The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-05-10, Page 7Thurday, May loth, x928, • THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON VII,—MY "'Jesus Enters Jerusalem"—Marlt Golden TeXt.--PBehold, thy Xing cometh unto thee; he is just, and hav,. ing salvation."—Zech. 92 9. The Lesson in. its Setting' Tirrie,--The first passage, summer of A, D g, in the third. year of Chr- ist's mit4stry. The seepl passing thr‘e months before the crucifixion. Place,—The first paSsage, Caper- naurn; the second,'somewhere in Pr- THE TRIUMPH OF THE KING. "And when they draw nigh unto Jerusalem." Christ and 1 -lis twelve -diSciples, going up td Jerusalem for the last time before the Saviour's you." This village was probably Bet- Crixcifixion, had walked. the, fifteen hnhage, as Matt. 2t: .1, 2, seemS to in - miles from Jericho, where they were dicate, "And t straightway as ye enter last nOted. "Unto Bethphap." Beth- into it." Another of Mark's "straight - phage, (the house of figs), was a I ways", and see also the next, verse, village near Bethany on a slope, of Christ' S' directions are explicit, ''Ye the Mount of Olives. "And Bethany," shall find a. colt tied, whereon no This village lies on the Jericho-Jer- inian ever yet sat," Christ brings into usalein road, on the eastern slope of play His power of prophecy, just as the Mount of Olives, an4 a little less 1He did a few days after when He told than two miles, from Jerusalem. The the disciples to follow a man carry - ridge has three Summits, the middle ing a pitcher of water,, who would one being the 1VIctunt of Olives proper, show them the way to the room pre - that to the north being Mount Scopus pared for the last supper. "Loose him, and the southern being tire Mount of and bring him," Jesus forsees that the Offence. "He sendeth two of his dis- owner will make no objection; he was ciples," Mirk tells more about this doubtless a friend of Jesus, and a errand than the other evangelists, so Christian. , that probably Peter was one of these discipleand with him probably, as usual went John, "And saith unto,them, Go your way into the village that is over against 11111111111111111111111111111114mimmtnumminottsouninummuimmininiquaniumon E AAL • rittoiincettient Commencing April 28th our plant will be open eve ery Saturday Night. BRING YOUR EGGS AND CREAM TO US It will pay you. 1.1110411...1.11•101.3401.0•1110.41509.100.1111.4411....6 • , IAWellington Produce Co., Ltd i , i Wingharn„ Ont. klb = • 1 W B THOMPSON, Branch Manager. , VI Phone 166 Wingham i I i 111111311111111111115111111111111111111111KIIE11111111111111111111111111a11111111111111116111811111311111111111111KIIKIIIIIIISIII 9 1.0."210.101. Wa/14/1/..1=1.514. It Costs, No More To Fireproof You HEN you build a new house or repair an old one be sure to Ilse Gyproc. Gyproc also gives quick construction; insulation against cold and heat—and fuel economy. • Write for free book, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment," containing interesting infor- mation on home planning with. Gyproc, Roc. board and Insulex. - - CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Paris Canada Wire f 111 For Sale By Rae & Thompson Thompson & Bucha!lan Hardware R. J. ,Hueston o ae Wingham, Ont. Wingham, Ont. Gorrie, Ont. "And if any one say unto you, Why,, do ye this?" Not ,the owner of the. Colt, but -some watchful bystander. "Say ye, The Lord hath need of him." The man knew who "the Lord" was, and owed hhn allegiance. !"And st- raightway he will send him back 1-J- 41er." Here is a text for all borrowers! Who can doubt that our Lord saw that. his promise was carried out? Not to return *hat is borrowed, sending it back promp'tly and in good condition, is to give evil for good and seriously lessen the willd's supply of good will for the future. "And they went away, and found a colt tied at the door 'Without in the' open street; and they loose him." The colt was without, that is, outside the courtyard. . 'And certain of them that stood there said. unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt?" A reasonable and proper question. Most of us are too ktcking in public spirit to protest when our neighbor's rights are assail- ed or seem to be, • "And they said unto them even as Jesus had said: and they let them go." Christ's authority was communicated to His disciples. Every one in that neighborhod knew who " the Lord" was, and probably the Twelve also were well known, "And they bring the colt unto Jes- us." Leading an ass along the public highway! There are' but very, few in this community who would do that. But these two disciples did it, and they did it willingly. In doing that they helped to fulfill one of the pro- phecies which established the Mess- ianship of their Master, Had they re- fused to do that, they would have missed one of the grand opportunit- ies of their life. Are you willing to humble yourtelf for Jesus Christ, arid to do humble things'in His service? If not, you are retarding the pro- gress of His kingdom, and are beat- ing back the hosannas which are ris- ing to the lips of men. "And. cast on him their garments." Matthew tells aas that the ass was brought to Jesus as well as the colt, and He selected the colt. That ass had long been used profits from his dovecots on Mount in burden -bearing. It had often carr- ied its master to the market. "And‘inany spread their garments upon the way." We want to make J esus king. We live to spread our garments in the way. That is, we have to give of our possessions and our time as also of our lives in order to get the misery and wickedness out of the world and int order to get Jesus' into it. "And other branches, which they had cut from the fields." The road from Bethany to Jerusalem pass- ed through plantations of palms, 01- W/NGHAliot yANCE-TIIVIZS ives, figs, and other fruit trees. "And, they that went before, and they that followed, cried, Hosanna," ra the meantime the news df what was happening spread 'to Jerusalem, for the people had glimpsed the pro- cession winding down the slope of 01 ivet, and, as John 12; 12; Is informs us, a secon4 crowd was quickly form- ed in the Holy City, poured out of the gates in the great wail, tumbled down into the valley of the Xidron, rushed up to rneet the descending host, turned, nad preceded it to fer- usa.lent, waving paltry branches and shouting. 'Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." At the four great national festivals, the Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, and Dedication, the multitude sang the six Psalms of rejoicing, 11E3-518. This is from Ps. 118. a& Luke r9: 38 gives it, "131essed is the King that, cometh." Plessed is the kingdom that come- th." The crowd,, with a wild exulta- tion, saw themselves soon to `be freed from the hateful bondage imposed by the Romans, The Jews longed for their own rulers, and for freedom from the alien rule of distant; tyran- nical, and dissicrated monarchs, "The kingdom of our father David." Dav- id's reign was the greatest the nation had known. David's kingdom rightly stood to the -Jews as the climax of their history. Not as these shouters anticipated but in a far nobler and grander fashion, the kingdom which Jesus inaugurated and over which He now rules takes up the glory of Dav- id's kingdom and is carrying it to the ends of the earth. "Hosanna in the highest." In the highest degree, in the highest heaven where God ,dwells. THE KING IN THE TEMPLE "And they come to Jerusalem." Jes- us and His disciples had. come from Bethany, where they4r had spent the night at the hospitable horne, of Laz- arus and Martha and Mary. "And he entered into the temple." In the tem- ple He would meet the largest num- ber of people whom He might teach. "And he began to cast out them that "told and thern that bought in the temple." At the great feasts worship- pers came to 'Jerusalem from many distant lands, to offer the required sacrifices. "And Joverthrew the tables of the „money -changers." The pre- text for this business was the require - Ment that temple offering' of money and the yearly temple tax of half a shekel due from every Jew, could only be paid in a specialThoin called a tem- ple shekel, not often used outside the temple. "And the seats of them that sold the doves." The sale of doves appears to have been in a great mea- sure in the hands, of the priests them- selves, and one of the high priests especially is said to have gained great does not make Him less teal, We may disobey Christ, but that does not dim- inish His absolute sovereignty. We may live in rebellion against Hiantbut still He is King of Kings and Lord of lords, The fulness of the Godhead dwells in Him, Without Him was nothing made that was made, and He has ,a right to all things that He has created. Every last word of His has "Establishini a Ne authority infinitely greater than all acts of Parliament or of Congress,. "Thus seith the Lord" has stifficed for the great and, good of all nes. and it should suffice for us, Staada d its 4atomobiles befl McLaughlin-- Buick etatuiarde of 9elaity tied workmanship eta jug rigidly maintained In the itrnallest detail at in the most vital part -of the set. Pet. faction is the constant aim of • every Mcbtughlinauitk crafts- ' man. Elven the parte you never sea Ara made to A degree of ' precision an4 quality that allows it wide margin gE oecurity and ddrability. t deeply satisfying performance 'Df McLaughlin -Buick is the result of painstaking attention to unseeri but important details. The. 0. A. C. Deterred Payment Plan oilers many advantage* to boors of McLaughlin-Puick cars. A. M. Crawford, Winghain Ont. 14,4.6,211C vtiting BIRTTER AUTOMO 1/41$ ARE BUILT IVIeLAUGHLN410/tIt WILL WHO 4..:1•111.13,;;4.41.41:nilf ';•11,i:4444.t 4VINER . because of the exclusive design J of the Durant built Haye,s-Hunt bodies... the superior grade of upholstery materials. the roominess of the interior and its easy riding qualities-. . Faster. , . because of the studied refinements of the already famous Red Seal Continental "L" -head Motor . . . See the new Durant Sixes go for a ride in them ask your local Durant dealer why they are "finer and faster" . . . ask him to compare the specifications with those: of higher priced automobiles . . . then judge these cars for , yourself. . . on their merits! Built by DURANT MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA ek DURANT -------)suseaussaasioommanamman.... Durant "55" Six Cylinder Special Four Door Sedan Buitt in four inadets. Speen/ Four Door Sedan. (illastristed): Pow Door Sport Brougham; SpeciaZT'uo•Door Sedan and Special Coupe Rugby Trucks, Four and Six Cylinders; Capacity 1 ton and iyi. tons • QuegiESAIMEEEM'AMEISMIMERWEEEMEME303 11101r6r4r.1V)P.1 '11"`.1111lo11405 5•31, ./t11 41-'40. Itmo/liZtRW1/./: B. Beninger, Dealer Wingham, Ontari •5, '001,0, ..111v1.ea ter.tps 14‘ •. 11.11•P14111111111.001•01.M.101951MMOZOMPIlet. peonsalINIE•118011..na C1128 Olovet, And he would not suffer that any man should carry a vessel through the temple" The temple was a short cut between Jerusalem and the farms and villages on the Mount of Olives, and irrevelant people had got into the habit of using its sacred courts as a public street, carrying goods through it, farm implements, baskets, pails, and the like. • "And he taught, and said unto them." Addresing the; crowd which these bold proceedings had drawn a- round Him. "Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of pray- er for. all the nations?" The great outer court of the temple which Jesus had purged of the triders, was called the Court of the Gentiles, Men of all natioris were welcome to it. "But ye have made it a den of robbers." Lit- erally, a cave of robbers, such as Christ had often seen on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho, where bandits lurked and from which they rushed out upon lonely travellers to despoil them. 'And the chief priests and the scribes heard it." The scribes were the law- yers, who recorded, transcribed, and interpreted the laws of Moses. The chief priests included the high priest, all who had been high priests, and the heads of the twenty-four courses of priests who ministered in. turn in the. temple. "And sought how they might destroy hime." They were touched in 'their purse, for they gained nuich from the temple traffic. They were touched also in their pride, for they should have kept the temple free from ails sacrilege. "For they feared him." They feared His influence with the people; the reforms He was inaug- gurating would in time drive them from power, and the many whom they had wronged would seize the opportunity for revenge and punish- ment. "For all the multitude was as- tonished at his teathing," They were amazed and delighted at the bold- ness and freshness of Christ's teach- ings, His fierce opposition to all in- iquity, His sympathy with the people, His clear insight into divine teachings and he manifest authority with which He spoke. THE KINGS AUTHORITY This lesson has a message for every life. We may deny Christ, but that NE of the reasons we specialize on Goodyear Tires is because they are built with SUPERTWIST Cords. No matter how good the tread of a tire—no matter how skilful the building—if the cord breaks down, the tire goes. In Good- year Tires alone do you findSUPER- TWIST SHOWING ELONGATION DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OLD STAFFORD AND SUPERTINIAT "11 FUMIGATION ICAs*) 61% •.1 Cords, that stretch 61% more than old style cords, re- cover from road sh cks, give longer life. See the chart which shows the *fference. Goodyear Tires are lowinprice. WINGHAIVI TIRE & VULCANIZING Phone 298. 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