The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-09, Page 8WINO it i ill stits€INwesso oill1 Ig 111 1 I Women's Handsome a Coats 1-5 to 12 Off 1 1 1 111' 111 ■ vN�d�wit , itiovAlatvrilims ounnintraissmommetionnounamuniimionnimmouniiimotaloomi ring's 31 UNIIIINIBINNI ION A Clearer Start Thursday, February and, x928 11I$118111M1MIREMIMtlOMENNM1NOl0M' 1 iimiumianoninginismaiu 11 1 1 111 d' 11 1■ 1 1 ■ CUSTOMERS FROM LONG DISTANCES AND NEAR WERE In WINGHAM THE PAST WEEK -END TO ATTEND OUR BIG SALE -- WHY? BEING ACQUAINTED WITH THE E I GENUINE BARGAINS OF OUR PREVIOUS SALES, THEY COME AGAIN TO SHARE IN THIS BARGAIN FESTIVAL. Reserve The Big Sale Will Continue All Through February- LOOK 60c Wabasso Pillow Co- ttons, 40, 42• and 44 In. per yard .. .47c LOOK ! No ■' I Silk Undergarments Reid's Watson's 1 g All Less .. ...... 20%. Silk Dresses $10.00, $8.95, and $6.49 $3.50 to $4.50 Scarfs $2.69 King's Guaranteed Satin Reg. $3.50 for ....$2.58 French Kid Gloves Black only, per pair 50c $4.00 to $6.50 Gossard Corsets, for ... , .. $2.98 FUR COAT SALE Persian Lamb, Cara - cul, Seals and Muskrat. The best grades at fac- tory prices. Now is the time to buy a good coat cheap. $1.25 English Bath Mats for 88c 15 Warm Coats $8.00 Northway snake of good wove Velour, reg- ular values to $25.00, out they go at $8.00. r E • Holeproof and Penman's Silk Stockings Reg. $1.50 for 98c Flannelette Gowns 98c and $1.39 Extra Quality Vests 49c Moodies' Sleeveless Style. 6 Yds. i:loomer Elastic 19c 75c Quilting Plaids 29c 3 North Star Comforter Batts, for $1.00 Crums English Prints 25c $1.25 Wool Silk Dress Goods .... . .... 79c $2.00 Wide Dress Flan- nels $1.19 3 Papers Brass Pins 10c Full 76" Natural Sheet- ing ..... 63c $12.50 to $13.75 Scotch Wool Blankets . . $10.49 1000 Yds. Anderson's Gingham 25c Penman's Heather Stoc- kings 59c $1.00 Chamoisette Glov- es, for 69c Argyle Wool Comforte- ers $7.85 Watson's Vests and Drawers 88c . 95c - $1.19 Turnbull's Comb'ations Much reduced ... $1.49 $2.50 Bi Tex Silk Hose $L98 Fine Silk & Wool Hose Reg. $1.25 lines ...$79c Misses' Corset Waists Bargain, each .... 98c Nemo Corsets Much reduced .... $1.98 36" Printed Broadcloth 29c 25c Underwear Muslin 5 yards for $1.00 Assimasimommommior 90c Flannelette Sheeting White and Grey ...69c IMMOSIUMI $1.00 Red Table Linen 2 yards for $1.00 30c Saxony Flannelette per yard ..;... .22c 25c Yard Wide Chintzes 19c Lamb's Wool Crib Blan- kets, very fine ...$2.50 $12.00 Pure Wool Blan- kets .. .......... $8.95 $1.25 Wabasso Sheet- ing . 97c 2 yards wide Wabosso Sheeting ......... . 63c 8 yds. All Linen Towel- ing .... ....... •$1.00 35c Comforter Chintz 23c Military Flannel Shirt- ing 49c $1.25 Factory Yarns 88c 2.50 Crepe-de-Chene L88 1.25 Pagoda Broadcloth 88c 2.50 Duchess Satin $1.58 $3.00 Navy Serge .. $1.89 $1.35 Underwear Crepes 98c $2.25 Kasha Cloths 1.39 20% Off All Dress Goods $5.00 and $6.00 Cushions $3.95 200 yd. Spools 45c and 40c Pyjama Cloths 32c 1.00 Window Shades 79c. English Pillow Cottons all widths, special . , 39c Men's Wool Sweaters ....$1.98, $3.49, $4.85 Boys $15.00 Two Pant Suits $11.85 CUT PRICES ON ALL CLOTHING Elegant Overcoats 18.00 25 Suits, at ... Boys' Tweed Bloom- ers at , ., $1.49 Boys' O'coats .less . 20% Boys', Golf Hose . .. 79c Men's $1 Socks ...59c Horse Hide Mitts ..98c Penman's.- $1.00 Under- wear 69c - Boys' Shirts and Draw- ers 50c $10.00 Mackinaws $7.85 Men's_ Fur Coats less 2.0 per cent. Men's $2.50 Fine Shirts $1.87 Boys'- Leather Mitts 49c_ 35cLinen Handkerchiefs 4 for 95c TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE SUPERLATIVE VALUES WE 'OFFER DURING OUR FEBRUARY SALE Z�1� V�,�Di1Vr� 1 twins ssim atm®ssassiwnsimauswinum anamansmanium ® ®iamisi ®nsuir isimanisrmruu■ uummi nimina >. ®.>•unium®h ®®11ui®sAsalltltmtliiui®sis Phone 71 WINGHAM LOOK AT THESE GROCERIES 1 Fresh Walnuts halves per lb...... ....49c 6 'Rolls Crepe Toilet Paper . .. , 22c 5 bars P & G Soap .. 22c 75c Brooms .......39c 5` lb Pail Cl'r Honey 59c 3 lbs. Laund. Starch 29c 4 pkgs. McLaren's Jel- ly Powders . ..25c 3 pkgs. Handy Am- N .... 25c 10 lb. pl. Corn Syrup 64c 21bs. New Dates, ...21c 51b. Pail Corns Syrup tit ... 3' for $1.00 9 Bars Castile Soap .28c 11 2' tins choice Pin'pple 29c 3 Boxes Matches. .. .23c 3 lbs Blue Rose Rice.25c 3 Tins Heintz Tomato $ Soup 29c ■ • 11 60c. Seamless . Grain • ■ Bags... 43c Big 88 Overalls and Smocks ,... $2.29 Mens . $2.00 Scarfs 2 for ... . .$2.00 O N 11 11 11 BLUEVALE Mrs. James, Scott and son, Mac, of West Lorne, are at present visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Garniss. Misses Gertrude McDonald and Minnie Hill of Winghatn, were visi- tors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Lay West and family are visiting friends and relatives at Guelph, Norwich, Acton and Hamil- ton. Mr. Gordon McKay spent the week -end under the parental roof at Whitechurch. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian Church was held Friday after- noon in the church.. Mrs, Leonard Elliott' and Maxine, spent one day this week visiting at the home of Mrs. Roy McCreight at Henfryn. Miss Bernice Shaw spent Sunday at the home of her girl friend, Miss Louise Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Breckenridge 11111111111i,IrII III IIIIIM11111111I1III®IIMI112111IMIIIMIIPAII M IIIsuIM11111111Wu1®1IhIII op. N. Give her Slippers, or Shoes] f or SIA Ake;. alenti We have no quarrel el with the roan who sends his wife flowers -but why not give her some thing this time that she can wear often? If you really want to make a "hit" let us fix up a Valentine Box with a pair of smart Spring Slippers,' and perhaps some hose to match. We may not guess the size right, but what of it? We'll cheerfully make an exchange later. `The Good Shoe Store' Winghani,O nt. uir now that won't come off. It's a baby girl.-Congratulations. '- Mrs. Bray of Dungannon, .spent last week with her cousin, Mrs, Robt, Musgrove. '' Mrs. Jas. Nichol and her daughter, sal Mrs, Ed. Robertson, who have been visiting friends in Toronto for the last couple of weeks, returned home I and Mrs. James Masters. The regular monthly .meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held Thursday afternoon at the home ofi Mrs. Wal- den with a large attendance, the hos- tesses were Mrs. Walden, Mrs. Gan- nett and Mrs. Masters. Mrs. George Thornton is at pre- sent visiting her niece, Mrs... Frank,' Phair at Lancaster. Messrs. Cecil, Clarence and Miss Lila Stewart from Shelbrook, Sask., are at present visitingwith their grand parents, Mr. and! Mrs. Thomas Stewart. Lila and Clarence intend making their ,home' here. Archie Messer is wearing a smile given in the Foresters' Hall on Men - day evening, Feb: 6th, under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Aid o; Knox i Presbyterian church proved a real en- tertainment. The Morris contestants with Roy Turvey as captain, and Ad- dison Fraser, chairman, gave their Iprogram first, consisting o# musical selections, dancing, readings, vocal numbers; a humerous Pantomine and two splendid dialogues, ,Showingun- usual talent. The children needing special congratulations after giving eleven • numbers. Cloine Higgins acting as chairman. called the Turnberry contestants to the platform. Turnberry under the leadership of Mrs. Cloine Higgins staged a pro - grain consisting of musical' and lit- erary numbers, very much along the same line as their predecessors, with ,the exception of a Flower d'rill by eight flowergirls and six flower boys and little Miss Lois Elliott . "The Flower of the Family;" Mr. iirackenbury and Mr, W. H. Willis of Wingham,- acted as judges, on Monday, BLUEVALE The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of 1 Knox ' Presbyterian Church, held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, A. H, Coombs, on 1 Thursday afternoon, February .and. Thc. W. M, S. Was presided over 1 • by the, president, Mrs. P. S. MC.Ew- ,41 en. After singing hymn tog, Mrs, • Walter Smillie rread the scripture les-' si sem, xsa, 55th chapter, followed with prayer by the president. f Mrs. Cooinbs read a very instruc- ni tive palter, "Our Sisters in Need", making special mention of the wo- ▪ men in .China, japan and India,point- !! ing out the many unnecessary_ bur- l] dens they are forted to hear, and the ilifficrttties they have to face. Miss Olive Scott read a short ar- tfclo, "What are we doing with the 'doors that are opening for usf" The meeting closed by singing hymn to, 1A1 11' iCI111111111111111111a111101111111111111111111111 IIIMl1110111111III III 11III t111M11110111 1/111111 1Il lliltilliM171 1I( I and prayer by Mrs. John Mundell. TheThe�l'I .its". • , I cal and Literary contest and with some difficulty awarded the victory to Turnberry by a very small margin.'. The proceeds amounted to over fifty dollars. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gallaher spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm, Thornton,. Mr, H. T. Thomson of Wingham, visite(( his Soni George, on Saturday. Un 'Sueday a baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs„ Archie Messer. --Congratulations. Mr: M. Masters returned home to Toronto on Tuesday,after .spending the past few weeks with relatives a- round here. Mr, and Mrs, Will. .Brewer. spent the week -end at Stratford, at the home of Mrs. Brewer's parents. We are sorry to hear Mr. Jos, Robb is till seriously ill and hope he will soon take a turn for the better, Mr, and Mrs. 3`, Kerney have homeatter ttturned a tet l: li e past week at the home of Mr. Milton Lowe at Brussels. Mr. Dave Hall has returned home to Copetown, after a month's visit with his brother, John Hall here. Mr. and Mrs. Breckenridge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Masters, Mr. Milvert Sellers visited with friends at Ethel on Tuesday. The -stork called at the home of Mr. Gordon Hall on Tuesday morning and. left a fine baby girl. -Congratulations., The annual county meeting of L.O. L. was held on Tuesday afternoon, there wasa good attendance. The remains of the late Jaynes Simpson who died suddenly at Sask- atoon on Monday, were brought to his brothers, and the, funeral was held to the Brussels cemetery, BELGRAVE Mrs. J. T, Bell and daughter, Verna spent a few days last week with Mrs. J. Ernest of Wingham, Miss Dorothy Brydges of Detroit; is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. 13rydges. The euchre and dance held by the L, 0.'L. of Belgrave on Friday night drew a good crowd and all spent a pleasant evening. The _prizes were won by Miss Lillian oward and James Cotultes, Afteii lunch was ser- ved the Jackson orchestra furnished the music for, dancing. Cliffoi•d Stewart left; for Windsor last week where he has secttred a position. SEED -CLEATING TRAIN A seed -cleaning ;, demonstration train is being sent out by the Ontario Government 'Ibis month, which will visit points in the counties of Huron, Bruce,. Grey,` Wellington, Perth, Lampton, Duffel -in and vv'aterloo dur- ing February, March and April; Seed -cleaning machines will be in operation daitly on these trains a d the use of proper screens will be de- .monstrated .by qualified men, and a small portion of grain will be cleaned and graded at each of the points _de- signated. . Lectures will be given at half past two each day on diseases of different farmcrops, insect pests, destruction of weeds, etc. Informa- tion will be given as to sources of pure seed grain. The train will stop: at Huron points on the following dates, from g o'c1oc y 7 a.m., to 5 p.m.; Februar z th,Sea a- forth; February 28th, Clinton; Feb- ruary agth, Exeter; March 1st, Hen- sall; March 5th, Brussels; March 3ist, Wingharn,; April nth, Blyth and April s2th, Goderich. This train is being run for the ben- efit of the farmers in the vicinity of these points and "the Department. hopes they will 'take advantage of the educational features they supply. Mr. ancil Mrs. William, Gannett are visiting with friends hi Toronto. III" 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111131111 lll®ul®ummullnimillmluet aram t111111mIIItI® ET rEATRE it Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Feb. 9th, 10th, ll:th. X11 RSI FA Ii1 Eft Iu [�fll'.�I lldl [ISI I ILII ISI! I'�[ R William Haines and '-'- Sally O'Neil In, "SLI :' as KELLY SLIDE" A Comedy of the Baseball Diamond. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 14 nd i. Bier • Tim Mccoy and --- Clair e Windsor In FRONTIERSMAN". kthnance of Pioneer Days. [Iik�ll 111A11111111111111111111111111111{IMII1111111 1111 11111111111111iIII 111111111111M11111111111i111i11111111 Milks!