The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-17, Page 1It
I.. 17,11 IIIFFIF11,14,,
0I,.Rs1it! "
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Bangle Copies; Five Cents.
Albert Hughes Goes Home
. ' A lritidiy old man beloved by all
,was Albert Hughes: who passed away
on ''uesday meriting in' the Wingham
Hospital, For some years he lived
at Wingham Junction brit has re-
centlybecn making his home with his
daughter, Mrs, Kenneth Waver at
Whitte1mich• A couple ,of months
:ago his applications was accepted as
-caretaker of Wingham Public School
.and not one, but many of the scholars
:have mentioned to their parents about
what a nice`;old gentleman Mr Hugh-
es was. Among the floral tributes
was <i wreath from • the Public School:
Deceased was a devout Christian
:and a member of Wingham Methodist
'Church. The funeral service will be
field in the church on. Thursday after
noon, Rev,' C. E. Cragg will officiate,
AUCTION' SALE -Furniture and
Household Effects at the home of
Arthur Angus in Pleasant Valley,
ori Saturday, April 26th at 2 o'clock
See bills, Wm, Guest, Prop,, T. R.
Bennett, Anter.
AUCTION .SALE—Horses, Cattle,
Pigs and Implements at' Lot 41,
Con:: Ix, East Wawanosh on 'Thurs.-
' day, April 17. No reserve. Thos.
• Shoebottom; Prop,, Jas.. Taylor,
Acct: "
Strong, Healthy, Baby Chicks from
laying pure bred to
lay Poultry. S. C. White Leghorns
$15.00 per hundred.. Barred Rocks,
18:oo.,per, bund
red',' F.O.B.
church.Write for prices on eggs
'forhatching from above also S. C.
Black Minorcas. 'Inspection invited
and satisfaction guaranteed. Phone
or write. Duncan Kennedy, White-
church, Ont.
•BAB$ CHICKS—O. A. C. -single
comb ,white Leghorns and. Barred
Rocks Price "isc-•each, orders book-
ed , now for : 'May and, June. Mrs.:
Geo. D. Fortune; at Jno.' W •For-'
tune R. R. '1 Wingham, -Wroxeter
No, 612 ring.
phone 8 -
.. .
'BUTTED. -Fresh iiacle Creamery
butter 32c per lb at the creamery,
United Farmers Co -Operative Co:
Ltd. •
Wanted• at once,' 1'. Fells.
number of young
�'OR 'SALE—A h.
calves: Phone 7-6os, Wroxeter,
FARMERS -Now is the time to
store your eggs. 'We are now stor-
. ing a large uantit for the farmers.
q Y
Conie in and bring
of this districts.
your " eggs and let us talk over the
Egg Circle:: Proposition. United
Farriers -o-Operative Co.`
--Two Two Reg istered Short
y'" horn Bulls one twelve months, the
other•: three years. . Apply to J. J.
phone 613, route 3,, Wing -
ham. •
frame house with stable and hen.
house„about 2 acresof good grain.
Town Plot.._ Apply to Francis D.
;FOR SALE -1923 Ford Sedan, as
good as. new. Apply The Advance.
SALE -200 ".Cedar Posts ' cone'
taining anchor brace and corner
posts. Apply to James Penny R. R.
t, • Belgrave, phone• 42-621, between
6 and 8 o'clock evenings.'
FOR SALE -Splendid building ' lot,
corner Boland St. and Catherine
Ave, A snap to the first buyer.
V. R. VanNorrnan, Real Estate
FOR SALE -Timothy and Alsike
Mixed, about xoo bushels at $5 per
bushel John Coultes, 6th con. E.
FOR SALE—Residence on Victoria
St., cheap for quick sale. Apply to
•V. R. VanNorman, Real Estate
FOR ,SALE -A white wicker baby
carriage with storm curtain also a
push cart both good as new. 'Apply
to Mrs.: E. A. Renwick, Leopold. St.
.OST -White Wicker doll buggies
belonging- to Chester:. Patterson, Al-
fred. St., finder will 'receive. reward,
LOST -About two weeks 'ago .a la-
dies wrist watch, with black ribbon
band, reward for "same, Apply at.
Advance Office.
E SALE—Splen-
did two storey frame dwellings,
goodgarage arag a and all conveniences,
acres of good land, bank
�• Eleven g.
barn and brick ,house just outside
the corporation.' Also other houses
and `lots. F. McConnell, Real Es-
tate and Auctioneer. ,
TO RENT—Brick House with all
convenience, Apply to S, Morton;
Phone 15-624.
TO RENT --On Dia anal Road a 6
di. A
l tiro H,
roonx' cottage, gar pp y
). Jobb,
iI received by the
['L'N17FRS�-Will 1, be ..
Clerk, W, R. Cruikshank, for the
Tile Part of the Fortune Drain in
the Township of Turnberry up till
April 28th., 19a4.
WARNING—,Parties, dumping refuse
of any kind” on•any street or high-;
way'"in, Wingham will be prosecuts.
ed by order of street committee,
T.• Fells, Chairman.
Two Indians Caught. and Sentenced
To Jail
' On Friday morning J. A. ,Mills and
.staff were surprised to find./ that
someone had robbed their till and
that several, items of goods were
missing including a plans suit . of
clothes taken out of the window. En-
trance to the store was accomplished
by means of breaking the glass in a
cellar : window and thus --removing a.
bolt and afterwards'breaking open the
door leading from the basement,
'Chief Allen did some good work
next day and finding that a couple of
suspicous looking Indian'' chaps had.
left on the early trainnext•morning,
with a gtairi• bag,, he traced them to
Harriston and from there to South
Chief Sid Solomon of the Saugeen
reserve was notified and he arrested
Norman James aged 29, and Francis
Moses,. aged 18 years. County Con-
stable Whitesides and Chief Allen of
Wingham motored to the reserve on
Sunday and 'brought back their men
will them," When the men got to the
reserve they were taken about "a mile
and, a half through the bush where
under brush and bark they unearthed
shits, collars, boots, ties, sweaters and
other wea'ring apparel
The -court room was filled on Mon-
day afternoon and the trial only last=
ed, a few minutes as the thieves con
fessed, Magistrate Reid imposed a
sentence of not less than x8 months
and not mare than two'.. years. Both
lads have been in the peri before for'
the theft of 'a horse and' a bicycle.
They were here '•.pulling flax about
four ,years ago and as they were al-
lways'paid at 1Vlills store they were .fa-
miliar -'with their' =surroundings al-
thottgh• only kids then.
Methodist Church)Notes
7.30 a. m.—Sunrise. Prayer Service:
All invited.
IL l' a, in. and 7 pm.—Public Wor-
ship: Special Easter' Messages, Spec-
ial Easter music
Wednesday 8 p. m., ,Mid Week Ser
Monday' 8 p. -m.-7, he young . peo-
ple's meeting' Music led by the Or -
vice, Studies hi Book of .Exodus.
Thursday, 8 p, m: -Choir' practice.
George Chester Walker Dead
As we go to press we` learn of the
passing of George Chester Walke"r' of
Turnberry. The angel of ..death re-
lieved him of his suffering on Wed-
nesday':April 16th. He was .a patient
sufferer for many Years• and during
his entire illness was an object lesson
to many of us on account of his cheer-
ful .disposition despite the fact that he
could' scarcely move a muscle for
some time. w,
The 'funeral will be held from the
residenceof his parents to Wingham
cemetery on Friday afternoon.
Church Union Debate
The,. Rev. D, T. L. McICerroll of
Victoria Church, Toronto, spoke in
St. Andrew's Church last Sabbath,
April 13t11. Mr. McKerroll is akt able
speaker. He spoke in defence of the
Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Dr,
Gordon Ex -Principal' of Queen's Uni-
versity- strongly
(Unionist) ill disc p.
proving of this, coercive union said,
'The union that 1 longs for and pray
for, and for which I ati willing even,
to wait a little longer, is : one that
would preserve all that is hest in oar
heritage from the • Scottish churches,
that would leave ito grotuld,for re-
sentment in the hearts of, brethren,
and that would enable our Presbyter-
ian church to make still further eon
trtbution to the welfare of o•,:fir coun-
try and to the advancement of the
Kingdom of God."
Postmaster Musgrove has received
the followingfrom the Post Office •De-
partmelt:—lt is noted that emitters
attached to your office are not using
applications for postal notes and mon-
ey orders and as • postmasters are Langside residents, she having spent
charged with the supervision of rural considerable time with her aunt Mrs.
mail couriers attached to their offices, Walter J. Scott there, We understand
I' have to ask that the regulations re- that Mrs. Falconer stopped off at
ferrcd to be strictly adhered to by the Detroit to spend a couple of weeks
couriers attached to, your office, in fti- with. friends. We extend heartest
urc and, your assttrance that the ne- congratulations 'Mr. and Mrs. Fal-
cessaty instructions will be issued to coner «vi11 nialee their home in their
them by wort is requested. tiew house ;in Wingham.
Miss Babe Johnson went: to Welles-
ley Hospital to train for, a. nurse.
Messrs. Howson & Howson pur-
chased a new Chevrolet truck
Ml's, Robert J. Forbes of Morris
township; near Belg etve, visited with
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Forbes.
Mrs. T. A. Ford of Detroit, spent a
few days at ' the home of her uncle,
Provincial Officer G. A. Phippen.
Miss Isabel Wilson of Whitby La-
dies ,College, formerly of Vancouver,
is visiting her aunt, Miss Bella'Wil-
Don't`forg et Euchre and Old. Tinge
Dande and quilt drawing, Wednesday
night, April 23rd, at R. C.. Church
basement.. Everybody welcome, lunch
served. Admission 5o cents.
The relatives of the late Mrs.' Mar-
garet Herder son desire to" publicly
thank their: friends and neiglibors for
flhwers ,and ' sympathy extended to
them during the illness and death of
Mrs. Henderson, •
Fortnalcteiiyde::• the same reliable
quality as' handled' by us for 20 years
at 50e a pound; McKibbords Drug
An apron and towel shower- 1 aid
a p n
of . the Hospital Bazaar will be held
at'the,home of Mrs. W. J. Boyce on
Tuesday, April 29, from 4 till: 6
o'clock, Everyone is cordially invit-
ed. ,
Having completed
iny course at
the. Academy of Music, 'Toronto,. I
wish, to announce to the public , that
I" will resume my : class in Piano -and
Theory after the Easter. vacation.
Miss B. M. Gordon;
'The following donations have been
received for the -Hospital. Women's
Missionary Society, Donnybrook,
jars frt,it; Wingham 'W1- I,, 5 wash
cloths; • MVIrs, Victor Haines, •i pt, .ma-
ple 'syrup, 1 pt. cream.
Mr. D. E. MacDonald has opened
up an Auto Sales room in the Holmes
Block, opposite Currie's livery stable.
He has accepted the agency for the
`Chevrolet and.. the MacLaughlin' au-
tomobiles., Full supply on hand,
Mr, and:. Mrs, Jas: S. Isard, Wing -
ham, ,Ont.; announce the engagement
of their daughter, Clara Mary, to Dr..
Harold George Armstrong, son of the
late Mr. and 1VIrs. Thos. E. Armstrong-
rmstrongof Brampton the marriage, to take
place shortly" ,
Fornl.aldehyde—More and more
each year has Formaldehyde demon-
strated its effectiveness as a pre-
ventative of smut in grain and year
by year its sales are increasing. Our
stockis guaranteed full standard 4o
per cent, and reliable. Mitchell's„
Drug Store.
To customers in the West or any
where 1 want to say. If- they send
stamp and sample of cloth, 1 will send
styles and illustrated sheet with di-
rections for measure and price list.
Tweed Suits. made- and trimmed for
$15,00. A. W. 'Webster, upstairs over
The Advance Office, Wingham:
The regular monthly meeting of
the Winghain branch of the Women's
Institute will be held on. Thursday,
afternoon, April 24th al 3 o'clock in
the Council Chamber, " At the close
of the business meeting Rev. 'Dr.
Petrie will address the meeting. The
directors in charge tw✓ill be 'Mesdameses
Stewart and Olver..
McQuinn Sisters Big Musical Con-
cert Co,, Parish Hall, Wingham one
night only, Friday April 25th. This
company of artists' come highly re-
commended to the Dramatic ,Commit-
tee of Wingham from Owen Sound
Orillia, Barrie, Medford,' North Bay,
etc, " 'The press is loud in its praise
in giving the McQuinn Sisters 100
p. e: 'a strickly refined concert with
clean neivit and music and song, See
them.^ Remember one night only,
Friday April 25th.
Mr, David Falconer. is home from
Indianapolis, Ind. where he was mar-
ried on March 8th " to Mrs, Alga
Hume, of that city. Mrs. Falconer,
who .before her 'first marriage was
Miss Alcoa Foster, is well known to
Roy Adair Has a Close Call on
Tuesday Afternoon
Comingover the crossing at the Y
near Glenannan on Tuesday afternoon
Roy Adair . was watching a freight
train which was shunting and did not
notice the fast approaching passenger
train until it Was almost upon him.
He pulled his auto hurriedly to the
side of the track but the engine struck
it and dragged is, a considerable dis-
tance. •
The Chevrolet was badly' demolish-
ed and Mi. Adair was very badly
shaken up and bruised. His right leg
received a nasty cut. It was indeed
fortunate that Mr. Adair was not kill-
ed. His many friends will be .pleased
to learn that he was able to be around
on Wednesday, although "a pretty stiff
Easter Openings
The Spring Term, of the Wingham
Business College begins Tuesday,
April 22nd, and a new class will also.
be formed Monday,, April"28th. Our
!Graduate Stenographers are beginn-
ing at salaries larger than those of
public 'school teachers, and many of
'our experienced stenographers are
dra'tving twice as much. Those who
'cannot enter college will have the coI-
1lege brought to them by Home Study
Courses. You• may begin any day and
instruction! is individual.
I Our latest male testimonial comes
from a young • nian who was earning
$2.75 per day before and is now earn-
arn-Iing $3,000 per year and travelling ex-
penses with a . Toronto Wholesale.
What we Piave done for others we
can do for you, if you will only begin
now by correspondence and enter col-
lege later if y,oti desire. Affiliated
with the Canada Business College
( (College & Spadina), Toronto, Write
'today for.. particulars.
Removal of Coal Office
Having severed our office connec-
tion with the Dominion Express Co.
we have given up the old stand.
After April the 17th we will occupy
jointly .office with '1VIr. J. W, Dodd in
his Real Estate and Insurance office
in Dr. Stewart's Block, '
From our new place ofeb.usiness we
extend to you the same courtesy as
shown you an the past, and we will en-
deavor to give your enquiries and orr
ders our most careful attention.
We now offer you for spring or
summer deliveries our High Grade
Lehigh and 'Lackawanna. Coal, We
do not use the term High Grade sim-
ply as a. matter of advertisement, nor
as a point of sale only, they are
High Grade . Coals of lie very best
quality. The analysis and tests of
same which may be seen at our of-
fice for the asking. At the present
time we are in a position to make im-
mediate or early deliveries. On all
sizes including Egg, Stove, Nut and
Extra Large sized Pea Coal,
it. J. Cantelon, Co. Note—Office
Phone now, 240.
Mrs. Lyons Dies at Lucknow.
The death occurred suddenly on
Tuesday morning, April 8, of Mrs
Janes Lyons, an esteemed ed .resident
of Luelsnow for the past 46 ye
s. An
attack of heart trouble developed on'
Monday night and it was more than
her strength could stand. She has
been quite active and cheerful.
througout the winter, having pretty
well recovered from a serious illness
two years. ago. Born in Scotland, 7o
years ago. Site came with her parents,
and Mrs. Cunningham to this
county when she was three years of
age, settling near Owen Sound.
'Thirty-six years ago she came to
Lucknow and was married to James
Lyons. Mrs. Lyons leaves her hus-
band, three sots and three daughters.
They are: John, in Vancouver,13, C;
James, in West Wawanosh; Robert,
at Grand -Pere, Que; Jean atzd 'Eliza-
beth, at home and Mrs. (Dr.) 'Car-
inti°ehael, of I dnlonton, Alta. Two
sisters and four brothers' "also sur-
vive. The funeral services; were con -
(tutted by Rev, R. McCallum.
Among the floral tributes was a l
beatttiful wreath from Hanna & Co.I
of Wingham, where Miss Elizabeth
Lyotis has been, a saleslady for a
few days prior to receiving the sad
news of her mother's death. i
Wednesday Half Holidays
The Business Men of Wingham,
have decided to commence the Wed-
nesday ' afternoon half holidays on
Wednesday, May 7th and continue
throughout the season.
Died in Iron City, Georgia
Mx. Murray 'Wilson of Turnberry,rY
received word of the death of his
brother, James which occurred at his
home in Iron City, Georgia, on Tues-
day, April 8111. He left here about
3o years agol and has been conducting
a turpentine still in Georgia. He is
survived by his wife. Fever was the
cause of his death.
Killed in Vancouver
Mr. W. Jos. Henderson, Bluevale
Road, received word on Monday that
his oldest sister's son. Crombie Hen-
ry, had been killed in the freight
yards at Vancouver. He was g'6 years
of age and left Wingharn with his•par-
ents when quite young, His fattier
was road maser at' Wingham succeed-
ing the late Crombie Dallas, when he
Listowel Health Officer Resigns
The Listowel. Town Council, at its
meeting on April 7th., accepted the.
resignation of the medical officer of
health, Dr. H. Livingstone. The sal-
aryaid"was a nominal one of $loo
and the work has been quite heavy all
winter with the continuance of scar-
let fever and an outbreak of smallpox.
By this . action the town is in a pe-
culiar position with two provincial
nurses •directed by the M. O. H. and
a number of homes under quarantine.
St. Paul's Church Notes
Easter Day,
8.30 a. m.—Floly Communion..
is 'a. m.—Mattins ,and. Holy Com-
2.30 p. m.—Sunday School and Bi-
ble Class.
7 p, m.—Evensong.
Special Easter musicat all services.
Thursday April 17 8, p. m: Even-
Good Friday, a. m. Mattins.
8 p. m. illustrated Lantern Service
"The Cruifixion.". "Is it nothing to
you, all. ye that pass by?" Offering
atmorning service for Jewish Miss-
ions, at the evening service for W. A:
Remember—A welcome awaits, you
at St. Paul's Church. All seats free„
A Tribute to Mrs. J. M. Henderson
Again has the grim reaper death
been in our midst and removed a
loved one. We refer' to the passing
away of Mrs. James M. Henderson,
of Bluevale. Mrs. Henderson, whgse
maidenname was Ivtargaret Spence
was a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Magnus Spence and is the last
member of an outstanding family of
this neighborhood, whose name stood
for integrity and uprightness and
whose word was as good as their
The subject of this sketch was one
of those sweet characters' whorl, to
know„ was to love. She was true to
herself, her friends, her loved ones
and above all to her God whom she
delighted to serve in her quiet modest
way. Her iusband pre -deceased her
over twenty i it years ago. She had
no children f her owii„ bttt acted as
part of a true mother to any who need-
ed a mother's loving care and counsel.
She tenderly nursed and cared for her
parents who paksed 'away a few -years
ago having attained a good old age,.
also her :only brother John Spence
who died a year ago last October.
The funeral was held last Monday
afternoon April 7th., to the Wingham
cemetery. An impressive service was.
held at the house by her bloved pas -
for Rev, C. Tate. The many beauti-
ful floral tributes from friends and
loved ones testified to the High esteem
in which Mrs, Henderson was held
and the fragrance' of her unselfish life
will live in the hearts of those who
loved her for many years to come,
Asleep in resusl.peaceful rest
Whose waking is supremely blest;
No, fear; no woe shall dim that hour
That manifests the Saviour's power.
Eikays Straw Hat Dye makes your
old hat new for , 3o cents will not
crack or wash off, McKiib�iott's Drug
.09 pee y+
'6C Orley
„�„w „��� �'��,�°�9iI�IIIIIIMl1419�1IiY�hil�kGiNlPll�:
Saved is Motley Made"
r10I IIl lll�llll llhlll�ill
The Greatest Money Saving Event of the
Season is coming
�.. ,>' '
ne Coot
Thursday Friday anI. Sat . G rday
April 24th, 25th, t
Hundreds of items including Garden • Seeds, Recall Remedies,
Toilets, Stationery, Scribblers, Phonograph Records, Candies, Pipes,
Cigars, Toilet Soaps, Hot Water Bottles etc., are on this Sale. Your
"one cent" will purchase any of them ..
C on s Dr g Store
�� S`rmree
W h i¢haxin. Ont.
111/191a18996111Nllf111iilll®tlt2t!{11llll1111®IlWllISlil®Ill11lll ll2lllf^'3111E19111®IIIG1III�IEi
_ �IllElll®111�I11
Died of Pneumonia
Much. sympathy is extended to Mr,
and Mrs. Walter Welsh, Lower Wing -
ham, at the time of their sore afflic-
tion in the death of their twelve year
old. son; Eldon. The boy's death was
due to, pneumonia. The funeral was'
held from his .parents . residence to
Wingham 'cemetery Son Wednesday
afternoon. Rev. C. E. Cragg officat-
The parents two sisters and broth-
er wish• to thank their friendsfor kind
expressions of sympathy.
We loved him, yes we loved him,
But Jesus loved him more;
And called him Home to yonder shore
Where partings are no more,
There with the blest forever,
Our darling, now is safe,
Till Jesus says "Corrie higher up
To meet, to part no more."
Almost a Serious Accident
Last Friday afternoon a very
gerous happening occured which,
knight have been more serious than it
was. While .playing about Allan t
Small aged 4 years'ahid Frank and Roy I
Renwick aged 5 and 3 years wandered.
off to Tipling's sand pit near the C.I
P. R station, At present there is a
pond at the bottom of the sand pit and
the little fellows took off their hats I
coats shoes: and stockings and waded:
in the ice cold water that bitter cold!
afternoon. Allan Small made his way1
home in his bare! feet,but Frank and
Roy Renwick tried to get their shoes
and stockings on but were unable to
do so. When Mrs. " Renwick found
them they were lying on the wet sand
crying -and almost exhausted from the
cold, It was such a lonely place no
one could hear their cries. However
the three little fellows were able to be
around the next day not much the
worse of their outing.
Mrs. John Fyfe Dies
The death odourred in Vancouver
Sunday, April 6th, of a former rest-
beloved wife of Mr, John Fyfe. De-
ceased was ill about two months.' Her
dent of Wingham viz Louisa Tracey,.
parents were Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence
Tracey and Mr. Fyfe is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence n e Fyfe who reside
with their daughter Mrs, Albert
Loutitt in Wingham. Before leaving
for the West they were esteemed citi-
zens of Wingham and Turnberry.
Six Fox Puppies Adopted by Dog
Jim Kirby, a local telephone line-
man, is pleased with the success of a
recent experiment he made in rais-
ing a batch of fox pups. Mr. Kirby
located a family of six very young
fox puppies, whose mother had been
shot in the neighborhood and taking
them home gave them into the care
of his female canine, which happened
tobe nursing`a family -at the time.
Neither parties made the slightest ob-
jection and the dog puppies les were re-
moved and the baby foxes are doing
nicely under the care of their foster -
mother. • ' -
A Pleasant Luncheon
The regular fortnightly • luncheon—
of the, Lion's Club was held .at the.
Brunswick Cafe last Friday. evening,
Mr. W. E. Brawley acted as GoodfeI
lowship Chairman and introduced as
the guest of the evening, Mr. R. Mc-
Killop, Superintendent of the Bruce
Division, C. P. R..111.r. McKillop gave
an addresb on the railroad situation
in Canada. He also favored the
Lions with two vocal numbers which
were greatly appreciated. At the re-
quest of the members ; Mayor Willis
rendered a solo in pleasing manner.
The meeting closed with the National
aster Foot
On Easter every one will' be attired in newluma e
p g
1 Do Not Overlook `3 Easter Shoes
Shoes always play a most important part in the dress
of any man or women. Our Spring 'Showing prac-
tical dainty and exclusive Footwear has never been
better.,4 It is ready for our inspection
Come Herfor
Easter Shoes
THE SANDAL SHOE with its low heel is especially
popular, shown in White Elk. Smoked Elk, Grey
Suede and Patent $4,00, to $'E]oo
We've a size and width to fit correctly ever. foot
'that comes to us, and our Shoe service is excellent
Sli.4) STORE