The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-03-19, Page 4wi
119.1101113111511#111 I. 111 Ndii
.Rexall Drug'.
special items arup pid ciret to us by the naxiufac-:
ase take advantage :of thein before our stock is exhausted
l a 1h+f l t,1 -I SPECIAL NO
.qac Re?,all Stick Fre
very large tube of
trzo Tooth Paste .._
Tooth Brushes for the whole
family all, shapes and sizes re.
gular asc, 35c and 50e,w
Values, Your Choice
zoo Sheet" lid Finish Writing
Pad and 5o Envelopes GI, A
to match; hoc value for
Candy for Mother and the Girls
Delicious Fresh Wholesome =
"Walnut Stuffed Dates" rolled
in Sugar, regular 750 ib ,D
Drug Store
Phone 53
I I1113111II11131111 111E1113111131111
Special mixture of fresh d'elie ious Cream Centre ChM
colates, regular 6oc lb., for 3go.
Our Everyday Cut Prices Save You Money
Wicartheaa, Ont.
41111111 31111811113111 , 1113 11.1113111.1111111131111311113111112111 11101119111131111
AUCTION SALE -2o head of Hor- PASTURE TO RENT—Sealed ten-
ses, from 3 to 7 years old, well ders will be received up "till Wed -
broke, quiet and guaranteed sound, nesday, March 26th` at 6 o'clock p.
at H. McQuillan's barn, Lucknow, in. for the rental of pasture grounds
on Monday Mar. 23rd. Commenc- on the race track property for the
ing at 2 o'clock p. zn. Term's "6 season. Highest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
A. M. Crawford Treas.
Athletic Grounds, Limited
months credit with bank interest.
Ingles Patterson, Prop., J, Purvis,
Auctioneer. :Wingham
AUCTION SALE—Horses and Cat- STRAYED—To the premises. of Wm,
Elliott, Lot 12, Con, 12, Turnberry,
a :Durham Heifer. Owner may
have same by proving property and
paying, expenses.
tie at Lot 3z, Con. 2; Culross on
Tuesday, March 24th. See bilis.
Milas Moir Prop:
John Purvis, Auctioneer,
FOR SALE.. -A seven room, moder-
ately priced house, with two large
lots, Apply to Chas. S. VanNor-
man, Victoria St.
FOR SALE—O. A. C. No. 72 Seed
Oats, Apply .to David Deacon, R.
R. No. 5, Wingham, phone 13-629.
TENDERS—Tenders will be receiv-
ed for painting the interior ' of
school house, S. S. No. 8, Morris,
township, Work to be completed
during Easter week, School board
will supply the. paint. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accept-
ed. J. J. Sellars, Secretary Treas.
FOR ALL KINDS OF GRASS AND WANTED -3000 Muskrats, highest
Clover Seeds, at right prices, go to price paid at the Wingham: Enter -
Duffs, Bluevale. prise Store.
FOR SALE -Baby Chicks and eggs
for hatching from big strong vigor-
bus stock, 0 A. C. B, P. Rocks, R.
L Reds and Barren Strain S. C. W.
Leghorn, Pedigree Leghorn Males
with several generations of females
behindthem with records .of .275
eggs. All breeds laying since Sept.
and run as high as 75 per 'cent. in
March. Already . selling hatching
eggs and booking chick orders.
Get your order in now. Easier to
raise good stock than poor and
Miss Worsell, spent Sunday at her
home in Goderich.
Memorial Hall Committee, are re-
sponsible for the Scotch and I.1sh
Concert 'to be. held Tuesday evening,
March ' r7th., in Memorial Hall, and
promises to be the event of the sea-
son, the judges are Miss Ferguson,
Walton, Mr. John Stewart, Belgrave,
Rev: James Abrey, Londesboro.
much more profitable, Prices easy. I Mrs. Murray Cole of Toronto, vis -
Phone 201 W, Wingham. F. J. Hill ited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Milne
this week.
FOR SALE—A snap. Baby car-. Sympathy is "extended to Mr. and
riage and x Chatham Incubator. Mrs. T. Williams in the death of
their twelve year old child. The bo-
dy was taken to Wingham on• Satur-
day for burial in the family plot.
Service was conducted at the home
by Rev, George Telford, pastor of,
St. Andrews, Church. °
As soon as the spring opens up 111
Post Master Mr. Bert Tasker will Es
build a .Post Office on the lot he re-
cently purchased just south of Mr
Lockwood's Barber Shop.
FOR SALE—A cream reed- baby'bug-' Dr. Kirkby -visited his sister, Mrs.
gy, reversible gear, artillery Robert Watt on Friday.
wheels, good condition. _;Apply to 1 Mr. :Norman Sanderson, addressed
Mrs. Ed. Hammer, Pleasant Valley, the members of the Epworth League,
Monday evening, on his trip to the 11
,OR:SALE---As I am leaving Wing- Old Land and the Wembley Exhibi- m�
ham, I offer for sale my residence tion.
'on Minnie St., newly decorated out -1 Mr.. Ellis. Smith, has secured ern -
side and inside. A, J. Pilon. ployment in a grocery store at Wood-
LOSTA sunt: of money in Wing- c stock.
ham on Sa t d aft F
Apply' at the Advance -Times.
FOR SALE—Cleveland Bicycle, run
only four weeks. Apply to J. C.
Powney, Route z, Belgrave.
FOR SALE—German Police Puppie,
female, five months old, silver grey.
Pedigreed and Registered. Apply
to J. C. • Powney, Route i, Bel,
nmupnaq NeuN J aijl
ST, l X ':L
Miss Agnes Stonohouse of ` ;13e1�,
grave, has been a visitor with her
aunt, Mrs, Jas, Gaunt,
Mrs, Archie Aitcheson. and baby,
Margaret and Miss Hannah Aitcheson,
have returned from a week's visit with
friends at Durham.
'Mrs, Morris of Pittsburgh, is a vis-
itor with her sister, Mrs. Jas, Gaunt,..
Those interesteclin tlxeforzxmationof
a Beef Ring are requested to: attend a
tn'eeting• for that purpose on : Friday.
evening next, March loth,
Mr. Ernest Gaunt had the misfdr-
tiine to get hit with a stick while"
working in the bush, causing .a cut
which required several stitches.
The 'monthly meeting of the ,Vo -
men's Institute will be held at Mrs,
K, Millers on Thursday, March6,
Roll Call "Different Ways of Cook-
ing Meat". -Subject' "Furnishing and
Decorating the Farm Home.",Mrs:
Wallace Miller has .charge of the sub-
ject. All ladies are invited.
Mr. Jas. Durnin was in London
this week,
Mr. Earp` Gaunt has been engaged
with Mr,Will Taylor.
,After an illness of only a few days,.
the death' occurred on Mondaq' from
pneumonia of Mr. Robert Everett,
Mr. Everett a man who was liked and
respected by all who knew' him leaves
a widow 'and two children.
Mr. Frank Todd has gone to Tor-
onto; taking his prize animal, Ebony
of Burncrest, which is being put on
the Government Demonstration
Stock Train.
In loving memory of dear auntie,
Mrs. George M. Robertson, who pass-
ed away, March 7, 2923
Short and sudden was' the call
Of dear Auntie, loved by all.
The blow was great, the shock severe
We little thought her death so near,
And only those that have lost can tell
The pain of parting, without Farewell
The golden gates were opened.
A gentle voice said, "Come."
And with Farewells unspoken
She calmly entered home.
Sadly missed by
Mr.. and Mrs. James V. Breen and
Pers I�, ns Intent tl h J to
Repair Fram
For Appearance, Quality and
Comfort use
Bra I ;I'!f ord
phalt SIat
Requires . No Painting.
Prices on Application.
Shingles put on at reasonable
ur ai
y ernoon. n
der kindly leave same at The Ad-
vance-Tunes and receive reward, t Mr. and Airs. Torn Sanderson and = love. Eloping from Brittany, is
w� twIrt
III 11 III' IIl:lIil0111"I;iiIll9liilall11 MEM III
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
March 19, 20 and 21
'Tire Ned LHy'
WROXETER = A tale of., desperate.. tingling 1
and repairs on hand, best quality
at lowest possible prices, also rub-
ber rolls for Wringer's, If Wring-
er needs new rolls bring it here and
save money, Thompson & Bu-
chanan, axtarx, Hardware.
es or choice land with splendid
u ren, who have been visiting wztli =Jew► and Maurice lose each
the former's parents for the past two = other in the maze of Paris
weeks, returned to their home in De- 1! Years later meet, hardened
troit on Tuesday.• criminals of the Apache. Under.
Miss Margaret M'il'er of Toronto, lip world. _�
is visiting friends in town. } Also Pathe, `Topics of the Day'
Mrs. John Gibson's many friends g Prices 150 and 350 AY
willbe p ease to near she is —
a ong nice y after her recent illness, — ortday, Tuesday, Wednesday
nd 25 1
1 d i getting
Mr. Thomas Sage who has spent I • 1ldarclz c3, 04 a
the winter in Port Huron, returned ff. ne �'1j air a i 1:10,1
to his home last week. lir ElL i7 !,w 1M
brink house and barn 26X3n, ; An'
ideal home for a retired farmer or a
ui For further par-
Mr. . T If .
tarket gardener. r oat � artnt has moved to the
t apply to J. 12 c. r .,farm in Tuurnberry which he lately "GOING J M Ewen (ti'
ANTED ---Monis on: > first farm
nxortg;age. Apply for :further par-
' vs to The Advance -Times.
purchased from Mr.. Hays. ,
Some of the ; farmers in this vicxni-
'ty have tapped their sugar bushes and
started makxng syrup.'
VAbiri ED—. Girl to do general
hoilsewt rh, all conveniences, Ap..;
1„ lisha IlValker, East
h wanosh. I'ltone a1 -6x9. ,
Alf town licenses have expired and
licenses at'o now required, Dog
res arc:also due for the year x}25.
W. A, Galbraith, Cleric.
filittlittei to11gNN0i11111u121111
IP!9 pff
MViacLean ht his best ' ;;sky _
larking, joyride of laugbg and
� thrills: From the kockout mu I
sisal' comedy` bit of New 'Bork
axid London. Laugh with ,Mac -
l1 Lear and the world laughs with
ill .you
Also lsta Pathe News ggll
1I 111111Mfli1111141111I1111111E111u 1111111111M1i113111311If1E111
WI Ii� All
IIIAIg 131 1111311331 iAN a
The 1resbytery of Maitland met
Wingham last Wednesday. C N
IvicKcxizie called attention to the fact"
that Mr, ° IvfcWil1iarn, ok Kinlougli,
had met with a serious accident, and. -
Ole clerk was instructed to convey to
hien the sympathies of the court; r I
Rev. W. A. Bradley resigned the
charge of Knox Church, Teeswater,
on account of failing health, and will
go on the aged and infirm ministers'
fund. Severalmenibers of the court
expressed: regret at Mr, :Bradley's re-
tirement, ; and 3, S. Hardie and •Dr,
Harkness were appointed a committe
to draft a suitable `resolution to }�
placed on the minutes regarding Mr.
Bradley's worth and work.
F. C. Overend tendered his resigna-
tion of the pastorate of Knox Church,
Kincardine, and requested that it take
effect forthwith. The resignation was
accepted. He will become associate
pastor of the Methodist 'church' in that
town untilx June ro. Mr. Overeuid is
a unionist and his congregation', voted
nonconcurrence:: A. C. S. Smith, of
Armow, tendered his resignation of
his Charge, but as the congregation
had notbeen cited the court gave
Presbyterial powers to the moderator
and clerk, with their elders, to issue
the case in the near future. Mr, Smith
is a unionist and his congregation
voted union, but he felt that his going
might heal the breach, so forthesake
of the wont he was willing to demit
the charge in•the'hope.that the con-
gregation might remain together. He
will take 'a mission field,
Strong resolutions were introduced
and carried on the present temperance
issue and on race track gambling. The
former will be sent to the local Legis-
lature and the latter to the Dominion
The following commissioners were
elected to represent the Presbytery at
the coming General Assembly': Dr. D.
Perrie, of Wingham; James Scobie, of
Whiecaurch; F. C. Overend, of Kin-
cardine, and K. A. Gollan, of South
Kinloss ,ministers, and the following;
elders: Messrs. R. D. Cameron, Luck -
now; D. S. McDonald, of Kincardine;
John H. . Reid, of Pine River; and
James McIntosh of Whitechurch.
j.: P. McLeod, of Brussels,interim-
moderator of the charges of Gran -
brook and: Ethel, was authorized to
procure stated supply for that charge
till June to,
Rev. C. Cumming, of St, Helens,
and R. D. Cameron was appointed to
serve on the synod committee on bills
and overtures, and K. A. Gollan was
nominated for membership on the
assembly's committee on bills and
overtures. -
The nest regular meeting of the
court will be held in Lucknow on the
third Tuesday in Nlay
(Continued from page one)
times unconsciously mutters' some
thing, not discernable. " Sitting near
the table on which is a lamp tilted so
as to throw a light on the sick child
is the doctor. He is critically study-
ing his patient, occasionally feeling
her pulse and occasionally giving her
some of the contents of the bottle on
the table. In the other,• corner of the
room, with her head on , her arms,
whichare resting on . the table, sits
the mother crying softly to herself.
Standing near her chair is the father,
his month set in a determined manner
as if he wished to drive away all harm
from his little girl. Mr. Stanhope
suddenly turns away from- the win
dim and: starts back home; but he
now realizes why the doctor gave up
the concert to attend to the , little
For many weary . hours the group
sit in the cottage waiting and watch-
ing the restless fevered child, at last
at a quarter after twelve, the crisis
has passed and'she takes a turn for
the better. The fever went down and
she presently quit tossing and fell
asleep. .
A week afterwards the doctor
again comes to see Marjorie. He
found her sitting up in bed playing
with her brother. The doctor be-
comes a great friend of the children
and for some: time sits there telling
them 'stories. At last lie gets up to
go, and as he starts back: home he,
does not regret missing the concert,
for he has done something much bet-
ter, he has helped a family regain
their most precious possession and
has left them happy and contented:
Spring's coming on again,
Snow's almost gone again,
Tulips will blossom soon,
Pansies are due;
But'a few days and then
Sunshine will blaze and then
Nature will robe all. her
Children anew.
"kies will be clean again,
Trees will be green again,
Rivers and creeks will set • ou
Thursday, Marek rpth.,
Ili1�111 1t1I Ill 1111Ell1Ill01 11101111 1O iI1011)01)1 fl11J 111 p11! 111
0 Per Cept. Off
Saturday Next
Ou Rubber Footway...,
is; There is one sure way to save money when you
buy Rubbers. You get this saving in
the longer wear of
i, a i'..Iinion
I Special For
On Saturday, March 28th we will give 10% Off
the regular price of all Rubbers
and Rubber Boots.
A style and fit for every Shoe and Foot.
111E111 r: III 111E111III
III®lllmillBlNImHi3llll:'t1111irkl1fEl11EINUi0TYl11®111eaMEW MMM 111",JI1MOM ',te111
Millinery Announcement
We wish to invite the ladies of Wingham and
vicinity to call at our store and inspect
our new showing of
Smart Millinery :Fashions:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
and following days,
M. Rush
III 111 1111111181111E11811116111li l 113111131111
For the sea,
Robins will sing again,
Busily bring again
Bits they can use for the nest
In the tree.
� r
Dark is the sky to -day
Now where they lie to -day
Barren and 'bleak is the world
Which we know,
Think of the slumbering things
Past all our numbering things
Think of the blades of grass
Waiting to grow.
Under the earth they lie;
Waiting new birththey lie
Splendors uncounted: and
Treasures untold;
Nowhere a space s0 bare,
Nowhere a place so bare,
But :hides some loveliness
Soon to unfold.
So they rise again:.
Bright to the eyes again,
We from our winter bleak
Weather -worn clay
Surety shall grow again
Life's joys to know again.
Spirits as fair as the
Petals rrf May,
EdwardA. Guest.
G. P.A. Daily Schedule
Trains are dtte to leave Wingham
and arrive at Wingham as follows:
Leaving Wingham 6,45 a. in. arriv-
ing' in Toronto 12,20 p, m.
Leaving Wingham •2.55 p, m., arriv
ing in Toronto 8.45 p, m,
Arriving in Wingham from Toron-
to at r.xo and 10.35 p. m.
W. E. Brawley, Agent
C. N. R, Daily Schedule
Leave Wingham at 6.40 a. rn,` and
arriving in' Toronto at 11,10 a, In.
Leave Wingham at 2.54
riving in Toronto at 7.30 p.' m,
Leave Toronto at 6.45 a. m., arriv-
ing in Wingham at 11.55 a. tn.
Leave Toronto at 5.02 p. m., arriv-
ing ht W inghaxii at 9.37 p, m,
To London leave at 6.55 a. nr.,••rra�
eh London at 9.55 a. in,
To London leave at 3.15p. rn,, rea-
ch London at 6.2o p. m.
Leave London at 9 a. tn., arriving
at Wingham 12.52 noon,
Leave Landon at 4.45: p. , rn., arriv-
ing at Wingham 7.55 p. 'til.
W. 1'. Bttrgman, Agent
McLaughlin—In I H G,
n oi
day, Mat 5th,,1925, Ellenan
rlie only reliable antidote for crbss 'beloved wife of Robert i12cLauginl
elo$� hlint
tr, ;
rd pitz:iies is carbolic acid. in her arst year,