The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-16, Page 2loniwwwwwwwi
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THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Mrs.. Theo, Hall and daughter, Miss
Edith, are visiting friends in Owen
Sound this week.
Miss Maude Fieuty of London and
Robs. J. Fleuty of Southampton, spent
Easter at their Thome in town.
John A. Currie :and his sisters, Mag
gie and Lula, spent their Easter holi-
days in Brantford and Hamilton.
Miss Pansy Reynolds was home for
Good Friday and returned to Clinton
Saturday, accompanied by Miss Bessie
Marsales, who spent a few days with
her. •
Miss Gertie Lockhart and . sister,
Miss Nina, returned to town Thurs-
day; the former from a visit to friends
in Toronto and points east; the latter
for her holidays under the parental.
April xsth., 1904
Messrs, Currie & Davidson, Wing -
ham's well-known well drillers are
now getting things in readiness for
the season's work -and will commence
work as soon as the roads ,,will per
mit moving their machinery. Last
week they received a large consign-
ment of iron piping and iron. pumps.
Messrs. Currie & Rintoul shipped a
car load. of horses to Head, N.
W. T. on Tuesday. Mr, C. A. Rin-
toul being in chane. On: the same
day Mr. Stewart Wilson, of Turn•
berry, shipped a, mar load of settlers
A few items of interesting news ta- , effects; to Redvers, N. W. T. Mr•
ken from the fyles of Wingham pap -,Wilson has taken up land in the West
ers of /906 and x904. Just a few and is now going to live there.
short years ago when we look back One of the oldest residents of this
and yet how many changes have ta- section passed away an - Thursday
ken place in those years. How true morning of last week in the person of
.are the words of the poet; ! Edward Dear, in his 8oth year. M.
"We take no note of time, Dear came to Morris Township, over
But from its loss." .,forty years ago, and for many "years
'Time is dealt out by particles." !lived on the first line.
'The man is unborn j Eleven inches of snow on the 15t11
'of April in some parts of Ontario!
;Just think of it, and at the same time
devote a moment's thought to 'the.
April 21st., zgo6 fiend who perpetrated that insane
Beattie Bros. have decided to dis- piece of doggerel, "Beautiful Snow".
pose of their entire stable of speed After six months of 'winter, the wea-
horses, and next Monday will consign:ther man, not satisfied with the multi -
them to the Canadian Horse Ex- •tude of indignities he has heaped
change, Toronto, where they will be ;upon this law abiding, peaceful Ca-
sold by auction on Thursday, 26th., nadian community, rubs it in with a
inst. jpost-winter storm which in point of
Mr. Jas. Duncan, lately Bandmas-,spitefulness and inconvenience to the
ter of the Wingham Band, has gone public, can hold its own with any-
to Collingwood, where he has secured thing old. Boreas has turned out for
a situation, and has an engagement to a quarter of a centuryy,
lead the Collingwood Band. 1 The adjourned Vestry Meeting of
G. A. Newton, of Toronto, formerly St. Paul's Church was held on Mon
of Wingham, has disposed of his pro- day evening and was very well at-
perty, consisting of two houses and tended. The meeting was a very
three lots on Leopold street, to Amos harmonious one and all. the ,reports
Tipling, G. " C. Hanna was the pur- presented were very ",encoufaging.
chaser of Mrs. Gowdy's lot and. brick The financial report showed the
house on Martha street, and has re—church . funds to be in good shape.
soldthe same property to Richa.d The Rector, Rev. Wm. -Lowe and his
Tennant. Richard Sharpe has sold congregation are to be congratulated
bis * desirable stone cottage property on the good showing for the year.
on North -street to A. Shields of East Mr. Wm. Corbonld" was re-elected as
Wawanosh. the People's Warden, and Mr. Thos,
"Review," the home of Mr. and Bell re -appointed the Rector's War-.
Mrs. Geo. McKenzie, was the scene of den. The followipg sidesmen were
a very interesting event on Wednes• elected: -Chas. W. Inglis,F. Mc -
day, • the r8th inst., when their daugh- Guire, Ed. Nash, C. G. Vanstone,
ter, Miss Sarah Eleanor, became the 'Alex. Porter, Jas, H. Kerr, A. J. Al-
bride of Mr. W. H. Spedding of To- derson and Chas: Halster, Mr. F.
Published at
Every Thursday Morning
A. G. Smith, Editor and Proprietor
Subscription rates --One year $2.00,
six months $s.00, . in advance.
Advertising rates on application.
Advertisements without specific di-
reetions will be inserted until forbid
and charged accordingly,,
Changes for contract advertisements
be in the office by noon, Monday.
m,i,""n"te»namn6u,ntu>mn.> nuuunu,un,a,,,uuu"us..
1925 APRIL 1925
[Mo Tex VVe Th Fr Sa
1 21;3 41
6 r71 8 9 m10i 11
12113 14 1511617 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
26127 28 29 30
Who duly weighs an hour."
"Time wasted is existence
Used—is Life."
Ytl xr cni<A.M A) Si JI,NCE-'I
The Union furniture factory is
closed this week owing to a• shortage.
Of dry lumber, 'The factory will be in
full operation again on. Monday,
Mr. W. F. VanStone will next week
move his office to the Button block,.
and Mr, Rich,, Barrett will move his
barber shop to the premises now oc-
cupied by Mr. VanStone.
Mr. "W. H. Green and his ten men
are now busy in the woods cutting
The Board of License'Coinm.ission-
ers for West Huron met at theresi-
dence of James Stevens,. Base Linc-;
near Clinton, on Monday last to con-
sider the applications for liquor lie -
oases for the ensuing year. The fol-
lowing were granted licenses;—Wing-
haze—Geo,. B, Roe, Alex. Orr, L. W.
Hanson, Orr Bros,, and Jas, Broad-
way. Goderich---Fred Davis, E. R.
Swarts, Ellis Bros„ Mrs. Annie King,
David Sawyer, Michael Farr, Ben
Saults, and Wm. Babb. Shop to
Walter Saults. Clinton -Jos. Ratten-
bury, J. J. McCoughey, A. W. Bran-
denburg. • Shop, . Thos. Bell. Blyth-
Mrs, F. Mason and J. Emigh. Dtin
Bannon—Mrs. J. Mallough and W. J.
Mountain. Londesboro- Thos. Hill.
Kintail—Alex, Young and Neil Mc-
Donald, Port Albert—Nelson Pear-
son. Dunlop—Win. Glazier.
Mr. W, H. Kerr, of the Brussels
Post was calling on friends in Wing -
barn on Monday.
A Bruce County Ballad of Fact
To those who love a good Scotch
poem in the old, old dialect, and es-
pecially for its originality, will ap-
preciate the following one, which
was published. last'' week in the Pais-
ley. Advocate.
Old Tonald wiss a 'Hielanman,
From Ileach in Argyll;
She'll wiss a Presbyterian man
Of goot old Henan style.
She'll gone oot to ta bushone tay,
Taponnet on to head,
Ta old plack pottle in ta .pooch,
To goot cheese an' ta pread,
Ta old dog, Sawny, she'll go too—
Ta Saxons calls him Alick—
Ta dog, she'll only haf one fault,
She'll no could spoke -the Gallic:
Ta tail was jus' tree inches long,
Ta hair wiss long an' twany-
There'll pe no dog in all Powmore
Who'll not be pet by Sawny.
Now, Tonald, she'll chop all ta day;
Ta dog, she'll no be still;.
She'll chase to squirrel up to tree,
Ta hedgehog up ta hill.
She'll scrape ta ground around ta
An' tuzzle with ta bee;
But when ta tinner-hour came round
She'll let ta beasties be.
Tonald, she'll pe a godly man;
She'll no pegin to fare
Pefore she pless ta vittals with.
.A good big Gaelic prayer.
Tonto. The ceremony was performed McGuire was elected vestry Clerk, She'll pless ta preadi she'll pless la
by "Rev. D. Perrie. !Before the close of the the ;ting heat- ` cheese,
Conn. D. Bell, was in Toronto on ty'votes of• thanks were tendered to
business, Saturday. ,the Church Wardens, Women's Guild,
Miss M. L. Brock was a visitor to Young People's Guild, and the Chur-
, Brussels on Good Friday. ch Choir.
Miss Emma Pattison, visited Harr-; Mr. John Adair, who has been a
iston'friends on Easter Sunday. :resident of Wingham for some years,
John Stevenson spent the holidays ,and some time past foreman of the
with friends near Wyoming. !finishing department in the Union
Ernest Buchanan of Toronto, spent !furniture factory, left on Friday
'the holidays at his home in town. morning last for Lacombe, Alberta.
W. R. Cruickshank of Mount For- { Mr. Adair leaves many warm friends
est, spent Easter at• his home near ,behind him, who will wish him health
town. ,and prosperty in his new home. Mrs.
Mr. David Currie spent Easter in Adair and family will not leave for
Toronto, the guest of Mr: W. Lewis.. the West forsome weeks.
Miss Gillespie of Blyth, spent Eas-1 Corporal John L Stewart, a mem-
ter' Sunday, with her sister, Mrs. W. ber of the South African Constabul-
5, Haines. lary, arrived home fronr. South Africia
Dr. T. Chisholm, AL. P., carne hotne son Monday evening and is now vis
from Ottawa to spent Easter with his ;icing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
She'll pless ta heather -dew;
She'll pless ta godly in ta world,
An' pless ta heathen too,
She'll tell the Lord of her nainslef,
An' all ta latest news;
An' how ta godly folk'll pe
In all ta County Pruce;
How Tougall Sinclair's lost a coo, .
How Sandy's horse is tead;
She'll pray 'for grace for all ta poor,
For all ta hungry pread.
She'll told the Lord how Angus lied,
How pig John Douglass swore;
She'll pless ta bread, she'll pless . to
A hundred times or more,,
She'll pray for plessings on all hien,
For grace. .for saint an' sinner;
An'. when she open up ta eyes—
Ta dog, she'll have to dinner!
ID., Stewart.
■1111■■m■■■■■ 111■■■■■■■■■■N■s1
e m a
See Our New rifIcClary Electric
Watch for Announcement of Our
Electric Cooking Demonstration
Crawford Block.
■ IN
Phone •56
Tonald, she'll wiss a godly man,'
An elder in ta kirk;
But in ta pest of godly hearts,
Ta godless passions work.
She'll swore a goat long Gaelic swear
Ta dog wiss far away._
She'll only half ta heather -dew
For dinner ;all tat day.
She'll take ta axe up in ta hand,
Ta chop ta trees again,
She'll think of all ta ills tat come.
'Upon ta godly men;
She'll know tat when temptations
Tey'lI work ta good always
But next time when • she'll say
She'll watch ass well ass pray.
Mr, and. Mrs. John Wridt, visited
in Clifford, Saturday and Sunday,
Mrs. Robert 4MeIntosb. of Blucher,
Sask., is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Laird for a few days,
Mr. Joe Sanderson, expects a scar.,
load of pigs from the west,
Thursday, April x 5th,, x92$'
�.� five passenger capacity.
Smartly appointed, and finished. in
re vs :ergreen. The new one-piece
wind -shield and ventilators will
appeal to both driver and passenger.
an';e0' Wheels
NILocal µ 4ealer, Wingham
ONCE UPON a time
THERE,, WAS a mat!
WHO MADE his living
AND A good living it.
WAS RIGHT. here in .
WINGHAM but he had
A BAD habit of
THINGS HE needed from
MAIL ORDER houses forgetting
THAT THE prosperity of Wingham
DEPENDED ON the prosperity
OF HIS neighbors and
WIN.GHAM and a short
TIME AGO he ordered
SOME SOCKS and when
THEY CAME he was displeased
AND HE wrote the
MAIL ORDER house that
THE PATTERN was so vile
THAT HE wouldn't be
SEEN ON the street
IN THEM and the answer
"DIDN'T ; WE guarantee
THAT YOU wouldn't
WEAR THEM : out"
AND NOW , he- buys at
HOME AND gets what he
WANTS WHEN he wants it,
I THANK you.
Mr. W. R. Farrier of East Wawa -
nosh sold a fine big grey horse to
Mr, J. A. MacLean at Wingliam last
A Captivating four-week tour of
Western Canada and the Pacific
Coast, with a trip through the '[United
Staters on the return journey, is being
planned for Canadian teachers and
their friends this slimmer.
Those who take advantage of this.
trip will see the greatest, scenery on.
the continent; the Buffalo herd " at
Wainwright; Jasper National Park;.
with its unsurpassed mountain scen-
ery; Mount Robson, the highest peak
in the Canadian Rockies; the totem
poles of Kitwanga and the mystic
beauty of the Skeena River.
At Prince Rupert the party trans-
fers from train to boat for the glori-
ous water trip of 750 miles through
the sheltered • Scenic Seas of the
North Pacific Coast to Vancouver,
Victoria and Seattle.
On -the return trip five wonderful
days will be spent touring. ;Yellow-
stone National Park by 'rnotor,,_with
a trip to Salt Lake City' and three
days at Rocky Mountain, National
Park, Colorado.' Then: it's Denver,
1 Clear Creek Canyon, Idaho Springs
Viand Lookout Mountain before head-
ing for Chicago and Toronto.
The tour -leaves Toronto July' 9th.;
and yott cannot afford to miss it.
Full information, fares, etc., can be se-
cured with illustrated booklet from A.
E. Bryson, 44 Silverthorn Ave., Tor-
onto, Martin Kerr, 4 Beulah Ave.,
Hamilton or any Canadian National
Railways Agent.
Practical tests --such as shown •help. , The body of it . has a water:
here ---are being made over iii Ger- tight window, and its interior is
many of this newly invented life 'equipped with a receptacle far food
buoy for use at sea. It cannot sink, and a pistol for signalling, The phos
'and is capable of maintaining a per- to shows the pistol beingg used for
'son for several days until calls bring,signalling through the window.