Lower Prices.
long walk each day, in fact he is on
the go all the time. A week ago he
motored to his old home in Kincar-
dine and spent a pleasant
with his Masonic brethren
lodge room.
in their
Sunday in what has been the Presby-
terian Church.
A. number 'from here took in the
Moonlight Excursion at Goderich
last week and report a good time.
Mr.' Cliff White is in Toronto this
week on business.
Mr, W. Palmer has finished his
season's sawing in Gorrie,
lil$imsil11$IU IIoImIIIsinolllir8111iMIIIYIIIoIiI_MUIN1iW61Un11WIi11 1'11011$III11h11il
I11 1111031110111
A large number partook of the
Lord's Supper in the Union Church,
McIntosh, sabbath morning.
The Presbyterian Congregation
have renovated the Forester's Hall
with the purpose of holding service
there. 33.
The seating capacity of the Com-
munity Hall was crowded Tuesday ev-
® H. E. ■
Mrs.•C. Durnin is visiting her dau-
ghter, • Mrs. McAllister at Alma.
Mr. Albert Wallace of Barrie, and
Mr. Alex. Wallace of Port Arthur,
were week -end visitors with the for-
mer's niece, Mrs. E. J. Thorns and
other friends.
Mr. John McGuire is spending a
few days in the burg.
Mr,' Souter• Taylor has purchased .a
atew Ford car. •�1. t I yi.. t„7...
Mrs. Alex. McLennan was a week-
end visitor with friends at the lake.
1Vir. and Mrs. 4.d. Miller and chil-
dren Qi Alma, vis.ted with Mr, and
'Mrs, j D. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
hn Miller and other friends here.
On Monday evening, June 15,
members of Trinity Church, Belgrave,
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Brydges, in honor of Miss.
Josephine Johnson and presented her
with a miscellaneous shower of use-
ful and beautiful gifts.
During the evening, the choir of
which she is a faithful and valued
member presented the bride-to-be
with a pair of bronge candle sticks, to
Which "J0” ably responded.
After a social hour spent, a dainty
lunch was served. All wishing the
bride and groom, a happy and pros-
perous wedded life.
On Saturday afternoon, June 13th,
The Methodist Congregations of the
ening, to listen to the addresses by
Rev. R. B. Ferris• and Rev. W. D.
McIntosh. Music was furnished by
Wingham talent, Belmore, Community
choir and quartette.
Delegates' to 'Walkerton from the
Women's Institute were Mrs. Wm.
Elliott, Mrs. Hector McLean, Mrs.
Roy Ruthefford and Miss Edna Lin-
Mr, and Mrs. John Gowdy 'of Sal-
em, called in ou; burg MVlonday even-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Dane and
family spent Sunday with relatives at
Pine River.
Mr. John Wylie took a drive . to
Wingham on Sunday evening.
Quite a number gathered at the
home of Mr. Conrad Rever on Mon-
day evening to present Miss Irene
with a miscellaneous shower prior to
her marriage on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston of
Whitechurch, spent Sunday with Mrs.
H. Wylie.
Messrs. Ted and Charlie Newton
were in the burg Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dane and Whitney
and Mr.and Mrs. R' A. Taylor and
Miss Edna attended Rev. Mr. Cragg's
farewell sermon Sunday evening.
The New Home and Ideal
For a wedding present of -practical
value, a first class sewing machine
has no equal. You.. will do well to
buy from one who understands all
about Sewing Machines and can show
you how to use any attachment you
want to put to use. A. W. Webster
sells then up -stairs over The Advance
Times Office.
Clinton so, Wingham o
vVOur Football boys, played a friend
ly game, with Jamestown, Wednes-
day evening, score 2 to o in favor of
the visiting team.
Miss • Clara Collins, teacher, has
been engaged' to teach the Village
school another year.
Mrs. Robt. Scott and babe of Wa-
wanosh, were visitors last week at
Mr. John Darling's.
Miss Fraser of - Toronto is a visi-
tor at the manse.
Mr. Wm. Hacking while engaged
in daily task, took seriously ill last
Wednesday, Dr. Gillies, Teeswater was
call in. The ' patient is now doing
Miss Mary Aitken is taking a few
days rest at her home here.
Married in Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen of
Wroxeter, have returned home after
spending a .week in Toronto, where
they attended the wedding of their
Mr and Mrs. George Webb were Belgrave Circuit, surprised their •past -
visitors at Hamilton and Toronto and of and his wife; Rev. W. J. and Mrs.
other points last week Miss Caroline I Moores by gathering at the home of
Webb who has completed her term at Mr. and Mr"s. C. B. Wilkinson, and
Toronto 'Normal returned home with presented them with an address, a
them on Saturday. mantle clock and a purse of money.
Misses Mabel Woods and Vera Todd A steady down fall of rain interfered
have returned from Stratford Normal. with the picnic and program of out- that -Wingham has a newspaper office
Miss W. D. Rutherford is hone door sports which had been prepared. las well equipped as The ofvahce-
.from Timmins for the vacation. 'The friends took(read Tou- ones mes. w t n do smertly dressed loud
they Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, Mr• Stanley ,se, where a splendid address was
and Mrs. Murdie of by Mrs, Stewart Proctor and the press talking esr place of 'business. On wuess
and Neely. Todd, Miss Minnie R
Thursdw, motored to Stratford on'sell. on made by day of last week, Wingham was visit -
Thursday. 'sell, ReV, ed by a lad who told how he could
A very enjoyable time was spent at' A fitting reply was made by
Harbor Park, Goderich, on Wednes- Mr. Moores thanking the people of save everybody nxoney. on .printing.
the Rifle Club picnic, The of - 'the Belgrave Circuit. for thin - d- He also made the tee what the local bast thawould c tat
no mat -
day at to them during ,
es hil was spent re games and rac- past arat loyalty,
while the ice create provided by pastorate and regretting that circuit,' Eb'eal �1oap aCello�n twoyhis caseshouse to
the sal-
the losers in the recent match was en- 'stances veevented a aohapp stay.
The event closed happy relation- . esman was asked point blank to quote
o ed by alt land people. his lowest possible price, after trying.
7 Yship between Pastor
The following are the scores madeossible means of finding he
Ttiflc and Mrs. Moores went to Ha- everyut
they paid for the last job,
rl l 111 I III I I®I I Ill I I I I Igll I gal l lfgl l l
New Models for young men in
Greys, Browns, 'i and Blues. Excep-
tional values for $x8.00 to $25.0e
MEN'S SUITS $18.50
25 Mens Suits in sizes 36 to 44 of
broken lines of Browns, Greys and
Tweeds, regular„. values to-: $27.5o,
;'specially priced to clear at $18.50
Men's Navy Blue Suits, made of ex-
tra quality Englisch. Serge, guaranteed
fast colors, neat two 'button style
sizes 37 to 44, regular price $35.00 for
$29.50 ...
Men';s Pants in . Light and Dark
Grey Tweeds, neatly made, extra va-
lue at this price reg $5.00 for $3.65
All the newest shades and styles for Men and Young Men
prices to suit everyone from $x.00 to $3.50
Shirts, Hose, Braces, Wor k Shirts, Overalls
The lacrosse game between Wing -
ham and Clinton last Thursday was
rather top heavy. The play and
score was decidedly in favor of the.
Clinton speed artists. The first per-
iod opened as if it would be a merry
tassel,' when Wingham sidetracked
every effort our boys made to score.
However, it was not long until some
pretty combination work was started,
Middleton to Elliott, to Rorks, to
Roberton, to Match and Match; it
was pleasant to watch, and it is such
combination plays that wins games.
The defense was air tight, Big "Bill”
Match and McNeil are a pair, of dan-
dies; Mike Cook danced a happy jig
while keeping his man from doing
any damage. Fulford had an easy
night of it in goal, but Bill will get
1111111M11111 11131II®1111si',�i 38111 3II•:13 Iilmlll®IIIR111 11
Our success would be so great.
Out in Walhalla, N. D., "The For the first time our genius for
to rhyme
Has resulted in something straight.
That eighty-five will keep us alive
torneys to pay up or they would sue ,For a couple of days or more
him, He had forgotten that he had 'You have no idea of the worry ' or
ever received the paper and on the fear
back of the letter : wrote the follow- One has with the wolf at the door.
Household Guest” had been sent
Mr. Thos. Shaw's address for some
time. Finally the day came when he
received a letter from the Marks at
In reply to the snide on the other side
And 1 the game of sharks
We are pleased to note although no
n surely
youngest daughter, Oral Jane to Ma -1 ittore to'do in the next few games.
estson of Coulton $erklnshaw, old- Higgins and Dodds also did effective
est, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Berkinshaw worts and shared in the glory of
of Niagara Falls, N. Y. The marri-
age took place at St. Phillips Angli-
can Church by the Rev. J. A. Robin-
son, M. A. B. D. on June n, 1925
After the ceremony the happy couple
left by motor for Buffalo; East Aur-
ora and Lake Senaca, N. Y.
Be Fair, Give Us a Chance
We believe there are a number of
Wingham business men who are glad
It is naturally true they should get to You've a touch of divine afflatus
do (And we'd come right back with an-
Their dirt a couple of Marks.
- other
!But we've busted our apparatus.
I made no request for the Household i.
If in later days our devious ways
My order Guest s not on file. I To the Great Northwest should take
I defy the Sharks by their hired Marks I Where the river Red o'erflows its bed
To prove ought else the while. 'We'll be glad to call and shake.
So •I therefore state if you will only
For that dollar and seventy cents
Until I pay, you'll have passed away
With your hides hung on the fence.
Mark's Reply
Mr. R. T. Shaw, you were rather raw
In the letter you sent to us,
But considering the source, it might
have been. worse
And we'll pass it without any fuss.
The Household Guest to you was ad-
And you took it and read it too
scoring. The game was clean, only But when asked to pay in a courteous
You kick up a hullabaloo.
one visitor serving a penalty.—Chn-
ton News Record. `
Wingham boys were unable to get
their regular team together and sent
down a few others in order to give
Clinton a game.
A Week. of Pleasure and Profit
The programme for the Canadian
weekly newspaper publishers' conven-
tion at Winnipeg this week. is,
as follows: Wednesday—The entire
day in session. Thursday --In session
until 4 p. m. Then taken in special
street cars by the Manitoba Govern-
ment to visit the Parliament Build-
ings. 5.45—Taken to inspect Manitoba
Agricultural College. 6.45 p m•—Din-
ner at the College as guests of the
Province of Manitoba. Friday—In
session until 3 p. m., 3.15 -Automobile
drive, as guests of the Winnipeg Tour-
ist and Convention Bureau. 6 p.m.
Dinner at Assinaboine Park as guests
of the City of Winnipeg. to p• m.—
Dance at Royal Alexandra Hotel as
guests of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way. Saturday -9.39 a.m. Leave Win-
nipeg for Grand Beach, as guests of
the Canadian National Railway, re-
turning to Winniieg at 5:30 p. m.
Evening --Hosts of Canadian National
Railway at Grand Ball at the Fort
Garry Hotel. In addition to the above
the lady members will be entertained
throughottt the afternoons and will be
guests at the Capital Theatre at times
to meet their owii convenience.
in the shooting contest at the 1 Rev.
Club completed on Friday, out of a milton last weekand
returned with
quoted $12.00 for threat slips which we
possible 170. H. Pardon x20,' G. Stu- a nice new chev ' Io, for and in another whe
Webster xx6,
'art axq, W. Miller 117, J. � leave for their ,new charge near St. 'charged
$32.50 for envelopes” for which
r 11. W. I, Miller 113, J. Thomas, this week. Mr. Moores 'quoted o One mai; who was
W Y Webster 113 s, E. Web -
A, Young x13, preached his farewell sermon . Sun- 'we charged
to s,$after repeatedly telling
ti e.
Pardon 3, Webb bb give the order
Star 109, W. Young 107, H. c day night to a crowded tot
McPherson 105, G. Shiells 1 Miss Sarah McDougall, who went him that he would not
106, W. M io hos lilt last week and under- to anyone other than a local man, or
x03, H. Irwin x03, R. Scott 3, J• to the P
inson 99, McI. went an operation is doing as nicely thel Never-
theless �sa same salesman showed
A Rob
BerkinshawKitchen—At St. Philip's
Church, Toronto, on Thursday, / -
June rith., 1925, by the Rev. J. A.
Robinson, M. A., B. D., Ora Jane,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Kitchen, of Wroxeter, to Richard
Coulton, elder son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert James Berkinshaw, of Nia-
gara Falls, N. Y.
Yeo—Forster—At the home of the
bride's parents, on Saturday, June
6th., 1925, by the Rev. R. S. Jones,
B. A., Hazel Agnes, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forster, Wall-
ace Twp. to William Gordon, son of
Mr. Win. Yeo and the late Mrs.
Yeo, of Turnberry.
We have this advice, pray read it
It is given with best intents, ,
For those who refuse to pay their dues
Of a dollar and seventy cents,
• McDonald 99, is
Webb 98, j. Aitcheson 98, R. Lavas could be expecteids treated himself
83, G. McPherson 83, A. Gaunt 83. Mr. Jos. Ruddy
Mr. Harris Pardon was the Winner to a Ford Coupe'
of the spectacles donated by Mr, C.
R. Wilkinson of W inghani.
The contest for the Dominion Sal-
ver commences on Wednesday, June
24th. There will also be about $4o
in prizes awarded..
The Sunday School of Calvin church
St. Helens, is planning for a picnic to
the Maitland River on Monday next,
June 29t11.
Mr. and Mrs. Caslick of Teeswater,
spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
john Falconer. 3
The United Church at Whitechur-
ch will hold a Lawn Social on Friday,
July 3rd. A good programme has
been prepared.
his order book to the hotelman and
in it he had at least twelve orders' of
printing for Wingham. At the same
time our office is running to about
half capacity. Is it fair? Do you ex-
pect Mr. Business man, that "Wing-
ham's little booster”. The Advance -
Times, can boost your business? When
you pass otit of this sphere, your re-
latives will be hurt unless the local pa-
per gives a long obituary notice
about your honorable career:
One never knows,
How far a word of kindness goes,
One never sees,
How far a smile of friendship flees,
When a paper you take and the wrap- ( Down through the years,
per break The dead forgotten reappears.
This point should be impressed
You will have to pay. If you let it
The Postmaster will do
Now, don't get hot, for we did not
There are troubles enough, dear friend
Just send tis half and we'll cross it off
And the matter will have an end, DIED
This response struck Tom in theHueston—In Gorrie, on Sunday, June
We cannot say,
What lips are praising us to -day,
We cannot tell,
Whose prayers ask. God to guard us
But kindness lives,
Beyond the memory who gives.
right spot and he enclosed a chequ
with the following:
In reply to Marls though hired Sharks
Your work is not all coarse'good
It is understood your answers
And worthy of note perforce.
I'm willing to pay any night or day
All honest debts I owe
But when a graft sticks in its shaft
I refuse to cough my dough. cities and on crowded highways, are:
checking closely on misplaced mark-
reel a day
that scarcely • Iresult
You offer to split the amount were nit �ersss withithout a number of motorists
And made in a cold Bard way �P
But since you fly with Pegaassus high being brought
police court
For the doggeral I will pay. Iflned $t forhaving their markers
b -
The Household Guest is not my quest
The game sheet of rotten sharks Miss Verna liM� bonaIdeaah Hurst
But I cheerfully dive for this eighty- graduate of.
five tng
t d position For a couple of decent Marks.
Marks Sen a 'Farewell Letter
Gadite•—In Fordwich, on Friday,
June 5th., 1925, to Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Gadke, a daughter, -Jeanne
Wendt --In Mildmay, on Sunday,
June th.,q1925, to Mt. and Mrs. C.
E.. Wendt, a son.—Jack Charles.
;14th., 1925, Margaret Ann San er-
son, beloved wife of R. J. Hueston,
aged 53 years, 2 months and 2 days.
Goggin -At Wingham Hospital, on'
Monday, June 15th„' 1925, Carrie
Corbett, beloved wife of William
Goggin, Fordwich, aged 54 years.
Brush the mud car mark-
ers. Traffic officers, especially in the
Department of the University o
Toronto, has accepted theion as
nurse itt charge of a summer camp at
Montreal and left for that city last
Your draft received; We hardly be- (Monday.