The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-03-19, Page 64� 1 WINK kap��illii,'!t1Aglj{talcum mow llllil,`'' Pine F'arnri; for Sale .at a rocs onable twice with leading roads tai can two stdee of it. Good Build = my s, finial. Mail and Telephone Routes, l"dat11et, School and Churches convenient. If you want. a farm it will pay :you to gl enclttire into tilts. i Nd! . Abner coseas Insurance & Real Estate Mi11 1111 14111011 111181191&AlRVIRsillnuioglliwom i3 USINESS CARDS WELI.INGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established X34o. Bead Office, Guelph, Ont. Risks taken on all classes of insur- auce at reasonable rates. ABNER COSENS, •Agent, Wingham J. mr. 11,1' Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH --. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE P, C!, Box 366. Phone e98. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. LE - OL ES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 'Victory and Other Bonds Bought and sold. . - Office—leleyer Block, Wingham a, VANSTNL ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest 'Rates, Wingharre Ontario 1s J. A. MORTON <,t ARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, Ontario . G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of .Dentistry. Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. M : r 11.111144.11 41111014701/111111 . A! W17,17100414' SIM Al A1If rANOtleTXMES la make your way, my boy " Cal had meant to answer bravely, ,� 7 7 but on the last words came a catch in his father's voice; and the, next he i 999 knew he was up and infolded in the{ I long*, thin arms. Tears were mingled, and Cal went out with a blessing. ;and memory. ,,.,ur..o<,uaAory Awavo01a5,.0anan�+wlNww,.w1A•nbrAmea�4 0 ""'".44 : The day came, sooner than he had ' 'expected, when Dr. Beach eonld not CIIAPTER TWO came for Mama --that was how Celes- leave leis. room. F3 strange woman ar Red slipped silently from the knee-'ta told it—and sent men to carry her rived at the House to look after Dad - pants and shirt whichwerehis pritiei- away in 'a Meek box And Aunt Ber- dy, and strange men, heavy, as Cal pal attire; his shoes and stockings had the had conte to live in her place. tlntight, with professional wisdom, been discarded early in the 'evening, Cal had learned why the hollows came often to visit their sick assoei- when he went to throe" stones in the had dug their deep trenches, in his fa- ate. They looked upon' Cal and. Co - water., For a moment the glint of his tiler's face. The day he was fourteen testa with_ grave eyes, and one of trim young body shone ruddy in the he was surnnnoned in to .the 'study. them had laid his hand on Cal's shout- light of the. fire; then, with a contor- tion,'it disappeared within the folds Tie 111 1111111 `hur,sday, Marcxese By Robert J. C. Stead of his, nightgown; made "Porter, am dah berfs up?" he demanded. "Massa, dah berfs anti made • up," Cal answered, with great gravid: In preparation for their expedition, Cal Beach,' with a plumber's kit and some help from a friendly blacksmith, had performed a surgical operation of enough to keep some delicacy upon the ancient Ford, but he did not say so. He had learn-. luta was quite old cion which had just then come into his ed .tlati the professiorial Mind is not house. possession. The back of the front to be disputed. seat was amputated' at the flanks : and "Forty-two is not very ofd, Calvin," had said :on that last morning, while so arranged that it . folded down, his, father repeated, "but I suppose i they waited for the expressman after bridging, asit were,' the space be.- must be olei enough. One can •grow her trunks were .packed, "Celesta, my tween the front and back cushions. In very weary in even forty-two • years. dear, you have been well brought up; this position, with all the cushions in But fourteen is very young to be left you.will be sister and mother to, that plaoe, and furnished with a canmp mat- alone," tremendous_ boy." To Aunt Beetha tress, blankets and pillows, a very evegy Daddy, are you going eway?" Cal had alwaysfor some reason been passable bed was provided. Reed said Cal, catching only half his lath "that tremendous boy," Aunt Bertha er's meaning, had been raised among girls, and had' "Yes, Calvin,". '.eleven married. "Your money will last "When?' May r go? And Celssta?" -a couple of years; that will see hinxl "Not` now. Later. I am going to thro'ttgh high school; then he must go AnuuA "Sit down, Calvin, my boy," said a der :... . voice out of the shadows. "1 think I After the death of his father Cal you are fourteen today. Quite a man 'learned that the house which he had now, Cal, eft?" always l nowrl as ''home was in some "Yes, Daddy," said the boy, wonder- ;way connected with the university, ing for what offence he had been sumand they xriust vacate it. Aunt Ber- "Yes, 'tha saw thein ,settled in roonms in a "1 am just three times your age, cheaper part of the town and left Calvin; just forty-two. Not very olcl, them with her blessing and the expla eh, Calvin?" ' nation that their little capital would. t forty-two was old, support two longer than three. Ce Cal' thoughvery P "Celesta,' my dear," • Aunt Bertha W. R. HAMBLY B.Sc., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate -work in Surgery, Bact- eriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr Residence, bet- ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- • List Church. All business given careful attention. Phone. 54. P. O. Box 113. r i ' obi. C. Redmond Id.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Loud.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. thisholm's old stand. slept on the driver's side to save Cal the danger of barking his to save Cal the danger of barking his long shins on the steering post, and, with this precaution, they were as your mother; Calvin. Some time this to work." Aunt. Bertha delivered that comfortable as in any Pullman. year." 'ultimatum; so Cal thought, with tin - Cal had arranged the back and the It seemed to Cal that his: father had necessary relish of the inevitable. cushions, spread the mattress, turned back the blankets, .placed the pillows. Reed clung for a moment abouthis neck, then vaulted over the rattly side - door, flickering an affectionate hand toward his companion as he went. "Good -night, Daddy X," he called: "Good -night, Reedie-boy.." Reed turned to a study of the stars which peered down, very thick and friendly, from the Milky Way over- head, and Cal retraced his steps to the fire, musing as he went over the amazing wonderlands of childhood. He stirred the fire to new life with some fresh branches and settled D ^I $ R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.; Office in Chisholm Block Josephine Street. Phone 29. purposely chosento iit in the shadow, i A lawyer who' had been named their where ; his . face could >,iot be seen guardian paid, the rent of their little clearly. 'The boy felt as though ,a flat and gave them a weekly living great band were tightening about his allowance.' Celesta proved a good ribs, 'manager, and when they -had recover "You had to know, Calvin," his fa- ' ed from the first shodlc of their fath- ther continued after a silence, "and it ther's death, life for the brother and is as well that you should knownow. sister moved very pleasantly indeed. I have seen this coming, ever since Cal finished his high school course at your mother went, and before. That sixteen and declared himself ready to is why I took the extra classes at the carry out his .,aunt's decree about go university, so that there might be ing to work, but Celesta would have something saved for you and Celesta. none of it. "When you have "gone , .It isn't much. If I had been a through university, Cal," she said, farmer, or a bricklayer, or :a machin- , "Hien I will let you work for . me, ist—but a university professor! Doc- machin-:"then then 1 am going to work for down, his back against a friendly tor of languages; seven languageseas you." tree, for his bedtime smoke. These my mother tongue— But there, I must , Cal protested, but Celesta's. mind bedtime smokes were his thinking not be bitter. When the bills are paid was made up, and Cal, being the hour. During the day, his time and it will keep you and Celesta perhaps younger, ,had come to know how in thought were given to Reed and An- two years. Then you will have t e exorable was his sister's mind when telope, but at night, after the boy was R .it was made up. "The housework is in bed, he would sit by the campfire — nothing," she had said; "I can do it and marshal past, present, and future v���•� :� y� .}, ,..•,�s � morning and evening. like winking. I i , 5: �J.,wi`� '3•`j,''ta;stis� :,••••+x.` 'can get work in an office, and it. will ' in review. t "What a kid he is?" he exclaimed t}.X".��';�{���ef, �'�.<lw•} �° 4 ��.'.:�• be fun to have my big brother in col- tolf. "Eight—nine in Septet k44 ' J{ i s,4''<' s.5�"; Y c< lege. You will work through the hiinse g o �;< �,�s�. :,... ::. �• " is E:z::•>:.: her. Twenty-six, eh, Cal? With a yc; S�`•1�;�`•z .�����;> •:r � .summer. I' ani sure we can ivanage: "� c • 1 So Cal' was Persuaded; Celesta family, but without a` wife. How time till, � �; � � .�• flies—and how it .drags! .Both. The :�� -.a . J:w.;•,:,,t;::;:;'�:_::•}:,,,.;:<},;;;;,.went to an office, ,-and he to college. the weeks �., a k � .�:.:,. He had not troubled to decide for days seem endless, but how E�i ��.;:,,:•r�,. •:,,..��.' 1,... ,;`•v::::;>;<:: •<. k h '!�.�3 �,,,x�r j�, ��} ,y,�Ly�< r,�,• t, what particular purpose he would g-' slip byl � �;E �: �#�z _ „f; h "Eight years -nine in September. `' a*r��r?�: y .;xl to college; that could come later. All i*i ' �� went well for a year or two,'but the Twenty-six. I used to think a man ,• . r„< ,,;;��: . s•, :,•:Wh;., ;:J=.c>.,. •.�';Ca::`>>:<::> •Celesta's devotion to old at twenty-six. And so he is ; .�t� ,ia;t~��;; ;�:f � s • • <:t time came when wa5�Y - ;.a••;•I• vJ;v '� \.,. '<f3i.'�-,'•�{ «; i ,,; ,; c •. -; , :,v °l y»-,. s<;. her office and her housekeep ma- I am old at twenty-six. �, >�?: ,�. �;..j >,,, >.....:.: , .n : • �:.w•::..,be interrupted ,.. ;a,.:- .�', ;k• �,�.:: � .• .: <.�seemed suddenly ` to P his square should-..,.•.:, ,;,, >;,,, �S`�,.,- Y He leaned back, 4.:}iv..,:•.• ';�:: the tree, while his : `•:: ae '' ':' lati"t`?'': There were many nights: when she ers resting against � , Latin the child -;,`l ;, r ;>: 'I ra'�,'•z i . ', had ' a date”; there were evenings mind,. from contemplating �• �..,':�;, � s •' :t•,...,• home to die; to ,.;:• .� ;.:,;ls::;E; •� a, , hood of Reed, skipped down the years i>u 47 ''�', Y,, y ,.,.��� !' z when she did not come � '' 'S� •�•`ijt. 1» ' 1�; 3^',1ti"$'� net•. Cal,' philosophical" always, ac - to his own first recollections. There �� ;, Illy � I � P P street in the little ' it u ,� <� : r,. 11„ a wonder - university the leafy 4 '��i;�: ; "''Y:;:l<��f;`•�� cepted the situs.tion, mildly wo at}a } a. ,i 1«,�'L}9) `�I,�j�ing. h university city of Kingston; there. • �t N �•''�• t ii k�,� t, ,NI, .: ".- s•• , Finally came the day when Celesta basked the big garden in which he and Celesta romped as chi'Idren. There ROY M. WOL'VIN announced that: she was going to ff red a Result f ace yourof floors 'with a . ' ! ar �: re C Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office --Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones': Office 28e, Residence ie1, 'DB. F. A. PA " KER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN All Diseases Treated Office adjoining residence'next to Anglican Church on Centre Street. Open every day except Monday and Wednesday afternoons. ' Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272; re DRUGL}SS PHYSICIANS CHIROPRACTIC R. J. ALVIN FOX Fully Qualified Graduate Drugless: Practice being in absolute accord with the Laws of Nature gives the very hest resu1 s that` may be ob- tained in. any case. Hours; to -12 a.m., 2 --5 and 7-8 p.m. Telephone tea ` . . 1 Alarm s • q'1 ACTO1�, alified Graduate Adjustments given. for diseases all kinds, specialize in dealing children. Lady attendant. Night "cat - responded to. Office on Scott St. Win hatri,, Otst.,, in house of the late Jas, Walker. Telephone x50. tt0 were the apple tree and the swing, president of the British Empire, Montreal; she had been offered and the flower beds that must not be Steel OorPoration,. whose mines in ' much better position; she could make touched, except by permission. There Nova Scotia are idle as the result mare money; it would be to Cal's ad -1 of a strike of the miners, because vantage more that. hers. He. could was the solid limestone house,:with the men and the company failed toI vines Clambering over the porch and negotiate a new contract for wages. stay at a boarding house; it would be shutters. ` The maintenance men on pumps more companionable than their lone - Inside, his father sat in the big left their posts and official's of the ly rooms. The idea appealed to Cal. chair in the front room upstairs, withcompany are manning the'machinee but little, but he accepted it without. which must be kept going 'to pre - the fireplace and walls lined with serve the mines. Five of the minesmuch argument. It was apparent books. It seemed to Cal that front will be allowed to flood and not be, that Celesta had made, up her mind room had always been filled with re -opened, + :'again; besides, he did not forget that books and shadows with his father, o , �, �. _,, «'it was -After her efforts he owed the pos- master shadow of them all, in the big , sibslit of attendingcollege.* chair before the fire. As Cal re- r�"`"i �,1 �r Celesta hid one she sent, membered him, his father was very dA„b. a res M � r f ' lomoney two or three times, genet-. yr� in tali, With a stoop, and a face which ousty, but at irre ,uls.r intervals; them receded wherever the bones would let it 4 , the remittances ceased altoether. it and a way of being busy just now. ` µ`;yd' N��; �' irq t/5 Fortunately Cal had found , thmnxer... Cal had always thought of his, father t �, ° ` is "' ; f work in 'a printing office, so' he was 1 a ilk `11y�� t as old. There were times, ram times,. , I ?' ' ,n�fh( Vic. not penniless, but an uneasiness con. when his father wasn't busy jtist now aft }' 1 �>r,� �l cerning Celesta grew upon hime He times when the lad clambered up thej I `' r.��l'�► , had just turned eighteen, and these long, thin legs and explored the it {q. r' '=�' ;eighteen years had flowed, in the main; strange cavities in their owner's face. {along the sheltered paths of life, He f Those were moments not to be for -.i fo�ern rives and reliefs Iwas neither suspicious nor sophisti- gotten, but they came only at great Gated, He had an undefined but intervals. Professor Beach's devotion. abounding confidence in the goodness to his university; had to be bought of humanity. :EIe was an optimist. with a price, so it seemed. And it. Then, and evening, just as he carne -• was Cal who paid. ,, ,, l Cal and: Celesta. Celesta, two years older than Cal, was able to recall, partly by me.mary, more by iirtagina' bon, the brave days before 1� ai-ntt went away. Those were the days when Daddy wasn't always busy just now; days of walks anal picnics and great • times before the study fire, Those were the days, so Celesta said, although; Col never quite credited this, uercrat the strange hollows had'i•otno iii. Daddy's Eche. `I"twit the angels i,,.' RANSFORM any unsightly surface by adding a floor of lasting beauty Be sure to insist on Seaman Kentt. Hard- wood Flooring. Its careful kiln -drying will ensure durability. Its excellent milling will make laying easier. The name Seaman> Kent Hardwood Flooring win guarantee 100% satisfaction in every respect at a low cost that will surprise yow—hi. woods and grades to suit every taste -:prices for eyery purse Get an estimate., Ask for prices on Se( a an' ,e: ; oor ac LUMBER•': t i' cA COMPANY Wi.>g —KEN -r A R 0 W Ontario D27 Oa«O I�FLO CJ RI N.G �A m•Jg', . Q p tefara t E) v COMMONSENSE: "He needs absolute quiet. Now here is DR. a sleeping draught." SHii: "And when ,do I give it to him?" DR.: "You' don't give it to him. YOU TAKE IT TOURSELFi"' —Weekly DeOpatch. 110117100.000010.0001047011111100011.11.1711.0.01 . " TURE ;LIRA; « and AD DIRl4 TOR otoi liodorant I.NMItH aI,kHAI'tlMYINI all other laxrx Defective Elimination Co>ttlst¢laofiilsn n no�lsnss The canon of Nature's Rainedy (IR borne to bis boarding hoose from tine "Tablets) is mora natur$l tined tho>a: printing shop, a teleg.ramn was placed our lm« . - ho efMcta will' be a good. curious - !Wake will feel so good. in his Band. EEc looked at is Make the test. You will ly, signed for it, and carried it to ttppreciatethiedifference+* his room. It was :a new .andsome- , vhat important rxperience;.niver be- ore had he received ay5telegram. On NIsiI ltrG y Ole' Mock his way t117stairs he began to assaci- G .._.MNatNr�;Al2n "ate it with Celesta, Perhaps she was coinin€ lloiuCr :c;; pbaps be was to rhe Samir NiI...r„ gtio•4hird dai,en, 0nt11iy�aari4er%, Sot' chitciron and; aamIfoL. meet het' at th`c tral,n 1 Ilet'bok the 1/0110 roftwo Hast three steps at a brmnd, deele (Continued it following .page) ellstudpnNlltlsiIINasYlNlllllirsfll. t i ' :i.: l ;,, IfsNy F,A.140IM ROTOR, SHIP AreP,,IVIIS IN SOO'1I,AND The IY'lettuerl Itotor Ship "Bttchatt," 'which :left Danzig recently', and arrived at t rangemoulh, Scotland; twelve days later with a cargay 'ttf timber, is shown proceeding up the Firth of rorth. This novel ship weathered heavy seas which proved re, good test for her ehpabilities.:. Time Rotor ; ship is a newdeparture in ocean navigatieM , It puts to ipraoticai use a principle; discovered many years ago that wind itas a greater propelli>tig form when acting an a moving surface. The ]barge funnels are revolved by "small electric motor's, . ptus the action cit tb,.e wind gives the boat its motive power. The vessel is steered, ty stopping tele at tho funnels from revolving. A 'wed' smell crew enrx operate this boat compared With the crew alilteeeiiary on the its:. • age steamboat ,or sailing vessel. . i A01i, :,•ki