The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-05-21, Page 4jw11111111111>a11n1I111�aN1ih1111a� The
urers. lease take advantage of them before our stack is exhausted
ym "Save With Safety et Your Rexall Drug Store"
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At the Rexall all Btu; Store
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Spew'ial 'No, z"-•agc, 'Take yo
choice of these Soc, 6oc, 65
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es, every tooth Brush is guar
auteed perfect.
Special No., 2—Free a 25c cake
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or Jonteel Combination Cream
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sified Cocoanut 011 Shampoo,
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Books, ruled 7 for 25c; roe
Scribblers or Exercise Books
4 for 25c.
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during May and purchase a soc jar of
Jonteel Cold Cream or 1
Jonteel. Combination Cream
and you will receive FREE of charge g
a 25c cake of Jonteel Toilet Soap.
'Thursday, May usst., x925
The Annual Convention of the
Women's Missionary Society of the
Wingham District was held in the
Brussels Methodist Church on Thurs-
day, Mao' 7, with Mrs. Willis, Super-
intendent, presiding, This was one
of the most successful conventions of
the District, over zoo delegates hav-
ing registered,
The opening exercises were con-
ri ducted by Mrs, T. O. Johnston of
Gorrie, while Mrs. Moores of Bel -
grave took the Scripture Lesson,
Reports received' from the different
auxiliaries, circles and bands, covering
the different departments of mission
ary activity showed the great work
being done. A report of the work
for the year showed 28 auxiliaries, 2
circles and 4 bands with a total mem-
bership, of 837, an increase of 46 ov-
er last year. The amount sent to the
Branch Treasurer Was $2978, an in-
crease of $192. One new auxiliary,
at Holyrood, was organized during
the year. A letter was read from
Mrs. Overend of. Kincardine, telling
of the forming of a new Circle in that
town from the Methodists and Union-
ists, ready for the United Church.
Mrs. Cosens of Lucknow conduct-
ed a Roundtable Conference. Several
questions of importance to missionary
work were asked and discussed by the:
meeting, bringing out an exchange of
many helpful ideas for the auxiliary
McKibbon's Drug Store
Zke Stvlve
Wr iwham, Ont. Phone 53
112Iu30ill11lu;tllnNnl0y111muIB9111®Ill11lll31nl11llul111eu10111!9u IAIll lJ 19111111e1®1u5111III 1u®ill111ui1
'A BARGAIN—Splendid red brick FOR SALE—Composite Range, wat-
block in the town of Wingham. Ai er front. Apply at the Advance.
snap to first cash buyer. Write di- LOST PAIR OF GLASSES in Bel-
rect to i Dunn Ave., Lake Shore
Blvd., Toronto, and say you saw 1 grave. Finder kindly leave at this
tli dvertisement in this paper. office.
WANTED—Girl for general house-
-AUCTION SALE — Farm, Farm I work. Apply to the Advance.
Stock and Implements, in Wing -1
ham Town Plot on Saturday, May WANTED—Will pay cash for good
23rd. Horses, Cattle, Implements I second hand iron pump. Apply at
and 5o acre grass farm and Io acres this office.
of bush on the 12th of Turnberry.1
WANTED -General for commerical
hotel. Good wages. To start by
the first of June. Apply Mrs. Elba.
Johnson, Blyth,
Chas. Potter, Prop,
John Purvis, Auct.
Genuine Dunlop Bicycle Studded WORK WANTED—Woman wishes
Covers for $r.85, Genuine Dunlop
Inner Tubes from 90 cents up;' to do washing by the day. Apply
Miss Preston, missionary. from. Ja-
pan, addressed the meetings, telling
of the work of the women of Japan,
also giving a very interesting account
of the earthquake and its devestation.
In the evening she gave aoshort talk
on the family life in Japan before and
after the entrance of Christianity.
Miss Preston has .spent 35 years in
the work in Japan and speaks with
knowledge and authority.
Mrs. Childs, of London, Branch Se-
cretary of. Circles, spoke at both sess- the interests of the young
people. In the afternoon she captiva-
ted the audience with her talk, "The
Messenger's Business," told in the
form of a story and emphasising the
fact that the business of the Circles
is to carry the King's Message to
those who have not heard. Her ev-
ening subject was "The Greatest
Task" and' was equally interesting.
Mrs. Childs has a very pleasing per-
onality and commands great interest.
During the afternoon, pleasing solos
were given by Mrs. Freeman of Tees -
water and Mrs. Joynt of Lucknow.•
The election of officers resulted in,
rs. Willis being re-elected Superin-
endent and •Mrs. Greer, Secretary.
The Brussels Auxiliary .entertained
at supper in the School Room, when
he President, Mrs. Parker, welcom-
d the visitors and Mrs. Cragg of
Ingham responded.
An invitation from the Teeswater
pciliary for the next convention was
v. Mr. Clarke presided over the
ing session when splendid music
provided by the Brussels Choir
the Misses Christie of Wingham.
Carbide foryour lamps. All New to Mrs. Hunter in Wm. Finley's was
Stock at Thompson & Buchananhouse near the Foundry. and
FOR SALE—One Cow American; Mrs. B. McClenaghan of White -
Separator, Inquire at this office, church, visited at Mr. James Bar-
bour's, last week.
FOUND—A plumber's vice. Owner
may have Baine by calling at Ad- Mr. Frank Thompson has the dit-
cher, and is busy drawing tile from
vance Times. S. Helens
FOR SALE—Fox hound. Will sell The 'Boyle Bros. lost a very vale -
at reasonable price. Apply to Clay- able cow one day last week, one that
ton H. Phappen. they had recently purchased at Luck -
FOR SALE CHEAP—Coal Heater Harry Woods is wearing a broad
and pipes, also my house on Minnie smile, these days, it's a boy. Con -
St., at a bargain. A. J. Pilon.} gratulations.
1 A few from Lucknow and in the vi-
cinity, spent an enjoyable evening at
Mr. Peter Leaver's on Tuesday even-
ing last.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson of
Wingham, visited at the old farm on
'Tuesday 1
FRESH FISH --Lake 'Trout, Perch
and 'Whitefish, arriving every week.
Delivery every Thursday. Prices
reasonable. Phone rx-625, Ralph
FOR SALE—Seed potatoes, O. A. C.
Stock, 6oc per bag. Apply to Jno,
Richardson, . R. R. No. 5, Lucknow,
44h Con. Kinloss.
Mr, John yRintoul is at present en-
gaged' with Mr. R. Mowbray of
Whitechurch at the cement,
1 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Champion,
visited relatives in Lucknow on Fri-
day last,
FOR SALE --Ford ton truck with'
travelling merchants van, built,1
Coady of Toronto. Sold separate-'
ly or together. Apply to Robt,
Carrick, Whitechurch, Ont.
.FOR, SALE --Second Hand Rang
with Reservoir, also several Coils
No. g Gauge, Eight Wire Woven
Fence, less than wholesale price to
dear. Thompson & Buchanan
Trumpet Vines For Delivery
1 Vines now budding out for Spring
may be procured from A. W. Webster
Range I up -stairs over the Advance -Times .Of -
/flee or at the garden next to the Hos-
pital, when working there at fifty
cents each.
FOR SALE -3 Morris chairs,
iron bed, t wooden bed, 3 straight
back chairse2 mattresses. Apply at
Bank of Commerce, Wingham, '
ENDERS --.Tenders for the caretak-
ing of Wingham Bowling • Green
will be received by the undersigned
up till 6 p. in,, on Monday, May
25th, Lowest or any tender not
neccssarlly accepted, Josh. Hirst,
Chairman of Grounds Committee.
The Council of the Corporation of
Ithe County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at • 3
o'clock in the afternoon f noon of 'Tuesday,
the 2nd day of June 2925. All as -
counts against the County must be in
the hands of the Clerk not later than
Monday preceding the meeting of
Goderich May f8th., ig25.
Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk,
Mrs. Willis gave her report showing
the good condition in which this Dis-
trict is entering the United Church.
The London Branch Meeting of -the
W. M. S. is being held in Sarnia on
May 26, 27 and 28, when a good re-
presentation is going from the Wing -
ham District.
They quarreled and at last he cried
In accents of despair
"1 wish that I could see your side."
The maiden shrieked as she replied,
"That's more than I can bare,"
h®11I�I I IIIA IIII I IIII I IMI I IIIA M11116111d111�11111111®
Fresh Crew / ery
:1-11 !�
Butter delivered every Wed-
aands Saturday fresh from
PLR the churn to consumer. el
Phone 609 r 4. rI
Bjuevale Creamery
arliitl1111�UI1 11fgf1 111 111M111 1l1��Iilr�1113i111 111
In the Canadian egg laying contest
at Ottawa in r9ze, 4, and the Canad-
ian and Ontario contests x924-25, in-
clusively, our pens 'of S. C. White
Leghorns as winter egg producers
were in first -place. When buying
your baby chicks why not buy Ca-
nadian chicks with years of good re-
putation back of them when they can
be secured at practically same cost as
American chicks. Leghorn chicks t2
cents each. Rocks t5 cts each. June
delivery: In order to get thein early
in June, it will be necessary for you
to place your order without delay,
To the Editor av the Advance -Tai
Deer Sur,—
Wan av the aisiest tings in the w
ruld is to make a niishtake, .arr to
in wrong, as me bye who wint o
says wud say, Me frind Misl
Ferguson, an his man Friday, may
Mishter Nickle, hev found that out
this toinie, I bet they heir wishe
hundred toimes that they had to
Auld Tim's advoice to lave w
enough alone, wict respickt to
Ontario Tirnpirince Act, Whin
go to a circus 'tis all roight to, fa
paynuts to the monkeys, but 'tis
foolish thrick to poke shticks at t
toigers, It makes a good. Tory lo
rnesilf mad to see how thim G
down at Ottawa, widout anny niajo
ty at all, at all, kin shlip along
not same to hev anny tlirubble
shpake avwhin elishter Fergus()
wid wan av the biggest majorities
the wurruld, Rapes gittin into hot w
tiler all the toime. It luks as
some fellahs •cudden't` shtand pros
perity, so to shpake.
But Mishter Ferguson isn't the o
ly fellah who makes mishtakes, fe
wud ye belave it,'I aven made wa
mesilf no longer ago than lasht wal
so I did. I mane whin I tould y
about the money the missus got 1i
to her, be the will av her ould Ann
Peggy ' who . doid down in Florida
The whole wurruld' musht be raydi
yer paper, countin be the number
bond. min who hev. palled on u
since 'me lett er wus printed. I ki
compare thin to n`othin betther tha
flocks av crows gatherin arround
dead parse. An not only bond sales
nun, but fellahs wid goold moini
shtock, others wid oil shtock, Auto
mobile shtock, German goold mark
an a hundred an wan other tings, al
av thim dead sure invistmints, a
certain to pay tin to fifty pur cant
Shure, sometoimes ye wad tink theer
had been a U. F. O. picnic on our
front lawn wid the grass'all thramp-
ed down an the dandelion crap
shpoiled fer the sayson. Wan lad
wanted to sell shares in a Company
bein formed to ship oice to .the nay-
gur min in 'tri disirt av Sahara, fur-
sht prifirince` shtock at tin cants on
the dollar, wid tin shares av second
prifirince shtock trown in wid iviry
wan share av fursht prifirince an
twine pur cint intrust guaranteed be
the Government: av Timbuctoo.
The missus wus so worried wid all
thim fellahs callin that she wits afraid
the neybers wud tink I'. had shtarted
a dishpinsary fer foor be foor beer,
so she come to me fer advoice. "
"Tim, me man, sez she, "ye know
I don't d'epind on yer judgemint in
some tings, but whin it comes to
money niatthers, ye remind me av
yer ould'Scotch grandmother to some
latent, fer ye don't part wid yer cash
anny too aisily. I wish ye wud tell
me how to shtop all -thim fellahs
from corrin arround an ,intirfirin wid
me house claynin. Sometoimes I al-
most wish poor ould Aunt Peggy had
nivir lift me a ciut, fer it is bothered.
out av me sinses I am, an that toired'
' be noight I kin, harrudly shtand up
wid runnel down slitairs iviry toime
es ver -
i -i -
Jure bell arr' the tillyphone
'Shure, 'tis aisy to shpoil the
shport av thim gintlemin," sez I.
Mebby 'nest wake I' will be afther
tellin ye how I did it that is if I
' don't fergit, fer me unmory is not
what it wance was, but befoor I close
this letther I want to ask what chance
a widdy wutnman, lift wid a few tons -
ands av dollars an no man av ixpay-
rience to advoise her, wud' hev in the
hands ay.thim sharks. Her money
wud• dishappear as fasht as a shnow
ball in that place that it isn't consid-
hered polite fer annybody but praich
ers to ninshun.
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
In memory of Mrs. James Porter,
who died May 22nd., 1924,
She came and went among us
With smiles and words of cheer
Her work and plans she shared with
We loved to have her near:
She was the Mother in her home
The Partner priding in her share
The Friend and Sister confident
The Daughter with a loving care.
And then, one day a loving Hand
Clasped hers and bid her come
Nor fear to leave to His wise care
Her dear ones and her home.
Dear hearts that weep and bleed
with grief
She has not gone sovery far
Just stepped into anather room
And left the door ajar.
Sister and Mother,
Mrs, Cumming and Mrs.. Gordon,
attended the Provincial meeting of
the W, M. rS. at Landon, last week.
111321ll 1111111110IN 1llfi�IAp1I11101 111e111111HI8I111YRINiNIIIIIIIISIIIIN11IIIIII 1111gUl 111$1110ll10llll01tl
Fleet Foot Shoes
For every kind of work and recreation.
They' are light on the feet and durable. See the new
lines with Crepe Rubber Soles.
Get your Boy or"Girl a pair
their leather
suve ▪ '
Boys' and Girls' Fleet. Foot Shoes in all the, wanted
styles. Prices 98c to 1.75 a pair.
_Mill .111 �III�RI1IIIh+itl�lll�illiQitl�Ill',alllt�lllilll�Ill�l11B91II�11181111�Iil�illi�I1I 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlelli%
Miss Colina Clark is home,' Mrs.
Clark who has been under the doctor's
care- for some time is improving
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Mr,
Smith and Miss Pearl Webster, mo-
tored from Toronto on Friday and
spent the. week -end with Mr, and
Mrs. John Webster.
There was no school in the Junior
Room. of the school on Friday, owing
to the illness of Miss Buckingham's.
Mr.. and Mrs. Darragh of Goderich,-
were week -end visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Jos. Smith.
Born—On May 7th., to - Mr. and
Mrs. Con. Foran, twins, a boy and a
girl. Congratulations.
Mrs. Will McCrostie and,Ronald
are at the Wingham Hospital, where
Ronald underwent a serious operation
on Thursday Iast, from which he is
improving nicely.
The annual meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at Mrs. Ed.
Thos' on Thursday afternoon, May
asst, Roll call, paying of fees. Mrs.John McQuillan has.charge of the
The contest which has been going
on in the Y. P. 13. C. for the past
three months was fittingly concluded.
on Monday evening when the ..two-
losing sides captained:sby Miss - Vera
Woods and Stanley Todd' entertained..•
the winning side of which Wilson
was captain: A program composed of
recitations by Christine McFarlane,..
Margaret Thorn and Margaret Mill-
er, a reading by Lila Gaunt, a solo by -
Dick Weatherhead, Violin selections....
by Mr, George Stuart, Gordon Mc-
Pherson and Alvin Miller, several'
choruses and a short address by Rev.
C. Cummingwas enjoyed. This was.:
followed by a reverse spelling match
in which the winners of the contest
captained' by•Wilson Woods were de-
feated by the losers with Gordon Mc-
Pherson as captain. A guessing con-
test followed by lunch brought an en-
joyable evening to a chose." A collec
tion amounting to over seven dollars.
was taken toward providing equip-
ment for sports which the young peo-
ple are planning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Thibideau and fa-
rrxily of Wingham have moved into.
the village. Mr. Thibitdeau is engag-
ed with Mr. Joynt.
St. Helens has two mills in opera -
ions this week, that of Mr. Phillips.
nd of \fr. Joynt•
.1111191111lljll illl IIIII, III LIIf111111311f®11111111III I•r I1111111E1111111111®11iE111111111111011111111111131111111111111112111
SPECIAL --May 21, 22, and 23
Presents ,
The original blockade of the German fleet by the British deur
eI ing tlie world war. An all British Picture. Its the greatest nav
• al exploit of this or any other century since the dawn of creation
E • If you miss this you will always regret it. It's a , thousand _timers
bigger and more realistic than you can even start to',,conceive it,
to be. Passed and approved by the Admiralty.
Their Majesties the Ring and Queen
Prices 250 and 5oc. Tax included
2 shows each night, 8 o'clock and 9.30,
Monday and Tuesday May 25, a6 . .
With Doris Kenyon and all star carat. A drama of the
▪ Woods, A picture of thrills. A Woman's Problem, A Lumber -
M, man's Romance. Death defying Stunts.- hook and heel, on floating e
991 logs S e the fight with cant -
Li gs in swirling rapids.
Like a highwayman he had taken all he wished in. life. But
love fled at his touch. A gripping drama of Red. and Blue
Also Jimmy Aubrey in his latest 2 reel corned "Tender-
Illt foot Luck". The rich man's son-ia thrown out and y
Make his fortune nd goes west til