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The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-05-09, Page 2
W1N01: [.t 1Vl .ADVANCE -TIMES,, Particularly if you have a modern Connor Blec- tr,•ic Washer in your home. No < tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing work. Just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, turn a switch and the work is done. Win,gha . Utilities Commission. Crawford Block. Phone 156, i THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON I.'" SSON VL -MAY 1,2 The Early NMinis' ry of Jeremiah-. Jer, 1; 6-10; 26: 8-15. Golden Text; ---We must obey 'God rather than nim.,—Acts 51 29. THE LESSON - IN ITS SETTING. Time, -Jeremiah born (Beecher) about P.C.646. Begins prophesying, B. C, 626. Jehoiakim becom}mes king of Judah, B.C. 607, • Place,—Jereriah's call, at Anath- otli or Jerusalem. Jeremiah's proph- esying and trial, Jerusalem, JEREIVIIAH'S CALL. "Then said I, Ah, Lord Jehovah! behold, I know not how to speak; for I am a child." -Jeremiah was eigh- teen or twenty years old at the tiros, a very young roan. He knew that if he should attempt to proclaiin; divine truth he would be brought into con- flict with . many worldly minded priests : and prophets of the day. Josiah's : reformations, though sincere in the case of the king, did not reach very deep in the hearts and lives of his people, and Jeremiah was certain to embroil himself in opposition to the current of .the times. He was timid and shrinking. He was not practised in public -speaking. For him to be a prophet seemed an impossible task. He joined the long line of di- vinely appointed leaders — Moses, Joshau, Saul, Isaiah, Jonah, . Paul, Mark, many more -who have `kicked against the pricks," have shrunk from taking up the heavy and dangerous work marked out for them: For all such, God has the same answer that he gave to Jeremiah. "But Jehovah said unto me, Say not, I ant a child."—The range of false excuses is limitless, and of their} all this of inexperience is one of the most frequently urged and' the most absurd. For every worker is inex- perienced at the start, and every worker has to make a beginning. Ev- ery worker is "a child" when he is called to his tasks. No work in the world would be done if this excuse were admitted. "For to whomsoever I shall send thee thou shalt go,"—Tp idolatrous kings, to lying prophets, to unjust judges, to blind leaders of the blind—however prominent and pow- erful Jeremiah's auditors might be, he was not to hesitate to go to them as the herald of the King of kings: "And whatsoever I shall command thee thou shalt speak"—"I know not how to speak," Jeremiah had said, echoing Moses' protest to Jehovah Tong before: "Oh, Lord, I am not eloquent; i. am slow of speech and, of a slow tongue." "Who hath made man's mouth? • was the Lord's reply. "Go, and ;I will be with thy mouth', and teach thee what thou shalt speak" (Ex. 4: 10-12). After the same fash- ion the Saviour, telling His followers that they were to be brought .before governors and kings for His sake, bade them, "Be not anxious how or IN hat ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that hour what ye shall speak" (Matt. 10: 18, 19). The pro- mise is equally for modern Christians whenever they are called upon to. speak for Christ; not that preparation should not be made—all possible pre- paration; but we are not to be wor- ried about the matter, for our speak- ing is Christ's' affair not ours: "I3e not afraid because of them; n. I for am with thee to deliver thee, saith Jehovah." -Twice at least, later, the same precious: assurance' came to the prophet, Jer. 1:19; 15:20. He was assailed, by many powerful foes, and was often in extreme peril be- cause of his unpopular teachings and his bitter condemnations of wicked- ness; these proinises, must have been a wonderful comfort to him through all his ministry. ' Our Saviour has giv- en the same glorious assurance to all His faithful disciples: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (n'Iatt, 28; 20), Then Jehovah put forth his hand, and touched my mouth,"—We are re- minded at once of the similar act with regard to the lips of Isaiah, p•ur- ificd by a live coal from the temple altar (Isar 6:6, 7), "And Jehovah said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth."—Thus Christ told His disciples that in their hour of trial it would not be they that would speak, but the Spirit of their Father speaking .in them (Matt. 10: 20); and the Saviour Himself said that His owh words were not from Himself, but were His Father's (John 14: 10). "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms." —"Set" suggests the idea of 'set with authority' or 'make an overseer'; Jeremiah, so to say, is to be Jelto- vah's vice-egemtt over the kingdoms of the earth, with authority to de- clare God's purposes regarding them,"—Prof S. R. Driver. "To pluck up and break down andto destroy and to overthrow." -1t would be God who would work this rain as punish- ment fOr evil nations, but the proph- el Who announced Jehovah's deere is spoken of :as himself e:ecuti them. "To build and to plant.' `Three of four words are used denote destruction, and two Poll them implying restoration, This s ves to show that the earlier as w as the more important portion of t prophet's task was to consist in buke and threatening; while nev theless out of the ruins a better a mare hopeful state of things shot arise for Israel.' JEREMIAH'S PERIL. "And it came to pass, when Jet rials had made an, end of speaki all that Jehovah had commanded hi to speak unto all the . people." -T two `alis' are significant: Jeremi omitted no message of the Lord, ho ever perilous it might be to titter and he delivered his messages to the people, the weak who could n harm hien and the powerful who cou so easily put him to death. .."That tl priests and the prophets and all tl people laid hold on ' him," -- T priests and prophets were leaders' the mob,we may be sure, being jea ous of Jeremiah's greater spirituali and power, and fearful lest he shou lessen their influence i'vith the peopl "Saying, Thou shalt surely die." Doubtless they brought against Jer tniah the same charge that was bro ght against Jesus and Stephen an Paul, that of blasphemy, which wa punishable with death. "Why' hest thou .prophesied in th naive of Jehovah,"— Jeremiah had be gun his prophecy (v. 4) with "Thu saith Jehovah." He had been tol when God called him, that he. was .t speak God's words to the peopl Saying, This house shall be like Shi lop, and this city shall be desolate without inhabitant?" — "The threa that the house in which they glorie should be as the old sanctuary o Ephriam, over whose fall_ they ha exulted, was as the last drop. tha made the cup of wrath and bitter ness run over. They had chaste their psalms, which told• how tha God 'forsook the tabernacle of Shi loh, even the ten which He had pitch ed among men' (Ps. 78:60). The. could . not bear ‘to hear that a lik fate was impending over them." "And when the princes of Juda heard these things."—These "princes' were probably' the heads of clans, wh driven in to 'Jerusalem by the troub led times, came to have authority there and formed a sort of counci for the king. After the return from the exile this council grew into the Sanhedrin. "they •came up from the king's house unto• the house of Je hovah." The king's palace was on lower ground than the temple. "And they sat in the entry of the new gate of–Jehovah's house," — This place was probably the established court room. This new entrance to the tem- ple court was probably the "upper gate" built by King Jotham, the son of Uzziah (2 Kings 15:35). "Then spike the priests and the prophets unto the princes and to `all the people." —'The priests and pro- phets were the complainants, the princes were the judges, and the peo- ple seem to have acted as a great jury. "Saying, This man is worthy of death;. for he hath prophesied against this city, as ye have heard with your cars." -"Ye" evidently refers not to the princes but the people. Prophecy was regarded as more than the fore- telling of events to come; by his pro- phecy the inspired' speaker was thou- ght to cause them to come about; if he should keep silent, they woull not happen. Hence .the phrase, "against this city," as of a hostile act. "Then spake Jeremiah unto all the princes and to all the people."—Does the omission' of •the prophets here imply that, Jeremiah ignored them as being in their falseness beneath his attention? "Saying, Jehovah sent the to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that ye have heard,"—This is the only answer that any faithful speaker for God can make when his utterances are criti-' cised. . Thus spoke Amos in; the Old Testament: "The Lord Jehovah hath spoken: who can but prophesy?" (Amos 3:8), and thus spoke Peter and the other apostles itt the New Testa- ment; "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29), "Now therefore amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of Jehovah your God." -Here is no faint-hearted preaching! Jeremiah is threatened with death, but he valiant- ly repeats the r exhortation that brought him into court, "And Jeho- vah will repent him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you."— The prophet's is only a conditional sentence: the people can avert the doom if they will. God's "repent- ence" is not like man's, a turning from wrongdoing, It is, however, a turning from the evil that is design- ed for wrongdoers, a turning made possible by their repentance, "Put as for me, Behold, I am in yottr hand: do with me as is good and tight in your eyes,""Jeremiah recognises the legal right of the trib- unal to execute him, :and confronts Thursday, May 9th, 1929 "–.:10 9 .. 0=197—,,,,-401:19=====0=0===s0 01===9 p , AGENTS IN iVINGHAIVI FOR HEMSTITCHING — PLEATING -_— PICOT EDGING 0 0 ;laughter Sale 11 O LI O, II q :.. BE o ON : HAND' EARLY © THEY p SHOULDN'T LAST 0 LONG AT THIS VERY LOW PRICE 0 A' Vests si so 98c 1�8 Bloomers Reg. $1.49 g Single Slip $3 00 $1.49 11 Double Slip AeA $1.49 TIM OF— r Wood's c roi! "Lavender Line" 11 Silk 11 Underwear 0 DON'T MISS OF THIS 11 CHANCE 5 0 PRICE 0 Clowns Pyjamas Reg..$2.95 9 �� $4.00-550 11, 11 o Line Is Broken As To Size And Color After Our Big Sale A 11 ® Week Ago—Out Goes The Balance at "Never Before Thought of Low Prices." 11 ON SALE TO -DAY 0 0 AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS PICTO 1AL REVIEW P NTE PATTERNS pay•srobisicogailo_ve 1 er StoresLimited Wingham 8 0 0 0 A ,the prospect without theatrical defi- ance on the one hand or abject cow- ardice on the other, .but with a serene expression of itis willingness to accept the verdict his judges pronounce." "Only know ye for certain."=-Itwas Jeremiah's duty, as a -preacher of'. righteousness, to warn his hearers of the terrible: guilt the would incur in. slaying him; this bitch of, a plea he would make, more 'on their behalf than on his own. "'Chat, if ye put vie to death, ye will bring innocent blood -upon, yourselves, .and upon this city; and upon the inhabitants there- of." --Thus Gamaliel' warned the San- hedrin that in condemning the apost- les they might be fighting against God (Acts 5:39). Thus Pilate's wife mvarned him, because of her dream, to have nothing to do with the condem- nation of Jesus, for he was a right - eons man (Matt. 27:19), "For` a truth Jehovah hath sent me 'unto you to speak all these words in your ears." —Jeremiah insists that what he has said sprang from no impiety an his Part, no lack of reverence for the sac- red building, but; he has been speak, who said in regard to his preaching, "Necessity is. laid upon me" ,(1 Cor. ■, r,r.� Mr. Close paid his whole attention to this animal thinking it might cross over to the' others if alarmed by the approach of the car. Instead one of the others walked over right in front of the car, and in jamming on all brakes. Mr. Close brought his car to a stop just as it touched the beast; which fell on the•fenders. The cattle were unattended. His Lordship claims the', pasturing of cattle on .:highways e is a mn � race to lives of people travell- ing. BLUEVALE (Intended for last week.) Mr, McKinney, Dairy Instructor, at the Agricultural College, Guelph, and Mrs. McKinney, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. H. 'Coombs.. j•no. R, ' Greig motored. to Toronto on Monday and intends spending a few days in L•he' city. Messrs: „King and Cameron Mc- Donald, of Queen's University, King- ston, were calling on friends in the village on Saturday. Jas. P. Scott and. John Campbell, of bell West Lorne, were week -end visitors, at the Home of Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Garniss. Beth Barnard, of London Normal School, spent the week -end with her' parents, Mr. and'Mrs, Ed. Barnard. The Women's Institute have been invited to hold the May meeting at the home of Mrs. James Nichol on Thursday, May 9th' at 2.30, Reports of the year's work will be given, el- ection of officers and sttggestions for the coming year. y take a glionsincumimissminamosumseennomtusion mi■ ■ ■ ■ ■ pNI M• r, MEggs ing under compulsion from the God N. :mai whose temple it is. He was like Paul, ` Low price on Eggs IN9:16), W. R. Riddell, District Represen- ■ • en we will store illative at Walkerton, has been trans- ferredthemfor to London. CATTLE CANNOT RIJN AT LARGE E. W. Lewis, County Judge, gave judgment last week in favor of Elgin H. Close, who sued the Township of Usborne for damages to his car, caus- ed by cattle running at large, ane of which crossed in front of his car, Mr, and Mrs: Close were driving along slowly as they approached a herd of a dozen cattle ortthe roadway, all of which were on one side except Otte, you till rice gets by • ■ ■ ■ , • ■ • •■ • • UNITED FARMERS' COeOPERATIVi;, ■ ■ COMPANY, MPA►NY, LIMXTIaII ■ W>Tn hOntario.■ g am! llir w ■ ■ Phone 1111 ne 271 CANADA PAINT PRODUCT R qb ,..:. 04, b fid' ryod .6: ,,,„..,.' ): \ _, ,,_, '� CHEERFULLY cannot ness, prosperity spirit which CANADA Good paint 'your buildings ,l long as There is CANADA basic pigments—Genuine White Lead, quality Thirty-two you a wonderful from. for sale 5 . Eimer Wingham, helpjut pervades PAINT saves, they "Quality PAINT combined pure linseed beautiful . r by 31i Wilkinson Ontario and is the last would in selection 1D a painted impart cheer the hone. real economy. surface, four tures if neglected. every drop" because Elephant with oil. colors t& 0 i i oziy house bright- to makes of o afford choose r ty--- the � as of its first i 29-i' MADE BY THE MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS "ELEPHANT BRAND' WHITE LEAD Try The Adv'atnce•T ares with your next order of Job Printing --- Prompt Service. , , i What Defeo -Light ,eans to women P DELCO.LZ4RT brings you clean electric light JJ for working, sewing, readirtg. Ilunrtittc �water in the kitchen, laundry, and the b th- rootn and for the stock.Best g of all, tireless electric power that supplants hard tnanutal labour. Use it to run the washing metchine, the churn, the vacuum clean' the cleaner. �se it' for t117t toaster, fan, electric iron„ Let me tell you what I Dc1c�.LiItt will do. N. Johann, Gle Hannan District Supervisor �G, Zinn, Larges, Earle Hodgin;s,, Holyrood, ,Melvl3e Culbert, 1Dungarttgarr Local Dealers L�arrw�. IV /111 ► waw►. uiw. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON I.'" SSON VL -MAY 1,2 The Early NMinis' ry of Jeremiah-. Jer, 1; 6-10; 26: 8-15. Golden Text; ---We must obey 'God rather than nim.,—Acts 51 29. THE LESSON - IN ITS SETTING. Time, -Jeremiah born (Beecher) about P.C.646. Begins prophesying, B. C, 626. Jehoiakim becom}mes king of Judah, B.C. 607, • Place,—Jereriah's call, at Anath- otli or Jerusalem. Jeremiah's proph- esying and trial, Jerusalem, JEREIVIIAH'S CALL. "Then said I, Ah, Lord Jehovah! behold, I know not how to speak; for I am a child." -Jeremiah was eigh- teen or twenty years old at the tiros, a very young roan. He knew that if he should attempt to proclaiin; divine truth he would be brought into con- flict with . many worldly minded priests : and prophets of the day. Josiah's : reformations, though sincere in the case of the king, did not reach very deep in the hearts and lives of his people, and Jeremiah was certain to embroil himself in opposition to the current of .the times. He was timid and shrinking. He was not practised in public -speaking. For him to be a prophet seemed an impossible task. He joined the long line of di- vinely appointed leaders — Moses, Joshau, Saul, Isaiah, Jonah, . Paul, Mark, many more -who have `kicked against the pricks," have shrunk from taking up the heavy and dangerous work marked out for them: For all such, God has the same answer that he gave to Jeremiah. "But Jehovah said unto me, Say not, I ant a child."—The range of false excuses is limitless, and of their} all this of inexperience is one of the most frequently urged and' the most absurd. For every worker is inex- perienced at the start, and every worker has to make a beginning. Ev- ery worker is "a child" when he is called to his tasks. No work in the world would be done if this excuse were admitted. "For to whomsoever I shall send thee thou shalt go,"—Tp idolatrous kings, to lying prophets, to unjust judges, to blind leaders of the blind—however prominent and pow- erful Jeremiah's auditors might be, he was not to hesitate to go to them as the herald of the King of kings: "And whatsoever I shall command thee thou shalt speak"—"I know not how to speak," Jeremiah had said, echoing Moses' protest to Jehovah Tong before: "Oh, Lord, I am not eloquent; i. am slow of speech and, of a slow tongue." "Who hath made man's mouth? • was the Lord's reply. "Go, and ;I will be with thy mouth', and teach thee what thou shalt speak" (Ex. 4: 10-12). After the same fash- ion the Saviour, telling His followers that they were to be brought .before governors and kings for His sake, bade them, "Be not anxious how or IN hat ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that hour what ye shall speak" (Matt. 10: 18, 19). The pro- mise is equally for modern Christians whenever they are called upon to. speak for Christ; not that preparation should not be made—all possible pre- paration; but we are not to be wor- ried about the matter, for our speak- ing is Christ's' affair not ours: "I3e not afraid because of them; n. I for am with thee to deliver thee, saith Jehovah." -Twice at least, later, the same precious: assurance' came to the prophet, Jer. 1:19; 15:20. He was assailed, by many powerful foes, and was often in extreme peril be- cause of his unpopular teachings and his bitter condemnations of wicked- ness; these proinises, must have been a wonderful comfort to him through all his ministry. ' Our Saviour has giv- en the same glorious assurance to all His faithful disciples: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (n'Iatt, 28; 20), Then Jehovah put forth his hand, and touched my mouth,"—We are re- minded at once of the similar act with regard to the lips of Isaiah, p•ur- ificd by a live coal from the temple altar (Isar 6:6, 7), "And Jehovah said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth."—Thus Christ told His disciples that in their hour of trial it would not be they that would speak, but the Spirit of their Father speaking .in them (Matt. 10: 20); and the Saviour Himself said that His owh words were not from Himself, but were His Father's (John 14: 10). "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms." —"Set" suggests the idea of 'set with authority' or 'make an overseer'; Jeremiah, so to say, is to be Jelto- vah's vice-egemtt over the kingdoms of the earth, with authority to de- clare God's purposes regarding them,"—Prof S. R. Driver. "To pluck up and break down andto destroy and to overthrow." -1t would be God who would work this rain as punish- ment fOr evil nations, but the proph- el Who announced Jehovah's deere is spoken of :as himself e:ecuti them. "To build and to plant.' `Three of four words are used denote destruction, and two Poll them implying restoration, This s ves to show that the earlier as w as the more important portion of t prophet's task was to consist in buke and threatening; while nev theless out of the ruins a better a mare hopeful state of things shot arise for Israel.' JEREMIAH'S PERIL. "And it came to pass, when Jet rials had made an, end of speaki all that Jehovah had commanded hi to speak unto all the . people." -T two `alis' are significant: Jeremi omitted no message of the Lord, ho ever perilous it might be to titter and he delivered his messages to the people, the weak who could n harm hien and the powerful who cou so easily put him to death. .."That tl priests and the prophets and all tl people laid hold on ' him," -- T priests and prophets were leaders' the mob,we may be sure, being jea ous of Jeremiah's greater spirituali and power, and fearful lest he shou lessen their influence i'vith the peopl "Saying, Thou shalt surely die." Doubtless they brought against Jer tniah the same charge that was bro ght against Jesus and Stephen an Paul, that of blasphemy, which wa punishable with death. "Why' hest thou .prophesied in th naive of Jehovah,"— Jeremiah had be gun his prophecy (v. 4) with "Thu saith Jehovah." He had been tol when God called him, that he. was .t speak God's words to the peopl Saying, This house shall be like Shi lop, and this city shall be desolate without inhabitant?" — "The threa that the house in which they glorie should be as the old sanctuary o Ephriam, over whose fall_ they ha exulted, was as the last drop. tha made the cup of wrath and bitter ness run over. They had chaste their psalms, which told• how tha God 'forsook the tabernacle of Shi loh, even the ten which He had pitch ed among men' (Ps. 78:60). The. could . not bear ‘to hear that a lik fate was impending over them." "And when the princes of Juda heard these things."—These "princes' were probably' the heads of clans, wh driven in to 'Jerusalem by the troub led times, came to have authority there and formed a sort of counci for the king. After the return from the exile this council grew into the Sanhedrin. "they •came up from the king's house unto• the house of Je hovah." The king's palace was on lower ground than the temple. "And they sat in the entry of the new gate of–Jehovah's house," — This place was probably the established court room. This new entrance to the tem- ple court was probably the "upper gate" built by King Jotham, the son of Uzziah (2 Kings 15:35). "Then spike the priests and the prophets unto the princes and to `all the people." —'The priests and pro- phets were the complainants, the princes were the judges, and the peo- ple seem to have acted as a great jury. "Saying, This man is worthy of death;. for he hath prophesied against this city, as ye have heard with your cars." -"Ye" evidently refers not to the princes but the people. Prophecy was regarded as more than the fore- telling of events to come; by his pro- phecy the inspired' speaker was thou- ght to cause them to come about; if he should keep silent, they woull not happen. Hence .the phrase, "against this city," as of a hostile act. "Then spake Jeremiah unto all the princes and to all the people."—Does the omission' of •the prophets here imply that, Jeremiah ignored them as being in their falseness beneath his attention? "Saying, Jehovah sent the to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that ye have heard,"—This is the only answer that any faithful speaker for God can make when his utterances are criti-' cised. . Thus spoke Amos in; the Old Testament: "The Lord Jehovah hath spoken: who can but prophesy?" (Amos 3:8), and thus spoke Peter and the other apostles itt the New Testa- ment; "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29), "Now therefore amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of Jehovah your God." -Here is no faint-hearted preaching! Jeremiah is threatened with death, but he valiant- ly repeats the r exhortation that brought him into court, "And Jeho- vah will repent him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you."— The prophet's is only a conditional sentence: the people can avert the doom if they will. God's "repent- ence" is not like man's, a turning from wrongdoing, It is, however, a turning from the evil that is design- ed for wrongdoers, a turning made possible by their repentance, "Put as for me, Behold, I am in yottr hand: do with me as is good and tight in your eyes,""Jeremiah recognises the legal right of the trib- unal to execute him, :and confronts Thursday, May 9th, 1929 "–.:10 9 .. 0=197—,,,,-401:19=====0=0===s0 01===9 p , AGENTS IN iVINGHAIVI FOR HEMSTITCHING — PLEATING -_— PICOT EDGING 0 0 ;laughter Sale 11 O LI O, II q :.. BE o ON : HAND' EARLY © THEY p SHOULDN'T LAST 0 LONG AT THIS VERY LOW PRICE 0 A' Vests si so 98c 1�8 Bloomers Reg. $1.49 g Single Slip $3 00 $1.49 11 Double Slip AeA $1.49 TIM OF— r Wood's c roi! "Lavender Line" 11 Silk 11 Underwear 0 DON'T MISS OF THIS 11 CHANCE 5 0 PRICE 0 Clowns Pyjamas Reg..$2.95 9 �� $4.00-550 11, 11 o Line Is Broken As To Size And Color After Our Big Sale A 11 ® Week Ago—Out Goes The Balance at "Never Before Thought of Low Prices." 11 ON SALE TO -DAY 0 0 AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS PICTO 1AL REVIEW P NTE PATTERNS pay•srobisicogailo_ve 1 er StoresLimited Wingham 8 0 0 0 A ,the prospect without theatrical defi- ance on the one hand or abject cow- ardice on the other, .but with a serene expression of itis willingness to accept the verdict his judges pronounce." "Only know ye for certain."=-Itwas Jeremiah's duty, as a -preacher of'. righteousness, to warn his hearers of the terrible: guilt the would incur in. slaying him; this bitch of, a plea he would make, more 'on their behalf than on his own. "'Chat, if ye put vie to death, ye will bring innocent blood -upon, yourselves, .and upon this city; and upon the inhabitants there- of." --Thus Gamaliel' warned the San- hedrin that in condemning the apost- les they might be fighting against God (Acts 5:39). Thus Pilate's wife mvarned him, because of her dream, to have nothing to do with the condem- nation of Jesus, for he was a right - eons man (Matt. 27:19), "For` a truth Jehovah hath sent me 'unto you to speak all these words in your ears." —Jeremiah insists that what he has said sprang from no impiety an his Part, no lack of reverence for the sac- red building, but; he has been speak, who said in regard to his preaching, "Necessity is. laid upon me" ,(1 Cor. ■, r,r.� Mr. Close paid his whole attention to this animal thinking it might cross over to the' others if alarmed by the approach of the car. Instead one of the others walked over right in front of the car, and in jamming on all brakes. Mr. Close brought his car to a stop just as it touched the beast; which fell on the•fenders. The cattle were unattended. His Lordship claims the', pasturing of cattle on .:highways e is a mn � race to lives of people travell- ing. BLUEVALE (Intended for last week.) Mr, McKinney, Dairy Instructor, at the Agricultural College, Guelph, and Mrs. McKinney, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. A. H. 'Coombs.. j•no. R, ' Greig motored. to Toronto on Monday and intends spending a few days in L•he' city. Messrs: „King and Cameron Mc- Donald, of Queen's University, King- ston, were calling on friends in the village on Saturday. Jas. P. Scott and. John Campbell, of bell West Lorne, were week -end visitors, at the Home of Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Garniss. Beth Barnard, of London Normal School, spent the week -end with her' parents, Mr. and'Mrs, Ed. Barnard. The Women's Institute have been invited to hold the May meeting at the home of Mrs. James Nichol on Thursday, May 9th' at 2.30, Reports of the year's work will be given, el- ection of officers and sttggestions for the coming year. y take a glionsincumimissminamosumseennomtusion mi■ ■ ■ ■ ■ pNI M• r, MEggs ing under compulsion from the God N. :mai whose temple it is. He was like Paul, ` Low price on Eggs IN9:16), W. R. Riddell, District Represen- ■ • en we will store illative at Walkerton, has been trans- ferredthemfor to London. CATTLE CANNOT RIJN AT LARGE E. W. Lewis, County Judge, gave judgment last week in favor of Elgin H. Close, who sued the Township of Usborne for damages to his car, caus- ed by cattle running at large, ane of which crossed in front of his car, Mr, and Mrs: Close were driving along slowly as they approached a herd of a dozen cattle ortthe roadway, all of which were on one side except Otte, you till rice gets by • ■ ■ ■ , • ■ • •■ • • UNITED FARMERS' COeOPERATIVi;, ■ ■ COMPANY, MPA►NY, LIMXTIaII ■ W>Tn hOntario.■ g am! llir w ■ ■ Phone 1111 ne 271