The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-08-30, Page 3€orrieYkiette:aiid
Thursday, August 30th, 1928
The winnersof the standing field
crop competition of Howick Town -
shin have been announced with the
following reSults, The variety and
points are indicated. Watson Brown,
Wroxeter, R.R. 2.; (O,A,C. 72) 95
points; James Stevenson, Gorrie, RR,
1, (Banner) 91 points; Lindsay Brown,
Gorrie, RR, 1, (Banner) 90 points;
James E. Ball', •Wroxeter; ;5'.,R. 2,
(Banner) 90 points; R, . Armstrong,
Fordwich, (O,A.C,. 72) 88 1-2 points;
Charles Black, Gorrie, R,R. 2, {Ban-
ner), 88
Ban-ner),'88 points; Harvey Spailing, Gor-
rie, R.R. 2, (Banner) 86 1-2 points;
Jaines Downey, Fordwich, (O,A.C, 72)
86 points; R. J. Sanderson, Fordwich,
(Banner) 85.1-2 points; Charles Dick-
ert, Gorrie, R.R, 1, (O,A.C, 72). 86
Hauling -in operations are in full
swing in 1lowicic. Oats are a 'blimp,-
er •crop and in what threshing has
been done; are yielding well
Miss Georgeane Galbraith, daugh-
terof Mr. and Mrs, George Galbraith
Of Orange Hill, has left for North
Bay to commence her duties as nurse -
in -training in .Queen Victoria lifein,
Oriel Hospital.
Joseph Querin, Joe Magrath, Percy
Sperling and Charles Blackwere a-
mong those fro nthis vicinity, who
left on the ! recent harvest excursion
to the West..,
Mr. Bondi of Winghain drove his
fruit truck into some cattle being
herded by Wesley Strong on Friday
sessispars Y.` MIR ■i®®m .[; ®®® essess®o®
to every Mkt)! measured for a suit of clothes during Ni
the visit of the Berger Tailoring Co.'s' representa- •
tive to this store •
Men, what an opportunity! For 1 day only, during the visit ■
tto this store cof Mr. King, head office 'representative': of the Ber-
ger Tailoring Company, we offer you the services' of this well- ■
known, long experienced tailor 'and EXTRA TROUSERS FREE' el"'` " -y suit ordered. ■
■ .... Mr. Kiri will y g ■
■ g personally measure everypian ordering a ■.
■ suit of clothes at this store on Wednesday, September 5th. „.This ■
■ • is a wonderful chance to get the finest fit you have ever had at
■ • not a cent more than our regular prices. In addition to a full line
■ of suits, topcoats and overcoats •aired
d made upin the: • ew
Mr. Kin will bringwithYn styles, ®.
■ g him
■ Comprising many score of beautiful imported British and • me■
■ Canadian cloths. Whatever you +prefer—tweeds, worsteds, the
■ new twists and fancy weaves, serges, cheviots and saxonies—you''
■ will find it here in an assortment of smart patterns and colourings
■ that will amaze you. The Berger Tailoring Co. have always been
• noted for the extraordinary beauty and wearing quality of their
■ fabrics. This fall they have excelled themselves in the wonderful
value we offer.
Tailored to Your Ifndavidual Measure
® All Berger garments are tailored to thecustomer's individual;
al measure. During this special event you have the.opportixnity of
1/1 measured by one of Canada's leading tailors at no extra cost.
a Don't forget: FREE PANTS only to those measured Wed-
® nesday, Sept. 5th. Make sure of the date.
Wednesday, September 5th
ro roxeter
ONE DAY ONLYCarnett ros
Evan, art it drehtCdro awl ll'vdt,>I for.•dtary A 'S`Pacrfl!
PannSP.Ftrao A.IZOLUTE,Y Alin ALWAVC ON tioNOn •
Eiviihlnk New, Novel Cady end Conelmtes. An 'Honest Ship. Ceedutttd on, t.intl,
), 441hh4 SUS{ Marvelous Amusement tietcrp9rx, TFC Wel -me) of the Gems ettem teet,
t Jtl
('nub,* to Vii enle oc t7,,o:tery nettped •
Fagg Ile 41114 -ON sUL Onaik6nfF$ $i4s4E-D2
tbripiuto clow ora.) rfam Wd etriaaro•rot 1 la Proap,t)ae:,gcv
Admission: Children 30e, >Adults OOc, Tax Paid.
Seven Seas
er News
we Lorus
Tou'l. s s.
Ci+i Aire
° tiAt/yAli VI/OUN4 ITSELF
e passed in luxurious comfort, free from any
care or irritating responsibility and absolutely
without one disturbing incident from continent to
continent," stated Lady Williams -Taylor on her return
from a world cruise on board the Canadian Pacific
liner, the "Empress of Australia," during which tour
five continents, twenty-one countries and twenty-six
ports were visited and seven seas traversed.
"With sheltered ease," continued Lady Taylor,
"we had unfolded to us the soul -penetrating magnifi-
cence and the somewhat repellant fanatical conditions
of India and distraught, yet ever thrillingly interest-
ing China. We steamed up and down the dangerous
Pearl . River, and saw first-hand the ,devastation of
Canton. Mysterious Java, and al -most untouched
Sumatra. held us spellbound. Singapore and its ever-
growing docks amazed us, and lovely Ceylon en-
chanted us. But Hawaii wound itself about our
hearts and, to its haunting `Aloha Oe,' we saw it
fade away through regretful tears. Not only are
the islands more than fascinating, but the Royal
Hawaiian Hotel would tempt any traveller to return.
"After such a wonder tour of 132 days," concluded
Lady Taylor, "we `Lotus Eating Tourists' have once
again to face the realities of ordinary existence with-
out the untiring supervision and perfect organization
of the mighty and far-reaching Canadian Pacific
Railway and Steamship's protection and care of us.
It was, indeed, with hearts full of gratitude and
appreciation for our splendid captain, his staff, and °
for the constant and devoted attention of the cruise
directors, that we finally bid farewell to our floating
home—the 'Empress of Australia.'"
morning with the result that one of spending a few days with Mr. F. U.
the cattle was killed and two wer in- Dickson.
Air. and Mrs. Henry Boss, of Chi -
Mr. and Mrs, William Wright and cago, Dr. and Airs. Spence, of Tor -
family intend leaving Gorrie and tak- onto, and Asir. and Airs, Ed Rann and
in,g up residence in London in thefancily of London spent the week -end
near future. at R. 5. Ranti's.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and lir. Thomas Hoperoft left AMoiiday
Miss E, Perkins have returned from morning with leis family for Wood -
their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Stephenson bridge where he has leased a flour
andmill and will go into business for.
yof Toronto,' were Gorrie himself. He is having his household
visitors recently. effects moved down by motor truck
Mr. and Airs. R. J. Hueston, this week, Mr. Hoperoft ,has been
Itinowlson 'Hueston and Mr. and Mrs. entriloyed in kir. T. G. Hempliill's
W. G. Strong, motored to Hamilton flour and split'pea . mill for the past
and Niagara Falls.
16 Years anti„liar had good eeperienee
Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferson and in the milling businessand we wish
daughter of Clinton, visited at the him every success in his own busi-
honte of Mr. and. Mrs. G.' Jefferson ness.
on Thursday and Friday, On Thursday afternoon the mem-
Rev. and Mrs. Robarts and Miss bers of the Laches Guild of St. James
Elizabeth spent Sunday with friends
Mr. and Mrs. R. McMillan and {am-
ily of Listowel spent- Sunday at Air.
R. McGrath's,
Miss Doris Baker of the 13th con.,
Church met at the home of :Mrs. Hen-
ry and presented iIrs. Hoperoft with
a 'silver tomato server. We are vc-:ry
sorry :to have them leave the village,
is in Toronto this week. "CANTERailJRy TALES.”
Mr, R. Sperling of Vancouver, B. C. Or. Temple Wats Singularly Sliort lr
spent the week -eh(' with his mother' His Manner at Most Times.
and other .relatives, 4 Dr. Temple, Archbishop of Canter.
Mr, and Mrs. Roland Nash of Tor -1 bury, was singularly short in Via man -
onto spent the past week at Mr. T.1 nes at most times, On one ocealon
Nash's. , —and that a ,dinner-Party—it is re-
Aiiss Muriel Litt of MarmaraWholated that a lady had told a weari-
Soine account of her aunt's esoai:e
has spent thepast month with Mr, from a railway accident, Don't you
and Mrs. T. Bradnock, returned home think, my lord," she asked, turning
on Tuesday.
Miss Alma Nash, R,N,, of Toronto,
who has been visiting at the hone of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Nash;
returned to the city on Wednesday,
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Campbell re-
turned on. Friday from an extended
trip to the 'West.
WRI) .E d• -ER •
Mrs. •iyicClcllcnd an son, Wiil, of
Toronto, are visiting Mr. and, Mrs.
Robe, Black,
Mrs,i l , 'Davey. and Miss Isabel are,
spending a week at Milton and ;Ilanq-
Mr. and Afrs. T. G, ^Hemphill, Ali.
and Mrs, 5. N. Alien, Mr, and Mrs,
Thos. Hoperoft and faniily and Air:
and •Mrs. Ward Sharpin and family,
spent Sunday at Bayfield;
Mr. and Airs, William Greer and
family, of.Pontiac, Mich., are holiday-
ing at Geo, Paulin's.
Me. Earl Ball liar' moved into the
Rutherford residence on Seitter street
mately vacated by Mr. Garrett.
Mr, Noel Dickson and fainily arc
to Dr. Temple, "that her escape was
providential?" "Weil, not knowing
your aunt, 1 can't say," came the
ellen": response. '
Many are the tales told of the
great prelate. One hinges upon the
LPI 1'h rc 17". f? - ., R •'r, •o h• •-
St. George's, Bloomsbury, and after.
%null Bishop et Melbourne, war, tlu'
possessor of two very curious names
—Fields Flowers. This reverend gen-
tleman in his salad days, so it is said,
w'n "ploughed for stnall,." Dr. Tem -
Ale was among the examiners, and,,
when, the unfortunate yotine ,)tree
came up to team his fate, he was
thus addressi+d by the late Prinlat",
Field, you're ploughed; Flowers,
you're plucked; Coe, you can got"
`Jho ,
se who knew Dr, Temple in his
London' days will remember the bare
little room in •whie1 he used to re-
ceive the visits of those who called
on matters concerning the diocese.
Lord lrabezon, who was then very
active with regard to the "i
regard piing
Men's Friendly Society, looked le one
day on business Connected therewith.'
Ile was ushered into the bare little
ltilace, where the bishop' sat busily
writing. After some time, having no
idea who his visitor was, Dr. 'Temple,
without looking up from his work,
deiria,nded gru y, 'Well, and wliat de
you want t" Lord l3rabasou's answer,
affording to a writer in "11f, A. P.,"
was meek belt firm, "A chair; to be-
gin with, my lord!"
Long Gliders Render It Aliriost Im-
possible Por Walker to Sink.
Visitors to the Worther See, the
largest lake in Carinthia, have been.
astonished recently to see a woman
and two Inen waikinv toggg he' r9,0,
the wat'e"rs of the lake. The Worth
er See is nearly half a mile broad
at this point, and the adventurous
trio "walked" quietly across the sur-
face from on bank to another.
One of the men was Her; A. G.
Kollmann, an enginee' on the Kla-
genfurt forestry staff, who has in-
vented this method of walking on
the water.
The invention consists of long
gliders, similar to broad skis, which
are fixed to' ordinary loots, and
which, it is claimed, render it al-
most impossible for the walker to
A man who has watched the de-
monstration obtained permission to
put on a pair of the gliders, and,
without being instructed, strolled out
into the lake.
The water was rough, but he had
no difficulty in threading his way
among a number of boats, and fin-
ally reached the shore three-quarters
of a mile from his starting point.
He was followed in the afternoon
by a number of men and women who
had watched the previous successful
efforts, and who walked „taily about
the lake without any dithcuity.
The inventor declares that lake -
gliding requires no practice, and
that non -swimmers run no undue
risk as long as they do not go too
far away from the shore, as the
gliders 'will serve to support anyone
meeting with an accident_
An Heroic Mother.
Atter an heroic light with an in-
furiated bull, Mrs. Larwill, an Eng-
lishwoman living in Muttra, India,
succeeded in saving herself and her
four-year-old child frotu almost cer-
tain death,
She was walking beside her little:
daughter", who was being wheeled in
a pram by a native nurse, when the
bull, although some distance away,.
suddenly lowered its head and charg-
ed towards them. The nurse prompt- 1
ly dashed to a tree a hundred yards
away, but Mrs, Larwill snatched her
child from the Dram and waited for
the hull
The animal a came tli erin
nisi ?;
along, At the critical moment she
stepped aside with her child in her
arms, causing the animal to dash •In-
to the pram, which it tossed into the
air like a shuttlecock. It turned to
charge again, but before it could
gather speed 'Mrs. Larwill, after
placing her child on one bide, caught
hold of the animal's horns and hung.
Although thrown from side to
side by the bull's e'f'forts to free it-
self, she refused to be shaken from
her hold, and clang on until a crowd
of villagers arrived and drove the
beast away,
Harvest will son be over for anoth-
er year,
Melvin Taylor spent Sunday with
and Mrs. ,Ross Earl, '
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dustow and
family called on Mr, and Mrs,, Geo.
Wylie Sunday evening. ,
Mr, and Mrs, George Marshal, of
Toronto, and Mr. and. Mrs. W. Taylor
Of Wingliam, called on R. A. Taylor
Mr, and Mrs. Chester Cook spent
Sunday in Gorrie,
Mr. Harry Gowdy was busy last
week unloading a car of fertilizer,
Mr. Andrew Miller unloaded a car
of limestone last.week.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Achison of Ham-
ilton spent a few days with the lat-
ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gal-
Mr. and Airs. John Gowdy spent
last .Sunday with the latter's sister,
Airs. Bennett, near Molesworth.
Rev. A. A. Holmes, a former pastor,
and wife of Clinton, renewed old ac-
quaintances arodud here last week.
A number of young :men from
around here left for the West "last
week. We wish them a safe journey.
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Halliday and
Mr. and Mrs, E. Palmor went for a
flying trip to Brantford and home in
one day, all .had a good time.
Westlake -Knudson
The marriage took" place in Nee-
Yawa, Man., on Wednesday, July
of Miss Mary Isabel, eldest daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Lincoln Knudson, of
Springhill, and 'Mr. •Charles Edward.
Westlake; son of Mrs. Win. J. Mit-
chell, of Wroxeter, Rev: Harry Wil-
son officiated, Miss Janet Stewart and
Mr. Archie A. Knudson supported the
contracting parties. After a brief
stay here, Mr. and Mrs; Westlake go-
oto Tugaske, Sask., where they will
Visitors in the village recently were
Mr. Tacaberry and daughter, from
Lion's Head, at'the General'Store;
Mr, and. Mrs , Clinton from Hamilton,
Mr. and Airs. Seitz, Mr. and Mrs.
Kees, Detroit; Mr. Jacob Zuber, Chi
cago; Mz . and Mrs. G. G. Lawrence,
Palmerston, the guests of firs, Law-
Wm, Abraham and Gordon Mulvey
are shingling the Union Church.
Mr. Oliver Gailowayis building a
sun porch for Mr. Fleming Ballagh.
Miss Elizabeth Hackney will visit
friends in Toronto for a time.
Mr, and Mrs, Herd, Mrs. Herd sr.,
and Clarkson . Douglas, attended the
Debate at Paisley, Friday evening.
Those out of, the village Sunday,
were, Sterling Haskins and family at
Hamilton the Mulvey family and
Mr, and Mrs. Herd at Lucan.
Rev. and Mrs, McKenzie of Ripley
and Allan, renewedacgt iai
ntances in
the village Sunday, also Edward Me -
Grogan, of Toronto.
Mr. and Airs. James McGee and I IF1119IIII®IilMlll®III NI®III®III.<IllElllt' WHAM
Our New FallI
children of Courtland, N. Y., were re-
cent visitors at Mr. and Mrs, Wm. H.
Marshall's, and Winter
i1Ir. Ndrman Muir, who has been at-
tending Queen's University for the
past seven weeks has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. David .Breen and son
Gordon, of Grand Rapids, Mich., re-
newed old acquaintances on the line
last week.
Mr. 011ie Lincoln left Thursday for
the West, where he will spend the
fall months.
Mr. and Mrs, Omar Stokes were
week -end visitors at the home of Mr.
and .Mrs. Wm, Peterman, Fergus.
Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall and
family' of Detroit made a short visit
with friends here,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes ' spent
Sunday with friends at Milbank,
Village Clerk -
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The law now requires the license
be taken out three days before the
Of Marie -to -Measure Suits &
E. Overcoats are now on display. Io
Suits from $24.00 up. We have ti
it some exceptionally good values e8
69 in Blue Serges. If in need of a
d Suit or Overcoat don't fail to =
id see samples. Our firm guarars-
tees you satisfaction,
Si E
E Peabody and Haughs Smocks
and Overalls and Work Shirts
Er, for Fall are our specials.
aiI II®111®11I!mi I h111i&ll I I
Hydro Work Boots with Pan-
70uare guaranteed to give
you satisfaction,
Candy Special
MP. '5e
a. «
Spz,c al Offering
4Cakes no
" Mere
Pkt. Bayside 2 Vee Tins
Fancy Canned Per Tin
Delmont& For salads 'Tin
Fruits - 3.11:
BRAND 4116•+
. l'SaY+ a1 Tomatoes 29e
Norwegian 2 Tins
salp t; res a 2.56
Beaver Br. Prepared Cup
Must rd ,. Itea
rathtvt byl the 19 Menu OCt4tsrn i -]1i9. Tin 19e,
" or na•dr.
Lynn Valley
Asparagus Tin
Cuttings 25e
Lb. Tin
Cleo .. 23e
For Frying or shortening
Aetrtfred ' 45 lb.
MtgYffe6el w e
inest (Wiry Sap. Tin
a89nrteait 35a
Fancy wet Pack Tin
Shrimps 2110
Kippered 2 Tins
Snacks X3c
lyra ii,;yy
C.,dt B. Bot.
Heinz Lge. sot.
lietteht11a '0 27
Clteose ,t 1e
Pkte. & e
(ja bee Corn
Pi hes'
Spirit Vinegar
Bien led While or Brown
Lazenby's Chef Bot
Sauce a - 27a
STV_sty' ' ?
A kuq Weight Wa%Wrapped
Whiff IPaar
Cherryeake Fruit Cake
elr, ageta
No.2 Tht 12e
rim), b Z Oe
For Cleaning Pots, Pans
Hawes 12 -oz. Bort.
Lennon Oil 23c
Perfeerion Lb. Tin
Floor 'Wax 39c
10 lbs. r Victory rw a Vmtorr, Satet'
4d^az„ U V ' 49 xr yy"y+1 14""1' { netted Pj iekies