The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-08-02, Page 1iry t?q cr :1797 ;;'s! eirare.7. 417 With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News, 'Single g Copies, p' , Five Cents. Wingham, Ontario, ;Thursday, August 2nd, 1928 Subscription's $z:co per year, OBITUARY THE CHAUTAUQUA IS OVER, BUT WILL LOCAL ANO.PERSONAL STARS WIN IN THE FIRST GAME OF Mrs. Arthur Lawlor RETURN TO WINGHAM NEXT YEAR �( and Mr. Graham THE LOCAL SOFT BALI, PLAYOFFS News of the death of Mrs. Arthur ' - pr:r,. 4.1,.:tr..w. Fenn of Parkhill spent the week -end ri Lawlor of Wingham at Eldorado, 111„ , """"� at the home of ttre_.,latter's sister, ,On July 24th, came as a shocj,. to .her Wingham's five days of Chautauqua bers, and, individual selections in a , Mrs. W. F. Burg}tan. On Thursday last Fry-Gunne de- yet he doesn't seem•o have ave tal.cn in friends here, She has not been Iii. with its ;inspiring lectures,, delightful most'impressivaemanner: 1 feared the F Mr, and Mrs, Abe Bloomfield and Foundry in one of the best the soft ball garner.. ou .good ,health for'some time and went music, mystic conjuring and enter Herbert Lion Cope, who wag to games of the season. to her sister's at Eldorado "for avisit,tilting plays came to cud on 'iiia s- h « family, of Bayfield, s ent. the. week: a There were The Executive are planning to have r ave spoken on. Kill the Blues was p k some real exeitmg plays: Score 15 a Soft Ball Tournament daynight last,end- at the home of Mrs; Emma na e, t in the a ear tr- g accompanied by a ter- taken ill at Chesley, the management 12, This' win gives t - ' • , Bloomfiel g v s tl a Fry (Totts. future when a number of outside v ved bywhere eher shusb hused sband whom Sshe rific electric` storm, , with wind and providingad very capable substitute in - first place', in the schedule.' teams will .take part in it. Loth lad- ewas married four years ago: rain: Whether this unusual finale was Mr. Plattenburg, who spoke on "Loy- 4 Mrs. S. Dicola, of Renfrew and On Mondaynight • , J justified ,may bey your the Stars were acs and men s teams: , y questioned,for the alty to own town". Mr, Ph ten- Mrs. Caruso, of Ottawa, ;are the shining .again` and defeated the fast The Church William McKellar guarantors were depressed a bit fac- burgLeague Team journey- is not of -the staid, reserved, eve guests of Mr. Mrs., Chas: Bondi travelling Foundryteam in a closely y ed to Wroxeter on Tuesday of last William McKellar, who for the past ing a deficit of about $300, ;which en -tenoned lecturer; but one ,whose this week: contested game, score 1441, affoidfng' week and defeated the Church League ;three years had been in poor health might be sufficient:. However,there magnetic impulsive. energy • finds an ' , is somethinginspirational6y Miss Bessie Wright, of Toronto, is the manager of the Stars to unwind Team.there 17-5. The return game ,died at the home of his 'son-in-law, about this outlet :in apt epigrams, petty state- some acrobatic stunts. .Fred Carter in Wingham,e ; class of entertainment thatspending her holidays at her home at t nts.' And it was was played here last Friday but was on Tuesday , appeals to masts, interlard with.' good humour, - no mean affair to defeat the Foundr • •- .:afternoon July24. Mr, McKellar was many people, .so sufficient Jamestown: y called at the end of the second inn- people and sage homely advice. Your home boys, The, Foundry and Stazs: playingon: accounti • born in Tlterlford where he had' re sponsored the movement to ensure its town is just whatMrs: William : of rain: Wroxeter eter , you make it: It Wrighte James Y gplaysagain again on Thursday night A win fir here a gin on Friday and a real . sided until about two years ago,.wncen return in 1922 A contributing factor should be more to you than any other town, who was ,operatedon in the . , the Foundry would mean an extra snappy game is expected as Weox••er '.he came to live with his only dao h- to the deficit of 1928:rested in Waith- place -more attractive,., more ;Wingham General Hospital last week p game to decide the winner to meet team'are real fast players: • Should ter,Mrs. Fred Carter, who is the only er conditions delayinghayingand thus pi os Brous, than any y, P other place; and is improving and has returned home: the Fzy-Gunns team in the final play- Wingham win this game it entitles survivor• his wife died 33 years ago. preventing many people from the it can be provided citizens ra lice r P J Miss Flo Fleuty and Miss Mary off for the Advance -Times trophy, them to play off in a tournament in He was 73 years old and a member couttrjr from attending. Whatever that loyalty to its business concerns Casemore are .visiting with friends at Why not make a special effort to Seaforth on Civic Holiday for :champ- s of the Presbyterian church at Thed- burdens have been self -received by the which in, principle they profess. Ina • ,. ,Arcadia Lodge near 3untsvillr.: take in these games? They are ser- ronship of Huron 'Count . Goderich ford, where services were •c;onducted guarantors in providing this enter- local way he sustained the superiority Y Mr, and Mrs: C, Gregory and t Y interesting so come out and and Clinton are winners in the other • on Thursday afternoon by Rev. A. G. tamnent in past years,"are greatly of our business places, the• eviderices g y two taint inter cheer your favorite team ,to victory: group. The Girls' teams play the. .Rantoul. Interment was made in the lightened by 'the knowledge.that the of industrial' activitiy, sons, Keith and Paul, spent the week- , ,civic pride for This is the only sport in town. Lots ' Ridge Road cemetery: people of the town and vicinity enjoy- the extent of pavingandpublic o•.vn= end at the home of Mrs. F. Buchan -prime day. The winners at 5-af • •h . an Carlin Terrace. of room for cars on the: east end of ed a musical, educational treat, other- ership of public utilities, the display g a ` Park, No admission. A collect on i play off the finals at Grand Bend on -LL Edward Irving wise impossible: Here is hoping that of flowers around privatehomes, and . Miss Kathleen Pringle has retu:red i Labor Day to decide the champions g is taken up during each game to de- P '''The many friends and neighbour's a still larger number of people will on public streets; and last the wend from spending a short holiday at fray expenses: We always thought for the London Conference. A. real '',of the late Edward Irving' will regret take season tickets for the 1929 pro- erful shade trees that adorn the high-Sfrathroy and Wallacebur to learn of :his death which occurred on gramme. ways, All these with the. unusuall g Timofihy Hay was a real sport but as good days sport is expected. rY Fridayafuly '20th, at the home of'his Major J. , J. Hill's address on Tues- fertile and prosperous countryside are ihliss Harriett' Johnston; of- Crew, g, 52nddayafternoon on "Savawhy g visited Miss Gertrude Deyell Ast son David Irvin 729 East St. "Savages I Met in just reasons Win hath sinless McKinney -Anderson. ACCIDENTS AT BLYTH V : - „North, Portland, Oregon and in which Africa", proved most interesting, tle should be proud of their town, and week: AA quiet but pretty weddingtook :place his remains were laid to rest in is a rapid speaker and after a• brief give it that practical support its enter- Mr- and Mrs, Swan and PP Jack fain- place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Munro, aged about 11, of ::beautiful Rose City' cemetery on Mon- personal introduction plunged right Prises deserve: He decreed the ten- fly; also. Mr: and Mrs. Geo: Swan, hn Aa e 2 Bl Blyth, had his arm broken b (alliin •' .da July 23rd. Deceased born into_'h s subject. South African cities dency of the da to flo k t i - visited with Mr. and r cl d rson, John street, at 1., o Y , Y g Y, was Y c o t to cit d Mrs. Robt. Dey- clock, Saturday, July 28th, when their from a tree in which he was playing. :in Dumfries, Scotland, April 14, 1841, are as modern as any in America or ies, where there is no real home life ell over Sunday. only daughter, Gertrude Irene, was Another serious mishap °c: -erred .and came to Canada when a boy of Europe, and it is not until you get and firm friendships. History re united in marriage to Archie I ' - when rs. Earl Dexter in opening Mrs. M. Coolie and son of Cobo- g ch e Mc stn � , b .17 years of age, first living in York about 1000 miles north thatyou coma peats itself, that congested centres conk are visiting at the homef..L ney, of Bluevale. The ceremony was a fruit sealer, had the vein of a wrist ,County, in the vicinity of Toronto, in contact with the native savage. The breed vice and .crime to the ruin .if B. and Mrs, R. E. Jackson, o A 4 performed by Rev. Dr, Perrie of St, cut as a result of the glass breaking. later coming. to the Township of bushman are dwarf like. men about 4 nation. Rome, Carthage, St, Peters - y, feet,height,g, y Mrs. W. T3. Irwin Belmore Andrews Presbyterian Church„ Wing- She was rushed to the doctor to have Turnberr where in i880 he was un- 3 inches in. and with their bur all teach this lesson, Neither , , spent halt, Following the ceremony; a HON. J. S. MARTIN TO OPEN 3ted in marriage with Margaret IVIG- long arms, short legs and peculiarly can itbe denied 'that similar condi- here.few days last week with friends nt 1 tun = WINGHAM FALL FAIR here. dar y luncheon was served, after TWO SERIOUSLY HURT Cann of the same 'township: Two tilled head, might; well be termed the tions are developing m she larger which the happy couple left by meter A RESUL OF FALLS S T W J. Greer, secretary of 1Vin .bane ,.years later he moved to 2nd cosecs. missing lir 'between man and the American cities, Decay of a nation' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pugh and fain- for Toronto and Niagara Falls. ' sion of Mofiris, where for many years gorilla: They are.wild and unap comes not from the open spaces, or ily of Toronto are visiting the ler- the Fall Fair, has been informed that Ifni: theywere respected residents. On P.roachable and are cannibals.. These. towns but from the densely Falling down the stairs from their J S. Martin, Minister of Ag culture p ,, r pop- mar's parents here.` lit on account of failing health they retired with all other African tribes are cul- elated cities, •which foster practically CIVIC HOLIDAY Campbell street, Lucknow, Ri in. the Provincial .Cabinet, has proin . to Bluevale in 1917, where they con- ed by chiefs, but the real ruler is the all that is bad, Miss May Allen and Miss Marjorie chard Webster suffered serious injur i ed to officially open the fall fair on °' Gurney have returned , from a holi- Wingham's civic holiday is set for ies,;and is unconscious. • Mr. Webster Wednesday,5 :#inued to live until two years ago, "Witch Doctor", He holds all paver, Thursday.afters, .Capt. J. H. Hedley daytrip October • 10th. I ::.:e -when they left here and the scenes of because ,of the superstitious ignorance who may justly call' himself 'the on the. Great Lakes. nest Monday, August 6th, when busi- has' not been in the best of health, and lists for this great exhibition will be .•their manyactivities- of the natives. Bysortie "Luckiest Man AliveMrs. Chas. Cam bell ' ness places will be closed, The first it is thought that he tools a weak ready for distribution about to spend the ev a lief sorcery v spun an Ac P has returned the �5�h ening of -their lives with their only: lie is complete master, Major Hill's count of his experiences as a member from a visit with her son in Detroit. Monday in August seems a popular spell. inst. time for civic holidays, many towns James Irving had the misfortune to son 'in Portland, Oregon. The late job was to secure a right of •way of the R: F, C, He took up a great Mr. and Mrs. R. Mann have return- fall in Frank Graham's barn, The trip - BOWLERS Irvin was a Methodist' in through apart of Africa for the Cape deal of time in recountingrecruiting choosing this date, which also hap -p g a , P g ed from visiting in Hamilton, rope of the hay fork broke allowingBOWLERS BUSY religion and a Liberal in politics. He Town -Cairo railway. 'Difficult as it experiences in England, so that his pens to be Toronto's civic holiday. P is `survived byhiswas to convince thenative stor of actual combat Mr. and Mrs, A. Small and family Nothing like following the example of Mr. Irving to fall backwards from the wife.and his son, at ve of Y was somewhat of Toronto are visiting relatives in haymow to the barn floor, Although On Wednesday last, six pair of lo- David, also one granddaughter, Mrs, his object, the' real obstacle rested curtailed In one scrap a shell front bigger places. It may also be borne Wingham, also Mr. and Mrs, Banks in mind that there will be no Wed- no bones were broken he Buffered cal bowlers took part in Goderich ' .R, Gatti, Miles City, Montana: with the "Witch Doctor'; whose con -a German Archie bumped his plane. in Scotch Doubles but one u, pnesday half holiday next week. severe shock and a general shaking , qualified for sent must first be secured. This he such a wayas to cata ult him from of Stratford,from which it will take some time the prizes, Mrs. Joseph W. Walker obtained by beating them at their own the machine, Feeling himself gone Auto Livery and Truck Service up There` passed away on Thursday, in game, by presents and by diligent pa- for good; • he suddenly came very much call Robertson's Garage, Phone 11.,, GOLDEN UBILEE GARDEN to recover. Mr. Irving is the father of On Friday night four rinks went Residence 57. J Mrs. A. G. Smith of Toronto, former - off to Teeswater to participate 'n a Turnberry township, Margaret Ann tience. alive when he hit something hard in PARTY friendly jitney. W. W. Tanner carried Scott; wife of Joseph W. Walker. Af- Africa, will never be a white ,tr. o;; mid air, and found himself a,cride the 1\!rs> hillier, of Racine; Wise spent ly of Wingham, who came up on Fri off first prize, a picture, with a score ter recovering,from an illness of pneu country for climatic reasons. To the tail of his own machine. The pilot this week at W. Lepardos; Sacred Heart Church, Teeses.t r, day' • of 32 and 3 wins, W. T. Booth an. - mania she' had gone to visit with her 300:Millions natives there are, appro\:- had nosed down to escape and was in Mr, and Mrs. J. W. McKibbon re- will'hold a garden party and re=union sexed second getting a tie it Blau •titer Mrs. E. Thompson, West imately3 million whites,the properplace to catch the captain turned Saturday from a tripto Bos in honour of itsgolden jubilee on the HANDSOME FUNERAL CAR ' g as while ti g , pjust enough P Y J. 'Boyce sports a real flashyi WAR=anosh, where she suffered a fall, to fill the white-collar jobs, Apart as he dropped through the air: On ton, Mass. lawn of Mr. Joseph Cronin; Car i.et size. , his reward for getting: fourth prize. from which she did not recover. Mrs: from, the great district in the north, another occasion he made a landing The third annual Garden Party at and Culross t osephne, between 1rd Mr. R. A. Currie has added to his The same evening six rinks' Paid Walker was 72 years of age She -was and another large one about 1500 mil after the cockpit of his machine was and 4th concessions, on Thursda funeral equipment the latest t line in t g g P Mr, John .O Malley s, 2nd concession, y'' P Lucknow bowlers a visit•, to their first •bgrn at Monoroad, Ont. Surviving, es north of Cape Town, the cofintry flooded with gasoline by a rifle bullet Culross east of Teeswater gravel August 9tii. Do not mi s the event funeral cars. The large vehicle, pow- twilight Scotch Doubles. Twenty - besides her husband, are one son and is rich in timber, minerals and, wild penetrating the tank road,is announced for Thursday, of the season, Amusements for young eyed by a six sylinder continental mo- two rinks were present representing two daughters, Thomas W., on the game. He' gave a splendid desrrip- Chautauqua came to an cud with a August 2nd Stec arks Serenaders .and old. Sleeper's serenaders in at- tor, shows a radical change in this Kincardine, Ripley,Win- ham d Homestead; Mrs: William Burchill of tion of the diamond mines at Timber particularly pleasing feature "An Al- gP c tendance at the largest outdoor dan- class of car. Instead of the sombre g an l {• r will provide music for outdoor disc- a t Lucknow. W. A. Miller and J. Mas - Culross, and Mrs, E. Thompson. The ly, and of a. gold mine 'on the east Pine . Romance", by the Fiec:ht rod- • . cin pavilion in Bruce and Rural. appeaarate -•- the q -L _ Fir, the yea - - p ing, and a splendid entertainment has g p on carried cti first prize, A. Wilson .funeral services were conducted at the coast that had'been worked centuries lers, Dressed in the colorful costum- been arranged. Adults 50c.Counties. Free dancing, admission, hide is severely plain, following more A. C. Coombs took second while family residence, Turnberry, on Sun ago, .and from which tradition says es of the Swiss this company capti- Adults 50c, children 25c. the line of a modern limosine, which a Lucknow team got third, -day afternoon at 2 o'clock byRev, S. the Queen of Sheba got her gold, and veted: the audience with their fascin- A Garden Party will be held on the Parish Grounds, St. Augustine, on it closely resembles. While the rear Monday evening two rinks of Tees.- Davison, eesDavi on, pastor of the. United church; also that Solomon's temple was ador,i- ating melodies and folk dances. Jacl. NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM end open with one large door, there water bowlers joined Y• Wednesday, August 8th for which 7 d with a nu,..ber Wingham, of which she was a meni, ed with gold from the same place, Yost and Constantine Wenderle nad FOR WINGHAM are also doors at each side, at the of local bowlers in their 're ular 'it- elaborate preparations have been l J bar. Interment took place in the In constructing the railway no wood to respond twice to encores to anfront and immediately bele ,d the +. made. Sleeper's Serenaders will play ney. Dr. Ross and J. MGI tray Wingham cemetery, could be used for ties or ,bridges, as "Echo'/ song, when in the former sang On Friday last'Mayor Fells and doors of the driver's cab. There are each got a possible score with 011ie for dancing, All sorts of amusements ants. will destroy them, so steel and his love refrain on the stage, the echo Councillors Tipling, Wilkinson, Wel- so situated that flowers may be placer. Thompson u for young •and old. Adults a0c, child- r awe 1 as to P just behind, and captrirea Thomas Bolt concret werci used exclusively. It is coming from Miss Wenderle, who son and Hanna visited Goderich to in in that part of the car as the first three razes ' ren 2Gc, including supper. Follow she prizes; 4th J. zvt; Gra- the soli, one of the pioneer the insect pest;: that makes life a Lana had gone some distance from the tent, act the fire alarm system in that baskets arranged on each rids. 'then ai crowd, you will not be disappointed, P l am, 5th Donald Rae, 6th T. H. Gib- Thomas of 'Turnberry Township and den in that country, for they soler The pure tone, and long sustained town, which had been strongly recons- the vehicle, may. also be used as an son,7th - . Mason 8th H. McLean, - everything,note of her answercoininglike Mr. and Mrs, E. E Gibbs and Mrs, wellknown ambulance, in which case the sideJ a t, dor some years a resident of Wing into even the cloches you just i hemended to them. As is 9th F. Sherwood, 10th A. H. Coombs, ham, died here on. Saturday at the wear. an echo in. the ',Swiss mountains. Geo. Topping, of Brandon, titan„ were Win ham has had an arrangement doors will be ofgreat Advanta The brief a Van 'most.capable guests at the home of Robt. Beattie g g advantage. 11th W. Mann. age of 91, following a brief illness) At night, a New York cast present- MissDyke, a with the Bell 'Telephone Co, to pro- lower Part of the body is finished in Mr, Bolt had been remarkably'acted "Tommy"' a delightful three -act young lady, spent,four mornings in during the past week, vide phones for the firemen, for fire a dark grey, the -frames of file plate ave for his age until quite recently: comedy, which scored a hit in that organizing "Junior Town", the par- Miss Helen Beattie and Miss Euritli alarm purposes. For two years or glass sides and top in black, forming He was able to be around, .chopping city: "Tommy" is essentially the ro- ticipants being the boys and girls of< Campbell are visiting in Bavlield at more the Bell Company base agitated a pleasing conrtast. The inside is up• with iarrange:meet t holstilred in dark green embossed lea- the town. On Thursday night this the home of 141x: A. E Irwin, for a cancellation of this arran� , t tett g' wood being one of his diversions and mance of youth. It deals Tor;- Y g he could read without the - aid of'my Mills 'and Marie Thurber, who are provided a most instructive and pleas- Mrs. Robt: Beattie is visiting in'but the council succeeded in deferring ther, giving ita very rich appeaiancc.: glasses. He was born in Devonshire, in love with ,each other, Father and ing programme, beginning wale a Seaforth this week, this until next year. In the mean - RAIN July 28, 1838. Comingto thus 'Mother Thurber, and - Bernard, to saymeeting council, presided over Miss time they been investigating eta - on of the cot y, , RAIN INJURINGCROPS locality whena young pian he settled nothing of Uncle Dave, who, finally by Mayor Earl Grey. The different in a'f Diw daes inf townroait ,istrspend' •er methods: have be system in Goderich CROPS do a #aria in, Turnberry where he engineers the combination out of roan commrsioners gave timeui reports; mats- McLean's: YT operates something like this. On a Exceptionally heavy and frequent spent 65 ears. Since retiring' he i.asing suggestions for civic iinprovt- P Y g ifold difficulties and brings. about a been living iri. Wingham. Mrs; Bolt happy 'ending. ments, such as renovation of Tlolines' predeceased him about nine years The Thurbers all like Tommy, He blacksmith shop, removal of old b uld- ago, Surviving are one son and three is time sort of clean natural votin star Ings on Diagonal Road, etc: There , g. daughters, Eli Edgar, on the horse- who' always does the right thin:.; at followed folk dances by thewee girls stead; Mrs. J. Gamble of Turnberr • •tired and bigger girls, stunts by, the boys; , J Y the right time: But Marie ,gets Township; Mrs. Eera Merkley;, of of having Tommy continually her' 1 in a reading by Einem McInnes, a duet . , Doris Walker olned London, and Miss Eva Bolt, at homey to her and turns to Bernard; who i,� by o Wa gni and Jean Cop. , -,,. •� and a sword dance b, Margaret and The funeral. took place on Tues one of these modern youths you Y g day from the home to Wroxeter ceui-' read about. Here comes tee near- Betty Taylor, eteryr where Mrs. Bolt was buried, crash in the love story, tdoar ver, the services being conducted On this everything finally comes out ill right Id B Elliott is spending a few ,lawn by Rev: S. Davidson; of the for our friend Tommy, to the great days in Brantford, United Church, joy of the audience. • Mr. ,E. L Bloomfield; F. P. E:, of Wednesday afternoon and evening T elcar Kansas, who has s ent the Mr, and Mrs.: Join Kerr have as the Mozart Company gave an entratt-- past two weeks visiting at the home their guests Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Ham- king piograrnme of rare, brilliance. of his, sister, Mrs, Abe Brandon, of Mandl and son Robert, of South Bend, Betty Cain, violinist; Marjorie Von Bayfield; has returned to Wingliatn �.i n Percy' Indrart a, and Mr; and Mrs, l cy' J~. Strachan and Connie Jessup, pianist wliete he is visiting his mother, Mrs. Kerr of Sarnia, and, dramatic reader, gave grotto nun:- Enema Bloomfield, BEES ATTACK TEAM OF HORSES Thomas Congram and son, Wilfred, of East Wawanosh, had an exciting hour on Monday afternoon of last week, when a swarth of bees settled on a team of horses attached to a load of hay: The two men at once unhit- ched the horses, thinking they might get away before any damage was done, but in vain: They bectnie fran- tic With the stinging of the angrg; bees, and) in a short time became in- sensible, • their bodies being literally covered with the swarming insects, Mr. Congram and Wilfred were for- ced to fleefrom the scene and prise . test themselves plunged into a pond close by, doubtless saving their lives, at least from a painful ordeal. After wards they' got to th house nd re- ceived medical attention: Veterinary surgeons were summoned from Blyth and Belgrave, who did everything tax ease the suffering of the dumb ani-' mals, which are in a pitiful condition, the bodies being badly swollen, and perhaps the heads appearing Me :,Forst It will not be known for a -week or ten days what will happen to the hor- ses, the occurrence being rare and very severe. Then, as if enough trouble had not fallen already, ` their house was struck by lightning during a fierce electric storm that swept this part of Ontario Thursday night, The bolt hit one of the chimneys smashing it to pieces, butfortunately did not set fire to the building. Mr. Congram is4 uite con- tent to call it quits with misfortune this year. Miss Margaret' Copeland is Holiday fire alarm being sent into the Tele- rains 'the last fortnight have serious-' ingat Oshawa and Bowmanville, phone central, the operator wilt ring ly interferred, with haying operations. a certain number, which automaticallY This cropis unusually Mr. and Mrs, R Vairstone and Miss' heavy several connects with four or more places farmers have their' barns filled and Margaret leave ,en Friday on a trip where some person is constantly in resorting to stacking outside, Pa l to the Pacific Coast, attendance,and sets in motion a siren, . wheat harvesEing is under way not Dr. Stewart's office will be closed which might be placed on the town sush damage being done, and it pro - from Tuesday, August 7th until Fri- hall: This special instrument in the mases a good return, Oats in some �% ': day August 31st. four or more: places is used .• for -fire places are down,increasing the dii.i• There is a general satisfaction all alarm purposes only, and will give tire culty of harvesting, but proper wee:11- round to hear of success of any. Citi- location of the fire. The committee er conditions will improve this before zen, whether they be prominent ern- will report on all their tnvestig t S they .are ready to cut. Those 'who ployers of labor or a mere mechanic. at next meeting of council, but some have travelled the country report two Wm. Cronin came to Canada not thing in line of the above system. things of intertest. First, that we so many years ago, and to Wingham seems to meet with favor of the coni- suffered nothing from rain to what comparatively recently; yet despite mittec, people down south; and second that d more handicaps than one he has site- grain fields that fat 'hart been treated vith seeded in buying 'a property, and a Mtand Mrs, Willism Robinson, of fertiliser stood up under the wind while �veelcs ago;..saw`it,free from debt. 5asicatoon , Saskatchewan, are l `iritis g and rant, w file cothers not treated This idea is worth copying friends around Wingham and Blyth, were flat. .:.....:.._ :,:. . WINGHAM UNITED CHURCH Rey. Sidney Davison, Pastor 'rel.--- htttreh son, Parsonage 183 Sunday, August .5th . ,..gev. Mr: Bradley willp reach at bath morning , and evening services. WELL-1vt1