The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-12-19, Page 3�orri� Vidette and rrrr Wroxeter News Thlursdlay, December 19th, 1929 SMAS SPE �E iIte ?W eteQ!falilrCcunls O V G R i 11I 117, 1 II500 -STD -RES II r 7 NEW CROP CHOICE MIXED NUTS Zilf.ELVERY H0 reigns the spirit of Good Cheer, Gayety and Joy!, The banging of Christmas Crackers. Good things to cat and drink. Truly, was there ever such a happy Christman? Shopping at Dominion Stores brings about this glad yet economical recall. Everything that creates the successful Christmas Dinner will be found on our shelves—the finest quality at the most reasonable price. ALMONDS, FILBERTS, WALNUTS, BRAZILS Per lb. 25c LARGE WASHED Brazils lb. 25c THIN SHELL Walnuts 1b,.23c NEW SICILY Filberts lb. 21c CALIFORNIA BUDDED Walnuts Ib. 35C ESTI* SOFT SHELL (yl�J�y//f/�///////'�i ,,///,��rad�3('�'��5p9,�ST -'1,")*S Ahnondslb.27c 54 CAKE 'WNW' 4ugj,� ,, RRR"'!l/YYYwMibC/ GIFT a9ox Qu.1LzrY pct, °DUC$S FROM OUR OWN BAKERY OLD ENGLISH STYLE. CHRISTMASAPPR EACO LDS. PUDDINGS IN EARTHENWARE BOWL FRUITDELR SOI! SLT CAKE EY THE POUND PLAIN OR 3 -LD. ICED SLAB, FRESH QUALITY Mincemeat 2 lbs. 29c Horseradish Bottle 15c OAKVILLE Crabapple Jelly'12.21c Jello 4 Pkgs. 25c XMAS ERS PURE FINEST Sockeye Salmon lb. Tin 47c Sweet Gherkins BOTTLE 55c H. P. Sauce Bottle 27c SWEETHEART CHESTS ICED AND DECORATED Each 7 Raking Requirements !Alb. Pkt.19c -ib. Pail 57c FOB BETTER BAKING Cl IS1 lb. 24e 311ba. 72e MK1NG POWDER We have a targe assortment of these fun -makers. Made 1n England. 3 e 750 1-10. Tia 1-10, Tin R FCOORS' 32e DOMTNO23e IEND ..� FINEST SrdYRNA DRIED FRUITS RAISINS-- THOMPSON Seedless 2 FOR 25c Seeded p1jK r 17c FANCY MALAGA Clusters pit 35c FANCY- RECLEANED Currants lb. .1. tie PEEL Lemon& Orange Ib.23c Citron Cut Mixed lb. 35c lb. 25c HEEDS' Mustard 2 -oz. Tin 15c .Knox Gelatine Pkg.' 22c Olives Clubhouse QQi,a, 33c We have a large .assort- ment of pure candies, Jelly Beans, Ron Candies, ete., At 19c 23c 25c PER POUND. Table Figs AgnAi`o.25c FRENCH GLACE Cherries MARASCHINO Cherries a-001. BOTTLE lb. 4,3E 27c A delightful gift Assorted Chocolates, hard centres, nuts, etc. 2%-1b. Box 89c FAMILY S1ZE 1-Ib.Box 39c BASSETT'S IMPORTED Licorice Allsorts 1b.25e TODHUNTER'S Choeolatc Nibs lb. 39c ASST. CHOCOLATE BARS 3 for 14c Mr. :::Y:LJJ. ✓U. 'lSai, Ra ear FOR DECORATION Cake C-.ndittas, Pkg. lee Assorted Wees "TIN 9e TASTT AI gad licitLFIE ; Pkt. 2.90 Wishing You Ary w >;: wrry 1:. as GORRIE 'The annual' meeting; of the Ladies' .Aid was held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Gamble Thursday afternoon. The ladies have had a very successful years. The officers for 1930 are:— Mrs. re:Mrs. Robt.. Hastie, president; Mrs. P. Laine, vice-president; Mrs, Joh'h Strong, Treasurer; Mrs, NI. Abram,. F. F. HOMUTH Phm. B., Opt. D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Picone 118 Harriston, Ont. "The Best Equipped optical Es- tablishment in this part of Ontario". Secretary. Flower .C;onunittee—Mrs L. Campbell, Mrs. W. J. Pyke. The home previously occupied by the late Mrs. John Dane has been sold to Mr. T. Short, The funeral service of the late Mrs, Rbbt. Black was held from her late home on Thursday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. 1?. W. Craik. Mr, Harvey S.parling sang by request "Soule day well understand." The deceased was very highly es- teemed in the community, and was a neighbour above the average, many families being able to testify to her cheerful disposition .and willingness to help in tinges of need, Burial took place in Fordwich cemetery. The family are°assured of the sincere sym- pathy of their many friends. M-. and Mrs, Victor Shera visited on Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wood, Mr, Robt, .Ashton spent a couple of days in . Clinton recently. Mr, Rob.t. Irwin expect Week -end, mission free, The annual meeting of the Pro- gressive Mission Circle was 'held at the home of Miss 'Alba Carson on Monday evenin d last, with the Pres- ident in the chair. After the pro- gramme the President thanked the circle girls for their assistance during a very successful year. With only twelve members they 'overreached their allocation. A bale was also sent to the Deaconess home in Tor- onto, consisting of slips, mitts, ap- rons; gowns, toys, scrap -books and. candy. Mr. Craik then conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows.:—Hon. Pres., Mrs. L. F. Ash,- ton sh-ton ,(appointed by W.M.S.); Pres,, Nellie Dane; Vice -Pres., Pauline Ash- ton; Rec. Sec, Alba Carson; Cor. Sec, Marjorie Baker; Treas., Alexandria Hamilton; Supt. of Christian Stew- ardship, Janet Gamble; Pianist, Mrs. Craik; Press, A Carson and N. Dane. The annual meeting of Gorrie L. O. B. A. No. 810, was held on the regular night, W. Mistress in the chair, The lodge, while still very young,°has just closed a very success- ful year. During the year ten new members were initiated, A large bale consisting of gowns, slips, aprons and one guilt, was sent -to the Protestant Orphanage at Richmond Hill. Plans were made to send greetings to ab- sent members, The installation of officers for the new year took place, W. M. Sister Taylor presiding. The officers for 1930 are as follows: — I,l'.M., Sister Catherine E. Taylor; W.M., Sister Gertrude White; D.M., Sister Sarah Wade; Chaplain, Sister Nellie Dane; Rec. Sec., Sister Alba Carson; Fin- Sec,, Sister Lillian Dane; Treas,, Sister Eunice Ferguson; D. of C., Sister Reita Carson; Lecturers, Sisters Margaret Graham and Evelyn Dane; Senior Member of Committee, Sister Martha Kaine; Committee, Sis- ters A. Toner, O. Ashton, Agnes Or- chard and O. Strong. Inner Guard, Sister Edith Anger; Guardian, Sister L. Thornton; Pianist, Sister Edith Holmes. A very pleasant social time was spent at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg on Tuesday evening last, when neighbors and friends, ov- er. seventy in number, met to 'extend congratulations to them on their re- cent marriage. After an evening of games and music the following ad- dress was read:— December 10th, 1929 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Clegg:— We, your friends and neighbors, gather in your home this evening for the purpose of spending an enjoyable time with you, and to extend congrat- ulations. Together you have embark - 'ed upon the voyage of life; a passage which will include many and varied experiences but we are sure you will have success and come safely through. Rather than wait until some future time to express appreciation, we want you to know tonigTit that ydu are both highly respected in this com- munity and the confidence of your friends will, no doubt, be a source of help in the days to conte. We all know that home is what we are able to make it by the spirit of love, fid- elity, co-operation and toil; and we know it is in this fine spirit you com- mence your journey. Just to con- stantly remind you' of our esteem., we would ask you -to accept and place these gifts in your home as tokens from those who will follow your lives with interest through the years. May God's richest blessings be up- on you both, and may you together enjoy many years of happiness and :ucCeSS. Signed on behalf of your friends, Nellie Dane, Marjorie Baker, Lorne Walker, Irving Toner. Messrs. Lorne Walker, I. Toner and Cleve Vittie presented Mr. and Mrs. Clegg with two handsome, up- holstered chairs with fernery to match, They were also the recipients of several other gifts from friends, Mr. Clegg, wile touch taken by sur- prise, replied in a suitable manner, thanking• the neighbors and young people for their kindness. All joined in singing "For 'They're Jolly Good Fellows" and the evening was brought to a close. A dainty lunch was then served. WROXETER The, November meeting of the Wo, men's Institute was held at the home of. Mrs. Lovell. In the absence of the president, the, chair was taken by Mrs. Wendt, After' various business items were gone over, an excellent re- port of the recent Convention held in Teeswater, was given by the dele- gate, Mrs. Sellers. The members are planning to send a bale of clothing to the, needy in Northern Ontario. There will also be a sale of Handker- chiefs at the December meeting, all members are requested to leave their kerchiefs before the meeting with Miss Holmes. The roll call brought some splendid recipes for Christmas Pudding. The December meeting will be held at the . home of Mrs. Stocks, when Dr. MacLeod will speak on the value of a sound body. Coun- try life, its advantages and possibili- ties, will be the subject taken by Mrs. Lovell. Mrs. MacNaughton will give a reading. Roll call, Memories of Christmas in Childhood. Mrs.' Allison Gibson received a box containing one hundred oranges front. a friend in California in recognition of her one hundredth birthday which occurs on December 21st. The body of the late George L. Mc- Michael, who died in Moosejaw, Sask, after an operation for appendicitis, was buried in the Wroxeter cemet- ery last Saturday. He was forty-nine years of age and unmarried. Mr. John Rutledge of Brampton called on friends in town one day last week, Mr. Laurie VanVelsor of Oshawa, is at present visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. VanVelsor, Howick str. Mrs. Stocks, who was called to London on account of the illness of her daughters a couple of weeks ago, returned home on Saturday. The December meeting of the W. M. S. of the United church, was held, at the home of Mrs. A. Wearring, Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Thos, Gib- son presided and opened the meeting with the hymn "Joy to the world," after which she read the Christmas story from Luke's gospel, This was followed by a season of prayer led by Mesdaines Stutt, McKercher, Gib son and Timm. The hymn "Silent Night," was sung. The minutes of the November meeting were read and. approved and the roll call responded to by verses containing the word— Children. A pleasing feature of the after- noon's program then took place when three of the officers and active work- ers in the society, Mrs. Thos Walker, Miss M. Honie and Mrs. A. 1. Sand- erson, were presented with Life - Memberships. The annual election of officers for the ensuing year was held with the following result:—Hon. Pres,, Mrs. Agnes Rae, Mrs. Thos. Gibson; Pres,, Mrs. A, Munro; lst Vice -Pres., Mrs. D. W. Rae; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Ti. Tininc; Sec., Mrs, R. Stocks; Treas., Mrs. Mary Edgar; Sec. Assoc. Helpers, Mrs. A. Sander- son; Sec. Missionary Monthly, Mrs, Thos. Walker; Stranger's Sec., Mrs. D. W. Rae; Temperance Sec,, Mrs.. W. S. McKercher; Pianist, Mrs. J. N. Allan, Mrs, J. R. Wendt; Auditors, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. Stutt; Superin- tendent of Mission Band, Mrs. H. Bolingbroke; Superintendent of 'Baby Band, Mrs. A. Wearying; Assit. supt. of Baby Band, Mrs, 13.' Martin. Harrison and Mi;. M. to be in Toronto this Special Christmas -music will be given iti 'the Unite.:..hurch next Sun- day morning, The pastor will speak on "The greatest- story in the world." C.yhristuzas carols will be sung at the evening service. Come and bring your friends, Young folk are invited to the Lea- gue service' Friday night, Miss N. Dane will have charge of the topic: "The Lord is trey Shepherd." Forty Members attended last Friday. An- swer the roll' call with a text includ- ing service. The. Junior 1,eag-ue will enjoy a Christmas program next Saturday af- ternoon at 3 p.nt, in the church schoolroom; The annual "At Home" for the :united Church Sunday School will be held on Friday, 'December 27th, at 7.30 p.ni, Lunch will be served. A.cl- >ve 4 IN STOsusE WE SELL THE BEST FO., f LESS Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs, for 25c Mincemeat Special, 2 lbs 27c Jewel Shortening, spec. 19c M. Derby Loaf Cheese, spec. 38c lb: McCormick's Water lee Wa- . fer, per lb. 35c New Novel Oranges, per do- zen 39e, 49c, 59c Choice Dates, 2 lbs. for .,,,.,,,23c Mixed Nuts' No. 1, special at per lb. 25e Candies p Y s eciall priced from 19c to 35c a 1b. Grapes, Cranberries, Grape Fruit, Peanuts, Lemons, at spe- cial prices, Meri's Scarfs, Fancy Socks, Ties, Garters, Braces, Gloves, Arm Bands, Pyjamas, Shirt's, Garter and Arm Band Sets in fancy Xmas boxes.' Women's Turn.beull's Silk Underwear, Silk, Silk and Wool Hose, Shoe, Trees, Luii:cheeon Cloths, Blankets) Handkerchiefs at special' prices. WISHING ALL A MERRY* CHRISTMAS. MUNRCES Tei phone 06 1 GLENANNAN We wish the Advance -Times, and all, its readers a Merry Christmas, a bright and prosperous New Year, Miss Edna Lincoln was a recent visitor with her friend, Miss '!,aura' Wright of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Stokes and daughter, Elaut, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Sangster of Car-, rick. Mrs. Sidney Taylor, who has spent the past coAtple of ntoitths visiting friends here has rettrrtied to Toronto. afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. Haskins, with a fair attendance. The meeting opened with the singing of "The Maple Leaf'." Minutestof last meeting were read by Mrs. Lincoln. Community song, "A Xnias Story" by Mrs. Rev. Turnbull, Exchange of gifts. Report . of Convention, by Mrs. Hector McLean. Roll Call — "What I would like for Xmas" this brought forth some sore needs. Mrs. Herd and Mrs. Jas. Douglas served a tasty lunch which brought a pleas- ant afternoon to a close, Friday evening a number of friends of Mr. Henry McGlynn met at his home to bid hint farewell before he leaves for his new home in London. Mr. McGlynn has decided to give up farming and spend his rep -mining days free from toil. During the ev- ening he was presented with a suit case and gold coin, as a •small token; of esteem. Miss Eleanor Jeffray visited last week with John Harris, Huntingfield arid Mrs. Lucy Harris, Mildmay. Fire originating in a cutting box in the barn of Clifford Holland, of Walton, completely destroyed the building and its contents. There is a very small insurance. SALEM 141r. and Mrs, Albert Gallaher call- ed on friends in Wroxeter one day recently. . Mrs. Win. Weir has gone to Tor- onto where she will spend the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. John Hartley. Mrs. John Abraham from near Bel - more, has come to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. 'Willits. The children are busy practising for the Xmas entertainment which will be held on December 23rd. The Union school concert will be held on Thursday, December 19th in the school house. A ,large number of children have been suffering from severe colds. A. number from this neighborhood attended the funeral of the late Geo. 12th LINE HOWICK Mr, Russell Harris spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs, 'Wesley Un- derwood. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Vittie visited with Mr. David Cathers of Garde, Nfr. Robt, Hays wears a smile. Weenie little stranger. Mr. Henry Finlay spent the week- end with his uncle .and aunt of Tory Corners. Mr. and Mfrs. Jas. Underwood spent Sunday with Lakelet friends. Mr. and .Mrs. '`Phos. Wright visit- ed with the latter's brother, Mr, John Finlay. Miss Lillian .Vittie visited with her friend, Mrs. 14ielvrlle Finlay of Tory Corners. BELMORE 'lite Sabbath School entertainment of the Union Church will be held 00 Friday evening, December 2pth. The December meeting Of the vV.:- men's Institute was held Wednesday / OR. C. C. RAMAGE DENTIST, GORRfl Phone 21 (Stinson residence). Fot wicti tin Wedncstlay. 1 to 'fl o'clock, CHRISTMAS COMES ONLY ONCE A YEAR Make it Merry and Prosperous. by Buying at Home. We can supply you with qual- ity goods at reasonable prices. Our space is too limited to quote prices. So we will just make a few' suggestions. The new Figs, Dates, Raisins, Cur- rants, Peels, Extracts, Glaced Cherries, Flavorings, you re- quire for your Christmas bak- ing are now in. We will have a fine display of candy and fruits of al !kinds. Special pric- es in quantities for School treats. We will put thein up in individual bags. When looking for gifts call and see our fancy boxed Ties, Garters, Braces, Arm -Bands, Fancy Hose etc. Just the thing for a nice present. We have reduced the price on - our dinner sets. We have a nice assortment of fancy china to choose from. We would like to show you our stock of foot- wear in Overshoes and Rubbers. They are neat and comfortable and are cheaper than they have been for years. We still have a number of Overcoats to dispose of this month at very reduced prices. Also some men's wool and fleece -lined underwear. Bring Your Eggs and Cream. DAVEY'S STORE WROXETER. McMichael of the West, whose corpse arrived in Wroxeter 'last Saturday. IIi;•'i111411111E11181111®III ,,IIIIIIIaIII®III®III11III1131II®III®III 6�§ ee� 1115111111111111111111111IIf0MW116111®111 11111111 MI IIM I IMI11 I I®I ISIIIEH O INIIM111131II aIIImG<III IIIl111X111'iIIIBIIli1IIoHImNIi1111a1 nai T !IIWI11®111®11!19111,^IIIIEIiI®111®11112111191115111 t7 he Doctor of Towns) Says CTO NEXT WEEK IS CHRISTMAS For the sake -of those who have stood behind the counter from early morning tiff late at night trying to please you, satisfy and ,ser- ve you well, 1 hope you did your shopping early.. T hope there isn't a ten left in all of your stores -1 hope ev- xyy 'boy and girl will find their stockings full to I'vreflowing—that yuu will see to it that every ben and girl docs have a Christmas. May everybody in 1 'ingham be happy, and merry this Christ- mas, and when the fancily circle gathers 'round the dinner table, may every ''heart be glad, No doubt there will be those with yin tliis year who haven't been bark to the old honcc town for months and months—perhaps years. 'There may be, too, those anu,lig yuu Alio never have been in `4Vinibatn before. While they are “home," light of heart and gay, meeting old acquaintances and making nc-ty, sht'w their \\ ingiiam its it is today, l'cil thou what hopes you have for future growth, and ask them, when occasion arises, to say a good word fur Wing:l.iarn. tell" theta on the place where you live, work, play and make you money, so that wherever they go they will be emissaries ereat- ing prestige, good will, and who can tell, perhaps it new infltistry, new people, may nonce of it. "Sell" them, yes; but do 001 ovrrflo it. Avoid dangerous sup- erlatives. Remember there is no such thing as a "best" town. When a town is worst, it's bound to become better, but the community that is best could be no better, and there is nir habitat that could not. be improved upon. Again, I say, may WiUR'ham ,have. a most jovfnl Christmas Copyright, 10.2;1, A. 11. Stone. Reproduction' prohibited in whole Or in. part, This Town Doctor Article is published by the Advance-Tirncs itt co-operation 'With The tions Club, puipine Ip1IISIII®IIIglIIMIII®11MlI13111111111E11110111 19 ti ifitiiiNNIl11c0111111.111N1101111 1111111111.11iii1�1111�1(II,imillilinitliMillilllIlik11fM !111 11 1 11101111I1111i 1i1 11!1100