The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-15, Page 6t''.191'At;-•R1ACE LICENSE` . INFORMATION. Fill In: this mooch and we' will malt You In a pieta 'salad envelope our toidcr-on wedding ritior and': maerta5e keens information. PROCIOR'$,, 262 'Yang. 8t.,' Toronto. iur us VTN+pI Alp1 Al v4,bzola Pei! tuftal +4d: Wiugham1 Ontario $sexy Thuaradrty Merninr;h J►. (, i MITA Editor awed Pxoprteten. H. B. 4Iliott, Aseeeiate Editor $Ubscriptiee . :rates: One i( 'r irt,tllQ; las months. $L04 in advance: ♦dvertitiplt rates ea APPIleatioit- Advertisements without specifics di. Ireenons will be inserted until forbid Mind cbarged accordingly Changes tor contract edver-ttea. taents be in the elince by coon, lame" tale BUSINESS CARDS Wellington Mutual Fir. Insurance 'Co. s'':t;tablished 1840 Heed Office. Guelph /Limits taken on all classes of insure since at reasonable rates. ABNER COSZNS. Agent, Winghtssi GREEN TEA is the best at env price—Try it. H4434 GeMliamarmastowweraism.mart...0 J. W. DODD+ Of�iee in Chisholm Block F1RE„ LITE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH e INSURANCE , I AND REAL ESTATE. P.O. Box 368 Phone 1,98 WINGHAM ' - ONTARIO. DUDLEY BARB 8TEI:, '`>3OL.ICIiORo 'ETD. Bonds Bought and 1tictory -arid Other;pori fd.. Sold. • • Office -Mayor Stock, Wingham R. VANSTONE ,. T NE - BARRuSTER AND SOLICITOR Money to Loan at;.Lowest ,'Rates, WINGHAM J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Etc. Winghau Ontario DR. G. 11. ROSS $radiate Rope' College of Dental Sta.?n+�s Graduaterae9uate University of 'Toranto Faculty of Dentistry OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD'S STORE W. Ra HAMBLY F1.Se., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid te dlseartes of Women aha :Children; having taken Tgc.3tgraduats work in Surgery, Bao• teiiology and Scientific Medicine. Office be' the, (.err flesldei,c ,..between' Cita Queen's Hotel end the .Baptist Church« All business given careful attent1a . Phone 64. P.O. Box 113 P WhdnIcarts Coni-maiic By ELIZABETH YORK t 1,1L..,FR "Whi }hearth centerond, p roi ,sin s sagoet couesellditgs depart." cioriette an began to undo: straP4 raft to iuge carrier. . The lift -bob Attu,' ssistant concierge carne out to watch hiin.' and ,presently thehead waiter was seen hovering about in - Side hospitably ready to speed the parting senest,,, It gradually dawned uPwl Philip Ardeyne that Mrs, Egan might be going away, This suspicion was confirmed pros• entry by the appearance�of her maid and Luggage. :pile chauffeur and one of the porters •began •to 'strap on a couple of motor • trunks; the maid, dressed for travelling, Put small bags, rolls. of rugs,, umbrellas,; panasols, golf -sticks .and tennis racquets .pito the tonneau,:'reserving• enough space in a corner of the seal to tuck herself away. Last of ,all .came.;Mrs. Egan, hatless as usual, but encased in a ;big white coat and loose driving gloves,. Che :chauffeur disposed of hue cigarette and:touched his cap. Byer ything was ready.. •The' young manager stood near at hand to wish her good-bye and many happy returns; the head concierge, with his upturned mous- tache and ready smirk, bird •taken cornniand of the door of the car, *Going away?" Ardeyne asked, a ' little ,superfluously, Mrs. Egan. looked sidewise at him. l There was a question in thet glance, buthe did not know what it was. "Yes," she said. "I'm • tired of this :place. I'm going ;home." "To England?" asked Ardeyne. --� N—na: She laughed little nerv- CHAPTER XVI.—(Cont'd.) ,her lips• puckered dismally. How many. mull "England isn't mj+. home, roa1- Ruga ' smiled unconcernedly and tastes Arad she. said "Hugo" instead of i Iy I'm going to Kings"ton=Jamaica. "John"? Perhaps it -was only her fin- I,ve :just been looking''up, the boats,. agenation. - and' 'I can catch one at Marseilles on' ,.she said I must see- about things,"Wednesday."'° vaguely. "You'll stay to supper, Ardeyne , regarded her attentively. FlectII -s'furtive manner' "I'll : to but there's nothing for She'certainly hid the I seeabout.liedown of one who is 'running away. But from you to Ga in and for awhile." - what?' 'Surely'not from' Hugo Smarre, "Yes,you must take care of your- It should- be. the other way about, if self," iped Hugo.' "Hector and I anything. Have a lot to talk about: Men s� ''"'`talk. Ian t this rather' sudden? he - We haveh't seen each other fereso ase Carrie Fagan nodded and displayed long, you know." - Jean hesitated for a brief moment, her fine teeth in a smile, the quality df which was a little uncertain; , She evas a mysteliouanereature, hinting, always hat 'subtleties Which the ordi- nary mind is ndt quick enough to grasp. Here,' as one 'might say, at a moment's notice she was flinging off to a distant portion of the world as unconcernedly or less so -that Mrs. Carney"' had taken, the Villa. Charmil:: ' ° "To tell you the truth, that awful little man, Smarle, gives pie the .shod- she said. "Phil, nil you are a dors Y demon.You never let on'that he'_was a relation ,'of 'your Precious' Cari ays and that you'd have hi;in tow.'I 'suppose -he's., your patient?" (To be continued.). shrugged his shoulders. That was all gone into when they tried me for shooting him. We needn't rake it up now." • "Certainly not, 'Hugo," Sean agreed hastily. "Only ----whatever money Mrs". Egan has, you can make no claim on it. You're about the last Terson in the world who could do so.' Hugo's smile broadened a.little. He looked almost enigmatic. "She'll pay," he said, with a satis- fied nod. Gaunt and Jean exchanged glances, hilt she realized that Gaunt really and Gaunt tapped his forehead stgni- ficantly. wanted her to go, so' she went, 'won - "You frightened the poor lady," he lg what lod`talk about said with brutal directness. Nowhehey were alone togethe doubt she thought you still safe. at "ChTApTER'XVII:. Broadmoor, and to be suddenly con- Dr. Arde ne finished first with his fronted by the man who shot downY her -husband--well, she'd likely prom- share of the packing. Hugo s slender Ise anything" belongings all went into the two But Hugo was unaffected by this handbags and it, did not take long to bold. reference to his - crime. Ile con- dispose of them. tinned to smile—it had become •a smirk ' The doctor was just about as un- now—sought in his waistcoat pocket happy as a man in love"can be when for a tattered packet of cigarettes, lit things are not going 'altpgether well. one, --puffed ' at it- in' such a way that To begin with, there, Wee the unaltdr- furious sparks flew out, and swung able'fact that he cared more for Alice, one knee over the other thus display- than he'had ever believed it would Ing his utter • and perfect confidence be possible for a mairto-care"for"airy in himself and what he had asserted. woman, and he was old enough to Gaunt went back -to the original know his mind in that respect. Quite argument with Jean, and he made` use apart from. any feeling of chivalry,: of what he did not believe in—Hugeee there was his love for her. Yet what fortune that was to come from Mrs.' sort of a marriage could their be? Egan. an. . 1 How could he explain to her that she $Well, you can pay me back when ,must never have any children? ,It vblveaa lanation which would in - you've more money, he said, and P swept all the bills and memoranda l great "deal of suffering and into his pocket. • - humiliation' for her. Jean's eyes filled with . reproachful roachful -On the surface, Hugo Smarle was tears and Gaunt leaned across the no more than` eccentric, and no more A Redmond it a tIru63 table and took her hand patting Dr. Rost C. IViR.C.S. (Eng). L'R.C.P«(Lend). PHYSICiAN AND .SURGEOii (Dr. Chlshoim's'ob1 stand) D.R. • R �1�WART Graduate of iia1rsmsit7 of Toronto. Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of. Physicians and Surgeons. Office Entrance: OFFICE lei CHISKOLM BLOCK IOSEPHINE..STREET - PHONE( 21 Dr. . M C. ar d General' Practitioner Graduate 'University of 'Toront e Faculty of "Medicine. office—Joeeph-tne St., two -doors south. of Brunswick rioter. Telephones—Office 281. Residenes 161 a-- Osteo phatic Ph Ysician P Y. ,., eccentric than thousands ofother eo--• gently. - ple. ' 'But this history of the Senarle g "Won't you let me do anything for family was a terrible; one; and "Uncle you and Alice?"he asked. "Could John," the apparently harmless ,.. ec-• ou: be cruel enough not to give me t had pent fifteen years of his just that one little morsel 'of lea - 7 P sure?" Hugo looked at hint sidewise—a fluttering, admiring gaze -and blew out a perfect shower of sparks. "You needn't be cruel, Jean," he prompted her. ' "ppld Hector means well, and course we can payhim w , of back when Mrs. Egan settles herg aquas h, is debt to me," ed, peevish, irritable, mischievous— of money that is appreciated the ; tatoes ,pumpkins; or a bi Mrs. Carney gave in, but pprincpal- but those adjectives 'apply' to sane ' . st but "those' show the sure to be appreciated by.a city ly because she was dreadfully short people as well as to lunatics.. Confined o t se thatf a wvhcarefulefriend. in such aplace as Broadmoor, with thoughand . more fend. `: dun vender may be of money. Theywould have to pay ch of sweet -la for their rooms at the hotel an lieu but the faintest hope of ultimate; re- The gift I appreciated lease,'it would be strange -indeed if' a any other last Christmas was a de- fixed as elaborately pr as simple as of:proper was notice, and taking ethic little "everlastin gs. . one chooses. It may be fixed' into a • P .' htful bouquet ofS het for milady's • ..dresser villa was. net nearlyso rhea as it man did. not occasionally lose patience hg bad looked, to be at four o'clock that and sell -control, :Ori the whole, Hugo. Thy arranged with ornamental- dainty sac Y morning. She considered. that Ga t morel be tied with had been grossly extravagant in. his orderings. Yet the thing had been' done quickly,'as she had hoped it might be, and She realized now that sane, he was by no means normal, and by herself she could never have man- there was no way of being sures that aged it in so chert a time. Such a given. certain circumstances, the • olcd relief that Hugo need not make any mania would not assert itself. Ar- Dfurther appearance at the hotel. deyne wished there was an extra room R6 . Fo ,' PARKER But he left behind him Carrie Egan at the Villa Charmil, so that he might d th t '1 f k' d h' h propose himself as a guest d M th bo ght a package Thu rSda y, May 1st, 19114... Then Ail the tub ;halt full with ppiokewarua 'i er er, ecce t s thidkcoepetel comai8 a i,oubtab anikarbip 0 ria ioe&'s ak apo• :i Pet leer ,y{,skid th ' ilf ° till ••`: 4:50aigtotflatis ss—lfyou /isered eti este fell solctlo, the carter will Cee! soapy yen bs a put y n, atotboi into the tub the suds sbould rtrgd MA.: ,.Jt th.y c!d! rt6 , :said mora' Ela * solution, e tr 'V '"ith Rinse snow' ®white clothes just by soaking loosens ns di. e1 � �'iteo and pp1 Soaking in a`� *�o1�lI+1Il'L�', a >< g SIMPLY that it rinses right out. on :the The.ald wearing method of rnhb!irsg,,.esoaiP ,., clothes and :;then . rubbing the clothes is done ..away' with. There is no. need of it with'Rinso. Onlythe dirtiest places ---'where dirt was actually . ground in ---Will :iced juuat a li-'ht rubbing. Vtr hes+m th2s i8 ne eeemry, taee'at little dryRinso., Rinse is made by the mal+;cre of LUX—the largest tsoap; makers an, the world. It does -the .family 'wash ae wonderfully as Lux does fine things Made by the naicero o$L[l3( ®oak' uolo r the n these ,i lasting and loraokourortwo—ra livarcldht,ityonw.ich Leland cloches not longer thou hall as This soaking iees'ete Qhs' diff Ito that n rinses right oat -pop 11 find that only:Neckbands and oultedges and twat, *ad kaeesol child - rest's loyglothoa°tioedsae rubbing. Por this light; rubbing, lose sprinkle little dry Rinse right on the fabric.. "Don't rat sea,. j, away" while jab ► no (�oa other �irc JLl 8=4-94' cs DON'T` FORGET THE^ GIFT GARDEN. It may seem, a little like "rushing the season"to be . thinking of Christ- mas gifts and giving now, but next winter this: fore -thought will be ap- in seasoning, should prove tabs used very acceptable as a gift"' foe' the bride. Most of them' are perennials, and are all easily grown.' Such a col-. lection may consist of sage, sweet -marporam,sun,?fuer savory, anise, and date Spring ,and Summer 1924 Book of Fashions: ' OMEN t - DYE F'A DED • W , -THINGS' NEW AGAIN Dye. or Tint Any -Worn, Slzab- - by..Garcnetiit or Drapery. centric, s e e sageplants in our gar - Two a 1 in captivity,a• `crimirial' lunatic. - - are other`: thyme. .. g gar -- life .• . , ,� . predated., And,, too, there Y Yet not—in Philip Ardeyne s opinion special reasons- and dates when gifts den have for years provided two fans - P with :all the sage they. can use, as and rentenibrances seem- to be in flies w g —a dyed-in-the-wool homicidal man- iac. 'Sinaile's asylum record had been carefully kept, of course, and never once'duringthe whole of those fifteen years was there one mark against him for' violence: or even for bad temper. - He had been at trines sulky; depress - order, birthdays and "showers" when well as several • of the neighbors, and, ' - packages have been "fe may ' be sorely'. many little. -gift p g, the busy-housewi Y ' made ai from the surplus. puzzled for 'something :appropriatep . ,sort of. winter and: suitable to give. It is not: the A basket of any sweet o- ift that "shows 'the greatest outlay, vegetables, such:as .cabbage,A They Gaunt Y, grasses, and werea an exceptionally drawer ,.or 'i may y conte bit of color in' our living- a ribbon. wel room. This little box of brightness was sent half -way' across the Conti none. • Geranium and coleus seeds plannede late`: this spring, end *ell cared fee', will make charming Potted plants for this winter. One summer on the old Smarle's asylum record had -been ell cellent. But one could not overlook the fact that he had killed a man, •and although they had.�.set hint free' 'as ,OSTEOPATHIC' PHYSICIAN All Diseases Treated. Office adjoining residence next rttnglican Church on Centre Street. Open every day except 1ionday and Wmdnesday, afternoons. Osteopathy Electricity Phone 272. an a rat o un in gossip w is hotitestea a er u only a word or two from her might 1 He felt that he ought to that a of coleus seeds, and that Christtn'as start. There was also Philip Ardeyne clear understanding with la 'Pre-• she had thirty-three potted plants- to be considered: posterous .'Mrs. Carney, 'but it would' all different thirty-three distribute among her Jean had watched Dr. Ardeyne be difficult to broach the subject to Christmasbue reg her closely—oh, so closely. Could',one say i her. neighbors as mem- there was . the slightest change in ins . As he waited on the verandah of brances. manner towards- Alice? Sean had the hotel for• ,dilice and the chamber, Coleus seeds are very fine, so Moth- not.detected any. "Uncle Sohn" seem- maid to finish with the trunks, he de- er`mixed them with dry earth, and — ed to have been accepted by him with- bated the Matter, them out of a salt sharer, so out question. i 1 -lis conscience an his reason were siftedhey might be event shatter, Her mind reviewed uneasily rale that all against this marriage. A different g y d. had taken place during the past five sort -of man might have complained They were planted indoors, in shallow hours. Hadn't she herself made a bitterly, if only to himself, that he pans. Until the little seedling peeped few blunders? Her brows drew to- had been trapped into the engagement: through they were watered by spread-; gether in the weary efl"ort to recall; For that was what it was, Yetsome- ing a flannel cloth over the :soil and t'hat. DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS .. CI-1IROPFFACTiC DR. J. ALVIN FOX Fully Qualified Geaduate. D agiess Practice being in absolute accord 'wdth : the Laws of Nature gives the very best results that'' may be: ob- tained in any' case., hours -10.- 12 a.ni., 2 - 5 and 7 . 8 p.m.. 'Phone 191. eN., R. .11 H. N CHIFkOPRACTOR Queillfled Graduate Adjustments, given for diseases .of. ail kinds, epecia1Tze tri dealing w°lU cbiidren. Lads attendant. Night caiele responded to; Office on Scott St, Wtngharn, Ont. (!u ".house' of the late Jas Walker), Phone 150, banes, Office: 106. ltesi rteece: 224. A.mayyJ.ry yWALKER ye l"1TRNITCS,1i 1JE4LEti azd J,"TJni1 Ittl7. DIRECTOR .Sfetar liitaile neast IfiT , tiXl , ONTAItJ0 nf'I'gs° every tlk4s i Cleanses tiaomt1tt ' andteeth and aids' digestion.ffte1ireveis that over. e. ateraIlcol�0 and sited aneuth. Its 1-atn csefea.-el Melton s setfieffteS the netterIna torr .*tests. I1i►r piieSr'is 1s double VGllue In the benefit alas4 pleasure •lit let ottidteS. .5'ent .t es tors .i°na•t'fr I"a�ckftgeu t £in'ies he felt a little spiry for Mrs• spri.nkling `'the water on this so l Carney: She lived with such passion- the tiny seeds would not be washed ate unselfishness for her daughter, au£.' was so determined that Alice should Most 'flower lovers will appreciate those eeps that Ardeyne—now sharing a little collection of flower seed that sentiments --could. not not alto - At this hour of the day the gether dislike her. have boon'grown •in the flower garden hotel if a friend. These may be from fav= orite, quick -growing annuals, and may be put in tiny enveloped, with the'. names of the flowers, as'well as direc- tions for growing—if they are needed —on the outside, Moet bulbs multiply very rapidly, and a small box of these products will wing their way north, or to think always make very accep,tzble gifts. about it. There' would. be no more "Dahlia sand' canna tubers are also 'des sxi';sble. Gladiolus, monbretias ::and jonquils are suitable, as well -as many other, bulbs. Rut while flowers, seeds and'bulhs aro all 'unexcelled, they Nate, only a tri' all part of the garden Ipro'd tots that may be utilized Tor•gixbpurpeads. A collection of common garden herbs,' verandah was always more or less deserted, and the doctor had it quite to himself. Ile ordered a cup of cot,`: ee and smoked a cigarette while he vtaited in the pleasant Shadow cast by the big awnings. It was a very hot spring day, and ,already the various birds of passage'were beginnin r to new arrivals. Ardeetne's own holiday was drawing to its close, As he sat, on the balustrade, swing- ing one fait` and thinking his °gloomy, tangled tlroughts,' Mrs. Egan's ear rounded the steep drive' ray axid came: to a stop 'before the hotel antrariee° Her chauffeur, now islstored'to health acid her. service, junnpnd out and im- mediately' got into eonfe^ence with the assistant concierge. ,There was a ringing ofbells and Some slanting r thelifirbo and concierge to , he conY Item t from the lift -boy down ''o. speaking tube to the porters' offtee.„ Then the chauffeur came back, wanted around the silver car n1111011) lig the tires in turn with Airs fist, Opened; the bonnet, asci=looked into the engine, -then lit 'a' Greatest Psof ecslonal Opportunity fully qh;ropracvc ez Toron`'tt College of dhlropieRitia ' Sharks St. West Toronto I`S 9 iJ t= Na,41-:.a2.3M Each 15 -cent package of "Diamond Dyes” contains directions so simple that anywoman can dye or tint any old, warn, faded thing new, even if she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. e ,r 'Twaa' Ever Thus. 01d Lady—"My, my, why are those dreadful men pummelling one another Bystander—"Just arguing over the. Bok peace plan, lady, I believe' • Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. KITCHEN SANDPAPER. Did you know that"fine sandpaper will reinove those burnt -on stains •from the polislfed steel' top of 'your range? Tack several thicknesses over a handy -sized block of wood and keep in a convenient place. As the outer piece ••becomes uselesstear it off and you l a't'e a new one'ready. After - the sanopaper,:go weer the top with melted paraffin and—why, the battle scarred range, issjust like new! -A youngster in a Primary school, wrote the following about the:. pi .g'. ,the:, •. at '1e .and, e ' yeti 'dirt wi .. i, pig .is Y; The • Pg Y .,_ .. very anything'but rhubarb. He.has.very little, ift any, " ambition for himself:'' "The:' lack of :;humane education' is the prineipa1 cause of crime., A PRETTY;' y"DANCE OR EVENING" 1.l� ING" Ir ROGIC.. 4716. '!'Celle, organdy; eh -it -fon and crepe de chine are desirable materials for this. design. Changeable„taffeta would also be attractive, As illustra- ted the dress was made of peach color ei!epe de chine,with corded pipings of satin,' and embroidered thifron for the yoke portions. A rosette ofehif- fon and iiatrow braided girdle finish the waistline. The Pattern is 'cut in 4 Sizes; 14, 18, 18 and 10 years. A 1d -year size requires 3 yards of iii -inch ma- terial. , Pattern,maiied to any address s ori receinl; of tric in silver, by the Wiisaii 1'ublibhin'g Co., 73 Woad Adelaide St, Toronto: Allow two 'melte .tot receipt Of pattern« for cur ;up -to - Send 15c in sliver WfiITE .FOR •UR FREE CATALOGUE—JUST OUT°•. W. ECANAVAN 2806 Dundee W.,' Toronto Nothing pays better when properly managed. Sen•$ foe.our -catalo-giie of beekeepers' s•iippliear,r Expert act Vide freely given. ' Ruddy Manufacturing Co.,- Ltd. Ors ntford, Ont. Minard's Liniment Heals Cuts. In some Japanese *"temples may be seen suspended coils of rope. woven from human hair. 'Such ropes; made of hair sacrificed by thousa?tds "of - o :lien and, girls, were :used �o' hoist stone and timber when the -temples were built, and are preserved as' relies. : 'Addr.tt 1lt Ln'tpossibletobieild S bihoriatvit.mtiwer tat�i� >tittSrtliiiKotyei bare progtiitlliotiti aupertoii0<v • ' whet etettatsiie rarvtts )Gli%krritnnfne,iteens tn;-ktint anNtelsddY ntnue e¢l.• RSC= vou5 i+abottAAt MA I jiai s5MAttrPi..w .. tiFOCSVI 1.I Qlfr.. •' the el Talth water to a er i'. iiit;k'i'ciif 'tis Gk:'Pai!te,t1r feel. .. c (A se e is t7iata t ati t1 e'• c etsi ed tide es, with gird �,61a'�or i�l,; eel 04 for t y i'y r(:a k,' tVlht fies:lly h t to t# ti sa, 01114, ltii rttiliC. �i y, l meal. al.