The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-06-04, Page 12a
•• •
i• Mr Win Id wthnrne and Mr and.
Cent. Discount .
si i dsited last week, with the former's
til sisters, Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Holmes.
a Rev. and Mrs. Conan of Lucknow,
all .. . ,,-.„- visaed one day last week with Mr.
= and Mrs, Frank Henry,
II . _
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Mackay of Tor -
4 . 0 1 "41 •
— onto visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Mac
Ladies Spring ii, Gregor. on Saturday last. ,
' ii Mr, and Mrs David Scohie and
—,.........—..............--.„,—„,......—.........,—,.....,—.., • son of Lucknow, spent Sunday atVhe
il - manse
end w, th friends, 111
Coats .
= in Lucknow.
• i Miss Ida McQuoid, spent the week-
- Mr, Chas. Gillespie, has purchased a
new Ford Coupe,
I Miss Eva 1Vlorrison of Detroit, is
Fur trimmed S p r 1 n g Coats 1 n Blacks, 1 visiting aeher home here.
Greens, Navys, Fawns to clear at from j Misses Annie Armstrong and Alba
if Fox, visited in Galt, a couple of, days
i -ii last week
$10e 0 to $2750 , Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt, visited
=,......_ with Mr. and Mrs, Miller of $t. Hei-
n ens, one day last week,
N Mrs. Win. Martin of Lucknow, Vis -
ill ited one day last week with Mrs, Eli
FR Jacques,
11 Mrs. 1V1cBrien left .on Saturday to
fri visit with her daughter, Mrs. Albert
25‘ Per Cent. Discount _ Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stoltz and Edith
— Lovatt of Clinton,
1 of Auburn, visited with Miss Tena
N Laidlaw on Sunday. ,
• ti Ladies' Suits and Children's Coats
ThursdaY', $4110,, 4t1 X925,
Good range of sizes.
New Spring Dresses in Silk Broadcloths,
Voiles, Cantons, Floral Crepes and
House Dresses $1.95 to 15.00
11 Special -- Men's Straw
Sailor Hats
100 Hats at $1.95
Hot Weather Apparel
Men's New Straw Hats, Flannel Trousers,
xi= Silk Hose, Sport Shirts, Suspenders,
New Mil. nette Silk Neckwear
,v, LTD.
iiiii 111111P111E11111111611111111,1E11111111111111111111
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls of Bluevale,
spent the week -end at the• home of
Wm. Robinson.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Rintoul and chil-
dren of Belgrave, spent Sunday with
= Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon,
Mr, Dan. Martin returned home
r-▪ Ifrom London Hospital on Saturday
IV last.
• Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Wingham,
• spent Sunday witn her sister, Mrs.
11 John Purdon.
• Many were pleased to have Rev.
'Mr. Robarts of Mitchell, in the old
'pulpit on Sunday.
=.-.1 Mrs. J. Querrin, of Brussels, and'
—!" Mr. H. Querrin, of 'Toronto, were
▪ guests at the home of Mrs. M. Querr-
IN in last week. Master Joe Querrin re-
I turned to Brussels with them.
j Miss Margaret Harding has re -
,turned to her home here after spend-
' ing some weeks in. Toronto General
Hospital. Miss Harding's many
g friends are pleased to see her looking
•N fairly well.
II Miss Alma Hastie and Miss Emily
m ,Potter motored to Chatsworth on
Saturday last returning Monday ev-
ening. While there they were the
▪ !guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. I-1arvey;
1• Miss ]3, M. Potter, spent the week
- 'end visiting her sister at Paisley mo-
il ioring home on Monday evening.
▪ She was accompanied by her sister,
„ft Mrs. Metcalf, who will rethain for a
short visit.
=fil! Mr. and Mrs: H. V. Hohnes, ac-
compapied by Miss E. Perkins, MrS.
M. Qnerrin and Mr. R. 'Walters were
•!guests •of friends at Barrie- over the
During the • severe electrical- storm holiday. They Made the trip by
motor and report an enjoyable time.
on Monday the barn of Mr. Patrick •
We notice in the results 6± the an -
Welsh of St. Helens, was struck by • -
nual examinations in Dentistry of the
lightning and comPletely destroyed.
University of Toronto and the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontar-
io that Mr. W. J. Ross, formerly of
r0-0116•061, 4116.1...011.4”04awaso.parrommsovalwmonao.ftelmoansw.mmoes.o.emeOgnia.....a.74msammOilm0.1
t Use Lowe Bros. COOK WITH A
• High Standard
Cook Stoves and OvNijse
— For -- ApiriN
Paints and Varnishes
Service and Durability
The most nearly perfect
Varnishes made. They will
not crack or
turn white
under hot or
cold water.
Will with..
heat of hot
dishes, etc.
Make scarred
or scratched
new bydoing
it over 'with
Lowe Bros.
Excellent for
jiloors etc.
We want you to know the
beautiful glossy finish "Neptu-
nite Varnish" gives, bring in
Coupon below and receive 3oc
can, Light or Dark Oak for xs
This Coupon and is cents
entities bearer to 30c can
Light Oak or Dark Neptun-
ite VarniSh Stain.
Name ----....----------
Ifti See the New Perfection Stoves
working on our floor for durability
and general satisfaction. They
have no equal
Perfection Ovens, Wick Clean-
ers, Oven Thermometers, Glass
Slides, Wicks and Repair Parts
British American Coal Oil
Bonny ue
de Our 6toek of Lawn Mowers,
• Screen Doors and :Windows
-- Phone 30 —
Thonipson & fluchatia.n
ROofirigs, Gyproc Wa,H Aoard, Prepared. Plaster§ Lime
•I.. 4
. '
Gorrie,- has been successful in passing
his third year. We extend congratu-
Mrs. A. M. Hamilton: and little
• Alexandra left for Sarnia on Tuesday
morning. Mrs, Hamiltori has been
appointed delegate to the W. M. S.
Convention to be held in Sarnia this
week. Before returning, they will
visit 'at W.;,,yOming arid other places.
We wish them an enjoyable as well
as a profitable time.
Mr. John Bowyer, accompanied by
his son Harry and his daughter and
her husband, Mr. anp Mrs. Davidson,
9f Guelph motored up and spent the•
week-encj with friends in and around
Gorrie. Mr. Richard .Earngey ac-
Eompanied them back and' will spend
a couple of weeks visiting in that city.
Mr. John T. Short, a highly re-
spected resident of Gorrie passed
away on Wednesday of last week in
his 82nd year, While Mr. Short had
been_ill for nearly a year death pante
rather suddenly • at 'the last. Two
daughters and three sons survive:
Mrs. Sharpin, with whom he resided;
Mrs, James King, of town; William,
of • Bowrnanville; John, of Toronto
and Thomas, of Gorrie, all or whom
were present at the funeral. The_fut-
eral service was held on Friday after-
noon and was conducted. by Rev. R.
S. Jones, Interment was made in
Wroxeter ceinetery,
• 4,1 .. ,
• S. S. No. 7, East Wawanosh. Mon-
th of May. •
• Sr. IV—Beatrice Ifeecroft, Gordon
Naylor. •
Jr. IV--Villetta Chatriney, Vernon
Sr. III—Calvin Robinson, Margar.
et Ctumington, Ross Robinson, -
Jr, III—Marjorie Jamieson,
Jr, II—Mildred Mason, Mason Ro-
binson. -
Primer—lqargaret Robinson, ICen-
nett% Mason.
•C. •Robertson, teacher, •
1.-101,4YROOD 111101111111111l1111101110111IIIIII111•111111111•11113111•11111011P111$11111111111111•11101111120111111114111101111.1!
connection with Anglican Church at
The daPee on Friy evening was ._
i Barefoot. Sandals) ' t
, .
Bervie on, Thursday. da . •,=.•
a • great soccess, a good 'cr‘owdwas ,in ,
attendance, The addition of a sax.a.-4- :..--.
phoneto the Orchestra was a very Iii Will be much worn this Season
noteworthy improvement.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Eadie visited the
former's home on Sunday. -2
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jackson and Syl-
via, spent Sundayevening with Mr. Our stock these Is large and conwrehen,
' _
and Mrs. Jim Baker. ' sive and prices are ver reasonable. g
Miss Vera Humphry is spending a
few days with Miss Pearl BOYI•e•
Mr, Ross McKenzie and. Miss May Z.
Thompson, spent Sunday at the for- M
mer's home. The new buggy made I
'the trip.
Mr, and Mrs. John Carruthers and Ili =.
Dave, spent Sunday with Mr. Fred M
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ackert, spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs.
Richard 'Elliott.
A most enthusiastic meeting of
Christian Endeavor was held at Mc-
Intosh Church Sunday evening. Mrs.
Doig, Carrick, acting as President,
Topic, "The Unfinished Task," was
taken by Mrs, Rev. McKenzie and
Mrs. John Harper, Scripture Reading
by Mrs. George Inglis, while the little
Miss lyrights, Lakelet, sang very
Old and, young enjoyed themselves,
Saturday afternoon at •the Mission
Band picnic held at Mr. R. Metcalfe's.
Outside Sports of every discription
1 -Our Sandals are good, and we sew
Just Note These Prices
Small sizes for little Girls and 13,,,ys who wear
sizes 5, 6, 7 and 7i, $15.
Sizes 8, 9, 10. and 101 $1.65.
Sizes 11,-12, 13,.1 and 2, $1,75, 1.95, 2.15
Women's sizes 21:, 3 up to 7, for $2.00, 2.65, 2.95
All the above are made of Patent Leathers
• —
were indulged in racing, swinging, :P.
ball playing in which all took part, ;• all rips free of charge
Alrnost $6.00 was raised, each little
tot paying according to age. Lunch i - _
was served on the spacious lawn; ' iii .
which .was much enjoyed. After .
thanking Mr. and,Mrs. Metcalfe for P --..W WI L L I S 1 •' .
their kind 'hospitality,••'all went homIrl e •.
_ 0. , _
tired but happy. li —
— THE SHOE STORE — • -ff
Phone 129. . ' Winghant, Ont,
Mrs. Robb and Mrs. McLean mot- fp
ored from Lucan Thursday to spend
a few days with their sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Mundell and Miss
Irene, entertained a ntunber of friends
Friday evening.
Miss Amy Newans left Wednesday
of last week to train for a nurse at
Cottage Hospital, Toronto. Amy is
a' friend of old and young and will be
missed in the village.
MrRichard JeffraY who has been
tonfined to the' house all winter from
the effects of Flu "is now gaining
Mr. and Mrs. John Darling called
on T. B. Aitken, Teeswater, one day
last week, he still continues quite
poorly. •
There will Fe some changes in the
village this summer, Mr.• Greenly of
Harriston, will start a garage, and
Mr. Sterling Hastings a chopper.
What we then _need is a home for
dumb animals, the villagers being an-
M W6001
noyed with horses and cattle running
at -large.
Mrs. John Abram, will make her
home with her daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Edwards. •
Mr. and Mrs. James Merkiey of
Waterloo called on friends, recently.
Our ball team played Jamestown
one night last week, score 3. to 1 in
favor of B.elmore.
ress dra• pies
Printed Crepes from. France
Chic patterns of beautiful weight French Crepes with just enough material for one
• Exclusive Dress. Per length:, $14.0. " '
• Crepe de. Cheney .
Unusually pretty. designs of exceptional color combinations
are to be had for your Tunic, Dress or Blouse, 38 in.
wide at 3.75 and 3.50, per yard.
• Voiles, Printed or Fmbrosidered
And plain in a large rang of colors, that make such char-
ming summer dresses. Priced 50c, 7c, 1.00, 1.50 yd,-
Windsor Ties of Plain, Printed
And combination silks, are wonderfully mart 75c, 1.00, L50
Priced $1.75, and $5.00
Every costume dernandi a pre-
tty scarf, and we have just re-
ceived fresh shipments that re-
present Fashions last word.
Swiss Laces
Beige', Ivory and Ec-
ru shades of laces or in-
sertions. and bindings
to meet the demand for
Summer Dresses.
Sugar Lower
100 Bags- redpath
Granulated and while it
lasts $7.00 a cwt. One
bag to a customer,
For motoring and all outdoor
wear are essential for comfort.
Tuxedo and Pullover styles 3.0,
4.75, 5.50.
• Niagara Maid Silk
Ho$e $1.19
• Gossard Corsets $2.25
• Kayser Silk Gldves
$1.00 up
King Bros.
Phone 71
Knitted Silk Undergarments, Ns
Chemik, Bloomers and Slips of mi
closely knitted texture in all la
• wanted colons $x.50 to es.00.
Silk Special •m
Swiss quality in all- m
over or check and stripe NI
d e s i g n 8, principally m
blue grounds with con- N
trasting colors, heavy no
lustrous quality that is N
regularly sold at 4.50 ro
'per yard.
Specially priced -
lommiummammommoimumm smommoussummmumemmannummlemsmommunommionum
"" '