The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-09-08, Page 2:)771,
craess, and thou Shall: be 'to us it-
'ZZCad k
If eye�', Jea not
It wJs the P,
pears quite feasible -where the recon- or less controlled by the law of sup-
erY 01 stt�x%v is Of no imp�crtance. ply and denl4and or by other prevail -
St, aw C Very
re 0 is necessary,inti vDilditions, and the producer has
the combine, tholl-gh quite'as feasible ver little influence
reel's need of Hobab. He knew the
P., .......
Thursday, September 8
of econoriv, lar will receive for his product,
WinahAm A4vance-Times
kind of salad world you call that.
ytsar The second year after tile
leaving of Egypt. Iii tile second
motion and settled down to earth
-le Return, 0
ic provinces they shall be extermin-
flum-ce and wisdom; and cared for .11
again. 1'4, Jehovah,
ated it claim' for compen-,
M,ist-s and presumably al -w for tbt ivele
Iv, Pabrislied At
The eclipse of the sun last'Wedr
nesday created great interest in this
montlu Tile Jewish year began with
dit -vernal equillL).n, when days aildisands
unto tile ten thousands of tate'
of Irael, 13ut one blessed fact
4K Ar 0■
01%19 49M
flandQ: wery,
Every, Tlaursday Morning by
which shows what advertis-
night were oqual, -kyhell s pring began,
is that tile cloud rests is often as
'Sweet Clover Ensilage
And it shall be, if t1jen go -'rith i
- &Pres On and low, prices this is
-ng alas now be,
cost Thz combine h 21114oubly
The Advanc*-Times Publishing Co,
ing wil.1 do.
and ill,-, still started oil its northern
On the
it advances. God gives his beloved
"The most suitable stage at which
Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00
Sc) far none Of thk� fow candidates
journey. twentieth day of
lit!-- month� The Israelites been
sleep and ill their sleep lie gives
them Strength for
to cut sweet clover fox ensilage is
when majority of plants are lit
Buvers Of
1 .
Six months, $1,00 in advance in South Huron have withdrawn. at Sinai a little less that) a year.. see fall bloom," writes E, S. Hopkins, a' N
To U. S. A., $2,6Q per year. They will have a wArm fall there, E,,,,. -19-L That. the cloud was taken, FARM NEWS Dominion Field Husbandman, in his
regardless of 01 , e weather, up.fronr over -the tabernacle of the
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. I nnual report for -1981,, He also . ob- "9■
Advertising rates I on application. I * I testimony; The tabernacle is so call- AND VIEWS a■
The pric■
Q of wheat firmed slight- ed because these stone tables. kept in Serves "'It is feasible to Haul the crop ■ o r e r I ES
to the silo immediately after cutting
lat week. Good news, but NNe could the ark in the Holy of Holies, were Published b7 direction of HotL or within two or three hours, while
INFORMATION ABOUT stand several reports of this kind, the chief contents of tile sanctuary,the addition of water to sweet clover
`OUR LOCAL HYDRO SERVICE that around which the entire edifice
culture, Ottawa, IV31 silage is not to be recommended, As
The young Scotch Captain who was constructed,
Just recently we received in this Studying Apple Costs is the case with oats -peas -vetch en- 0 And Poultry
office the ;hear book of the Hydro flew westward across the Atlantic, And the Children of Israel set for- Silage, ■sweetclover held in storage N ■
Electric Cofilmission which, gives all ■
decided -not to fly back to England. ward according to their jour W. J, Fair-weather and W. S, Rowe in tile silo for Periods vary. f
neys, varying' roni ■
After all, discretion is tile better part Afoffatt of the Agriclutural Economics Dept,, three to nine months does not appear
.-the inforniation about tile variolic translates this, "Alarching N
Hydr,,) ■
systeins. The information re of valour, stage by stage." Out of the wilder- Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph to Sustain any damage or lose any of ■
-%und to be; ness of Sinai. The uninhabited reg- ill begin collection of costs and its palatabilit 0 THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE.
•Our local, systen) was ft t We take our hats off to M income data from apple growers in Y. In
Very interesting so sere have tabled ?liar ion at the base of Aft, Sinai. And N COMPANVs, LIMITED.
Norfolk County on August Sth. This
some of this inforniation to pass -,it Ravior who won the ladies' swim at the cloud abode in the wilderness of. Cow Testing Progresses N ■
to the users. this E.�.. The men cannot repeat a. Partin. The wild region north Of tvorlk is being done in co-operation One of the most important factors N ■
I Simian, with the Agricultural N Wingham, Ontario.
The tot -al value of the Wingharn win, and thrice site came first, in. the improvement ■of dairy cattle ■ ■■
Plant is $115,198.18. The total Habil- And they, first took their journey Branch of the Dominion Department and herd management is co1v testing. IM Phone271 ■
f griculture, S. C. Hudson 91 the In Ontario, Saskatchewan and Brit- 0
itles against this plant, $44,648.66. AVO will $0011 have sweet cider all according to the cominandment of o A
the year round if an eN. latter division, who is now engaged ish Colu Ibia
The total operating surplus since perintent of Jehovah by Moses. The essential it this work is done and - Mass
Hydri has been used in Wingliam, freezing, it turns Out a$ expected. The thought is that in setting out onthis in similar wodc. in 'Nova Scotia, will, Ir the su ervision of provincial De-
is $177,18185. Ili quick return assets slo�-,an will soon be a glass of cider a great new enterprise they were loln Messrs. Rowe and Fairweather partments of Agriculturpi -while in ......... ...... ....... ......... I .... . .
ho later on and the project -will ....... ............... ..........
there are X59000 in bonds, �4825SI in day keeps the doctor away. scrupulous in following Jehovah's or- _ be ex- the other sbr, provinces it is carried ........... ......
accounts receivable, and $3923,71 in kt ders, well knowing that in no other ' tended to Halton, Peel, Durham, out under the supervision -of the Do-
iriventorie& The percentage of net When your •car turns off into the way could they hope for success Northumberland and Prince Edward minion Live Stock Branch, Since '26'
debt to total assets are 88.6ve, ditch it is too late to take precau- against tile trenleadous difficulties counties, When the data have been tile number of associations entered,
The above figures taken from tile tions, they had to face, obtained the Agricultural Economics have -increased from 85 to kO, the
Branch will analyze it systematical- number of h�rds from 1195 to . 4061,
statenitlit made out on Dec, 31, 1,93L
Last week notice was given that -a E_-�,-Goir Al, Smith has become an COME THOU WITH US. ly and reports will be made to in- -and the number- of cows from 12,142
reduction in the domestic rate and Editor. First thing he knows he will dividwa farmers before the fin
And Moses said unto Hobab, the al re- to 37,77-2 (for 1931). During the past
port is complete. The co-operati YOUR. Street lighting would save the Hydro be giren the nomination for Presi- son of. Reuel, the Midianite, Moses' We six years has been an increase YOUR BUSINESS ACCOUNT
users X1000 for 102, and the figures dent, father-in-law. Much needless con- arrangement has been "made for the of 16,928 cows completing records I q
quoted above show tile Iffinglianx fusion is aroused by the attempt to purpose of avoiding duplication and for eight months or more, with in is Invited
Now that Lab or Day is Past, w1e make out that this Hobab effecting economy. -average increase in production of 815
HY4170 sYstelli to be in a very sound was the
financial position. call look, for fall weather. We could father-in-law of Moses, instead of his pounds of milk and 55-78 pounds of Founded in 1871 thi's Bank has in the course of
We have compared the figures o£ Stand to 1;e fooled. brother-in-law. This Hobab was the Frozen Cider Pio'p ""alar butter -fat per co,��, over 60 years developed intima
several other systems in tow.tvk whose '�Ve are journeying unto the Modern science is always coming te association
son., are much the same as place of which Jehovah said, I will to the forel with some new wrinkle gait For Range Cattle with very many successful Canadian business
�Qurs, and find that an analysis, which extends the market for farm The amount of silt used by cattle
is, s o lkbave all shall we find enterprises, This experience is embodied in ihe i
'e it You
far as Hydro is concerned, we THESMAY SCHOOL LESSON "�'v - products. One of the latest 0, services we make available to �olL
I such a hope the staff of old age, ge is closely co�-related to wea-
in most cases in a much better fin- 0-1-K should the pilgrimage last so long.1tions is frozen sweet cider. When it the ran
r conditions, according to special
ancial position. LESSON XI.__SEPTRMBER 11 Conle thou with us, -and we will do comes from the press cider is froz- studies in this resp.ect which have These services include Canada-wicle collectiorl
thee good. He who makes no effort en to zero degrees F. and held -atge been made at the Dominion ranfacilities, confidential credit information close
The Goderich -Magistrate let a. ISRAEL J that temperature until thawed for I contact with our own offices in Jond
OURNTRYING TO- for the salvation of others, has great sale or use. When thawed
out it i and experimental station at Many- on, and
reason to distrust his own. For Je- 3 berries, Alm During a wet Spell, New York and ready access at any time to our
Vroom off with an easy sentence re- WARD CANAAN Perfectly fresh and sweet, It will
cer�tly, No doubt lie thought his havah has spoken good concerning or even i�hen there -is snow on the executives for consultation. •
Numbers 10; 11-13, 2946 keep seven months or more�_held at ground, cattle eat more salt. From
sentence to the ball and chain was Israel, Note that the plea of Moses,
zero, and there is every prospect that A Tovember an average of .51
1sufficlent for the pre�sent� did not rest on the goodness of Can- April to N
it may be developed into all Import- pounds of saltper month per Golden Twxt.—Come Thou With aan, but on the goodness of God. -ant beverage or by 1,0 THE DOMINION
Mli wi . BANK
Us. and We Will Do Thee Good. — And he said unto him. I N 11 not Or Or -ch- was noted. The greatest loss of salt
ingliam Fair List is one of which i Numbers 10.'2,% ardists. — Dominion Department of by 'weathering Iyas during June :and ESTABLISHM 1871
the directclr$_ In!g0t well be proud 1 go; but I will depart t* I
0 'Mine ow" Agriculture. July, while durizig the first part of
AVt have seen several otbers, and the ]and, and to my kindred. It is the R. M. Spittal, Branch Manager W"Ingbaw, Ontario
list for the load Fair stands up v% ell. i THE LEftox IN M SETTING- decision of all who take the easy "Combine" in The Rest the spring and in the fall when pre- J
cipitation ww.5 light the loss was neg-
Tinct -�-The setting out from Sinai course of worldliness against the Commenting
on the general feas- lisibleSri
A s,%i of the Kaiser say, that his fin &C. 1407. about April 2L hard course of the heavenly route. - Direcr wires connect •our Read Office in Toronto with Montreal tied New York
father will Ter be On the throne lit i Plai�e—Tbe -wild ibilit-v of tl�'e "combine' in harvest -
<4 Padan, And he Said. Moses is Spealing.
striffunurn-11 Kmnt unfulauxtuntumunalu
Ing grain in Eastern Canada, E. S. The Farmer Controls Cost
Germany. Bad news � if true, 111%.�rth of Sillal. Leave us not, I pray thee_ The 2m- '
I Hopkins, Dominion Field Husband- "The cost of producing crops is at
Ilk b-mmdor of God will not accept -,inan, in his annual report, for -19,31 all times a
There i�,Z talk of the Mai! S: Em- LED BY THE CLOUD. single refusal, but Presses his p,*intl very important consider-
Isays: "From e-xperlments conducted anon,' obser,�es E. S. Hopkins, B.S.
Dire and the Gl')be ctrnbining, What Alui it came to Pass in the second with the Persistence of truth and' to date the z)peration of the "cOul A,, M.S., Phd., Dominion Field Hus-
F�-wasmuch as thou knowest
bane" under easte
ra on tip- bau na
how we are to encamp in the wild -1 conditi . s - d, n "Return values are more
10 1111 -�L .1 inister of Agriculture Under the
: ra4*% The in, n3t cd Jeholm— &.e best In addifiDii to thei -1
Nwa I sinai, the mount. <�f I.,be law, zm idelicale flavc�-nr -whicli swee" ' term'S Of thi - Policy, broadly put, til:
make 'thera so federal Department will pay the rea-
which God gave the 12W to Moses lappetizing, n s
% Ar new POt21,01eS are firrit U-Zld C'I�able 11raVeUing expenses of a' far -
TJ 4 to givt to his people, And %be ,ark- not too mealy, and fet this reason met
IL . of the c,�menaixl Yff I or his agent to the, stockyard
LAffllra, Jel-aovah. The they�car, be cut into cubes withoult
-:,-Iden bax -oontaining, the two stone danger .)f brealf-arl down when P01 -at of Purchas� the feede� sales,
L'"774PS conl- o -r nearest sta6wi to range point at
1 tableS, 0� the law, above whizh was bizzed with otter ingreaients Oi tht which feeder Stork is purcliased. "0 Are you satisfied to
golden rrienv seat and the am- salad. Polat<� Salads 2X�e easy to pre- Secure the •Lbenefits Of tile Policy at
'mediate Presence ioi the L,��rii WtIll PaTe, nutzitious, econornical and R leastone tar of Stock (20 head of Jo without Bathroom conveniences?
before them three dky,':� joarn-e-v, ba rich —ource zf eiier�n% It is 9004 cattle: or 40 Iambs, or a combined
secl mt ;a h'>7 tbeM at any time--Donlifiloon Fruit Bra- Amd without ttp-to-date kitchen facilities or other modern
Tht ark, us= ly *ed in the a itch car, Agared ou 2 lainbs as the equiv- requirements that rul
ming water in your home will instantly
0� the tribes, seenlIS ou this special 141 ea to cut gunntwers alent of one beef animal) must be� make available to you?
Occasion, When the'.V were ventwing Purchase'd- Stock- Purchased is sub,.: is generally rec,,:5mmendcd to j &
fc�r`tb inta • tbe terrible e . to appr*�M) as to type and suit- Prices Have never been lower for Canadian -made ltmcO
-ac)T-er setitativ
to 'rut Sunt ' -4; lrhtn they are, 'about ability by tile official rePrO, e quality bathroom equiprriejit and Durb, Automitic Pumpmig
have "been. tarried. in adrazoe, of 'ffii 50 to 60 Per cen-L in blootill- States of the Dominion Live Stock Branch Systems.
x` PeoPs under '�'he 411011d, to %nve them F_ 8. Ii0plcins, Dominion Field Efas- serviug the Point of purtimst. Spec-
confideuce. Pl6C8$—DA+h, Shawtr, Layafory. Aha
lbandman. "At this stage they ,coax- ial pro-nislon has been made to Toilet, As lllukteafod, wIlh 411 fliflhigs $137.76
An,i the •4oui of JebL%-a more ft matter ;than at eaeliler tend the benefits of tile poli T
er them by day, wbe--t tl�e_ Cy es 116+600M
`dled PectivOly t far, er, 'of Eastern Can- low 11
11 offitr
e f sta"-s aild art mOre easl-T ha '0 -a s equipment ax
Ward for the ca m:... The crud AP-'ikhau at otlier Stages, o 21.75,
at, rthe �head` Of the Prairie PrOminceA, and f
naea orer the are allowed to firm. unfil the Seed is BritiZ11 COlulubia- Gomplete details Tho Duro-SPCclAl INITIPIMSYstetxlall Can I capa-
pmrs; to, e=1 e
-Whole of the 'host 4-arinig Ithle jonr- in tbe Jimgilt stage the storks become and about the policy�and city of 250 gait, pet liour, complete A�Ah 30 R-4 Gralvanized fila , k
!edA. I MYS, anA t.0 have served, as a,pro- tipp heavy atxi difficult .kn cvl Zmtl the benellits mn be secured b w it -
y rl 25 or 60 cycle, 110 iolt motorrosts only $09.80.
I-ection fro the 54,0r hiss heat. hziidle lia tille far-ld, alid 'dif5culty is ing the nearest stoa-vard agent of
Avd 1% C - Amt, to pas�s, wen t%e arlk -als�o exp�rienced in get4ing the IaTg- the Donkinion Live Stock tranch, or WrItt for Irte Wittstrattd tooklets Ott
Set forth,;' tbAt Moses saia; Rise n'%-er heads to pass through tht- thront ffirect to P, S. Han-mr, Chief, cattle r�qwpwtrtt or Pittmbing8upplIes.
0 Jehavah", In P's. 61';,� 'Che wbole of -�e Z:nsilage tztter." y
of wbizh should . be, read in T -VIS COM- D isiort, DominiiOn tas flinit payaltnts: both on Putnp*
Bianch, OlWm. The polipy is taper- *lad Bathrown Axwra wAy bt arrartge&
%-*ttiot, Da64'writas a beataffln! Embargo tas Pr4ties ative for a period L)f five 111ontlls I
poa= busea �,n this pmyae oi MO-Pes
With a liew to assisting in the from and after August- 1, 1042,
,,&Ialitg it a prayer fer all Goe's peo- tr=trol of crown -AtlAt 01 OIL18 and -011 Tlinnitig Mangits
ple as they start out with Gbd Z-.1 blatlt-sltem ,rues of -Wlwat, a minister- Extperiments tarried 011t; OvL-r a,
wingham, Uffli the path of an..v &y. An=ti let thine jill order, effettivt afterSeptemaeon �tftiod •0s! eigIlt yeas., by the Divish)lk FOR SJA" 10V
aaiitaea he sorattered; and let ibez� 1st, 3.S82, p�, M h im-porti. ion 0i Field Hv6andry of the I XP A
�khj ts t e t
rft'"fft.d, IO Pbhow, IS Itot hate thea flee btfuort thee, of the Ezi-opetn bat'k-tbotrt :1-fia. Cet- E%PeAmenlal Firal, •OkutwjLt, AJ%0A\f
crzmwell at the tattlt� of E.)Utbar; Itain speries •of bathetries into the that: tht largvst crop of stints els It
1,)e same the Ri�tes •1tL-k%ZV il W*
1*#* 44- teltil-A 11tCe 'prairie Ptovinet" — kanitoba, mm wIte'a they art- thillood 10 a
Y"tbis vta_ver: 'Pol hr taxa lift! _1"2ls&mtht-tM, j lit
z ZIA Milborla — froin Zo-tailm of njue 1*Mg11eq ap
every clav *e Ch4Vt1'.2.n I zmy of the ala'r VZO Vil-1--es of fhe rtpaft alw obsorm drat t1ke tysitnt
sial a'tx lump_ .lrem hii <cou6b to wit i D=irdrm. The tm&r 114-riber pitcmxj. , f I
9 PIAAft
Ectropt'a'n backaborn es resTalU, in the
And v',hnn i*, fttteA JV%j X)v .8ruixt,
A.r�� elite tsperies, i-�f tmv inner- siduill roots, whioll difficult to 11,1v.
cly's-ttribos tlmd. 4w.24"Od its "nmaT4 hitzs ;'rt imna '%ithit alae zlvee pt.Or- vesi.
craess, and thou Shall: be 'to us it-
'ZZCad k
If eye�', Jea not
It wJs the P,
pears quite feasible -where the recon- or less controlled by the law of sup-
erY 01 stt�x%v is Of no imp�crtance. ply and denl4and or by other prevail -
of Mob -ab' -s need of Israel- but Is-
St, aw C Very
re 0 is necessary,inti vDilditions, and the producer has
the combine, tholl-gh quite'as feasible ver little influence
reel's need of Hobab. He knew the
-s- upon the price
s tx�, be
appear, doubtful
c<iunlry, knew all its dangers4 and re-
of econoriv, lar will receive for his product,
sounct,, lit -was a man of great lora-
a., oPeratecl a' present. This couclu- has, however, some control Over his
flum-ce and wisdom; and cared for .11
Sion might rerised with the de- cv-T of production and the economy
-T ment"nf more ec!onamicR1
M,ist-s and presumably al -w for tbt ivele
means vitae which lie produces his crop may
iia stra,%N, recovery and with the in-
P1 A
zrtat religious inte r"s at stak'�', in
ritea-a the difference lt�tween profit
trcducti�,.)n wof a typ e of machine -%ilh
Israel's imure,
and loss on that crop. In times of
a hi_i�her capacity and i I
And it shall be, if t1jen go -'rith i
- &Pres On and low, prices this is
-ng alas now be,
cost Thz combine h 21114oubly
us, yea, it shall be. Moses repeats
1 , important. If profits are to
in (-)tl, awa for last fOur
for euipbasis. 'That what i gciod so -1
i�vller Jehovah shall do uni�o ns, jh�e;'
.pex-Ited '1'%'e be maintained when prices are low
pEars and cciniplete info-rnlat"d` 'on ccisis m7ust be measured accordingly.
san-1.0 will w! do -aceto thee. The ii
tale eoui p==.used, Cost C4 operat-
Church IN an institution for sbaxlng�i:CiiaiLteLi
-an aud the results of ie",zpernrxients Feeder Pur
chase Policy
ear, �v be. found lienelval of the Feeder Purchase
'Past 9111rMal report--,"
Policy designed to encourage the
feeding of cattle and lambs of suit -
And they Set itlrwana fr4D= the
New Potato Best able type ipd quality is announced
Cooking authonties agree that for by the Hort.
=C'unt of Joh-av"h thre�,- d`a.V:-* Jew- z*x4
Robert Weir, federal
new ottw— a -r- �
10 1111 -�L .1 inister of Agriculture Under the
: ra4*% The in, n3t cd Jeholm— &.e best In addifiDii to thei -1
Nwa I sinai, the mount. <�f I.,be law, zm idelicale flavc�-nr -whicli swee" ' term'S Of thi - Policy, broadly put, til:
make 'thera so federal Department will pay the rea-
which God gave the 12W to Moses lappetizing, n s
% Ar new POt21,01eS are firrit U-Zld C'I�able 11raVeUing expenses of a' far -
TJ 4 to givt to his people, And %be ,ark- not too mealy, and fet this reason met
IL . of the c,�menaixl Yff I or his agent to the, stockyard
LAffllra, Jel-aovah. The they�car, be cut into cubes withoult
-:,-Iden bax -oontaining, the two stone danger .)f brealf-arl down when P01 -at of Purchas� the feede� sales,
L'"774PS conl- o -r nearest sta6wi to range point at
1 tableS, 0� the law, above whizh was bizzed with otter ingreaients Oi tht which feeder Stork is purcliased. "0 Are you satisfied to
golden rrienv seat and the am- salad. Polat<� Salads 2X�e easy to pre- Secure the •Lbenefits Of tile Policy at
'mediate Presence ioi the L,��rii WtIll PaTe, nutzitious, econornical and R leastone tar of Stock (20 head of Jo without Bathroom conveniences?
before them three dky,':� joarn-e-v, ba rich —ource zf eiier�n% It is 9004 cattle: or 40 Iambs, or a combined
secl mt ;a h'>7 tbeM at any time--Donlifiloon Fruit Bra- Amd without ttp-to-date kitchen facilities or other modern
Tht ark, us= ly *ed in the a itch car, Agared ou 2 lainbs as the equiv- requirements that rul
ming water in your home will instantly
0� the tribes, seenlIS ou this special 141 ea to cut gunntwers alent of one beef animal) must be� make available to you?
Occasion, When the'.V were ventwing Purchase'd- Stock- Purchased is sub,.: is generally rec,,:5mmendcd to j &
fc�r`tb inta • tbe terrible e . to appr*�M) as to type and suit- Prices Have never been lower for Canadian -made ltmcO
-ac)T-er setitativ
to 'rut Sunt ' -4; lrhtn they are, 'about ability by tile official rePrO, e quality bathroom equiprriejit and Durb, Automitic Pumpmig
have "been. tarried. in adrazoe, of 'ffii 50 to 60 Per cen-L in blootill- States of the Dominion Live Stock Branch Systems.
x` PeoPs under '�'he 411011d, to %nve them F_ 8. Ii0plcins, Dominion Field Efas- serviug the Point of purtimst. Spec-
confideuce. Pl6C8$—DA+h, Shawtr, Layafory. Aha
lbandman. "At this stage they ,coax- ial pro-nislon has been made to Toilet, As lllukteafod, wIlh 411 fliflhigs $137.76
An,i the •4oui of JebL%-a more ft matter ;than at eaeliler tend the benefits of tile poli T
er them by day, wbe--t tl�e_ Cy es 116+600M
`dled PectivOly t far, er, 'of Eastern Can- low 11
11 offitr
e f sta"-s aild art mOre easl-T ha '0 -a s equipment ax
Ward for the ca m:... The crud AP-'ikhau at otlier Stages, o 21.75,
at, rthe �head` Of the Prairie PrOminceA, and f
naea orer the are allowed to firm. unfil the Seed is BritiZ11 COlulubia- Gomplete details Tho Duro-SPCclAl INITIPIMSYstetxlall Can I capa-
pmrs; to, e=1 e
-Whole of the 'host 4-arinig Ithle jonr- in tbe Jimgilt stage the storks become and about the policy�and city of 250 gait, pet liour, complete A�Ah 30 R-4 Gralvanized fila , k
!edA. I MYS, anA t.0 have served, as a,pro- tipp heavy atxi difficult .kn cvl Zmtl the benellits mn be secured b w it -
y rl 25 or 60 cycle, 110 iolt motorrosts only $09.80.
I-ection fro the 54,0r hiss heat. hziidle lia tille far-ld, alid 'dif5culty is ing the nearest stoa-vard agent of
Avd 1% C - Amt, to pas�s, wen t%e arlk -als�o exp�rienced in get4ing the IaTg- the Donkinion Live Stock tranch, or WrItt for Irte Wittstrattd tooklets Ott
Set forth,;' tbAt Moses saia; Rise n'%-er heads to pass through tht- thront ffirect to P, S. Han-mr, Chief, cattle r�qwpwtrtt or Pittmbing8upplIes.
0 Jehavah", In P's. 61';,� 'Che wbole of -�e Z:nsilage tztter." y
of wbizh should . be, read in T -VIS COM- D isiort, DominiiOn tas flinit payaltnts: both on Putnp*
Bianch, OlWm. The polipy is taper- *lad Bathrown Axwra wAy bt arrartge&
%-*ttiot, Da64'writas a beataffln! Embargo tas Pr4ties ative for a period L)f five 111ontlls I
poa= busea �,n this pmyae oi MO-Pes
With a liew to assisting in the from and after August- 1, 1042,
,,&Ialitg it a prayer fer all Goe's peo- tr=trol of crown -AtlAt 01 OIL18 and -011 Tlinnitig Mangits
ple as they start out with Gbd Z-.1 blatlt-sltem ,rues of -Wlwat, a minister- Extperiments tarried 011t; OvL-r a,
wingham, Uffli the path of an..v &y. An=ti let thine jill order, effettivt afterSeptemaeon �tftiod •0s! eigIlt yeas., by the Divish)lk FOR SJA" 10V
aaiitaea he sorattered; and let ibez� 1st, 3.S82, p�, M h im-porti. ion 0i Field Hv6andry of the I XP A
�khj ts t e t
rft'"fft.d, IO Pbhow, IS Itot hate thea flee btfuort thee, of the Ezi-opetn bat'k-tbotrt :1-fia. Cet- E%PeAmenlal Firal, •OkutwjLt, AJ%0A\f
crzmwell at the tattlt� of E.)Utbar; Itain speries •of bathetries into the that: tht largvst crop of stints els It
1,)e same the Ri�tes •1tL-k%ZV il W*
1*#* 44- teltil-A 11tCe 'prairie Ptovinet" — kanitoba, mm wIte'a they art- thillood 10 a
Y"tbis vta_ver: 'Pol hr taxa lift! _1"2ls&mtht-tM, j lit
z ZIA Milborla — froin Zo-tailm of njue 1*Mg11eq ap
every clav *e Ch4Vt1'.2.n I zmy of the ala'r VZO Vil-1--es of fhe rtpaft alw obsorm drat t1ke tysitnt
sial a'tx lump_ .lrem hii <cou6b to wit i D=irdrm. The tm&r 114-riber pitcmxj. , f I
9 PIAAft
Ectropt'a'n backaborn es resTalU, in the
And v',hnn i*, fttteA JV%j X)v .8ruixt,
A.r�� elite tsperies, i-�f tmv inner- siduill roots, whioll difficult to 11,1v.
cly's-ttribos tlmd. 4w.24"Od its "nmaT4 hitzs ;'rt imna '%ithit alae zlvee pt.Or- vesi.