The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-07-05, Page 3'.+Fa��WfSaFaW,NWik
and Wroxeter
Thursday, July 5th, x928
The second ,annual Live Stock and
.Household Science Judging Competi-
tion forHuron County was held at
Seaforth •on Friday, June 22nd. These.
competitions ,were open to Junior
Farmers and Junior Women's :Insti-
tutes of the County as well as any
young: man or ":young woman twenty
six years of age or under. The entries
were not large but the cu ality of the
work was excellent.
The competition for Hou'sehold
Science cor listed of classes in Nut-
rition, I-.i:wise Furnishing and Cloth-
ing, Miss Melda McElroy of Blyth
who was high girl in the competition
last year again carried of the honors
wth a score of 546 out of a possible,
66o points. She' received from the
hands of the donor, Mr. Thos. Atc-
Millan, M.P.; a very' beautiful• Silver
Flower Basket.' The first six girls in
order were as follows: '
Melda McElroy, Blyth, J46; Bertha
Hoggart,' Blyth, 544; Mrs. De Wett"
Strong,;Forclwich 544;. Mary Wood,
Blyth;532/2; Margaret Eigie, Kipp -
en 5231/2; Eva Scarlett, . Walton
522%'• .
The winners of the individual class-
es received. Silver'•Cake Plates while
the second, third, and fourth prize
winners in the classes received cash
prizes. Winers of the individual
classes are as 'follows:
Nutrition -Bertha Ho.ggart, Blyth,
187; Melda McElroy, Blyth, 186; Mrs.
De Weet Strong, Fordwch, 184; Mary
Wdod, Blyth, 1831.
House Furnishing -Mrs. De Wett
Strong, Fordivich, 183; Eva Scarlett,
Walton, 1761, Bertha Hoggart, Blyth;
176; Jean McVittie, Blyth, 168.
Clothing -Margaret Elgie, Kippen,
186?•; Mary Wood, Blyth, 186; Louise
Matthews,'Pordwich, 033; Janet Aik-
enheari, Brucefield, 179.
The 'Competition was under the
supervision of Miss Edith Zavitz,
R. No. 2, Ilderton. She was asssied
af the•' competition by .Miss Beggs,
Miss Rowe ,arid Mrs. 'A. E. Spring -
stead. All of theseladies are mem-
bers of
hembers"of the Institute Branch, Toronto.
The Live Stock Judging Competi-
tion consisted in placing ten classes of.
IIM111o1l I lII®Ille'III:':IIIMIIIiI9111®IIIIE111Eellltdlill
4 , c
Leave your order for
your Spring Suit. 'I®
= Dobefore the •
1t110�Vb _
1- Spring rush :starts. -®
al •
Choose the cloth and 'm
leave your order, have ;it
delivered when you want
it. Later on the best 111
pieces are sold out and
• cancelled suits to suit ev-
▪ ery one.
Unlit 111�IIII�IIIi1611J18111fYfll�lllslll0111i✓alll�lllA
stock, Oral reasons were taken on
five classes. It was possble for the
boys to make a total scare of 75o.
The following are some of the high
totals -Win, Archibald, Seaforth, 68x;
Warrei Zurbrigg, Gorrie, 660; Edwin
Johns, Seaforth, 657; Robt. Archibald,
Seaforth, 6,52; Orval McGowan, Blyth
65o; Gordon Reynolds, Seaforth, 649;
Robt. Connell, Palmerston, 647.
The,high man and the second high
man received a Silver; Cup and Silver
Medal respectively, Mr. W. G. Medd,
M.L.A. and Mr. C. Robertson, M.L,A.
very kndly supplieethe funds for the
purchase of these trophies, Mr, Medd
was on hand to present then to the
winners, The following is the the
list of the prize winners of each of the
Horses --Edwin Johns, Seaforth, 149;
Gordon Reynolds, Saeforth, 148; Wil-
son McCartney, Seaforth, 145; Elwood
Stackhouse, Brucefield, 543.
Beef Cattle - Orval McGowan,
Blyth, i2; Elwood Stackhouse' Bruce-
.field, 131; Jas. McIntosh, Seaforth, 1;yi
Wilson McCartney, Seaforth, 128.
Dairy Cattle- Eldon Stoltz, Au-
burn, 127; Dave 'McIntosh, Seaforth,
128; Robt. Connell, Palmerston, 522;
Orval,•' McGowan, Blyth, 119.
Sheep -Dave McIntosh, Seaforth,
145; Gordon Reynolds, Seaforth, 141;
Frank Reynolds, Seaforth, •141; Har-
vey Johnston, Brussels, 139.:
Swine -Root, Archibald, Seafo'rth,"
148; Robert Connell, Palmerston, 140;
Edwin Wood, Blyth, 535; Stewart
Middleton, Clinton, x34; Harold 'Bol-
ton, Dublin, 534. '
The judges for the Live Stock Judg-
ing Competition were Messrs. w. K.
Riddell and A. E. Donald of Bruce
County, Mr. A. ID: Runion of Middle-
sex County and Messrs. G. Y. Cruick-
shank and F. A. Wiggins of Huron
County. The live stock judged was
contributed, by the following:-
Robert Boyce, liroadfoot Bros,, Alex
` Wright, George .McCartney, Melvin
I Crich, Roy Pepper, Wm. Irwin. and
!James McIntosh,
Thecompetition was under the dir-
ection of Agricultural Rep"resentitive
G. R. Paterson and, Assist. ,Representi»'
tine G. A. McCague.
To the Editur.av all thihn
Wingham paypers:-
Deer Sur:--
Doe n't it i thin •
o s bate vrry g how
fasht the summer is goin? Here we
are pasht the twinty fursht av June,
wid the days beginnin to git shorter
already, if ye kin belave the almanick,
but ye can't notish it yersilf. 'Tis
loike -the' great proshperity av the
wud nivir tinh av it yersilf, an whin
wud nivir tint:- av t yersilf, an whin
somebody tells ye about it ye don't
belave it. Whirl the Tories git back
into power at Ottawa thin we will
gt rale proshperity, wid lashins av
money bein .slpint 'among the byes.
The. wan ting that consoles me whin
I kape tearin the months. aff the cal-
endars, an know that I am gettin out -
der all the tonne, is . that we are al-
ways gittin nearer the nixt elickshun
whin we intind to turn thine Grits an
Progressives out av the sates av the
Yis, tonne ,flois fasht, an it will
soon be titi yearssince the close av
the war, an ane moind often goes back
to them awful war years yit, whin
the iuissus' had shtop.ped •ane from
shntokiin, as a useless extravagance,
Barb Wire, 4 point 6", roll $4,00
Black and Galv. Wire,
No. 14 Dairy Pails, 2 for _-e5c
No. x4 Galy. Pails, each hoc
All Copper Boiler, reg. :$3.5o
for * _ „$2.g8
Baskets, values to 850,• for__. Z5c
x61' Cut Star Lawn Mower 10.00
x6" Woodyatt Lawn Mower 5x:40
Rub. Tired Coast. Wagon $4.95
Bulk Turnip Seed, ib. , 5oc
Seed Corti, per bus. $2.35
Rape Seed, per lb _,.:.. ... ,„Txc
Wooltee Sweat Pads, each.....6oe
Hayne &rape, each 25c
Leather Face Collars $4,50
Discontinued Colors of Paints
at a Bargain.
z Garden Wheel Barrow,.. -$x.95
Clothes fins, to doz. ,,.,w,..,w.,,:25c
Zinc Wash Boards, Spec 499
Red Star Washer, reg. $ig.5o
for $i6.5o
New 'Century Washer, reg,
$19.00, for ..., .,$x6.00
3ox3i Record $5.95
3ox3;k Pacemaker . , $7.75'
29x440 Imperial Balloon $9;5o
°31x44o Durilop Balloon $x3.75
Tubes from $x,75 up
Renual Wood Polish, 250 size
3 for soc
5oc sage, x; for 759
Liqued Veneer Wax, 250 size
3 far w._.,. ..............
so size, 2 for was ._7sc
x only 3 Burner Oil Stove,
reg, $e6,5o, for
Cottage Paint, per quart toe
Upper-Ukranian High School girls of Winnipeg form a beautiful string orchestra for the festival. Lower Left -All
nations will contribute to the event Lower Right -Doukhobor .. women spinning at their settlement in Brilliant. B.C.
Fine art must always be produced by the
any class and any race may sweat and eat nobly;
subtlest- ofallmachines, which is the human
h hand No machine yet contrivedor hereafter revel' at their ploughs; and revel in the sunshine.
will ever equal
e fine
mple hearths for
the human fingers."-JohnthRuskin. machinery ,of And yar, Latin, Celt, and SSrc�aandin3 an,e Pole and
Few countries can so readily and fully demons- Ukrainian, Hungarian and Roumanian, Finn and Rus
trate this formula as Canada demonstrates it today, sian, Doukhobor, Austrian, Czech, and the rest, may
with her ever-increasing family of new Canadians sit in peace, weaving their memories into lovely things
from every craft -hire of ancient Europe. which all will assemble to admireand enjoy together
They are here in their thousands to embellish the in the friendly arena of Canadian Folksong and
bareness of a new World with the transported' skill Handicraft Festivals.
and taste af ' old centres of master -craftsmanship. Confidently, the old Canadian predicts that the
They are carding, and spinning, and weaving the Canada of tomorrow will solve some racial problems
a' of today.
And she
universal des 1r
_'which are they
fleece and the flax of our prairies; they are hamP
mering our metals, moulding our clay, carving our will do it in great part by quietly saving and blend -
woods, plaiting our straws, to the tune of every ing the missionary crafts of those beautyloving mis-
peasant song that has echoed down the corridors of sionary migrants who are merging themselves into
racial history through the rural homes of Europe's her family as New Canadians. The first Canadian
Folksong and Handicraft Festival is to be held in
Here, they find a blue sky wide enough for all Winnipeg, June 19-Z3 of this year, and will present
eomers; :a sweep of pregnant prairie where men . of a wealth of interest.
an the bye wus oversays, an the only
hoired inin ye cur git to wurruk on
the farrunis wus shlackers, arr ould
fellates; arr fellahs wil flat fate arr
varicose veins. I had a lot av diff -
runt lads whrrukin fer me'durin thine
war years, an bein woili fer nade av
me tobackey, I druv think so harrud
that I bet they often wished they was
safe in the : trinches.
Tings wussen't so bad in the sum-
mer tonne whin ye cud kape busy fer
sixteen !hours a day outdures, but the
long avenins durin the fall an winther
wus the worst.' Shure, it was lone-
some wid the bye oversays, an the
hoired min ye cod git to wurruk on
our own girruls out' nearly iviry
noight av theer loives, attindin path-
.riotic, tats, an quiltin divarshuns an
concerts, airnin money to "buy yarn
fer the solgers,: an the missus sittin
be the table knittin, an knittin, an I
t i
knittin till the click av tlii�n ].ni ttut
naydles got oar ane varves, an I kin
hear taint yit in me draanes sonhe-
toimes. Me poor oul;f poipe bein
-dislhcar•ded; an desarted, an dushted,
an put away in a drawer, upslitairs,. 1
had to do sometiiig to put in the
long -whither noights, so I made axe
n galore,, an platted modes av
whip lashes; an made shtabel broonis'
out av bluebaith sapling, till I had
supploid the whole countitrysoidc.1
ti'rik if 1 rerneinber r�oight, that 1 air-.
ned"twinty tree dollars' an shinty five
cents that way, an turned the money
over. to the Warne -Ws Pathriotic Soc-
iety, Whin the demand fer me axe
handles an other, tangs wud get
shkacic fer a whoile; I wud shpind an
hour iviry noight:graisirl.lnc boots be
the kitchith faire, an the misses nivir
grumbled Whin I shplt talley on the
flur•e, fer she knew I was fo ghtinthe
tobackey habit, the sante: as the byes
in the trinches wus foightin th'e
Huns. Shure, '''was a long foiglht itl
both cases, sus purty near: a useless
wan, fer• I shtartcd shrnokiu again on
Arnhistice`tioight, an the tuns shtart-
ed skanii far the nixt wa3,
".i't. y' nl,s are ,party bad in this ould
wurruld, but wance 5n a whoile thecr
is a glance av sunshine. Wurrud has
jist come in over the radio that
Foshter Moffat has been elickted in
Sout Bruce be over r,5oo majority.
Av coorse some av us droy Tories
don't loike think wet Grits very well,
but' we don't objickt to havin thim
Miss Emilia Johnston.
Mrs. Gordon MacKay is at present
visiting atthe home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Diette at Dunnville.
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Masters were
visitors Friday evening at the home
vote wid us at elickshun tonne. ' of Iver. Tom Mothers,
Yours till nixt wake, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mathers and
Timothy Hay family of Guelph spent the week -end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
BLUEVALE Mathers. •
Mr. and Mrs., Will Bailey of Ottawa
spent the week -end visiting friends in
and around Bluevale.'
Don't forget the United Church
Picnic Saturday afternoon in Mr.
Henry I3osman's bush.
Miss Bernice. Shaw returned home
last week after spending a month at
the Borne of. her sister, hirs,,Leonard
Gates at Cherrywood and with friends
in Toronto.
Mrs, Jim McDonald and daughter
Mrs. Neil Sparks and little Patsy, all
of Detroit, were visitors Friday at
the home of the former's sister, lairs.
Chas.' Elliott.'
Ag great shock came. to• the people
of Bluevale and vicinity on Sunday
with the death of Miss Alva Ramsay
Who diedin Kincardine Hospital on
Saturday night. vtuch sympathy • is
extended to her bereaved mother and
Master Donald Scott of West Lorne
is visiting at the, home of D•tr. Alan
Mi' and. Mrs, Peter D. King have
arrived honkie after spending the win-
ter in New York,
Mrs. Ina Lockhart, Miss Iiia Thom-
as of Woodstock spent the week• end
with friends and relatives here,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Association of the United
Church niet Thursday afternoon at
the' home of Mrs. Ed. Johnston with
the president, Mrs. Arthur Shaw, pre-
siding. The meeting opened, by sing-
ing hymn 324, Rev, Mr:: Walden led
in prayer, the president `read the
Scripture Lesson and. the minutes of
the last meeting were read, ,After
ittr, business part of the meeting was
over the meeting closed by singing
the Doxology. The ladiiesthen,,went
to the kitchen tot. sew patches for
quilts. There Were 26 inentbers ihre-
sent and to vistors. Miss, Beatrice.
Thornton favored tis with a solo. The
hostesses were Mrs. E. Johnston and
Man So Nervous Gets
Sore When Spoked To
"It actually irritated ane to have
anyone talk to me, ;I was so nervous.
Vinol ended this and I feel wonderful
now." -Win. Fahy.
Vinol is a compound of iron, phos-
phates, cod liver peptone, etc. The
very FIRST bottle makes you sleep
better and have a Big appetite, Ner-
vous, easily tired people are surprised
how QUICI'. the iron, phosphates, etc.',
give new life and pep. Vinol tastes
delicious. AIcNibbon's Drug Store
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The law :now requires the licenst
be taken out three clays before thc.
Mr. W. Williams, who has spent.
some months with his San in Detroit,
returned 'to Gorrie recently and ex-
s-nects to remain hese: for the sutnihher.
Miss P. Iicl 1, gar and Miss N. Edgar..
of Toronto spent the week -end .in
Mrs. (Revs) Myers, of t)ashwood,.
parsonage, spent a couple of stays here
this weck,yat the :ionic of Mt,, Jas.
Mr. George Wylie of Toronto 'spent
theholidaywith his mother itt Gorrie,
Mrs. James Leech is spending some
time. with her :sister in Listowel who
is seriously ill.
The Annual services for the Or-
angemen of this district will be held
in Gorrie United ,Church nextSunday
afternoon at 2.45 pee. The brethren
are requested to Ing et at the lodge
room at 2.15 ` The sermon will
be preached by Rev. Fred Craik,
The special Memorial services to
be held' in honor of . the deceased
Orangemen of this district will • be
held in Fordwich Cemetery on Sun-
day afternoon, July xsth at 2.45 1).111 -
Mr, J. J. Hunter, of Kincardine, Grand
Master of Ontario West, will give
the memorial address.
Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong visit-
ed with friends in Blyth recently.
Quite a number from hereattended
the special services held in. Mildmay
last Sunday in connection with the
Old Boys' Re -Union.
Mrs. R. Greaves of Toronto, spent
the holiday at the home of Mrs. E.
Plans are, being aide to •hold a
Patriotic Rally for Howi,ck Township
similiar to the one held at the Wrox-
eter Park in corihinenoration of Con-
federation. The meeting will be held
in the afternoon of some sabbath in
the near future. '
Orangemen of this district hope to
celebrate July lath at Listowel.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society will be held
at the home of Mrs. E. Jamie,, Thurs-
day afternoon,
Conte to Church with your friends
next Sunday; Rev. Craik will speak
on "Scenes By GalilIee." Von will
enjoy this service, Special anuric,
lvIr. and Mrs. 13, Scutt of 'Toronto,
spent the holiday at thehome of Mr.
Edward Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson'
were Auburn visitors on Sunday
Mr. and 'Mrs. Lambert Stinson
and Miss Skilling of Toronto spent
the holiday with Iviiss Edna Stin-
son and other friends.
Quite a few from here attended the
camp meeting at Deemertpn on. Sun-
Mrs. Gordon Barton of Toronto is
at present visiting her mother, Mrs.
R, Stinson,
itttr. Jas, King is spending this week
with his brother - in Wiarton who is
very ill..
We are sorry to report Mr., Steve
Ring very ill with blood; poison in
his hand.
Miss Jean Sparling spent the week-
end with Harriston friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Herb. Irwin of :Tor-
onto are spending holidays with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr.Irwiand IVIrs, D. Cathers also Mr.
and : Mrs.: Ed. James visited with
friends in Essex last week.
Rollicking Singers and Entertainers
a Popular Chautauqua Attraction
� .,,- -, ra' , eeeteetereeere
- The Herrick Male Quartet, headed by Robert Herrick, well-known enter-,
tainer and singer, is one of the popular attractions of the coming Dominion
Redpath Chautauilua here.
Here is fine quartet singing -four splendid male voices that blend in
most delightful harmony.
These fouroun entertainers, all college men, sing their songs and.
y g
present their sketches with infectious high spirits and true college "pep."'
The audience loves them They have the happy knack of making any audi-
ence sit up and cry for more.
Will be at C autau',',;vii en Saturday, J 21st
Atter 'n'¢t as t3 Evening.
Special. Value!
`Good Quality
TOMATOES 2 Large 23c
His.- e
>P g
:Rnspberary,Lenuon St eu'beret +prang
'them Pkg. xezo
Brtanswe i®li 4. Tints
Sardines 255e t
,Apritiot2 2,30
Rosedale ,Chipped
Jar 25C
m. APSE JAMate !be
m Rao:23c
Ready Cat
Root Beer
or e
Ginger ,Mepacsooe
Favor arty$ nesa
Crab 9
Meat est, 'l'ilt
It argil Pitt, .23c
Shalt 1Pkt,, !�c
Club House cy
No. -3 6 .Mason Jar, Queens 33c
Pimento Stuffed, s oz. 27c
Laren's invincible
Picnic, Mason 14.oz. Mason
Jar ...., .i7c Jar ......,25c
$tebrrtana's Imported Be4COS
14b3.3a 2348
[Fom1no Brnnd
;n $, 25e
Post % por
Toa t
Minute '
Tapioca sack 25e
Large easorta,nt Ca'nn'a or Rowntree'a
Chocolate Bars 6 for 25e
CLARti'S �-a,-
Tomato Catsup 21. c . tie
an Heavy
I :i ; e8 %%14'
THE IDEAL COMBINATION"k..L',p.. rP,! rttl 41 1VotCIla Vii;
Different ie„. -
'TM Igt)
tefielz ng,aut
triant 41P lb.
"Mc Pince lteffta in Canetta"
ay1gle1dU>i tOld3S s
Por name Dreaming
29e Battle
Lay gtoia
Cm* +les filstketil4
Select btu
4••e 00e