The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-12-25, Page 1h1
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i "al^ 3i1risiilr ti.ta'
�IIM KI� .� t W. ii K" iMW`iY� MYK pW � Y191.'YA. . 41tM;
ur Personal
item , Column
If your visitors are not mentioned
in this columndon't blame the editor
you didn't tell him about them:
Mr: Win Ilutton spent a few days
in Toronto.
1VIrs. Carson ,is visiting with her,
sister in Durham.
Mrs. John McCool is visiting with
her daughter, in Goderich.
Miss Edna Musgrove is home from
'Queens University, Kingston.
Miss Elizabeth Johns of Poet Col-
borne,' is" home for the holidays.
ilvlrs. David Robertson of Toronto,
'is -visiting at her home in Pleasant
Valley: r
Miss Morrison of London, is visit-
ing with her friend, Mrs. J. J. Elliott,
'Victoria 'St.
-Mr. and Mrs.• Wm. Gannett are
spending Christmas with, their daugh-
tors in ,Toronto..
'Mr. Stanley Hutchinson of the C.
R, is spending Christmas at liis
home in Alliston.
7vliss Ethel King has returned. after
;spending: several weeks with friends
'in ' Chicago and Toronto.
'Miss Floody of the High School
Staff is spending the holidays
-at her hoine in Haileybury.
Mr -s. William : McNeviii, has rented.
aiserf of her another's, ¥rs.. J. A. Mc-.
Donald house on Edward St.
Dr. and Mrs. Parker are spending
Christmas with. friends ' in Toronto.
They expect to return on the 3oth.
lla. Robt. Beattie showed his fine
teeth, •or horses at Walkerton . Winter
Fair, last' Friday, taking first prize.
Dr. hfcl innon' is leaving Wi,noham
;at the first of the new year andwould
:appreciate:having all accounts settled.
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Guest are spend
'.leg the Xmas:liolidays at the 'home
if her mother, :Mrs. Mitchell at-Clin-
Mrs. Alex.:M. Hannah was called
.eo Toronto on Tuesday morning be• •
,catise of the illness of her daughter,
Miss Eva
Mrs. Clyde Kemp with her two chi.-
', and Mr.' W. F. Haines of Pilot
Mound,,lfarl,, are visiting their .par-
-ante, Mr. and ,,Mrs:"Arthnr Maines.
Mr. and Mrs, C. W. 'Dickinson of
Floor 'St;, Toronto, announce the en-
gagetnent of their- only daughter,
Verna Corrine,. to Mr." Wm. A. Gal-
braith, son •of Mr. tied Mrs. John Gal-
braith of Wnighate. The wedding-
eddingwill take : place quietly ,at 'Howard
Park Methodist'Cliut•ch, at zo'clock,
on Tuesday,. December' 3oth.
:l ell Oix ,Train • Steps
Friends of IV[r. Alex, McD. Hannah,.
bralcetnan on the Loddon train 'Will
be very sorry to hear that lie met
with a painful accident, when he fell.
.on the ice',covered. steps of one of ilie'
ooaehes while at London and sprained.
his back. The :genial .Alex is there-
fore spending his. Christmas holidays
.at home.
,Splendid' Chridtlinas Entertainment
011 Friday evening last a most en-
joyalile and profitable entertatiitent
was held by members of the Presby-
resby-terian, Sunday School arta their
friends. ' The program. consisted o(
)ic1oaUCS, RCssit att0nS and Singing.
Exaclt piece was rendered in an .excell-
ent manner from the wee tots who
delighted everyone by singing and
ctntc, t g'` 'heir Cradle Song, the main
part of the entertainment, ° he '11-
tistrated lecture' by Mr,-1>osliff 1en-
titled l '' 1
iltledt .,lank 'Beauty," which rfron7
1,egi7itiiattt to en(1 i5 an intereetin g
"lessonkindness to dumb .animals..
The children were treated to candy
t1 vas fi"Ca
'oranges. EyTCt"�itl ," i �, 'V.
. _l am -
dor 1,1,1erltil(lr'att,`A s7.tMlstatti.ta a
ria;int lot ether sdtxxi:sicitts wa;� Ircrtkr,,'.,.
4.5c to VC
'Barley per bushel ..$Sc
Shorts -
Feed Flour
Butter per pound
Eggs, per dozen
Hogs '
„. ._$32.00
33c to 370
4.5e to '55o
6e and 70
St. Paul's Church Notes
Christmas Day.
8.3o a. m. -Holy Comniupion,
10.30, a, .m,-Mattins, Holy . Com-
munion with Sermon.
Special Music.
Died in Goderich.
A; former esteemed resident of East
Wawanosli passed away on 'Monday
evening at the home of her son; Mr.
L, H. Taylor:iri Goderich. The late
Mrs. Thos. H. Taylor was in hergist
year. Further particulars in our next
Celebrated 85th Birthday
The many friends of Mrs. James,
Frances St:,.:Wingham, will join with
us in extending to her congratula-
tions. On Saturday she passed .tet
85th tiiilestone" `ka oft`" Sundry ' alio
was inaher place at the Meth .)dist
Church: She 'walked down through
the cold and storm as smart as a :per-
son' 'half her age.
Congregational Meeting Called
In compliance with 'a requisition'
paovicled:by the terms of the Act of
Parliament, re, the Church Union Bill
a meeting of the Presbyterian Con-
g•reg ttion• will be held on Monday,
December twenty-ninth at hall past
two in the afternoon, to arrange for
taking the vote by ballot of the mem-
bers - and aclherents-and other matters
Concert At Currie's School
The usual good time was spent at
Curie's School at the annual. Christ-
mas tree•and entertainment, on Mon-
day night of this week. Mr, Geo.
Pocock,:the teacher, bad the pupils
well tip on drills mud choruses.: The
inimitable J. J. Kerr ably filled the
chair. Bert Abell sang`: several songs.
and his sister, :Miss Bessie, .,vas the
accompanist. A splendid prograiii of,
eecitatiorrs, dialogues, instrumental'
selections, solos, was given by the
young people of the school section.
Here for the holidays
A few of .the Christmas visitors to
Wingham Inc
Miss Eva L,inislater from Toronto,
'Miss Ena Currie, .Toronto.
Miss Marion Mitchell, Toronto.
Miss Alda Haines, Hamilton.
Nliss Norma Isard', Toronto,
Ivliss Margaret Vanstone, Toronto
l2iss' t-Ielen Wilson; .Guelph.
Miss IVfuriel Redlnond,; Toronto,
Miss Mary Cosens, Toronto;
Mr. Chas. 'Hawke, 'Parkland, 'Alta.
Mr,. Witt Menden, St, Thomas,
Mr, David Ferrite Toronto.
Mr, Harold Mitchell, Totonicati,
Mr, 'Arthur Irwin, Toronto,.
Belgrave L. O. L. Elects Officers
Belgrave .Lt 0 • L. 46a, met tri; their
Hall in ?3clgeave en: Wednesday, Dec.
xoth.,for election of officers which re-
saited as follows:
W, TVI.- Cliar'les R. Coultas.
D, M.-CltarlcsJ ohniston,
ta .---Hobt McCrea.
Rec. Sec Allan V. Pattison:
Sec.• ---Stewart Mel.iurnev'.
•ear: ---Wm; McMuri.'a
'I't a y
1' . of' C,- 01 n l . McCallum.
Lectu er--J a5, (<'i htman,
1 ceturer-- Cans; Keating.
Committee-TAN/in, Lover "SS!. Irwin,
�oit. , Cweis, :Alex, Bruce, John'Mee
"-L1 tint;
C 1
. .1��'7t Beet
ci t
fact thiels• • C 1 K
Trench of ;Teeswa:ter Buys
Jean ratton For $5,000.00
Jean Gratton, one of the best rac-
ing prospects ever developed in .Can-
ada, was yesterday sold by her own-
er A. L. Chambers of Milton, to D.
Trench of Teeswater, for ' $s,000.
Jean Grafton, who, will not be' a four-
year-old until 'next April, showed sen-
sational form' last Monday at Duffer -
in 'Park, when she won her race quite
easily in straight heats, the times' be-
ing 2.i6i, 2.541, and 2.131, the first
half of the last mile being in x.o6tt.
The last mile of 2.13- is believed to
be a world's- record.
Jean Gratton is by that speedy sire;
Gratton Royal, out of Darkey Hal
(2.o2i), a famous race mare some
years ago, when she swept every -
records ceasing on November 1, in
owner,, Mr Swartz, of Wingham. 'u
It was Mr. Trench, the purchaser,
who sold Roy. Gratton to Tommy
Murphy a few seasons ago for $15,000
and it would not be surprising if he
realized more than this for Jean Grat-
ton, whose record is only'2.X9i, turf
records ceasing on November r in
Canada, and any faster marks made
after that time until the Spring being
ice marks, which carry no 'value in
the Summer time:
Jean • Gratton will ` still continue in
the stable' of George, Walsh, who has
driven her in her recent .races. He
will also train and drive Dr,'B., an-
other of IVIr, Trench's horses, who
has been racing at Duffei'in ,Park this
Fall, under different trainers. -Mail
& Empire.
Mr: VanNorman of Wingham, raid-
ed. Jean Gratton,'' and the neat step-
ping colt which he drives about, our
streets is a foal of Darky Hal.
C r tma
Once more we .reach a finger post,
Upon fife's broad highway
to .keep.'a tryst with Father Time
Who comes with greetings gay.
sik Leave care and trouble to themselves
Let pleasure hold full awa
Bark to the laughter and, the song,
All hail to Christmas Day.
The' old folks and the youngsters join
In play and merry jest,
Or in the singing of the songs'
That old folks love the best,
Because the mem'ries that they,bring
Are lake a golden ray
'Luinnz ng ,all the happy hours
That crowd the Christmas Darr,
Unanimous for Union- •
At the nieeting'of the congregation
of Pirie River Presbyterian Church on,
Monday evening', the congregation,
without a dissenting, voice, decided. to
enter the'United Church, in Canada
and Will .tztke'no vote on the gttestio t.
The :Presbyterian. Churches at Land-
e•,boro and Kinbure have both came
to the same decision. because. of the
unanimous feeling of the eongrega-
I tions. '
1VIrs...Jatoes Dennis Dead
Another of the older residents of
Winghun has crossed that bourne
from which no traveller e'er retttrits...
Elizabeth Caroline Retell, widow of
the late Jaines Dennis, passed away
art her diorite on 'Victoria Si:., 0it Mon-
day, Dec a21 d. She was in her gOtl
year•, and had been in very poor health
For some .weeks, lour :sons and three
daughters are, left to' iiotirn the loss
of a kind mother, they are Walter
and. Hairy' of Winghain, George of
'1oronto, Ernest of Morris, Mrs, Mar -
ah llcll, Mrs. Ales Dickson and Mrs.'
Waiter Walsh, all, of WittglYaari. D.
ceased was a member of the htctho-
dist Chutelt and lief- pastor, ReY. C,
D. Cragg
cionducf.e.(1 tiro services ail
to t 7 nt we on .r �ni r;
tl 1 oast; a u1 „t� c W e
. Y t ,I. 1,.; a
tititcruc. on. I t • ti. dui was,nettle. in the'
'WI nghat 11 cemetery.
Xmas Music at St. Pauls
The following is the program of
tratsic which will be • given at St.
Pauls Church, on. Christmas marring
at xo,30:
Organ Dreiucle—Narcissus.. -
I': oc. Hymn-- deste Fideles,
Te ' Dean:a—Shaper.
Anthem-, "Christians ,1tvake",by J.
It, Maunder,
Choi al Communion by Simper.
:I;.ecessional Hymn-"Ha.rk ;'Thte Hers
ald Angels Sitig." •
Organ Postlttde--Marche - Roinaind,
The Methodist. Church Notes
We regret to hear that Mr. John
McCallum is confined to his home"suf-
fering with a sprained arm, as the re-
sult of a fall on the slippery streets.
The new issue of 1925 auto markers
for Ontario are just the -reverse in
color of those in use this year. The
numbers are yellow on a black back-
ground. The sfze and style is identi-
cal with the.:1924 plates.
Mr, and Mrs, A. C. Gordon and
Laura and Hugh Frisby, have arrived
from Pre Ste. Marie, Sask., on a vis-
it to friends here and are at present
staying with J, E. Fells, Diagonal
Road. - . •
• .
Correspondents are kindly remind-
ed that . all notices of entertainments
and meetings to • be held at which
there is, an admission fee .are adver-
tisements. and must be paid for at the
rate of ten cents per line. Unless
accompanied : by payment or dlefinite
instruction for .billing, these will not
be inserted, "Card, of Thanks" and
"In Memoriam" notices are also ad-
Our readers do not relish ancient
history. The last meeting of 5924
municipal councils were held on Dec..
t5th. and yet some of the clerics have
not yet seen fit to send in the minutes
for publication. Councillors! If you
wish your electors to see what you
are doing why not jack up the Clerk.
Rev. R. J. McCormick an old Trow-
bridge boy, and later a pastor at
Blyth, now pastor at . Hyatt -Ave.
Methodist Church, London, may go
to Hamilton, as pastor of Zion eVletho-
dist Tabernacle at the next Confer-
ence. Rev. G. K. Bradshaw is the
present pastor. Rev. Mr. McCormick
is well and favorably known itt this
Hand Badly, Smashed.
While working on his windmill on
Tuesday, Peter W. Scott, Of East Wa-
wanosh, • had the misfortune to have
his right hand badly smashed, and we +
regret very much to learn that it may
have to be amputated.
Bozo Social at Stone- School
Christmas, the
Children's Day
f ` Tlxere came . a little child to earth,
Long ago,
And the angels of God proclaimed
His birth ".
High. and low."
And for centuries the anniversary
of, that wonderful day has been es-
pecially the Children's Day. Every-
one who remembers his own child-
hood recalls the delightful thrills oc-
ccasioned, by the mysterious . doings
and sayings of his "grown-ups,' the
eager ,anticipation of the visit of San-
ta Claus, and the joys of Christmas
morning, and recalling these happy
memories he is glad to help along the
fun of the little folks of to -day.
The day will have lost its signifi-
cance, however, and the children will
have missed the : greate§t' joy of
Christmas, unless special thought and
honor are given to Him whose coming
to earth we commemorate.
The old. "Rhyme for Christmas" has
the right spirit when it urges:
"Make merry music in bower and
With, hey! for a day of cheer,
"But season the jest with a kindly
And letlove deepen the song.
In the outer ways there are hearts
And hands that labor long.
"As the Yule -log burns, and the laugh
goes round,
And the Christriias fun runs high,
0, gentles, hark the doleful sound
Of the homeless 'neath the sky,
"For how can we keep the Christmas
Or cherish its Founder's naive,
Unless that our hearts . be opened wide
To His people's want and shame?"
There are many avenues through
which Help can reach those who are
,needy. And it may be well, too, to
remember :thatthe needy may not be
poor in pocket. Kindness and
thoughtful sympathy tnay be needed
by some who have plenty of money.
The attain thing, is that we remember,
and teach to our young people, that
selfishness, in gifts - or in pleasures.
is foreign to the spirit of the day
"He came dowi't to earth from heaven
Who is Lord and God of .all,
And His shelter was a stable
And His cradle was a stall, •-
With the poor, and mean, and lowly,
Lived : on earth. our: Saviour holy."
A most successful Xmas Tree etc'
Box Socikl Was held in the Stone
School House on Wednesday evening
last. Mr. Geo. Spotton ably acted as
chairman and Mr: Wm. Elston, remade
a splendid auctioneer. - An amusing
play was presented by the following
artists:iltiss McMichael, Harry Heth-
erington, 011ie Campbell, Laura Case -
more, Jessie Campbell, Mack Thom-
as, Harold Thomas, Lizzie .Coulter,
Mary, Hunter, Robt. Coultes, Harold
Proctor, Verde Proctor and Lizzie
Hetherington, The play was exceil
ent and. the young people were invit-
ed to put it on in Belgrave on Tues-
day night. In: addition to the play
and? the sale of boxes, a splendid pro-
gram of instrumental music by Mrs.
Ross, 'Miss Annie Findlater, Mrs,
.Brewer, Frank Salter and Jack Thy -
tine. Mrs. Finley McCallum gave a
reading. A number of girls of the
school put on a drill tinder the lead-
ership of the teacher, MissMcMic-
Sunday, _Dec, 28th., 5924--10
>: >:• Jefferson—Ringler�—At the Metho-
i°rein � I. ra cr 'and 1 terse Service.
dist Parsonage, Auburn ort Wed-
Mo g y c
Conte and spend a delightful hoar in
praise and f .l owslii i. xx a in.
1 1 ,
Morning Worship, subject, "Differ-
ence Between B. C. and. A• I). or the
1)iffere.ttces Christ Has Made." 2.30
o, in;, St -ic1 ty School, Clewes for all
front 3 to 90, 7 p, ret,, i venieg Wor-
ship, subject, "Rising to the. Top or
the Elements of Success". Special
Christmas Untie by the Choir..
(rtiRice, the noted bOy. sol ist of
New Yorke the highest paid boy i rvlo-
ist: in that City, is expected to sins; itt
our Church at the eveein , service011
:•ramtary t i th. A rare musical
as to Store for the •congeeg,ttion:
nesday. Dec 24, Miss Betty Ringlet,
of Donnybrook, to Mr. Jelin Jeffers
son Rev.
Mr. Baines,
o1Si ited.
1xrt i Ch ntnr---t
rite Manse;
Auburn, on Wednesday, Dec. - 24.t1i ,
Lena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,: Jo-
seph Chanane to Me, Raymond
1 Y,
ri111igae. Rcv. Mr. Baines offici»,'
ate d•, •
Jordon Smith fit the14latse, Brus-
sels, by Rev, J, P. McLeod; 13; A.,
on December 4th,, 1924, Mr, John
Jordan, Morris, to.'Miss Bessie .A,,
daughter' of lite late ,lrtliitr alit.
Mr's: Smith, Iii 11,111 ls,
Grand Old Couple Remembered
1VIr, and IVIrs. F. H. Roderns wish
to thank the members of the Wo-
men's Institute for their splendid
Xmas basket. Mr. Raderus also
wishes to thank the Orange brethren
for the fruit so thoughtfully sent to
TI, O. B. Associdtion, of Toronto
The annual at-home of the Huron
Old Boys' Association- of Toronto,
will be held. in Sovereign Hall, Dov-
ercourt Road, on Thursday evening,,
January t5th:, tozet .
In order to make this reunion po-
pular with everyman, woman and
child from the eotmty of Huron, the
executive have decided to place the.
tickets at the low price of 75 cents,
and dancing; .euchre rand bridge, will
be the order of the evening.
The objeeta will be more or less of
a charitable nature, as the net pros
coeds will be devoted towards making
grants to the four Huron Hospitals.
A strong Campaign "Budget" Com-
mittee has been appointt:d, �,)vith ttfr.
Deft McCreath as convener; and::e,
Whirlwind canvass will be made; of
every TTuronite in the city, if possible,'
for the purpose of .raising a fund,
from which to mmalni substantial grants
to the hospitals stt Goderich, Clinton,
Scafoi'th and'Winghattt, The. con-
uii'tte will commence the eatnpra:igt
f '
inliverlill.r.lyni;tcr tltcbtgannirt;;•of the
new year,