The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-15, Page 1'ar•
1.4arq4Prtia•,,,...4a.aaa0a, n ..'.. 44.1..,44,144,4..J.,tdE •...0a1 1„.2,az
; hM
, ,
1,25.00 PER TON,—We Paw have re-
cleaned screening ground fine, To
sell at $25.00 per tort. Lepard's
We do long distance trucking, Get
--' our..prices, before shipping, 1Vluri-
dysWingliani, Phone 82.
raiR. SALE—A sel; of 43, inch auto
tire covers and Aero Cushion fill-
ers. Just the thing for a truck.
' Apply at The Advance. s
FOR SALE—Five eh -Links or 11sigs,
weighing about 45 lbs, 12 suckers.
Apply to Jas. C. Wightman, Bel -
grave, phone 23-623. ,
'-.1TOR. SALE --Frame house on Jose-
phine St., property .of late Robt.
Lenart. Apply to R. Vanstone,
-FO.UND—A sum of money-. Own-
er may have same by callin,g at
'FOR SALE—Six thorobred S. C.
White Leghorn hens and rooster,
heavy laying strain; good
raise your own chickens at firsi'
cost. ' Harold Buchanan. -
_FOR SALE—One Oak Hall Rack,
One set Oak Dining Room Chairs,
with leather seats, one Mahogany
finished• dresser, one mahogany
bed spring and. mattresses. For in-
• formation apply at The Advance.
FOR SALE—One light six Stude-
baker. Inquire at The Advance, •
FOR. SALE—I-Iangers, Pullies, Shaft- '
ing, belts etc. The Advance -Times. -
.FOR SALE -2 BLITper Electric Stove. i
• Apply to Miss P. Hanna.
TO RENT-gSeven roomed house at
$8 per month, nearly two acres of .
• good land, good stable, henspen and =
fruit. Francis D. Mooney. .
:FOR SALE—Two, Iron Beds and (
Springs, Apply •at The Advances--;
'I'OR SALE—Baby buggy. Enquire ]
at The Advance. • -
•—your car,try Lepard's neW filling. I
- station. - •
iosT--silver Maple , Leaf , broach, i
.33rd. Batt. stamped,t, Return' fo Es-
-.Scher Chettleburgh, or. leave at Ad-
vance. • '
PASTURE TO L -,I'--Room for
- .about fifteen head of young cattle
. on pasture, lot 7-8, 1st con. Morris
Frank 13eninger, phone 53-608. a
;PRJVATE " SALE—Of household L
lerniture. Apply to W. G.•Patter-
son over Jewelry Store. .
'TO RENT—One, seven room. house - t
and. one five rocirn house. Rents
reasonable. Apply to Advance .0f-
fice. '' u
TO RET—Brick, residence on cor-
mer of Catherine and. Victoria Sts. s
APPly S. Morton, Pi-ione 15-4. a
WANTED --Six Young Pigs, Yorks,
State -age and price. Apply Box u
543, Wingham. •P
WANTED—The- Continental Life P
Insurance Co. requires the services p
...of a man who is capable of organ- ,
lizing the Wingham District, and Z
;getting business. To such a man' a ci
splendid gontract will be offered.
• Apply to The Company's branch, of-
fice, Rooms 4&5 Moore Bldg, Lon- 0
• don, Ont. ir
WANTED—Girl to assist with getis 1)1
eral house work. Apply to „Mrs, C
John Helm, Patrick S. ' ,
WORK—Will do plowing or belt a
work with tractor. Orders left at T(
'The Advance will be promptly at -1
tended to, ..i,"
supply of Western re -cleaned wheat
• screenings on hand at all - times sc
• Price $24 per ton • chomped. We V
. .ti -ave also made reductions on prices ns
' of mill feeds and flour. Howson & sc
Howson. , th
WANTED—Daily work of washing
, . „
and cleanuag. Apply to • Mrs. A. .1
Veinier% eare of Frank \Tanner Jose-
phine St. Phone r58w. • •m
WANTED—Rags, Rags, Rags. Pick P.
up all your rags, • rubbers, irons, bc
oopper, brass and all the old junk Y
you have to sell We will give you
a personal call and pay full market th
value for same. Orders pronipt- ac
• ly atteaded to. We have nobody bc
gathering for us, so be sure and in
hold your jUnk until we call. H. th
Brown & Sons. Phone 204. • m
— el
Take notice that the Court of Rev-
ision of the assessment roll of the la
Township of 'rurnberey will be held in ses
the. Township Hall, in the village of di
Bluevale on. the 29-th of May, 1024, at jo
3 p, ni Parties interested should take le,
notice and govern themselves accord- ivr
W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk
---- ss.
A Last Notice
VVe are sorry to have to draw the pt
line tight but must ask all advertisers ar
once again to have changes for their El
advertisements in our. office not later es,
than Monday night. After this week th
no advertiseinent will' be chauged sh
which Jla$ not beeu arranged for be- be
fore 8 a, rn. on Tuesday morning. th
This meatiS everybody, to
Thomas Churehill, Aged 83, Meets
Death 'Near 'Clinton Junction
Thomas Churchill, aged 83 years, of
the x6th cenCession of Goderich Town
ship, Huron County, was instantly
killed and his son, William B. Church-
ill, aged 43 years seriously injured
when the automobile in which they
were riding was struck by a south-
bound Canadian National Railways
freight train en route from Wingham
to London, two miles north of Clin-
ton Junction at 9.35 o'clock -on Thurs-
day, •
William Churchill is suffering from
cuts and bruises about the head and
it is feared that the pelvis hone iS
broken. Dr. Shaw, •coroner, of Clin-
ton' who attended the injured man
and removed him to his home, report-
ed that 12e would reccrver. -
The two men were riding in an op-
en touring car with the side curtains
clpwn, on a public highway north of
Clinton and were traveling east. Wil-
iam Churchill was drying the car and
his father wa's seated beside him in
he front "seat,
Shortly after 7 o'clock the south-
bound way freight left Wingliam in
ha"fge of Conductor Atkinson and
Engineer Booth, of Loirdon, The
rain crew reports that the warning
whistle was sounded,. 1, Engineer
ooth upon approaching the crossing
and, the engine bell was ringing at the
irne of the crash.
13oth occupants of the automobile
were hurled into the air when the
rain struck the front of the car and
hoinas'Churchill was killed outright.
The members of the train crew folind
William: Churchill, the son, some few
eet away from the 'crossing in an un-
onscious condition. •
• An inquest into the death of Thorn-
s Churchill has been opened by Dr.
haw. The jury viewed the remains
esterday and adjourned until May 27
s it is not expected that the son will
e sufficiently recovered to give ''evi-
ence before that time.
• The ;'ry is composed of James Ford
foreman) C. Rance, James Paxrnan,
obert Welsh, Bert Murphy, L. Cree
rid A. J. Morish.
The train which struck the car- ar-
ived in Londo'n o'clock yester-
ay afternoon and a report of the ac-
ideat was filed with the divisional of-
cials of the railway.
"Hogs ,are.. quoted at 7 cents„ ,
To "'Men's Raincoats on sale at.'$9,95
t Isards.
J. W. Smith shipped a toad of cat -
le and' hogs on Saturday. .
The"' Oddiellows • intend bolding
Leir annual decoration services Sun -
ay June 5. •
Sale of Boy's Suits Friday and Sat-
-day at reduced prices. Isard's Boys
car Store.
Dance in Forester's Hall; Belgrave,
• Tuesday :May soth. Music by
'own's Orchestra.
They're off at Mitchell races, Sat -
'day. May 24t1,. Four Classes. U.200
irses. Also Jas. E. Hardy, mid-air
The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew's
resbyterian Church intend holding,a
rden party on TimrSday, June 12,
the Church lawn. -.Further parti-
lars given later.
AnnualsMeeting For Wingham
Territory Held at Lucknow
The annual convention of Wingham
District Women's Missionary Society
took place Thursday afternoon and
evening in the Lucknow Methodist
Church, and, there was a large crowd
present. Twenty-one out of a total
of 23 auxiliaries were represented ,at
the convention, and six out of nine
circles and bands were represented.
One huntred and eighty delegates re-
.edafternoon session was presid' ed
over by Mrs. Willis, ot Winghain, the
district superintendent; Mrs. Cuyler
conducted the devotional exercises. A
solo by Miss Stephens, of Gorrie, a
solo by Mrs. Dierlamin of Ripley
and a duet by the Brussels Auxiliary
were • well :received. • Mrs, (Rev.)
Brown, of Wroxeter, conducted • the
consecration and memorial service for
the ‘12 members who had died during
the year. Arnow, Brussels, Gorrie
Ripley, Wingham and Kincardine were
the societies that were bereaved.
"How to Make the Mission Circle
Interesting and Instructive" was dis-
cussed by Miss Padfield., of, Orange
Hill, and a splendid address on "Chris-
tian Stewardship" was contributed by
Mrs, (Rev.) C. E. Cram of Wing,
The election of officers resulted in
the re-election of Mrs. Willis, of
Wingham, as district superintendent,
and Mrs. W. 3, Greer, of Wingham
an secretary; • .
The closing address of the 'after-
noon was , given by Mrs. Gordon
Wright, of London, • on the present-
da.y responsibility of W. IVI, S. mem-
bership. Mrs. Wright's address was
listened to with rapt attention.
An excellent supper was served by
the Lucknow ladies in. the schoolroom
and at' the supper hour Mrs. (Rev.)
0,sterhout, 'president of the Lucknow
Auxiliary, made • a neat address of
svelcorne to ,the • convention, which
was. 'happily responded to by Mrs.
Cameron of Bethel. Greetings were
also, brought to the convention by
Mrs. (Rev.) McCallum from the Pres-
yterian Auxiliary, and Mrs.. (Rev.)
Gollin, of the Kinloss Presbyterian
Auxiliary, •
Rev. J. H. Osterhout, RA., B.D.
presided over the evening session,
The superintendent's and secretary's
reports were given in a charming
manner by Mrs.- Willis and Mrs. Greer
The reports revealed the fact that in
the 23 'Auxiliaries there were 529 an-
nual menibers, 92 life members, 5oo
little light bearers and- 35 associate
helpers aand that $2,511.45 was con-
tributed by the auxiliaries, -being an
increase of $r22 over last year. In
the four circles there are 67 ntembers
and they contributed $2o6 or an in-
crease of $122: In the three -bands
there are xoo members and $roo was
contributed a.n.increase of $48.
The Secretary gave the convention
the information that illSt• 21 years ago
the annual convention was held' in the
Lucknow church,. with Mrs. Cuyler-
(who was present, this year), as dis-
trict superintendent, Mrs- Gordon
•Wright addressed both afternoon and
evening meetings 21 years ago, as She
did at this meeting, At the gathering
21 yeaiss ago there were st auxiliar-
ies teported and a total raised of $373.
•A solo by:Mrs Wesley jOynt and a
quartet by the Wingham. Circle.were
well received. •
• The address of the evening was giv-
en by Mrs. Gordon Wright on "The
Call of the -Hour," ansi was a master-
ly appeal and a clarion call for the
ladies, of the MT. M: S. to rally to the
standard of prohibition and,to do
their utmost to lceep the measre of
n-ohibition in Ontario intact and in!,'
crease that measure if possible. Mrs.
AN -right gave an array of argument
and figures to show that Government
control in British Coltunbia and Que-
)ec was a dismal failure as far as
certailtng the drink ,traffic was con-
cerned. She said that Government
sale had proven •itself worse than hav-
ing the open bar. .
The convention, despite the unfavs.
orable weather, was 'one of the best
lel(' by the • district for years, and
nuch credit for the success Was due
Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Greer and Mrs. J.
H. Osterhout, the local president,
Miss Mabelle Allin the church organ-
st was at the organ during the two
essions oE the convention.
Labels Will Change Soon
Keep the dale ThesclaY, May 27th.
en to see the three att. comedy,dra-
• '"-rhe Jones' , Entertain." Local
lent under auspices of the young
°pie of St. Andrew's Presbyte'rian
The Young People pf'-St. And.reW's
-esbyteriaa Church are putting on
three . act coMedy drama ."The
nes' Entertain," Wingham Town
all on. Tuesday evening, May 2711s. I
even characters in the cast. Sonse
the hest local, talent. •
Seventy,three delegates were Me-
nt from different:. nituncipahties at
Ingham town hall on-Tusday after-: •
on to hear the Government repre-
ntative discuss the grant offered by l
e Government to ' municipalities. I
olislung statute labor,
Special meetings all this week and
xt. Evangelist Halliday will speak
is week and Sunday. Childrens
in. Pray that these meetings may
times of refreshing from the Lord.
ou will be made welcome.
A couple of Wingham men were
e other clay discussing Mr. Mundy's
vertisement which stated he 'would
plcaased to move any person leav-
g town. 'We assare our readers
at Mr, Mundy will be a whole lot
ore pleased to drive his truck to the
ter most parts of the earth to
ove people to tOwn and he will only
arge a reasonable fee.
The tenth annual meeting of Mait--
id Presbyterial Society of Llie
S. will be held in.Walton On ties -
y May, 20111,, 5924, 1Morning Seas -
ti ro a, m. Aftertoon Session 1.30
in, and evening seksion 7.30 p.
rs. T. E Langford of Simcoc, Pro-
eial H. H. Secy., will address af-
noon Session, Or, Taylor' of India
11 address 'evening session.
eeting Wednesda3 and FridaY
We notice that some bad burglers
ited the Mount Forest Confederate
'nting office last Sunday morning
•d "cabbas;ed" $43.0o belongingto
{tor Wright. How Tiro. Wright
er got that much ahead 16 start off
o -new week is a conundrum that
ould be investigated. There mutt
some terribly wicked people over
tee when they essay to rob the
r.--T1russoit Post,
Watch your label next week We
hope to correct our mailing lists very
shortly after this week's paper goes to
press. If you have paid your sub-
scription reeently watch and see if it
is credited on your label next week.
11 not, call us down if our fault, if
your fault call on us. We need the
moness and in order to keep our good
reputation you can't afford to have
some one see your Mel reading in
Clark—Casemore Nuptials
A very pretty, but •quiet wedding,
took place in Springfield, Ohio at
4,30 on Monday, May 5th,, • 5924 in
Methodist parsonage, by the Rev. Mr.
Moon, When Mable -Maye Casemore,
only daughter of Mr. J. f. Casemore,
John St,, Wingham Ont.,- was united
itt marriage to Mr. P. W. 'Clark, of
Springfield, Ohio. Their only at-
tendants were Mr. Donald Clark, bro-
ther of the groom and Miss Dorothy
,Moon, of Springfield, Ohio. After
the ceretnony the happy maple re-
turned to the borne of Mrs. Clark,
inother of the groan, where a very
dalety luncheon was served. They
will reside nt Springfield, We wish
them, a very happy and prosperous
married life,
• Mr, Rse
a9sGets a
While congratulating Mr. Reg S.
Williams on his being appointed
maxager of the Bank of Commerce at
collingwood, the citizens of Wing-
harn generally regret to learn that
Mr, and Mrs. Williams and children
are leaving this part of Western On-
tario. Since coming to Wingham
about eight years ago Mr. Williams
has been a most energetic booster for
the welfare of the town and Mrs, Wil-
liams has very graciously taken part
in many public entertainments arrd her
splendid voice will be missed..
• Mr. Williams has been an energetic
member of the Wingham Public
School Board and of the Turnberry
Agricultural Society. He is also an
active member of the Lior:'s Club, the
Curlers, the Bowlers and the Tennis
Club. Likewise, he will be greatly
missed from the church, having for
sometime been a warden of St Paul's
Church and. a member of the choir.
To sum it up in a few words, Wing -
ham is loosing one of the best boost-
ers we ever had and Collingwood is
to be congratulated on getting him.
Mr. William's friends hoWever are
pleased to know of his being appoint-
ed Manager of such a splendid branch.
Coilingwood is much larger than
Wingham and we undergtand the
bianch to which 11/.br, Williams has
been appointed is eourited. one of the
big ones, The situation of Coiling -
wood, oa the Georgian Bay makes it
a most pleasant place to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams have the
best wishes of a large circle of friends
who although regretting their depa.rt-
ure are pleated that Mr. Williams
has received the promotion to which
he was most deserving.
Free lDemonstration Sat. 17th.
We have secured' demonstrator from
the Perfection Stove Co., to 'demon-
strate how simple; the new Perfection
•Oil Stove is to operatae. This is the
safest and most egorichnical Oil Stove
on the market over four million stoves
being used daily. Thom3son & 'B
chanan ardware.
Died in Clifford
Sympathy is extended to Mrs. W.
F. VanStone whose mother Mrs. John
Weir passed away at the family -resi-
dence in Clifford on Tuesday, May
6th, She was in her 8rst year and
was most highly esteemed by a large
circle of"friends. Mrs VanStone was
with her mcither when the. ead came.
•On Thursday May rst., at the
Methodist Parsonage, Windsor f Mrs.
Mary Hill of London, was tulited itt
marriage to Mr. Geo. j. Wright of
'Dayton Ohio. They left for a short
honeymoon to Detroit and Toronto,
before returning` to their home in
London, Ont. Mr. Wright was a
former bandmaster of mar town, and
is a 'brother of Mrs. Alex. VanAl-
st3ale, • .
Walkerton Players Present Fine Play
The four act comedy "The Noble
Outcast" was presented by a company
of exceedingly. clever amateurs from
Walkerton in the Town Hall on
Thurkday evtning, May the 8th. The
play 'Was 'under the auspices of the
W. I. and was greeted by a full house
The proceeds amounted to $533.65.
The W. I. received forty per cent. of
this amount which will be devoted td
eharitable purposes. Much credit is
due to Mr. J. H. Pearson who direct-
ed. the play. Each player took their
part in a manner that put to shame
many professionals. Should they re-
turn to Wingham as they purpose do-
ing in. the fall, we feel sure that they
-will have a still larger crowd, as all
present seemed. to be delighted with
the play, At the close of the play the
cast was entertained by the W. I. in
the Council Chamber. On 'eying
the company thanked the ladies of the
Institute and declared that in no oth-
er town had they received kinder
treatment than in Wirigham, and that
they would be delighted to return in
the fall with their new play. „
The Late Charles Elliott,
Another of the early pioneers of
this section has gone to his Eternal
Rest, We refer to Mr, Charles Elliott
who dia on. Sunday, May Itth., in
his 85th year. He had been in poor
health for a year and suffered intense
pain, but bore up with wonderful pa-
tience, • His wife passed away just
twenty years ago arid he is survived
by two sons John C. ill. Clandeboye,
Man. and Thos. at Cardiff, Alberta,
and two daughters Isabella And Eliza-
beth at home, who Mourn the pass-
ing of a kind and loving father, The
latter has been an invalid for some
The subject of this sketch was
born Carnock, Rosshire, Scotland,
in. x838, his father was a shepherd on
Lord McDonald's estate on the Isle
of Skye,: When ten Years old hd
came to Canada with his parents and
brothers in a sailing vessel being, six
weeks ori the water. For several
years he lived at Ayr before coming
to Wingham,
The late Mr. Elliott was a man of
sterling qualities and was held in high
esteem by a large circle of friends,
He was one of the oldest members of
Si. Andrew's Presbyterian Chttrch and
while .his health permitted was a re-
gular attendant at„ all the services.
The funeral services are being held
at the home this Wednesday aftors
terfteon ' and interment will be iti
Wingham Cetnetery.
Rev. Father Fallon is renewing ac-
quaintances in VVingharn.
Mrs, 141. R. Beckwith is visiting
with her daughter in Toronto.
Miss Pearl Vamstone has returned
from visiting friends in Toronto,
Mi g Taylor of Toronto, Is visiting
her sister Mrs, Geo. Spottoiti, Shiner
• Mr E Smith of London spent
a few days with his brother-in-law
Mr. Jas, Wild.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Squires of Listo-
wel, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
T. H. Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hynclman and Mrs,
Dane of Gorrie called on friends in
towa on Sunday,
• Mr. B. C. Brandon of Hanover,
visited his mother, Mrs, Brandon of
town on Sunday.
Mayor Willis, Reeve McKibbon and
•Colin. A. G. Smith were in Brussels
on Monday moring.
Mrs. R M, Hunter and daughter,
Mary of Detroit, are visiting with
Mr, and Mrs, W. G. Patterson,
Miss Isard who has spent the past
few months in Florida started on the
return trip on Monday.
, Mrs, H. Davis and Miss Maud are
home from Toronto and are occupying
their residence on Centre St.
Mrs. (Dr.) Huffman of Toronto, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kerr, Lower Wingham,
Rev. F. E. Powell of Toronto, at-
tended the funeral of his uncle the
late James Powell on Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Diamond left on
Thursday to spend the summer with
their daughter, Mrs. H. C. Scott, of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walton and
children spent the week -end in town
with their uncle Mr. Alex • VanAl-
styne and othe-rrelatives.
Mrs. M. H. VariWyck and little
daughter, Donna Marie, are visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mc-
Donald, Frances St.
Miss Edna Mitchell of Toronto, is
spending it couple of vneks at the
home of her parents, Councillor and
Mrs. Mitchell John Si. -
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis of Exe-
ter, motored up to attend the funeral
of the late James Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Morn-
ington and- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mc-
Bur:ley of Wawanaosh spent Sunday
at Wm. S. Ring's, •Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. Witi. Mackersie and.
daughter from California intend mov-
ing into tovirn in a short while. They
have bought a house on Shuter St.
Miss Kathleen Kerr went under a
serious operation for appendicitis on
Thursday in Goderich Hospital and
is getting along aswell as can be ex-
pected. . , • , •
Mr. and Mrs..Hugh Halliday and
Mrs, Harvey Leslie of Listowel, me-
toeedio Wingham on Sunday and
called on Mr. Halliday's sister, Mrs.
Harry F., McGee. • '
Mrs. D. 0, Colchangh and little son
accompanied by Miss Olga Colclough
of Blyth, have returned to their home
in Bergessville after spending a few
weeks with the former's mother, Mrs.
Mr. Rollie McLennan of Ripley and
Mr. John Ross of Duluth spent a day
this week- with their old. friend,. Mr.
Hiram Smith. These Men were neigh:
:hors in Huron township and it is
thirty years Since they saw each oth-
A Public Holiday ,
, Saturday, Mat 241h will be observ-
ed- as a public holiday and places of
business in Wingliam will be open all
day Wednesday, May 21st, Be sure
and buy your eats for Saturday and
Sunday on Friday evening, 1V/ay 23rd
or you may be short before Monday
morning, •
Lightning Scorches Station
On Wednesday last lightning- struck
pole near the Belgrave station put
a couple of telephone lines out of
connnission, The lightning ran along
the wire and scorched the side of” the
Belgrave station and on into the sta-
tion and scorched the books On the
shelf. A lady calling Winghain cen-
tral shortly afterward was connected'
with Brussels central. It Was fortun-
ate that the station did not catch fire.
Rinkey-Dinks Win 7-4
The first game of baseball be-
tween the St. Paul's Athletic Club
(RinkeysDinks) and the • Teeswater
Continuation School was witnessed
by a Tarp crowd on 'Monday after-
noon, May 52111., ie the Wingham
The game was keenly contested and
clean sp'ort was displayed by both
contesting. teams.
The line up was as follows:
St P. A. C; G. Ledis*
ett p; McKibbori sat b; js. Fowler
and b; j. Field .3rd '15; B. Brownes, s;
E. Willtania :1 1; W. Makadden c, 1;
H. Browne r. 1..
Teesw-ateis-sG, McBurney 0; A.
Blair p; M. rirerich 1st h; G. Statters
2nd b;: -T, Passthore grd.b; M. Grant
s. st 'R. Ireland 1, f; D. :Cooper c, f;
W. 'Thompson r., f.
Umpires—M. Christie,..• and D.
Grant.. •
3 base hits -4, McGee. 2 ,base
hits—E, Williams, 1/L Tt6tte1i, ttike
out, Lediett 9; Blair 6.
Score by innings:
Teeswater 0 11.5 0 O 5 0 l-4
Whigham 2 5 0 3 5 0 0 o
• Subscription* 132.00 Pal' YOlikt•
IL-1 Continuously fresh supplies of the famous
SIniles'il • Chuckles
Will be received here direct from their house
El 60c Per Lb..
Old StyleGlobe Chocolates Mello Vanilla.
Cream n Pie rce..$,au•
hTceoloter 3
• 11 Maple Walnut Chocolates — Made with
real Maple Sugar
N III special fcir\ Saturday Only .
- Willard's Chocolates, per *-410.PC
b on's ni,g St
Phone 53 =
lennionno HOP
Nurse Receives Diploma
Among the young ladies who re-
ceived their diplomas as graduate
nurses at the •St. Joseph's training
school at the graduation exercises
held last week at Chatham,we notice
the name of Delphine Marie Fitzpat-
rick, daughter of Mrs. Fitzpatrick,
Josephine St., north, Wingham, Bis-
hop Fallon conferred the school di-
plomas, Mayor Sidman conferred the
medals and the conferring of regis-
tered nurses' diplomas was made by.
Rev. • Father Gnam. Her many
friends in Wingharn will congratulate
Miss Fitzpatrick.
Rev. Geddes Dies at Guelph
Rev. W. H. Geddes, la.te,ininister of
the combined Ailsa Craig -Carlisle
Presbyterian charge, passed away at
Guelph Hospital. in his 7oth year.
During a long an active ministry-,
Rev, Mr. Geddes also served charges
in Ottawa and at St. Cathrines.
He moved to Gnelph after retiring
from the active ministry.
The funeral was held from the Pres-
byteriaan Church, Ailsa Craig, to
Carlisle Cemetery last 'Thursday af-
ternoon, tinder the uspices of the Lon-
don Presbytery, whose clerical mem-
bers pay high triblite to the deceased
Christian soldier, declaring that many
men and women in the Province of
Ontario have been influenced to de-
cide for Christia living under his min-
Surviving relatives are his widow,
Mrs. Mary Sloane Geddes, Dr, Wil-
liam Geddes, n son and a daughter
Miss Ruth.
• The Rev, W. H. Geddes referred to
above was for a number of years the
esteemed pastor of Whitechurch and
Calvin Presbyterian Churches.
A. H. Wilford Welcomed Horne
After an absence of about fiveyears
Mr. A. H. Wilford's many Wing -ham
friends were glad to have it hand-
sha,ke from him on Saturday and
Sunday. 'The years spent in the Ca-
nadian West have made no difference
to his appearance accept to make him
probably a little stouter, He spent
over the week -end with his wife at
the home of her mother, Mrs. C. N.
Griffen, John St. Ab. is still as en-
ergetic a,s of old and is overflowing
with pep. He. did • a great deal to
boost for Wirigham, while he was a
resident here and we believe that he
would still go a long way to remove
any stumbling block from the road to
assist in her prosperity.
The ladies of the R. C. Church
sernbled at the home .of Mrs. 'L. S.
Bening -ex. on Tuesday evening to bsd
farewell OTL the eve of her departure
to their new home, Cayuga, Ont, Mrs.
Beninger will be, greatly missed as a
member of the choir, an officer of
the Altar Society and Catholic Wos
men's League. Duringthe evening
Mrs. Pilon read an address; Mrs. Jno.
Lockridge presented Mrs. Beninger
with a beautiful silver casserole, asid
Jack two books. Signed on behalf of
the Altar Society, Mrs. Jno. Lock -
ridge, Mrs, Pilon, Mrs, Wrn. Forgie.
After Mrs. Beninger made a reply ,
thanking the ladies and assured all,
she -would not forget their token of
kindness. The evening was spent in
games and old time music. Everyone
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Beninger and
Jack God's richest blessing in their
new home.
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