The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-03-19, Page 5;bay, 1Yliirel'i id 105, F I al Vet 40 r- wrw:47A.6/ ?•..ve pel. e 777 ice vit In.,Y::tw„ 9rvy1 , r .gym IN e etable . 'd lower Seedsfrom our Local a i!l, t T la easy to Intensify u garden ghat ta, from ' et inie'a Seeds by the era 1m licence Of, lite flowers, and tlhe Ittsclorta,1Csa large oleo o1' lte vegetantea. You, too, vitt aware t'iLrie reettita tri' scaring Ftetinia'a VY+gotable void 1FlmscrSeeds' *ennie a Seed! are ;high S,t quality, have,hegn,thalroughly tested for garteinetiott and virility, sed eve a reputation': tit** exceuda error halt a centricy. for producing tine very y beat it bokh veeit iesio' ,and Flowers. RN g �•„T,U, g q� iteefeM ' Ji=✓ 1` �1 J6 Y:a SIM ITER (loge eereLrLei,DE old JAEyls• Steeets TORONTO- you cannot obtain Ronnie's Seeds ictally, /Skase write us.icing your • Dealer's addrars. Rennie% Seed Annual—the most complete ' Canadian Seed Catalogue—free on request. M HI Iim111Oil MMEIlll illlall1mm i11@tll1011llflai►IsmIIImml iIIIIIIHIaIflmllf++ lll*mom ll mm Several shipments of Spring Goods have already arrived and there are more on the way. Our stock will be complete in every Department with all that's new for Spring and Summer wear You are .cordially invited to inspect our stock wheth- er you buy or not, it will be a pleasure to to show you the goods. • om n's and Misses' S i•rilag ..m Coats ..o Just opened up a complete El range of women's and . misses Spring Coats, very attractive sty- li les and our prices are very reason-' s able, never had such values, prices . begin at $xz.75. No matter if • you want a low priced or a higher priced coat, our values will be un- surpassed sal 91N: ta SPRI G ;,tr i+; ESS GOO S In all the very latest Fabrics, see our showing of Plain and Fan- cy Voiles, English Ginghams, Prints, Silk and Cotton Crepes, Ratines, Plain and Stripe • Broad Cloth and other new weaves aaseehmshoesesiesseessisessreesesesseesiihoeseisesielann HOUSE FURNISHINGS New patterns in Linoleums and; Floor Oilcloth, Rugs, Win- dow Shades, Curtains and Cur- tain Material, Brass Rods, etc. MENS' AND BOYS' WEAR We are receiving shipments of New Spring Suits for 1VIera, NtIl1 N)!0l�Y {INtStpFurm 1,1i1gP17 Na WIi1tXld,?�..IVt It! SAY'S CANADA'S 'HOUR OF PROS.; PERITY I1AS COME $ir George Paish, eminent Brit- lish economist and financier, who Iexpreeses the opinion that better ,times are coming to Canada. He 'sees a turn iii the tide for Canada„''' largely'-beeause we are a toed pro dieing nation. Sir George is pose sibly the greatest living a.utlzority on economics and finance. is CON. HOWICK', Mrs. Ernest King. returned hoe from Toronto, after spending a week visiting:, friends. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Galbraith, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woods, last week. ' Mr. Dick Bennett, received” a car load of hogs from the West, he in- tends holding an Auction Sale on the i8th of March. Mr. Henry Woods, is moving . to Gorrie, the ist of April. Syrup making will soon be the or- der of the day in the burg, all report a good run:: BORN Jeffrey -At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, Ont., on Wednesday, Feb. 25th to Dr. and 'Mrs. Jeffrey, formerly of Fordwich, •a daughter. .(Barbara Anil).:.• Mr..Jih Leslie of Preston, was in town on Friday and atended the Board of Trade Banquet, Mrs. Earl Cummins and Miss Alice Beckwith, of Toronto, are home ow- . 11$ to the illness of their mother, who we are pleased to note is improving. , Misses Mary Hill and Edna Mit- chell, ,spent a few days with friends in Ripley. Young Men and Boys,_ take_ a look and find out our prices and values, before buying. GENT'S FURNISHINGS Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe Departments are complete with all that's new for Spring wear E. Isard 82 Co. 6�ll dilltelluillmIll lllmlllmllll llllffllll lllital11p11Ii11iaIImmIIILflihllllai Illilll111a1IIoIlimillmIlDiIIII IU FORDYCE Mr: and Mrs. William Champion of Fordyce visited at Zion and Lucknow on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Jamieson and son, visited at Mr. Irwin's, near Belfast on Sunday last. • ' Mre. Spackman of London and Mrs. Championvisited at Mr. A. Havins for a couple of days recently. Mr. and Mrs, A. Havins and fa- mily, also Harry Champion of Luck - now, motored to Fordyce on Sunday last. Early in the season for cars, Sandy, Mr. A. McCrae lzas about finished his eontract of wood and barrel :bead- ing for Mr. John Turner: BRUSSELS 'Mr, and Mrs, George McMillan recently celebrated the 5otli miniver - •y of their. wedding rand received the congratulations of a host of :Friends:`. 'The marriage took place at :Harwood,. County df Northumberland, Ontario, the ceremony being perform- ed by Rev. Charles Taylor, of Cold Springs. For : over 30 years they resided hi Brussels, prior to that .they were residents of the Township of Grey. The family consisted : of nine children, six of whom are living. They are Mrs. John A. Sinclair, Or- illia; Mrs. John Meadows, Brussels; Mrs. Neil Livingston, Vancouver, B. C.; Mrs, •Charles Hingston, Toron- to; William, of .Pope, Manitoba; Al- fred, Port Arthur, Mrs, D. Denman, George and Charles E. are deceased, the latter giving his life in the. Great War. Mr. and Mrs, IvicMillart were the recipients of a well filled purse of gold by the family and friends. Trumpet Plants For Sale Orders are coming from the Pacific Coast. Have : yoti ti ordered yours? Better leave your order early to avoidbeing disappointed, Leave or- ders with. A. W. Webster the Tailor, and New Nome and Ideal Sewing' Machine Agent, upstairs over The Advance Times Office. to ideal Motor Car By ERWIN GREER (President Greer Collage of Automotive Engineering, Chicago) It goes without saying that the ideal .automobile should be noise- less, free from vibration, power- ful, of simple, sturdy construction, with few. moving parts to get out of order and require attention, and with friction reduced, to a • mini- mum. It should be easily operated, flexible, capable of rapid accelera- tion, quick stopping, ready at a moment's notice, free from me- chanical and other complications, theft -proof, clean, roomy and com- fortable.. Most important of all, it must be practical, reliable, serv- iceable and economieal. In ap- pearance it should be so distinctive and attractive as to cause that just' pride that comes with ownership of a really fine car. The body work should be typical of the best tradi- tions of the coach -builder's art. In brief, it should be right in every detail. Thereason for the high favor with' which the closed type of auto- mobile is regarded seems obvious. The well built closed car affords, in summer and winter, a greater measure of comfort thaan is possible it the open type of vehicle, With windows lowered, the touring se- dan or coupe becomes an open car, providing . protection from dust, rain storms and other summer alis- turbances, 'In the winter months with. windows closed and equipped with a heater, the sedan or coupe always is comfortable. And com- fort, after all, is the factor that most appealsto the present-day zrotor-ear owner. What will the final equipment of automobiles. be? This as the question that is brought up almost, every time sevbral motor -car own- ers get together for a few minutes' chat on what their ear can do. When the electric . lighting and starting was installed, it was thought the last word had been heard, for these improvements overshadowed all the previous ones that bad been made. But competi- tion forced manufaeturers to try and add new features, and the suc- ceeding years found further ad- ditions, until today car is sold 'With • practically everything that le eslgned for efficiency and cam. Correct, form in driving means. minimum drain on .the poe etbooln Velvety stops and starts prevent unusual strains on the engine clutch; transmission, axles and tires, • They also cut down the eon. sumption of gasoline and oil. A Well made engine,,, like a SWISS watch, is a sensltve thing, xt resents abuse, but ;responds will- lrtgly and capably to gentle band ; ling, lean weekarticle). r` i1r Jraulld tits Garage' Stalrer": n n^i r^ R!'r iMry. n 11111111011.1* ,4'1196 rtm FlN 6�6 'MI�I1R!'Nn�'ry, �I81�1 l�W! 11117 W 9y riti: �,Ijl'Y It., n«�naww!Nww.aa RUGS Special values irl Wilton, Brussels' and Tapestry Rugs, sixes from. z:lx3 to 4.ete at less !ban wholesale prices. If you steed a new rug, now is the time to buy and savemoney ll. 2 Nil IN 1 l C;t, ill II iii i LINOLEUM RUGS Manly new paterns of Linole- um. Rugs, added to our Stock, Ideal for Dining Room, Kitch- 'en, etc., ,clean and sanitary, ex- ceptional wearing qualities, all sizes from $7.00 to $ao.00 OILCLOTH RUGS For.., bedrooms,_. halls, etc„ oilcloth rugs excel any : new designs shown in light and me- dinin colorings, wonderful ` val.- nes at special prices LINOLEUMS We are showing a number of new and exclusive patterns in, 2 yd. and 4 yd. lineleums from the best makers, to suit any room �i61;�I GN7 All width of oilcloths rro sleek; new spring patterns attractive colorings ' and deign CURTAIN MATERIALS ,Just received our new spring curtain goods in Nets, Macirae, Marquisettes' and Scrim's, splen- did values in all lines, ranging in price from see to Leo yd..... COMFORTER SA TEENS •Fine quality English Sateen' for Comforters in small floral and Paisley designs, 36 hi. wide at hoc yd. .lie The reason some people don't hear Opportunity knocking is because they are at it themselves. • _,oma A clothier noted for his liberal cre- dit carried by high prices and low quality goods, erected a big road sign reading: "You're Never Overdue at Samuels." Whereupon his competitor erected across the road a still bigger road sign reading: "You're never ov- erdue at Smith's," Transoceanic telephone service is promised by Marconi. Now :someone will always be getting the wrong ocean. " ness. Miss Amy Newans visited last week, with Agnes and Helen Ruther- ford, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch, spent wear green satin. pumps after 35—or Sunday evening at ' R. J. Douglas, before. Miss Minnie Doubledee, Salem, with Eleanor Jeffrey, Minnie Jeffrey with Irene Mundell. Eaton's are certainly doing a thriv- ing business these days, but Charlie Scott thinks you . can buy just as cheap at the General. Store, Belmore, as elsewhere. Missionary meeting will be held the last Wednesday in the month. A cordial invitation extended. to all. If the weather permits, the last carnival of the season will be put on Friday evening, March loth. Prizes will be given out of 11/Ir. Herd's store, Houson, Texas, Post. all proceeds to go;,toward the debt on the rink. All competing for prizes "Two bucks are gone from baby's must be masked. Admission 25c5and bank, Isc We haven't .a'cent to buy our bread Our hockey boys played the Tees - His poor wife wailed with stare quite water high school boys, Monday ev- blank. HELM OTRE A splendid meeting of the Women's Institute was held Wednesday after- noon, at Mr's. George Herd's, 22 members being present, minutes were read by the Secretary, :Miss Edna Lincoln. It was proposed at this meeting that $xo be contributed to the Arinenian Fund, over $zoo being raised on the rink. A solo by Mrs. Wrn., Irwin, was especially well ren- dered, Mrs, Rev. McKenzie, an ad- dress, "Does a Woman's Time Count for Anything;" Community song, "Ju- anita", Roll Call, "Labor Saving Con- trivances." A • bountiful lunch was, served by Mrs. Herd and Miss Edna Lincoln, needless to say was much enjoyed., after which all joined in "God Save the King.". Miss Myrtle Hall, nurse, daughter of James and Emma Hall of New Liskeard, called on friends in the village last week. Rev. McKenzie was in London the fore part of the week, at the Synod. Mr. Henry Weicher's have a radio in their home. Mrs. Barton, sr., Howick, is quite ill at present also, Miss Tillie N,ickol, Carrick. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Renick, Hunt- ingfield, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Minnie Jeffrey, spent Friday evening at R. J. Douglas. Mrs. James Douglas, gravel road, is confined to •the house with sick --o-e- --O-- Not p—o_. Not even to acquire a husband, de- clares a fashion editor, should a lady RADI OITIS *How sweet the birds are singing dear,. But she had batlets in her attic, Because the notes she seemed to hear, Were merely gobs of whistling static. Youngstown, Ohio, Telegram. He said: "The static's bad tonight," But hewas a mistaken feller: he Thought it, was, static, but it was His better -half a-eatin' : celery. • • "I ' spent itfor two tubes," he said. '-01— A Wingham trapper reports that he captured 41 skunks last fall. Well, he's welcome to them, ---o-- Still .Still mutt would benefit some faces greatly if they wouldleave it on. —o- The expert highwayman was hear- ing the report of his apprentice, who had failed lamentably .qn his first job. "Wot did you say to her?" he de- manded, "I says to her, I says, Lady, hands up l" "You blame young fool," growled his 'mentor "that shows what a . lot you gotta learn, That ain't how they carry their money, Next time, . say, 'Feet upin' —o -- NEEDS 0, what this town needs is a park, That is fairly shaded or ctark, Where happy young swains And their demure japes Can sit iti the gloaming and spark! Proln Exchange Wingham isn't so dark- But, couples . spoon and spark; They see no disgrace In public embrace So we got no use for a park!. SE ELI e Geo. VVilliarinson and John McPherson, Buyers will be in WINGHAM on Thurs. To buy good, useful, Fi and general` purpose horses. From 1200 to 1700 Lbs Will Pay Good Prices ening. 'Lloyd Zinn is on the sick list, we.- hope e-hope he may soon- be around again;, also Mrs. Robt. Baird. Miss Edna Lincoln and Clarkson. Douglas took charge of the Endeavor* Sunday evening. MORRIS Mrs. O. Westell of Kincardine,. sPent a few days on the est line last week.. Miss .E. Hetherington is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex. Coutts of Wingham. Mrs. Peter McIntosh of Kincardine, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Abraham: •Miss Mary McMichael, spent the week -end at her home• in. Wroxeter. Mr. Jack Gray lost his driving horse last week. Miss Margaret Campbell of Brus- sels is visiting at her home on the est line. , Some people would be • dumb if they couldn't talk about themselves.. RE -OPENING TUTAN'K2IAMEN'S 'roMn The scene in front of Setf's tomb, which was used as a labors" tory, as the heavy wooden doors wore unlocked and removed. Repro*: sentatives of the Egyptian Government and a fewtourists wero4lprel-i' ent. Howard Carter .Is third from the loft wearing a fedora,. Niit�tWlliltd