The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-30, Page 7ay', April 30l #i., x925 BY R. M, SH'ERRILL (Radio Engineer) The progress which is being .made with short wave radio transmission is astounding: and promises to be little •short of revolutionary. Station KDICA, for example,' has been transmitting its programs regu- larly on a wave length• in, the vicinity •of 5o meters. The power used at this wave is very small compared ;with that used on the conventional wave lengths. Arid yet, the shorter wave is consistently reaching great- •er distances. The short wave of this .station is frequently picked up in England and 'the program rebroad- casted for local listeners. It has been received at distances up to xo,000 miles. Amateur operators have been ob- -Mining remarkable results on a 20 meter wave length, With this wave and exceedingly low power, they have frequently communicated from coast to coast in DAYLIGHT. What effect is the performance of these shorter waves going to have on the broadcasting of the future? It is. hard to say. • Saving Radio Tubes The brother "bug" with the .above- mentioned xo tube 'set might now . be getting the same results with 5 tubes bad he taken a slight :precautionary measure. This measure consists of connecting a xio volt 25 watt incan- descent light bulb in series with one of the B battery connections. This bulb may be left permanently in the circuit, and incase of an accident it.; willprevent the B battery from "shooting" the tubes. t ozig-distance Programs Expensive MAO 1 In announcing that ;it will discon- Lue the broadcasting of the Victor Artists' programs, station WIVIAQ reveals that the cost of bringing this. program to Chicago by means •of long distance telephone lines, amounts to, approximately fifteen dollars per minute. Human Nature. Why is it that the man who buys a radio receiving set -"kicks" like a steer if he doesn't get IFI at Los Angeles and WEAF at New York the first night? When the same man builds his own receiver he is happy to hear a local station come in with inuar® k y .&1 h1 $ 9a"= ' ®®®N ' 11®11®®) al 1111 TT S Gasoline si 0 Costs no more than the ordinary kind We have opened a Service Station in Wingharn Opposite the Ben Factory and invite you to buy your Gasoline from us. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK _•..-_ 1 I ® Johnson s Ufflerap Phone 174, Wingham. We also handle Kerosene, Motor Oils, Cup Grease, Transmission Lubricants, Etc.. MBE MX, MEM "'i EMMEN'. 141 ®IM 0 ENENEMIIIIIIN 11 NI NI AN WIINGHAM '4.DVAN>OE-TIMES 111111111s111 111mmiwomitl omilI II11N ilmi (d1111f • ristl.. s THREE BIG I LEADERS TEA 65c, 75c, 85c per lb. FFEE 7We per Me A 161, 4Ocper 111). f •When you buy any of these specialties at Christies you're f getting the BEST that 1Vloney _ Can Procure, ft Try a Small Quantity with WI your next order. ft EVERYTHING IN CHINA WARE AND NOVELTIES 1IIEaIII1t91ininI119 tuUfdUlm16011111111111Il!1111U111 the volume of a. whisper. One Program fbr Several Stations The present system of havinga single program to be , broadcasted simultaneouslys by 'several ° station seems' to be gaining favor in the east. While this system is undoubtedly a step towards putting broadcasting, on a better economical basis, it has met with., . the disapproval of the "DX - hounds." the corrpiaint is, that it makes the night's entertainment more monotonous, as the listener runs into the same program from so many sta- tions. Also that the listener cannot tel what station he is hearing with- out standing by a long time for the infrequent call letter announcements. There are, of course, many advan- tages as well as disadvantages to this system of broadcasting. This depart- ment would be pleased to receive some of the readers' views on the subject. Radio Questions and Answers • (Mr. Sherrill will be glad to help you solve your radio problems. Write him in care of this' paper,) J. B. E. wants to know: "What is the cause of squealing in my five tube. Neutrodyne?� This trouble is most noticeable wherr I am tuning be- loi5' 30o meters." Ans.-It is probable that you are getting some sort of a magnetic feed -back in your wiring.. Try 10 shorten your grid and plate connec- tions acid keep them, as ;,widely separ- ated as possible.' Check up to see if the set is properly neutralized, M. S. R. asks: "What ,does the po- tentiometer do on a two tube reflex receiver?" Ans.--The- potentiometer ` is prob- ably there for the purpose of controll- ing the grid voltage on one or both of the tubes. This is done to prevent the tubes from oscillating. TENDERS WANTED ' Sealed tenders marked "Tender for Wiring Court House" will be receiv- ed by the undersigned up to 8 o'clock p. m. May 25th., 1925, for re -wiring the Court House, Goderich, for light- ing purposes. All material to be furnished by the' party receiving the contract. • Plans and specifications may be seen at my office, The lowegt or any tender not. ne- cessarily accepted, Geo, W. Holman, County Clerk. Goderich, April 25th., .i925. No one has ever denied that a pil- low is a knapsack, •r' tilloqu1aing) : 'wren yettre mute. Y lad > tuketa ,luat bal.0140: :host jp,Okaratil dt14 t• ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER To the Editor av the Advance- T oirnes Deer Sur, -- 1 wus afther havin a quare drame lasht noigltt, an a foolish wan. Now webby ye tink quare an foolish mane the same ting, an that I am usin too mann wurruds, jist to fill up wid, loike thim papers lawyers wroite, arr the spaches 'av Grit pollytishuns, .yis, arr loike some sermons I hev heard,• Well, if, ye hev that oidea in yer head ye hev another tink corrin, as me bye who wus overlays wud say. Quare an foolish are .two diffrunt wurruds, wid two diffrunt maynins. Fur in- shtance, whin :a Grit sees the error av his ways anCvotes Tory, 'tis a quare ting, so it is, but not a foolish wan, be army manner av manes, but whin : a Tory votes. Grit it is a quare ting an.'a foolish wan besoides. Well, 'I shtarted out to tell ye about me drame, but got elf the thrack, so to shpake. Well, 1 wus shlapin avaay as sound as a top (rnoshtly sound, so the missus sez) wliln I shtarted to drame that I wus woide awake and , troyin to 'git to shlape be countin shape goin troo a hole in 'the'fince, wan at a toime. I sarned to count tousands av thim, till I didn't tink theer cud be so mainly shape in the whole wurruld, whin, all at wance I woke up fer shure, and whin I found out it wus all a drame I filt as foolish as thim 'Tories did whin they woke up frum theer 13. F. O. drame' -and found they had been foighten wid the lift wing av the Grit army inshtid 'av agin thihn. An shpakiri av pollytickle matthers, remoinds me that fer the lasht wake, I hev been impressed wid the oidea that loikely theer will be a gineral elickshun this summer, I can't ixplain the'rayson fer me tinkin this; way, no more than I kin undherstand whoy me lumbago is always wurse whin theer is a shtorm corrin, but ye know that an ould war harse kin scint the battle from afar, aven befoor he hears the bugle blow, an how Jessie Camp - bill heard the skirl av the bag "poipes long befoor annywan ilse cud, whin the British Army wus marchin to the relafe. av Lucknow. I' had a dog wance that whin I wint away frum home wud always mate me a moile down the road, whin 1 wus corrin back.v The missus cud always tell whin 1 wus corrin, whin she wud hear the dog give a bark an shtart out to mate me. Mebby 'tis what me dawter-in-law wud call a presintimint that I am afther Navin, an befoor this is printed ye may know whether theer is annyting in it arr not. Meb- by "Tis the sunset av loife gives zee mystical lore, an comin evints cast theer shadows before" loike me pris- int dawter-in-law used to rade to me whin she wus,a purty young school taycher an boordin wid us on the ould farrum, whin the bye wus• over - says foiglitin fer his king an counthry. I don't suppose she ivir toughtthin that she moight be the rnisthress theer hersilf sometoime, but, • av coorse, ye nivir kin till what oideas; these younggirruls may hev in Cheer heads. Young payple hev Cheer day drames an ould payple drame at nights. I tuk the missus to the concert in the Town Hall lasht wake. I mane the wan that thim C. P. R, byes an girruls gave free fer the binifit av the Arena, an shure, it. wus a good con- cert oncert iittoirely, an it wus a good adver- toisn shtunt fer the C. P. R. besoides, an it is up to the payple av Wingham• to pathronize Mishter Brawley's road betther than they hev been doin. When theer is a Tory Convinshun in Toronto, arr at Exhibishun toirne I hev been in the habit av moshtly goin be C. N. R. but the nixt toime 'I' in- tind to pathronize the C. P. R. They hev noice comfortable coaches on that loine, an the thrain min are gintle- min, an will thrate ye roight, an be- soides that ye kin see some av the foulest scenery in Weshtern Ontario betwane Orangeville an Toronto, I belave that wan good turn de- sarves another, as the clown in the circus said whin he turned a -summer- set backward afther ternin wan for- ward, Av coorse, theer is wan little dhrawback about thravellin be C. P. R. ye hev to go troo that Grit town called Wroxeter, but the thrain does- n't shtop long, an ye needn't look out av the windy unless ye loike, Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. Dae Greyhound Excursion Sometime ago the Red Star Navi- gation Company, the new owners of the Steamer Greyhound, advised that their .steamer would make the annual trip from Detroit to Goderich on Monday, June x5, and returning leave Goderich on Tuesday, June x6th, Just today, however, they advise me that their cotttraut with the Cedar Point people requires that they cont- nienee operations between Toledo. atid Cedar Point on June x41h., and I ho 11111111111111111111110111111111111111M1110111 111111111111141I1I 014 InntIIIMi11151IIpM1M11011NMH1 lIIM9111�g1p'Ill WALL PAJ t9D n� Going Fast, but lots of it on hand Our prices are from 5c to 15c per roll lower than other dealers say paper hangers. We invite com- parison with city -catalogues. All high class and this season's: patterns. Make your selection early. N, 8. -Wall Paper is sold Strictly Cash. Phones 18 and 1x6 Agent Can. Nat. Telegraph 71131110111111111 11101111111111 IJIMIIlMllMllll11IAi91111all 111111115111111111111 11l1WINIIMl1 IilER1,' 1111l111 Look ir Eg s On April 13th we are opening_ the Egg Pool for 1925 This will afford the Egg Producer an opportunity to get away from low price Eggs. _Come in and let us talk it over. OUR TRUCKS will soon be on the road Gathering Cream and Eggs, if you call 'the office we can tell you the day they pass your door. , The United Farmers Co®Op. Co,, Ltd. Wxughailn - 4 Ontario for that reason it will be necessary for them to make the trip from De- troit to Goderich on Monday, June 8th., and returning leave Goderich on Tuesday, June 9th., at 9.3o a.. m. There is now being built on the Greyhound a greatly enlarged new' dance floor on the second or cabin deck, a considerable number of state- rooms being taken out of the cabin so that the new floor will be twice as 'large as the old one, which was for- merly situated on the upper deck. The staterooms will be rebuilt on the upper deck where the old dance floor was, so that there will be plen- ty of accomodation of that kind for ' ,use who wish room. N. F. McLean, Detroit I1 tI :mamma �;E norm � Numomm ummussaimitzumm nomomAncumuman OWSUM UMBMIRAMAMMEI BEMWaMMOVAUM '..EimomR*Rim MOW gem Aciummir Horizontal i. Amid 5. Locates: stations to. Norm of "to be" 12. Before 14. 16. 21. 22. 23. 24• 26. 28. 29. 31. 33. 34- 36. 4.36. 38. 40. 42. 44, 46, 47. 48. 49. s i. 53. 54• 56. 58. 59. 2. 3. 4. 6. One l of the highest mountain chains in Europe, 8. Ancient Scandinavian giant 9, Seventh letter of Greek alphabet It. Maiden loved by Jupiter Wing Eric (abbreviated) Neither Phantom; spook 15. Head covering x7. Rows x8. City on the Suez canal 20. Melody 25. Haul; draws 26. Stalk of 'a plant 27, Scanty Fermented beverage Sorrow 3o. Rested Toward Loiter Tone of diatonic scale 13. • 28. 32. 35. 37., 38. A bird populary supposed to see only at night A citrus fruit. Highest part' of the scale Anger Conjunction 50. Visionary Bend 39. 4r.. 43. 45• 51. 52. 53. 55. 57. Vertical Plan Either Trap Snake -like fish Arab (abbreviation) Golf term Showery Famous Venetian explorer of the 13th century One of the monsters sent by the gods to punish crimes (Greek fable) A card game Cheers Girl Beverage Stir Avarice Perpendicular style of architec- • ture Monarchs Insect Erosian (abbreviation) Rod used in beating time A worm eating mammal A stilt like stick with a spring on the end Assert; relate Base; eolninon Cripple Total Cover Meadow Natural (abbreviation) Fuss; ceremony Tone of diatonic scale' Negative