The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-08-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT la THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMUb' MOP MENIMMINUE Thursday, August '4th, 1932 ■ I��■samoIRd iRiMierMCuiIAsommumii Iormo mini rrsausion■ umme■ i■■umminAimansminsi61IlII mrMmannu ■uti SH : If Your station Is in. August Now is the i ■ �� -',, Water -Proofs - ClSwe y t c , t Let us:... o w STYLISH SUMMER FROCKS The season's smartest Creations. In- dividual garments of which it is a real pleasure to wear. SILKS, CANTONS, VOILES, DIMI- TIES OF THE BETTER CLASS $5.00, $8.75, $12.50, $19.2.5 COATS ALWAYS NEEDED! For travelling, Visiting, Beach Wear, etc., you'll appreciate the value of a good Coat. Special attention given to your requirements in our Women's Wear department. Extra values at $10.00, $18.00, $25.00 to $39.00 • CHILDREN'S COATS - DRESSES • R Sizes 4 to 14 years from which to choose for the little a Miss, who is holidaying from home. 1111 Dresses at $1.00 to $2.95 11 Coats at $3.98 to $5.95 aIF LINGERIE IS NEEDED ■ Extra quality garments of the best fitting styles. -- ,■Vests, Bloomers, Step -Ins, Combinations in. Summer Colors. a Priced within reach of all pocket -books. 49c, 69c, 95c to $1.50. ■ TRAVEL RUGS Beautiful Color Combinations in various 'checks and plain shades. Pure lambs wool of superior quality, firmly woven to give long service. $3.85, $6.00 to $7.50. JAEGER RUGS. Their quality is a by- word. Exceptional rugs which are a joy to pos- sess, TARTAN AUTO RUGS $1.89 These are genuine service rugs for a hundred uses. Assorted dark shades with contrasting colored checks. Full size, Each $1.89. BLANKETS Pure All Wool , and Cotton grades for Cottage or regular home use. All are whipped singly for your conven- ience, at $2.69, $4.29, $8.50 to 13.00 per pair. SUMMER COMFORTERS Of pretty floral silkolines with fine quality cotton fil- lings. Single or double sizes. A supply of these is always a convenience. WOOL SWIM SUITS Better qualities at lower prices is the good news of these Swim Suits. Men's, Women's and Children's sizes in various colors. Priced 69c, $1.69, $1.95, $2.95. AT KI G'S t Purchase the Comforts You'll Need t g of all Sorts 0 Undergarments, . air. en t, u the Fine Lines we Have., KAYSER'S GOOD HOSE Chiffon and Summer service weights that give entire satisfaction Customers are always pleased with Kayser's neat fitting ankle. Priced per pair at $1.25 and $1.00 MESH HOSE $1.50 Soft and airy is Spider Web, yet ser- viceable withal. Orient quality in Summer shades at per pair $1.50. WHITE GLOVES $1.00 Chamo-Suede quality ,of Kayser in the popular pull -on styles. New at $1.00 per pair. niiake stock HANDKERCHIEFS•5 FOR 25c Fine Swiss Lawns of generous size with tubfast orad' borders. Specially priced 5 for 25c. SCARFS - TIES $1.50 and $1,95 Ascot and Bias Ties in a fine color range you'll like. $1.50 and $1.95. SWEATERS $2.25, $2.49 and $2.95 All the Summer Colors in the novelty puff sleeve style. $2.25, $2.49 and $2.95. co.. JUNE CHEESE, per ib. 15c FRESH HONEY .. .-._ 39c McCORMICK'S COOKIES ........ 41 MAPLE LEAF LARD, 3 lbs. ....... ■ KING ■ M Itf MO WI-IITECHURCH 60c BLACK TEA ,FRESH WALNUTS, per lb. w......_..39c NEW RAISINS, 2 lbs, 29c ROS. I •Fresh Groceries PRICED RIGHT 1 GOOD VALUES FOR MEN! FLANNEL TROUSERS For your Golf or Bowling! Nothing more comfort • able or of such good appearance. Gray and Sand stripes or ■ • plain Cream shade. Fashion Craft fit witlq' every pair. ■ $2.85, $3,25, $5:00 and $6.50 $4.50 to $6,50 TWEED KNICKERS FOR $2.98 Lovely qualities in the smartest patterns. Very . fine tweed or twists that particular buyers appreciate. 32 to 40 waist measure at an August Saving price of $2.98. WOOL GOLF HOSE AT 88c ' A rare bargain in Golf Hose in this special line, There are various patterns in Tan, Green, Sand, Blue mixtures of grades that usually sell at $2.00. Supply your needs !now at 88c. SILK SOCKS AT 75c ry _ Holeproof and Penman's well known lines. Fine gardes in stripes and patterned 'effects, per pair 75c.. SMART SERVICEABLE SOCKS at 39c Fawn and Sand mixtures, so superior for summer wear. Sizes to 114 at 39c, or 3 pairs for $1.00. MEN'S BATHING SUIT SPECIAL 79c Fine gauge cottoni garments at a very low cost. Our regular dollar line for 79c. MVIcCORMICK',S SODAS, per pkge. 10c COMB HONEY ..... ... _ ..............-........ KING OSCAR SARDINES, 3 for 49c Our Values are always good, and regularly for the month of August we'll have exceptional offerings. � i 1d lei■lt��rll:�®���ll�q!0�/{IJ ®19111 7+� sitting IR esiama visiting at the home of her paren iUliss 13arbara Weir is spendin this week with friends in Hamilton Mrs. Walter Lott left on Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs McKay, of Brussels. All are mote -.mg to Guelph on Wednesday to mee M'r..and Mrs. Roy McKay and faro ily, of. Toronto. Mrs. Joe Thompson and children rof Tillsonburg, are visiting her par- ,ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson, of Walkerton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick, of Crewe, spent - a day .last week with their parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Cox spent 'last week with relatives at Tober- ,anory, Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and son, Donald, of London, are visiting with. l~aer mother, Mrs. Claw. Miss Bertha Mackay, of Stratford, has been holidaying with her par-• ,eats, Mr. and Mrs, Hector Mackay. rand' other relatives here. Mrs. Fox and Isabel, are visiting •±h'is week with relatives in St, Cath- :a.rines. .1VI, ` and Mrs. Wm. Ney of HamiI- ',ton, spent the week -end with Mr. :and Mrs. Fred Davidson. gholidays here. Mrs. MacGregor left last weel with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Anderson and family mzl• cIMr. and Mrs. Alec Rintoul. y to spend two weeks a Wasaga Beach with other members of her family. r_ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, Lucan, t spent Sunday with Mrs. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Newby, and i his brother, Lloyd, of London, spent a day last week with her parents, .tr Yobt Currie of Wingham, is 'holidaying with Mr. Orton Grain. Mrs. Barrie of Brantford, and her Mr ,and Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan and Clarence spent Saturday with Mr .and Mrs, Barrie of 13rantford, and her nephew, Master Donald El- mer, returned home with them to spend his holidays here. nephew, Master Donald Ebner, re- turned hoarse with them to spend his Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Messrs: Fred Newman and Galla- gher, of Hamilton, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor, and on Monday they re- turned home accompanied by their wives and families, who have been holidaying here, Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra WelIwood and children, and Mrs. Stewart and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Burchill of E. Wawanosli, Mr. and Mrs. A. Emerson Austin and daughter, Doris, left last week for their home at Nippissing, after spending two weeks with relatives here. Mrs. Sam Reid, of Ashfield, spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs, W. R. Farrier. Mr. Edgar Gaunt had a bad run- away last week, when his horses be- c came frightened when hitched to the s mower; they ran through several c fields until they landed up against a hedge, finishing the machine, and freeing themselves. Mr. Ewart McPherson last a valu- able horse last week. Mrs, Harry Lee, of Toronto, is ®Ii 0 JAR. RINGS, 3 pkges 25c 3 Boxes EDDY'S MATCHES 25c McLAREN'S JELLIES, 4 for .._........ LUX, 3 packages for 29c ••29c alfa. ®i' ®■■219121!11®lit1■■®®f®®®■1I®®®11■■■■/®111®®11■■®■■■■■KEIREENIIIMMIII■AI ts, MORRIS COUNCIL n- Council met in the Township Hall th on Monday, July 18, 1932, members i all • present, the Reeve presiding. rt - t I Minutes of last meetings were read Mis Margaret Jackson, of Toro to,spent pent a few days last week wi her aunt, Miss C. Laidlayr, A 'large crowd attended the Co test Program held in the Institute Hall here on Friday evening. Miss Grace Richardson and Miss Olive Farrier were the leaders, and secur- ed ten numbers each. These consist- ed of readings, violin solos, duet orchestra numbers, the dancing o tire sword dance, an Irish dance an the Highland Fling. 'The judge were: Miss G. Lockhart, Mr. Hend erson, teacher in S, S. No.. 10, an Mr. Thos. Leishman, of Brantford. Mr. T. H. Moore acted as chairman for the evening. The judges gave their decision in favor of Miss Far- rier's side. and approved. I Contractor Inglis was paid $222.79 for crushing andmoving. The matter of Road Insurance was discussed and will be decided at the next meeting. The next meeting f will be on. Monday, August 15th. d The followingaccounts were paid: The Advance -Times, advertising $1.- s185; Miller Bros,, making tile $85.20; Roads—Rus Sundercock $7.00, Har - At the close of the program a spe- cial feature of the evening was the drawing of the lucky ticket on the quilt, which the President, Mrs. L. Grain, and her staff of workers, had made. The quilt was of yellow and white broadcloth and made in the sun -rise pattern, The ticket drawn from the hat belonged to little Miss Pearl Creighton, of Detroit, who went forward to receive her beauti- ful quilt and was introduced to those present by her uncle, Mr, J. D. Bee- r oft, ee-roft, at whose home, she has been pending her holidays. A ten -cent ollection was taken at the door and the ladies realized cah ze d alma St $30 from the proceeds of the quilt tickets and' the concert. The meeting was closed by sing- ing the National Anthem. Mr. Robt, Ross and sons, then supplied music for the dancing until closing time. Mr. and Mrs, Henry McGee and Gordon' spent Sunday with her sis- ter, Mrs. C, Campbell, of Belgrave. A large Buick car from Windsor was ball smashed she d on Sunday when it slipped into the ditch in the swamp on the Division line on Sunday, They were meetinganother car and going too quickly to keep on the road, as it is narrow there. The four daughters of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Simpson, of Toronto, are visiting with ,Mrs, Bateman, Miss Marjorie Locke, of Innerkip, is holidaying ` at Camp Kintail with Miss Dorothy Pollock, this week, Quite a number from here attend- ed the Chalrner's Church Picnic at 10th Bridge on Friday and all report a good time, The :hollowing left on Monday to attend the races in Goderich, Messrs. Amos Cornelius, John Gillespie, Mc. lig nzie Mowbray and Price Scott. Summer Neckwear Special Purchase of Silk and Washable Neck- wear, Values up to 85c. THIS WEEK'S PRICE, SALE 49c. "New 'Felt Hats — Including Pearl Grey, Light Fawn, Dark Grey, Brown; All Fur.Felts, with welt edge -atoll Taw edge, Sport Styles included, Hats up to $4,50. ON SALE .– ..• •.,.•...•.♦$2.95 Hanna t Co., Limited AGENTS FOR ROYAL YORK CLOTHES vey Brown $12.00, Harvey Wells $12.00, John Haggitt $12.00, Wm. Watson $12.00, Archie Young $12.00, 44;,te} DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWEL- LERY AND GIFTS. Moderately Priced. OFFICIAL C.N.R. WATCH INSPECTOR Each Month We Repair One Watch FREE. Winner for July -- Mrs. Wararn, Wingham. GEO. WILLIAMS JEWELLER Phone 5. II /il ISI I I/III/I iiMl i lel (i/Iii/Ili/1tlii t l/ttlAill!•/ See, r ▪ A.' M. Bishop. •• ..e For..... r. Government and '-' Municipal Bonds til Also All. Kinds of •' INSURANCE II Phone 226 Yy ioghat tl 11I>NNllitt�111111IIti111lI�111�1IIN1111�1II�I!lNhll�Illt�lil�I Wesley Searl $7.20, Sam Patterson Mr. Nelson Mitchell, of Moles- Grocer; "What was thatwma 19.20, Win. Brown $8.40, Frank Mc- worth, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. I complaining about?" Caughey g y $7.60, Frank McCaughey Mitchell last Sunday evening. He Assistant; "The long wait" was accompanied by Miss Edythe Grocer: "And onl $24.53, Thos.Web- ster $222.79 E. $2.50, 7.lios. Miller (funeral $77.88, Duncan McDonald $5.30, Jno , and Mrs. W. E. Weir, Gibson $3.75, Geo. Alcock $25.10 Win. Maunders $10.00, R. Bird $11,- 00, G. Harman $5.00, B. Elliott $8.00; R. Gray $2,00, L. I3eirnes $6.00, R. Jacklin $9,62, S. McCall $8.20, Geo. Pollard $10.00, Chas, Pollard $12,25, 13, Alcock $13.00, R. B. Alcock $10.- 87, D. McLean $14.00, Jos. Yuill, $11.40, S. F. Davidson $2.05, Mrs.` W. J. Duff .50, H. Cunningham $5, Weir who called on .her parents, Mr. 20, Wni. Cunningham $2.00, Wm. Kelly $4.00, Earl Haley $4.00, Bert Pease $3.00, H. Bosman $44.83, R. Johnston. $18.00, Jno, Nesbitt $15.70, J. McNichol $7.50, J. Phelan $8.00, Nelson Nicholson $9.00, '5. Grasby $8.00, P. J. IKeliy $18.00, Frank Mc- Caughey $5.44,J. Richmond $9.00, Fred .Oster $10.00, John Craig. $10.- 00, F. Beninger $4.00, L. Scott $4.00, L, Fear $4.00, R. Carter $31.00, R. Bell $12.25, Meno Jackson $10,00, Jos. Bewley $6.00, C. Martin $6,00, Bert .Kelly $6.00, Geo. Kelly $3.00, A. S. Kelton $14.50, F. Kelly $6,00, C. Nicholson $3.00, G. Murray $2,00,. H. 'Johnston $17.80, A. McCall $8.00, H. Cunningham $8.00, Wm. Kerney $8:00, L. Regan $8.00, L, Kerney $4.00, C. Martin $4.00, Geo, Coulter $22.40, L. Jewitt $10.80, R. Warwick $18,80, N. Coulter $5.60, Elmer Has- tings $8.80, W, J. Scott $9.20, M. Smith C4Souch ouch $8.00, 800 C Bos- man $4.00, R. Button $4.20, Ed, Gar- niss $4.40, A. Edgar $18.85, Wm. El- ston $14.80, lston`$14.80, T. Burk $12,00, W. Find - later $8.00, R. Galley $8.00, 5, Hun- ter $4,00, W. Thompson $8,00, 5, Casemore $2.00, 0, Campbell $14.34, H. Workman $57.50, A. Fraser $22.- 50, C. Keifer $15,00, W. Gray $2,00, 0, 'Campbell $58,50, A. Campbell $14,00, H, Hetherington $14.00, ' M. Mathers $14.00, C. Goll $14.00, Glso. Coulter G,C $4.00,Campbell P $11.40, Casenaore $4.00,J Jim Campbell $15 _. 00, C. G,' Campbell $17.00, G. Edgar $8.00, A. MacEwen, Clerk,. SALEM Mr, and Mrs, John Gowdy spent last Sunday with friends in Teeswat- er; Df, W. W. Weir and wife, Tor- onto, and Mr .and Mrs, J. J, Weir and little daughter, of Pittsburg, are Spending their vacation with Mrs. Win, Weir and other. friends, Miss Vera Quinn, Little Current, Manitottlin Island, returned home af- ter visiting het friends, Miss Eve McMichael, this past week or two. A large number from this locality attended the Memorial Service in Fordwicli last Sunday afternoon. The hum of the threshing machine is heard once again in our midst. The Lord's Day Alliance Service will be held next Sunday. Rev. F. J. Bryant, of Stratford, will preach. y yesterday she was complaining about the short weight. You can't please some peo- ple." * * * George: "Last night I met a girl who had never been kissed." Bill: "Impossible! I should like to meet her." George: "I3.ut she doesn't exist— now." 011nilelOWill/II0111/lily!!!12111/Ili/Ill®11IWI li •a. asp.... a Ii 1�1 Q YCEUM 11! if i71t111111111111A l/11111111111111.111$1111111111$31 1111111111111111111l11111111111 11011111111 11111111 1111111111 111/i !161111/i 11/11181111/111®111/Ill1/111/ill/111/III Ft 11 SHOW STARTS 8.30 P.M, Two Shows Saturday Night, Starting 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August- 4th, 5th, 6th Tom Mix In "The Fighting Marshall" A PICTURE OF THE CATTLE RANGE. COMEDY "PERFECT 36" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 8, 9, 10th John Barrymore If Karen Morley y Lionel Barrymore I Ix x tri /'ti, A. New King of Mystery Drama With The Famous Barryni<ore Brothers. BOY"FRIEND COMEDY "YOU'RE TELLING MEI"