The Wingham Advance Times, 1928-02-09, Page 3Borrie Vidett� and Wroxet
day, February end,
Tlie;skating rinlc seems to be well
patronized this winter, several match-
es being played here.
Mrs, Robert: Stocks is at present
visiting her daughters in London.
The monthly meeting of the How -
ick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
met here on Tuesday.
Quite a number; fromhere attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs, Robt.
Gibson, who passed away at the home
of her son, Mr. Alex, Gibson; on the,
gth con. Howick, on Wednesday of
last week. The funeral took place on
Friday. Interment iat Wroxeter ce-
Miss Elda Hazlewood is 'spending
a few days with friends in Toronto.
Mr. Robert Hamilton, . a former
resident of this vicinity, but •irow of
Toronto, is at present visiting friends
The saw mill started custom saw-
ing last. Owing to the limited mark-
ed lumber ties, and axles, this' year
the season's cut will :be short.
The Hockey team went to Mild-
may+!r one night last week, ,Owing -to
sorne of our players not getting there'
till after play started, the team went
on the ice several 'inen short, as ie
was Mildmay won out two goals a-
Mr, Robt. Hamilton of Toronto,
attended the funeral of the late Mrs.
'Gibson, and is staying with relatives
in or near the village for a'1ew days.
A Masquerade Carnival with prizes
given by the business men of the vil-
lage is being arranged for Wednes-
day night next week.
The L, 0 .L. held a social evening
in their hall Monday night, when a-
bout sixty members or friends en-
joyed themselves. Euchre was, Play-
ed till eleven o'clock, when lunch was
served. Dancing followed till about
2 a.m. A feature of the evening was
a step dance by the W. M. and the
, highland fling' by several school girls.
The regular monthly meeting of
United Workers will be held on Wed-
nesday, February 15th, at .2 o'clock,
in the -school > room of the' United.
Church. All the.. ladies of thecon-
gregation are invited,
Sorry to say Mr. and Mrs. Gordon'
Simmons have left our neighborhood,
having :moved to Gorrie.
Mr. Elden Rever bf the 17th, has
taken unto himself a life partner,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. A. Dane spent
Sunday on the line at. W. H. Dane's.
Mr. R. A. Taylor has teams haul-
ing gravel on. the Gorrie side road.
Mrs. War. Underwood is improv
ing slowlyafter being" laid up for
some time with •a broken leg.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wylie visited
with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Dos -
ton of Carrick, on Sunday.
Mr. A. Forgie paid a business visit
to this line on Monday.
Mr. Edward Newton had very
successful , sale on Tuesday.
Mr, John Finlay visited with friends
near Wieigham,
Mrs, Robert Hayes `visited with
Mrs, Gordon Vittie one day this week,
Mr. and Mrs. McKersie, who have
been spending the last few, weeks at
the home of Mr. Robert Baker, left
for their home this week.
Mr. Janes Underwood has returned
home after spending the past two
weeks with Gorrie friends.
Mary Hamilton, widow pf Robert.
Gibson, died on February. i at the
home of her son, Alex, Gibson, Mrs.
Gibson was nearing her goth year and
death was due to the infirmities of old
age. She was one of the oldest resi-
dents of this village. She is survived
by four sons, Alex, John and William
of Howick Township, and Robert of
Calgary, also a brother, Robert Ham-
ilton of Toronto, and a sister -:Mrs.
Doline' of Chesley. The funeral was
held on Friday afternoon and the re-
mains were interred in the Wroxeter
Miss Margaret Foster (Peggy) left
Tuesday for London, where she will
go in traiping in Victoria Hospital.
Margaret is an ambitious young girl
GOLDEN TEXT .-Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done, as in heaven,
so on earth.—Matt, 6:1o.
TIME.—The imprisonment of John
the Baptist, March, A.D.,28, at the
beginning of the second year of
Christ's ministry, The parables of
our lesson were spoken in the
autumn of the year.
PLACE. --John the Baptist was prob-
ably imprisoned on the east side of
the Dead Sea, opposite the wilderness
of Judea where he had preached The
parables of our lesson were spoken
on the seashore at or near Capernaunr.
"And He said, So is the kingdom of
God." The kingdom of God is illus-
trated and explained by the follow-
ing analogy v from common life.
Vast and complicated and infinitely
momentous as it. is, the purpose and
plan of God is just like the purpose.
and plan of the farmer who sows
seed in the field. "As if e : man.
should i cast . seed upon the earth."
This brief parable, which is a com-
parison, rather than a story, is the
only parable -found in Mark alone.
It is ,a, most suggestive picture of
the Infinite Seed; Sower. It represents
God as the Creator, scattering every-
where the germs of life.
"And should sleep and rise night and
day." As is often said, no parable can
be made to move on all fours, and
this point of the parable is thrown
in for the sake of verisimilitude, and
not because we .are to think of the
and we feel sure she will endeavor Divine, Seed-Sowr as sleeping and
to make good. Her many friends rising in some heavenly .night and
join in wishing her every success. day. "And the seed should spring up
and grow, he knoweth not how." Here
again the point is not the farmer's ig-
norance of the process, for we can not
suppose that the Heavenly Seed -Sow-
er fails to understand an follow ev-
Quite,a number from this commun-
ity took in.. the Curlers' Euchre and d d d f 11
Dance., ery step in the creation of. which He
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hainesl and fa- is himself the origin and perpetuating
may visited' with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Porter one day last week'.
Mr. Thomas Maines of Guelph, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George
We were very sorry to hear that
Mr. Robert Sproals had the misfor-
tune to have his back hurt. While
helping John. McKinnon , to fall a
tree in the bush a limb fell and hit
Mr. Sproals on the back. But we
are . glad to hear he is improving.
Mr. Arno Kelly who has been a-
way for .a month is home.
Miss Vera Sellers' went to Strat-
ford on Friday afternoon to attend
the At Horne.
LESSON VII—February 12
Mark 1: 14, 15; 4: 1-34..
cause: but the point is growth of the
seed in hidden and mysterious ways.
, "The earth beareth fruit of her-
self." The seed has life. in itself, insp-
ired in it by the Creator.' Godhas en-
trusted to man manywonderful'
secrets, but not the secret of life.
So it is also with spiritual life,
eternal life, the life which is at the
heart of the kingdom of God. Christ
alone has life in Himself. "First the
blade then the ear, then the full
grain in the ear." The . farmer does
not expect the wheat stalk to spring
up from the ground complete in a
day, but looks first. for a ,tiny spot
of green ,then for the extension of
the stalk so gradual that he cannot
measure it 'from day to day.
"But when the fruit is ripe,
straightway He putteth forth the
sickle." Note "straightway"; the farm-
er had been very deliberate, very _pat-
ient, but when the harvest is ripe he
is all energy and activity. "Because
the harvest is come." This parable is
one that all Christian, -workers should,
Canadian Athletes Leave For Olympic Games
anadt's representatives at the
Olympia ie Games at St. 112oritz,
Switzerland, now on "their'' way
across the ocean journeyed from
their hotnee to the seaboard via
Canadian National Railways. Most
of the party were photographed by
the Canadian Nationalca,..era mats
at Montreal en route to Halifax,
Photographs shows Lower left; The
Varsity Grads hockey, team, of
Toronto; right, Lehan and Dupuis
0,,t Montreal and . Ottawa respoe-.
tively elks-ii.g repreuentatives. Upper
right, the party aboard the Maritime
Bxpress of the Canadian National
Railway=s; left, Ross Robinson,
Toronto speed skating champion,
who will represent Canada in the
srrieed skatin events. —• Canadian
National Rat ways photographs,
read often and take carefully to heart. L€ ie expounded all things." To the
"And He said, shall we liken the
kingdom of God? or in what parable
shall we set it forth?" /n the parallel
passage,• Luke. x3:18-21, our Lord
introduces two little parables in the
same waY with a question, which i%
a lively method, and evidently one of
His favorite
"It is like -a grain of mustard seed."
Probably the common mustard is
meant. "Which when it is sown upon
the earth, though it be less than a all
the seeds that are upon the "earth.
Less, Christ must have meant, than
all the other seeds which a farmer or
gardener would sow.
"Yet when it is sown, growethup,
and becomlr"eth greater than all
herbs, and putteth. out great branch-
ranch-es." Greater than the other herbs in.
the garden of Palestine, • for we are
not to think of it as a tree. "So that
the birds of the heaven can lodge und-
er the shadow thereof." Birds are very
fond of mustard seeds, and were often
found beneath the branches or upon
them, devouring the seed.
"And with many such parables
spake He the word tinto them." One
of these parables was that of the
leaven, recorded by Luke, and many
others, doubtless, were never set
down at all. "As they were able to
hear it." Our Lord, like a wise teach-
er, graded His instruction, adapting
it to the disciples'. progress in spirit-
ual understanding.
"And without a parable spake He
not unto them." The parable was an
old and , familiar method, very . con-
genial to the Oriental mind with its
naive fondness for stories and large-
ly employed by the great Rabbis in
theirienterpretation of the .law. sod of three years: E. A. Pardon, H.
"But privately to his own disciples Bateman, H. Paterson, H. IVICGec.
The regular monthly of the C. G.
1111(A111111111IN1iII11BIIII311111111Y14111411110li111111111111®111. L was held at the Manse on :Friday
evening February 3; the President
I /012/ Miss Dorothy Pollock presiding.
After the regular exercises the even -
e' ing was spent in basket weaving
ill which the girls are learning. The
hostess served a dainty lunch.
▪ We are giving a 10% re- �_ Good progress is being made with
duction in price ip the First Whitechurch Troop of Boy
on all Scouts. The boys are enjoying the
Qg Scout work under the leadership
Overcoats pi of the Scout Master Mr. Elliot Fells.
ege An open evening will be held in the
�A Un de ea r' near future to which the parents. and
1�1 friends will be invited,
•-- and •--• �
Mr, Archie Clow i, till seriously
> w
e ill His datighter, Mrs. Mason is there
es at present.
- Also on all lines of Men's, la Miss Edithe 'Peddle of Edmonton,
1-4 Women's and Children's Rub- Alta has been tinder the doctor's care
bees, for the next •ten days, on a since January nth, after a eevcre'
if all Cash Purchases. attack of flu, We. hope to heat of her
'X'} ER WE: WILL HAVE riitertninera number of their frk nils
a THE DIFFERENT L%NES and ul il:0rbor s on Fr it e ee nun last.'
OF FISH IN STOCK. 01 ilia \Vier i'urdou Ilan been'cihit
till B.C. Frozen Salmon, Fresh l un:; with shit (.attttrotl of Ashfield
Frozen Herring, Stroked Fillets ill l tier the• past rrcek; Mn.sC. am' ion
a Daddies and xipperins I9' has been Merio1n ly ill.
rj Mr, John Gillespie ht been i-tiffer-
wr, TAKE IN CREAM FOI,I a71 itis; for the pa::t few weeksfrinn ai
- THE 'CO.OPERATIVE CO. sore leg. A colt ktc'ked hint 00 the
=t ' Yowl Peo plc of the United
lhc, 0 6 1 ry
+""(�itl l trci turtose having a I ct Social,
j,. ��y�•�,�y .y,��tt�e��w1rh, ,� C, t 7 1 1
m19V lt7l.O:r'fi.Jll1�6E1t on t+Cb. 16th, in the basenunit of the
1111 1111111114 111011111,11KMW1111iklili killIk11001UN111111111111111
general crowd Christ's parables were
like the seed broadcast by a farmer
some of it fell on shallow soil, they
were pleased with the story, but went
no deeper. into its meaning. Other
hearers received the parableinto earn-
est and thoughtful minds, and slowly,
without their realizing it, the truth
grew within then.
A large and enthusiastic company
Was in attendance at the annual meet-
ing of Chalmers' Presbyterian Church
Whitechurch, on Monday Jan. 29th;
the lecture room being completely
'filled, The success in the reports indi-
cated a very healthy condition. Prog-
ress all along the line has been made,
each department having had a very
successful year. The Sabbath School
Guild,. Mission Band and W. M. S.
all reported a good year. The fin-
ance standing is eminently satisfact
ory. The total income was $3,623. 53.
Of this amount 5722.75 was given to
rniesions. The membership is steadily
increasing and the attendance at the
abbath services and Communion is
very large. Many improvements have
been 'made to the manse during the
year. All departments of the church
have a good balance on hand.
A marked feature of the year','s
work was the designation of Mr.
Angus McKay as a missionary of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada
and his subsequent departure for
India, where he is laboring in the
Gwalior. Mission.
The following were elected to serve
on the Board of ,Managers for a per-
Mrs. Wm. 'Mundell will entertain
the members of the Women's :institute
at her Bonne Friday; aternoon..
The weather was ideal for the curl-
ers' bonepiel Friday, hotsupper was
served in tihe basement of the Hail
by the Institute ladies.
A number of our young people
enjoyed themselves Friday evening
at a party at George Kennedy's.
Visitors in the village last week
were the Rev. and Mrs. •IifcKenzie
of Ripley, Mr. McKenzie attending
the bonspiel. Mr, George McKee of
Gorrie, Mr. Tacaberry of Lions Head
at the general store.
It would be,a splendid idea for all
our men to lay in a nice stock of wood
in case they might take lumbago.
Miss Venetia Weishar and Mary
McNeil paid Ilfildnray ..a visit on
Mn Dick Culliton is confined to the
house; his • many friends wish for a
hasty recovery,
speedy recovery,
WEA- f1 Lir. and 111r.-;. 1lcrbc:rt l;aidlaw
Mrs. W. A, Cathers is at present
under the doctor's care. We 'hope she
may soon be' all right again. -
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cathers gave a
party to the Farmers'; Club and to a
few neighbors last Wend'esday night.
All report a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir' and fam-
ily spent' last Sunday .evening with
de. and, Mrs. John Bush of Wrox-
A number from here delivered hogs
to Wroxeter last Monday.
The Orangemen and; their wives
from this neighborhood spent an en;
joyable evening last Monday in their
hall at Wroxeter, along with the oth-
er brethren and their wives and
Following is the monthly report frir.
January of Wroxeter Senior rooru
Pupils were examined in Arithmetic,
Oral Composition, Spelling Grammar
and History.
Sr. IV --Doris Musgrove 76,E Nor•
man Hall 73, Marjorie 'Walser 7W,
Florence Hall 71.5, George,, Brown
68, Margaret Durst 65,
Jr. IV Robert Paulin 81, *Stewart
Higgins 73,5, *Alfred Hooper 73, Lo-
reen Chamberlain 66, ct'',rthur Gibson
Sr. III --- Lily Waller ''6, Vera
Durst 83.5, Jack. McLeod 75, Doris
Elliott 67.5, Marjorie Paulin 62,5, J.
McLean 6x.5: Isabel 'Milligan 61
Harold Keake 54, :Rae Louttit 54,
Margaret Edgar.'2.5i *Helen Nlilli
gan 52.5, Elgin Hoffman 52,
Jr. III—Stewart Musgrove, Wilma.
Fraser, Velma, Higgins, Mable 'Pat-
terson, Ila Sharpin, Everett Wright,
Robt, Hoperoft;
11o. ons roll 30. Average attendee
ce 28.
M. E. Bowers, Teacher.
At OUR risk,. use Mrs. Sybiila
Spahrs Tonsilitis, for Cough, Bron-
chitis, Croup, Catarrh, Whooping -
Cough, Quinsy, Sore throats and Ton-
sil troubles. Results good or money
back. •C, H. McAvoy, Wingharn; J: lt.
Allan, Wroxeter.
Village Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
The law now requires the Iicense
be taken' out three days before the
We wish to inform theP ublic that our Creamery
will be ready to coinmence operations in the near fut-
ure. From February - 6th we will be prepared to buy
Cream will be shipped to Swift
Cream at the:Aplant.1?I
Canadian Co., Stratford, till plant is opened. Your
patronage is solicited, Highest price paid.
H. Cl, MacKay, Mgr.
Iuevale, Ont.
harc ask, CJ"n
You are Always assured of obtaining the -Very l,,st of, quality and freshest provisions throug
the I ?minion Stores. Takecareful note of these values
Finest Quhlity'Obtaroable
Brand 441e
s zian 2516,
IleatNippy OM Cheese 32c Ib.
Genuine Swiss Gruyere 35c
Box of portions
Chateau aft -ib -lb. pkg.awohonoura 21c
field c
Fearaeal Back sued 35c
Peameal1? 11 19e
Cottage A@ l t n v lb,
Pure Lard 3 -Ib. pail Site
Shortening 3•ih. psil .531
Smoked Picnic Hams 19c lb
'i . Baking Values
Cook's Friend xn' 29c
Baking t:•Ib. 17c.
Powder IA -lb- 11C ,,;rr Ca
Pooitavely Cnnran teed 1 984b. ra"
White Satin
Flour hnob'
mato ar io tuggx a¢arn r ey xrn .,,roitsro
California 71:1•1) oVic, r., regular
ihompsen'Seedless N'' tMatt,, .i 3 2 lbs. 27c ill
c u cm u .s l a max w a wi ---s i ted
aardines. 2 ulna 25c •"T. 1S' 'V.a
rt•st Intone.",
vlav r and t� u••u; efi:
tun urpo6drtr
pparlr e'Jc i
...,rd xc4...,.w.k,-.,........
`!"A y'f"r1TCuts 3 pkts. 25c
.r�rnM�wrkw4.,4eryY,r W Ya,lrww-wY',►i.�'wY, V
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�n�t,t T.e'lIC`r � .rorx.v�+.wwm..vw
K= i rr 4 a ni+ ir'in. t2•
Ma rt• i X11
aft *,l.:rt.mnm,rx:W0,1w.wrlu. kM»w,..,r, �:wk.m. .v
>r 5 3t'- Gold Bar
. Go .tla°G• n ' .spam, s
Syrup Picnic $tie
2i•ha, rw.
q;,t' S�ggt
111 'lt c ala I
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tannoX. tui
ade by 0,, snakers