The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-05, Page 7PI II
Illi ilrl,ll
tt EN 'r
ilyriec °with, leading row
ava'si,de;s of at. Good Bttil4
rat iul;aii tirnd iretepherte
onto , Marlret, School and
.�usroltes u,trrz• t'e>I1iettt. If you,1.4
ant a farm. it will pay you to
nquiri irate tlzi
Irasur 45.;.,e x% Rei : E.,staate
9gIV>�E ptlfBrltB 11N�((I p4111�11i11:114M�i o Ill! 1�t91�1{ 9{�{R 11�416t
Established 184.o.
3d ad Office, Guelph, Ont.
Risks taken on all classes of insur-
ance at reasonable ,rates.
,€ .)3NER COSENS, Agent, liVinghatn
J. 'W. DO 's1
Office in Chisholm. Block ,.
P. 0. Box 366. Phone 198.
9f.1DLE ' '4: OL ES
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and
Office—Meyer Block, Wingham
nevrl seted. 1932. by nurse! saLl.lta.t
.T.."AT"'C'41?411V 0t.-0000," a yltataraaph. etcture Mint teras title rural, •tat, PM tiapt tlan er tilt
CIHAPT I XX --Continued
"Ii they so ixtuch as put a shot'-
across my bows, up goes their he-
puty-Governor to the yardarlu., Your
only hope, Colonel, lies in the fact
that I shall send them word of that
intention. And ; so that you, may
tztend as far as you can the harm you
have done, it's yourself shall bear,
thein the message, my lord."
see you damned before I do,"
�funied his lordship.
"Why, that's unreasonable and un-
reasoning, But if ye insist, why, an-
other messenger will do as well, and
another hostage aboard—asI had
originally intended—will ,inak.e niy
hand 'tile stronger." ti
"Aye, in God's name, go, my lord,'
spluttered Bishop, "and make your-
self obeyed,"'
Lord Julian bowed stifly to, the
cowering Deputy -Governor. "'Yoti
understand, sir, that I do as you de-
sire," he said coldly.
"Aye, man, aye!" Bishop assented
"Very well," Blood escorted Lord
Julian to, the entranceat the foot of
which still swung tlae Arabella's.. own
cock -boat.
,I, warren Ker, '
thritlln9 rleYglr
crtlrttit to hint that he was so re;
etl; Arid this, aitkxau; h 'eoneern,
o rescus: you was the chief motive of
embracing that same service,"
She had turxau;d herr shoulder to him
so that be should pot see her face.
;Nis lordship's unusual nervousness
lwas steadily increasing "I -Ie :fllotigh
then—so he told me --that my ores-
'eueC here had contributed to his ins
ed alongside, 'ability to redeem hitxaeelf in your
Captain Blood .scarfed
his corn 1 Sul sight; and tis:ilcss Pc were so redeem-
spry guest to the head of the ladder,' ed, thee was redemption nothing.„
Colonel Bishop breathed freely a1: "He thought that .you had contrz-
1 t buted?” she echoed,
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
Wingham, Ontario
J. A,, :O xw°TON.
Wi gham, - . Ontario
1111g G. . 'J .'i'' SS
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University' of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Office Over H. E. Isard's Store.
"'Aye, and he said: so in terms
lonel, darldarling,''. said
"el safe voyage
holhe. ie to in valediction edi Co -!which told tam something that 1 hope
and Iron, his easy, smiling manner. above aall things, and yet dace not be -
you would never have dreamt of the lieve for God knows, I am no cox:-
comb, Arabella,. He said, ..I had gone.
Iaain Ile carried in his breast. I a1 his ship to demand the. instant
Onthe iirole at Port Royal, under f surrender of year uncle. He laughed
the low, embattled wall of the fot•.t,lat •
me, Colonel I3is}lop skiould be a
Major Mallard and Lord Julian wait- l,ostage for his safety, By rashly
ed to receive him, and it was with in venturing aboard his ship, I afforded
finite relief that they assisted him him in my own person yet another.
'from the sloop.
"Anyway, it's not for long," growl- ,
ed the Colonel, finding speech at las!. r
l No, by - , He emphasized the'
assurance by an unprintable oath, "If �.
1 spend the last shilling of eny for -tittle
land the last ship of the Tamaica`1
Ifleet: 1'11 have that - rascal in a hemp- I
len neck -tic before I rest," Ile had l
enipttrpled in. l is angry vehemence,
and the veins, of his forehead stood
lout like whipcord. "Come, my,lord.'l
We must take order about this, yeti
and I."
They went. off together, skirting,
the redoubt, and soi through court-
yard and garden to the hoose where
Arabella waited anxiously. The sight
of her uncle . brought her infinite re-
lief, not only on his own°account but
on account also of Captain Blood.
"You tool: a great risk., 'sir," she
1 j,yyi ••,�
gravely told Lord Julian after the or- i.�s.
dinaxy greetings had been exchanged. {"
But Lord Julian answered her as There"Then with Blood dead, perhaps
he had answered Major Mallard.
she will- come to her senses•"
": was fie 'risk,ma'am,ma'am,: So that! ,
Bloods ship were allowed to pass the hostage as. `valuable: at least as Colon -
fart, lie harm could come to^ Colonel el Bishop. ' Yet he .:bade me dopa i,
lBishop' Blood pledged me his word not froix 'the fear of conseouesnces,
for that."' - - for he is afiove fear, nor from any
Very earfy._ the • morning, rbender personal esteem for me whom, lie con
the heat of . clay' came to render fessecl that he had come to fi,id de=:
the open intolerable to his lordship, testable; and'tliis fol .the very reason
he espied her from his 'window garden.
made hint concerned for lily safe-
ing amid ,the azaleas in the „
He.•hurried forth to.join herr. He ex ty"I.'do not understand," she said as
piained himself by the announcement he pa o n.ot understand,"
that a.he said as
that he bore her a message from Cap -ton in in itself?""'
,alta Blood.; �, ' "It' Seems . SO only. The. fact is,
"He desired me,"" he said at last, IArabella" this unfortunate man has
W. .1 AM LY 7
• B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact-
eriology and Scientific' Medicine.
Office in the' Kerr Residence, bet-
ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap
fist Chttrch. '
AII. business ghen .careful attention.'
Phone. 54. P.
R'i'•.m k Bond
M.R.C.S. (Eng) L.R.C.P. (Land.).
Dr. Chisholm's old stand..
R. R. L STEW ', rd,T
Graduate of 'University Of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; I.icentiateof the.
OntarioCollege of Physicians and
'Office to
Josephire Strc
.Chisholm Block
Phone 29;
et C. C:2103,er
0enekal' Practitioner
GraduFf c Unive7s7.ty of • Toronto
Vacuity of Nie.dicine
Offic,c- -Josephine St., two doors stat,
of 'Brunswick Nott.
Telephones; O'l ice,:."St, Residence 15
l''ATHIC pl titCIAX'
All Diseases Treated
O ffi
' My life
happiness hangs upon
our answer."
Thtaa slay, Eelrttat nth ,
groundwork of all
good furnishing.
„ �, "to give yeti a message that sllot,ld the ." ,the telneritjy' to love you." ,
It's Food -bye, my lord, said
!Prove to. you .that.• there e ,s„still sprue Site :cried out at that, and clutched
Blood, aAnd theee,a another thine
thing .left in him of the Unfortunate • , t• ,d
He proffered a parchment. Its the
commission. Bishop was ' right
when he said it was a. mistake.,”
"1 an sorry,"• Lord Julian said sin
cercly, "I. still do not percei=e—blis
ter 7ne''if ]• dal—why: you should not' wye have marred his chances; your un -
with satisfaction have killed me., But;
cle; becat,se he could not forget his because my death might cause you
have'foixnd• someone else to dant,carryrancour; ypu because' . - .because hair- 1
your message, to the Cornmandam pain, because your happiness was the
and kept me' aboard as an added host- tug- told him that; in the King's ,ser- thin that above all things he desired,
age for ells obedience to your vvihee-" vice he would find his redemption: of I Ile surrendered that part of ,his guar -
Blood's vivid; eyes looked 111,0 the what was past, you tivoulcl not after-
______ 'iantee of ,safety which my person, af-
other's that'were cleat` a7icl honest ,I '- I forded him: If his departure should
and he smiled :a little, wistfully. .1: ~ , , the hindered and I should lose my life
moment he seemed to % ltestitate.
h h
gentleman that .....that . . .for 'which
disturbed- "Go on,"she bade him.'
once you knew him; It is not easy. ` ��1'cll; theu:''he saw in me: oi, e•who,
Stab me, it is':not. He was a man made, it possible that lie should -win
'who deserved well. And amongst us you -so lie said:. Therefnse he could
lin what might follow, there was the
you? It's ` R� ','rs 14r� x "-•� 'l'' r 2 ?t <'^'" Iris's that thalyou.'might he
"Why shouldn't 1 tella�$i t d t #:}I . I „that.„,
same reason that's been urging fr ,�"� r! K j ;.�•. me,' Because of that he bade me
with`�f..:'e t 8>' �.
1Ito- Stet. a;guarrc w1„7 you 10 that ax ' t leave ••• his 'ship, and had me put
T might have the satisfic+ion of slipp-
ing a .dupla of feet of, steelanto yoot'
ashore." She looked at hini with eyes
that were aswirn with tears, "Was. he
vitals,' 'Vvhc'n' I FLOCL pted your carpi,. right, Arabella? My fife's happiness
was �itoved to think i{'. I 'its 'a" '� 1, ?' i }t 'r•'}l '� 'i �; j 't~• �' hangs upon your answer.''
711issiOn; j \'�"i.. Miss A° +7 y* )::v:
es of Mi:, +' . :: tr'` ,1. ? ; ty.;.t :,.b CIe said; that! she crirtl. -le
rel,*ht redeem .nlC in the Cy � •� ', tl,
Bishop -for whose oke, as you may,,.
U.x a �z: w,•: t•py #.l did that! (1 hi" she turned away, and
•1 naval > ,. rg•r -fila through the slender, clustering
lave site ssed, ,I tool. it, But I t • pr
clrwtovered. that: melt. a thing is lit, -
trunks of the bordering orange -trees.
-accont ilishznclit. I sl,ettild 'lase; l;r ' , ,•'''?"'"' a�dYl;?�P "1 sire' looked out across the glittering
Otrd . 1
.,lour.. waters of the: great harbor to the di•s-
leave,`'diseot;e:rrd also that if she s Ir N` ` ;c+'r, + ` t •. ,ant hills- '1'bus fol 'i little wlhile,;rny
x vo + �
clioosinh you, as I believe ilio 7s, sloe's �^` <+ �i, ,t'' °;ir ,�'! lord standing stiffly, frarfullc, wait-
iEr #•'::�'' n a:a fuller revcl<ttton of her mind.
;177. "wisely ;ItetWC:en LIS Alia �• 1 iE`:,:;;:;:;:<;..,•1 ;,>I!� ?nS o
t.lioo. ' ' �p 1 I ,
'` why I'll not have your life •ride >a)ar : C kr (t'• , r'� f i •. At last it came, slowly, deliberately,
o. ttlat v Y e ���,����.��. half
known 7t it71 'a 51t1- z17 n5' dream, I. �.,
,- 1,1k110102 residence next t,
kelt-MI1 Ott, aboard whilst tile' a in F6 VO1Ce,thdt at 171o171t37115 was
C'} a i E''n`'7'r rt ay rel sa 1 i T y ti � r,•�lj l • kl :.. } t � . ;
,.�� sti£foczateCl.
n t.vr' 3r y l d
day afternoons.; 114,1 now i 1.
eopathy 'lr„tricity • l
'wi I'ele Ito 111 :u7z. ole 1 stand
°i 1 : ell t.17r5 1”
"I tell you because . , ,C)11, plrrgu.1
C atn tux. Ott
Ain't w 7u 1 i1t
_c � vett is
ti 00t Mor.+da
end ,,,' laIr e30C1.b' 01101licr wiao gist
i<',1"1 -al) vc.'il 1r11 ,
cord ,s1,T7
e +rci•.1° C1e.
lilted in in
arca;. w
,itri. being in7bsolut:rV .that may be pix Sltlentali le%t u,rdct 'tlrir;f aud1
onitl.-:.•so ',mitt l'e• ixiay te11 he,'; so I
site u
e nray� - ;nod_ to rr, i;ala•-that
tnere'1 something of 117e 1.i111O11'alnate 1
1111 k l w 'c7f; ]Mature €Jive.,,,, pirate she aiccounls -xae, a1lti that her 10 .,
d..o"good i5 my Stldesire.
g that, she; may , :f altli, sale it
!'e s my
5 and y'• 8i
C$lE? ?ACV.
( 'Ilulified Gran t N;111
Adjustments given for cli.
ItindS, specialise ir7 des tiiii
children. Lady attendant, Nigi
responded to.
t.ffi5ei' on Seatt St.
x houses of the lata: ,jiati..
Tela.phot'1e 351)
alta3r renethethcr nee • more; : l.tridly--_if
only 1101' pl; ct.ycrs, That's ail,'
slay fa1d„
,,r Julian he d tint P11 hand.
1 wonder:, tett1itc:i'• a eft, are right,"
1 171.1 lord ,lIp, ixid viikra,,ther you
t1'' 1111111"
IS c;ot e,eriied seer that
hal: 1 ani kfight.
The:./A,70611a scrilr,cl withili,•the hour
;,Nally, before it sluggish breeze
I 1"liat - tort I r'4'lO 7itaed silent and there
ww"as no me'iretttent from the • flcctieto
Irl itfit t, 11: de{7 artttlr.-
CH :4, .1rf ,LI
n171es. i3lit 01r son from1'c1tit
ru ate wt ore the detat of the; .oast
t1 '1ir`,a were losing their .tarp-'
ai•aala>''lia dlilii tO, aid 'Abe
7a ae had been loving.',lull', aft) -
N1awaill wsikI1ql Meivaki. nf1
gham, Ont„
g it $1lkce r, Rcslet 0131.
rt;lt'd. •
ttal'r I "E ' `Cti
t e, OJ Y311' irortee11'tt
not the 13e
Vs, here she
ail he, si
odebye to you,
"`Co-operative marketing has
dente 'Much to standardize the pro-
ducts of agricrxitnie," declared Econ.
faiikilton, Minister of Agri-
culture fors -Saskatchewan,. in op'en-
ing, the Saskatchewan Grain Grow -
its' 1s.sE,oeiation e071h'W'IF3tkt1U1. t`•�-•'N'6
null buy di*t owed to hold out the
tlitront of tp 'R45il Orr Ai�Aheratlen.,
J of the t1aat lige is
to it �;•ai.zbedi li,Y fit . olitr'tuti m
.;tut' to * iYu .t 'P5-",
"What weighs, --oh, so heavily
ibitte7•ly---is the thought that butfor
I the words in which yesterday I re-
pcll:ed him, he might have been saved:
And now he is lost -back at leis out-
lawry and piracy, in which ultimately
he will be taken and destroyed, ' And
the fault is mina—miner
I "You have no Cause for shame,"
said he, "As for yotm'sorrow-•-why,
d if it will afford you solace— you may
1still count on me, to do what man can
to rescue hi.t' i from this position."
"You will do,,thatl" she cried with
sudden eager hopefulness. "Yon
promise?,t •
"I promise," he answered her: ,And
thi n, retaining still the hand she had
s ' rendered to hint ---"Arabella," lit,
!sale very gently, "there is still this
(othe matter upon which: you have
,not" nswered nae:; This matter that
(coni erns myselfand all my future,
so very closely. This thing that
I3. od believed, that prompted him
. that ..that yotil are not lndif-
t td me," He saw the fah face
liattge a aloe ttnd grow troubled once
erent to yott?" said she.
linty so. We have been good
rr,{(side; 411 it shall iGV7111titmu4 SO, I hope,
Q' 'y.(ta%'1'1
feel. 80 gooil:
?out what
will #1&ee : you
fr:>r:lj better'.
OUR most important furnish-
ings your.. floors -m- shh.ould
have first attention `because
they form the basis for iihe whole
appearance of the room!., Seaman
Dent'' Hardwood Flooring enables
you to have the finest surface ob-
tainable whether kr the new house
or re -surfacing old' floors. Seaman
Kent Hardwood Flooring offers a
wealth of beauty in colors and
grains of the various woods; excel-
lently,milled in grades and prices to
suit all purses.
o) pros d
��,, t� Finish
c 11
, The cross word puzzle habit bad no sooner started to sweep
over England before un enterprising shoe manufacturer came along;
with this 'latest novelty in- footwear. 911te "Cross -Word" hoot. Ohs'
ye,S, you can get socks or stockings to match.
"1-rtiends I Good friends?" He -was
between di:stuay and bitterness. "it
is not your frieadship only that I ask,
Arabella, Yon heard what 1 said,
what reported. You will not say'
that Peter Blood was wrong?"
Gently she sought to disengage her
hand, the trouble in her face increas-
ing. A moment he resisted; then, re -
he did, he set her free.
"Arabella! he tried on a n
sudden pain,
lord. But only friendShip."
"Is it Peter Blood?'
",Peter Blood?" she echoed. "I der
not Ii. -now," she said, faltering a little.
When the Jamaica fleet put to sea
some few days later, Lord Julian
( on -untied. on. following page
ar oductio
really to ;render practical assistance' in ftwthering
agrieultural interests,
eneottraige lantners to strive for bigger eat '
beater prinatietion by extending loans ler the Intr.
nose of sound development,.
Coutiott our local 'manager.
�IIIIJi�..111IW1��GtlIIIINMIII ItltlidwlraowiN