The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-16, Page 8WINGIRAM .T3VANC1 -T 1VMBS
h(i � '
n e of a Lifetime
i#te Farm for Sale at a reaa
eatableprice with leading roads
4.' Oiltwo sides of it, Good Build
lags, Rural Mail and Telephone !
ROutes, Market, School and L
Churches convenient. If you 111
= want a farm it will pay you to al
apsom.w„Wq,,,wR„W+e meeea,!a.. eight and nine, Hamilton Stake call-
ed -up Elsie Fyfe for their usual bed-
L 7 7 9 time confab. About the same time I
r tried to call Elsie, and found the line
1 w busy, so I listened in, Oh, don't be
Tshocked. We all do .it, although we
By Robert J. C, Stead don't all admit it, I 'wasn't the only
one; I'could tell that by the quiet lift-.
oma„ „ 1....,,.,......„neo,„.o,nia0„41.,,,w„.12.41wu.,,wxvw ing of receivers. You get, to .know
the occupants of the room were the current issue of the Plainville the comziiunity+knows this morning
With practice. ` Shall I tell you what
Ie s interesting and' Practical. Progress;' Cal with his thoughts busy . about you and Reed?
enquire into this, not s
= Jackson Stake, coatless and vestless, over the favorable turn their ,pro- eI .Sin mildly interested,” he adxnitt-
illy . �> • Ii!
Abner Cowes
Insurance & Real Estate
tp{ IllUIlM1101119(11I"IfI1�BIlINi9pI�Illi�llill�ill�
Established x840.
Head Office, Guelph, Ont.
Risks .taken on all classes of insur-
ance at reasonable rates.
ABNER. COSENS, Agent, Wingham
and with trousers still precariously spects had taken, There was occa- ed., noting that there was really a cur -
clinging to. his broken suspenders, oc- sion for cheerfulness. He had liter- ve to her throat, in defiance of her
cupied the arm chair at the end of the ally motored into a joli, and not only general rectangular plan, A rather
table. His hair, now' mostly. grey, a job, but a home for himself and pleasant curve, it was. And her eyes
and thinning out on top, had once Reed. Over what the old farmer were full of fun, or something.
been red, and there was still an au- would say .wizen he discovered that "The community knows that you
burn hue to the pepper-and-salt of his the bargain supposed to have been are Cal Beath, that you come from
moustache; his eyes were keen and made"in Plainville was .the creature the East, that you're green as grass,
grey under bristly brows; his mouth, Cal s imagination—provided the-' oo, f ld that you've been through university,.
and genial;his cheeks swarthy; farmer was under any delusion—Cal and that Jackson Stake is trying you her better. He wondered how far grader, successfully in the past, .will,
large a again, it is expected, in charge : of
his neck creased and furrowed;; his `allowed himself no uneasiness. ' Sul- out and will perhaps keep you on for she would,go.
hands—one would not speak of Jack- ficient to the day.. It . was enough the season if you attend to your knit:t- "Never .give up,'.' . he said the same at the same terms as last
son Stake's hands, one would say his that in twenty-four hours he and ing and don't get an idea that be- Her eyes narrowed a trifle, but year.
favored corpulence Reed had become members of the fa-
you've been to college you there' was no=auger in them. She des -The Clerk was instructed to have a
fists. Hisfigure
and his ample body showed threaten- had . It was enough that°Reed know more than anybody else, mean- cribed another circle with her toe.. on by-law .prepared for next meeting re -
symptos of overflowing the taut had captured `the :1ieart of the
ing in particular Hamilton Stare, rile floor, As it happened the circles gulating the loading and capacity of
waistline of his blue overalls. He;sterin and overworked Mrs. Jackson Gander Stake, and Grit Wilson,,in the interlinked each other. - motor trucks in the Municipality,
gave the impression of being aimiable Stake: The fiddling with his neck order named." '"You haye been in' Plainville?" elle The following Pathinasters were
a ointed:—J. B. Turney, R. Patter.
and .willing to talk had not the more tie—Cal was not blind. It was enough "All very interesting—and very, ac- queried, presently. a PP
• h bigJimhad muzzled his should "What 1?"- 1°"No " J
ay, April rattle 1925
restful i �F r Lake Erie
Malmo a pleasant break in your journey.., A gooded r b breakfast
cool stateroom, a long sound sleep and •an appetizing
in the morning.
wily May lit to ovombet 15th
Leave Buffalo— 9:00.8. M.
Eastern }Leave Cleveland, --9;00 1'. M.
*7:00 A. M. 1. Standard Time Arrive Buffalo -•*7t00 A. lvl,
'Steamer "CIIrY OF BUFFALO arrives 7:
Arrive Cleveland ,r • 5 M,
Connections for Cedar Point, 1 attn•Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other points.
Ask year ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C /B Line, New Tourist
Automobile hate -$7.50.
Send for free sectional puzzle chart of
the Great Ship SEEANDBEE" and booklet.
The Cleveland St 'Buffalo Transit Co.
Cleveland, Ohio
Fare, $5.50
YourTicket le
n the Boats
D Ship
Length 500 feet,
Breadth, 98 feet
6 inches.
oR a W. - DODD .
Office in Chisholm . Block
P. O. Box 366. Phone 198.
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and
Office—Meyer Block, Wingham
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
Wingham, - Ontario
Wingham, - Ontario
• DR. G. H. ROSS
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Office Over H. E. Isard's Store.
urgent business of breakfast interum -tat a rnuzz e curate," Cal admitted. xa e se son Doerr, R. J. McGee, W. An-
ed. On his right sat Gander Stake, I ers playfully that morning while he "The community knows that Reed "Then you have not seen Minnie?" derson, W. Strangban, F. W. Toll, _3.
and swan -life, with a thin face curried his mane. It was enough is eight years old, and your sister's I "You mean Miss Stake?" Vincent, Geo. McGowan, J. Caldwell
that Sunburned•• yellow instead of red, that the sun shone and the birds twit -
son, and that he hasi "1 hope not,"she said, punning on W. McGill, Dingwell, R. Wilson,
a funny name,J'
a tremendously busy Ad?,m's apple,'tered as they hopped along the barb and that Mother Stake had taken the name. "Still, it's a mistake that W. Walden; W. J.; Rodger, W. J.
dark hair plastered to place with wa-', ed wire fences that bordered the road quite' a shine to him." • might be excused." Parks, G. Snell, A. E. Walsh, J. A.
ter, and eyes that'were. biuue,�not grey. and that the yellow buttercups glimp ' "`Onz young friend is observant, I Ca1 did not answer. ;He remember- McGill, F. Hayden, P. W. Scott,_Wm
He, too, was coatless and vestless, sed up shyly out of the green grass, Miss Frolic. By the way, speaking of ed the uncanny way in which -gossip Blair, W. Fothergill, M. McDowell,and even while sitting he would give land that little dribbles and shreds of funny names—?" swept through the community, and he Fred J. Cook, H. Black, Fred Cook,
his body an occasional hitch as a whistled tune fell from Reed's purs- ; Her eyes narrowed a little under had a mental picture of receivers be- S. Cook, C, W. Scott, J. ' D. Ander-
h the re assure his overalls. -ed lips as he jogged along by,. the side his gaze, but the light in then danced ing silently lifted and greedy -ears son, J. E. McCallum, J. McBurney,
Across the table from Gander sat ; of his "Daddy X." It was enough. eagerly, "My ` name is Frawdic, strained forward to catch what Jack- E. Stapleton, Wm: C. Scott, Joe .Me
Grit Wilson, also without coat or I As they crested a low ridge they r -r -a -w -d -i -c," she explained. "An odd son'Stake's new man had said about Burney, C. Wightman, •,_ P, Gibbons,
vest, and with yesterday's whisker caught sight of the school, a rectang- name, and it's easier to listen to their Minnie.... Geo. Irwin, W. Shoebottom, J. Men
grown one day older and sandier. A 'ular' wooden building studded with mispronouncinS•;,of .it than to correct "Nine o'clock!Miss 'Frawdic ex- zies, F. Thompson, W. G. Reid, W. A
parenthesis of wrinkles about his ,windows on its northern_ side, and them. And `Frolic' is a rather Pleas -.claimed. "I must call the children." Currie, A. Pattison, G. Johnston, C.
parent : :
mouth. and chin agreeably conceded standing back a short distance from ing appellation, don't you think?„ •She extended her hand and took his Carter, W. J. Elliott, Geo. Kerr, J C.
that for him the first bloom of youth the road. It seemed to have' been "An appropriate., one, perhaps," he in a friendly grip. The bones of her Currie, R. Stapleton, F. Davidson, J.
was gone, never to return; but his painted once upon a time, but windbantered. thin hand were sharp and firm against Falconer, W. J. Pardon; J. Gillespie,..
deep brown eyes had the mischievous and weather hail taken -their toll. The "Who knows?” she said, and ilio his palm. • D. Beecroft, J. Dow, J. Mason, A.
twinkle of perennial boyhood. !door stood open, and when Cal and mentarily dropped her eyes. I "1 will' do the best I can for Reed," Bruce, W. Robinson, T. Robinson, N.
Then there was Hamilton Stake—; Reedlooked in they could at first dis- , The children were beginning to ga- she said. Thompson.
"Hamburger Stake," as he was called tinguish nothing in the comparative ther for school. They came -barefoot- . Cal turned from the door to take Poundkeepers and Fence Viewers
in fun—square and fair and sandy like 'gloom. A cool dampness greeted ed, and some of ,them without coats, Reed in his grins. 'Make good, old same as formerly.
and their nostrils. Rows of wooden seats and swinging over their' shoulders Indian; make good!" he whispered ir. The following accounts; were paid:
his father, with curly copper hair Howard Campbell, filling in washout
his ear and gave: him an affectionate
a dash of ruddy down across his up- emerged from the darkness, and pres- bags with their sckzool books and lun- Con. 4, x.00; The Standard Office,
per lip. His face was clean and his ently they discerned a young woman rhes. The visitor was an object of
teeth were white, and he wore a neck-' at the end of the room„ her back to •thshake. He waved a friendly arm to
eir curiosity, and one or two of the the children now trooping into the printing' 3.50; Thos. Phillips tile, 3.15:
tie in concession to the burning of his them, her arm raised in the act of bolder boys edged up close enough to school, and turned up the road to .3. A. Young, payment on the Deacon
heart for Elsie Fyfe. His unruly writing on'the blackboard. If she hear the conversation. 'But Miss Jackson Stake's. As he walked he Thompson Drain 300.00, Corporation
locks would comb into no permanent was aware of their presence she gave Frawdic proved to be. something of. a tried to turn the conversation over in of Blyth, hall rent Div. Court purpos-
position, although he spent many a no sign, until at length Cal, in his diplomatist. his mind. And it always came back es 28.2o; R. A. Currie, filing `cabinet
clandestine- moment in the ' attempt; ' deepest bass, addressed her. ' "Here, Harold," she called to the to this: clerks office 60.00.
would bagat the knees ` "Good morning, Teacher. How boy who had come closest.,"This is a "What was it she said about Minn- i. Council adjourned to meet again. at
his overalls „ie? Something about ar mistake' that the call of the Reeve.
although he folded them carefully nn- l about a new pupil this morning? new pupil. His name is Reed. Take'might be . excused. Funny girl. l A. Porterfield, Clerks
der his mattress every night. Asses- She turned with a start, dropping him away and get him started playing Strange, girl. I mean Annien Frolic,
io-comic smile played about his lips the chalk to the floor. game.y tart a ball • i seer
with the other bo s. S Good name.- Well, we shall and captivated Cal, now that he saw "Oh, good morning, Mr. Beach. You have twenty 'minutes yet l(Continued. next week)
it clearly. He must cultivate the ac- You will think me very rude. I until school time."
q Stake. thought ' me of my children H ld i ked Reed up and down EAST WAWANOSH
S East ory-taking by tine discovery that, one hearing about?" Reed followed, somewhat shyly, but
of it had left the " 'Mr. Beach?' " thought Cal to in a few minutes his voice was cofrt-
e: himself. Reed, whom . I have lug from the ball as loud previous meetingwere read and ap-
' h i about' Our fame precedes, Jr. IIT=Carman Farrier 82.2 p. c.;
B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact-
eriology and Scientific Medicine.
Office in the $err Residence, bet-
ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap-
tist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone. 54. P. O. Box 113.
Dr. Ro'�t. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Load.)
Dr. Chisholm's old stand.
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of . Physicians and
Office in Chisholm Block
Josephine Street. Phone 29.
Dr. Margaret C. Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto '
Faculty of Medicine
Office=Josephine St., two doors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones: Office 281, Residence 151.
All Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
Anglican. Church on Centre Street.
Open every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons. Electricity
Telephone 272.
uaintance of Hamilton to e. t oug is was so aro looked AWANOSH No.' 14, and''West Wa-
Cal was aroused from his invent -And is this Reed, whom I have been for a moment. Cmon, he said
wanosh for ,February and March.
Council met on March ,1st., with Sr. IV—Olive farrier 76.7 p. c.;:
by one, the objects„ beenground 1 d as all the members present, minutes of Chrissie Inglis 43.2 p. c.
table. Mrs. Stake had poured a s
Fully Qualified Graduate
Drugless Practice being in absolute
accord with the Laws of Nature gives
the very best results that may be ob-
tained in any case.
Hours: to -12 a.m,, 2 --5 and 7 -8 p.m,
Telephone 191.
cond helping of syrup into Reed s
plate and was silently watching hum
gather it up on thick fragments of
bread• Glancing up suddenly Cal
hear ng any. -
.us.” 1 The teacher was in no hurry to proved. Laura Martin 64.7 P c.; Torn Inglis
1 She tools Reed's hand first, and then surae her work at the blackboard, and A representative of the Sawyer- 51.8 p. c.
Cal's,and it struck Cal that their°wel- Cal had a feeling that as Gander had Massey Co., waited on the Council re- 1st. Elroy Laidlaw; Kenneth Laid--
' sale of road machinery.
ti irn the him successfully for
d tobewho d withoutg
startled within her eyes a strange mine seerne some manage
look of hunger. ratio of their ages. He had a glimpse Sonne twenty-three years he would Nothing in this line ,was purchasedat
reckon that's his best suit," she 1 f blue eyes, .with thin, telltable puck- probably get along for another morn- present, the Council being of the
""I ere about them; fluffy hair; clean, ing. He waited. 'opinion that they had sufficient grad-
said, trying to cover her confusion Oh; I forgot to ask Reed's otheriers etc., for this year. In connection
with speech. "It won't last long at sharp features, somewhat older than «
school. I useta say to my boys that they would care to confess; a spare, name," said Miss Frawdic, as though. with the above it might be stated that Farrier:. No. on roll n.
` should bed 'lea light figure, rectangular like , the groping for a subject.
JCraig P g teacher.
who has operated the large
R. Hamilton, t
law; Roddy Inglis,. Dick, Guest.
Primer—Rosella Guest, Russell
Most regular attendance—Carman.
school suits sou made o ` school house and the school grounds . "Beach," saki. Cal.
they: Jackson, in partic lar, was aw-
ful hard on clo'es ....How old didand the quarter section which acconl- "Beach? .That s your name, - isn't
you say he was?" rnodated them. There was chalk dust it? And he's your sister's son?"
on her hair and it may have been The eyes with the'shallow furrows
"Eight—nine in September." ehalk dust on her face. about them were now looking into his
Mrs. Stake cleared a corner of the ", y quizzically. Cal resented them ust at
table and her throat simultaneously. I have always heard that country j
school teachers are very• wonderful," little. He had no intention of being
It, seemed she had a pesky tickle in said Cal, when she -seemed waiting •
for cross-questioned by Annie Frawdic,
her throat. him to speak. "It i•s all true. How nor yet of lying to evade her curiosi-
"Spring' weather, I blame it on. Al- did you know my name, and his?" ty. "His name .is Beach," he said.
ways like that in May ...You mus' There was a lightdancing in herr She lapsed into an appropriate sit -
be -a good boy for Annie Frolic. Do eye flint was not bad to see. Oh,'ence.' But it.was; for a moment only,
as she bids you, work hard at your that's easy. You know, we have rural Annie Frawdic had no' thought of .
lessons. It's the wind, the May telephones. They are a great invenal- ilowing any develop
wind—Was your sister married long; tion." between herself and the community's .
I mean—" j "Then Mrs. Stake telephoned your,
;la'test acquisition, The shadow - in her
She stopped, realizing the indelica-1 "No, she didn't. I see you are curi- ;eyes was as temporary as that of a
cy of her question, and in the monielx- ons 1 thought only girls were curi- flying cloud upon the prairies.
to pause Cal recovered his balance
DR. D. H. McInnes
Qualified Graduate
Adjustments given for diseases
all kinds, specialize in dealing
children, Lady attendant. Night cal -
responded to,
Offiin house of the latcott e Jas. Wa ker.Ont:,
Telephone 15o,
Phones: Office 1o6, Wfesi.d. 224.
- and
Motor Equipment
"We are so glad to have you," she
witch. 'rattled, "You • know—a.' university
man. We are all such dubs."
curi- j "Ola, not all,; I am sure," said `Cal,
gallantly. •
ry ons?„
"Not . long; Reed was the only Cal summed her up as a little
child," he equivocated. 'Very well_
"Well, we anus' get him off,"she "I offer no apology for being
ons—about you," he said.
exclaimed, as, seeking safety in ac-
tion, shedrew Reed on tote h floor
before her. Her fingers were trifling.
with his tie; her old knees seemed
pressing hungrily against his; her'
hands were smoothing his riotous
hair into some semblance of order. .
Cal walked with Reed to school.
They went on the winding trail
among the groves of poplar and wil-
low, still sparkling and fragrant with
dew, and turned south on the main
road: Across a black ploughed field,
now faintly tinged with green, lay a
cluster of white -washed farm build-
ings, probably the homestead of Fras-
er Fyfe. To the left they could see
Gander's four -horse team and seeder,
with, Gander himself hitching aloi:g
behind, as he drove his slow shuttle,
back and Earth- T'iirther afield faint
spirals of dust against a sky as clear
as spring water inarked the progress
of Grit Wilson and Hamilton Stake.
They swung along cheerily, Reed
with. his noonday lunch wrapped in
'There was, a light dancing in her "yes, Yes, all. You soongetthat way.
eye that was rather good to see.
"How nicer she chattered. "The
I'll tell . you. Last night, betwee
('Like as iron sharpeneth iron,' you.
know. I know I have grown very
n drill for lack of a --a—"
"A whetstone, Cal suggested.
"Exactly--a-whetstone. Take care
I don't call you Mr. Whetstone:"
They were progressing. .
With a slim toe she described a cir-
cle'in the dust on the floor,' She ,vas.
waiting for him to speak, so he spoke
a platitude:
"It must be wonderful to teach
these bright-eyed children; to see
;them growing up under your guid-
ance, your counsel."
"It isn't. It's a bore, 1:o them and to
me. They come to school because
'they can't, help themselves, I teach.
'them for the same reason."
Her frankness was engaging. If
;she had said, "1 am teaching school
,because 1 have failed to land, a hus-
band," he could not have understood
You . can't
feel Aso good
but what
will make you
feel better.
To TIN BULL: "That's a flue horseou sirs "
ire •looking, after., Mr -
Churchill, and he ought to do well thio year. Ent 1 don't like
look of 016 follow on his baek.
TRAINEE 1t URC7dILL: "No, he's far too heittr. ]t^ll do
best to' got a bit of weight oft him." .4 d+m