The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-25, Page 2'NOM. ADVANCE -'lief' r
HAM ADVANCE.TIM `S► f,reaehil•g• Lesson 9, a z3aissioraary
Published et .µtore. Lesson JO, the broad walk
rel sliloped . in back of the •church
ifr'r1ANs, ONTARIO
�' m',httrrts
up to the church door, with abig araet-
day Morning patios: `Everybody welcomer' Less -
decor and Proprietoreon ti, the church pews. Lesson 12,
•4ri .ski n t r ties --one year ;2.00, felte conrr''uniontable, symbol of
months •51.00, in advance. Is,il ssts presence and of the Great
lee i,ing sates on application. ;Deliverance. Some of these symbols
rtisetnents without specific di. nsrill be put in place by removing the
s alt be inserted until forb.d;II;icture of the front of the building
ehar. ;ed accordingly. ?arid nutting in place the inner fittings,
alien restoring the front.
Changes for contract ad%er dressers e + II. A Biography Review
se .n the'°ffice by noon, 'afoaday, lister appears in many of the les-
sons of the quarter, Saul in several
u,Ka„ Ru,,,p*u,,,p,,,,,,,un„!x.01* Phili 3, and Barna
;lessons, Stephen, P
C. 9 JUNE 1925 i bas in other 1e sons. - Assign these
_ titre characters to the different isaestt-
-- --- Fb - 'the class (one character to
*�• . era or
op rll g Y r i a ';more than one member, if your class
- des-Iarger than five). Each is to
— -:-- + = ;write a biography of his character
so far as the lessons of the quarter
go, and is to read it to the class.
s j'T hus you will have , a review p£ all
the lessons, and most of them will -be
J te : re sewed at least twice.
l�:.� t
al with converts.
on S,—Problems
:sson o.—Shall th modern c..1
h expect miracles?
Lesson to. --);That should be the
tests for church rneribersh:p
Lesson to—Who is a Christian?
Lesson 12, ---Prayer and modern
VL ACondensation Review
Assign names to the twelve chap
hers of the, Acts that we have studied,
and give each pupil .a list of these
names a week in advance, for hint to
commit to memory during the week.
The following list may be used:
Chapter I, -The Ascension , Chap-
rood -
l; III. A Question -MAI w
The teacher will prepare many
u,n„u.uuu,m,u,r,,,,”u,„"u,,,u,,,,,,,,,”„",,,,,,,,,A questions on the quarter's lessons,
least six to a Lesson. Be sure
fiat is so rare as a day in June? that each question is entirely clear by.
Where the poet Lovell asked this itself, independent of any other ques-
ouestion he must have experienced a ;'rWrite
these ghaphazardons n along orde
day about as perfect as last Sunday `striti of paper,
There was a gentle south west wind mixing up the questions on all the
lessons. Give about two inches o
IL—The Pentecost Chap-.
I1.—The Cripple Chapter.
W.—The Sanhedrin Chap-
V.—The Ananias Chapter.
VI.: The Deacons Chap -
Chapter VII.—The Stephen Chap-
Chanter VIII.—The Philip Chapter.
Chapter IX The Damascus and
joppa Chapter.
Chapter X.—The Co
telius Chap-
XLThe Antioch.
Chapter X.IL—The Angel Chapter.
Part of the review will be a test
and the day was neither too hot nor erforate on this list, the teacher first calling
too cool. Mother earth is nowat .the strip to a question, ouestiv � Fasten the numbers of the chapters and
Chap -
her best when nature is garbed in a the step anter each
robe of .green. The fras =de shotheers a round ear -outside to� turn it, and wind the ques-lad then atick in a box, with a handle asking for thaphazard, and then call
and warm June 19 has madeg the navies at haphazard and ask-
Iy part of June T92y one to go down tion -slip on the stick, letting one end yzua
in, areterological records for being as protrude through a turns in th ez�o ., ing for
the reviewnumbers.
ub rs consist of second
nearly perfect as could be wished The pupils will
Smelt/ our n has been sacapleas
heri- tearing landle, pulling it off, readingitaloud, to d satious of the twelvveone-hundred-word
ed haP chapters, each
ant places..and ours is goodly
tags% answering it of they can. If one fails, Puoil to be assigned to one or two
June, the pupil next to him has a chance to
It .s the month
of Janswer, and so on. Whoever answers-
The month of i leaves and rases, a question correctly keeps it, and the
When .pleasant sights salute the eye
its the nose:: victor in the test , is the one with thea
And pleasant see largest number of question slips
'the end
LESSON XIII—June 28 ; For this review, which is adapted `.
the young classes, use a paste -
GOLDEN TEXT—Ye shall be my board box a little larger than the
witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in beautiful lesson . piof ti'resbook published
all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the by the.publishers
uttermost part of the erth,—Acts 1:8. the box on its putting iside
etands remove
litt e
Devotional Reading:—Ps. 98• cover, p
Primary Topic:—Some people who curtain which can be raised and low
worked for Jesus. ered by turning a handle which re-
e . o Verse:—By love serve one wolves a roller at the top. Pleace the
14t lesson Pictures at the back
Review to
chanter (according to the size of the
class), and to read in the rhes :his
own condensations. Encourage the
pupils to : write one -hundred -word
condensations of more chapters than
those assigned them.
1,, G ghe Road o
/Cllr _..
By Dr, W. J. Scholes
The changes that occur in the skin
of the as a result of sunburn are the same
another. Gal. 5:13.
Junior Topic:—Spreading the news hof, and cut a slit above t through ' as those prrsduced by any other agen-
J that they can be evithdra�vn g cv capable of causing buries. In the
about Jesus.
Memory Verses: -Matt, 28:19,20. the top by means of strings fastened milder forms the skin becomes Tedd
Intermediate and Senior Topic — to each and hanging outside ,the box.a °1 ened, tender and. swollen.Later on,
The Growth of the early church" Raise the curtain thus sbo ng les -
usually surface layer of the skin (spider
n s and skis) usually peels of�. 'skinetimes, if
Topic for Young People and Adults: picture: Ask questions on thethe burning has been more severe;
mow the Gospel spread. 'son to which the picture belo g ,
} h is own review then lower the curtain, remove the blisters will form. These may break,
face. Anyone who
1, Juno
25th„ 4925
Save Every Week of the Year
lees for stale
Going _aw .y for theme summer doesn't mean that it necessary
groceries ai. your'summer place. Arrange with your
supplied with freslx groceries at the regular low prices,
1I m c
3 l TIN c
�'1CbR8-11 713RERYRY JAM25c
�-�- �'�°� TINS ER:
P��H:�b 225c
FOR YOUR. 3006
is a neuralgia, lumba- I tink it wud be a worse idea fer ye "'Tis a foolish q Zi Iioner fer du er-
may be a neuritgi , reed man to ask"se ,
go or a wry -neck. Someone has ad- to make yer will," sez I.
ed the theorythat by causing re- Av coorse I .don't: ~remember me matther who has the power arr au-
pid evaporation. of. moisture from.the fuzsht birthday, an• nobody tought me thorny undher the will, tis the. miss-
Skin—chilling, with resultant bronchi- coni ri into the an evint av us who wud boss the jawb in the ind,
tis or pneumonia, is liable to occur. importance, so it wussen't marruked` so ye moight as -well put her ; name
It would seem best to place the fan down at the £time, an thin ivirybody down as the head push an save thrub
so that the current' of air does not forgot about it, but the missus sez I ble," sez I.
too directlyonto ` the body, or:am tin years oulder than she is, an - Av coorse I don't .i t ind p operty,
blow into
suppose I shud hev at details as to• how
any one part of it. Many people•luk twenty. I
sleep in rooms where an electric fan tinded- to this will business long ago, barrin that $too is to go to the cam -
is running and do not seem to suffer but I cud harrudly belave I wus grow- paign fund av the Tory parthy av
any ill effects: . lin ould, far, barrin a touch av luinba- North Huron.
_� ' ; go whin 1 lave aff me skunk skin The lawyer hilped me out a lot in
;belt, I fate as young as I did twinty7makin suggistions, an the., tought
R 1 asks of Superfluous Hair `arr tirty, years ago. 1 don't belave'shtruck me that them lawyers musht
H. asks: "Y. Can you tell me 11 that a fellah makin his will shortens ;know a lot av tings about ivirybody's
the depilatories on:the . nTarket will
his loife anny; if ,,I did I wudden't hev business that they nivir tell. If the
permanently remove hair front the done it till afther the next elickshun, lawyers an doctors an praichers wud
2. Is electrolysis the only
that will 'the counthry safe fer a few years union, so it wud. '
3 Is there anything 1
Each c ass as s the picture just
needs, so that a variety ofcurtain and ask ; sunburnt knows that it
sure I want to live long enough to see tell all they know it wud make more
the -Tories back in power again, an shtir in town than an Could Byes Re -
•onger. - Whin it cane to the place -n beer I
make the eyebrows and eyelashes Whin I made up me noind anny- had to say how much I wud lave to
come in darker"' Iting1 d be done I' get busy an do the missus, I asked the lawyer if it
Reply it
' .. � s., su ,
his exposing a raw sur , so that very afthernoon I went wussen't cushtomary to.putt in the
t review picture t
leaving raw,
i. None pi _the chemical tlepilato down; to's awfice an as Wiirruds "as long as eke remains ?n9,
to The tea behind it rase the
;has ever been ._ �„
plans will11 h found be w
fitted questions on the new Picture, .pro, is very'uncomfortabie, and sometimes les seem to be very successful in per- soon. as he got troo wed his other wieldy. �%e said it vvus, but he didn't
cher choose the pian best zi n q thus until all the pictures
combine features seeding even ,painful;manently removing hair. •
cushtomers I tould him I had decoid- tink it wud be nicissary in this case
of his class, or may y 2 Vlietrolysis is about the surest
dans. •have been shown.I I`t is true that sunlight is extremely ed to "make me will, as a fellah cud- I `tould him I wanted the wurruds
of :different p
z: = A Church Review V AChurch-Problems Review valuable in promoting and maintain=
inn i As our quarter's lesson 1II ea
derable skill th wurruld an if he trord to tought h wud marry igen if
As this quarter th beg of the early church, g
Ings of the church, the younger class- died the history to be any particular advantage in be -
use the following pictorial the adult classes will like to discuss coming sunb
bband safest way: This requires consi- don't take annything wid him out av putt in jest the same, not t a
.era is r do it tou t the missus t
3. There is nothing that will make mebby . hundreds arr tousands av I wus gone, because she wud be har-
the eyebrows and lashes come in years afther he wus buried a lot av rud to plaze afther haven the pleasure
darker: - fellahs wud come an rob his grave, av livin wid a man av the shtamp av
loike they are doin wid that ould rnesilf fer fifty years arr noore, but
king's wid the quare name, who doied as a koind .air a lift handed compli
in Aygipt long ago. mint, maynin that 1 tought she cud.
"'Tistingto do ” sez the tis pick up another man if she' want -
the roight y
ed wan.
We got •the -will all completed in.
less than an hour,,an I wint home wid
the sinse av a dooty well done, as the
sayin -is, an had toime . to put Paris
grane on me petaties befoor supper.
Befoor this is printed the Tory Con
vinshun .will be over; an the candy
date . selickted. Av coorse I know
e shave stu- . health. But there does not seem
es n y
form of review. Draw a large out- in the review the various church pro
line picture of a church, mount it on biems suggested by the different les-
db d then cut it apart as indi- sons: A different member may be as -
coming ' urnt:
• Prevention is often possible. Rubb-
ing some mild ointment into the skin
before exposure to the sun will afford
car oar ,
sated below. Build up the church by signed to each problem, ti some degree'. of protection. Either
:adding the various parts, pinning treat it in any way he pleases, being rose water ointment or boric acid
-them to a blackboard or a large strictly limited to his share of the oilitrnent may be used.But they wall
sheet of heavy pasteboard. Lesson time. The following list of topics
-wilt be the church bell will be useful:
who is to
and belfry, calling the church mem-?'Lesson z,—How to start a church
Ibers, Lesson 2, (at the Beautiful'reeivah
Gate) will ll be the church entrance_; Lesson 2: What a church can do
probably not protect the skin against
prolonged exposure.
If the skin begins to be reddened,
it is an indication that it is becoming
burnt. If one waits until the skin be -
Lesson 3 is the contribution -box, for its sick. gins to burn, he will have waited too
slipped ed in back of the picture. Lesson l Lesson 3.:The problem of .church
long The sensation of burning
4, the furnace fire of persecution. ' charities, means that the damage has . already
Lesson 5, omitted from the scheme. • Lesson 4.—How the church may been done.
Lesson 6the pulpit and. the Bible meet a hostile world. After sunburn has occurred, seotl -
, Lesson 5.—How' the church may ing lotions and •ointments will do
h' h the treasurer was studying.
Lesson 7, the great front window, in `ai prohibition -enforcement,
w is
' d d � much to relieve the discomfort
thought of th.e great light on the Da -1 Lesson 6, -How the church should''
hasten a cure. Further ;irritation of
mucus road• Lesson 8, the , pulpit teach the Bible,
platform, with thought of Saul's bold Lesson 7—How the church should
▪ Cr lilord Brock.
111in PP
See Our New McClary Electric
----- Ranges ---
Watch for Announcement - of Our
Electric Cooking Demonstration
Phone Go
the skin by exposure to the sun
should, of,course, be avoided. The
application to the shin . of soap, or
anything else that may irritate, should
be avoided.
Solutions of either .boric acid or
baking soda make suitable soothing
lotions.: Or boric acid or rose water
ointment may be used. A good home
remedy, and one that is usually ~ handy
is plain cow's cream.
Has Difficulty in Breathing
J. O. writes: "I am troubled with.
shortness of breath, •also a distressing lawyer, "an someting }wiry man shud
feeling of wanting to take a long brei attend to whin he is well an shtrong
th but cannot do so until I have made an in his roight rinses" sez he.
several attempts. And then when I Fursht he wrote down that "1
am able to do so, it gives me such a Timothy Hay, av the town av Wing -
relieved feeling. I am like that for ham,in the°County av Gilitle
two or three days, and then will feel man, been av sound av Huron an winkle
all right for three or four days. or fore s ht" moind t ye idol"
maybe only for a day or so. It does .malice a g g
• sez I "on wiry count" "What nixt?"
Questions arid Answers
Depends Upon How It Is Used
J. M. S. asks: "Is there any harm
in having an electric fate running in
the bed room on hot or warm nights?
I have read somewhere that it is bad
eitd is liable to chill the body and
A, cause you to catch cold."
Anything that improves the circula-
tion of air in the sleeping room, as
long as it does not produce a direct
current of air on.some part of the
not seen. to bother me while sleeping. I sez "Who will ye appoint as yer who shud be the pian, but kin wurruk
"I am in good health inevery sleepotexecutor? sez he. "What's that?" fer the other fellah, though mebby not
er way. My appetite is good, 'I ,; i quoits so harrud.
good, and my bowels are regular and sez, I• I vane who will hev the
: had chest mina power undher the will to transact Yours till nixt wake,
norma:. - Have .
tion and was told
a c les examine- Timothy Hay.
that my lungs are business whin ye are
gone• sez he.
in perfect condition. What could be -
causing this - distressing .feeling?" .
Reply -
The mast •frequent causes of this
symptom are heart disease, anemia, -.
disease of - the' kidneys, some disease
of the lungs. Sometimes it appears to
be a purely nervous or hysterical con-•
dition. Before you decide that it is a
nervous disturbance, have a thorough;
examination, ineleding examination of
the . urine and blood. Treatment'
should: aim to remove the cause,
Copyright, T92,, by The, Bonnet -
Brown Corporation, Chicago,
To the Editor av the Advance-Toimes
Sez I to rnesilf wan marniu lasht
wake, as I wus sittin on the back ditto
sbtc an watchin the robins puffin
! body, should be beneficial, The elec- wurrums out av tris fan should ' a s. the grass,ian , ttnkL
} ld h ste i the •remy,oval of how iviry man, ,
fentrance of air into that has been breathed and favor kin. do sainet}ng betilzei° than anny
f fresh t the wan Ilse loin 'do it. `{Tint sez I, ye
g room. •
, arc.gittin to be an ould than, an can't
If the titin is allowed to blow al exp}ckt to live mainly years longer;.
Nstrong current of air directly onto Ian mebby it.wuddcn't be much biaifit
�, sortie
one part of the body, the result to the wurruid in gineral if ye cud, so