The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-16, Page 5'hgroday, April Viti1„ x 5. —1Tpavys o u se MARTIN,"*SENO RED SCHOOL HOUSE PAINT Por Barns and Outbu it dingf it has no, equal Write to Head Office, Muntreol For Free t3ookket HOME PAiNT1NG MADE EASY SOLD SY . RAE & THOMPSON Windham. r tient, if they are few in nttniber�, Or if. )the blood and titsttes destroy them, {no ili-effects reatilt: It . sometimes havnens, however;. that virulent I't;erms get into the` wound, survive and multiply. And even though the original,' wound seemed insignificant, extremely serious infections may follow.••• Among the germs that often enter the tissues through breaks in the skin ;,is the streptococcus, This viru- lent germ is a common cause of day- gerous "bloocl'poisoning." Another possible rclsult of wounds incurred tin- der certain conditions is lockjaw, And there are ‘others almost equally seri- ous.• Care Determines Results The point is that the size of a wound is not always an index to its seriousness. The presence or absence-, of infection,.and the kind of infection largely decide this. And whether or. not infection develops at the site of a wound is largely detcri*iiied by how the wound i s cared for._ Trivial wounds should :be ,painted with iodine or mercu:-ochronie.„..p his should be done witl,vut' washing the wound. Attempts at washing are likely.to introduce germs if •these arel not already present, Than tl e.tivounde, should be covered with sterile gauz care being taken- not to ,‘touch " the surface of 'the- gauze that cones in contact' with the wound. For it is possible to introduce germs into a wound even after' it is'received. Wounds that are dirty; or dean,, that bleed very freely, or are ragged, should be cared for by a doctor. And even slight wounds, that show signs of soreness should receive•medical at- tention. .Proper care of, slight wounds would prevent many serious infec- tions. Questions and Answers No Evidence For It • Mrs. G. F. C. writes: "I was read- ing an article on hardening of the ar- teries in which the author said that `drinking hard water caused the arter- ies to harden on account of the lime.' This interested` me because we happen to, live where the. drinking water is hard. Is it true that drinking hard water makes the arteries hard?" Reply • There,does not seem to be any scientific evidence in support of the idea;-• Arthritis L.D. writes: "I Base what the doc- tors call arthritis. My joints are stiff Iand sometimes, feel sore, and they crack sometimes when I bend them. I have felt this way for a long time and would like to know what I can do to get rid of it., What causes ar- thritis, and is there any cure for it after you have had it for some time?"' Reply.. Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. In the more acute forms it is the characteristic feature of in- flammatory rheumatism. It seems to be caused by infection.' The in- fection often appears to enter the sy- stem through the tonsils. The chron- ic forms also appear to be due to.•in-. f.ection, as a general thing. Abnor- malities is the metabolism.—the chem- istry of the building up and tearing down of cells—flay possibly be a cause in some of the forms. There are the chronic fortis -in which the joints have a tendency to become de- formed. (Arthritis'deformans.) It is very essential that all infec- tions; should be gotten rid of. if the disease is to be arrested. The teeth, the tonsils; the sinuses and other structures which may harbor infec- tions, should be carefully examined. Massage, fresh air, and vaccine treatment if your physician thinks it advisable in your case, may help you. You cannot be assured to complete recovery from the structural changes that have already taken place in your joints, even though you get rid.of the. cause. Measles And Light Mrs. F, A. W:writes': "There were measles in the family of one of our neighbors a little while ago. Their doctor wanted them to let the stirs shine into the room where the chil- dren with the measles' were. That seemed to be wrong advice to' me, as light is bad for the eyes in a case of measles. Isn't this so?" Reply It is not considered advisable to keep the room darkened in cases of measles. Sunlight kills the contagia ons :material of measles. If the eyes, are inflamed, smoked glassed or glasses with blue lenses should be worn by the patient. But let the VANITY CASE PUP . Woof! G -r• -r -r. Look out—:mashers chance, some hold man should grab and ' purse snatchers. This little beast weighs one whole pound and is carried by an eastern Miss in her vanity case for protection. If, by Woof! Woof! the case, the cover, flies open and "Tiny"—this two month old Boston Bull pup—does his stuff. G -r -r -r. • fe rnle follow is to con - THE ROAD TO BETTER HEALTH stiltheasaphysiciian when suspicious By Dr. W. J. Scholes hunts, sores, bleeding or other sym- toms that cannot be readily account= THE BEST DRINK ed for, appear. For, success in the Water is still the best beverage. It treatment of cancer depends upon the is not only the best, it is the one ne- removal or.destruction of the growth cessary beverage. Nothing else can before it has a fair start. If examin- take its place. This is- not surpris• ation shows that the trouble is -not ing when you remember that water cancerous, you. will be relieved to comprises about two-thirds of the know it. Yes; Both composition of the body,. I As a"•necessity of life, water ranks Mrs. K. F. asks: ,`.'Is veronal pois- in importance with air, food and onous? It is possible to get into the sleep. It is necessary for the carry- habit' of taking it so that one can ing on,of almost every function of the hardly get along without it?" body. The chemical re -actions ,the • Reply w curring within the cells take place in Cases of poisoning from taking ver- a medium of'ater. It is the medium onal, either in excessive dosage or ov- in-which waste is eliminated through er a prolonged period of time; have the kidneys and the skin. It is,an im- been reported. portant constituent of the digestive 'Veronal is regarded as habit -form - juices, It helps to prevent constipa ing. . While it is a very useful drug tion. By its evaporation from the in its place, it should never' be taken. skin it plays an important role in the except when prescribed by a physic - heat regulation of the body. ian. Of course, everyone drinks water. They Should Be Good For You But there are many people who do W. G. D. asks: "Are cold bath;; not drink enough of it. There flay harmful for a girl of 'q? I am heal - be some people who drink too much thy in every way. water. It may be possible to„over- . .'.... •AMIi�N.NRrIiWPF•T, ....•„ti..l•?^^^. r....,.e:i •r... THE SALVATION AMY Mrs; Henry t'xardner and Mra Rk1t- Self Denial "Pms” and GaGardner.aiicl Mrs C. W. Ritchie, _eptoravisited their mother, Mrs, )Folinn- 'ies` is a conn. ' dr sw t.ucicnow.. Mrs. Anw 'f lac 17utch I'.as t ladies d was overconofic. with a 'tveele spelldrelast lastdecade the •1 d 14 •e during t . .het gi, to AY, z"' Thursday, and they called i Army's work has been particularly attend her. gratifying. To :Elollaud is due the I Robed 'Graham and Mr. Herb of supplying; ,the; pioneer' of Mrs, l h fivers, but workilig with the Dutch Grahame of Lucknow, " visited will officers ,arc others from ` Norway, friendsi tn the Grove, last T hursdtay France, Sweden, Denmark; Finland, r afternoon. Germany, Switzerland England A..-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Mcl .eith and nterica, Australia and New Zealand, lair, and Mrs. Chester Hilton of Oak - Overseas officers number over one ville, are spending their Easter hoii- ! 1r ed and twenty to which can b Bros, with the Gardner ros, and' Mr, runs doled" over fifty native officers, lCharley Ritchie of 1Vlaple Grove. The Spacious Williai)n Booth Eye' Mr. Will and Miss Flora Andrew Hospital in ' Semarang under Dr, of l.ucl.now, spent , Easter Sunday (13rigadicr) Willis .is known and vain with Mrs. Joseph Helm of, Zion. ed throughout the whole-Arellipelags. :, Mrs. Ernest Gardner of Zion, visit - In one year, -the nuthbcr of cgitsulta• j cd `}ler sister, Mrs. Mark Gardner of tions totaled 43,650 while 500 peen and Rapid City. women were 'treated . as in -patients `:Viis Bertha Cook of .West' Zion. Nc ar1 ane thousand lepe,.s are be- !friends. The majority of these were needy !spent Tlrtirsday last, , with Lucknow natives Y ing cared for by the Army. Binding Mr.C. L• McDonagh- 'of Maple ii their wounds, and with the help of Grove, attended he Black Perceptory, doctors, putting to the .test 'all the known reinedies for this dread mala- dy, and in other .ways the officers seek, with fine devotion, -to alleviate the; sufferings of their -charges. In Toronto 'last 'week ,over . r600 meals were supplied to uneinployed. When, survivors of a Japanese lin- er, that was burned at sea, were brought to San Francisco, the boat was met by Army Officers, and waren clothing was distributed among- st the distressed Japanese 'passengers; many of whorxi were clad only in• bathrobes. This year, by couftesy of the Presi- dent Mr, J. Hanna, a committee is be- ing formed of Lion Club` members to Reply work the kidneys by drinking -too • If you re -act -well to•them, they much water. But there are probably are good for you. They' act as a 'not very many who damage themsel- tonic and will help too protect you 'from catching cold. --0— Symptoms of Worms 'Mrs. H. A. C. writes: "For some le g time my little girl, age 2 years, has ter may be taken freely between complained of occasional pains in the meals. A reasonable amount may be stomach. When site bas no pain she taken with meals if it is not 'used as seeins.to be in perfect health.-- Could a substitute for the proper chewing of these pains come from worms?” food. Food should never be washed Reply down with water, And very cold wa- The symptoms caused by the pt es- ter,, rapidly swallowed, riiay chill the ence of worms seem to be rather in - stomach and retard digestion. definite. Nervous disturbances, as it- Sonie people fear that water - will eking at the nose, and colicky pains, make them fat As important as wa- bad breath and: vomiting, are some - ter is, it contains nothing that is cap- threes.- attributed to worms. The able of making fat when taken into best evidence of their presence, how - the system, Just be certain that the ever, is the passage of worms from water you drink is pure and will not the .bowels, or the' ,vomiting of a be the means of introducing disease worm. • Isla.ul 'germs into the system. Then be sureJ K. McK asl.Harmstltcre, much drink enough of it, It is the only' real thirst sati'sfier,chance of any harm resulting .from Questions and Answers the use of table -salt ,containing ' Eery Symptoms iodin?" Mrs,.--E,M. S. inquires: tures: "What are, Reply - the early- symptoms of cancer?" No. It will probably prevent your Reply 1 - children from developing goiter, The very early symptoms due to'' M —o— AND er' are usually not characteristic • SLIGHT WOUNDS cancer ,I,1 may also be catts- o held in Lucknow last Thursday ev- ening. A large number from Zion, were into the Easter. concert in Lucltnow Good Friday evening and were well pleaaed,wi'th the fine concert, so well rendered by the children, • Miss Ada Webster, Zion School Mistress, is spending her Easter holi- days with Lticknow friends and Miss Ada Helm of Crewe School, is spend- ing her Easter holidays, under the parental roof at Zion. Mr. Don McDonald and Mark Gardner of Rapid City, Mr. Alex Havens of Lucknow and Mr. Jack McDonagh of, Maple Grove, were down sucker fishing at the Devil's canvass the business section of Wing -Elbow, last. Thursday and returned' hain in the' interest of the "Self -De home with a fisherman's luck, wet Mal" drive for $300.00. When the feet, and a hungry gut. Lion approaches you don't slay hini did. He is 111 11110111 I1!I itll�llllloill itiNili dlii$111 111111 SOWGOOD >' D, Registered banner Oats at $'.,5o per bushel; No. Timothy Seed at $4.25 per bushel. V,Tbite .and Yellow Blossom Sweet Opofrti - ver Seed for sale, Govern neht standard seeds at very 10w •pric- NIes, Apply to m1 W, SANQSTEiR Phone r4, Listowel, Ont. —• iB ��IlI IIIfidIU III IIltglfi�!!Iigl)Il llltdill '111 Ill11�1T1 (luno 111 !li lll�''•1116�111 i11�11111�!1ow. I11MII11 W w Fresh Creamery _ 14J J4 E:`6. iii TRY BLUEVALE BRAND it Butter •delivered every Wed- !� nesday and •Saturday fresh from the churn. to consumer. is Phoxte bog r g. 1. e� Bluevale Creamery 9! : illitailaiimatilnli an ll1 11�1�1111�1i1�1116�i11 like David and Samson really harmless, but 'enjoys a health; appetite which can only be appearsed by a real substantal donation towards the sum required. Now then Busi- ness Section, over the top, and. retake it "The Best Yet!" More "Peptograms" next week! MAPLE GROVE We are sorry to. report amongst our sick Miss Winnifred. Hunter, With attack of appendicitis and Mr. Robert Andrew, with a bad attack of Asthma e tllem both around we hope to se again soon. yes, in this way. Six Glasses A Day It seems to be.the generally accept- ed opinion that on should drinkat est six lasses of water a day. vetiver. They INFECTIONS. than cancer- ;By Dr. W. J. Scholes ed by ..cttndtttOtts other cancer - ons. Small, round, or' flat topped, ar- eas on the skin which slowly increase ze , in siwhich form open sores, and X r which have a tendency to bleed easily ---inay 'be cancerous. irtcrcase 111 Lumps which slowing size, and bleeding from n .uecous Membranes of body orifices may be. due to.cancer. Cancer in many oft'he internal organs only begins to .cause syin >toms when it interferes with the function of some organ. So ;the l a ear- ly diagnosis of cancer is not a w 3 - Wounds of any considerable sive and severity are generally regarded sunlight in, answer usuallycome under (Note.:—Dr; Scholes will as senors. f They ' s , uesttons in these col - notcare of the ,. doctor. Tautthis is such health l P t to other s. not always the case with small hors as will be of inters Feta many small scratches, 1 and permissible in public print. waundsr. So x y r< sions receive no care sonal �q:ucstiona will be answered only Par- ents and tib t by self-addressed its I when accompanied ;incl Beal tap' without any bad'restte. Address Dr, W. that we are inclined to regard them as 'stamped envelop this paper. . 'practically free from ill danger, I J. Scholes, in care :of l 1. MORRIS Minutes of meetings held in the Township Hall, Morris, on Monday April 6th., '925. The members were all present.' The reeve presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The clerk was instructed to notify the Contractor, to complete the Rin- toul Drain. A By -Law was passed in connection' with the agreement be- tween the Hydro' Electric Power Conunission and the Township Coun- cil. Jas. Peacock, assessor $'os.00; John McLean, lumber 11.41; Alex. Camp- bell, repairs, at Stone School bridge 5,00; Russell Richmond, grading 2.25; William Murray; grading 5.65. The next meeting will be held. in the Township Hall, on Monday May '8th, A. MacEwen, Clerk. j . The following accounts were paid: ao Tourist St 5000 Facts About Canada "5000 Facts About Canada" is fa- mous as a rich storehouse of informa- tion about the Doin.inibn. It is the pro- duction of Frank Yeigh, the recogniz•• ed authority on this country as writer and lecturer. The 22nd annual edi- tion is out for 1925, and will, as in former years, be Welcomed by an ap- preciative public. ' Fifty chapters— from "Agriculture" to "Yukon"—in- elude a series of striking facts pre- sented. in a crisp, terse form that fast ens them on the' mind. The '925 iss- ue contains much new matter, includ- ing nclud ing a striking comparative table of our national growth during the quar- ter of a century since 'goo: The book may be secured at leading dealers, or,. by sending 35 cents to the Canadian Facts Publishing Co., 588 Huron Street, Toronto. He who would know Canada will find this wonderful little book a means to that end. p Where Morgan Sacred } ::elle .... Rouna America, from Vancouver and return by Canadian Pacific is a travel inauguration which prom- ises to become an interesting and popular tourist feature.�� 'rhe giant "Empress of Trance, recruited from the Atlantic fleet of the com- pany sailed from New York, Jan - nary ldth, and after visiting the gateway ports of the older world she will, on May 3, arrive at Van- couver, having stopped at Victoria en route. : Here she will spend a da. and pick tip marry passengers ' But it is well to remember that adfcllows, a svlio desire to take the trip around tics -Polities retake strange b I America or who chose this admir•» • gain entrance to theI germs can g aAble means of reaching New York. lues through any break in the skin. ff but politicians always use the.satire Able first: stole will, be made at the germs do not happen to,be'viru- • bunk. ft#00.04. .sa.n..s. +..:bil:et San 1! t,ancisco where, in the fa a s S Rose Room of the Palace Hotel,. a dinner dance will be given the pas- sengers a sengers on the evening . of arrival. The celebrated 80 -mile motor trip will be taken next day, and with sight-seeing and shopping, tune will be very well taken up until the hour: of sailing. May 16 will be spent at Balboa, the Pacific entrance to the Panama 'Canal. There is no more historical or ro- mantic spot on earth than the lath - mus whieh divides the two oceans. Here tame the adventurers after the Spanish gold, and the ruins of old Panama, sacked by Morgan, about seveXn miles from the oitir, bear wit. • MuMMAIMIIIMMegaImMitte Here an 5 spree% le moon fording liar way through the Pangaea Canal. Ingot, the Golf Club Ranee at Y"aaeasue,. Below, a &r®ug of Panama Iforia elda who entertained the Empress of Laitada round -the -world maim* palm/wars tad rear. ness to desperate struggles and deeds of daring. Both Balboa and Drake saw the Paeifie ocean trona an elevation on the isthmus. Pana- ria City adjoins Balboa. It is a typical picturesque Spanish -looking city, founded in 1673, after Meirgatt' destroyed the' old city. May 17 and the ship proceeds to Miraflores and enters the lock fair elevation to Miraflores Lake. The* to Pedro Miguel, continuingthrough the' famous Culebra or Gailard Ctt and so on to Gatlin, finally docking at Colon where a few hours are to be spent. Ravens is the last port of call be» fore reaching New Fork, where we Empress is scheduled to do Y 23. The round -America trip is ate: treating a great deal of attention,.; and litany Canadians provost , tatty advantage of it,