The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-05-10, Page 8WrN
The :Arch Grip Shoe
Is the only shoe that combines foot health and cor-
rect style. Its exclusive features are patented. It`,
will be a pleasure to show you the lovely new styles.
Arch Grip Shoes for Women
Arch Preservers Shoes for Men
- Exclusive Agency for Winghain
"The Good Shoe Store" /
Wingharn, Ont.
,..lI.IUu11.11111111.mslll®UI.m1■Ill®111®Ill.11l.11 aII®1min II.I11.I11111.1II.IIIItl11®Ill
Friday and Saturday, May..11th and 12th
Fred Thomson and Silver King
Monday and Tuesday, May 14th and 15th
Thomas Mei g ha;
• Wednesday and Thursday, May 16th and 17th
Adolph Menzo
" Service far .:' Ladies"'
' lenfe.111x11.111.1eele1.III.ill.linelillalle linen111.111ninfiI.III alll I11i111.111n111111114111
e<`l� CHRY`,;.'„LER "62”
SEDAN '1450
:Great Newu Clary.
.sler "62"Prices--
Business Coupe,
1350; Roadster
with rumble seat),
1370; Touring,
$1450; Coupe (with
ratroble *era), $1490;
Landau Sedan,,
.1600. Alt prices
f.d.b. Windsor, Ont.,
t•aticituting standard
poor., equl t
HRYSSLER "62" performance
at its new lower prices re-empha-
sizes Chrysler "62" superiority.
62 miles an hour plus --smooth, easy
smiles. 7 -bearing crankshaft in perfect
balance. Flashing acceleration in
ira$ic, tinusual hill climbing ability.
The easiest car to steer.
Chassis spring ends mounted in rub•
ber shock insulators. Hydraulic four
wheel brakes always perfectly self.
equalised. for positive safety. c .
Chrysler stylish lines and appear-
sante. Roomy bodies. Saddle spring
seating, Unusual fineness in fittings
and upholstery. Latest shades and
tones in color combinations.
Take the wheel of a 62." That's
the place where you can most easily
prove that it its everything a car
should be and does everything a car
should do. ono
Durum Phillips
Come to the 'United Church next:
unday morning and enjoy the spec-
ial "Mother's Day" service. Wear a
flower in honor of mother, enjoy the
singing of the old hymns san4 get the
inspiration of the day, A. service for
Fathers ,will be heldin the evening.
at 7 p.m., Mothers in the choir at the
morning service; fathers in the even-
Rev. B' W. Craik expects to attend
the graduating exercises of the school
of nursing at the University of West-
ern Ontario, London, next Friday
evening. Miss Eva Johnson, neice of
Rev. Craik will receive her diploma at
this convocation;
There was a good `'attendance at
church last Sunday evening for the
special Gipsy Smith song service. The.
six gospel selections rendered by the,
choir of young men were Hutch app-
reciated. Rev. Craik gave an address
en Gipsy Rodney Smith, his life and
Word - has been received of the
death of Mrs: James I-iastie which
occured in Grand Forks, North Da-
kota. The late Mrs.i Hastie had been
in faring health for the past three
years and spent considerable time
with her sister in Dakota. The family
will have the sincere sympathy in
their bereavement.
-Mr. E. Jardine who has spent some
time visiting in this vicinity, left on
Monday morning for his home in
Saskatchewan. Mr, Jardine is around
'the four -score mark and his many
friends are pleased to see him in ex-
cellent health and spirits;
Regular meeting of the Orange
Lodge was held on Monday evening.
Mr, James Shera spent Sunday with
Rev. F. and Mrs. -Myers at Dashwood
parsonage. .
Miss R. 'Taylor, Kitchener, is spen-
ding a fewweeks in Gorrie: with her
sister, Mrs. E, Knowlson.
A special service for children will be
held in., the United Church Sunday
morning May 2.oth, at 11 a.m. Juniors
in the choir and: assisting in the -ser-
vice. Every family should be repre
sented in this service. An opportunity
for public .baptism will be\given par-
ents who desire their children bap-
tized. Why not have the family in
church for this service?
Miss E. Ross has purchased from
Victor Shera the building lot adjacent
to W. Wright's residence andwill
build a house there this summer. Wil
Bert Galloway has the contract
Constable '4Vhitesides of Goderich,
was in the village onl Monday inves-
tigating the •theft of several hundred
feet of ly,inber from .the new harness
shop of Wm. Bremner, now under.
Miss Lyra Querin is at home at pre-
sent. Miss Querin has been attend-
ing the London .Technical School and
is now ready for a position.
The many friends of John T. Strong
of the 6th concession of Howi'ck, will
be glad to learn that•Mr. Strong who
has beers seriously ill is making satis-
factory progress' toward recovery.
Orval Steireniller of Toronto, mot-
ored to Gorrie on Saturday and is
visiting with his parents,"'i'Ir. and Mrs.'
J. Steinmiller at the Albion House.
Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Doan, who
have been living in Mitchell for a few
years, have returned to make Gorrie.
their home.
The baseball field .should be a busy
place for the next few months. Gorrie,
-is entering the Central League, The
schedule will be drawn up Mey :14,
at Harriston.
John Hyndman has commenc•:d op-
erations in his cement tile plant once
On Saturday, April 28th, at his
late home,` the lith Concession -of
Howick, the spirit of the late James,
Stewart passed to its eternal reward
after a lengthy illness, as the shadows
of evening were beginning to fall. He
was born in Turnberry on June r th,
x873: He is survived by his widow,,
formerly Miss Mabel Burns, and two
sons, Burnse and Oliver, also three
sisters and one+ brother, • Funeral ser-
vices, were conducted by his pastor,
Rev. Pritchard, assisted by the Rev.
Jones and Rev. Craik, interment being
made in Gorrie Cemetery.
Some time during Friday night or
early Saturday morning a thief or
thieves entered the office of Mel. -au
ghlin & Lloyd, which is also the 'of„
flee of Graham Brds., coal dealers,
and broke open a desk from which
they secured a sum of money well
over .l 3o°, As many are in and out of
the office it would be well known
that fhe cash is kept in the desk, and
the thief took advantage of such
knowledge, The police are working oii
the case. As Messrs. McLaughlin and
Lloyd have been in business only a
year or so, they could ill afford such
a loss. It is to be hoped the :mis-
creants are captured,
1OW ltr.e
Thursday, ?Biba, loth, x928,
WROXETERu■wispi ionsmom®®in■massamins■■ m hors■miste■■Nii■lliwll■■■■ i
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sandersonmot-
otored from Woronto Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Anderson Black, of
Tet•onto, called on Robt. Black when
txtotoring-through to Dungannon. -
Mr. and Mrs, T, -.W. Henry and Dor-
othy anis Jack, spent Sunday at Flesh-
Thos. Hoperoft and family spent
Sunday in Listowel.
Several members of the local I. O.
O. F. lodge motored to Brussels to
attend service in the Anglican Church
with the members of other lodges on
Sunday evening.
Mx. and Mrs, Cregg and family and
Miss Elenor Ironsides, London, spent
„Sunday at H. Wallen's.
Harry Smith has moved to Blyth
where he has secured employment
with Bainton' Bros.
Coming, on May 'x6th; the Town
Hall Wroxeter, the Clifford Deamitic
Club presenting a ±'our act play en-
titled "It Happened in June." This is
a real funny play and draws :packed
houses where ever put on. A four
piece orchestra accompanies the play.
This will be a real treat for those who
attend; don't miss it.
The regular monthly. meeting of the
United Workers was held on April
x8th, in the school ropm of the United
Church, Wroxeter. With the W. M. S.
joining to do honor to Mrs. (Rev,)
Armstrong, who is soon to take her
departure from, among ,us.
Dear'1VIrs. Armstrong:—
It was indeed with deep regret, that
we learned of your intended departure.
from oar midst, during your pleasant
but all too brief stay among us we
have heartily enjoyed your sympath-
etic and cheery disposition. Your rad-
iant smile and countenance have help-
ed to make difficult tasks easy, par-
ticularly in the institution in which
you have always taken an active and
willing part. Alas, too true are the
poet's words "The best of friends'
must part," Your departure leaves for
us a vacancy that will be hard to fill,
nevertheless we realize that you are
being called to a- greater' service, and
what will be our loss will be Beaecher
This Preston
Size 8 ft. 6in. x 16 ft,
Other typal and sizes to suit any need
lIRE PROOF,ready-cut, com-
pact, Preston Garages are
perfectin design and a source
of real satisfaction.
They resist thieves . , . last ...
are handsome in appearance
..,. low in cost.
Write for free garage folder.
Eastern. meellt
Toronto • . Montreal
Metal Shingle & Siding sor Co. Ltd.
Truck or ship by rail. ...Set-
tlement in full on receipt. Free
bags supplied if required.
Reference — Bank of 1Vlontreai
1111114111111 I I.III.III.III.I l I M1111.1.11I111.111.1111L1
Leave;:: "your order for
your Spring Suit.
go it now before the
Spring rtish starts, •
• Li
o' s
IN® Choose the, cloth and
leave your order, have it
E. delivered when you want I
it. Later dn the best !'
pieces are sold out and
cancelled suits to suit ev-
ery one.
W RO%�iC,rTERi
iiimolIiif11 111 lMlITfN111111 iolleMiIMIMf I •
® Advance -,
y .,k. . •
owin •
• •■
• ■
• Of May Garments
Frocks sports .Suits Coats
Ensembles • Tailored Suits
■ This is the month to make the most of your Spring Wear-
ablest Take full advantage of this -Beautiful Season.
Discriminating Women and, Misses will be delighted
II with the new fashions, always obtainable here I'Tew ship=
■ Knitted ouit4 which portray the latest creations of the mode.
ments'this week of Smart ,Coats, Dainty Frocks,lir Celanese,
Printed Chiffon .or, Georgette, Kashmir Street Dresses and
• ■
Priced $16.00, $23.75, $34.00
■ i
■ ▪ '
• a •
Printed Chiffon Dresses
$16.00 and $19.75"' 1
Smart Tailored Suits .... .. _ •
$24.50, $30.00 to $35.00
Gold Line Parasols' $3.50 to $8.90
The,New.Crew Neck Sweaters...$5.00 Ile*.
•1 ■
• May Dress Fabrics •
■ Depicting all the new plain, colors and printed effects in Tricoshene ,Tub Silks, . 1
■ ▪ Celanese, Silk Voiles, Failles and Broadcloths. . Priced 85c, $115 to' $2.50, a yard ` ■
• . •■
KingBros., Phone 7 gharn
i■■®■■a■MMINEIs®®®■■■11•®®■®■■®11®s■■■®■■■)Ellam ,,limen ®i
church's .;gain (London). May God's
richest blessing" attend your future
In a 3 ret'
xat°t �
on of the services you
lPsed s
have so cheerfully rendered us, I 'ask
you to accept this purse as 'a slight
token of the esteem in which you are,
held in this community: It is our wish
that it will ever remind you of old
friends and; associates of Wroxeter.'
Signed on behalfof- the United
Workers of the church,
Mrs. Stocks, President.
and Women's Missionary Society,
Mrs. Gibson,,Preeident.
Miss Lenore Million, of Goderich,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. McDowell.
The many. -friends of Mrs. James
Tunney are sorry {l:o hear she is in
poor health.
We are glad to report that -Miss
Bell Cook i'S' on the mend after a ser-
ions illness.
Mr and Mrs. Wells,' of Hullett
Township, spent Sunday with their
daughter, Mrs:` -Harry Armstrong.
Following almost a week's illness,
Mr. John McDowell, an esteemed res-
ident and pioneer settler of the Towne
ship of. East Wawanosh`answered the
summons call to the: great beyond on
Sunday night, May 6th. The late Mr.
McDowell was. a devoted member of
the Methodist, now United. Church of
Westfield. He was in his 86th year.
ht is.survived -by four sons and six
daughters:. Dr, Albert McDowell, of
Michigan, William, John and Alva, of
Westfield; Mrs. Pheobe Taylor, of
Goderich; Mrs.‘Bear, of `Alberta; Mrs.
J. Killough, of Dnungannon; Mrs,' K.
Cameron of Lucknow; ,Mrs. Bert. Vin-
cent, of Belgrave and Mrs. Win. Wal-
den, of ' Westfield,. His partner in life
. redeceased him almost six,years ago
and ole daughter (Mabel) Mrs. Geo.
W. Snell nine years bgo. To the fam-
ily is
am-ily'is extended the ,sincere and heart-
felt sympathy of the. .entire commun-
ity in the loss of a loving father,
.Service was held on Tuesday after-
noon at 2.3o o'clock, in the Westfield
United Church, the .service was con
ducted by the pastor, Rev, W. R.
Alp', interment being made its the
Westfield cemetery,
The past -few days have seen the -
commencement of seeding operations
around here, Owing to the cold winds
and 'frost the wheat 'fields are. hot
looking very good.
Mr, L`d,.McDowell, of Toronto was
called home on account of the illness'
of his brother, Mr. John 'McDowell.
How To Operate Gauge
'`hese electrical gasoline gauges
located on the instrument board of
a tiutrtber of cars today . have a great
many car o'Wners guessing. It sh uld
be remembered that . the gauge' does'
not register accurately unless the" ig-
nition is turned on. This being the
case, the wayao check up on the ‘filling
station is to read the gauge just be-
fore the engine is cut off to have
the tank filled and immediately after
it is started again. It is easy ' and
accurate• even on the coldest day.
C`',, E AT l
rp EHIS new Oldsmobile is motordom's
good news for 1928. It'reveals new
and sophisticated elements of style. It
embodies new engineering features. It
provides new niceties of appointment
' and equipment. It typifies the whole new
spirit of the times—because it reflects
the master touch of artist -engineers.
On every hand, this fine car of low price
is exciting admiration. And though you
may have formed the highest opinion of
its beauty . though you may have
heard the highest praise of its perform-
ance ---we' urge you to come in for a
personal inspection.
We want you to experience the silent,
smooth performance of the new 55 h.p..
,high compression engine. We want you
to revel in the comfort of spacious new
Fisher bodies and in the' luxury of easy
driving and restful riding. 'You will be
surprised to find so many factors of
thorough satisfaction in a six that costs
so little to own ! '
General Motors' own det'lrred payment plan
.. GC . . . affords you the simplesxect:
and 'most ' economical way of haying your
Oldsmobile on time, o-s.s.
Coverall:ad laze, end Spene
Tiro BRira.
Op It.OW 1►it"iilg:
A. M. Crawford, Winghamrt., Ont.
a1015t7C' O1P EiNiglIALVOTOl 011V.ANAybAA i