The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-05-09, Page 751 Thursday, May 9th 1929 W INGrtiAIV[ A17V f�Ntr1E�2C v1(h S JUST when we think our stock of Used Cars is away down in come a lot snore taken in on the Spring .deliveries of Outstanding Chev. rolets. And they are certainly the finest, smartest bunch of used cars we've seen in many a long day. . But .' . good as they are .. they have to go. And when you look over the cars and see • the prices you'll realize they will go fast. Colne in tonight. Or as soon as you can. This chance to save • dollars on a REALLY GOOD. car is too unusual to miss. 'ONE FORD TOURING ........ ........ . . ONE FORD COACH .ONE 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN (NEW) .. . .ONE 1929 BUICK COACH UC-II.5-295 $ 110.00 325.00 850.00 1395.00 All In Al Shape. Come And See Them. Be Convinced. A. M. ".. ra*ford Wingharn SHEET STEEL CEILINGS Stop falling plaster; end unsightly cracked ceil- ings. Easy to put up quic and once up they stay. No duet or litter. Easy to clean or paint. GALVANIZED SHINGLES for The Roof Handsome, inexpensive, fireproof, easytb ayover old roofs—permanent. Get the facts. Ask your tinsmith or carpenter. GALVANIZED SIDING for Outside Walls Three attractive pat- terns. With building paper are warm. dry, windproof. Easy to put onandpaint. BEAUTIFUL Sheet tressisst firs effect ively. Add brightaesa to halls, stores, churches' schools, kitchens and bathrooms. Do nothing till you get the prices and full particulars. For Sale By H. Buchanan Hardware R. R. Mooney E. Hawkins Machan Bros. HIl1111111U>AIII11i1i1111111111a011,111i11ION11111a111111II111Hailla111 1111.1IIAI11111111155iilnlIiali1011Iaul til Bring us your Cream and Eggs, or give us a call and we will be. glad to call for your produce. Watch for Yellow and Blue Trucks. c POTATOES COBBLERS, GREEN MOUNTAINS; DOOLEY'S See these at our Wingham Branch. All grown:- from certified seed. (We deliver). s1 1 a i Welii:ogtoo. 0a.. ce .0a., Ltd. .11 iii• W. B. THOMPSON, Branch Manager. I. Phones : Office 166, Night 16.; Win•ghar Branch. j. wjll film[111is11i�NililitioMltlutilM1111Mi1111 for slid llllimm 111>r;IiopoommiI nioni.IW11111■IIII ui Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie {Allen Brown The Grading of Beef Out of the west has .come the very sensible suggestion of grading beef and marking itwith a rotary stamp in different colors. Then the pur- chasers will know what they are buy- ing. Talk about gambling in the stock market, there isn't any greater gamble than to go into a butcher shbp and buy a piece of beef. You pay your inoney and you take what you get. Good, bad and indifferent ail cost the same. You may get a lovely piece of prime juicy porter- house, just absolutely perfect, then again you may get ' a piece of that wise old cow who has carried the cow -bell and led the cows home in their games of follow your leader for many a long year. In most cases the butchers have to lake what the pack- ers send their. Beef ,seems to be the worst offender of all the meats. A proper system of grading and conse- quently paying for the grade purchas- ed.would be welcomed. Eggs. Wlien a food 'is plentiful and cheap the' wise housewife uses it frequently, At .the present season of the year eggs are cheap and should be used freely, Use them occasionally as a change from the :pleat that we are getting rather tired of, for in most small places from Fall until Spring it is a case of getting Beef and Pork or Pork and Beef and no other kind of meat. ,- Eggs are like meat in being a Pro- tein food. They contain Proteid Fats and mineral matters. Carbohydrates are absent and forthat reason they are not a complete food as milk is. They, have nothing to give them bulk. When they are combined with carbo- hydrates as they are in so many pttd- dings they make a complete food, Fortunately instinct teaches tts to do many thingswhichare scientifically correct. ' Mitterals and' Vitamins. The' egg contains a generous quan tity of salts that are readily absorbed into the blood. The most important minerals which it contains are Phos- phorous Iron, Lime and Sulphur. The iron is to be found mostly in he. yolk. Eggs should be included in the diet of an"anaemic person on ac- „ � count of the iron present, It is easy to understand that there are lots of. mineral salts in eggs when you re- member that the bones of chickens are made from the: •contens of the. egg alone, All No known Vitamins are present in an egg. Di,g'estability. When,a woman does not know how to cook it is frequently said of her "that she doesn't know how to boil an egg„' As a matter of fact a good many women who pride themselves on being good cooks cannot do that same thing properly. A boiled egg should never be boiled. Haven't you often :eaten eggs that had a hard tough layer of white near the shell and thena layer of watery uncooked white surrounding the yolk? That will always happen if you cook your eggin water which ” is boiling. If you want to have a soft cooked egg that hasthe white solid and jelled throughout but not tough nor Iva* Gook it in the following manner. Bring the water to the boil, put in your egg and remove from: the heat, cover closely and let stand for 7 min- utes. If you; are cooking several eggs at a time let the watercome to the simmer before ° removing. • If you simply must boil your egg then do not have the water above sin4mering.. Eggs that are cooked at a high temperature are tough and difficult to digest. That is why children or adults with weak digestions should never be given fried eggs. Eggs can be hard-boiled in- the same method by letting them stand for 40 minutes. A hard cooked egg is somewhat hard- er to digest than a soft cooked one. If it is divided into small pieces it is easier to digest. An. egg a day is ;a good rule for children. Scrambled Eggs with Tomato Sauce. 6 eggs 1.* cups tomatoes 2 tsps. sugar 2 tbsps. butter tsp. pepper 1 slice onion tsp. salt Simmer tomatoes anti sugar 5 min- utes. Fry butter and onion until on- ion is a golden color. Add tomatoes, seasoning and eggs slightly ?reaten. Cook over a gentle fire stirring and scraping from bottom of the pan un- til of a creamy consistency. Serve with toast. Goldenrod Eggs. 3 hard boiled eggs 1 tbsp. butter 1 tbsp. flour 1 cup of milk tsp. salt tsp. pepper 5 slices toast Make a thin white sauce with flour, butter, milk and seasonings. Separ- ate yolks from whites of eggs. Chop whites finely and add to the .>~auce. Cut 4 slices of toast in halves and arrange on a platter. - Cover with sauce. Force yolks through a strain- er and sprinkle on top. Garnish with toast points and parsley. Two Sources of Power for District? There is under consideration a -pro- posal to build a high tension trans- mission line from the Niagara system into this district, and install a fre- quency 'changer set to provide the yearly increase of Hydro power. This. Mould give two sources. of power to this district, thereby decreasing our chances of interruption by 50 per cent, In case the deal goes through, there will, be considerable Hydro ac- tivity. in Hanover, with considerable money spent on plant and equipment. -Hanover Post, Newspaper Advertising Pays. The Collingwood I3ulletin scored a point last week on direct advertising; The superiority of newspaper adver- tising was well illustrated at the post office but a few days ago. One of our enterprising firms, who by the way are free users of the local press, received a gratis number of circulars from: headquarters of the,. company they well represent. '1'o complete the arrangements, as planned elsewhere here, the Collingwood _firm mailed circulars, with what result? By ac- tual: count no less than thirty-four were picked up on the floor of the post office, while the waste paper basket ivas overflowing. Contrasted with' this is the fact that not a copy (4, the local papers,. which were ,dis- tributed at the same tinge was found lying around. All had been taken with the current mail to be read in the home, : 13etter evidence of the. value, of the local press is difficult to adduce, Teeswater school heard is wreck- ing the old stone school, which has stood vacant since 1878. Hon. Mr. Elliott in presenting esti- mates in the House of Commons on "Tuesday, included the „following; $21,000 for public building at Exeter, $1,600 for repairs to Listowel Bost office; $10,00 for paving at Westmin- ster Hospital, London; $1,500 for re- pairs to Mildmay post .office, and $2,000 for heating plant for Parkhill post office. i Your Lamps from Experienced Firm in .Gasoline Appliances 10 YEAR$ IN BUSINESS --THOUSANDS OF p'f,7R LAMPS DAVE BEEN SOLD Regular $12.00 lamps. for $8.90. Other Masxtle Lamps are Laid Aside and Replaced by the We do all kinds of re- pairing in Gasoline Lighting Systems and Lamps, and have in stock accessories for most of the makes. AgentsWanted ul i t 'reldls' Wailte4l THE NULITE LAMP makes and burns its own palacet gas. Iis so inexpensive to eperate that the most humble home can be lighted as 'brilliantly as a , It will give you a bright lamp, Stronger than twenty coal oil lamps. Every lamp is guaranteed, and if not as repre- sented, you may return it at our cost. WHY EXPERIENCED USERS OF MANTLE LAMPS PREFER THE "NULITE LAMP”— BECAUSE It has the straight generator. It gives a light of 400 candle power at the small cost of a Third -of a -Cent an hour. It has no globe, and, therefore, saves a bill of expense which is attached to most all other lamps. It has no wick to trim or fuss with, and : above all, there is a big saving in mantles. No chimney' to clean, no wick to trim or fuss with, 'ten times safer than the ordinary kerosene (coal oil) lamp. Unlike every other lamp, in common use, it will burn in any position— sideways, upside down, or it can even be rolled on the floor with perfect safety. As we have found by experience that the best advertisement is to have lamps in use at different places, we have decided to ship to any destination, one of our "Nulite" lamps, equipped with fancy, shade, on receipt of $8.90. This offer is good only. for 15 days. Reg, Price $`11.00 PRICE OF $7.90 LANTERN For 7 Days Only 7 DAYS TRIAL ORDER BLANK This form secures for you 7 Days' Trial of sample Lamp or Lantern. You may return same Canadian Express within 7 days if it does not meet our claims, and we will refund your money. THE CAPITAL GASOLINE LIGHT CO: (10 years in business) OTTAWA, ONT. Date 1929' Gentlemen, With the distinct understanding that this ` is a 7days Free Trial, .3 wish you to ship at onee to my railroad station Lamp 210B. I enclose $8.90 to cover cast of lamp, special price quoted in Advance -Times. If I do not find thelamp is all that you represented it to be, I will re- turn same. It is understood that you are to return my money. If I do not return the lamp within. 7 days, you are to keep the money. Name P. O. Address..... .. City Prov ainamanaminannimniamna SCHOOL REPORT The following is thereport for S. S. No. 2, Turnberry, for the month of April. Sr. IV—Eldon Iiirtonl Leslie Har- ris, George Harris, Hugh Harris, Jr. III—Alex MacTavish, Marie Sharpin, Ist Class—Lois Elliott, Evelyn Sharpin, Jean Elliott, Margaret Har- ris. Primer -Vera Sharpin, Flora Mac - 'ravish, Harold Elliott. M. Scott, Teacher. 111511111111111111111111 NJ ® The ms ms es sit NA am ■ i•` ■ • • ■ cclet • s [� MERMEN El ES MENEBBERP tl u Goods May a Inspected on Delivery and if Not Satisfactory No Obligation to Buy. Mattress Spring and Beautiful New Model Bed Finished in Walnut Color "Compare These Prices with 5,a,tanb rices" CALCUTTA MATTRESS—Made by Simmons. Upholstered with French roll edge with attractive design of art ticking. Weight 42 pounds. SPRING --Premier. Simmons Spring. Angle frame with flat steel supports. Weight 50 pounds. BED—Simmons Steel Bed with solid panel. Attractive design. Just the bed outfit for an extra room. Easy to clean and handle. FILL OUT THE COUPON MAIL COUPON TODAY A. J..VANDRICK & SONS Listowel, Ontario. Please deliver to me the following bed outfit: Mark (x) opposite size desired Size 4 ft. 6 in. • Size 4 ft. Size 3 ft, 3 ins. Name Address • Terms ars anged if desired. 01, �IMIINIMM IIr�I�I NMIIMl�6MIl1�',BBI I�IIgI MMNNININ III I IIMN II *NNW I • • ll� s�. MAII, al COUPON ■ TO -DAY m • 1 111 1 1 1 11NNNI1M 111111 IgMINN