The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-25, Page 4WING1:iAM ADVANCE -TIMES
Mrs. Carson has returned home
from Detroit.
Mr. Harold Mitchell is home from
Toronto University.
Mr. A. E. Smith of Toronto, is re ,.
newiug acquaintances in Wingham
Miss Anna Blackhall, who left for
ure due to the tact, wise counsel and 1
efficient leadership with which you
have discharged your duties in this
We feel that this address would be
incomplete-3'ithout a special reference
to Mrs. Cragg. By her unfailing tact,
her genuine goodness of heart, her
grace and courtesy, her readiness to
respond to all calls upon her time,
she has won our gratitude and esteem.
In .all departments of church work her
active assistance and „kindly counsel
will be greatly missed.
We are not content however how-
ever to express our gratitude merely
in words, as a tangible evidence of it
we beg you to accept this dinner wa-
gon and reading Tamp, which we hope
will not only prove to be useful but
will sometimes in the days to come
remind you of your friends in Wing -
ham. And now in conclusion, with
feelings of sincere regret at your de-
parture we bid you farewell assuring
you that though your official relation,
with this church is severed, we shall
always take the warmest interest in
your future happiness and prosperity.
Signed on behalf of the congregation,
A. H. Musgrove
A. J. Irwin
F, W. French.
Several short addresses were deliv-
ered and a pleasant time* spent after
which the ladies served ch.
Sliver Through Forehead
While sawing some logs at Mr. Ed.
O'Connors' sawmill here on Satur-
day morning last, Andrew Friebur-
ger of Culross, sustained a painful
injury, when a long sliver from the
With purchase of $1.00 package of
Valet A.utoStrOp
the new suPerBlades t
`rhttraday, 3une i5tb., 1906
1i1111l111onil illli isii11i1 11111111111I11N 11 X111 I1111glllll llt 1111111111111010 111
I 1111
1IIIliIlwisioot Comfort
This Summer
Toronto last week, has secured a gooc
stenographic position,'
Miss Georgina Bowers of Toronto
is spending the vacation at her hone
in Pleasant Valley.
Mrs. T. L. Jobb is spending some t_
holidays with her daughter, Mrs. H.
Woods and family at Grimsby. __
Mr, R. R. Mooney paida short vis- Fs
it to Meaford to spend some days
with his sister, Mrs, Nellie Sparling. ,
Miss Nellie Cruickshank visited in 11-4
Goderich on Sunday with her friend,
Miss Florence Breen of Milwaukee, �
Mrs. John Taran of the Union Hotel. i
Wis., is spending a week with her 1 .-
grandmother, Mrs. R Breen, Patrick, j
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks of Det -1 0
roit, returned home after spending t're P.
t fewdays with Mr. and Mrs. Ste -
timber entered the centre of his fore-
head and on being deflected bthe
skull passed along and protruded
from the far side of the right eye.
Dr. McCue, who attended the case,
succeeded in extracting the sliver, and
starting the victim on the road to re-
covery again.—Walkerton Times.
Elected in Wilkie, a
From the Wilkie Press we note
that Mr. Robert E. Nay has been elec-
ted to the . Saskatchewan legislature
by a majority of 1300 votes over the
sitting member, Sydney Bingham,
REM progressive, Mr: Nay is the only son
Stock., I EIVIBERED BY FRIENDS of Mr. and. Mrs. John Nay of Ninga,
Mrs. Samuel Emerson (nee Ida) i
Musgrove) of Emmons, Minn., is I i
visiting with relatives in Wingham i
i -
and vicinity.
Mrs. John McPherson and Mrs. —
Geo. Bissett and son, Alex. of Kin-
cardine visited at the home of Mr.
John Quirk on Monday. it
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pentland
and daughter, Louise, of Strathroy, P
were the guests on Monday of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Henry Christie.
Mrs. Cummings, formerly of Victor-
ia St., now living in Fordwich, is vis-
iting with her friend, Mrs. Wm. Hen-
derson on the Biuevale Road.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin and -little
granddaughter, motored up from Ha-
milton and spent a few days with re-
latives in Wingham and vicinity.
AUCTION' SALE—Farm Sto m- lysin., and was born in Howick town-
. plen�ents, Crop, etc., owing to .ill the base -
a evening, shi H'is parents moved to the
health I am offering my entire pro- On Wednesday p ears
perty for sale on Saturday, June went of the United Church was fill- West, when be was about four y
After prayer meeting old. The newly elected member for
.27tH, Thos. Forbes, Blue -ale Road, ed to capacity Wilkie, Saskatchewan, is a nephew of
Prop., T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. the following address zeas read by Breen, Mr. John Wray and
Mr. French and Rev. Mr. Cragg was Mrs. R J.
FOR SALE—Car of Brantford Asp- presented with a fountain pen, as Mr. James Wray of Turnberry.
halt Slate Shingles to arrive about were also the boys, Lawrence and Nuptials
a StOnehnase—Henry June 20th. Order given by JuIle Frank and Mrs. Cragg was givenA quiet but pretty wedding was sol -
15th will be given prompt attention. tea wagon and reading lamp. emnizui at the Auburn parsonage on
g L. Stewart, Biuevale. To Rev. C. E. and Mrs. Cragg:— 17th., when Myrtle, daughter of
On behalf of the members and ad- June
FOR SALE --Comfortable dwelling•herents of the Windham United char- theMr. bride of d Mrs.
Robertshall Henry, Stbecame
ori Manane St., at a very low we are charged.with the agreeable
A Pilon, Wingham. duty of conveying to you .a parting son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stonehouse
memorial of the esteem and respect in both of East tWaed. The bndRev, P. a
FARMERS ATENTION---I have -which you are held by those to whom Banes
just received a shipment of standard you have ministered during the past' gown of sandalwood satin -faced
crepe with hat to match and carried
re -cleaned ground screenings for
four years.
these are extra choice yetthis dutyis tinged'with sad- a bouquet .of Ophelia roses. After
feeding hogs, And the ceremony the wedding dinner was
See them and get, our price. J. A. mess inasmuch as'the ties of friendship held at the home of the bride's pas
Mills, and good will which have united us
during your pastorate are about to be present. The
-SALE—The property of Mrs. nts
FCSR f 1 presents,
Mr, and, Mrs. Turner and little
daughter, Phyllis of Toronto, spent
A. W. Websier, besides other friends
a few days with the Tatter's parents, l
Mr. and Mrs. VanNorman, Minnie St. 'whdile en y. Mr. Thomaute to s Samson of on
Mr. and MTS (Doc.) Cruickshank I radian National was appointed Sup-
ervisor of the district some time ago,
Cruickshank visited with Mr. and Mrs. succeeding Mr. Pender, well known
Tom Brandon in Bayfield on Sunday. to us all. We congratulate Mr. Sam -
Mr. John Dodds and Mr• H B.
son on his appointment.
Elliott, motored to Windsor last week Last week Messrs. Charles, Frank
to be in attendance at the Grand and Walter Risden, proprietors of the
Court of C. O. F. in session in that Detroit Cream and Milk • Company,
city paid a visit to
Fleet li
The picnic—the wear around home—
outings —sports—holiday time—sailing
camping-- traar>Iping all your sum-
mer activities—justify a shoe with the
supreme wear quality which only Fleet
Foot Shoes give!
They save you money. To the super-
ior wear and comfort of Crepe Soles—
the lightest shoe made—is addedthee
longer wear rn a de possible by
Foot quality.
Women's ............ 98c
Nlisses9 and Children's
J. G
i111111urai 11111111111I1111IItemniI1111I1u miun1111111lammII1111Il tIIh1l111111mosiII®IIIninglinIlli
Ivirs Thomas Samson formerly of
ter and ug in
ter .and two brothers�Messrs.
calling Will-
on the PowesAND
nta red in aY UEertOairr
lam and Harry Lyonmortgage that will be produced at the
time of sale there will be offered for
sale by Public Auction on the proper-
ty in the Township of Carrick in the
County of Bruce on Tuesday the loth
day of July, A. D. 1925, at the hour
of 2.00 o'clock in the afternoon, the
following lands and properties, viz:
tain parcel.or tract of land and prem-
ises situate, lying and being-- in the
Township of Carrick in the County of
Bruce and being composed of a por-
tion of lots number seven in Concess-
ion "A" of the said Township of Car-
rick and more particularly described.
as follows, that is to say, commencing
at the south-westerly angle of said..
lot seven thence' northerly along the:
westerly limit of the Town line be-
tween the Township of Carrick and:
Culross a 'distance,of twenty-one and
three quarters of a rod thence East-
VJm. the oldest who was a printer an erly parallel to the Southern limit of
a sister, Clara, have passed over to the said. Lot Number' Seven sixteen rods,,
Mr. and Mrs. Potts, thenceNortherlyparallel to the Wes -
great majority.tern limit of said Lot ten rods, thence
nee Jennie, have an interest in the Easterly thirty. degrees South' forty --
Cream and Milk Co. Robert is still eight rods more or less to the South-•
with the telegraph keys. erly liniit of said Lot, thence Westerly:
along the Southern limit of said Lot
King Calls Off Flag Stuht forty-two rods more or less to the:
Nothing will be done this year places of beginning containing by ad --
about the proposed New Canadian measurement five and three quarters
flag. Following the appointment re- of an acre be the same more or less•
cently of a committee of Government together with the good -will of the
officials to consider designs for a na- saw -mill and chopping -mill business
tional flag and submit recommenda- established on said premises;
tions to the Government, criticism On the premises are erected a saw -
has been made on the ground that mill and chopping mill operated by
Parliament should first have discussed water power from a dam of about
the matter and decided what should two acres area supplying about fifty
be done. Premier King informed the horsepower at full ,head with a suffic-
House to -day that in view of this an ient supply of water for operating;
order -in -council has been passed can- about eight months each year; also a
telling the instructions to the com- new ii storey frame dwelling house,
mittee of officials and the committee ,new
26x28 feet nearly finished. A.
is discharged. valuable mill property.
It isnot likely that the matter will , TERMS-io per cent, at time of
come up in the House this session. sale, balance within 30 days. Sale -
Protests were sent in to the Gov- subject to a reserve bid.
ernment from clubs, Midges,; commit- For particulars apply to
tees and individuals of all stripes of j
Londesborough company of her sis-
` Mr.R. R. Mooney,
Mrs. {Dr.) Fox, Mss. H. W. Shane Mrs. T.L. Jobb and Mr. A. E. Lloyd,
and Mrs. O, Thompson are in attend besides others of their old Wingham
ance at the Grand Chapter of the On-
Lon -
We are greatly pleased to
tarso Eastern Star in session at report that they are three of the
don. - Wingham boys who have made good
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch, Mr. in the City of their adoption. Their
and Mrs. Robt: Greer and- son, John business is a most important one in
all of Toronto, spent over the week- Detroit, over a hundred rigs are em-
end at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. W. ployed daily in all parts of the City
); delivering milk and cream. The old -
Mrs. A. • C. Williams and daughter er residents will remember the family..
from Toronto and also Mrs. C. Coups`
of London, are visiting at the home of
their parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry
' i Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, Mr. and
Mrs. Lockie and Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Intyre of Waterloo were guests of
Mrs. Geddes, Leopold St., over the
week end.
Mr. William.' Lyon and Miss Lyon
of Londesboro called on friends in
Wingham on. Monday, while on their
-day. to- Palmerston to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Sampson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. White and son,
of Coboconk, also Mr. Win. Orvis of
Shelbourne, motored up and spent a
few days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Orvis.'
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lott and little
child of Kincaid, Sask., are visiting for
a few' weeks with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Lott. They ` made the
trip by automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cowan and
Ar. .r. and Mrs. Neil Sparks motored to
Goderich on Friday and spent a coup-
le of days at the home of the former's
brother, Mr. Edgar Cowan.
Messrs: Russel Bloomfield, and. J.
F. Crandell motored to Hamilton last
Wednesday to attend the sheeting of
the High Court df. the Oddfellows
and returned Saturday afternoon.
Messrs Roy Cruickshank and Eddie
Hawkins of Orangeville, also Mrs.
Cunnie Golding of Weston, `motored.
to Wingham to 'attend'the Stratford-
Wingharn Lacrosse Match on Thurs-
Mr, and Mrs.• George Rintoul arriv-
ed home on Sunday to spend their
o 'n here after which they
ents the immediate relatives being u
bride was the recipient
of many beauti u p , the
groom's gift being a substantial che-
que. The happy couple left later for
a short motor trip, the' bride travell-
ing in a suit of navy poiret twill.
Isabella Patterson, Frances St.,
consisting of a good lot, with house
and barn, etc. For further parti-
culars apply to Mrs. Frank G. Fair,
Bluevale Ont., R R i `care of Mr.
Geo. Thornton.
eyed,. but on the other hand we are
pleased to have the opportunity of ex-
pressing to' you our gratitude for hav-
ing had the advantage of your faith-
ful service and wise leadership for
GIRL WANTED=—Small family,
light work, Electric range, washer,
sweeper, etc. Good home for
trustworthy young girl. Apply at.
this office.
—for sale. J, R. Haines, ring 11-627
or J. V. Haines, ring 22.627.
PIANO FOR. RENT—Upright in fir-
st class condition, for dances, gar-
den parties or socials, moderate
charge, A. J. Walker.
these four years.
We have not failed to appreciate the
devoted interest you have taken in
whatever tended to promote the pros-
perity of this church in its material the Corporation of Wingham except
and spiritual advancement. You have 1 in defense of life or property.
made it your duty to become intimate- i By Order Chief of Police.
ly acquainted with all the members of
your congregation and by the kind-
ness you have manifested and the in-
terest you have taken in ministering
to the needs of all who were in trou-
ble, sickness or affliction you have
won our deepest gratitude.
Your active leadership and deep in-
terest in the activities of the younger
members of the church in all their or-
ganizations have contributed much to
their success and efficiency. This is
evidenced by the interest taken its the
church by so `large a number of our
young people.
But although you have devoted
yourself so faithfully both to your
It is strictly against the law to dis-
charge firearms within the limits of
LOST -- A ladies' plain gold watch
with gilt dial, with black ribbon
band attached. Finder will be re-
warded by applying to W. H. Gur-
chine, in good condition for sale
cheap. Telephone 21-602.
SES WANTED --All kinds of
plain sewing, also children's clothes.
Apply Mrs, Renwick, Leopold.St.
ham Public School holding perman-
ent second class professional certi-
ficates to teach primary and second
book grades: State salary expected.
Duties to commence at beginning
of 192$-26 school year. Applications
received up to the evening of Thurs-
dayi July ond. W. T. Booth, Sec'y-
Thursday, Friday, Saturday t
June a5, 26 and al II
girl who bowled 'em over in
With Elenor Boardman. The
pulpit and pastoral duties and to the _ „Sinners of Silk" and "Wine of
supervision of the work of all the' >B Youth:' and Peter the Great the ;..
church organizations, you have still ® Wonder Dog•_A swift thriller a
found the time and possessed the en- to set any audience a tingle.
ill Also Single Reel
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. U.
1i Jame 29, 3o and July x ■
ergy to master all the details of the
general business and finances of the
``church and the member; of the offic-
ial Board have often been impressed
by your familiarity with all their pro-
blems and have become accustomed to'.
depend on you to supply any lack of
information on their part.
We are not unmindful of the fact
that it has been during the term of
your pastorate, that Church Union
was finally consummated anti became
an accomplished fact. In all the chan-
ges and adjustments incident to this
union in this community nothing but
harmony and good feeling has pre-
vailed. This cordiality and good will
among the members o€ the uniting
churches is we believe itt a large tyrteas-
Applications for the position of As-
sessorfor the Town of Wingham for
the year t925, will be received by the
undersigned up to .4 p. m., on Satur-
day, July 4th., loos. ,
W. A. Galbraith,
Town Clerk.
# •IN ■
The Breathless moment it
90 per a nt comedy vOith a WI
li dramatic Wallop, crannied. with
#_ sure fire Zatigl7s l couple of months visit with Friends in
Also Billy S'Aliv'art iii 11 England. Mr. Marshall will accoinp-
■ rend hate the 'Stripty' Stall any thein to Montreal and see theut
will go back to Detroit, where they.
will reside, they are also accornpatiied
by Mr, Henry Rintoul of Detroit.
Mrs. T. D. Marshall and little
daughter, "Bobbie", leave Wingham
on Thursday of this week for Mon-
treal where they will embark for a
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont.
party affiliation, Solicitor for Mortgagee.
1111 i 111 190101111Ml13101 6111M11f 111 1111 1111111 safely on pard
Special offer
We will offer tor this week Two, New Lines
Stock Pattern Dinnerware at Bar-
gain Prices
2 Dinner Sets Queen Anne Pattern, 97
Pieces for . , .1111.... 1111........ $28.00 Each
1 Dinner Sets Princess Mary Pattern,
white and gold, 97 pieces ...,$2200 Each
This Dinnerware is of 1st Quality and
Real Bargains at the Price