The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-05-17, Page 5' • . • 2' • Thursday, May x/th, /08 smommoillomm000mmomomompowomofflowolomolomomomolomom! Sale ofSilk Dresses For IliVornen and Misses $9,75 ti Silks in sheer g:eorgette and flat crepe' and printed chiffons. Styles that express the femininity of the new sea- son—softer silhouettes, full- er skirts and more trimmings • = --yet withal retain the trim- ▪ nessi modern woman h a s i come to prefer. '▪ Many of thesestyles have 0 .1 been our most popular sellers I this season. Dresses of qual- ity and style for VVonien and • Misses, regular value $12.50, • 15.00, 16.50, now $9.75, I E ISARD & C _ • 1 1 1 ;1.11181111111111111,111111111411111111118111111110481111111101011111110141101011111111111111111141111110111 TheSafest car of them. all to drive and Soundest of all to buy/ McLAUGHLIN - BUICK owners enjoy the highest degree of safety it is pos- sible to build into a motor car—because to- day's McLaughlin -Buick embodies every recognized safety factor, developed to a unique degree of efficiency. The double -drop frame—pioneered by Mc- Laughlin-Buick—provides a lower center of gravity, as well as maximum headroom, road - clearance and all-round roadability. McLaughlin:Buick methanical, external -con- tracting four-wheel brakes—the world's safest type --- act instantly, release instantly, ars always ready for any emergency. The famous McLaughli'n-Buick Valve -in - Head six -cylinder engine surpasses all others in flashing pick-up and tremendous power reserve—assuring constant safety in touring, in traffic and on the hills. McLaughlin -Buick is soundly built, thor- oughly dependable, unrivaled in value—the safest car Of them all to drive and the sound- est of all to buy. 11424.28c The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan oilers many, Advantages to buyers ,of McLaughlin -Buick cars. A. NI. Crawford, Wingham, Ont. When Better Atuomobile.s Are Built --MeLaugh in•Buick Will Build Thexn "THE TOWN BEAUTIFUL" Everyone loves and achnires beauty, Beauty is one of the divinest forces that life holds. It is based funda- mentally on order, symmetty and har- trimly. The contour of a beautiful' face; the bleed of colors ie a ntaeter i'y oieture; the charm of a beeettiful woman—all these have their univer- sal appeal, The city or town in which our home is made should be no leas beautiful in our eyes than ehe countryside we re- vair to in summertime, the inountains or the seashore. Our quest of beauty Should begin where all good things begin, at home. The communityere. flecte the pairit of those who cottpose • it. If we eaVe beautiful thoughte,:and the inherent love of beauty which is our portion in the land 'of.' the living, wc shall not be content with a City ot !town which does not inirrior the beau', ty that possesses us, VVe.shall want our home-town(the ,blessed worth) 'to bo beatitiful, wholesome, orderly, healthy, virile, and a plate of which to lie proud, "Clean -tip Week". comes as a boon anti blessing to many an embeautie fa•cormounity, It holds up an idcal It says, "Make the Towit Beautiful". It imposes a duty. It offere, ito the ecripturat Phrese, "Beauty for ashes", ,c3 uch a'week reminds us of the saying that if the streetsrof the Now Jerttea- lent are to be leePt dean it will only :0"t,••• b WINGHAN ADVANPE-TIMES. e by everybody sweeping their own cloorstep. Hence it will be an incen- tive to work bard and enthusiastic- ally foil the place we love, . There is a sacred obligation rest- ing upon the homebuilders to keep the home, the home, clean. • If the full meaning and significance of home is truly realised it will be seen that home is not confined within four walls. Hanle is where we live, where we find our work to do and earn our living, where our loved ones share oor life, the busy street, the commun- ity.. Therefore the lanes, the byways and the highwaYs should be clean and kept clean, so that the streets may be safe; for the children to play in, and th/e children be healthy, happy and beautiful and radiant in ',The Town Beautiful" we have builded for them. MAKING VICTIM A NEW NOSE ?oy Caudle of Lakelet, ' near Clif- ford, wrote home from a Toronto, hospital the other day after the first operation and said it was a severe one. Portions of the flesh off the forehead has to be utilized in building the new nose and. some five or six operations have to be undergone, It is to be hoped that he may have a fairly presentable nose when it is fin- ished. It will be remembered he had rg nose cut off laet sun -Amer in a car accident, while on his way up home from the 24th of May celebration at Walkerton. SOUTH BRUCE TO BEOPENED? ,A fortnight ago J. J. Hunter, of the Revievv-Reporter, made a guess that the bye -election in South 3ruce might be held in mid-June. Whether he had inside information or merely a big bluff, 'natters little, but it is surpris- ingly strange. that Provincial Organ- izer Clydesdale is in the riding, pros- pective candidates interviewed, and a convention is talked of. The vacancy was caused by the un- seating of M. A. McCallum, U. F. 0. on the ground of illegal arrangement between candidates resulting in the' withdrawing of one from what had started as a three cornered contest in the provincial general election of De- cember, xged. Nearly $5o,000,000 for Roads Since the passing of the Canada e Highways' Act in xexe, under which the Canadian Federal Government set aside $2o,000,000 to assist the various provinces in the building and improvement of highways, over 8,000 miles of highway have been built at a cost of $48,990,092. Of this amount the Canadian r•leeovernment has con- tributed.$19,596,388. In addition to the work federally' subsidized, the nine provinces of Canada have carried on extensive programmes of highway construction and improvement, with the result that a total of 5,788 miles of road was improved in 5926,, at an outlay of 42g,585,000, made up of fed- eral, provincial, and municipal expend- itures. The total amount spent on the improvement and maintenance of Can- adian roads in 1926 was approxim- ately $45,000,000: The total mileage maintained by patrol or gang system according to a recent compilation is 46,824 miles, involving an annual ex- penditure of $A5,978,000. THE SELF - DENIAL EFFORT Of the Salvation Army IS A CALL to your LOVE, SELF-SACRIFICE • AND DEVOTION "Let your gift be touched with love and sacrifice." / The collectorswillbe at your What you give God will bless. The officers responsible for this • effort in Wingham are: Capt. L. Danby, Lieut. A. Gray. GOOD USED CARS Ford Coupe $15.00 x Ford Coupe '23 Model ...$15o.00 x McLaughlin Six $go oo x Durant Sedan '24 Model ..$225 WHIPPET SALES & • 'SERVICE GREENLEY'S Garage • WROXETER Mr. Hopper of Wingham, conduct- ed the services in the local United Church and at NeAridge on StiodaYA and delighted the congregatiolte with his spirited address, Mr. Hopper will always be welcomed, at Fordwiele— Record. The 'council of the town of Mt. For- est expects to copstrpct a forty -foot concrete pavement on their main Street this coming summer; the esti- mated coSt of which is $80,20,10. TOO MANY WOMEN VOTES To the Editur av all titian Wingham paypers, Deer Sur:— Sometoimes Archie Paterson Ends me his "Globe" an I lind hint the 'Free Press" in exchange fer it. Ay coorse we always return thin), fer we both kape all the ould copies an shtore thim away fer rifirince, C don't see iney rayson fer Archie k'aypin thine Globes an clutterin up his house wid fer ye sildom see annyting av intpoortince in that payper at all, at all, so ye don't, but at lash', it has shtruck someting good, an is makin the besht bit it has made since it turn- ed Tory fer a few wakes at the toime of the nointeen sivinteen elickhsun. D'ye moind that elickshun, Misleter Editur? Us Tories wus furninslit a barrud jawb to bate the Grits, fer the Union eecevernmint had made such a mess, av tings that the whole coun- thry wus woild to put Laurier back into power, so Borden an Rogers an Meighen had to ehtudy out a skame to prevint thine Grits from gittin a chance at shpindin the money which wus goin purty free in thin days. We gave votes to the evoiyes an mothers an sisters an cousins an aunts av sol- diers whether dead or aloive, (1 hey heered av thim Grits gittin votes from dead min, but we wint thim wan bet - tiler, so to spake, be votin all the fe- male relatives av dead min). Thin we got the min oversays rounded up to all vote wid us, an devoided up theer votes among the places wheer we nayded thim wurst, an we skit tous- ands av tillygrams to 'the farrumers tellin thim that theer bYes wud be lift at home, an not come undher the conshcripshun law. If theer wus anny- ting we didn't put into that elickshun it wus because we didn't .tink, av it, fer we wus in a bad .ox and cudden't shtick at troifles, an the ind some- toimes justifoies the manes. Av coorse we won the elickshun, but I see now that it wus a mishtake intoirely to do some av the tings we did, fer we hey had all thine Frinchies agin us ivir since, Just tilde av the whole Prawvince av Quebec, which is naecherally Tory an Protickshunist, votin wid thim Grits an Progrissives at iviry elickshun, an all because av what happened tin arr twilve -years ago. It's a quare wurruld, so it is, an a lot av payple 1iev tio rayson wid thim. • 13ut 1 niusht git back to me sub- jickt, fer I foind mesilf gittin away from jt. 'Tis a habit av ould min not to shtick to theer tixt, an they hev to be afther inovin the pravious quis- tion on thimsilyes purty often to git back on the thrack, so to spake. Mebby me dawter-in-law wud tell me that I hev been mixin me metty- fers agin, but ye undhershtand what inane. What 1 mint to say wus that the ,Globe has shtruck a rich claim in shtartin the "Just Kids" safety club, It will cosht that payper a lot av cash sindin out pins fer the childer, an tink ay the money all the shpaee taken up wid the lishts av names wud make if it wus usedto advertoize gowld, moin- es. But tink air how the subscripshuns fer the Globe will incraise, wid half the kiddies in the towns an cities wearin safety buttons, The missus sez I shud be wearin wan mesilf, be ray - son av the way I do be jay welkin across the shtrates. 1 hey made a bar- gain wid her that if she kin git iviry miniber av the town council to wear wan, thin I will. I don't moind so much as 1 wud hey some years ago fer the Globe to git the shtart av the Mail 8: Impoire in this "Just Kids" safety movemint, fer, iviry wance in a whoile it takes a slIlant at the Grits, which does us more good than annyting the • • • • •• ;.t• 4 .1—, shtraight Tory paypers kin say, The $1.* siontimos aussonows Globe has nie besht wishes wid its I/ "looldn both ways" safety campaign, iS2 , 111 W - even if I am not wearin wan av the pins meeilfyit, • Yours till nixt wake, OUSE Timothy Hay. wimmetion2004maymeacquamompuwakmamponsigamenwasoggroppolo, 3 Barbers NO WAITING Our M9tto is "Service" at — HABICIRICS BARBER SHOP ; FURNISHINGS I LINOLEUMS 1M RUGS, OILCLOTH I CURTAIN GOODS g DRAPERIES 0 in LINOLEUMS New patterns for Spring in LE printed and Inlaids, 2 ,and 4 yard widths in printed, 2 yard •width in Inlaid. Special prices for House Cleaning BLUEVALE •1 OIJCLOTHWe are showino. a fuul range of • patterns in the best quality Oilclothfi all widths at Li: 111 ▪ attractive prices. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Quinn of Li towel, spent Sunday at the home Mr: Win. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Quarric and dat ghter, Margaret of Harriston, spen Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Mus Mr, Arthur McGee is very poorl at present, his many friends hope h will soon take a turn for the better. Mr. and Mrs. John McMichael an Mr.eand Mrs. Gordon Hall spent Suri day at the home of Wrn:McMichael. There was a good turn out of th play given by the Young People o 1 the United Church on Friday night Proceeds amounted to $38. Mr. and Mrs. Sthrome and son o Toronto, spent Sunday at the holt* o Mr. Jos. Underwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters spent • Sunday at' the home of Mr. Robert M. Musgrove. Mothers Day services were observ- RUGS--Oilcloth and Linoleum Rugs for every room in new designs and colorings. Let us quote you prices. PANELS --Very attractive patterns in Cream and White Nets and Silk Nets, finished with fring- ed ends $1.75 to $5.50 pair. CURTAIN MATERIALS Dotted and Checked Nets 39c and 45c yard English Fine Mesh Nets, lace edge, extra wide .90c Cream Marquisette, la.Ce edge and insertion. 50c yd. Silk Nets, splendid pattern, 44 In. wide ..$L25, L75 Draperies and Cretonnes . Shades and Rods J. A. MILLS, WINGHAM • • 91112111$111111111R ed' in the United Church on Sunday morning, the church was decorated with flowers and Mr, Robt. Shaw, the Supt. of the S. S., assisted the pastor. The choir consisted of mothers. There were a number of children also bap- tised at this service. •The Bluevale Branch of the Wom- en's Instil met at the home of Mrs. Edward Barnard, on Thursday after - neon, May xoth. The secretary re- ported having 25' members, held 12 regular meetings during the year' with an average attendance of ig, The an- nual reports were followed by the el- ection of officers—Presi., Mrs. Robt, Aitcheson; Vice President, Mrs. Chas. Elliott; Sec'y-Treas,, Miss M. Olive Scott; District Director, Mrs. A. H. Coombs; Branch Directors, Mrs. R. Shaw, .Mrs. C. Hetherington, Mrs. L. Elliott; Program Committee, Mrs. C. H. Garniss, Mrs. Alice Aitken, Miss Bernice Shaw; Pianist, Miss Margar- et Garniss, Miss Cora Jewitt; Audi- tors, Miss M. Collie, Mrs. Alex. Mow- bray. , Communion service will be obser- ved, in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, May 20t11, Rev. Dr. Perrie of Wingham, will conduct the service, also Preparatory service the Friday evening preeiotts. An old resident of the village pas- sed away on Friday in the person of Mrs, Morris Smeltzer, after en ill- ness extending over the past months. She is survived by one scm, Parker, of Guelph; three daughters, Miss Annie in Saskatchewan, Mrs, Wm. Hewitt of Guelph, and Mrs, Lay West ta- Horizon, Sask. She was predeceased by. her husband by about ten years. Mrs. Smeltzer was well and favorably known. by a large circle of friends. During her illness Mrs. •Win. Hewitt has been with her and her other dau- ghter, Ahnie, is on her way home from Saekatchewan. The funeral took place on Tnesday to Blyth (cemetery, ENINIENENIN ananassaimai The Pilot Pilot Autornible and Accident Insurance Co'y. Ltd. Automobile -and Accident Insur- ance Co'y. Ltd. Head Office: Waterloo, Ont. "All Risk" Insurance Rates Essex, Pontiac Dodge (4) in Lowest Group. COMPLETE COVERAGE PRI- VATE PASSENGER CARS $40 PER CAR Cars listed up to $x000 $48 PER .CA.R Cars not exceeding Szsoo. $53 PER CAR • Cars not $63 PER CAR Cars not $8o PER CAR Cars not $go PER CAR Cars not Sold dy exceeding $2500. exceeding $3500. 'exceeding $45oo. exceeding $55oo. We PROTECT YOUR (A) Legal Liability Injuries or death to one or more persons or Damage to Property of others—Tip to $1o,000, (B) Damage or Loss to Your Car Up to its full value at time of loss—From (1) Fire, (2) Theft, (3) Collison. Applying Under Collision $25 deductible on Cars list- ed up to $15oo, $5o deductible on Cars list- ed over $1500. $5o,000 LEGAL LIABILITY LIMITS $3.00 EXTRA $2o,000 — $2.00 EXTRA W. CRUICKSHANKS, WINGHAM. ANTED • Man with good reliable travelling equipment for Watkins district in a nearby locality. Must be reliable and in a position to devote full time. Write at once given age (must be between 21 and 55) to THE J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, Dept. 49 27 John St. S. Hamilton, Ont. a specid pi duct, for every purpose- for every surface rife wo(.0, 140 lion/teal clorriert Book e tsoki046 "Ot(iliaNSI" I, RAE 8,r THOMPSON *to. ags fel qtego°' Wingham 100X PURE PAtNT ibro-rierior or iflistior VARNOLEUM for Oilelak &Zino/elm WOOD LAC sloth 161 • Roots and ktnilure JO*,•Ir.'', I .1, la r r' • .....1,111,,11111reora4.11, rarratal...41111- .inbr• • YiuARLERNtolsueli,/, I T