The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-15, Page 4411111 6011111 IWIII III 1 •1 11■It108111■til N:; p[I WINQX ,VX',AOVANCl-`lt"IMR$ t,.;1Ir,Z, IN ;111. Thursday, day 5tia 1924. • I 1111 I I 1 ■l ■Mil I III IIIlM11allillll11il111I111111ilIIi�IIIRt lt1 111 IIIM�1111�.111M�IIMIMIIIIIpMiII�Mltlbll1111111ti■11111MtlIIrWIIIINM111 .11111 ,. � p MSI L.. I t I� � 1d 1 1 1 • . r 1 r a i 1� 1 1 k \I: • t Midsummer Millinery Opening Wed..,Thurs.., Fri., 2 l�,/IMay� g st, 2,2nd and 3rd. Chic Hats for Sunny Sum e Days • 1111111 1!111110108111■1 1101111#1111IIii■111111111■ill■lillglll01111■111■111■11119111■1111111MI®III■IlIISIlll 111®III®III■III■1.11■Ill■111111111111111111■111 You are cordially invited to visit our Millinery Parlors E. M. RUSH WINGHAM ONTARIO WHAT TO 'F.,AT,'. To the. Editur av the Advance-Toimes Deer Sur,— " "fns a quare wurruld iatoirely so it is, an the oulder T git the more quare tings 1 foiiid: out about. Fur inslrtance take the tings we ate an drink, an how mangy payple want to bey a say about thin. The doclrtor•s an tine dintists, an the •pollytis1ijn s, an mebby aven the praychers, the bakers, the butchers an the grocers can all tell us.bettller than we know oursilves what we ought to put into our shttunmicks, but it duzzent make mnuch differ afther awl what anny av thim say, fer, shure 'tis the rnissus who awiways has the castin vote in the ind, If anny young married min, arr away byes tinkin av gittin married as soon as they kin save enough mon- ey, shud ' rade this lettller, , me ad - voice to thim as an ould man full av years an ixpayrience, 'wild be fer thirn to ate what is set befoor thiin widout makin, anny colnniints., If they titcait to cut loose an say tings about theer vittals, let thim sind the missus away fer a ,wake an take theer males at :a restaurant. 'Tis not only wid regard to the koind av tings ye ate an drink that ye git so much free advoice, but indade payple want to boss ye as to the qual- ity an quantity av thim. Wan will tell ye to drink more wather, aan an- other that ye shud drink more milk, wan fellah will say ye shud ate more fruit, an another that ye shud ate more vegetables, wan will say ye shud ate more mate to kape up Yer "BEST IN. THE LONG. RUJN" Eno : s the world over s the finest cord tire MADE .IAT CANADA �- THEY COST 140 MORE 1 Sold by . T. ROBERTSON VALUE OF EDUCATION Ed.ixcatan is one of the most essen,` "tial acquisitions of life and without it a living can hardly be obtained. Ed- iication is the training of a mind to think clearly and accurately. A very" wise and learned man is regarded with respect and honor and his home town and land are proud of him. Education is mostly obtained in ' schools, It is here where one s r trained to think. The boy who think- ing education is useless stops attend- ing school makes his life's mistake, For the untrained boy can never com- pete with the one who is trained and he will be handicapped for all his fu- ture life. Therefore obtain your ed- ucation in the schools and when you have reached the age of maturity -you will make a success of your business. Our country has recognized this fact by the liberal grants she has given for educational purposes. In some of the provinces one eighteenth of the public lands has been set aside for ed- ucational purposes and British Co- lumbia has given two million acres for her provincial university. i Also taxes are levied for the support of the schools in the district. Education is. possible for all. Some are brilliant and can learn with great ease, there i` are other dull and stupid and d require p much application.Generally the lat- ter willsucceed in later life for ap- plication is better than brilliancy MEMMEril rlR OMMOrlllarIIMOMrORMI ',ltd >rl McClarys Electric Ranges . offa Electric Ranges Hydr, Lamps Hotpoint Appliances I • ■ • strenth, an another that ye shud ate no mate at all, at all at live on nuts loike• a squirrel. Anothdr fellah sez if a bread iso the shtaff. av i o e ry ye shud ate more av` it, an another that ye shud fill up on bran arr shredded ix- cilsior biskits, an afther ye hev been follyin awl the. above advoice fer month arr.: two,, . along comes a fellah whosez,Ye are aytin too much av`iv- iryting, to a complate fasht is what ye node widout aunyting to ate at all at all, till yer shtummick gits a com- plate resht. As I sed befoor 'tis bet- ther jist ;to ate what the m;issus gives ye an not ixpict tdo' much, ishpish- ally at house clayin toime. Shpakin, av tings to ate I wondher who fursht found out thata bread an butther shud go together, an mate an pertayties, an that oatmale an milk wus the besht fade fer Scotch - min. Theer inusht hev been some good 'dietishuns in the ould days to dishcover that corned- bafe shud go wid cabbage, an maple syrup wid hot buclwh.ate pancakes, an fat pork wid and banes, an chase wid apple poi. The min, arr wimmin who dislicover ed thim combinashuns did pore fer to kape min continted, an in the house at noights, than awl the tillyphones an radios an phoneygraphs ivir invint- ed. Theer isn't much shtir in Ottawa' at prisint barrin what the church union an anti -union byes do be makin. Shure 'tis loike'a fellah coortin agkr- rul who dussent know her own monad sometoimes ` she sez she won't, an sometoimes she sez she don't know, and wants moore toime to considher the quistion. Sometoimes she isn't quoite certain she loikes the cut av her fellah's clothes, are the way he ates at the _table, arr she finks meb- by 'tis her money he is afther,, an not her at all, at all, an so she 'capes him on the shtring fer years till at lasht mebby he trows her over alto- gether an marries some other girral, I tink parlymint shud dishpose .av this matther in short ordher, wan way arr the other, an git on wid the debat on the tariff. A fellah can't affoord to take two " daily papers an not foind anny pollyticks to rade inIthim. The town is party quiet tlieseg days, but what kirf ye ixpict wid the Boord ays Thrade ashlape at the switch, an. the Town Council all out in the woods pickin bokays av shpring flow- ers'.to dickorate thimsilves wid. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. • not well applied, in the long run. Edi- son 'once `said that the only .genius he knew of was the genius' of hard work. It is strange that parents will, allow their children to discontinue going to Then too subjects learned in public, tunity for the development of the mind. Then too stfi*ijects learned in public schools often help in later life as for example Hygiene for doctors, Oral WrittenComposition for ministers : and members Parliament, Arith- metic . for merchants, brokers, carpen- ters etc., Literature for atithors and poets, Drawing for artists and gram - mar, History, Writing Geography Spelling, Reading for every citizen. Anyone in.. our country has the.! chance of becoming Prime Ministers, Ministers of Cabinet or Members of Parliament, but they must lay a_foun- dation for it and this foundation is education obtained in schools. [This is the second prize essay in a mi contest in the Wingha`rst' Public School and was written by Lawrence Cragg. SMEMMEMOOMMOR . THE 'HYDRO SHOP .. Vcre l Id DiSG>IURCII SUNDA". MAX 18th,, x924 'Sunday School Anniversary Services Neatt Sunday promises to be a red letter day in the history of our church The day will conlnnenee with a praise service at 9.43 a:' m, At zx a. m. the Rev, W. A. Hunnisett of Toronto, who:. so delighted the people of Wing - ham a few months ago, will be pres- ent and preach. The music will be led by 'a boys choir of from 35 to 40 voices, of wiioni none are 'under 7, and, none over 14., Master George Granville called "the boy wonder" and James Arnott a bpy soloist of Tor- onto will assist the choir and render special solos. In addition a quar- tette of stringed instruments from Tor ronto called the "Hawaiian Quartette" will assist in the service. Will every member of the Sunday School be in the Sunday School room not later than xo.45v-so as to march in a body. to the;' auditorium, 2.30 p. m. -Instead of the regular session of the Sunday School Mr, Hunnisett will give an address. Spec- ial music by George Granville, Jas. Arnott* and others. '>mg 7 P. in,—A special young people's service. The choir will be composed. of young, men. Master George Gran- al vide will repeat by special .request, . "The Ninety and Nine." Master Jas. Arnott will render two solos. A spec- ial selection by the quartette. The Rev. W. A. Hunnisett will preach. These services should be a great in- spiration to our people and friends. ' Monday -May rgth:—A special con- cert will be presented by the Rev. W. A. Hunnisett : and . his helpers. This promises to be the greatest treat of the season. Admission adults 25c, .children, Ioc. Tlie public cordi- ally invited to any or all of these ser- vices. 1 R • Hanover Fish Story Fish can be caught in buckets as i. • • well •as bucket shops, John Morlock, it a prominent Hanover manufacturer,: . : out trout fishing, went to •'the river in "to get a pail of water," and returned ■ with a nice speckled trout, measuring 11 inches—so far. ■' Mr. Morlock explains the phenom- �d ' enon ;in his own words: "As I steppe [ on the batik of the river and dipped the pail into the water, a big fish scur- ried out from underneath, struck its heard against the inside or bottom of the pail, and was momentarily stud- reed. 1 jerked the pail up quickly, and there was the speckled beauty.`' This was the second largest fish MI caught during the day's ekpedition of the fishing club to which Mn Mor - lock bcldngs. Our ?ekes ,are ,Right. our Work is the Rest. Guarantee Ever:tithing We Sell. g*rn Utilities. ll^ w io1 ttil, Mock, Phone 1$ 011110100110 vytl.u,ll'tgi �MOOI RELGRAVE e 2 e holdu !grave LOX,. 1`ro, 4d• ar. ing a, past master's fliht In their ledge. roortl, Ott Friday evening May silos. ,A11 brethren are Invited to at, *1 tents., u e1NIAllI,, r r �.0 0 rrr P LYCEUM T, DIED Peddle In Whitechurch, on Sunday, May xith., 1924, Samuel Peddle, in his 73rd ,.year. Interment ': took place in Wingham Cemetery .•an Wednesday afternoon. CREAM 31e per' ib. Butterfat for No. r Crearn de- livered at the Creamery. Briing along your can The United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Ltd. 1 Wedding Rings, Diai►nonct Rine and Marriage Li-. cense Information at W. R. E'anzilton's, Jeweler j THE BASEBALL GAMES Circumstances into which we need not enter here occasioned the surrend- er, for a season, of Wingharn's Base- ball' Franchise. Very reluctantly in- deed was this franchise abandoned. The act of ;surrendering it was dis- tressingly painful to most of us, and for a brief period the loss was fitting- ly mourned over. Soon,.however the uselessness, night we say the infideli- ty, of lament, percolated'_ home. A. perception of the wickedness of cry- ing over, and magnifying our folly was born in our minds, and following e in its. wake, a resolution to recapture p the franchise which had been rather supinely relinquished. In order, therefore that we may be prepared to reassume our lapsed franchise, when the opportunity to do so presents itself next seaason, it was thought advisable to commence pre- parations to this end right away. Now, our franchise was forfeited;, mainly because of the lack of players; we had- not sufficient trained rnaterial: available to 'form ,a team from. - Yet, material we had in abundance, ma- terial that has only just been-; dis- covered, so to speak, and that would not yet have been discovered had it not been perseveringly • sought for: The deprivation of our franchise•gave an:itiipetus to our search for material; we found it, are trying it out, experi- tiienting with it, and already a large chunkof it has permanently vindicat- ed itself. The formation of a town league, as a sort of training camp has already been amply justified. Taking part in the three games played to date has, been discovered, merit of;nos mean er- der, merit that with a little practice, and a little encourager'nent will attain, to that standard of excellence which, is the gauge of fitness for all .candi= dates aspiring to inclusion, in a team representing Winghan and capable of upholding the glorious traditions %vliich a long line of Wingharn teams has made for us. _ When it is reinemii-: bered, therefore, that our town, lea- gue has been fornitd for the purpose of unearthing and developing talent. for Wingham's next season's , Base- ball team (which is going to be Wing - ham's best yet) most assuredly the whole hearted support of all lovers of the game should be given to the various teams now contending for honors. Their games ought to be pa- tronised,'for the enjoyment obtainable from them, and for the sake ofregain- ing'that position of prestige in the baseball world which Wingh'am has which these many years, and while. ' So she has loved and lost a tiv far there is no great reason to com- plain of lack of support,' or patronage we see no tosaythat ' i e have 1 str w reason why our Grandstand should not be fairly well packed at each game. Table to date: Hard Bali Pl, WL FA Po x 0 5.. 5 2 2 I 1 l0 • 7• 2 1 10 4 x '7 I 0 z 512 0, 1 0 1 3 9 0 Soft Ball Fry-Gunn-Olas f 1 o as Io Fbtuldries Games" for this week Wednesday 14th at 3 p. in, soft ball, Lions vs Clerks. Wednesday i4th at 6 p. irk, hard ball, Lions vs Independents. i Saturday 17th:, at 3 p, iii., soft ball, Clerks -vs Lloyds and Gurneys. Monday 19th., at 6 p. m., hard ball Foundries vs Clerks, A two storey trick dwelling,' well situated and with Modern 404vet i'ences will be sold at L= realioliable price. This its a bat I Abner COtens rance snt1 'Meant tabic, sillthiwl i.. "Immo�tMV'�1'#I1M111■1lt�tlwll Lions Factories Independents Clerks Foundries ■ ■ • • r ■ I o 1 50 TI 0 • 1 Wednesday and Thursday, May x4.th and zsth: "BRASS" 1VIONTE BLUE and MARIE PREVOST in a great picture of marriage and divorce. A vivid picturiza'tion of Chas, G- Norris! Great Novel of Marriage and Divorce, A1eo Comedy "FRESH EGGS',"" Friday and Saturday, May 16th and 17th. JO I tNY DINES IN' LUCK" Peppery Johnny Hines in his greatest yet. A veritable cy- clone of laughs, thrills, speed, pep and punch: ,Also Comedy HAL ROACH in "THE SOILERS" SPECIAL—Mon., Tues. and Wed:, May Ig, 20 and 25. JACKIE COOGAN B6 King• $1 Long Live the THE BOY STAR AT HIS BEST Also Pathe Comedy "COLLARS AND ,CUFFS" Prices i5 cents and •35 cents. Corning May 22nd 23rd, and 24th HAROLD LLOYD in "WHY WORRY': 6 reels of fun. NI 1111 KT r1 g IIIA+ It0 0 0 It , 0 It It It 0 0 lit -,It Mt I ITIMUMMIMOOMMIIMOMMIMMMOMMEROMMIIMMIUBMIMMIOT Died of Injuries p+ 1±. 11. X111, an employee of the C, 1. R., who suffered a;. broken bade when he fell from an electric "jigger" while working on the C. P. R. near Goderich on Wednesday,- died last Friday in Western Hospital, Toronto The remains were forwarded to Au- burn for bi'Irial .• Archie 'rtimiey, a fellow worker, who Was l5reditAtatcd to.;tht grotrnd with. 14r, : Yig+ escaped • with painful mjUries to the body and is reported to be in :satisfactory co;ndititin. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN Au excellent opportunity to all teachers to advance their academic standing. General B.A. and Honor' B.A. courses offered. Astronomy, English, Mathematics, History, Languages, Political Economy and Natural Sciences -24 courses. Social and athletic program throughout the entire six weeks makes the Summer Session as delightful" as it profitable. Splendid new Uni- versity guildincs occu- pied this summer. , II€i. For information write r-VFrlAq the Director. or. Dr. K. P. R. Neville, Registrar. ONTARIO. Summer School London, Ontario. June 30 to August 9. Barred (elks S. C. hite Le horns EC We own and operate one of . the most up-to-date Poultry Plants in Canada. This is not a Hatchery but a real Poultry. Plant, the eggs we set are collected from our own hens on our own place. For the past ten years we have made a careful study of the Poul- try business, more particularly mating and breeding along larger egg production lines. Int the present Canadian; Egg Laying Contest being conducted at the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, under Government supervision, where there are 83 pens • entered from ,the best 'poultry. breeders in Canada and the United States (Contest started Nova 1st. 1923,' and ends Oct. list. 1924), our pen of S. C. Leghorns, •No,:. 40, is in second place (a pen from the United States holding first posi-- tion.) Our,pen has not been lower than 4th place since the first week of the. Contest. Clnicka we are hatching for our customers are from the mothers and sisters of this pen. In the latter part of May and the month of June we will have 15;000 Chicks—Rocks;,x8c and ‘Leghorns 15c each. Last year we had to refuse orders for thousands of Chicks as parties wanting thein were too late in placing their orders. Righf riow is the time to order Chicks for delivery the latter part of May or for the month of June. Have you been keeping Hens? or have ;the 'Hens been keeping you? Start now and get the kind that will keep you. There is a big. difference in the returns s ou get from samei amount of'food consumed. Why get not chicks that have a e the breeding back of them to give you big profits. The Chicks we send out rare properly incubated, there- fore easily raised. BOX 34 WALTER ROSE 13RUSSELS, ONE, h P'E 111■I I IBAI l loll I I■t i1111111�11111111411110111111111■III■III■I l I�11111dBI I IAII l■III■I 1111111111 I111111Mi1 l■Il 11111 1 1■I (I■I I P Every., Farme•r Short of H•el. Should Havea ` cCartne Ju•nior' A res► a , s`1 .11 _ a , BSP Phone <2 Wirighatn acid wvill delnoistrate at my stable or to�alls 'trona the country. ,r �If ur , ROB r ■ t OWER MILKER; As I am too busy to canvas thecountry1 would • �'u d be glad to demonstrate to your satisfaction before ask - lug you to buy this great ;tabor saving device: t have used this machine ler one year myself and know what i aril selling, 1 111• 111; •I1(ft111llA I MMIII 01111111111 11`II'10tl144111Malisil 't(I tiOl ii .,•1 l ii4IIIM111iMIitMllitlly1llnlalIlhMillip"' �•.::: , klN55 ei14.;