The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-19, Page 411 111011l 111111
.ery Of
Parke Davis &; Co.,of Wallcerville, have placed a new line
filet ,articles on the market—High Class in every way
50 Cents Free —
When you buy any two of following high class toilet
ou may have your choice of .atyother article FREE
a P. D. & Co. TOOTH PASTE—
. 'i Very large tube, will not injure
the enamel ..m.„5o cents
P. D. & Co. SHAVING Cream
—A germicidal shaving soap, big
tube,, five months of daily shay- .
es M 5o cents
CREAM—A greaseless cream
Sur Everyday CIO Prices Save;You Money
that rubs .into the ;skin and dis-
appears quickly ;:.........50 cents
—For Sunburn, Chapped Hands
and roughness of the skin -w
5o cents
P. D. ;& .Co, COLD CREAM
For massage and as a ,skin clea-
nser - ;so ::cents
10 n's rug StIl: re
WVirotrlae ea. Ont.
111111111111211111111 I1111�1 l l
Phone 53
111®IIIiNtIll i:111111111111I11®111111)111111!1I1111211.i1111111I1112111�&Illil'9111
AUCTION SALE -Horses and Pure-
bred Cattle, at Lot 37, Con. 8,: East
Wawanosh at 2 o'clock on Thurs-
day, February sgth,, is head of
Purebred Cattle and six horses. See
bills. John : ';Purvis, Auctioneer
John T. Scott, Proprietor, Geo.
Cunningham, Clerk.
AUCTION SALE—Stock and Imple-
ments, at my farm near Belgrave,
on Wednesday, February 25th.
David Hamilton, Prop., Jas, Taylor,
FOR SALE—Roan Durham Cow,
due to freshen on March 15th. Sev-
en years old.. Apply to V. R. Van-
.TO RENT—A small cottage on Fran-
ces St. Apply to Mrs. John' Rog-
ers, Box 186, phone 23-625. '
WANTED -A good second hand
gramophone. Apply to Mr. Nesbitt,
Belgrave; phone 34-623.
learning to blow • instrument with
the object of playing in Wingham
Citizen's Band, should attend band
room on Monday night, February
23rd at 8 o clock. gasoline burner on the Linotype, re-
turns home, goes through the mo-
FARM TO RENT FOR GRASS— tion of eating breakfast, writes copy
For the Season, 5o acres, spring and until time for the 8.37 train; get the
good well. Apply to Mrs: Ed, `eomers' and `goers' thereon.
Jenkins, Lot 20, Con. ro, Turnberry. "Goes to the postoffice, where he
is greeted by a number of 'please
FEBRUARY SALE -Rubber Stair remits',looks over the communica-
Treads only 23c each, Lime Nest tions to . see that no one is `ripped ,
E s 6 for 2 c Oster h I
Anyone Who Doesn't Think ''He
Works Has Another. Guess He
Tells The World
J. A. Thompson; editor of the Brac-
ken Chronicle, sprightly weekly,news-
paper published, at Augusta, ;icy., be-
lieves he works hard. He charged
$1.5o a year for his paper; which is
brimful of neighborhood, news and
more than a smattering of state and
national intelligence. Someonemust
have hinted that Editor Thompson
was not any too busy, for in.arecent
issue of the Chronicle, he indulges
himself to this extent:
"There are evidently people in Au-`
gusta who have formed•. the opinion
that publishing a newspaper is child's
play, which will cause the average
publisher to smile, to say the least.
II there is any other job, business and
profession, where the proprietor puts
in longer hours, and receives less pay
we would like to know of it. For in-
stance, here are a few of the stunts
that the publisher of the Chronicle
goes through with daily:
"Gets - up at 5.30 a. m., rain or
shine, cold or hot, goes to the office,
goes to the earlytrain,: lights the
woo- 5.' .
(Front Toronto Saturday ', Ii glit)
Should you chance to be in Iv (,all
Street when a tner.ger is pending,
Or a deal of 'first importance is ex-
ploding with a ban
You will find the great financi
attentive ear are lending
To a modest chap whose' father keeps
the store at Penetang.
There's a man from Maititottl'in, who
a rumor says is rnliin'
The night court at Chicago,.
the bandits set the pace;
And listen to me will ya,
Brown who left Orillia
Is. settled out in Denver and
gaging the place.
Down in Akron in Ohio lives tcnother
fellow know,
Owns a factory making tires half the
world goes rolling on;.
His business ways are thorough and
his home itownPeterboro
Will likely 'raise a monument to him
when he's gone.
In the blue grass State, Kentucky,
Billy King has been most lucky
Raising early corn and cabbages to
flood the New York mart:
Whilst proud.mama in Kitchener is
telling every listener
The story of why Will left home and
how he got his start.
's an.
You may travel where you want to,
through tlie,land South of Toronto,
Where 01d Glory is a -waving and the
Eagle screams or. clucks.
In the most unlikely places you will.
find familiar faces,.
The best of all Americans are emir
grant Canucics.
Wherefor do not let vexation, at this
talk of annexation,
Drive you into desperation. There's'
no need to raise a fuss.
If ,there's any, taking. over. We shall
still reside in'clover;
'Twill be we who take the U. S., not
*` U. S. take on us.
—Geoffrey W. Cox.
A boy. crying
A wife coaxing her husband to have
his mother: come and make her honte
with them. `.
A bootlegger admitting that the
stuff he sells is deadly.
A government;clerk , asking for
something to do.
A taxicab driver begging a pedes-
trian's pardon.
A broker acknowledging that there
is any money in itis business.
to have his nes
"What, fishing 'on the Sabbath?"
erclaired the minister reprovingly
"Don't you know that little boys who
fish on the Sabbath go to the bad
"Huh! I guess dat's right," replied
the youngster disgustedly "I couldn't
a struck no worse place dan dis,"
gg 25; y Shell 12 ib, up the back, and -thus avoids a libel
25c, Cattle Sulphur 5 ib. 25c, Epsom suit or a licking, continues to the of
Salts 4 lb. 25c, 6 Ib pkg. mixed nails fice, reads proofs, • helps 'make up the 111E111 11 II(NIII111111 iallMill
25c, 5 string broom 59c,white Cups forms,' feeds the cylinderpress two ee
and Saucers 15c, Br, American Coal or three . times a week—about 2;
011 25c gal, Thompson & Buchan- hours each time al
an Hardware, Phone 30, for prompt ` "Telephones 1 over the county in
search of news; runs "down many
clues of alleged news, which often
'p Thursday, Friday, Saturday
_,a PI
WANTED—A dependable salesman Prove to be nthica, Laura
comes home at
our Trees and Shrubs Free the noon hour, where the saine ta-
equipment, liberal pay. Applicant ble motions are gone through with;
honest. Welland Nursery Co., "Goes to the 1.24 train, then to 5p
Welland Ont.. 'the office until time for the 4.37, re
rnaininer until the 5.21, whether late
PROPERTY FOR SALE—Eight- or on time; then home . for supper,
must be. a hustler and .absolutely''digs up' more copy.
m -,
"Excitement' rg
• - Six men in love with one girl. I.
If thats not excitement, what
roomed frame house on VictoriaSt. then to the 7,45 train ,after which 1
soft and hard water, good cement copy is prepared for the next day, and
cellar. Apply for particulars to this daily routine is gone through
E. Dennis, Route 4, Wingham, with, seven days of the week, except-
ing that the arising time on Sunday
WANTED ---Highest .Prices Paid, for is 6.15 a• m., and we 'appropriate
all kinds of Raw Furs, Beef Hides enough time to go to church and
111 Also Billy Sullivan in "The
Leather. Pushers".511
es cents. and, 25 cents
Si E,_
Sunday School. = Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Sheep Skins, Rags and Junk, horse —
Hair and all kinds of Feathers, Al-.
so Live Poultry. Brown Bros,' 'Inquisitive Passenger "I ,ee you
Phone 204 have your arm in a sling. Broken
isn't it?" -
Meek Ditto—"Yes sir."
20o ACRE FARM FOR. SALE—clay I "Meet with an accident?"
loam 40 acres, of hardwood bush! "No, broke it while trying to pa
good sugar, x acre of orchard, 2 myself on the back."
storey stone House with cellar,! "Great Scott! What for?"
large woodshed, with never failing "For minding my own :business,"
Spring well inside, z large barns ,_o_
stone stabling underneath, large There's no use talking, crossword
straw shed, hog pen and hen house, puzzles are not for everybody. A
all in good repair, running spring Wingham woman, a puzzler for sev-
er for stock, cleared land all' eral months, 'stalled the other night
seeded to grass, 4 mile from school, on a 2 -letter word meaning "a bovine
3 exiles from Belgrave, station and animal" the last letter of which was
churches, rural mail and Bell Tele- nee.
phone. Good reason for selling. -o
l or particulars apply to Mrs. Jas. Do you know that there is more
W. Bone, Belgrave, Ont. , than' enough joy in this world to go
andel baileeI Dance!
In the Council 'Chamber on Wed-
csday, February Lyth. Dancing
from 8.g,o to 1. Wingharn Orchestra.
Adit'iision sac.
leo--- "She screamed for help when
kissed her."
Bimbo -"Did you run?"'
Bo» "No, I gave her another help -
Indians on Warpath. ®�
;With Ali Star Cast I
An epic of Ale Golden West
A drama with sun scorched
trails when cruel Indians in war ...
paint overwhelmed caravans of
prairie schooners.
What 'Sou Will See' —�r
A Waggon Train Attacked n
Innocents Massacred. ei
prices 20 cents and 55 cents.9
it taillititillitli 111111111111111 111 ,r' 1I11 ll1lNtll111111111111111
ONI.,ttr A DA kAM
To, the Editur av the
Deer. Stir,
Tisa aware wurruld we do be liv
in, an (mare payple, iviry wan av u
so we are; Whin we go to bid.
niaights, loike sinsible min, we ni..
know what we may be afther dltram
about befoor rarnin. Wan noig
lash wake the missus was detain
at i inaytin av the 'Wintmin's Insist
toot, an I had to' git'me own Suppe
an mebby I rade me tay too.:shtron
fer, sltitre,' 'twas dhrantin the who
blissidt noigli't'I wus,
Wance I taught I wus in Clint()
sittin itt,Me frind Sam. Cooper's San
Corium wid Primier Ferguson an
Mishter Pellew an Mishter A. T. Co
per, wurrukin out a cross wurrud pu
zle in the Orange. Sintinel. It wus
en't a harrud wan, an we got alon
foine wid it at fursht. A wurrud. w
foor letthers,inaynin'a shtrong poll
tickle; parthy, av coorse wus Tory; a
wan wid the same,number av letthe
marlin a wake' pollytickle parth
wus, Grit, an tree letters maynin
busted pollyticicle parthy wus U.F.
"So far, so good,"sez 1, actin,
m.ashter av, cirenionies," but here
a' harrud 'wan.- • A wurritd wid fo..
letthers rnaynin a 1 oind av drink i
irybody is lookin fer, that.. will mak
ye Pale 'cake the Prince Ay Wale
widout makin ye drunk." "Tay," se
Mishter Cooper, "Milk,"sez Mishte
Pellew. "Both wrong," sez I,, "Ta
has only tree letthers in it, an who I
ir, heard av the' Prince ' av Wale
dhrinkin milk?" sez I. "1 hey twilit
foive mimbers av Parleyniint wh
cud answer that wan" ses Mishte
Ferguson, an I tink 1 will take the pa-
per back wid me:to. Toronto," sez he
"We hev invinted the dhrink," he sez
"an all we nade now is the name
Call it bank,", sez 'I, ;gittin me
up, "accordin•. to what I rade in th
papers, .Howard," I . sez, "Ye are . of
ther rakin a' Mess av tings, both;'fi
yersilf an the parthy,;ati all' iiecaus
ye talked too much," 'sez I. In polly
ticks arr thradin harses 'tis the besh
plan' to let the other fellah, hev th
mosht to •say, an thin ye hev nothin
to take back. „'Tis surproised I am,
intoirely, that ye shud let than Grits
an U, F. 0.'s hev the chance to -girt
ye in the same class wid' Tom Piper.
Whin 'thins twinty foive mimbers got
afther ye askin.fer shtronger beer.
whoy didn't ye tell thim. to go to-----
Formosa,' arr some other place I nade-
not minshun."
"'Tis. the great timpirince man ye
hev got to be, all ay a sudden, Tina;
sez he, but I didn't titch ye wud rub
it into nee that harrud. I heard ye
wus supportin the O. T. A., up till the
votin day, an thin didn't poll yer vote
fer ayther soide,"
"'Twas;be rayson av me lumbago
that I didn't vote," sez I,ti winkin at
Mishter Ferguson, an thin lookin wid
a shtraight face at Mishter Cooper
an Mishter Pellew. "Av coorse," sez
I, "I know that us Tories musht
hould our jawbs, but` I tink ye hey
gone the wrong way about it.:Not
that I mane to lave the parthy, at all,
at all, fer, shore, I cudden't be afther
votite wid thine Grit, an' U. F. 0.'s so
I cudden't. I intind to shtay wid ye,
Howard," I sez,, fer, indade, I wits,
a Tory long befoor I,wus a timpir-
ince man but all the same, I ant afraid
ye hev shpilled the banes," sez L
"Don't ye worry, Tim," sez he, iv-.
it tin will u r
y g w r ulc out all.roight fer
us in the ind, I don't care how mach
ye ah all the resht av the byes talk,
as long as ye vote shtraight. They
to kape me` poshted wi'd rispickt to
anny ay 'the lads ye tink are loikely
to shlip," sez he; "Inciade, an I will
thin," sez L
"Ye will, What?" sez the missus,
givin me a jab in me ribs wid .her 11 -
bow. "Turn over on yer roight sotde
an shtop talkin an rowan arround 'n
yer shlape; s'ie sez,
`"Tis quare payple we are, an
quare drames we do be Navin.
Yours till nixt wake.
Timothy Hay.
z -
-z- -'
t. -
a'ry ]c
e a IAS
en an
LI '.
Ten Days of BigCut Prices, Corn-
,rne1 c ng Friday, ° ® 13th
Ba OTS ' 0 '? MEN
lack or iowu
Reg. $6 00 and $7.00 Values
We haven't
L.;.i eel
XF^ R'i S torr MEN
Black, Brown Calf,
Reg. $6.00 and $6.5o Values -
For t Man
I' tdo r
. aeo
Big Prue Cutting in
all Leather Topp Rub-
bers, Rubber Boots arid
Heavy Laced Rubbers.
illly Now and S
to gotten B „t r gat 1.s )di lr the
Cher T' p R ° bbers, Heavy
n iu bers, Rubber .1 t 'a,.Is
west C ' I Prices.
Seessee ssin slut , dee einwreaseriieWresaeestra,reedeti restreirrsor ,1e— eitre.,
Mr. Frank Todd was ' in Toronto
last weekattending the Annual Meet-
ing of the Angus Breeder's Associa-
Mr. McPherson of Detroit, visited
during last week : with Messrs. Neil
Campbell aid Du,nc. McKenzie.
Mr. 'Tom Radcliffe from Detroit, s
visiting relatives here before leaving
for his home at Rapid City, Man.
' Mrs. Alliston Hughes of Holyrood,
,was a visitor for a few days last week
with her brother., McKenzie and Mrs.
Webb. ,
Rev. Chas. Cumming and Mr. Gor-
don are representing the Prest.yterian
Church at the Temperance Conveit-
tion. being Held in Massey Hall, Tor-
onto this week. ,
The regular:meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held at Mrs.
R. K Miller's on Thursday February
26th.' Roll Call, "The funniest
Scrape in Which I : ever saw anyone."
Subject, "The Useful Woman" in
charge ''of •Mrs. W. T. Miller: Visitors
are always welcome.
Members of the Women's Institute
were "At Home" to their friends on
Friday evening, when about iso per-
sons enjoyed a social time. After
the program for which the president,
Mrs. Geo. Webb occupied the chair,
and which was composed of recita-
tions, songs, dances, musical selec-
tions and an address by Rev, C.
Cumming, the evening was spent in
games, contests, after which lunch
was served.
Mrs. W. G. McCrostie and little
Notice Re Trumpet Vines
.All orders will be filled as coon as
vines can 'be transplanted in the
Spring, A limited number of orders
will be accepted at fifty cents each
for spring delivery. Apply to A. W,
Webster, the Tailor Up Stairs over
the .Advance -Times Office.
There was a young lady named Stella
Who fell in love with a bowlegged
But the poor little sap tried to sit, on
leis lap
And ;she fell through to the cellar.:
There was a man in our town,
And he was a 'speedy guy,
He turned the corners on two wheels
Crossed crossings on the fly,
But yesterday, the Extras say,
This wise man saw the light,
1 -lis fliver stalled onthe railroad.
rachToot, toot Ding, .rjorig•! Good Night!
Miss Marie who havebeen in Wing -
ham for nearly two weeks, where
Marie was receiving treatment in the
Hospital returned home on Friday
and Marie is making rapid progress
toward recovery.
In loving memory of Mrs. Roy
Callaway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. L, Chandler, who, died February
27th., 1921,
One year has passed
But still we miss her,
Friends may think the wound is healed.
But they little know the sorrow
Lies within our hearts concealed.
The flowers we lay upon her grave
May wittier and decay
But the love of her who sleeps be -
Will never 'fade away,
Sad and sudden was the call
Of Edia, dearly loved by all;
Her memory still is ever dear;
For oft we shed a, silent tear;
Time cannot alter love' so true,
One year brings 'back our grief anew.
Sadly missed by
Fath?, ,Mother and Sisters,
A business change of more than:
passing interest is that which brings:
the Bank of Commerce from its old,
stand in the Murray Block to the cor
ner of the Anderson Block,Cameron
Murdock & Co,, who new occupy'
these premises,wiil move into the part.
now occupied by Johnstone Bros.,
furniture and undertakers: A parti-
tion will be built down the centre' or
the Cameron Murdock store, making
two sections, that on the corner will
be taken over by the Dank of Com-
merce and Johnston. Bros. will occit•
py the centre section. These changes
will take place in March.
We understand at the last council'
meeting, Mr, Lloyd Agnew who has
been hydro clerk since hydro wa'
turned an here resigned his position
and is going to Chicago in the near
future. Mr: D. C. Tay1o3• was ap-
pointed to read the meters 'and Mr.
J. E. Agnew willtake over the bal-
ance of the duties We understand
Mr. Taylor will also officiate as con-
On Wednesday of last week Miss
Rena Congxarri, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Same Congram of' the 2nd con.
of Kinloss, was -married. to Mr. Wm,
Buckingham of Ashfield in the pres-
ence of about so invited guests. On
Friday evening a i`eception was held
at the bride's home, when nearly loo
guests gathered and .spent the night
in games and dancing. Many beauti-
ful presents were given the young
couple testifying to the esteem in
which they are held. They will re-
side on the groom's farm iri Ashfield.
Dr. Wm. Connell: has purchased the
Graham 'Block in which his office and:
the Post Office are situated. He in-
tends to reside upstairs.
We understand that plans are well
under way for the instituting of it
Rebekah Lodge here in the near fa -
tare. The necessary names have been•
received and sent in to be approved
by the Grand Officers.
Inspector Morrisonof the Dept, of
Agriculture was in town last week in,
respect to enforcing the law regard-
ing the grading of eggs, We under-
stand the merchants of town will
cease handling eggs, but will ask' all
producers to take them direct to the -
grading stations.
The' thaw last week nearly put an
end to the ice and there is none cut
here yet.
Mr. and Mrs, Jno, ?urdon and chil-
dren spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Bolt, of Marnock,
Mrs. Archie Clow and Miss Rube`
Everett, 'spent. Sunday with the for-
mer's daughter, Mrs. Mason of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs, George Coultes, en-
tertained a number of their friends
and 'neighbours, on Friday night.
If we ever get ambitious and try to It's a very weak cause that must
break a record, it will be the one the quote Lincoln or Washington to jus-
neighbor' plays about rx •o'clock. tiFy itself,