The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-05, Page 9li
ii H
pes, regular
pecia] 49e
20e ----
a 1. a Cr i n .e$Pipes,
Special at 29e
eQUlar 50c
(Acton Free Press)
Mayor McLean. of Actoii,, in his in-
augaral address referred to the ser-
vice rendered the (wined and town.
by the Press. Unquestionably the
hcwspapersdo render a service that
is seldom recognized. Ione are more
loyal or more energetic boosters of
the town than they, and while at
times there may be matters h Coun-
cil that invite eritieism, in the gener.
a1` interests of the comrw pity, : the
questions are 'treated froth a helpful
rattier than a fault-finding standpoint,
0% iI:liCUNT
Wes, all prices,ir tut $2.50 to $5.00
at 20 Per Cent. Discount.
Everyday Cut Prices Save You Money
wicxsthnaxeu, iknt4
*1i1I91111', 111 lll�ill�ltlG�lll itlgill�k�li'I�Ill�lilq 111 111 Mill . 1111E111 i 1111E11
on's Drug St ,,;,re
4 Store
Phone 53'
SUCTION SALE—Horses orses and Pure- `WANTED--A.:.dependable salesman
VVa'avanos r 1 a*o'clock on Thurs- equipment, liberal pay. Applicant
'tined, . attle and six horses See. honest Welland Nursery Co,
bred Cattle, at Lot 3n
Con 8,East for our Trees and Shrubs Free,
ay, ' Fe brY ry I 9th., 15 head of must be a hustler and absolutely
bills, John Purvis, Auctioneer Welland Ont.
Johii T. Scott, Proprietor, Geo. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE—clayCunningham, Clerk loam 4o acres, of hardwood bush
good sugar,; acre of orchard, 2
DURING FEBRUARY ONLY I storey stone house.with cellar,
will supply the paper, and paper large woodshed, with never failing
any ordinary room up to tox12 for
ty to choose from at this price. Call
rale at 228 and I will be glad to
show you samples. Elmer Wilkin -
Ab11 I'vE $'ARIL$
Many rn ' ii res as to wedding auni-
versarres with signtfieance of each
and received, Here we give eaoh year
taken frotn. the World Almanac:
First Cotton,`
Seeon4. Paper. ".
Third ' I eethcr.:
Fourth!—Frt,.it anFifth—',Wooden,Fifth—',Wooden, Sixth—Sugar.
"Man that; hath to do with the pub-
lic business is of few days and full
of trouble.
"He cornett' forth in the morning
with high hopes and ere the setting
of the'•sun of that day lie hath met
with' many reverses and `continueth.
Yet, Oh Lord, have compassion
on the Children of Thy creation that
$6.00. You have a wonderful varie-
Last—$2,25 Aluminum Tea Pots
special for Thursday, Friday and
Saturday for $r.Sg and Aluminum
.,..B'ai"ti. rr•,
e or Cake Pan bin. x loin, wor-
th 6oc given "Free" with each pur- A MOST SUCCESSFUL TEA AND
chase of :Tea Pdt an days mention- r SCIJCC SUCCESSFUL
ed. Get yours early as supply i
limited, Thompson & Buchanan On Tuesday Evening, February
Hardware. loth., the Victory Mission Circle held
a most successful tea and meeting in
spring well inside, 2 large 'barns
stone stabling underneath, large
have to do with the public business
Be, present and administer them com-
fort in time of trouble, for they are
in trouble most of the tune,"
It ;wouldbe wise for every person
to clip out this little piece of wis-
dom and save it. It is a good natur-
ed rebuke for the many critics of
municipal officials who know . not
where they speak. -Emporia Gazette.
Paper Is Looked For
The editor of The Advance -Times
received very kindly notes from a
few; of his subscribers this week, Mrs.
Ed. l3radwin sending a renewal says,
"We look forward to the arrival of
The . Advance -Times each week and
wish it every success." Also the fol-
lowing from Grand Rapids, Mich:
"'To the Editor of Wingham Ad-
vance ,—Just to ask you to send. Mrs.
R.` Breen's paper, until further notice
to 1007 N. Olive St. West Palm Bea-
ch Florida. She enjoys getting the
Wingham paper and wants to thank.
you folks, for sending it so promptly..
She looks for her paper every. Thurs-
day, as that is. the day it reaches here.
She is always interested and loves
her home town and old friends.
Grandma wasgo years old, January
6th,, and is real well and January 12,
left for Florida, with her son and his
wife. Greetings to you all from grand-
ma, I remain
Geo r H, Breen.
straw shed, hog pen and hen house,
all in good repair,running spring
water for stock, cleared land all.
seeded to grass, mile from school,
3 miles from Belgrave, 'station and
churches, rural mail and Bell Tele-
phone. Good reason for selling.
For particulars apply to Mrs. Jas.
W. Bone, Belgrave, Ont,
Z.S:LE-New John. Deere Van
Brant teed Drill. Apply to B. J.
Bellinger, Massey Harris Shop.
FOR SALE—Shorthorn Bull, Dennis
O'Laparty 170527, Dark Red, born
April 2nd., 1924, Darn Flora Duch-
ess 151122, Sire Perfections by. Per-
fections, Heir by Gainford Perfec-
tion by Gainford Marquis Second.
Oliver Campbell Wingham R. R. 4,
'Phone 3013 Brussels, No. ? lot 7,
Con. 2, Morris.
FOR SALE—Good Peerless Radio,
two tube set, 1 set receivers; . For
particulars apply at Advance Of -
FOR. SALE --$5o ; Hosiery Knitting
Machine, for $2o guaranteed 1st
class condition, will demonstrate:
Apply The Advance,
FOR SALE—Chevrolet, in A I con-
dition, a snap, as it must be said
before March xst.i regardless of
cost. Robt. Groves;
Mrs. F. Howson, Mrs. ,'A. J, Walker,
OR SALF—Piano Case Oran ,n
the lecture room of the United Chur-
ch. Between 65 and 70,, all young
women and girls,. with the exception
of the pastor and the orchestra -sat
down to a'rnost delicious lunch. The
first itemof interest was ,a contest to
see how little the girls knew about
the Church, the organ, windows, mot-
to's etc:
After an hour spent around the ta-
bles Mrs, Greer called the .neeting
to order and transacted a few items'
of business. The treasurer, Miss
ilfrnnie -Barber, reported. receipts to
date '$16p:oo. Mrs. W. `. Burgman,
offered to. open her home : for the
`next meeting of the Circle.
The programme was presided over
by Mrs. Cragg, and consisted of sev-
eral selections by the orchestra, read-
ings by Miss Wright and Miss .Ma-
bel Button, solo by Mrs. A. J. Walk-
er and an instrumental by Miss Ada
Corbett. One of the most interest-
ing features of the meeting was the
presentation, by Mrs. Cragg, of life
Certificates to five of the members,
viz: Miss. E. Finch, Mrs. W. T. Greer,
Eighth i dit Rubber,
Ninth ---Willow.
Rleventlt*S tcel.
Twelfth Silic and Fine Line:
Fourteenth --Ivory.
Fi f teenth,-Crystal,
Twentieth --China.
Twenty -fifth -„Silver,
Fortieth --Ruby,
Fiftieth Golden,'
Sixtieth -Diamond..
East Wawanosh School Report; U.
S. S, No. 7.
Sr. IV—Gordon Naylor, Beatrice.
Jr. IV• V
r ne
-- hen illetta y
Chamz re
Sr., III—Margaret Cunnington,
Ross Robinson, ` Calvin Robinson.
Jr. III—Marjorie Jamieson.
Jr. II—Mason Robinson, Mildred
C. Robertson, teacher.
Gratifying to Commission
The following letter was received
by Mr. W. A. Galbraith, secretary of
the Public Utilities Commission,
Wingham, and is, we believe, selfex-
planatory and very encouraging.
Dear Sir:—
We take pleasure in enclosing a
copy of the Wingham Hydro opera:
tion for 1924, which, you will note,
shows a net surplus of $3461.91 in ad-
dition to. a provision for local depreci-
ation of $1go8.00, which we are sure
must be very gratifying to your local
Commission and to the Hydro con-
sumers in Winglsam;
The actual cost of Power to Wing -
Lara on the books of this Cornrniss-
iori was $1305.64 less than the amount
of the interim bills and this has al-
ready been deducted from the cost
of Power in this report. A . credit
memo for this will be sent you in due
time and will beapplied against your
current Power bills, thus materially
increasing the amount of cash which
will be reported in your ' :balance
sheets during :the next few months.
Yours truly,
R, C. McCollum, Auditor Municipal
and Mrs, W. 13. Wellwood. Such ga
good condition,also extension din-'thei•irrgs cannot fail to creta a fine so-
' kg
oMing room table' and six chairs. In- "Ciel spirit in the Church.
form .ation at ' ;the Advance -Times
Will 11 cheap.
LOS':f--A wrist watch. Finder please
leave at this office and receive re-
LOST ---Set of shaft chimes, Finder
kindly leave at this office.
NOTICE—As some parties are cir-
culating a report, that there will be
no Essex Seed Corn for Seed the
coming season. I wish to state I
will have strictly No, 1 Germina-
tion Essex Grown Seed Corn, hav-
ing had some on order for some-
time. I also, have No, x, Early
Branching Short Straw, White
Blossom Sweet Clover, special
price if secured early, All other
seeds No. x: J.A. Mills, Wingham.
1-Ei ht- enjoy an hour of profit, with a real
PROPERTY 120.E S�?I-, g live company' of young people.
roomed frame house on Victoria St, .So
water, good cement Tuesday February 24th --The
soft and bardg to cial which was to have been held on
ellar, Apply for particulars
The United Wingham
! Rev. Chas. E, Cragg, B. D. pastor,
10 a. m.'— 117ornsng prayer and
praise service,
is a. m.—Morning Worship.
2.30 'p, nn,—Sunday School and Bi-
ble Masses. Last' Sunday 265 pres-"r,,, "aw"
u",44444 44444
1,. A Missionary from.. India will
speak Friday Evening and
all day Sunday.
Monday Evening he . will give a
Wonderful Lantern Lecture.
P. A welcome awaits you at these
111€0111 if' 111011111111111111110111111111101110111E111011113111111
before end `of
ent, let : us ainr at 300
7 p. m.—Evening Worship. The
Rev. G, S. Gervan B. A., the Presby- -re
terian Minister at Millbrook, will
preach' both morning and evening
and address the Sunday School in the
afternoon. .All seats free. A cordial
invitation to all strangers to worship
with us.
Monday -The Young People's
Meeting with Group 1 in charge.
Last week 501 present. Come and
February 12, 13 and. 54
Ilomebre'v Recipe
Every newspaper ever so often "is -
asked for a sure recipe ,for home-
brew. . Such recipes Fare scarce, but
in a contemporary one is found, and
here it is:
"Chase ' wild bullfrogs for three
miles and gather tip the hops. To
them add ten gallons of , tan bark,.
half a pint of shellac and one bar of
homemade soap, Boil 36 hours then
strain through an 1, W. W. sock to
keep it from working. ' Add one
grasshopper to each pint to give it a
kick four a little into the kitchen.
sink. If it takes the enamel off it is
ready for bottling."—Niagara Falls:
Review. ,
Ten Q.
`l.aek oB
6.00 and $7.00 Values
:Reg '.6.. o ,, $trio Values
F. r the utd..�o
an v.
Big Price Cutting in
all Leather Top Rub.'
ber s, RubberBoats an,d
Heavy Laced Rubbers.
�,.uy, and Save
Money I.
We haven't ffolrg':a.,Hen B a r gains for the
i oys4eatleer Top Ru !t betas; lei avy
Laced ' . ubbers, Rubber Bo rets
t lowest Cut Prices.
ltratiail •5"lYBfU ina• • ailria ta•11fraatr•etr'•111Y•elAdniel • • • Mil alreeYa�itaellMer iar-oY tYA11Y•l1
JACEK lik' MI % L_�
Ridge w a y , ff
Manama 5
O Where Wh e the law is packed in .pa
hoa te
rs, snowbound in a lilt-
• azard. ' cornered by. cattle thiev-
es. Trapped with a woman who'
1E1 hates him. `"
WI In this picture you will see
ita the famous 'rough -riding, sharp- 5-
I shooting Universal Ranch Rid IZ
• ers in thrilling action._
• Also Billy Sullivan in "The'
111 Leather Rushers. z
Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday,
February x6, 57, x8
—SPECIAL --�-y-_
E 'Dennis Route 4 ' Iingharn. Friday evening of this week, has been
r - postponed until 'Tuesday, February
WA,I�'I'E.;k7�I-iigktest prices 1?k%d, ; >zettlt. This social under the auspices
all kinds of Raw f tiff`s, Beef M ai 1 of Mrs. Cragg's young Ladies Bible
Sheep Skins, Rays . nd yumk,, Tla 1
hair and all kinds of Feathers;
sir 'l..ive Poultry. : Brown:
0 204,,
i.isttally a mart' l
ing after he paint
Is blule the morn.
town red.
The Leavenworth
rIh -
Profitable Publicity
The merchantu who doesn't believe
in publicity soon gets to be a back
number. The satire rule' applies to
public organizations which rely upon
the interest the public takes in them.
for their success. A good many local
organizations overlook the opportuni-
ty that might be freely theirs to get
a lot of good publicity throtigii the
local newspaper. For instance secre-
taries of fraternal organizations
might hand in lists :of newly elected
officers for publication without having
to have this information: pried out of
him by a painful process. There are
a lot of happenings connected with
various organizations that are of the
nature of interesting news and that',
would be gladly accepted for publica-
- • The 'greatest my,stei y story.ev- w
Iw ,r screened. Cast includes. See
nu Moore, Martha Mansfield and,
i Wilfred Lytell.
At the edge of the roof they
•= struggled, one was a man mad- it
defied by jealousy, the other le
weakened by a Wottnd in his r,
shoulder. These two men clawed I
each oilier insight of a terrible: -1
• death. . g
A rich man shot I A - stranger..
irx the right! Weird 'Happen+
1.11 hags! And the Third . Degree in
• the 'rat trap.”
baso "Comedy 'The Dete"'live"
Piides. 20 and 35 cents. rr
ommitiongOk11 tilINglacoonll 11141111011 II10#1
tion;. But in many cases the officers
of the organization who know abotit
these things let the .opportunity get
by. thein. --Exchanger
Porxner Wingbatnite Writes
Kamsack, Sask., Jan. 27;
The Editor,
Times and Advance,.
Wingham Ontario.
Dear Sir:
You no doubt do not know who is
writing, but am an old Wingharnite,
I came 'West in .18gg, leaving been,
barn in Brussels and lived' the''great-
er part of my life tip to 15 years of
age in the good old town. I suppose
a lot of my old school friends will
have long since fo1rgotten xne, but
riot so with nle, carr algiost draw
a , P.
red ddi0
Up goes production! Down goes the
price ! S
Everybody wants the .Trirdyii - 5 -tube
volume -3 -tube economy! Transconti-
nental ranges. Real selectivity. The set for
you! 'All over Canada they sell as fast as
the makers can supply them!
Our present allotment as disappearing quick.
ly. Lose i o time! Avoid disatppointnaent ! Ordertoday !
It was the greatest value in Canada at PION !
Now, at $85—we say-you'$I have to hurry!
Reid WitrAgham
a map of every building in the town
at that tune, Father moved. to Dau-
phin, Manitoba at the time of the
great Western rush and we lived
there for 2?;.,:. years, then he went far-
ming on Gilbert Plains and 1 and,
Buzz staying there, 1 being in a furni-
ture store and he in a printing office,
tie first learned his trade in the
Wingham Tunes Office and I with.
Mr. 5, Gracey, who ran a furniture
store and later with Mr. Geo. Ire-
land, After I left Dauphin I; 'Was
young . and restless. and went to the
Plains Town and into the furniture
,business where I remained for sever-
al years, then as the broad and pro-
gressive West, developed, I came
West to Kanisack, a thriving young
town now and located in the *Under-
taliing business and in which 1 am
In 1914 of course 1 enlisted
moLI ,. W /u�,
1 ent
th Winnipeg e
the 90 Rrfs and w
overseas and which I was in nearly'
five years. I got mine and was
brought home. Now we have here ixt
Kanisack a beautiful monument dedi-
cated to our fallen heroes, and as Ap-
ril 9th is not far away Vinay Day, 1'
was just thinking if 1 could procure:•
enough real Canadian Maple Leaves
to have a wreath made. If it is pos-
sible would you kindly collect enough
acid havethem sent by snail, Any
expense let me know arid I• will for-
ward same, I hope soon to be able,
to visit the good'old home on Minnie
St., just back of the Town Hall and:
renew old friendship, Trusting this
finds you all well, as this leaves- me
and hoping to hear from yeti. Thank-
ing you.
I remain
"Your Friend,
Erskine us 1.