The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-21, Page 611110111111111$11811011411181111K1811111111111118111111111S1111111
Chance of Lifetime
e Farris for Sale at a reas-
ble price with leading roads
on two shies of it. Good Build-
hats, Rural Mail and Telephone
elutes, Market, School and
hunches convenient. If you
wAnt a farm it will pay you to
enquire into this.
-•r. — +-4
Abner Cosens
Insurance & Real Estate
1101N1619881il11/fllalltecltieleitelltliellelei gelNiall
Established 1840.
Head Office, Guelph, Ont.
Risks taken on all classes of insur-
ance at reasonable rates.
MINER COSENS, Agent, Wingharn
' Office in Chisholm Block
P. O. Box 366. Phone 198.
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and
Office --Meyer Block, Wingham
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
Wingham, - Ontario
Wingliam, - Ontario
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Office Over Hl E. Isard's Store.
B.Sc., M.D., C .
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact-
eriology and Scientific Medicine.
Office in the. Kerr Residence, bet-
ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap-
, tist.Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone. 54. P. O. Box 113.
Dr. Robt. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Load.)
Dr, Chisholm's old stand.
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office in Chisholm Block
Josephine Street. Phone 29.
Dr. -Margaret C. Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine
Office -Josephine St., two doors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
1 Telephones: Office 281, Residence 151:
Dli. FT. A Pt'7.1` Eft
All Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
;Anglican Church on Centre Street,
' Open every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons,
Osteopathy Electricity
Telephone 274
Hours 10-12. 2-5. 7-8.
Telephone 191
• Adjustments given for diseases of
ill kinds, specialize in dealing with
thildren. Lady attendant. Night Calls
csponded to.
Office do Scott St., Wingham, Ont.,
the house of the late Jas, Walker.
Telephone 15o.
baneii: Whet zo6, Resid. 24.
pyy'y L J •, WyA,L,y p y R
and -ss
UyI) ' LI�AI, IRIa
Motor Rquipnlettt
'•IWmIawWWtOtlY,Dqy,p941WR�Q�M➢4VAiOWplopylWµgWpM,MI.A01YWlWYIYAtKlYy9VyggM,pbppy, .':'.
�""" °"� about the morality of Skimming milk
-w1 Y by such a method, But her husband
7' 9 was openly enthusiastic. His big red
"mo ing face was contorted with approval.
"That was a hum-dingin' good idee
of ours, Cal," he said, "No use Urea -
By. Robert * Stead kin' your 'back if Henry'!l do it for
41411.041t g.21.4.100A0Agig.l.i.04.0..ALPH.gteo.rpovano.
Via ..., J "Ain't the first back he's broke,"
Gander put in irrelevantly, but the
rand farmer ignored the • interruption,
um- Plainly this was the moment to pro -
The pose further innovations, and Cal
an struck at once. "Of course," he sag -
the gested, aligiiag himself with Jackson
ent Stake's intimation of partnership in
ran the good work, "what we really need
i'tied is a small gasoline engine. It would
ing run the washing machine, too—"
the l "What did I tell you?" said Grit.
stn- "And feed the canary—"
But the old farmer's imagination
om had been ignited. For the moment
tic he glimpsed a world beyond the bear -
tracks and the family post.
Grit had said something about rural- j started the engine, and, watch in 1
ing the cream separator with the old ,set the throttle for the 'correct n
Ford. It had been said in jest, but her of revolutions per minute.
he would turn it to account. Among `separator set up its shrill whine as
all this mechanical flotsam he surely i accompaniment to the rattle of
would find the means to carry out the old motor, and there was a mom
t t
idea. He weno Jackson Stake, ,old
tense excitement, but the belt
"If I can rig up a machine to run ,true on the pulleys, the ,skim
the separator by using some of thatlmilk and the cream began trick]
old machinery -and the Ford, will it lout of their respective tubes, and
success of his machine was establl
ed. It was great business.
Gander and Grit, strolling up fr
the horse stable, tooE in the situat
with 'amused interest, The ellip
wrinkles in Grit's face lengthened r
til they effected almost a compl
circle, save for the interruption of h
hat Jackson Stake mistook for de- ed.
ermination in his own character was ""Or feedin' the canary," Grit •a.dded
ally stubbornness; the stubbornness disregarding the siiglit objectioa that
be all right?" he asked.
The farmer regarded him with some
curiosity, dropping his lower jaw the
better to promote contemplation,
"Now what in hay -time put that in
to your head?" he finally inquired,
"Well, -you see, I found last Sunday
that it takes a good bit of muscle to
run that machine, and the old Ford 1 and Gander's Adam's apple w
might as well be earning its keep. If nodically gulping hisnioiion.
you'll let me have the use "of the black often -Beard it said that some d
smith shop and the run of the bone- d breed a Ford that 'ud gi
yard—" ' " said Grit, "but I never reek-
"I think the wife's been talkin'. Dd I'd live to see it."
she put you up to this?" .1 nder weighed his respons
"Not a word. But I'd like to try." f" derful what you can do, with
"Not enough to do in the fields? an', an eddication. If I was
They'll' be ready for barley seedin' in • I bet I could make the Dodg
a day or two," cream cheese."
"Yes. But I could do this odd lay an egg," Grit suggested.
"1 must watch out for one at an
auction sale," he said, now bulging
with constructive generosity. "Wish
as I'd bought an engine instead o' that
ay manure spreader—"
Ve "You hada good manure spreader
already," Mrs..itake reminded hint,
"but, of course, if it was soniethin' o'
use you wouldn ` buy it, not for the
a soul or sake o' you. You'd trek home
that of manure spreader, an' you
with more lien notes than'll be paid
this fall or next, but if it was Borne -
thin' useful---"
Her voice trailed off plaintively,
times; noon hours, and the like." fried egg!" Gander exclaimed
The farmer scuffled his thin hair. butthis flight of imagination prove
"Y.ou beat me," he admitted at length. toomuch. for the two cronies. They
"Suppose you tell me jus' what your
caught arms, clinched, and in a mo
game is?"" were swaying and straining in
"There's no game Stake." He saw' a catch -as -catch -can wrestling bout
that he had to go carefully. Jackson Aftera minute or two of Herculean
Stake, for all his amiability; would be
combat their emotion had found re -
a hard pian to move if he set himself . lief,and, panting and grunting, they
in the way. He had little initiative resumed consideration •of the possi-
bilitiesand no aggressiveness, but, if provok-
arising out of a Ford and an
ed, he could develop an enormous in-' education.
ertia. He was one of those men whose I "He'll be hernstitchin' the hangker-
will power is mostly won't power. a chiefswith it next," Gander predict -
which had grappled with this scrub -"there was no canary.
land farm and converted it, little by Having so spoken, the two worth=
little and year by year, into a valuable ies, their bodies judiciously poised on
possession and a place of plenty; the well -spread legs and their thumbs
stubbornness which had dared a,tucked in their trouser bands, observ-
pioneering life, and bent environment ed the processes with an exaggerated
to its will—that was the great stren-
gth of purpose, more negative perhaps hope that the pulley would drop off,
than positive, which under a hearty or the belt break, or disaster in •some
exterior d'onlinated Jackson Stake, He ; form overtake the .contrivance. 'But
appeared genial and pliable, but when, Cal had made sure of his job, and the
crossed he was hard as rock. He was separator ran on smoothly and raga-
' bat it occurred to Cal that the mo-
d 1 -tient was a' singularly 'nopportune
one for nagging. Now was the tiine
- to get Jackson Stake committed to a
,program of local uplift. He wheedled
• the farmer to one side, and before the
bowl of the separator stopped growl-
ing he had been constituted a com-
mittee of one with carte blanche to
carry- out in1provernents—provided
they didn't Bost anything.
I He began with an effort to revise
the farmyard on some sort of geome-
trical basis. With the help of Big
Jim and his associates he straighten-
" ed the granaries about and then:
up, and hauled the frame blacksmith
shop, which had been occupying a po
sition twenty-seven point five degrees
a man to be handed with care. larly--more smoothly and regularly.
ceiCal was now quick enough to per- thanhif it had been turned by hand.
Ave in his employer these qualities— a motor warmed up it increased
qualities which until this moment had .its speed and he had to readjust the
not come home to him. He mentally throttle, but aside from that the op -
revised his line of attack. 1erations were quite automatic. Mrs. I
"You've a great farm here Mr, Stake Iooked on incredulously, as
Stake," he began. "You've made the though unable to accept the testimony
prairie blossom as the rose, as the if her eyes, and a Iittle doubtful
poet says. Suppose you had had to
cultivate all these fields with a
"It couldn't be done."
"Of course not. You do your
arm !
rk with power, not because it's I SEALED TENDERS dd
from 'north of the horse frame build-
ings, now in a 3traight row with the
house, presented quite ,n avenue
""Beach Boulevard," Gander. christen-
ed it, and "reckoned" there should
be a policeman 'on traffic duty at the
corner, as he had seen upon his only
visit to Winnipeg, But Cal smiled
and went on. Wait until Minnie
came out from town Saturday night!
See what Minnie would have to say
about his—his social experiments.
She was a bright girl, Minnie, and she
would understand.
Cal blocked up the sagging corner
of the water trough, so that it would
not run over.there before the other.
end was half full, and assuaged the
mud hole around the well with sever-
al wagon loads of gravel. He dis-
mantled the wooden pig pen in the
centre of the grounds and hauled it
og by Jog beyond the boneyard,
v�*here' he reassembled it, to the emin-
easier, but because it's cheaper, and the Purchasing Agent, Department o£ len sat s action of the occupants, who
c showed their approval of green grass
wicker, and it pays better. Now niy, , Public Works, Ottawa, will be receiv- and fresh earth to root in with bass
idea is to carry that same principle . ed `by him until 12 o'clock noon (day- , oonic grunts of happiness, I -Id ,load
into housework. I want to see this light saving), Tuesday, May 26, X926, "basket"
o bo Buildings throughout the Pro- moved them out beyond the stables,
for the supply ed the great racks discarded
the most modern farm in Plainville i of coal for the Domin until haying
time, on to wagons and
district I want the women t ton
talking after church `Y hould ivinBN of Ontario incI di
see, n
Thursday,.. May zxsk., 1gz5
Laottdvy labor
loses its drudgery—,
the weekly
H •
Nothing like it for Hardwood Floors
It wears like Iron
write ito Head Office, Montreal For Free Booklet
Wingham -
ank. Money
tr HE most convenient way to send money
through the mails is by Bank Money:
Order. •
They may be purchased at any Branch of this
Bank in amounts up to fifty dollars.. Bank
Money Orders ensure you against loss and
the cost is very small.
they say it?"And you were cruel as well as cow
"Well; he's got no father, and that's ardly."
why, although I don't just see—At "But, Daddy. X"—the boy's lip was
any rate, it's very bad, and to -day we trembling—"it was true; they all said
'chased him nearly air the way home, it was true; he's a bad boy, and his
and some of the boys called him a mother is bad, and he has no father,
bad name, at least I thought it was It is `bad to have no father, isn't it,
bad, but they say it's not bad when Daddy X?"
it's true, and he fought with one of j Cal discovered that his sympathies
them and got knocked down and it were in sharp 'collision with the moral'
made his nose bleed and served him law, but he took firm ground. "No,
right, didn't it? And then he' ran off ,Reed, it is not bad, at least so far as
homAn� you took gartg. You bet �in thatp,e was aredlt jthe
oodoasis concerned. The boy is as
g good as you are. - And per -
the sternness of Cal's voice, ra- haps his mother, too, is good --ss
ther than his words, that, brought � good as your mother was." • t
Reed up with a start. The child's (Continued next week) •
face whitened a little; -it was not of-
ten that Daddy X spoke to hint. like , Conservation makes some progress,
that: " ! but there still is danger that the sup-
"Yes—why?" he faltered. !ply of lipsticks may become ex-
Becauge in the first place, it's hausted, , " •i
cowardly. A bunch of children can ! `o_ ' • ' : , , �r
be as cruel as a pack of . wolves. j One swallow makes a funeral nowa
Young savages, every .one of them! clays,
lI181!11 N'^�Ill11Nl11111111111,; 11118(11 III VIII®IflailIlls!!1i8111®UI91I11BelrsiliNell'!!I�II!ISllllfll!NIlldlllrlll
s This is the time to buy '
� your next Winter's
to I. Fill your bins now and avoid
ou s , g the City He straightened up the to
the way Jackson Stake has fixed 'of Ottawa, 1 - g pile, and
tioty' set to work to carry the sawed
things up for his wife. Running the! Forms of tenderwith gl ifications'wood from what should. haye"beenthe
and conditions attach I ' ' - '• " ' "•' ••
ream separator with power, if 7otl
c_.. ied can be 9
• _ - awn m trout of the house around to
12..t ,•
please, and the washing machine toq,' i tll,iile� £real G IV, rialPgon, Isurchas-
nd, where it could not be
And I'd like you to let me heel !At ing Agent, Department of Public the north e
do that. That's all."Works, Ottawa; W. Corrigan and R. seen from
"Beach Boulevard"
"Sounds the least bit like Minnie," Winter General All these operations Gander and
Post Office, Toron-Grit observed with amused contempt,
said the farmer; "only you put 't bet -Ito; Power Son & Dreyer, Kingston, If Cal were fool enough to fill in his
ter. You don' threaten nothin,' an' and from the Caretakers of the vari- slack time with' unnecessary work, let
Minnie was strong on what she'd do ons Dominion Buildings in Ontario, him. He would be wiser by fall. But
an' what she wouldn't. Well, ! g- Hamilton lent a hand with the pi
outside of Ottawa; 'Toronto and! Kinling
she left the farm over it,1 stun, Tenders will not be considered
an' I ain't askin' her back. Not but unless made on these forms, of the wood, and sometimes came and
what she's welcome, air` she comes out The right to demand from theIsat on Cal's cushion in front of the
most ev'ry Sunday, an' she can have I cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed- granary after supper, and asked shy
little questions about
a home here when she wants it, but ing 1a per cent of the value of tine the outside
I ain't askin' her back. That's the contract, to secure the wdrld and what it was like to be in a
hind of a badger I The farmer proper fulfil -'university, Irk
merit of the contract, is reserved,
paused to let the weight of his pro- . By Order,
s on Friday that the happiness
the high price of Coal later
in the year.
L ~est. W. Scranton Coal -
All sizes Nut, Store and Egg
,�. At Spring Prices. -
nouncernent take effect. "Jus' the S, E. O'BRIEN, . gulf, as one walking -with his head in
same, I ain't sayin' but there's some- Secretary..{the clouds may step over a precipice.
thin' in your idea., so go to it, only Department of Public Works,
don' waste nothin', an' don' use up an Ottawa, May 6, ega3. 1Cal was working about the yard when,
my smithy coal." tReed returned from school, swinging
With this authority Cal "went 'to his lunch 'bag at the end of a strap.
rThe boy *as tanned and brown and
it." He had a mechanical turn of
:happy; as Cal looked formll,y down at
mind, .as well as a philosophic one,
11 he. seemed to have grown years
and his progress was easier than he
expected. By milking time that ev- ,since their earnp. at the head of the
ening he had the Ford backed up ilake, less than two weeks ago. ' And
to -day his face was more radiant than
against the house, a tire off and the lever, for his was the joy of the child
wheel blocked up, and a rope belt
running from it through the window Who ha,s great news to tell.
"Oh Daddy X, do know?
and on to a grooved pulley boltedto
the separator, He found he would Fab a AA "` There's a boy in school you
he', a
have to run • the car in low gearto , ! SraM `"' bad boy, and his mother's bad tool"
I "Why, Reed! That is a very serious
get the speed, slow enough, and he/�� '�'� �
had arranged a block of wood to hold !thing to say, You mustn't say such
the foot pedal in plate, He was so !about
things about boys, and especially
enthused he hardly could.wait until ,M,outj as ° � ab Buttlit's eitrtr oteheDadd
j'ackson Stake and his ' wife brought � ;1 ! y 1 All the
;boys says so, a
up the cans of frothy milk from the i)rtt¢5 arid his ,mother's bad,
,too, and worse that he is,"
cow stable. . W hen all was ready he R
" "Reed, you Iinustn'tl But why do
Beller Thanliills ,
For Liver 11k ,
Von can't
feel so good
* but what le
Will make you
feel better.
4,',',11,44,c,: "VFq•
•,�n i 11�
Dealers in Lath, Shingles, Fibre Hoard, Gy -
prole Wallboard and Hardwood Floor-
frig and Floor Finishing.
Manufacturers of Sash, Doors and
Builders Supplies.
and Planing ML'll..,, Ice.
illr 111sililIlilfl10ll!oI11N lmii1101 ltu'Im Ill!kiMf6i! oppojl (1iouh'!11Mh11ili1lB1111ij