The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-04-16, Page 111. aG xa�ar:;;. Lions Club Concert, Tuesday Aril 21st., talent by courtesy of C P. R. Single Copies, Five Cents. aid of Win WINGlHAM, ONT., . THURSDAY, . APRIL 16th., 1925 Many .Visitors Were in Town Over the Easter Holidays n in Miss Evelyn Garrett and Mr, Saun- ders of London, also Mr. and Mrs. Clifford' Garrett of Toronto, spent Easter. with their parents,.: Mr. and Thos. ;hos. Garrett, John . St. Miss Norma rtlanStone of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. J. S, Dobbie and two sorts, Jack and Donald i'of Kin- cardine, visited with their•'father, Mr. W F. VanStone, over Easter. Mrs.. E. A. Renwick and her two sons, Frank and Roy, arrived `home. on Friday from Michigan They spent most of the winter with friends in Saginaw, Finland, Midland, and Marlette: Mrs: Fred Morris.and Miss' Dor- thea, who have been with Mrs. T.. L. Jobb,' for six weeks returned to Os- hawa last week. We regret to re- port that Mrs..Jobb is, in very poor health.: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ballagh and lit- tle daughter, Ruth, of Harriston, ac- companied by the; former's brother, Mr, Ralph. Ballagh, . ,Guelph,, visited at the home of Mrs. Jos. Higgins, Sunday last. Misses Margaret and. Mary Robert- son of" Toronto, spent Easter at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo: T. Robertson. They'were ac companied by their friend, Miss Isobel Bennett. Mr: Alby Robinson of Woodstock,, was an Easter visitor at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. J: W. Hanna. Mrs. Robinson, who has been here for se- veral weeks returned with Mr: Rob= inson by motor on Tuesday. Miss. Florence Reynolds and Mr. Ernie Davis of Stratford, were Easter visitors at the • home of:Miss Hazel Brandon. Miss Reynolds; delighted the congregations at Wingham Meth odist Church with ,. her solos at both services on Easter. Miss Velma Sanderson is visi.ti g Toronto. Miss Ethel King has returned home from Toronto. Miss Marjorie. Fisher is home' from 01•Toronto for the holidays. Mrs• Thos... Henderson was iri Ion - •don with friends over Easter. Miss Norma: Forton of Toronto, spent a few days at her home. Mr. David Ferric of Knox College, is visiting :at , St. Andrew's Manse: Miss Delight Cloakey of London, spent the holiday at her horse here. Miss Jean Dawson of Whitechurch, spent Easter with , ,her cousin, Agnes Carr, Miss Luella ^ McGregor of Belgrave, spent Easter with friends in Wing - ham. Mrs.` E. McLaughlin of Dundas, spent the Easter holidays with friends in town. - Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Galbraith, spent Easter holidays with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Headley; and Miss Edna Tam lyn, are spending a week with friends in Toronto. Miss Mae Hunter of Morris, spent the weelc-end with her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Tindall, 33. line, Nurse Millie . Turner of London, spent Easter at the home of her •uncle Mr. Geo. Wraith. Mr. McGibbons of Guelph, spent -the week -end at the horse of Mr. and. '.Mrs.: Harry Browne: Mr. M. A. Jackson of Sarnia, spent -Good Friday at the home of Miss Bei- -nice 'Thibideau of town. Mr. and Mrs, M. E. Zurbrigg and -family motored up from Hamilton and ''spent Easter with friends 'here. Mrs. J. E. Currie of North Bay, is -visiting at the home of her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Isard. Mr. F. W. Harris of Winnipeg, is a ;guest with his sister, Mrs. Ellen Mc- Pherson, Catherine :Street.. Mr, Paul Harvey of the Dominion Bank staff, spent over the week -end at his home he St. Thomas. Messrs Andrew and Alex. Hamilton of Detroit, spent a few days at the home of Mr. ' and Mrs. A. M. Carr. Mrs, Will Isbister and little son of Toronto, visited over Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isbister, Centre St. lvfiss laden Worden of Toronto Conservatory, visited with her friend, Miss Doris Fells, over the Easter holidays. Mr. "Jaynes Dobie of Acton, mot- ored to Wingham and spent the holi- day with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R: J. ,Dobie. Misses Rttby and Murdeena Mc- Swecn, of Kincardine, spent the week -end with their sister, Mrs. Pe- ter McLeod, Mr., and Mrs. Alex B. Casemore of London, spent .Easter withthe for mgr's parents, Mr. and Nits. Jerry Casemore, $. Line. Mr, R. R. Mooney, speiyt Good. Fridayvisiting with his brother-in- law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Lackie at Milton, Ont. Miss Jean B, Ross of the Clinton Hospital Staff, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross, -2nd. line of Morris. Married in Buffalo Miss Mae A. Burke, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. S. Burke of Wingham and Ernest M. Platt. of Godeeicb, were married in Buffalo, on Saturday April 11th: Thel,brile's many friends in Wingham .extend congratulations. Soft Ball Schedule Drawn Up For VVingham Town League Ten. Soft Ball Teams entered • the Wingham League ori Monday night. and the following schedule was drawn tilt,. It will evidently be a busy sear son iri Wingham, in 1925 and soft ball should make splendid exercise for the tired and brain fatigued after a day ,it the bench and the desk. April' 20—Lions vs. Tigers, Howick. Ram Burns April 21—Savages vs. Clerks. April a3—North End Manufactur- ers vs. Hannas Lions. April 24—Western• Aces vs, • Blue -e -a vale. April 27—Western Foundry vs. Fry Gunn Ola. April 28—Lions vs. Rinky Dinks., April 3o—Clerks vs. Hannas Lions May 1—Tigers vs. Savages. May 4-Rinky Dinks vs. Western Foundry. May 5—North End Manufactures vs. Bluevale Gunn Ola. May 7 --Western Aces vs. Fry June 26 --,Western Aces vs. Tigers. June 4 -Hanna's Lions vs. Rinky Dinks. June 3•—Rinky Dinks vs. Bluevale. 'June 8—Savages vs. Fry Gunn ;Ola, June 9—Lions vs. Western Acres. June io---North End Manufacturers vs. Rinky Dinks. < June xi—Clerks vs. Bluevale. June 12—Hanna's Lions vs. Tigers. June " r5—Savages vs, Westeru Aces. , • June 16—Lions vs, Bluevale. June r8 -North Encl Manufacturers vs. Tigers. June x9 -Clerks vs. Fry Gunn Ola June 2o—Western Aces vs; Rinky Dinks. June 22—Savages . vs. Hanna's Lions. June 23 -Lions vs. Fry Gunn Ola June 24—North Erni Manufacturers vs. Western ;Foundry. June 25 --Hanna's Lions vs. Fry Gunn Ola. May 8—Lions vs. Savages May r r -Clerks vs. North End. May 12 -Western Aces vs. Henn- as Lions. May a4--Bluevale vs. Western Foundry.. May es—Tigers vs. Fry Gunn Ola.. May r8 -Savages vs. Rinky "Dinks. May x9 -'--Lions vs, Hannas Lions; May 2r -Western Aces vs. Clerke. May 22—Bluevale vs. Tigers. 'May 26—Rinky Dinks Dinks vs.a4 Fry Gunn Ola: May 28 -Western Aces vs. Wes- tern Foundry: May 29—Savages-vs. North Eed,• June e --Clerks vs. Tigers, June 2 -Lions vs North End. Man- ufacturers. an ufacturers. The large barn on the farm of \?Va R. 'Johnston, on Vie 17th concession o`f Howick 'Township, was completely destroyed by fire on Wednesday, to- gether with the entire contents. The fire started in the engine -room and was discovered before it had gained much : headway, but the fire-fighters were handicapped aby a scarcity ` of water and the place' soon got beyond control. The loss is estimated at $5,000, partially covered by insurance. June 29—Lions vs. Western Foun- dry, June, 3o—Clerks, vs. Western Four: - dry. July 2—Lions vs. Clerks. July 3—Savages .vs.• Bluevale. July 6 -Hanna's Lions vs. Bluevale July 5—Western Foundry vs. Tigers. July 8—Bluevale vs, Fry Gunn O'a. July 9—Western Aces vs. North End Manufacturers. July ro—Clerks vs, Rinky Dinks: July 13--Rinky Dinks vs. Tigers. July 14—Savages -vs. Western Foundry. July 15—North End Manufacturers vs. Fry Gum,. Ola. July 16—Hanna's 'Mons vs. Wes- tern Foundry. Suffers Fractured Skull the .Concert on Tuesday Cecil McNeil, a: resident of Belnrore Don't fail to reserve your seats for suffered • a fracture of the'; skull wheix':the Lions Club Concert in, the Wing - he was struck on the head by a piece Liam Town Hall on Tuesday evening, of wood while operating a circular April 21st, The talent will be among saw on a neighbor's farm on Wednes- the best, including a Scotch Contedian day. He will recover, singers • and dancers; etc., it is given Recalls Deep Ap'ril Snow . by : courtesy of the Canadian Pacific p Railway. The proceeds will be hand - Mrs. John Sanders one of the pion -'ed over to assist the payment of -the eer residents of Stephen Township, New Arena: • .Reserved seats on sale Huron County, residing; on thethird at Mcl ibbon's Drug Store for concession, recalls the fact that 53 cents. Rush seats 35 cents. years ago, on' April 2o, the snow was Win ham has now a skating sink as high as the fences and no seeding g of which any town should be proud was possible that year till late in May to own and the men who are behind Seeding is quite general in Huron, the putting over of, this building are in April 1925 and the land is working to be tcing ended for their work: in fine shape. In fact most of the People have a rink, with sanitary con - seeding eding he be completedand the roads wefore ill dition; which were heretofore sadly e end of the better to lacking in Wingham and children as never be better tlaii at present. well as grown ups are grateful to the No Races at Winghatn • public spirited men who are responsi The annual meeting of the .shard ble for the erection of this splendid holders of ` the Wingham Athletic structure. There'is however need of Grounds Ltd., was held in Mr. R. considerable money to pay for this Vanstone's Office on Thursday morn- arena and the Lions Club and the ing , April 9th. The race track and P. R. official's are asking for your as - grounds were leased' to Mr. W. G. stance and supportat this entertain - Boyle, dairyman, for a• term of, three ment on Tuesday evening next The years at $2ro per year. programme will be well worth while , Mr. T. C King, was re-elected and theproject is a needy one. President and Mr. L, C. Young, secre- tary. Mr, A. M. ,Crawford is again Subscriptions $0.00 per; year; Coosa and General News of Interest to the ornna . Colorite, the old reliable hat finish makes faded hats look as good .as. new. Sold at Michell's Drug Store. The United Farmers Co-operative Co, will remain open, Saturday even- ings until 9.30, commencing, Saturday April: ,z nth. Ship via Dominion Express, Prompt Telegraph Service, Canadian Pacific Railway Tickets, Phone 47. G. L, Baker, Agent. The village of Tees water are hold- ing their annual half holiday on Thursday afternoon this year instead of on Mondays as formerly. The Whyte Packing Co., will keep their place of business open each Sat- urday ,evening from now on for the convenience of the farmers. The Wingham Athletic Association wish to thank the Soft Ball Leagne for a donation of $1o, to assist in de- fraying 24th of May celebration ex- penses. Once I could if I would: Now I , would if I could, but I can't, is the regret of the risen who neglect insur- ing. W. T. Booth, Mutual Life of Canada. There will be a congregational meeting in the Presbyterian Church on . Wednesday evening, after the mid week meeting. All are request- ed to attend. Formaldehyde guaranteed pure and full 40 p. c. strong -40c lb at Mitchell's Drug' Store.. Every member of the Lions Club is urged to be at the Brunswick Cafe on Friday night of this week at 6.30. Again we must draw attention to a Only good'excuses will be.accepted few that we will not publish rubs alert': for absentees. Life -Insurance means shoes for the little ones, education for the older ones, comfort for the mother' and a home for all, W. T. Booth, Mutual Life of Canada. The business places in Wingham, will observe the usual Wednesday half holiday, commencing the first Wednesday in . lv[ay and : continuing till the end of October. A, M. Crawford and T. R. Bennett drove up from Oshawa on Thursday, with two new Chevrolet cars. Mr. which was given on Thursday even- Fred Edgar G. L.S., Howick; secured ing last. Needlessto say each nuns the Chev.. coach on Friday• bc:r was most efficiently given, The Maple Syrup work is over for Many would be most glad to hear another year. 'The season was some - The Military Officers of the 9th Greys Horse and the 33rd Hurons .: gave a most enjoyable dance in the Wingham Armouries on Faster Mo'n day evening, April t3th. Ronnie Hart's Orchestra, London, provided the music. A savings bank is good if a titan lives and saves, a policy in the Mutual Life is better because it forces one to save and is good whether a man lives or dies, W. T. Booth, Mutual Life of Canada. Blessed are those who do not ex- pect the editor to know everything, but who call up and tell himwhen- ever an interesting event occurs to them; for they shall have a newsy pa- per in their town. The first game of Soft Ball to be played. in Wingham this season is Called for 6.45 on Monday night. The Lions and Tigers will be the oppos- ing.. teams. Who wouldn't go miles tc`r, • see such savage beasts in a conflict? Right here in the town of Wing - harm you have one of the best equiPP- ed printing offices in Western On- tario. All printing orders attended to promptly and at reasonable prices. We challenge the city houses to meet our prices. , Mr. Lawrence MacLean has pair - chased Mr. C. D. Shackleton's house on Minnie St. Mr. and Mrs. Shack- leton will leave shortly for Hunts- ville Muskoka, where they will spend the summer. Mr. David Hamilton has purchased Mr. Benj. Smith's house on Minnie St. 1-IOME FOR EASTER Among those who spent the Easter holidays at their respective homes in Wingham. were: Mr. Charles Isard, Brampton. Mr, Jas; Allen, Western University, London. Mrs, (Dr.) Armstrong, (nee Clara Isard), Port Credit. Mr• Stanley Harrison, London Nor- mal: Mr. Charles . Pattison, Hamilton. Miss Elizabeth Johns, Port ` Col- borne, Mr. Harold Mitchell, Toronto. Miss Marion Mitchell, Toronto.% Mr Carl Casemore and Mr. Philip 'Miss Ena Currie, Toronto. Psclse,'ing of Blenheim, spent` the -Mr. Max Stewart, Toronto. week -end' with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs;. Jerry Casemore, 33 lite. Mrs, Adair and son Bruce of Kin cathine, spent the Easter. holidays, vtsitug her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Henn- ing and other friends on 6th Turn - berry: Miss Phoebe Congrain, 'teacher at S. S. No. 5, l'urrtberry, was called to her home at Helyrood on Thursday, owing to the sudden passing of her mother. . ' • Mr. and Mrs, Coups, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, also Miss Williams of Lon- don, spent Easter at the home of their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Wil Barns, Patrick St. Miss Elizabeth Barber of Ottawa, and Misses Annie and Florence Bar- ber of Toronto, spent the Easter holi- days at the home of their parents, Mr, and MTs. Chas. Barber. t)obi of Toronto, and Miss Bib the Standard Mr, Cecil .B►obie• offtthe holiday Bank, k, Cannitigton, spent with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Dobie, Diagonal Road. 'Miss Alba Galbraith, Toronto. Miss, Norma 'beard, Toronto. Miss Louise Fraser, London Not - mal. Miss Gwen Snell of Western Uni- versity, London:, Mr. Phil. Dyer, Dundalk. Mr. Norman Butcher, Dundalk. Mr, George Cruickshank, Guelph, Mr. Gordon Cruikshank, St, Thom- as.Miss Marie Livingstone; Stratford. 'Miss Franees Bennett, Stratford Normal. ` Miss Ruby Brown, Guelph `Miss Margaret Bennnett, Lions Head. Mr. Fred Skelding, Toronto. Miss Ethel Simpson, London Nor - malt Misses Jean , and Margaret Van.. stone, •Toronto; Mr. Arthur Irwin, ' Royal Dental College, Toronto, Miss Agnes Willlainson, Hanover. Misses Margaret and Eva Linklat- erg Toronto, t urer and the directors are Mess - BAPTIST CHURCH teas rs. Ring, Crawford and V. R. Van- Pastor, John Halliday of Kincardine, Norman: It is not at all likely that will preach next Sunday. "A Yotnng races will be held in Wingham this Man With a Burning Message." All year, or for some years. Welcome. Bowlers Re -Organize For the Season Last Thursday Night mean jokes on people, where we know them to be such. ` We also have a couple of very good letters in our office, but the writer has not signed his or her own name, we are not go- ing to take the responsibility for this writing.. On Sunday evening last in the Presbyterian Church; Mr. F. J. Hill, and Choir. with Mr. W. H. Willis pre- siding at the organ; most generous- ly rendered a number of selections from the programme of the Cantata what draggy, the output not being up to former years, Many of our local makers were ;not able to fill their or- ders. that the' Cantata will be repeated some week night when there might not ,be so many things to prevent people attending as the night before a holiday. Thomas Jenkins is Dead As we go to . press we learn with regret of the death of Mr. Thos. Jen- kins, Bluevale Road. He was in his 94th. year and was among the most highly respected residents' of the vi- cinity. The funeral will be held from the residence of his son, Mr.' E. B. Jenkins,' to .Bluevale Cemetery on Fri- day afternoon,` We will probably print an obituary notice next week. Fatality at Sna£orth , , A fatality occurred •at Seaforth on Sunday afternoon when Clever, aged 17, youngest son of Con Eckert;`" a resident of the town, lost his life. The boy was playing with a 22 calibre ri- fle ina barn on the farm. of John Mc- Mann, adjoining the town, when hi some planner it burst and part df the. lock was driven into his brain. He lived about one hour after the aeci- dent, passing away at sine o'clock,, Having never regained consciousness. A meeting of the Bowlers was held . Friendly Games Commitee—Mayor in the Council Chamber on Thursday Willis; Reeve McKibbon, A, G. Smith, evening, April 9. There was not so R. Vanstone, A. Fothergill, O. large a crowd present as was expect- Thompson and W. J• Boyce. ed owing to the businessplaces being Membership n Committee --Dr. In op en that night, but the meeting was win, C. R. Wilkinson, L. C. Young, J. qt 1 quite representative and very enthttsi- Hanna, P. Gowans, Jas. Gilmour. when the following officers were Auditors—C. P. Smith, J. Wallace. elected. for 19925• antic Annual Tournament Committee — Hon. Hon. Pres. --Amos 'Tinting. W. R Hamilton, J. Mason, J. Hirst, Rink Competition takes place on Pres.—J• W. Hanna.. 24and Scotch Doubles on Au- Sec.-Treas.—C. Pres.—W. R. Hamilton. June Sec.-Treas.—C. R, Wilkinson.' gust X. Sher- .A resolution. was passed that rub - Executive Committee—H. L. S or rurttyian `shoes are to be worn THR BARONESS DE'HUECK A lecture replete with most inter- esting and thrilling stories, was giv- en iv en in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, April 8th., under the auspic- , r.{ es of the Collegiate Institute. The Baroness is a .woman of considerable >, personal charm, fine platform .mann- ers and a very ready utterance. In her address of nearly one hour she gave a full description of Russian habits' and .manners. She told of the outbreak of the war, of the deception by the Russian Officials, and the fin- al control of the country by the com- munist party. It seems almost im- possible that such vital and. drastic changes could take place in any teed as took place in Russia during the days immediately foliowing this movement. She described what took '. place in the hospitals, in the banks and inn, all places of business.. The rise of the prices of food stuff is al- most unbelieveable, bread $e.00 a lb., sugar the same, meat almost prohiba- tive, and this prevailed throughout(` the empire. Returns to England It is with a good deal of regret that, the many friends of Mr. Levi Harding will learn that be has decid- ed to return: to old England in the. very near ftttttre. He embarks from Quebec on May end. Mr. and Mrs, Harding caste to Wingham, thirteen Then too, schools have been almost abolished through this Government.. The cl orches are forsaken by the people and the general attitude of the people to religion is that of Atheisrn..4 years ago and in 19i8, Mrs: Harding;, Perhaps what was more interesting passed away. Mr. Harding is .now 62 than; her set address: were her Ines years of age amid the is not in the best tion draw-. Slit, came dressed in the, f' health, Before coming to Canada costume of a noble prices -es. All. 0 he was in the fish business in, Eng- manner of questions were fired at her land. He is a veteran of the South from the mariner of 'their courtship Bell. Dr. bets war and. is the proud owner to the most important questions tat bonidy, J. Mason, E. J. Mite ' wbilc takiyng paten gainer to protect African Irwin. the green, of a medal with 4 bars. Mr, Hind Sttte and Church. Never once did she the Dotntnlan me a member of trig was for 21 years in the Bnglish . hesitate and revealed a i'narvcklaus Representative of Do not fail to become M. Crawford, can. now boost army and he has served his countr'y'grasp of her snbjcct' l>y tine answers' Bowlers Association, A the club as Wingham Smith, n nth inonor and distinction. Durittg:slit gave. At: the conclusion of her. Frew "Representatives, A. G. S of one 0f etre largest and finest graces w 1 as been address a very hearty VOW of tlnankri. P. Gowans. Grounds Committee-•rYas. Gilmour, Chairman; M. Graham, . R. Allen, J. 'Hirst. , Weekly l3oitspeil CommitteeDon- ald Rae and John Mason. in Canada anct as many' prizes and trophies are being offered for compe- tition, The Bowling Green will tta- doubtedly be a lively and 'interesting place to spend the aft:er#noon or even- ings during the si mnmer, the past few years t 1 �iat it i our privile�, ,.e toknow .Mr. Harding., was presented. by Mr. fraekenbai'y we have found him a most. ittdristti.,rand Mr, A. .' H. 'Musgrove, lv ie•• ons and hard working man "as honest SBrackeebury acted is chairman whits, as the . ,nu." He has been an active music in the intrrlude was presentee` warden in St. Paul's Anglican church .'4by the Orchestra of:the. Collegiate,