The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-03-28, Page 4,17777",117i:' • • teett lateltatetraiatreaette • ' .44•4104440•44•140,•• oweefteeetwee•arataierreatee lametveram March Specials 39c Tooth Paste (Milk Mao.nesia.) and a 35c Klenzo Toath Brush, Both for „ ...,50c 25c Tiny Tot Talcum and a Wash Cloth, Both for 25c Lavender Toilet Soap, and a Wash Cloth, Both for ... . „ , 25c 35c Lavender Talcum, and'a Large Powder Ptiff, Both for 35c SPECIALS FOR MEN $1.25 Rubberset Shaving Brush, and 39c Klenzo Shaving,Cream, Both for 99c 50c Old Pal Pipe and 20c Buckingham Tobacco, Both for . 50c McKIBBON'S DRUG epa"AnD Stilv WINGHA1VI STORE PHONE 53. viiireaMtrae-- • • 11 a a' aeleartesetaata tee- • 4 4 4 nnn 41 • 4 • MUM. $$ OnitMOVIO404UOtakfillOWOUHUSWO Wm! .. .. lllllllll lllll ; llllllll IIII/tIllf11111111.11111114n113111.114 lllllll xi cents a word pet insertion, with & minimum charge of 25c. •••••=1110NOI FOR SALE—Seed Barley-. Apply to AUCTION SALE 0. G. Anderson, Route 5, Wing - ham, phone 631r2, Of Stock and Implements HOUSE TO RENT --With stable and acre and a half of land, opposite George Phippen's Lower Wing - ham. Apply at Advance -Times Of- , fiee. SALESMAN FOR HLTRON COUN- ty for the Old Established Bond House of G. A. Stiznson Co. Ltd., also permanent agent for Wingham and district. Apply Branch office, 949 Second Si. E., Owen Sound,' WANTED — Sales Girl for regular store duties. Applications to be made by LETTER ONLY. If ex- perienced state tov.hat ex.tent. If inexperienced state qualifications. 'king Pros. FOR SALE—Baby Chicks, Hatch- ing, Eggs and Brooder Stoves. 0. .A. C. Barred , Rocks 19c; Single comb White Leghorns 18e 'each, for March and April. Eggs $4.00. per 50; $7;00 per,100,. A substan- tial reduction on eggs and on orders of 200 chicks and over, at the farvi. Authorized agent for Royal Brood- er staves, founts, feed hoppers, etc. number of used brooder stoves for sale, reasonable. Circulars on chicks and eggs, and prices on brooders etc. C. G. Campbell, Au- bern, Ont. Phone, Blyth 10-24, BABY CHICKS—Fr 0)1 heavy laying .strains of barred Rocks and S. C. W. Leghorns. Our aim cacti year is to improve our fit.icks and this year our chicks are the best yet. All our flocks are culled for heavy egg production, and are headed with first-class cockerels. Ninety ,per cent of our orders last year were from old customers. "A satisfied customer is rim best recommenda- tion. Barred Rocks, April 17c, May 16c; Leghorns, April 16c, May 15c. Mrs. Geo. 1). Fortune, care 3. \&, Fortune, Wingham, Ont,, -Wroxeter phone 612r8, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acres of land, all cleared and tile drained, best of soil, fair buildings orchard, and shade trees, 30 acres seeded clown, school opposite farm. For further particulates apply to own- er, 0. E. Campbell, West Tait 6, COIL 6, Morris township, or by mail, R. R. 4, Brussels. • , FARM POg SALE We, offer this week a farm of 150 acres, dose to t prospernus village; with Stores, churches, Post ()Wee ' ate. 'Good buildings: Terms right. Might rent to a geed time if lint sold in a short time, , Abner CoSees, lesuraece 3: Real Estate, Wingham, Ont, •• AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOOK The nedersigned has been insttict :ed by CITA.S. CAM PBELL, Lot 35, , Con. 8, East Wawanosh, to sell b. • public auction01tale o'clock on THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1929 the following: aged mare, 9 years old; • ugen mare;..fresh cow, 5 rear I'S Old; ,LfreS II COW, 4 years old; - cow due in Angest; 2 steers rising 2 years; hei4 , 2 yr.s , , 3 heifcrs tieing 2 years; yearling heifer, 2 yearling cal.'. ves; 2,calees, 2 months Old; 5 bags . potatoes; 75-husbel Wheat: 140 hos Oats; 10 bags Mixed Chop; siegle bug- gy; cotter; Single harness; pair all, - wool horse blankets; sap pan 2 feet by 2 feet for 'stove; 7 cans of mixed honey; einpty honey cans; 5:gal. coal Oil can; coal oil :barrel:: cook Stove; 2 dozen glass sealers:: TERMSe-Cash for produce mid $10 and ender; no other amoems months' credit on approved joint mit- es, or ;3 per eerie off far raSii, TAMES-e,,,e.exeR, Alto, The undersigned has been instruct- ed by MRS. ERNEST THOMPSON, Lot 27, Con, 7, West. Wawanosh, to sell by public auction at 1 o'clock on TUESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1929 the following:Brown horse, 6 Yea old.; bay horse, 7 years old; bay Ito se, 9 years old; 3 cows with calves foo; 4 cows supposed to be in cal 3 Steers rising 2 years; 2 'heifers, ri ing 2 Years; 4 steers rising 1 year; heifers rising 1 year; 2 calves 2,3 mot ths; sow and 9 pigs; ,8 store hogs, so 110 hens, 1gander, 2 geese, Drake, Ducks; A quantity of hay; 50 bus. Barley; Cockshutt manure spreadei Massey -Harris Mower; Massey -Ha ris hayloader; Massek:Harris ba rake; Massey -Harris corn cultivato Massey -Harris cultivator; Massea, Harris corn binder; Masseyelelarti Quebec sulky plow; No. 21 Fleur Plow; 2 sets of harrows; McCoranic drill; disc harrows; 2 wagons; bug gae; set of sleighs.; cutter; Wilkinao corn cutting box; Brantford 8 h. p. gas eegine; hay rack; stock rack; wa- eon box: gravel box; set of 2000 lb. scales; set wagoieeprings; 2 scufflers; turnip pulpev, wheelbarrow; grind stone: fanning mill; coal brooder: set team harness; pair blankets; set light traM harness; set driving harness; forkS, chains, shovels and other artic- les ton numerouS to mention. No eerve as the Proprietress has sold the farm, TERMS—Hay, Grain, Paeltry, and all. sums of '-$10 and under cash, over that amount 10 months' credit on ap- provedjoint notes or a discount of 4 Pr ceet..off for cash. JOHN :PURVIS, Auct. ONTARIO BREEDING STATION rs atr- f; s-- 3. RESURRECTION O grad and glorioua Easter morn, That -marks the Resurrection af our King! No happier day in all the year was born, Than this of which we gladly sing. The risen Lord, oh, what a hope! A ray of light to expel all gloom, The assurance that the love of God Can lie'er be buried in a tomb. Weary and discouraged oee, look and see, Arise, arise, lift up thy head! The truth He proved will make you free, "There are no dead, there are no dead." The exalted Christ stoops down to- day, •And marks the path where He has trod, "Ile as little children", learn the way That leads to service and to God., Oh blessed truth that Jesus taught, The He worked out for you and me, That we might rise to higher planes, And all God's wondroes glories see. Each thought that's pure will lift us higher, That we may see His face Each deed of service give us power To prove His love and grace. M. S. Henderson. ST, PAUL'S CHURCH During the season of Lent, on Fri- day evenings at 7.30 there will be a series of addresses "The men wh crucified Christ," illustrated with lan- tern slides. Good Friday, March 29th—"The Story of the Passion." The members of the A. Y. P. A. will attend these lantern services which will take the place of their re- gular meetings, and a cordial invita- tion is extended to all who would care to be present. GRASS SEED We have. all the varieties, Canad- ian grown and the best grades. Also full line of Dominion Tires and tubes for the new cars as well as the old, and the wonderful "Mareelube"mot- ;or oil. W. J. Duff. w SPRING IS NOW HERE 2 of We have a full line of Fleury r- Plows, Plow Repair, Harness and y Harness parts. W. J. Duff, Bluevale. r; '- CAR MARKERS 372-700,—were lest s between Delmore and Lucknow via y Wingham on Saturday.. Finder k pease leave at Advance -Times Of- - Tice. n • 'Under supervision of Poultry Dept. 0, 1. C., Guelph. We specialize in Barred Rocks, , Every bird on our farm is culled, banded, and blood teat- c1a Government Inspector. We trap pest ander Record of Perform- ance supervision. Write for mating list and prices nn day old chicks, and the weeks old started chicks. : Stnlfte Crmst 'aim, J. a .,Scott, R. R. No, 2. Settfoeth, Ontario. FOR SAT:P..-Some young pigs, to Logan Dros., Belgaeave, R. R. ,No, '1, phone 621r4. I'OR SALE---46:X.C..o. 21 6 -rowed barley. oNnply to John AL Salter, elione -618e11, von SA1.E-0,uentity of 'Manchuria Seed Barley, at :$1.00 per bushel. Apple John Fel cotter, phone 601' S,7.1.E--4.'ui-ebred :Shorthorn bull,' ten months old. Win, 1. T-Ion- .ry,..1.1:;'t 34, 'con.. 2, .Kinlost;. phone. SAT E—Diruble house with Iighte, toilets, double garage, Ap ply Alex. Harvey, '(/R (,),I'ICR SATE—rInt, brick honste, line light and water, for t41200. Apply to John iTanna, OR S VLE--White Blossom Sweet clover seed, :,,overnment grad( No. 1, per Inv-hel $4.00; also a quantity of 0.A.C. No, 1 barley at $1,00 per huiftel, W. 3. Henry, lot 84, con. 2, Xinloss. phone 612r2, Wingham, ANI.E1)-11EES-.,--Any Number ,up to 150 crilinnes, Italian or Hybrid' preterably in 10 frame Langstroth his' -s, but %yin take 8 frame or .Tnntbo and Richardson or Jones if price, is right; alSii supers, alsri -4 f none : reieersible esirari or in good running. shape; stuff must be in AkTraStern pi.' Central, Ontario; 'Write lowest•'•nrices with alt nartiettlari., Br kx A. 'A rhea n cc • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of -Ontario, that all persmts having claims againat tta. es- tate of lames Fleming, late, of the Village of Behnore in the County of Bruce, Gentleman, deceased, who died oe or about the tweniy-ninth day of December, A.D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ereeutors on or be- tfore the twenty-second day of April, A.D. 1929, their names and addresses; with full particulars in writing, of their claims, and the nature of the Securities (if any) held by them duly verified. by a statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said twenty-eecond day of April, A.D. 1.929, the said execti- tore will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said estate among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard , only to th e claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors shall not be liable for the Said assets or any part thereof to an person of whose claim they shall not t1teti have received notice. DATED at- Wingham this twenty - 'firth day of Mar 1 ND 1929 R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont, SoliteitOr for the Executors. NOTICE:, TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZA-, 111E114 MEAHAN, late of the "rown 01 ‘Vingbiun in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased, NOTICE. IS': HEREBY GIVEN nut'- : suant to the revised statuteseiif tario in that regard, that all person, having- clanns against the: Estate of Elizabeth i\lealuin, who died On or about the fourth day of March, A.D., 1929',''itt the Town. of Winghana: arr. requited to 'send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, ee or be- fore April 12th, 1,1). 1929, their names and addresses with full par- ticulars of their claims in writing, verified by statutory declaration, and thr lettere of the ,sectiri 11 es, if any, held by them , ANI) FURTHER TA K. E Ne)TICE, that after the said twelfth day of Ap- 111, 1029,the assets of the said ustat wiltbti distributed by the Ex- ecutor among the parties entitled tirerete.r„ having regard only to claims 0 winch he shall the have notice and' the eSiO.te Will not be liable for. any claims Pot filed at the time of. the said distribution, 1)ATT-11) tit Winghain this twenty -lif- t h day of March, A.D. 1929.. B USTI l'ei` Wingham, On taro,, ' 'ExectitOr For said Estate. WINQHAIVI ADVANCE -TIMES Wingham Advance -Times. Published at WINGliAM ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Ci'aig, Publisher Subscription -rates One year $2..00. Six months $1.00, in advance, To U. S. A, $2,50 per year. Advertising rates on application, Wisdoms And Knowledge As Canadians we are proud of Can- ada, of its romantic past, and of its wonderful future. We speak of it with pride,.of its vastness, and of its beauty; but to those of us who have not visited its many parts, the know- ledge we have is' sometimes danger- ous, Knowledge of any kind advan- ces by steps, and not by leaps, and now, an opportunity is knocking at your door to give you a chance to', increase' your 1:none:ledge regarding Canada as she really is, Professor Laird of Macdonald College, Que., bearing this ,fact in nund, has arrang- ed with the Canadian Pacific Rait- way to conduct a tour across Can- ada and *back, leaving Toronto by special train on July .22, the round trip Occupying in all twenty-one days. And during thattime Canada's beauty will be unfolded to you. Just think of it; all the beauty spots in the Rocky Mountaies—Banff, Lake Lu— ise, Emerald Lake, Yoho Valley, the Kootenay Country, the delightful Motor drive from Banff to Wind - mere of 104 miles, and the equally Thursday, March 28th, 1929 Suffering Welsh Miners Touch Timothy To the Editur av all thim Winghain paypers. r)eNeraiclaySur:. Vilasht wake whiii I wus down sbtrate I didn't fOind anny ar me ould frinds from the counthry to talk wid, be rayson av the bad roads, so I tought 1 wud dhrop into 1110 raid - in room fer a whoile, fer if 1 wint home the rnissus wad mebby want me to sliplit some wood. , Rein as I had an hour to shpare 1 taught 1 rnoight as well waste it look - 111 the Globe noosPayper as anny other way. The Globe is betther than it used to be, an hilped us defate the Grits in the nointeen 'sivinteen click - shun, but 1 can't thrust it yit, at laist not to the ixtint that 1 mid thrust the Mail an Impoire, arr the London Free Priss, fer inshtance. About the fursht ting I saw in it wus tellin about the poverty an dish - tress thim coal miners do be havin in the Ould Counthry, wid a lisht av donashuns that wus bein sint to hilp thin". The more I wus afther raidiri about it the more it got on inc narves, an 1 tought mebby I shud sind Tin dollars to hilp out a little bit. Av coarse it wudden'tbe much," but I notished that tife contribushuns wus moshily slarnall amounts feinn what 3'e moight call the poor payple av the counthry, an not mainly av thim 'mil- lionaire lads, who do be buildin skoy shcrapers an floatin mergers in Tor- onto, had given annyting at all, at all. charming drive from Field to Lake Av coorse, I knew I wud her to gtt Louise of 40 miles, and many other theconsint an co-operashun av the trips, the whole making up a tour mis"34 so ,to shpake, befoor sindin which fascinates, the money, so I wint an bought.' a The details of the tour are now copy av the Globe frum Jack Mason; rcady, and can be obtained by appli- cation to G. L. Baker, Wingham, Ont, or to Prof. Sinclair Laird, Bok 226, Macdonald College, P. 0., Que. TO AID SMALLER TOWNS • New legislation to amend the Bon- us Act, which will give smaller muni- cipalities of Ontario wider powers in selling- land to prospective indu.stries, was indicated when the bill of the city of Oshawa and the town of Co-. bourg- came before the Private Bills committee of thellegislature Friday 'morning. Both bills asked power 10 acquire lands for the pro.spective in- dustries, which is contrary to the present B °MIS Act, Bills were held over and Attorney' -General Price said instructions %vol. -adobe given to amend the existing legislation to safeguard .1 smaller municipalities, and yet grant them powers to expropriate lands for industrial sites. At the present time, he said, there was discrimination in favor of the larger centres. REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS For Month Ending Feb. 28, 1929. otal Hogs, Wingham 142; Wrox- eter 465; Bluevale 21S; Belgrave 807; Huron County 6358. Select Bacon, Wingham 87; Wrox- eter 134; Bluevale 55; l]elgrave 122;, Heron County 2229, Thick Smooth,— \Vingbam 72; Wroxeter 305; Bluevale 142;•Belgrave 166; Huron County 3602. . Heavies—Wingham 22; Wroxeter 7; Illitevale 8; Belgra.ve 1; Huron 'County 280. • Extra Heavies—Wingham 4; Blue-. :vale 1; Huron County 12, Shop Hogs—Wingbam 3; Wrrix- eter 10; Maul -ale 4 Belgrave 10; Hu- ron County 86; • Lights and Feeders—WrOxeter ,2; Ilelgrave 6; Huron Comity 46. at laist I intinded to buy wan, but when I tould bian what I wanted it fer he gave me wan, two arr tree days ould, fer nothin. Then I wint an got an ould pair av shaes I wus havin minded at Mishter Greer's, an got 'him to wrap thim up in the pay - per, knowin that the missus wud rade it whin it got home. Whin supper wus half an hour late I knew that me skame wus wurrukin all roight, so wussen't surproised whin she said, afther we had got noic- ely shtarted aitire "Shure, I see thim poor moiners do be starein to death in the ould land, sez. she. "1 belave wus heariti someting about it," see I, "but 'tis thimsilves they hey to blaine fer goin on alttroike a year arr two ago", I sez. "I don't blame thim fer shtroikin, at all, at all," sez she, "fer, shure,' the poor craythere wus niyir giltin enough money to -fade theer families, an kape thim clane dacint at the bisht av toimes; an even if the min made a mishtake be shtroikin, tlie poor wimmin childer are not to blame .fer that, an shudden't be al- lowed to suffer," sez she. 'Don't ye know, wumman," sex "that they hey lashins ai. money the Oak' Counthry, wimmin 01 London do be houidin big:parthies, an laidin arround poodle dogs wid gowld coliars on theer nicks. Whoy spud we sind money over theer?" "Whoy, shudden't we?" sez, she. "We hey plinty, an more than we mde, an thim :poor craythers do be, Marvin. 'link if it wus otir :own randchilderl \Vhat "lee we to do s -id thim rich hazzies in. London, arr enywheer else?" sez she. "Shure, he :divil git his Own same day." 'The misses What ye moiglit. call 0.i•feuednd)amintalist, whin she gits .exe We kipt up the:talk till supper wus ver, but. 1 haven't room on me Pay- er ;to Wroite down half we said, but .more I. talked agin sindin the onev the more she wus for it, as new she wud be, :fer 'tis th way wid to At laslit 1 said -we. cud !flabby af- foord to sind foive dollars, an she said site wud add ,foive more out. av her, allowance, an do widout a itew hat fel- the slipping, SO We Sint SI; • tin dollars the nixt day, 011.1 wits a foive shpot ahead av the game, be yson av knowia how to manage a itnman, : • , Yours till nixt :wake, Otily Hay.. 11 a 1 ac tt , 171 orb S-1 11 ngbarn, on .t42.onuay, k March .25th, to Mr, and .Mrs. A kt.el. Forbes, a daughter. Orf.irrl--'re Mr. and : Mrs.. Tered V. Orford, at Wingham Hospital, on .Tuesday, March 12114 a daughter. McKenzie—To Me. .and Mrs. J. D. "NfcKenzie, at Winghant Hospital, on Monday, March 4th, a son, Den- ald Clyde. raMARRIAGES ' Wingliam, on Mar. 23rd; by Rev. Sidney Davison, Mr Russell Terviit of East. Wawanosh,. to ltliss jean, daughter of Phoebe Ard ofWingham. DEATHS T/ouglas—In Turnberry,pn March 25, Helen Robertson, widow of the late Robert lbiuglas, in• her 08ril year. 'Platt extra two cepas which motor- ists will contribute evdry time they buy a gallon of gasoline this year mean $2,650,000 additional revenue to tti On tari o Government, nd tvilI If properly applied lay down approxim- ately 180 miles of paved road, Some of Ibis expended between Whighalll and Clinton as a Provincial Highway might only he illAtice for the Oontri- butors of T'lttron Comity. • A, 0. .Fisher, inventor, (knowrr "Shaixinzey" bit Clieton for- ty years go)vvery rrnac1 on 1110 job, and secured one of the best boxes. NEURALGIA?' Neuritis? Rheumatism? '-Cs relieve Neuralgia quielrly andsalely, No harmful drugs, Mr.,S.P. 'fast:1ton, Sptingfielcl, Ont., vouches for this. Ile not only got relief him- self from T-11,,C's bui., says! °'When my wife *a nearig crazy with Non - nil& 1 gave her a won't T -11 -C's and 6egot Mist in 20 minutes.' T -h -O's are 6411110 good for Neuritis, thoit. tast4sra, Lumbago, Seiaticta. 50a. and $1,00 at your druggist's. Os int4ttistoette 8 IT,MPILItTOWS (CAOstitZt ekk —a Six in the price range of the four!' ATjPaE10‘°wf.pPerformance entirely riced automobile --that's new what you experience when you drive the new Chevrolet Six! Marvelous s ix$c y lin der smoothness throughout the entire speed range! A freedom from vibration and rumble that makes driving and riding a constant de. light ! Increased speed and acceleration. More power for hills and heavy going! You are cordially invited to come in for a demonstration—for Until you actually sit at the wheel, you can never know what Chevrolet and General Motors' engineers Lave achieved in the new Chevrolet six. cylinder valve.itt.heacl engine. C -23.3-2,C 1441111•41nsamouswomon A. M. CRAWFORD Wingham., Ont. 141,1.1111171.1/0 GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED /11,1=s1=1,-.1.tvrt.111.11,..¢15Setti2111.1trav More Sleep for Mother S4veti e kcal se s ready-bked- Warm in oven and serve with hot ilk - Healthful protection for the whole family Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. .1m.nninmallinet qtalepfoRtq \\ '((5 Particularly if you have a modern, Connor tlec- trio Washer in your home. No tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing work. Just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, turn. a switch and the work is done. Wingham Utilities C Crawford Block, Phone. 156. few°weeks ago an announcement was made that Clinton, Seaforth and Mitchell would lose their customs of- ;fiees, Dating the past wetic,, and Clinton received word their of- fices woriltI be continued hut so far ; , Seaforth has not been so favored and the ftirniture has been removed from, that, °Mee,