The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-10-27, Page 811. ROME ■Isar • ■Armen 21. WW1 91111 NOM NM 81•. ■ ■ ■ s Sp ' II r C11 is :"'•':-»-^ :did-s!�.."6"�..r Stylish Models in Men's and Young Men's Suits and:Overcoats. OVERCOATS at very -special prices. Made in best models; plain and fancy xfl-wool 'fabrics; in browns, blues, greys and mixtrties. Special prices E4 are 5'®0, $20400, 2500 8 8 a 11tH 1l tltt Ittttttt411111tH/{1111101111ttt1t11111t111111111,I ttt 1111 tl/1111.111tt11t11111111 t tltttttet1111 ttlntit SUITS—Special purchase of Young Men's English Worsted Suits,plain and fancy stripes. Regular Ea value $30.00, our special price.. 4m.5 tlllIN 1111[,1It$t1111111110111111,11itt1I111111tll1111111,1111 tt111t1.t11tt1111111,t11111111111t1tt111111111 Boys' Suits in plain and fancy tweed effects. Each stun has long and bloomer .pants. ror quick sale, priced down at ........... $9.95, $12.50 and $15.00 Men's Heavy Mackinaw Coats, special at .•....... . $7.50, $8.50, $9:75 Boys' Two -Piece Suits, made in latest models. .Bar- gain, ........... •`$.5,$g.. Boys' Ove .Ate;° e-1.1-ta�re`d; in.0 1at'gt" heels and fancy pa Berns. See them at , . $8.90, $10.00, $12.00 Hep- Weight Snag -Proof Overalls, now .. $1.95 Ten's Heavy Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, .$1.39 Special—Men's Heavy Work 'Shirts, ... .... $1.25 Men's Heavy Ribbed Wool Socks, 2 pairs for 75c Men's Fancy Silk and Wool Socks, ... ..... 69c Men's All -Wool Sweaters. Bargain, $2.50 Men's Rubber Raincoats, .$2.98 Men's Heavy Work Boots, now . $3.25 Men's Heavy Mackinaw Coats, special at :shrdluhh H. E. ISARD •& CO. I ii1111111111111111111iNallaIllnalliMalla111111111101,11111111111111111 8 8 ■ 8�7 81� ■ ■ Mail Ball shall i11s111 111146 imisigaia111aliniams1i!®411l lotlontilHltniiti■U j LYCEUMS THEATRE Thursday, Friday,' Saturday, Oct. 27, 28, 29 RUDOLPH. VALENTINO and VILMA BANKY IN The Son of A Sheik." Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 31, Nov. 1 LOUISE FAZENDA and CLYDE COOK IN Sirrirde iSe" 111Wmeelii gc,lia .ies•o+ digbl4 WINGI-IA.M ADV.A, IELMORE The annual fowl supper and enter- tainment put on by the Women's In- stitute in the Community Hall on Tue , ay .evening was a most success- ful event. Supper was served in the basement of the hall where choice viands in great abundarfcle were in evidence. After all had partaken to their complete content, the program commenced inthe auditorium, with Rev, W. J. Taylor acting as chairman. Musical selections by Sehietei brothers, of Belmore, and Cleghorn brothers, of Wingham, provided a happy and appropriate opening of the program. ,,Other numbers were a trio by the Misses Wolfe, Lakelet; solos by George Rutherford; recitations by Miss Mary Inglis ' and Miss M. Sugrue, of Mildmay; duets by Misses Vollickand Hamel,. of Mildmay, duets by Master Frank and Roy Renwick, of.Winglam; solos and .address by Rev. Mr.. Craik, of Gorrie; duets by Rev. and Mrs. C. N. McKenzie, Rip- ley; selections by the Mildmay quar- tette, comprised of Messrs. Underhill, Rae, Lobsinger and Johnston; instru- mental by Miss Windell,.Belmone, all of which were loudly applauded. The proceeds of the evening's entertain- ment will be devoted to the improve- ment of the rink building. The Women's ' Institute desires to thank all those who kindly assisted, in donations and otherwise. Mr. and Mrs, ^A.: Cole ,and Mir. and Mrs. Berry, of Arthur,.. spent the week -end with Mr. ant Mcs. Wm,; 7777 MES Brown. Mr. and. Mrs. Jack East, of Saska- toon, Bask; and l,rrs, W. Simpson, of Fergus, spent last week at the home of the fornner's sister, Mr,s, Win, Brown, WSTEIELD Misses. E. Sowerly and Gladys Mc Dowell attended the Teachers' 'Con- vention at Exeter last Thursday and Friday, Mr. Elwood Stockhottse, of Bruce - field, spent ruce-field,spent a few days with his uncle, Mr. Earl. Wigbtman. Mr., Will Elsley and his, mother, Mrs. J.,.Elsley, of Colborne Town- ship, were the guests'ofMr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell on Sunday. Mr. Alb'er't Campbell had a very successful farm 'sale of stock last Wednesday. • Owing to the heavy rains thatdaythe crowd.was,not as w n large as it /night otherwise have been.' The farmers are busy silo filling. The corn is not as good as usual, but the expellent w''eathei `conditions have helped it wonderfully. ,There being no frost until the night of the z6th, which is wonderful for this part of the country, thene generally being frost the latter •part of. September. Miss Mitchell, secretary of Foreign Missions of the United Church, will speak in the Westfield United Church an Monday 'afternoon, October ,24. Everybody welcome. .N. GORRIE Albert Johnston, of the ninth con- cession of Howick, was painfully in- jured recently while catching a Horse, He had some oats in his hand from which the animal was eating and. when he reached to take hold of the halter the animal struck hhn in the Face with its' front foot, inflieting a cut in the right cheek, Mr. Johnston was compelled—to secure medical at- tention. James Shera had the misfortune to be struck its theeye by a spark frorn an emery wheel while working in his blacksmith shop on Tuesday. He found it necessary to have Dr. Whit- ley attend to it as it caused consider- able pain, MARVELLOUS VALUE / It i4 really marvellous- the wealth of good,,wholesozne, instructive read ing ,/'natter' in each issue of The Family HeraldWeekly Star n y erald and We lc y of Montreal. It is , a wonderful com- bination of three great papers: a weekly newspaper covering the news of the world, with the greatest news gathering *organization in existence; a family magazine of interest to every member of the family, old and young'; .and 'an 'agricultural ° journal that is worth, alone, many times the price of the paper. Just imagine a com- bination containing all the above 'fea- tures in' a big 72 'page, paper,and all for the price of the average country weekly -one dollar a pear. The Family Hearld and Weekly Star is a credit to the -newspaper business of Canada, and well deserves the support of all' Canadians. It is said to have over a'million readers each week. lis Oa• ell Well ell flown fiR017 14, 0 OEM ME E Ltd verti6 zrar:wsrasavaemmuav::maa. t��•rrxrrs� 0 WOLFE 8 8 �x9 n ■ GAPS EASTERN CAP It leads the Held Sold at This .•, Store. L41 Lead in Style This Fall. Exclusive Agency a Wednesday and Thursday, November 2, 3 fii A ;Fighting Boy Miner as a College Hero.. glAMlllalllMNiT(MllililillfINAWNlf101NlO1811Mi1lid8(IIMIIIIMA111a(tlalllilIf4N8l IIIOmiliOI NIIII I'lilai(al LOUISE DRESSER IN— " N— " White Flannels " 1'J,hxdo1�1L1iYA!llPii!tl'.�,U� Forsyth Shirts, Dressing Gowns and Pyjamas Sold. at This Store. CARIIARTT'S OVERALLS' UNION SUITS, SMOCKS Guaranteed at this Store BOYS' SUITS. Our Boys' Sults are made strong to wear Double Seat, Double Knees, heavy lined. Boy's Glassy Overcoat IJ' ■ ■ ■ ■ Heavy Overcoatings Belted or "lain i