The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-05-09, Page 4WINOHAM ADVANCE -TIME , Thursday, May etlt 1929` 13,k) 46 •�14 /IAI�tJ,I r �_ 4PT sp,tr/J' + Jet• 9.09.1,,MVO.L\e V.4..41/4, JD,,,AMI? p�,/JL.`ZAL thers Day"Sunday, May .12iith ti HIS YEAR GIVE MOTHER CHOCOLATES MOM'S, S YV EE A EST MAID, SMILES N CHUCKLES In Appropriate Packages. McKIB W INGHA1Vi 111, ON'S DRUG STORE R.. 1) PHONE 53. • \ • 1YT r \ Yal e n •11 iYe s YA1Y•\lir MY1110 1Yq • tral1i/sl �DYi\1hi\ It/e\11Yi11A•� s cents a word pet insertion with re minimum charge of esc. *** l M1111,11111101,0111110111tItfifiltit11111 lllll 11111111,11.111.t lll lllllll lllllll $1.111,11[01110.4111411111111111t lllllll I ll lllll ll .110 u,t,u,t ormumomow MAY HA.TCHED.CHICKS 13ai-red Rocks 18c, Single Comb White .Le(horns 17c each. Hatching Eggs from April to July 5c each. A- bove prices are for customers coming. to the farm for their purchase. Chick are sold in regetiation boxes but cos-. tourers mat furnish containers for eggs. 1f you are in needof a new Brooder- -stove, rooderstove, founts, feed hoppers, etc., let me quote prices on Royal egthipment. C. G. Campbell, .Auburn, Ont., phone Blyth 10..24 BABY - CHICKS \\='e can supply- yott with Baby Chicks front bleiod tested snick. Bar- • Ton strain, at $1'2 per 100, June de- livehy. For all orders received three weeks before the chicks. are wanted we twill give ti discount of 5 per cent. These are. bi , strong, healthy chicks. CHICK FEEDS This year we are offeriug our chick deeds to the Public. We have given these feeds a thorough trial and can recoillrtiend them to yeiu. Yon can f'ed these with every conficlence. that you are t,criri;;' to raise nil your chicks. We have proved that what the Nyco. chick is raised en has a great influence on the adult bird, in health and production '('here, is . a supply of our feeds at Adams Wingham; Puff's, Week -ale; Cole's, llelgrave; 1) Ivey s, \Vroeter; and G. H. Wight man's, Whitechurch. Walter Rose, Phone 38x, B ussels,..Ontario. Tenders. For Drainage Work TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Sealed tenders will be received at the Clerk's Office up to 6 O'clock p.m. on Wednesday, May loth neat. for the open and the tile portion of the Main Drain and tile portion of ltranch t nn the Fisher -Gregory i)r:tin in the Township of "1'urnberrv. Plans and profiles play be: seen at C'leric's Office, No tender necessar- ily accepted: W. R, Cruikshank, Clerk. 1. J. Wright, -Reeve. FARM FOR SALE We offer this week a farm of 150 acres, close to a prosperous village with stores, churches, Post 0fifce etc, Good bnilthngs, '.Perim right, Might rent to a good man if not sold n 0 short time. Abner ['owns, Insurance & Real Estate, \Vinghatn, Ont. J. D. McEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Sales of Farm Stock and lhnple- rl,t'ntS, lwt'al 1:tttte, cafe„ conducted with sati factiott and at moderate charges. DOG LOST -Natural i3ob tail collie, tan color and tan eyes; White a- round neck and breast, narrow fore head with white stripe down centre. Reward for information for bis re- covery. Phone Town Cl ri. s .Of five, Wingham. FOR SALE -Mammoth White Pek- in hatching duck eggs, Extra lar- ge breed. Drake •11 lbs., 10c. W. M. Heti y, phone 624r14, Bel grave. FOR SALE -Piano practically new. :Apply to Box 13, Advance -Times. FOR SALE -Barred,,, Rock Baby chicks, Apply' to George Ross, phone 612r23, Whitechurch. GIRL WANTS POSITION at House work -Apply at Advance -Times. PROPERTIES TO ]3E SOLD •s - Prices Prices ranging from $35Q yt to yS AQQ(t, some of these are actually half 'their value. Apply to T. Fells. SALESMAN WANTED Splendid opportunity for young titan with sales ability, book up with Canada's largest music house selling Rogers Batteryless radios; Battery Radio and Phonographs in voulr own dis- trict. Apply to branch store R. S. Williams Co. Ltd,, Lucknow, Ont, TNM THINKS PEANUT POLITICS BAD FOR PARTY CONSUMPTION To the Editor av all thiol Wingham Paypers, Deer Sur;, , Beira tin Irishman, an natcherally fond av a shindy, I got afther fame Shpotton two arr tree wakes ago to ~a ' w.. S] '1 �� 0 11 at Ottawa,- •r on tot d wv , $ilt. t s t t, b TC) RENT Pontus to rent with all conveniences, A. '-T. Ross, Wing - ham. WANTED -Girl for general house- work. Apply to Mrs, William El- liot. Phone 605r5. ialxtMINA, GREEN $MT',ICr anilding Luang Qoatd of Ey „Mug Coe Ales Ordered Re,ywed, The nahrch, Of •pa•oF oss blas mean the passing oi' the "swage smithy of Gretna Gretin, srAf's the Pathfinder, 1211is inttuortal gtl,ltl of eloping coo' dos'Tias boone'alrlelnned by author- ities aree s a ° e31ta•co to motorists. The prtn ,t^tit o MYR' of the old ^blacksmit'h's buildii ;I;,;a„5 been oi'fered.a large sum 'l' t +itti , authorities if he will eon - A tl(. 4. 1 building. h ". But 1 � ttY'1]1U g t Q Vet e bi d > tts to let the payple'sce that Parley- . .tai et•t owner proudly declares he ,+ie,ei t not take a. gold mine tank' it, mint wus sontekull. more than an.4.i.„,',turd boasts that it is a "necessity,,, thernoon pink tay earthy: He 'a e,aa: Geetlla Green in its heyday was a l Reno, i til odti e sort of antithesis to he e , to be afther Lakin me adv eke fer t s t + Faris and ether cities.. Runaway party soon a row wus sht;,trgeJ sttaci a rt+aples were joined there in some_ the Simcoe Poslltawace. 'Twas a [hat the sante way that unhappy shmall affair, au u'ud bev been all v.aupie s are pue, asunder in these ci- tes for 1 begaltnin tes to -day. The village is on sout.h- b taut, share, Ica} , ;t Dumfriesshire, Scotland, just pin at it so long has messed tings „,e,e, ilte English border. As flu, up intoirely,, so it has. The only re- .iearest village on the Scottish side suit will be to make Quebec an Neiv •t ,was Jong notorious as the favorite Brunswick solid, fer the Grits, an to csot'- of alopint" 'couples: Up until 1751 Fleet Prison in London was the lave all tie resht av the counthry d:t g place for clandestine tnar- undher the imprission that no other ..,.;ea. But Lord Bztrdwick's act of fault cud be found wid 'the prisint 'i t year abolished Fleet marriages. governmint.' Payn,uts are all rola■sht i the runaway couples, whose Mar- iagcs were forbidden by irate par- fer a taste now an thin, but I don't uts` or the stern laws of England, belave in crackin thim wid a shta.rc :Id to find a more hospitable country, hammer in ordher to make a whole ',.•; a resul Gretna Green, across the dinner av thim. 'Tis a shame se it vrdeh•, became the soa1 of many l'tl,'ialids de.eiring Catty marriage. is, to see the good. ould Tory parthy .,ere they ,could be joined in wedlock bein led be the nose. be the Globe .. merely.;deelaring their wish to noospaper, That payper has done us :eery in the presence of witnesses . ue e lemony was usually perferined a few g9od turns, but ye can't dell ud ,v the viilage blacksmith, but tit on it, fer it may only be playin a all -keeper, ferryman or, infact, al- thrick on us be raisin a shmoke most anyone could. perform it. shcrane about Mishter Veniot's doins, -nue from 1760. to 1856 Gre:nt, in ordher to Ihr�ide a lot av wurse [tau was the haven of distracted lovers, and the village smithy bt e:tacit tings; so 1 tink, if aur byes hev army •hta inert romantic Louse in all the sinse, they will dllrop that little posht- ;'niteti Kingdom, ilut. Lord Bou awfice tllrubble at wanes, an look fer tis act in 1856 rendered ' tiles rnarr:; illegal by making it bigger tines. Shure, whirl weilcfate „caos.iary tor one of .he cont.ractina' the Grits at the nixt elickshun we ,ar•,ii,s to, reside in Scotiaud for this( kin give back. the jawbs to our own t.•ehks prior to the ee•renlony. U,. wurrukers. spite this fact, however, 'Gretna. Ore-. has endured. So has the vill.tg, smithy. ' •As soon as the weather. gitswar- ruiner so _I kin go widontan over- coat, fer me atild wan is. g.ittin, party 001,0 !TURAG+; CAA'S. shabby an the missus don't want me to buy a new wan this shpring, I 'chip �rrtt lee" of :t f ¢yid ,410iag.: ts ell`llt [induces Lo g -faired (nIs, musht go to Toronto to hes, a tall: wid \dishter Ferguson about whether One clay the local carpenter who had taken. /: job in he c•ineange to.! we spud liev an elickshun this'year ct goer writes 112ara Evans. l-i.e had ai' not. ander his arm one of the oddest 'lit- rc..' ole kittens I've O'er even. Apparent-: Whin I got this far wid inc.letther h' a long-lhaired whi:ht. t -loci]; the missus called ole to bate a carpet, like a Pet•siiati. Morete [bandidn'tanytiic.tt,g an thin, whin I got me payper afther else,it lookaed like -n polar bears cull. l.nd is lite?'' 1 dinner the firsht tint, 1 saw wus that " T111at of a cat - tlskeG hlril. parleyrnint had.pashed Mishter Ven- . }'s t str.r cut. :. A Yt rt '`Tiro. _., a cora . _ �t tot's eshtimates an, shure, it wus the,•' +e. "the ; • l• >or so ti 1 c :,; nt�d. only sinsible ting' to do, fer, if he storags �� ar. ;ous., 1• 1':u n~ 'ng tool: in 1 r' : a to k it r:. )Vhat v. tit. of 'eau lived. and the t c :.., . but .he ones that did grow longer and len .rr hair, and this kitten i:: the fourth g. nera;ton. I've gots•-von u! them." ANrell,if the cold of the Hinhaiay•n:. produced the long-haired Oriental eats, it seems logical that the tem- perature of a cold storage warehausc cellar should produce long -Haired alley cats. 1 watched tate various generations of those kittens around the nei hi or- hood, and was ahlllisod to Soo 'thein revert to common short. haireds. pay- all thim Tory poshtmasters an. mail carriers, an thin our byes wud her. got the blame fer the hould op, 'Tis poor management intoirely we hey : had fer a long tonne, now iwir since we shpilled the banes in noin- tane an sivintane, an druv all [dirt Frincli Tories in Quebec into the Grit parthy, an be the sante ;okcn. losht a lot av sates in Ontario, an in the \Vesht, an in the prawvintes down be the say snide. Shure, tings was diffrunt in the days av ould Sir Jawn A. whin we used to hey the Friucbies ay Quebec, an the Orangies av On- tario pulling together loike a w£ll- thrained tame av oxen, no mat -hes how Heavy the load wus net- note 11':\NTr1)-Girl for general house- heavy , .work. Apply at Advance -Times. lope the mud lis, an the roads \ins. rorty bad in thin days suflletoirees, \\'.\NTED'--18 Cattle wanted 011 pas- an it took skillful droivin to make the Lure for the summer at $6 a head; grade, as nie bye who wus uvcrsays also two ,litters of little pigs' for wud say. sale, ready to take off SOW at $9 a liefoor wve kin win the ni',t slick - pair by taking the whole litter. Sin each litter. Frani: Beringer, Blue - vale Road, D.R. GORDON WEBB, PHYSICIAN :A.N:1,) SURGEON 1. Gold Medalist Surgeon London, (Ent;.) M. R. C. S. (Eng.); L. R. C. P. (Lond.) Surgical Operations, a Speciality.. Maternity and Children a Specialty.1 OFFICE: -Old Davis I'1 iuse, one 1lotts front Anglican Church, Centre Street. Phone -15, W.ingbani, it f ill;IGir111 iR1111:iSi1 ilililil+ltlllliE'i1111 Orders far `V17'edctirlgs, Piinerais par other occasionsa e i tkt by SNEATH P 13hone 112, Witigba:tn Prompt Service, trtail et cltprees.. 111 4tIMIt11 11111111111111111 1'111111;111N,11 'l1M aid 100 ACRES GOOD PASTURE TO Rent -Apply to A. Fitzpatrick, \Vinghain, WANTED- Moulders -stove plate, e:•icultoral machinery; nice town to ,lir e in, steady work, Write Box A. Advance -Timers, Tenders for Drainage Work TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Tenders ' will he received . at the ['lark's Office up to 6 o'clock p.111. on `'aturdt\, Mtty 18th, 1920, for the ex - mating of the Thompson, Lamont, Deyell Drain in the -Township of Turtberry, Contractor to make de- posit of 10 per centof contract price ei guarantee for the propel' comple- tion of the work. Plans and specifi- t.ttian, in hands of Clerk, The low- t st or ally tender not necessarily lit W. R. Cruikshank, 1. J. Wright. C`lelrk. Reeve: e. TOWNSHIP OP TURNBERRY Court of Revision L curt of Revision on the assess - rte nt roll of the Town bi t of 'Ttarn- i merry will be Kid >in the Foresters' 11.11. 1'iuevak, on Monday, lfay 20. 1929, at 3 l'. tit. 111 patties interested: t hereby notified to :totem tltetlt- IwtcS ,artordttr t1y, \V 12 t'ruiltshank,C'lttk. shun we must hes- bother allies t•oan a few disgruntled .fellahs from Albers tag Yours fer "a bigger an bctthcr Canada." 7'intothy Bay. BIRTHS Allan -In Wingham, on April 28th, 0 1. t t s. al - an, a sail. T ltndi-Tot \\•`1nglhanr, 00 May 41h, to Mr. and Mrs. C, Bondi, a daughter. Garey-In Grand Valley, on April 28, ti, \Ir, and hers. Rao- t;arey, a -•-stillborn, Sohl TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed tenders addressed te, 1`urehasi ng Agent, Department 1'albile \Vorks, Ottawa, Will be receiv- ed at his office until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving) Wednesday, May 12 , 1929, for the supply „f coal for the Itonsinion 11utldiri threntglhout the Province of t)ntariu, including th ' l:'it.y of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications 11(1 conditions attached can be ob- tained front G. \\'. Dawson, 1'urclms- :rtg Agent, Department of Public Works. Ottawa; and R. Winter, Dis- trirt Resident Architect, 59.61 Vic- toria Street, Tort,nto, hitt. 'T(ncitrs .wi11 11)t 1)0 vomit trod tinli•ss made: on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment and itt accordance with depart- mental specifications and conditions. The right to demand from the site- eessfiil tenderer a deposit, not 'S.ding 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper ful• fitment of the contract, is reserved. By order, ' S. E. O'l3T2IEN,, Secretary, c'parttnetit of Public Works, Ottawa, May i, 1929. the TENDERS POlr. SCHOOL BUILDING riders will be received up to June lst,'1:929 for remodelling school buil- ding of 5. 5. No,: 6, .Howick, The lowest or any tender not neces. arily ttcceptt'd Plans and specifications itt the residence of the undersigned. S. 7:urbrigg, Sec'y-Trea s. R. Ii, 1, Gerrie, (grit, ed the Huron Presbyterial on TtlOs- day which was held in Exeter . Mrs, Erving Zion spent Tuesday with her aunt in Exeter. .Mrs. Thomas Anderson received the sad news of the daath of her sis- ter, Mrs. Jinn Bailie, who passed away izl the - Hospital in Edmonton. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved. Mr, and Mrs, .Gilles Haines and sons, spent Sunday with relatives in Culross, blear Teeswater. We are sorry to report the passing away.of Mrs, John Johnston; on Sat - f her h, eo ui d atthe home ay Mr. Charles McDonagh, The funer- al tools Palace Monday afternoon to Kintail Cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss four step -children, Mrs. Saul McManus, iii the West; Mrs. James Irving, raf Lucknow, Mr. John Johnston, 12 con., and Mr. Wm. Johnston, of Teucknow, and 'one son Jura, at Houle and four daughters, (Annie) Mrs. John Farrish; (Emma), Mrs, Frank Gill, In the West; (Mar- tha), Mrs Dr. Bender,. of Chicago; and (Edith) Mrs, McDonagh, With whorl she lived. Her husband pre deceased her over 25 year ago. We catend sympathy to " the bereaved family. England's proudest . families :are said to take second place when they take cognizance of the proud pedigree of the famous O'Malleys of Ireland. TIte O'Malley claim is based on a nhagnificentilluminated pedigree,with pages bordered in green and gold and with coats of arms in scarlet and blue and black, which is registered in the Office of Arms at Dublin Cas- tle, A hundred Tars ago it was cer- tified by Sir William Betham, the Ulster Ring at Arhus, as being "founded an evidence' of the most unquestionable and su:hentic charac- ter." It proves that the O'Malleys are descended in an unbroken male line from 365 A.D., when it joined the 1tii.lesi:an-Gaelic High Kings of Ireland, The Shirleys and Greeleys in Eng- land still claim to be the oldest fam- ilies, but they have not been able to dispute the O'Malley claim: • Sir Campbell's Next • Venture. That ardent Canadian, Sir Camp- bell Stuart, one of the directors of the London Tithes and the Canadian representative on the Cable and Wire, less committee, is about to issue a new Review exclusively concerned With Canadian affairs, says john _o' London's \Weekly. It is to contain articles in English. and French,. so as to appeal to all sections of the Can- adian population. Its circulation will be restricted to Canada and to read- ers in the Old Country specially in- terested In Canadian life. ASHFIELD 'Mrs. Fred Topp, oaf Toronto, cmm. ftp on Monday to attend the funeral l of the late Mrs. John Johnston, from t the home of Mrs. Topp's brother, Mr., Charlie McDonagh. Mrs. Sant Sherwood spent Monday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. J. P Barbour, of todcrich. `I"lA Mrs, jint Purvis and sou and dan- g'hter, Mrs. Wm. Bolt, of West Wa- wanosh, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Palmer Irwin, Mr. E. Zinn attended the Presby DEATHS Fisher -At North Battleford, Sask., May 4, 1929, Kate, beloved wife of Rev. Peter Fisher, eldest daughter ofthe late Thomas and Ann Cald- er, Grey Township, Huron . County, and sister of Mrs. Win. E. Fo-crest, Glenallan, and Dr. Margaret C. Cal- der, Wingham Ont. Wilson -In Turnberry, on May 6th, George Wilson; in his 79th Year. Leaver -In East Wawanosh, on 'Tues- day, May 7th, Doris Lstehe, belov- ed daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ale*, ander ,Leaver, aged • 1 year and 2 months. MARRIED Morris -Lovell -On Monday, April 22nd; . by Rev: Large, :of Fergu, United Church, Mary Gillespie, (Marie) only daughter of Mr. and 1Nlrs, Thos. Tovell, Gorrie, to George, youngest son of -ivir. and Mrs. lvrn .t 'Morris, of Owen Sound. , ant d, FREE. RAILROAD FARE TO TO to enableyou,to purchase a car in The Greatest sed Car Sale We Ever .'e1d This is your chance to buy a guaran- teed, reconditioned Used Car at an am- azingly low price. We intend clearing out our large stock of Used Cars at pric- es: far below their Market. value. In or- der that you can take 'advantage of this sweeping sale, we will arrange to refund to you your railroad fare to Tor- onto immediately upon your purchase of any one of our cars. Fords, Chevrolets, Whippets, Stars and many other popular makes at prices 'away below their Used Car list price. Aanaziiing Bargains - Easy Terms Every Car Rec :t >linditioned, Guaranteed FREE ROAD SERVICE Willys - Overland Sales Co. Limited Used Car. Market BAY ST. at GROSVENOR and 909 BAY STREET TORONTO Kingsdale 4145 Open Evenings TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES ;TO WIT:: By virtue of a.'warraiit under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of ' Wingham and .111e Corporate Seal of the said Town of Wingham bearing G date the 25th day of March, A.D. 1929, to nate directed, commanding me to levy upon the several parcels of land hereinafter mentioned and described' as being in the Town of Wingham for the arrears respectively due there- upon together with costs, I do hereby give notice that unless the saidar- rears and costs be sooner paid I shall, on Saturday, the 6th day of July, 1.1). 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, in the Town. Hall in the Toon of Wingham in the County of Huron, sell by Public Auc- tion so much of the said lands as may be sufficient to discharge the taxes all climees incurred in an a out the said sale acid the co lection of the same. a: No. Description Years in Arrears Taxes Costs Total Name of Patented'. p Arrears Party . or unpat- l! ;i1 Lan 1192111111111®III®lll®11111111�i111111M and d b 1 its - e. i l�; i� i k Ei g - YOUNG MEQ assessed ented 1925-26-27-28 $109.32 $14.25 $123.57 Marion.Pat'd. GIRLS = Johnston 593 = To learn making. Tennis Shoes. --` Pay while learning, ` gp Steady work. Write or phone 1. Lots 12, 13 & 14 McIntosh Street South 2. Lots 4, 5 & 6 1925-26-27-28 . 78.49 $ 13;47 $ 91.96 C. ill. Pat'd Walker 3. Part Lot B, 121926.27-28 $ 20.18, $ 12.01 $ 32.4 Max Rhuni Pat. Dated a Wingham hi m 2 2 Mating age, weight and Neigh,. � t W gl a this 7th day of March, A. D. 19 9. to- W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer; Town of Wingham. The Elul swa u i,beR• Factory • Ennairaa, Ont. Renewa 11i1i1111111111®III®11113111®111®1111111119111®IIIc 1111E111 linemmemmereirsennamornme this week will be '.' elco fEINNENSIONNENIZEINNEINE EN Pi MI e Ill 1 ■ p lil�l • Ginghams, Crum's . Prints, Gre- g! pes, Cottage Prints, Voiles, sale • price 19c • 32 inch Heavy Quality English ▪ Gingham . 15c and 22c Rayons, Crepes, ' Percales and Broadcloths 29c to 69c NNMEINSINENS EMENN®ESN® :;.,:ENNNI i® ®®EN ane of tusin s a Specials f or . hursd Y,Friday and Saturday In is 8' S ■ Wash Goods 19c no ttry at Exeter in Main Street cburcil' on Tuesday, Mrs. D. R. Alton, Mrs. George s t :•,e i.ane,. Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, Mrs. John. tranary, Mrs, Bert Treleaven,. Mrs, Sam Sherwood, Mr. and lire. v1tttt, 'Shackleton, Miss Susie Kilpat- rick; Mrs. jinx Sherwood, Mrs. John {{ 7iilpltrirk, ';\rs: Jnjohn ;vlull'rrl,.attc.ad-i S eco • .is Table ' Oilcloths, colored and white, 1 j 39c, 14 llllll .....-.46c 81 inch Wabasso Bleached Sheeting, .at 79c 12/4 Ibex Blankets, grey and white at $2 19 Hemstitched Sheets,"large...$1.29 House Dresses and Aprons 59c to $1.95. Ladies' Sil k% Hose, lisle tops, reg. to $1.25, for 39c 63 inch Table Linen, floral pat- terns 69c 3.6 inch Heavy quality Flettes, sale price ............ 19c Turkish Bath Towels .......49c pr. Corsets, D. &A. and Practical Front, for .._ ............. .....-.........,95c Men's wear Men's Work Shirts, 14f to 18, on sale at $1.39 Men's Fiche Sox, sale prices 19c to 69c Men's Cotton Sox, fancy pat- terns, for - 15c Men's heavy Work Sox 23c, 29c Men's and Boys' Caps, on sale at 39c, 59c and 95c Men's Fine Shirts 98c to $1.95 Boys' Suits, sizes 31 to 36 $3.95 Men's Suits .....$9,95, 11.95, 14.95 Men's Overcoats $3.95, 6.95 Heavy black Overalls .....$L49 Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers on 'sale at 59c GSL 1 1cerii s Fresh Dates 10c 1b. Seedless Raisins 10c lb. Peas, 2 ,cans 050 Toilet Paper, 7 rolls 25c 75c Black or Japan Tea 581; lb. Reduced Prices on all lines of Dry 'Goods not listed -20% to 40% Reductions. voniuctertirateernoessikiiiriMeomzentsotteamaisiiiirisnensisinimirlikeneen. Curtain terials Marquisettes, Nets, Scrims 19c, 24c and 29c Colored Scrims and: Marquis- ettes, arq uis-ettes, sale 29c Silk Rayons, stripes and floral designs 59c and 95e Silk Rayon Panels, Frinze end on sale at $1.79 36 inch Cretonnes and Sateens 19c, 31c and 39c Goingout of Shoes, every 'pair must be sold. gs Linoleums, 2 yards $1.49 4 yards 2. at Y9y Oilcloths, ;sale price 42 sq. y .d. :Linoleum Rugs 74-x9 $7.65; 9x9 $8.75; 9x104 59,95; 9x12 $11.95 Sale Ends Saturday, May 1,1,th _ 11A1 1 JOBB° t A WINGHAM TeIe. lit tae 46. Everything On sate. Successor tO J. A. Mills. In 111BB11011BB111”11X11010111111811111111011111,11111110. 11 8110010/ MISIIIIMIS 11 • „;.i�:�.,�u:.siat+�t.•ae,1.J✓u�iut�s+.. �,,.,:a,