The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-30, Page 51HisllisII1oili II11NpImmunipii1 N►iCi IIII ositl ltl fnot h lllsllll 111 nisi 1i11i 1lll lll�lll�lli Oilcloth; Binoieums 1! Rugs and Curtains is d'', Brighten � w< u }ouse cl€ aning time is here and you will want to Brighten up the P Home with New Tugs,. Linin- eums, Oilcloths, Stair Carpets, Curtains, Curtain poles, Brass Rods, r:ongOletzrrl and Linoleum Rugs. Our stock is large and complete ° with all the above House Furnish- ings Inspection in- vited. Our prices ate down. Linoleums In choice new patterns, two, three and f cur yards wide. OILCLOTH RUGS -. Just re- OVER CURTAINS See the ceived a shipment of new pat- • new ;drapery for over curtains terns in a11 :sizes. See them. choice colorings and patterns. PI RUGS—From the small to the i largest ,sizes in Tapestry, Wi1t- llll on, ' Brussels,, Axminster and. Wool Squares.. = BRASS RODS—All .lengths in Brass Extension Rods and Cur- _• tain Poles. Prices begin, at the CURTAINS -Complete range of ▪ all the new 'designs'. in drapery, - comprising frilled curtains and p▪ lain net and lace curtains, Ma - N : dras, Scrim, Lace and Fancy a Net by the yard. Real values at ti 25c, 35c, 5oc and 75c. H H Special For Quick Selling 5 doz. large Turkish To- ivels in white, pink, blue,. mauve and gold, regular Dollar value, our price 6gc.- • WINDOW BLINDS -- Com- i plete range of Window B1indS _• Ir • SUNDAY SCHOOI, LRSSON ed upon before thee. Prohibition 1111P111111 I LESSON. V.—MAY g The SenefitS of Total Abstinence- Daniel, x : r-ao GOLDEN TEXT—Daniel ptlrpos-. ed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the Icing's dainties, nor with the -vine which he drank.— Dan. 1:8. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. ---Daniel taken • to Babylon (Beecher), 13, C. 605. Place, Babylon, Nebuchgth ez zax s magnificent capital, DANIEL'S DARING RESOLVE 1 But Daniel purposed in his heart. Li The heart is the place to settle,. all gtiiestions of principle. That he -' .woeld` not defile himself with the king's dainties. Rich food, sent as a special favor from the king's table. 1s food would not have been pre- pared according to the 'strict laws .�of Moses, the meat might be of kinds ,.-itiddan to .Pews by Scripture, and !all of it would probably be• too highly seasoned or otherwise unhealthful; , Nor with the wine which he drank. The temperance question arises ear - 137 in •history. Daniel ,had the good sense to see that if he was to rise id the kingdom it must be by a clear. head and a pure heart, anOE that wine is the deadly foe of both, He was 'a temperance reformer before the 'tem- perance ' reform was dreamed of, and was two thousand years ahead of his day. Therefore he requested.. of the )•Marcs of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. The eunuchs,,`vere confidential servants employed in the a'ilace, especiallyin the harem, •where young boys would naturally be clucated. Their superintendent was an officer -of great responsibility and influence, Daniel's regest was a daring one, because "the Oriental takes specialpleasure in plumpness of bodily form" (Hunter), and if any of his charges should fall away in Flesh the officer in -whose hand; they • •. in all the leading shades, all standard sizes carried in stock. See our values at '5c, 9oc, $1.25. Isard 8i Cn iiiinim11®I ■ i I i111iltiIII®111®It1611tlfill�ili®IIIilIlltlllf®dI�III®11fr1111lIII�IIIAItIRl11�Ih�ll I111III1III1II! HoW TQ CQly1[PiJT� TH. R- � _ _ E Su 'generally well andergtood, but, cbi- TAX 13N INCOME 15A1E128 iusiori Seeriis to arise where the net income is over $5,00o, • and the tax- payer must -consider the calculation of the Surtax. This, however, will be simplicity itself if he will ignore the facts as to whether or not he is mar- ried or single, or has dependent child-. ren, or is in receipt of Canadian divi- dends. Once • the net income ex- ceeds the $5,00o mark, there is no dis- tinction between persons. All the taxpayer need, do is to go back to his net income, treat. $5,000 of it as ex- empt, and continue: his consumption, A certain amount of . confusion seems to.' exist regarding the compu- tation of the Surtax, and a brief ex- planation on the . point seems in or- der. • In the first place, the taxpayer must arrive at his net income—and should bear in mind that it is upon this net income that he will be taxed. True, in calculating the normal tax payable. He is alio'wed a statutory exemption of $x 000, or $22,000; :ac- cording to whether he is single, g , mar-aceirdin to the r g . Ates provided, until made, and believers.. in temperance history), Arcadian (the ancient sac- ried. or supporting dependents, is also granted exemptions in respect counted o would gauge of the of Canadian dividends, and children The Surtax should then he added ye endanger ,my head great 1 mgdotn th g. A far less trivial offence west). The author of the . book is `Phys, Is the time to buy your next Winter's under > 8. But the fact remains that the Noxtnal Tax' Payable and the to-' than this would lead Come un had been placed would be discredited" t might lose Ills place or even his life; VICTORIOUS PURITY Now God made Daniel to find kindness and compassion in the sight of the .prince of the eunuchs, Something -of ibis favor was of course due to Daniel's naturally win- ning qualities, but these`' would not avail without the :aid of God• in act- ing upon the officer's heart. . And the' prince of the eunuchs said unto Daniel, I - fear my lord the. king, Well mighhe fear him, for Eastern potentates had absolute ` power, and a man's life was not worth a wisp of straw if he offended• them. The mighty king Nebuchadnezzar was especially to be feared; for he was , the greatest ruler of his' time. Who h h rid l the farm for ch Th 1 never shrinks from being put to the IP test. All it asks is .a fair chance to' 1 prove its value.. Mid the counter - mice of the youths that eat of the king's dainties. Temperance courts comparison ps'4 On wrtii intemperance, In its effects on body, mind, and soul, in private and in society, it has no fear that it will not give a superb and convincing account of itself. And as thou seest, deal - with thy servants, This allay Anean Punish them for hav- ing disobeyed the king's orders; but probably it means that in case the ex- periment failed the Hebrew youths t111�tIl�ilt�IIIL�III�lll�lli�lll�l)l�Iilii�IllMNll , lii�l I,�IIIaIIIMllll�lilllrldlit1111�111' 111 � 111 . lMIpecial Va ues. a a At Miltsiii' IP ▪ GINGHAM 32c YD. SIL BROADCLOTH 2,a' yd 11 Checks, . Stripes and.Plain $ 5 PEnglish 'Balli Broadcloth with' Gingharns, from the best Eng- Satin Stripes, a 'wonderful quali- .' it fish and Canadian makers of the ty, absolutely fast for ,S and tin. newest colorings)in clean Tub, in White ,Ground, with smart and attractive patterns, 32 Mauve ,• Helio and Tan Stripe at _ would be returned to the diet of the in. wide at ase yard effects 36 in, wide $2.25 yard la other, youths, while if it succeeded, ®I CURTAIN' NET• 35c Yd VOILES 85c Yd„ the diet of. their, choice wouid be con= Rine quality Curtain Net'in a --Normandy Voiles in a s tinned indefinitely. Alen - So he hearkened unto therm in this a e wonderful valu designs in the Newest Shades matter, and proved them ten days, Ti- - and Colorings of Floral, Sprays 1� small floral patterns, Ivory did Assortment of Patterns and Shade, e atthis low price, 35 in, wid''e regular the bas-reliefs portraying, a feast 45c for 35c yard from the palace of Asshurbanipal, the guests are seated in: messes of four HEAVY NET 65c Yd. and Dots, 4o in, wide, special 85c yard around small tables, If then,as is WI `°` splendid quality, 'heavy .FLANNELS $2,75 Yd fri French Net in Ivory Shade of Fine quality English Flannels ' ®` probable,iiii all these young, cadets at the Babylonian court "sat in the royal i medium floral design, 42 in. in checks and stripes of Tans, i presence, they would have a table to" - wide, reg. 9oc for 65c • Brown and Blues, 56 in. wide, = themselves, and thus' the"peculiarityPATENT r special , SLIPPERS $3 75 p $2 75 Yard Of . their meal would not be patent to P Ladies and• M' P GODDESS CO P y Had the Mini- Slippers, company. Patent CORSETS neatly made in Mc- Pink or White Goddess, Front ber of friends been more, they would a Kay last, Cuban heel, two. Lace Corsets, with .elastic top have been conspicuous. Had they 1 straps, sizes 3•'1• to 7, regular and elastic insert at lower part been fewer, they would have been ob- served by those added to make up the. number. And at the end of'ten days their countenances. appeared fairer, and they were fatter in flesh, than all the youths that did eat of'the king's dain- ties. This; was not a miracle, it was merely the• natural result of a tens- . erance diet. The fairness which is noted is particularly prized in the East, where skins are usually dark, The 'fatness was valued as a token of superior rank, since in those lands of poverty all common people were (and still are) sadly emaciated'or,at ,least lean, white the nobility alone, and their servants have an o I a erton on Friday, May 29th., opportunity to to selectdid = (Bailed Rocks O A C Strain) _ So the steward took away their c in the pending Elec.. � sad. -to -]ay chicks and hatch - dainties, and the wine that t tion.. There are quite a number of = ing eggs from hens of hi h fitt mentionedas likely star production, mated to petit- i, dard bearers. His � n $4.50, 'special $3.75 of back, New Aero Back F a- DONGOLA SLIPPERS $3.19 ture, Super -Bone. Boning, sizes Ladies Dongola Slippers, one 21 to • 3o, regular values $3 5o strap, turn sole, rubber heel, si- and $4.9o, special $2,69 pair i zes 3; to 7, reg value $4.00 for Try us for groceries. Special $3'19 pair prices this week. in MILLS, ...J N III 11111111E11i®III®IIIIi�1I ISIII®II1111111 1111211111111121111111112111:laill111111111011i®1111�I111111161111211ISI1IBS® CANDIDATES LINING UP 111E1111 til@g111�i11131111311111IN111111�111111111a1111111 11, There will be a Liberal convention ® BABYCHICKS in Walkerton 1k become corpulent. -a candidate ate to contest South y rata .� Bruce tl Federal- B they candidates 1 ® g should drink. To avoid comment, the, table of: the four Hebrew youths was I Chesley acid Eld- = greed males from 200 egg ira first provided with food like, all the:i erslie friends are boosting Ex -Mayor stock _ William: Krug,Walkerton Liberals El ' others, but this was quietly taken ) . = We are 'having excellent .hatch- Ii away, perhaps under •guise of Chang- i are divided in their, choice having 3 ® es of strong,vigorous - cdndidates.in- mind,R. E. Truax, Ex- g s chicks ing the -courses, and their : healthfulthis spring from eggs pro- _ food substituted.' AndM r'•, Dr. Hall and Lawyer Otto duced on' our own farm:EL gave them Klein, who are willing to sacrifice = pulse: It has been unkindly suggest- themselves h ,-;:-.• Ch' k � �li ed more ;.than once that the steward I nemse ves on the altar of their - Chicks every week at $21 per 100 would be more willing to carry out country by spending nearly six mon- - _ = Eggs at 1 e .,1g gg $. per 75per P 5 $ro8 ® 9 ith s• of everyyear this arrangement because he could in Ottawa. Ripley _ � sell the rich food thus removed from and Huron Liberals say they• have a We guarantee. too per cent. ✓fit th 'sure winner of the Hanna' t e f - e table of the Hebrew lads, or at least give it to his friends, At any rate, he can hardly have allowed the change without the consent or at least the ; connivance of his superior, the prince of;t a eunuchs. yP 1 live delivery of chicks, 8o per = West Hastings fame in Dr. Finlay- ® cent. fertility of eggs, and pay •1� son. Kinloss and Lucknow Liberals: i express on chicks. A subst n- F: think Geo. Anderson Ex -M. P. P., the. w a apple king, is the strongest man, pot -1 tial reduction o sus t on above prices is __ ® made to customers coming .to tically, of any candidate in the - in = . chicks or eggs. it hath appointed your food and your WISDOM AND. POWER S' at exhausts the Grat list of 1 probable standard-bearers. On the' ® COLIN CAMPBELL - drink. Possibly the king had taken. The story of the four Hebrew lads hes the crown and blessing of Conservative side the only name i some special interest in- the four 'teasPhone Blyth ro-24 Hebrew captives, but more likely faithfulness. mentioned so far is Ex -Warden Robt.' ® Maitland Specialty Farm their regimen was:that laid down by -Now as. for these four youths, God. Johnston of Lucknow. For the Pro- fa R. R. No, a Auburn royal authority for all lads being gave "thein knowledge and skill in all will, gressrves J, Walter Findlay M. P., I , educated for'the service ' of he ., beyond a peradventure be re- 1Ne11itill; flilr�li!69i l�ltl�i11�11(1r111111III�1H�111 state. For whyshould learninggand wisdom. They. were in nominated.: It is a very rare occur- training o be officers of the king, he see your,r- cense for the sitting member to be 'McKay; Reeve of Huron, is ready to faces worse looking than the youths and would need, in addition to the le . , that are of your own age? They dinaiy studies of the day, be able turned down and, it invariably, spells take his place.—Chesley Enterprise. would naturally be compared with to speak Aramaic (the' common'tan- defeat, If J. Walter's nervous sys- syrian (the tem is.likely to bei injuriously af- ; The man who works hard seldom such comparisons are constantly court language and h language other young fellows of their age, guage of business), As the angtta a of fected by another campaign, W. J. has much tough luck. g P and he the net income has been entirely ac- are always glad to have them made. red tongue), and Egyptian (the Ian 111114111 11111111 "1111911113111 111®III®III®111�11111111ffiII118 111 P u ted for. }S i III�AI�111911111�II1ig111�111®Ill®lll�lll�lll�lll�lil' : withto e _. added fo the king. est quite right in accrediting their know is the basis of the til of the two, further d b h P P Coal. Fill your bins now. and void his net in ; is wou ' to capital " tax, increase y is.ment in that . passionate court. Iedge and wisdom to God, for He al though he is (or$2,000) noth ng. til the result being the total tax in order properly to appreciate our Having arrived'�at'the total normal payable. - own land of. safety under the law, zeal tax payable, according to the rates stan. prov▪ ided by law, he should then de- Then said; Daniel to the steward whom the pili e duct the exemptions to which he is entailed on c appointed over Daniel, Hananiah ter -Pr entitled to calculate the the Supertax of 5 per cent of such to- We need to learn of such conditions first $,000 at " i alone gave them the intellect to grasp learning, and upheld them in their You can't tell, he may be stingy be- cause he is rich, or he may be rich because he is stingy. • l prince ofthe; eunuchs 1 the high price of Coal later to study. And Daniel had under -In the year. r ding in: all visions and dreams. _ had He'learnecl the Chaldean system of in- • Best D. L. W. Scranton. Coal lig eting the innumerable omens 1 1pl ITS account of Canadian dive Michael, and Azariah. Daniel:slip : from `" Bends or children under 18, the result -_o— - w being the amount Qf . "normal tax ed his strength of character in his atop determination. Denied by the prince coils payable." of the eunuchs, undismayed he turns die So far the process is, we believe,' money for. me."o DA perhaps e another official, a subordinate, perha ssa steward, perhaps an in- structor, • certainly the man ..in im- mediate charge of the four tial.' youths, youth With him he went over the entire • "1 made him what he is" usually means, "I once Hired him to make natural objects, and further g the book illiastrates Daniel's picuous ability in interpreting urns. NIEL .AND THE HEATHEN MAGICIANS en the time set apart for their nlg has' elapsed, the four Hebrew s were brought before Nebuch- , C ffi ALTITUDE yRECORj • C� -114E W Epto coease iIA ecNNA se sw sums MAN IN 1•Hts 5ElSON -0117 t C'N STAND ARDgNb 'ht' SEE sDarE0 tans sets ,CpN% Y4?. _, W r(Il } A9`CH1"WarN seo 8TlT�M etas mass tlitiatitaa tate `LIMO' ROM ground again. The struggle for tem per•atice and purity requires just this persistency, Prove thy servants, I beseech thee ten' days. Ten days would ,be long enough ,,to effect an improvement in health, if any were to come; and harm resulted, it would be so slight as to be easily remedied: Itwas a reasonable test. In regard to A7neri•-. can temperance • experiments before prohibition, the attenlpt/of so,: Sta- tes to hold aontial elections on the subiect of saloons or no saloons was faulty bccaus.- the year of no saloons was too brief a t;me for prohlbttlou to show its full benefits, and- to accustom former drinkers to live withontt their drams, And let them give tis pulse to eat, and water to drink. Probably peas, beans, lentils, the most nourish- ing forin of vegetable diet. But ac- cording to tome, the word translated. "pulse" denotes vegetable food in gen- eral, and there is no reason for re- stricting it to leguminous fruits, such, as beans and peas. Thein let our countenances be,doole f adnezzar for examination, and, we can imagine the anxiety and fear they felt when summoned to the presence of that empire -conqueror and miglitty sovereign- Theywere 1�h•"c g' Probably, cx- emitted in the -languages they:would be expected to use, questions of state t'II •• management wouid be pttt to them,' All sizes Nut, Stove and Egg At Spring Prices. and they would be obliged to show, close familiarity with the rules and superstitions of the. Chaldean magic ON and idolatrous religion. The result was 'so satisfactory that the king chose them to be numbered among his astrologers and magicians, and perhaps selected them for his person- al' attendants. He found theirr to be ten thrtes wiser than all his other sa- ges, thanks to the prudent and tem- perate mode of living which they had adopted. It was a great triumph for prohibition', ; NOW THAT LADIES VOTE . Campaign expenses of candidates in Connecticut show, they spent .about tho Same amount on candy they did on cigars, Dealers in Lath,Shingles, Fibre Board, Gy- proc'Wallboard and Hardwood Floor. Ing and Floor Finishing. Manufacturers of Sash, Doors end Builders Supplies. MacLean Lumbe Oaw and Planing Mill.—Ice. itimiliMlli11i1[ inti illul11itosimilocurfl mPli1 i1D 111m111stif lMl tlli'tllillii NllMInes