The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-15, Page 7WXi t a17yE-TIMES..
All Hail to the Great Outdoors!
Spring's beret The Red Gods are
calling from the big open spaces offer.
lug this freedom of all out-of-doors.
Conaef it the trails leading 'to health
and happiness.
Head for the old stamping grounds
which just a few weeks ago were coy-
Bred; with ice and snow. What a
change! Everything is bidding' and
throbbing with life. Pussy -willow buds
are: swelling :and the grassyslopes are
turning green.
Litten! Sounds like a robin, Seh!
• Yes,''' that's our old' friend ; returned
from his winter, quarters. See here!
Some more acquaintances: wood
anemone trillium, Canada Ally, and
violets. " What a wonderful time to be
Sing and Be Happy.
A ;;merry gong .ou the trail lightens
the heart and the pace, as well. That
Canadian Camp Fire Song Book of
yours: his in it the finest collection of.
S u ori
Co tY s gs you can find anywhere.
ii you S Some O :'
g f them as ,yBike along.
With a camera in the pack a, hiker
is"!'re' ' d
p pacedto take
sortie :'fl 'fine P • i -
a pic-
tures, 'a
1 i
o unit
"port y for whish.
may not .present itself for another
A series of pictures taken of the.
sane' tree or scene at different times
will helve 'to' record the various stages
of leaf development andplant growth.
Seriously Speaking.,
When you take your first swim this
Syear`'it mi -ht our last.. be y How'"`coma?
Just :this. You may be out. of prat
tice, especially when getting into icy
water, and find yourself in trouble be-
fore you realize it. ` What happens in
so many cases -tile bellsin the old
town chapel toll their last for a fool
ish . boy who took:' a : chance. Better
wait until things warm up a bit. This
is the time to prepare yourself for that
emergency which might arise. Look'
up the Proficiency Badge Examiner in
Swimtuing• :or the. Royal Life -Saving,
Society Examiner and have him 'help
Yeti qualify for the Junior Life Saving
requirements,' after which you are en-
titled to wear the Junior Life Saving
emblem on: your suit. Better this
badge on yourself than a hero medal
on the other 'fellow who risked his
own .fife trying to save you from a
watery' grave. `Be a :life saver yourself
by practicing Safety First and in the
Meantime learn to be a .safe 'swimmer..
While the subject of caution is still
warm, let's take time to consider First
Aid preparedness. Dad's shaving stick
tube, a soap container or an to-
bacco can fitted with a few articles
will serve in an, emergency. The kit
should; contain some iodine, .roller
bandages (kept sterile)., '-adhesive
tape; ''aromatic spirits of .:ammonia,
vaselaste, and a pair of tweezers. Read
*gain- r!hapter VI. on Prevention and
Treatment of Accidents in your Boy
Scout Handbook.
Aquatic Hike.
There are hikes, and Hikes, • and
HIIIES. This one is particularly popu-
lar because it involves a game of
chance and luck and provides an,op-
portunity to play near the water.
There is no need of getting wet, how-
ever, unless you fall in by appoint-
The materials' necessary for this
hike are a glass' jar. or two with mos -
Quito netting,,,and a small wire strain-
` er from the ten -cent store • (or mother's
kitchen), a small microscope or read-
'ing glass will also be useful
Small ' brooks and. feeders . from
grassy 8elds``.aont'ain animal and. in -
.seed life galore.Dip and drag the net
along the bottom and out- will come a
collection of whirligy, wiggiely life
which is transferred. to the glass jar.
Tile your skill at landing a water
strider. Consider it. a good catch: to
tiave a stickle -back fresh water
•shrimp, dragon fly nymph, crawfish
and "water boat man."" Better put Mr.
Crawfish by himself, for `he might.
start a collection of his own, especial-
ly when it gets along dinnertime. iPla.ce -
;fin .the Jar some of the water plants
and record the time,' place, Iand.Scape,
weather' and other useful inforniation
which might be of interest to others
Upon, your return. An ecooiint of thin
Information at the troop meeting,
along with. the showing of the specs
rens now displayed• in separate con-
tainers, will be a worth while attrac-
Wise Pat.
An Irishman called at a dairy and
asked the dairyhan if he could supply
hint witit' a dozen eggs laid by a black
'The'dairymau was ainased at tba'
Trishman.'s strange order, but Inform-
ed Pat that he could pick thein out
After Pat lead picked out his eggs,
the dairyman asked him how be could
clistiniilisb eggs laid by a black ben,
-"Oh, share, man," replied Pat,
"they're always the biggest."
When the winds fail, take to the
tufaity is often los , b
The Ieast fu#"(IO an
'atih:at b ulrc2cl' r act;
fices to break
ln th, '
F..a. P amu Eire
O assay T ,alas T ,
at the
The Big New Overland has swept 'aside the old-fashioned idea
that you'.have" to spend a lot of moneysfor' agualit automo-
bile. In Overlandybu get big -car power and big -car comfort—
and all the easy -handling and low upkeepadvantages of a
light; car.:•
Snuggle down behind the wheel of this Big New' Overland.
See how naturally your fingers' close on the convenient' gear"'-
eshift lever. Step on the gas. Get the- thrill of this hill -con-
quering power as you speed., up, up and on, over d the 'hi;lis,
-Feet''the :deep, luxurious comfort of those well upholstered `
seats. The ,big cars riding ease of patented Triplex Springs
Note the long-lasting baked enamel finish of the all steel body.
Know the confidence', this sturdy rear •axle inspires in every
Overland driver. Enjoy the amazing Overland economy In .oil
and gasoline. More miles to the gallon. More service from
Your Overland dealer will gladly dernonstrate to you the many
features that•. make folks call Overland the most automobile
In the world for the money.
Wiliya-Overlain! Sales Co., Limited
Branches: Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Regina
Silk Raiefng once: Secreta
The secrets of'silk making were
formerly .guarded with great care. In
Roman times an emperor bribed two
Persian • monks ' to visit China ... and
bring back specimens of the Worm
that `spun silk. They accomplished
their,.mieaion by concealing the eggs
of the silkworm in a.hollow cane.
Buy your •cut-of-town'•seispplies with
DominionExpress'Money Orders.
Subdue circumstances' to yourself,
to •circu tan's
ms s.
What you do not want is dears at
a farthing.
• Grief' decreases. • where . it has no-
thing by whichAt can increase.
Keep MInard'ii Liniment to'the houses
'` Neglect of the `teeth may have a
har`niful effect on all the joints of the
body. '•
Chapped . 1 -lands or Face
Cured by one application of MEDORA
CREAM; Leaves Skin smooth and vel-
vety. Used *exclusively in' Toronto
General 'Hospital for ten' years. Ask
your druggist for, 50c bottles and pre-
serve your youthful •complexion, or
sent postpaid on receipt. of': 50c.
1. A. MacDonald, Phm.B., 34 Hogarth
Ave., Toronto.
Money in Your Stocking !
Money in Your Purse !
Money -in the Bank !
Act as ou?Agent, Se11'our B. &'g.' Superfine
Hosiery to your friends, neighbours and
The work is easy. The goods sell themselves.
Any woman will at once recognize the high
quality of B &Ehosiery. This class of hosiery
Is not generally °Stainable locally. Therefore;
people are anxious to buy from our agents.
Nousewives.who need more ready cash,
schoolgirls with books .and dresses to buy.
teachers. men or women, any one can sell
R & E Hosiery and make money. At the same
time they do a real favor to their 'customers.
iii Write To -day.
London - Ontario
M011 EY
/N /T. `
NNN, X.,NN,.. ',.7SNNNNN.\�,�'ke...\"•,ti. \��;��.\\�\'A .1�a�����\`\-�v-.�� ,.��\\�-.-�ti\�1,�,���\\1\\�\
`blue 'Deli Igend
isE E
An Exclusively Agricultural Commodity`Dis'oriibnted Direct From the Factory—By the
Farmer—To the Farmer t
Binder Twine is a com-
' modity which the farmer
entitled to at first cost.
Every sheaf tied with U.
F.O. "Blue Bell" Twine helps?
to reduce the price to you "
and to 'advahce the welfare of:..';
yeur' own Organization.
Order Now !
With this announcement of
our prices we urge 'you to
place' your order as early as
possible. You can -do thiel
with the : utmost conflden, e
that we positively guarantee
to gleet alt competition. Don't
allow yourself to be Med up
to some other firm at any
Wholesale Prices.
U.F.O. Blue Bell, 650 ft. $14.00 per 100 lbs.
U.F.O. 8kie Bell, 600 ft.13.55, per 100 lbs.
(These prices include sales taat)
DELIVERY• --The price is delivered to your station in lots of 300 pounds or over;
loss quantities, f.o.b. our warehouse Montreal. • '
QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ---1 cent per pound reduction will be allowed on
carload lots (24,000 lbs. or more), %g cent per pound reduction will be allowed on lots
of 10,000 lbs. or more:
TERMS—Net cash., sight draft attached to Bill of Lading.
IMPOIATANT NOT10E-1n order, to continue to handle Bsnder Twine and to maintain equitable'
prlceel as We have been'ricing during the past four or five years, It It ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that
either with your nearest elute secretary or mail direct to Head Office. OUt-1 GUARANTEE ON PRICE
The United Farmers O-, perative Co., Limited
Seale bistributitag Twine Agents for Belfast Ropeworks, Limited, frelat'nd
@ ;k +G'e rge Sii'ce>~ PhoPte Main 81 to 1 TORONTO
Wketice C m t1.1
Xon ar' all tenderness, oh gentio;hiliei
I know you do not love tope Fors ere
Both tram het peeelou. yearning till it
And elek-Iy senttmeat But you are
With comfort when the evening shad-
ows creep
To little hollows for a place to sleep,
Leaving the weurinees sot daY bebind.
As the day passes, •Then the dews ot;
Steal down and 'bring gray wisps of
fog that rest
Like floating veils of tulle across the
Of some cool virgin. Aid there is no
Except a gentle radianoe that fills
You with all tenderness, alt placid
Rolle Humphries.
What Mothers Should Do as
Their Daughters Approach
Q wing girls are to become well-
developed, healthy women, their
health must be carefully guarded.
Mothers should not ignore their un-
s ed
q or the various troubles
that tell' of approaching .womanhood.
Itis an important: time of life.' Where
pallor, headache, : backache' or0 ther
signs of anaemia are evidenty ou must
Provide the sufferer with the surest
means of making new blood.
Remember,' pale' bioodless girls', need
plenty of. nourishment, plenty of sleep,:
and regular open-air exercise. But to
save the
bloodless of
doss e
u r
1fe er she must
have new ; blood—and' nothing meets:
the case so well as Dr. Williams' Pink
I?flis. These Pilia Increase the supply
of new, red blood;, they stimulate the
appetite and relieve the weary back
and;; limbs; thus they restore health
and- charms. and bring to anaemic gifts
the. ! rosy cheeks ;and bright eyes of
strong, happy girlhood.
You can get these pills through any
dealer in 'Medicine; or by main at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Bad Marks.
Irate Mother—"What do you mean
by saying my boy has some of the
characteriatics of the German?"
:Teacher "I merely wanted to indi-
Cate that he has too many bad marks."
Mrs, David Gagne, St. Godfroy, • Que.,
writes:—"T have used Baby's 'Own
Tablets for my three little ones and
have found 'them such an excellent
medicine that I always keep them on
hand and would strongly advise all
other mothers to do the same thing.
The Tablets are <a mild but thorough
laxative which- quickly relieve consti-
pation and indigestion; break up colds
and simple', fevers and promote that
healthful refreshing sleep which
makes the baby thrive: They are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from. The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brookville, Ont.
We want YOUR Cream. We pay
highest price. We supply cans.
-Make daily returns. To obtain
hest results write now for cans to
hr.'s •vt
Say "Bayer"- Insist!
For Pain Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Colds
„,,a Accept only a
�J Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin is the trade merit (registered 1n
Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Afoue-
eceticacidester of Sallcgllcacid
For sure relief apply Minard's
daily, Excellent for bunions.
.. • •••
`.iia +s .Stomach IViediclinc and
To i1G Tarlac is °Certainly
W rziderful," Says Brook-
ville Lady.
Adding her, volca to the thousands
who are praising Tanlac for the' re"
'ovary of their health and at'eagth,
Mrs, Margaret Cranker, ,84 Louis . St.,
Brockville, Ont., flays
'Tanlac is such a grand, good madi-
clue tied hers done so much for me that
I will praise it. Following a ,spell of
typhoid fever, two years ago, i was
just a shadow of ntyslelf and remained:
so weak I couldn't walk acrose, the
door. Storneeh pains and backache,
tortur i me end X was altnoe h' frtni I
from .ouenese,
"gy husband, who had IMI4Ol- Tanla�
WWI flue results, persuaded mei to try
It, too, and It proved to be just what,
I needed, ,Six bottle✓3helped me back
to health and strength and I also wain -
ed l2 pounds. That waif two year"'
ago and 1 have felt fine eveer since. As
a etomaeb medicine and tonic Tanlatl
Is f.,ortainly wonderful."
Taniac le for sale by all good. drug-
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 4G
million bottles sold.
'ranine Vegetable Pills, foe' conetipes
'tion, made and recommended by the.
manufacturers of TANLAC.
ilp-ectal perfumes{ which are intend
ed to restore the natural scents to
flowers deprived of this attraction by
early forcing, are being made in
Asle for :Mtnsrd''s and sage no other,,
eassified Advertisements
carded wool; sample; enough light
constorter One dollar. Woollen Mile,
Georg Oa!. etown
laying..,, strains. Barred '-R`
Rhode Island Reds; Wyandottee, S2O
a hundred. Safe arrivalguaranteed.
Chas. r"rillespie, Balsam, Ont.
Broke- Out In Pim-
-les, Were Disfiguring.
Extremely Soret -
" My face broke out in a mass of
pimples that were very 'annoying
as well as disfiguring. The pim-
ples °were small, .hard, red larva at
first, but increased in size and
carne to a head. The pimples were
extremely sore and tender, and _I
was very much discouraged.
" I read an advertisement for Cu-
ticura Seep and Ointment and sent
for a free sample. I purchased
snore, and after using two cakes of
Cutietira`Soap, 'together' with the
Cuticar� Ointment, I wee healed."
(Signed) Miss Alberta Moore, Salt
Springs Sta., blova,Scotia.
For 'every purpose of the toilet
and bath, Cuticura Soap, Ointment
and Talcum are excellent.
Sample- Sash Pres by Arse. Address Canadine
Dap.t- "Cstteara, P. O. Box 1616, Moea-u ."
tics bee c. Ointmaat25 and hoc. Talcum26e.
Try ?Sour dew Shasine Stick.
Keeps EWES
Clear, Bright and 1'33eautiful,
,,Wriu;ltifutine Ca.:Chicago, forEveCpce Bo,*
Tells Wonien}ow She Yl'aas .Restored
to Perfect . Health . by -Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Winnipeg, g, &fan,—uI cannot 'speak
too highly of what Lydia. E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound has done for
me. I was a nervous
wredk and I Just had
to force myself to do
My work. Even the
sound of my own ehil,
dren playing made
me fdel as if I mus
scream if they did
not get away from
me. I could not even
speak 'right, to my
husband. The doctor
said he could do nothingfor me. My hus-
bands mother advised me to take the
Vegetable Compound and I started it at
once. was able to do my work once
more and it was a pleasure, not a bur-
den. Now I have a fine bouncing baby
and am able to nurse her and "enjoy do.'
lag my work. I cannot help recom-
mending such a medicine, and any one
seeing me before I took it, and seeing'
me now, cansee what it does for: me. T
am only too pleased for you to use my
testimonial' —Mrs. EIai1LY DAvls, 721
McGee Street, Winnipeg, Man.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text -
Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to
Women twill be sent you free upon
request. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkhana
Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ont. This boot; -
contains valuable information.
and extra good is the T-8
.;, ses ,j.. I
Le ' dh ii`� + 7`
Save money by using SMP Enam-
eled Ware cooking vessels. They use
less fuel. To satisfy yourself try this
convincing test in your kitchen. Take
an SMP Enameled Sauce Pan and one
of equal size made of aluminum, tin
or other rtetal. Into each pour two
quarts of cold water. Place each sauce
pan over the fire. The water in the
SNP Enameled Sauce Pan will be boil-
ing merrily when the water in the
other is just beginning to simmer..
Save your money. Use
ace of Porcelain and a,l'eartot Steel"
Three flnfahest Pearn ware, twa coats of
ppearbegrey onesiel Malde end est: Diamond
Wars throe eoats, 1101t blue one white out -
elite, white tiniehr , Crystal Wert), three coma,
tlttg'.ldte Inside and obi, With Eon' Blue
i:3 UE No 10 -'28.