The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-16, Page 3¶m. vn�.aw pm�+aM
Thursday, April 16t1x„ Fee$
`,.11111111, 111111trnttl1111,1111'1 llur,l,III00U111lIIr1,1111110M,,It111 1.11,1111i1U1111111111111111.,111/11111101
$25 in Cash razes
For the best pair of Bred -to -lay Barred Rock birds' raised from
setting eggs or chicks purchased from P. W. McAndless of The
'Whyte Packing Co; Ltd.
A Ca$h Prize of $15.00 will be Given.
A Second Prize of $10.00
will be given for the next best pair of birds under the same condi
The cockerel of the first prize bii.ds and the pullet of the second
prize birds to go to the donor of prizes
Prizes awarded at Winghan Fall Fair. Phone or call at the
warehouse for further particulars.
The VIx . ' PackingCo., Ltd.
' Office 62w. Residence Phone 62j
Branch F. W. McAndless.
11111 ,1St{11i 1,l�,A,11,11111111111111401111111 I,i1,iII ll llt„llII111ll lIII 11„O
ation, Continue these adjustments 1
until the secondary is completely in ,
resonance with the 'Slate circuit and
the oscillation eliminated.
It is unnecessary to shield this re-�
ceiver unless there is a strong inter-'
j'erenee fro local stations it • is
well however, to set the secondary'
back from the panel by several inch-
es to avoid the, effect of body-eapaci-1
ty in tuning with the tickler.
Do not lose patience with this re-
ceiver because it does not work the
first time you try it out. Give your-
self time to beeotne well acquainted'
with this circuit and its tuning, as the
results obtainable with the Superdyne'
are worth this effort.
Radio Questions and Answers
S. T. asks: "Will it be worth while
to wind the tuning coil for my Ultra
Auction. with 8 gauge copper wire in
order to cut down the resistance?"
Ans:--No. Using such heavy were
makes the inductances too • larges
Moreover it will not cut down the.ra-
(Part Three)
(Radio Engineer)
The tickler coil rotates .in the grid
end of the secondary, inductance. it
consists, of 20 turns of 24 gauge cop-
ij per wire wound on a cardboard tube
24 inches in diameter. This core
should be .';z inches long and the
winding should be spaced between
turirs as it was on the other coils.
fi The rotation of the coil is con-
t 11 d b a ; inch brass shaft ex-
- tending through the panel and the
cardboard .core into a suplorting
bearing in the rear of the set. The
connections to this winding are made
through flexible leads.. The second-
ary coil should be directly, below the dio frequency resistance.
tickler and should rest on some ad- 13.. E. C. says: "I bought some coil -
ro e y
The annual• meeting of Salem. Lad-
ies Aid was held on Tuesday, Ap-i1
yth., at Salem Church. This Society
has had a very successful year. Splen-
did .reports were read by the Secy.
and Treas.
The following officers were elected:
for the coining year;; Pres. Mrs. Ro-
bert Sharpin; 1st.. Vice -Pres., Mrs.
James Wray; end Vice Pres,,' Mrs.
Robert Taylor; Secy., . Mrs. Henry
Merkley; Treas. Mrs. Jack Gerrimill;
Organist, Mrs.._ Ed, Palmer; Social
Committee, Mrs. D. L. Weir; Mrs.
John Abraham; Mrs. Jack Fitch, Mrs.
P., Copland and Mrs. A. Galbraith:
(President Greer College o8 q' to-
mioJive Engineering, Olkieng0)
y,” yelled the motorist to the
mpedestrian whom he had just
ocked dawn and run over, "Take
e look at •my brakes and see if
they're dragging, will you?"
Somewhat overdrawn possibly but
any pedestrian will tell you that he
wouldn't put it above an. automo-
bile driver to do such a thing.
And the motorist, himself, would In co-operation with the .Huron
says' "Why don't those birds watch
their step, do they think that we are. County Fruit Growers' Council, the
mind readers?" Right here is the , Ontario Department of Agricultural
whole situation—lack of courtesy. 'is undertaking a spray service in the.
Does the pedestriran thank the Countyof Huron in '1 2 This. ser.
motorist who throws on his brakes 9 5.
ih Charlie ass
"Some o oar yotrol
folks ssemt't`hi c.
its garienixe time
tea° yea.r 'r'Oura.a
— k'r wild. oato"-
and allows him to cross safely from vice is designed -'to help those who in•
the curb and catch a trolley that is I tend spraying their orchards and giv-
tot him to the train on time?
the automobile driver wave
Yes, Produce clean fruit.
acknowledgment to the pedestrian ) The timing of the spray and the I
who goes out of his way to make
ge in thein the. attention necessaryto
Y s we have ho 'bananas 1 Does g
things easier when the car. driver Proper application of the same are
is trying to steer through a con the two important factors in produc-
Cested street?, No, he does, not' ging good fruit. This work will be un
onsequently both driver and ped-
estrian are to blame and a little • der the supe vi ion of Professor J.
courtesy would aid them to shield , E. Howitt and W. G. Evans of the
the public from preventable traffic•Ontario' Agricultural College; this
accidents. year. With their direction we can as -
But there is no excuse for the
gay -walker: A 'large. percentage, of •sist those growers, who ask for the
accidents in the congested shopping spray service as follows:—
.districtsare directly traceable to,
thedisregard of the public that' (t) Give informationand instruc-
cross at street corners. tion regarding spraying„ some spray-
My advise to pedestrians is to ing demonstrations are to be arrang-
ook up and down and behind, be- ed just ,before the spraying season
lore d-rossing any street. Avoid , .
dodging in front of machines, real- starts. r
tze that the longest line of tragic (2) Advise each one in the service
seldom tkmore than aes thirt
seconds to pass anis that it better`
tolose thirty seconds than a leg..
Even the habitually careless auto- 1
mobile driver will have trouble in
harming you if you take the slight
amount of care necessary to protect
Just plumb your faith of human-
ity-tank.with the old Golden Buie
and see how it works out. Take
a chance and give the other fellow
the right of way, even when it
doesn't belong to him, or give him
the "go-ahead" signal Its a hum.-
dred-to-one shot that he'll grin and
wave for you to go first. But the
moral effect will cause him to.
watch out for the next driver and
offer some little courtesy that will
make ; this other chap feel good.
Once such a system is started there
won't be any end to it and the roads
will be 'a wonderful place to ride
on until along comessome bird
'who has no place to go and wants
to get there in a hurry; and then—
it is all off. All off, unless you
realize that sooner or later this
bird• will run up against a, ,snag
which will necessitate some extra
yards of gauze and a 'cguple of
doctors. In other words do your
best to make driving safer and the
law of averages will take are of
the rest,
BY PRSS Cohr zvarR 0, O0e 2s M#i
for .A. V rift re; -94 ido /-/ lifo -d r v.Y. r
Write t,o Rebid °Mee. Montre l Per free booklet
Wil g'sam
justable support so that the distance pdion for my radio coils but the stuff
between itself and the tickler may be is so thick that Icannof use it. Is ,
regulated. . The details are shown in there any way to thin it out a little?"
Figure 3. I Ans.:—Add ether to the colldion
The details of the ' panel arrange- when it gets too thick. Keep it
regarding the time to apply each
spray—this can be done partly by
(3) Visit each orchard at intervals
throughoutthe spraying season to
take note of conditions in the orchard
and to, advise and instruct the .opera-
tor's of spraying machines.
anent are left to the taste of the in- tightly covered when not in use.
dividual experimenter. It is • suggest, 1 _o—
ed, however, that the general arrange- J. E. T. asks: "How can I connect'
ment shown in Fugure 3 be followed up my headphones so that I can lis-
as it is e.specially necessary in this re- ten in on them while the loud speaker
ceiver, to keep the connections as is being operated? The : signals a
short as possible. Also,. it is advis- too loud for my ears when the phones
able to keep the inductances well se- are connectedin with the speaker."
parated. The tuned plate coil should Ans.—Try connecting your head- I
be kept away .from the secondary and phones in series with a i1 megohmj,
Should be turned so that it is in, a grid leak to the same terminals that
plane .at right angles to the plane of operate your loud speaker.
the secondary. —0—
jt is advisable to use a separate. 13. M. S. says: "My. Baldwin head-
rheostat for the R. F. amplifier tube, set rattles badly when loud signals
but if UV 201A tubes are used, all
niay be controlled by the same rheo-
stat. With these tubes and 90 volts on Ans.—Sometimes this is caused by
the plate, a 3 volt C battery should the metal armature touching one of
(4) Assist with various orchard
There is room for .much improve-
ment in the quality of apples produc-
ed in Huron County and we aim to
effect some of that improvement in
1925. More spraying and better spray-
ing are the two great needs. In or,
der to control fungus diseases such as
apple scab and insects such as Cod-
ling Moth etc„ it is necessary to ap-
ply the spray thoroughly at the Pro-
per Times, Apple growers, who are
not prepared to do this every year
would be better out of the business:.
Growers who wish to takeadvant-
age of this servicethis season should
write or telephone or mention the
matter definitely as soon as possible
are coming in. Is there any • way in
which I can stop this trouble?"
VERY fortune bas had ,a -foundation. I
:very foundation, in the first instance,.
is laid with the first few dollars saved.
Start to save now and lay your foundation.
Save seriously—save consistently. For money'
in the Bank is the buffer against misfortune
and the barometer of future prosperity.
3. A. WAt A.CE0 ..
r migitetz leap.,. ilei;:% mewnesizase ,.tine 1f- y tACr .' ' —...
be connected as was shown in Figure
One/o.f the very desirable 'fea-
tures' of the Superdyne receiver is
that the dial of the condenser' which.
tunes the plate coil may be calibrat-
ed for various stations you are ac-
customed to .hearing. -;;;'Thus, once
you get a stations tubed in at its maxi-
mum strength you 'can record this
dial reading and use it in getting the
same station again at any other time.
This calibration is very constant and
will not change, even if the aerial is
changed, or if the receiver is moved the advoice
to a different location.oil tiickle weather may be a little was housekaper in an English gmtle-
' • mesilf wid no axe to groind an only PY
The tuning of the • Superdyne may the besht interests av the parthy in could an backward fer us Tories at man's house wid a whole crowd av
rather hard and critical at first., his inoind?. 'Shure, didn't we sind prisint, but winther is over, an the servants undher her, befoor she mar-
seem warrum rains will soon conte an the
tied her fursht husband. I am .,not
mar -
but such is rat d and cast if this one him power wid a e majority ...big
sun will shoine an the grass an flow- `much interested in the house-claynin
dial is calibrated - properly used. enough to do as he plated, He s err -will bloom us ad- . av but I am glad ould
The method of tuning is as follows: hev nailed the pollytickle hoides av voice, as an ould fer mer, agin. Meto. kap- indMta is theomm game, see a fer it will
Look on your calibration chart •and Currie an McCausland to the dare
id thein av 1110 Y, an sow the good Tory sade, if 'give ins a chalice to convince him
U. F. O.'s an Grits ne barren aotzg wit he has been hunt- ye rape a crap whin harvist hat he made a inishtake in layvin
• ' 1 if theer is wan span toime comes. It will nivir git us the Tory earthy an t'urnin Proe'riss-
the po e -p eces,
the noise' may be stoppeerbybending
one of the supports of the armature
until'it stands in the center of the
space between the pole -pieces.
111111 , ;,F'a`0111llil i' " / /�
I � � 1°° llp011
1925 8
nort, an whin I wint down town. I
an byes to play at. It takes shtrong
Min wid woide ixpayrience fer that mit me frinds Mishter Greer an
Mishter Isard, safe home from theer
jawb, fer, shore, the aisier tings luk,
.south thrips, but mebby it wus only a
fit is thin they are often the haired -.coincidence; as me dawter-in-law wed
est. Mishter Ferguson, wid a. ntajori-
say. Another sure soign that the
SYMPATHIZES WITH PREMIER ty the biggest in the wurruld, gits warruin weather is corrin is the way
ihimsilf into all koinds av thfh.ble, an the wimmin do be pitchin into the
To the Editur av the Advance-Toimes Mishter McKenzie King, down at house claynin. The missus is strong -
Deer Sur,— •Il Ottawa, wid no majority, at all, at all, er fer it than ivir this shpring, be ray -
I wish I cud tink av some way to shlips along as aisy as an auto on a son av the fact that me ould brother
hilp ane (rind, Mishter Howard Fer-1 paved road. Nivir moind, that lad is Matt an his English war widdy woite
guson, out av the fix thim wet Tories l goin to mate wid an accident that are comin down from Alberta to pay
in Toronto hev been afther gittin him will surproise him wan av these days, 'us a visit, an the missus says she isn't W
into. hoy cudden't he hev taken an it won't be anny little punkchoor goin to let her sister-in-law see anny-
Id fellate loike arr blow out ayther, so it won't. The ting to found fault wid Sven if she
find the dial setting for the station
you want to hear. Set your. plate
condenser at this reading and tune in clown. I tsnt annywheer as a parthy to sit arround ive an besoides I want to found out
the secondary to resonance by its in Ontario who rudder pity it is Mish- rnywh about: how the nort winds about the wurrukin av the prisint lac -
condenser, (The secondary conden- ter Ferguson, wid all the thrubbles g ker law in Alberta, but, I suppose, n
ser will usually be within a few dial be has had to face. Fursht the foot from the peraries,an the Aist winds
calbrated dial read- be foor beer, thin the gasoline tax, from Quebec, do be killin ou the good ordhcr to git away from the wimmin,
divisions of the Torywhate an clover, an that nothing
an have a chance to discuss thine sub-
ing, at resonance.) thin Church Union, thin Redishtri•
nciar.. circuit approaches bushuii; shore it. is no . wondher he isaines to throive bai•rin the percnniel jickts in pace, we shall hev to go
Astrace t o y ow thistles av the I'rogrissives, an
resonance the R. F, amplifier folie had to incrase the salaries av the I away out to the bush' soinewheer an °.
11 bbl start t oscillate and in numbers in ordher to gat all his wish- the woild .oats av the Grits. sit down on a log.
da lasht wake goin Timothy Hay.
av t
will probably
y s ar :o ,
this case the tickler is slowly turned tires troo the house. Pollyticks' is a A flock ay woild geese flew over Yours till nixt wake,
iii the direction which stops the oscill-quare game
but not later than April 15th. 1 11 an not wan fer wirnmin the town wan y
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