The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-02-05, Page 2Ie. ti ,.a^sfor t.i; at~ret ire•tis'�temertt 1 t c r itota rc by r:MMonjay, tin bb 1,11,, UI a 1111100,11,00 000 1 01 ,„111,0b00I,,111{ X925 17E RU Y 1925 4 5LJ 7I. [...0 11 12,1 741125 26 27 fe 00000001 0111 1„11000 1001011000tt0lt0II0 100`. '0.P.ioom mom . ';or .t,TRaT ] ASL{& FOR SPEING There is a O+. card venue for two- piece dresses for 'sports and street ` wcria. Conant -menthe', there are sev- eral papular versions oft rise simple two-p1e e dress„ but none more at- -traetive than the model shoe n here. There is a straight skirt, and over this a slip -en blouse which pulls down close about the hies. A fea- ture of the blouse is seen in the set -on band wiiiela ends el, either side in front, where it is held down, , by a row of buttons. From these buttons extend narrow ties, terl;uizi- sting• in a bow in front. The but- tons are . eovere . with ' black, : as • ?black and gray is one of the new color combinations. This. model voud also be attrac- tive in white kasha • for sports worar.. DIx � i rot: n—Tit t:orbetten, ..on Saturday, Tau. 2,ile 1'925, Stephen Brown,. formerly of :Elot;icic, .and father- of Mrs. R. ft. l utchart, gth con., lis, 87th year. Whetstone7e-In Har Liston; on Friday; Jan. 23rd, 1925, Susie Fs. Gates, be - ,loved wife of A, B. Whetstone, Leech—In Toronto, on Sunday, Feb. , 7 r> 7, at hislate residence, ;;,;p Bat karst. tit.. Frank 5., eon of the late Rev. vp. Georg. .Leech, formerly of Gorrie. Baird --.In Fordwich, 'Mcnday, Feb. yard„ r9! 'Maim)! 5 i,aird, in his Fond year, p1:.7'.l"I11Rk roods, one rap the Doti r's Most Pasiz xtpremo Cott;. MN 'l A'I'I4r1 C., t ld;citaoizton, nicer 1Mtt"going the Wort ;tlo at' !li X ;'1 - '1, ah_ I� r rip t 1$ a fee'`�, the `<iarlin:';e Ma Ie .R'1ti' t'tco.' •cs ay ,appeae" s'1 c 1 all 1: icy t 's:llti. c lata can b assomlled. and el :1. y cheated ov tr. t1 t1ou 'ai'V'(.zN at Chicago o bas oft t- ed ire innovation in radio programs by having- we,11-knotty n authors and ets present •works pdisonally, the iadio audience. This feature is offered every two, weeks. So ' popttl-. ar has it .become both with aha listen- ers and the authors',themselves; that a viating list has been formed. The same' plan was tried out in England (recentlytrecently when a number • of widely 'known writers were given en oppor- tunity to present their works over ra- dio from o, London station. On Saturday of -this week, station WLW will conduct a beauty contest Over radio. Four. outstanding beaut- ies have been picked by a committee and after a description of each one i;; presented front Wry, radio fans will be invited to send in telegrams: stat- ing their preference, This is the se- cond annual beauty'contest'to be p'ut on by this station, Station WEATa of 'New York City has: increased its power and now 2000 watts time being radiated. This is the first station to use the increased pow- er: for transmission. Station WL` ITof: the Crosley Cor- poration at Cincinnati is now operat- ing with their new station. This sta- tion 1s one of the stronger ones for' this district. Another concert has been present- ed by the Victor Company and many of their highest paid artists appeared. The response has been gratifying both to the artists and the Company. This was the first appearance over ra- dio for many of .tlie artists and the steady stream ,of maii testifies to the appreciation of the;radio public. 44 Station KDIKA=gog.s Meters Westinghouse Electric Pittsburgh, Pa. , Thursday, February xsth 6,15 p. m.—Dinner concert by the E>roudy's orchestra, from Hotel Sch- enley, Pittsburgh, 7,17 p. m.—"Stockman reports of. the primary livestock and wholesale markets. 7.30 p. m. -Uncle Edd. 8 p. in.—Program arranged by the "National Stockman and Farmer" studio. 8.30 p.:m.—Concert. o.35 p. m. --Arlington time signals; weather forecast:. 1z p. m.—Concert from The Pitts- burgh Post studio., Friday, February lath 6.15 p. m. Dinner concert by Char- lie Gay:lord's orchestra, from Fort Pitt 1Intal, Pittsburgh. 7,13 p. m.. --;-"Stockman" reports of the primary livestock and wholesale produce markets, 3,35 p, M.—"Report of the Pennsyl- vania State Tax Cottimission, by Dr. t:.!<; ale+:;. ireKt:l of the delrartn'ent of ccononr'es of t:re University : of Pittsburgh and a member of the tax conithissioil of the state of .i'ennsyl- 8,30 p.' at.—Concert through tate courtesy of the :Ric •-Mc,luitkni Coni pony, Pittsburgh. 9.55 p. m,—Arlington time signals;. weather forecast. Saturday, February x4th 6 p. m. --Dinner' concert by the Westinghouse band, T. je Vastine, conductor, 7.3e p, rra,---A 'Valentine "Sttrprise"l 7.45'p. m. --Last miuutc helps to 1i1>lc School teachers, C. C, Johnson. 8,30 , p. in, --Concert ' by the West- ri1 house, hand, T. J, Vastine, conduc- tor, and Dorothy teachan, soprano, fleece' New Britain, Cohn., and Phyllis N': trlands, reader. o,e5 a. r,1, --Arlington tittle cigoals: ts'eather forecast. .• Station WG' --38o Meters General Electric Compeny Schenectady, N. 't4. T1•iursday°, February zsth 6.30 p. in—Dinner Music by Hotel en Eyck rot, 7.30 p, m. ---Book chat, . L. x,: Hop- kins, assi .op-kins,_.;assi tant librarian, General Elec- tric Conipariy. gram by WGY ma- ,—Radio drama, "Our lean. Coetsin, broadcast by Wtx 1. ors through 'special or-. rattgenlent with .Samuel :French, Inc,; also broadcast ley \VJY of; New 2'ork. Friday, February 'f3th International Stinday 7.5 P. etiestra. 6.30 lesson; 7 p. m. --- Theatre ,- 1 heatre ores 7.30 9. 111,-. n sit b Srt,raitdl .1 i I � i it ilk III f II II!I Q OM Il Bio 1 ev r°y Saiureilay Nitghi +1 o ert. 1010. •,I The •sots of unix rtuelr:P •muyu4ttowmsV4Me•abU.xyvpddg6RiCW LmRnp�su0 x�n•m..,�l��rw.a�wwmnw.�!w�nwrw�rm 1416A1p ,N0 sa' m fe etxo . The. ideal set for the farmer. For .the "price they ars: unheata 5.00 up Come in and, hear our Saturday Night Concert. 74$ p. na. Address, "What Psycho)... bdzst t:;httrch on Friday evening of ogy Tests Do Not • fell;" by Dr, Leon- ard' C.,ones Department J , of history Union College. 8 p. inn --Musical program, 9..15 p. m.—Speeches of Union' Lea- gue Club dinner; speakers,.- Mlihtt Root, Harlan Fiske Stone and Char- les 'Evans Hughes; also broadcast by WJZ, 10.30 p, m.—Program of Grieg cern- positions by WGY orchestra and Matilda Bigelow Russ; .soprano. Saturday, February x4th 9.3o p; in,—Dance •nitisic by .Phil 41J1?IS,i. 234' 0.0.010010/001 iponono-soo, • lar annual_ social evening in the :Meth-, this week, Rev. Mr. White of Ethel ,will give Lantern Slides and. Lecture on. "Tire Life of 'David Livingstone.” Mr. and Mrs.' .'Davd /Breckenridge and Miss Mary visited Monday at the:. lionae of Joseph Breckenridge Mr. Win, Stewart of Bowling Green spent the' week -end with hisarents P , Mr. acid Mrs:Thomas Stewart. Mr, and Mrs.ThoGarry Wray, of Sask l atchewan, visited in the village and; ;ort' the boundary, Romano's" orchestra from New Ken- more Hotel, Albany, popular songs. BLYTH A number of our, citizens attended the funeral of the :ate Mr. james Cutt at Goderich on Friday. A special meeting of telephone sub- scribers was held on Friday, a vote was taken to have the telephone ser- vice seven days each week for all calls and restricted hours for business. Mrs. G. M. Chambus visited with Toronto friends during the week. BLUE VALE Please correct error in fast week's print. Mrs. J, Breckenridge as trus- tee, instead of Mr. J. Breckenridge. The Willing " Workers will hold their regular inoi.•ithly meeting at the Parsonage on Thursday of this week.' The W. 1,1. S. will have' their`regu- THE ROARING GAME I "Six Bit Critic," who conducts . a humorous column , in the Toronto• ffite nghar,.Tire,t ytr da�nwa,n aulMMessaasryn<meana®ou,inoonotmo,n.lorN Poo. Oono.ommPn4lenaaob.V.so>uawsl. ,po e oasswu0.1s. 1111311111111 Ipf3{il II®Ild l! iihHlslInIn111ta119miIm1i1im1n1C i fir• .._: ,"Learn e You ire More knowledge has been gained by the fireside than at Ed- ucational Institutions."Y u may continue iyour presentwork and — ' ..Prepare fora better posi4 tion by using part of your spare time taking 911' a Mail Course from the potton' Correspondence ' .Schools, Toronto. Thousands of , satisfied graduates;;' Write forparticulars of our", Stenographic; Commercial, ' Secretarial, Civil 'Service, etc courses,' You snag: enter ,school any day. Individual instruction. A£falkted with Toronto's Greatest School of Business, THE CANADA: JMJSINESS COLLEGE Write 'today for liarticu1ars andetestiznonlals L'WINGHAIVI COLLEG ,,The<,po1c1 Medal; School„ Caroline 1VTr rtxn, B:A , Prineipal' ,George 5potton, President Star sport pages from time to time,.111111111411111411141111 Il1141111 11141111111111121i14111111114111111111111111 I1nI1irillltlllaimalailslll. has taken a fling at curling which will be enjoyed by devotees of curing. A portion of it is reproduced. "The gadre itself, ash the essence of simplicity, ,consisting• of four players on each side heaving hunks of, tomb- stone with handles attached at a tar- get drawn:. on the far end of ice. The skip is the egg which stands at the. targn•t.. end and informs all the : play- ers oj his side how rotten they 'are. After all the others are through the two skips proceed. to -tae shooting' end, and after they have faring -their rocks, one of them swells out 111$ chest and, the other glances around at the icemaker and gives him ,a dir-. tp look. f• • "After each ,end isplayed tike side 'these household utensils and when which .made the fewest - mistakes'any rock don't appear to havesuffic scores as many shots as they have :t ient pep behind it, they'sweep the ice • • rocks laying cleser to the target than !ahead of it in order . to make it run the nearest eneniy"stone. In' case of farther. There • are fewR ; rettier, close finishes some mpartial feller sights :in sport) thanto see men, who is called in to ' m asure the distance if asked to put a shovel of coal on of tli.e.opposing;rocks, and then gives the furnace,would yell murder, putt - -the shot to which ever skip be hap Mg; enough jazz and energy ipto his pens' to like, best: 'All 1 ties are de- broom.'exercise to sweep all'; the car- cid.ed in favor of the 'rink which can pas between here and Turkey. Al - bonen loudest; • and this'•is the reason together it is;. a grand old, gainer—elf.,... why curling 'i$,' called the roaring. it wasn't for curling ethousands of game: golfers : and lawn -bowlers wouldn't "The ,one feature which distin- have,any excuse at all , for.. 'leaving guishes=it from all other snorts: is the their offices before quitting time dur- use df'brooms. ° • The players carry in 'the winter months:" Extraordiriary f , a`, r Resort 14 04, the shell sit course of erection. Le'it, the cover be. death xwhieh r the eortstrieiaoe 'work 'la Kahle cm. Il 1,nr, Chg. tease Lake Louise, as It , will: appear upen co mplodiann, Architeots and builders all over America are Hauch interested in the progress. athe 'e -building of the Canadian Pacific hotel' at Lake rLouise 1 Alberta. The site of this building is over a mile above sea level, and the thermometer frequently takes) a sensational dropsthere being �vrnter days when 1 en 54 below zero is on record, It was imperative that the new' wing, which is being built to ;replace that burned ;rn last sum- mer, should be finished and open for the coming season, and that work on it should, therefore, not be interrupted by winter weather.. Several architects and contractors from United States cities, 'Who have visited the site, expressed doubts as to whether. the job could ' be' done during the cold' weather, particularly in view o±.„the :fact that so much' of the•work consisted in pouring commit. This had tbe sale - guarded from freezing, and it was finally deeided to bmld a huge 'wooden, tar -paper lined, shell around the '•entire'spade to be occupied bythe rzevi� wing of the hotel. On the inside of this shell were hung' thatisands of feet of to mporary eteam eons, kept hot ;b 380 horse -power seam boner's, the effect ,of which was to provide a safe, sumtner-like atmosphere for the carrying on of the wot4. p l` The c'roction of so important a building in a ltositien so cozlnparatitively difficult of access; as is the Lake' Louise Chateau is a matter eall- ing•,for unusual engineering skill; the task of getting the materials to' the site being by no means an eas one. Witli•a night y zght and day service, in• s ate of ice and-snow•'over 28,000 tons of material and, coal are. being delivered by the winding narrow-gauge traznway .on a four e cent grade for a distance of aye Julies from Lake. Louise depot to the Chateau. Canadian Paeifie fortes are supervising' e l ;•i p z and electricity ancl'delivetrling material:' to the site. •the work; supplying steam ' This extension will' enable the Chateau to aceommedate seven hundred .guests in a fireproof bus d'n i 1 1 z g, with every modern' convenience, and one of its features will be the nra.gnifieent view of the lake and thy, grc'zp of inotultains surroundin itfrom the . , , ,, : ,: ;r zTherotunda, extension was designed by: essrs. Barott and I er, of Montreal, who have done other impo tanft work in commotion with Canadian Pacific hotels and the contract' as undertaken by , atartereHolls and Aldinger, of 'Winnipeg,. 1 f at