The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-06-30, Page 1With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and 'Wroxeter News.
Single Copies Five Cents,
Winghain United Church had two
very large audiences on Sunday last,
to bid farewell to Rev, Sidney Davie
Son who has been pastor of the
church for the past five years, Dur-
ing the morning service, Mr. Davi-
son spoke particularly to the radio.
audience, thanking thein for the
many letters and words of apprecia-
tion which he had received, The
morning service has been broadcast
•oven station 10 B.P. for the five
years of Mr. Davison's ministry.
In the evening, Mr. Davison prea
.shed his farewell sermon, taking as
his text, Heb. 11:8 "By faith, Abra-
1'am, when he was called to go out
in to place which he should receive
for an inheritance, obeyed; and he
vent out, not knowing whither he
went," He spoke of the many ties
which bound him to this Church and
.congregation and of the faith re-
.quired to go to new places among
mew people. Be also spoke feeling-
ly- of the great change in the per-
sonal sof the congregation in the five
years of his pastorate, stating that
there had been 112 burials, which in-
cluded many of the church officials.
Special music was rendered by the
choir and in the evening two very
fine solos were given by Dr. Smiley
of Hensall. Mr. Davison leaves this
week for his new charge in Blen-
"The Cisco Kid", Lyceum Theatre
June 30, July 1, 2.
Mr. A. E. Lloyd. has built a cot-
tage at Bruce Beach. -
Mrs. Chas.. Sutton visited friends
in London over the week-erid.
Mr. Cyril Everick is visiting with
driends in Kincardine this week.
Miss Hazel Brandon of Mitchell,
was a visitor in town this week,
Mr. H. E. Hattersley, of London,
Was a visitor in town on Saturday.
Mrs. W. L. Craig is visiting Mrs.
R. S. McGee, at Kincardine Beach.
Mrs. Amos Tipling and June Bu-
chanan are at present visiting in Ac-
ton. e
Miss Alice Williamson, Kitchener,
"spent the week -end at her home in
Mr. and Mrs. T. Field are at their
.cottage ,Kincardine beach, for ' the
Mrs. R. S. McGee has opened her
cottage at Kincardine Beach for the
Mrs. Wright of Kincardine, spent
Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Cy-
ril Everick.
Mr, Alvin Griffin of Vancouver, is
visiting with his mother, Mrs, Griffin
John street.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Greer, Tor-
onto, spent the week -end with W. J.
and Mrs. Greer.
Mr. Andrew Holmes of Bluevale,
visited with his brother, Wm, holm -
es, Centre street.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogan of 13e1 -
more, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ro-
binson on Sunday.
O. Henry's Romantic Bad Man,
"The Cisco Kid", Lyceum Theatre,
June 30, July 1, 2.
Mrs. W. R. Hamilton and daught-
er, Ruth, are spending a week visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
Mr, Bert IvfacLean of Detroit, vis-
ited last week -end with his brother,
Lawrence, on Minnie street. •
Miss Sisterson has returned to To-
ronto after spending a week with her
sister, Mrs, J. H. Mitchell
Mr .and Mrs. Jack Suan and fam-
ily visited at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Deyell, Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs,- McKinney and fam-
ily of Port Sarnia, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs, John Anderson.
Mrs. W. H. Gurney and her dau-
ghter, Mrs. R. E. McKinney, are at
the Gurney Cottage, Kincardine,
On account of illness, Miss Ger-
trude Robertson's Beauty Parlor will
remain closed during this week. 1
Mrs. S, A. Johnson, of Toronto,
spent last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, T. Robertson, s
Mr, and Mrs, Henry J, Rahlves,
of Toronto, visited for the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, i
Mr, and Mrs,. Alex. Stewart and n
two daughters, of Lanark, are at t
present visiting friends in this viein- a
Miss Margaret Mitchell, nurse -in- t
training at Toronto East General
Hospital, has returned to Toronto, p
after. spending .three weeks at the t
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. It Mitchell, t
Mr. and Mrs.. Fraser Haugh were
honored on Thursday evening, June
16th, when a number of friends and
neighbors gathered 'at their home
and presented them" Pith a beautiful
silver tea service. The following. ad-
dress was read;
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Haugh:
We have gathered here this - even-
ing to express our earnest congrat-
ulations on your marriage, and our
good wishes for a long and serenely
happy married life. May each suc-
ceeding year find you happier than
the one before.
We welcome you, Eva, among us,
and hope you will soon feel at home
with us. May the new friendships
formed be such that will bind you
closer to us as the days go by.
Some of us, Fraser, have watched
you grow from infancy to man hood,
Others have enjoyed your compan-
ionship at school, and we are all
proud to know you have settled here
to live in our midst.
We ask you to accept this tea ser-
vice, not for its intrinsic value, but
as a slight token of the esteem in
which you are held in this commun-
ity. We hope you will find pleas-
ure in its use and that in using it
you will be reminded of our best
wishes for your future happiness.
Signed on behalf of friends and
Mrs. G. L. Day; J. Leslie Fortune.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in dancing and conversation.
All Aboard for Merry England
Four of our local men, Messrs.
John Hanna; Gordon Buchanan, Har-
court Mundy and A. M. Crawford,
will leave Quebec on Saturday, July
2nd, on the Empress of Britain, for
a six-week trip to England, Scotland
and France.e' There is no doubt but
they will have a very delightful trip,
and we will all be awaiting their re-
turn to hear all about it.
Philaletha Bible Class
-Social Evening
The regular June meeting of the
Philaletha Bible Class of the United
Church took the form of a social
evening at the home of Mrs. Gar-
net Baker on Tuesday evening. An
evening of games was enjoyed and a
dainty lunch served. During the ev-
ening the class took the opportunity
of 'presenting to Mrs. Sidney Davi-
son a silver .casserole, wishing her
every success and happiness when
she goes to Blenheim.
Local Bowlers Win
Third Prize at Goderich
offiical opening of the new
greens of the Goderich Bowling
Club was held last Wednesday after-
noon when a tournament of doubles
was held. 34 pairs . competed, and
third prize was won by A. Crawford
and W. Miller, of town, with three
wins and •a plus of 24. A rink com-
posed of A. Crawford, W. Miller, W.
French and A. Wilson, secured sec-
ond prize in the Association event
at Paisley. 22 rinks competed at this
S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh
Re -Union
The Diamond Jubilee Re -Union of
S.S. No.. 11, East Wawanosh, will
be held an Friday, July lst. A
splendid programme has been ar-
ranged consisting of Horse Shoe
Pitching, Old Time Fiddlers' Con-
test, Races and Ball games, etc. Ar-
thur's Orchestra will supply the mu-
sic for dancing during the evening.
Do not miss this splendid outing on
July lst, Registration at the school
at 1.30 p.m. Everybody welcome.
Bring Your Basket,
No Reduction in Rural
Telephone Rates
As a sequel to the public meeting
mid in Belgrave May 6th, at which
was discussed telephone rates, the
Bell Telephone Co. had their repre-
entative meet the Committee which
was appointed, in Belgrave Wednes-
day of last week. The result of this
netting was a definite pronounce
tent by the Company that no reduce
ion in rates could be looked for. If
nyredress is to' be obtained. in the
matter of rates it will be necessary
o make representation to the Do-
minion Railway Board. There is a
ossibility that this :question will be
aken tip with the Dominion Railway
Board at Ottawa on July; 16th when
he, farm delegation goes to Ottawa,
JULY 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Plans are now made and the Can-
adian Chautauqua will present their
program of clean, high-class enter-
tainment in Wingham, July 19, 20,
21, 22 and 23.
The local committee are doing ev-
erything possible to make this won-
derful entertainment a success .•: local\
ly, and ask the public to work with
them, so: that success will be assured.
You will be canvassed to buy sea-
son tickete and the prices are most
reasonable — Adults $2.00, Students
'(14 years and over) $1.50; Children
It is a difficult proposition to give
towns and smaller places high class
entertainment at reasonable cost.
The Chautauqua program fills this
bill to perfection, but if it is to con-
tinue must receive the support of the
Buy your tickets cheerfully,.
Remember the Dates—Keep them
You will be sure' to enjoy yourself.
Oddfellows' Annual Decor-
ation Service
The Oddfellows of Maitland lodge
will 'hold their - Annual Decoration
Service on Sunday afternoon, July,
3rd, at 3 p.m., to Wingham Cemet-
ery. This impressive service will; no
doubt be witnessed by a great many
again this year.
Lee .- Miller
A pretty June wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Miller, Pleasant Valley, Wingham,
on Wednesday afternoon of last
week when their only daughter,
Verna Isabel, became the bride of
Kenneth George Lee, of Wingham,
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, of
Peterborough. The bride looked
charming, gowned in a dress of aqua
lace, with hat and shoes to match
and carried a bouquet of pink roses
and maiden hair fern. The house
was effectively decorated with flow-
ers and the marriage was performed
by Rev. Sidney Davison, pastor of
the. United Church, under an arch of
evergreens and flowers. Miss Marg-
aret Miller, of St. Helens, cousin of
the bride, played the wedding march
from. Lohengrin, and little Mary
Proctor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Proctor,- of '4Vingham, was
flower girl. Following the ceremony
a wedding dinner was served to the
immediate relatives and friends pre-
sent, after which Mr. and Mrs, Lee
left by motor for Toronto and Pet-
erborough. On their return they
will reside in Wingham..
Riehl - Cruickshanks
A very quiet and pretty wedding
was solemnided at the Victoria Bap-
tist Church, Wingham, at 10.30 p.m.
on Thursday, June 23rd, when Ivy
Addy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
S. Cruickshanks, became the bride of
Wilfred Frederick Riehl, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Riehl, of Blyth.
The bride wore a gown of white
crepe, with shoes, hat and gloves to
snatch, and carried a bouquet of pink
roses and maiden hair fern, The cer-
emony was performed by the Rev.
James Gibson. The Church was
beautifully decorated with flowers
and ferns. The happy couple left
on a short honeymoon. Best wish-
es go with them for a long and hap-
py wedded life.
Platt East
A. pretty wedding took place Sat-
urday afternoon when Myrtle M.,.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. O. East
of East Luther, was married to Mr,
Wilbert T. Platt, Wingham, son of
Mr. W. 5. and the late Mrs. Platt,
of East Luther, Elder John Taylor
officiated, The bride, given in mar-
riage by her father, wore a charm-
ing gown of turquoise blue chiffon
fashioned in princess lines, and car-
ried a shower bouquet of Ophelia
roses. Miss Pearl East, maid of
honor, sister of the bride, wore peach
crepe -de -diene. Mr. Milford Platt
was groomsman. The wedding music
was played by Miss Margaret Nod-
well. Following a reception at the
Monte of the bride's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Platt left on a motor trip, the
bride wearing a navy blue ensemble,.
On their return they will • reside in
Wingham.--Star and Vidette, Grand
The Huron County Live Stock and
Household Science Judging Compe-
tition was held at - Clinton on Satur-
day, the former taking place on
farins in Tuckersmith and Stanley,
and the latter in Fireman's Hall,
Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon,
was in charge of the girls' classes;
'and was assisted by Miss Bessie
Watt 9f the agricultural. office, Clin-
The prizes were won as follows:
Girl scouring the highest aggre-
gate points, Elsie Anderson, Luck-
ucknow, who won -352 points put of a
possible 400; IVliss Annie Straughan,
Auburn; Miss Catherine Crawford,
Dungannon, These three will repre-
sent Huron County in the inter -
county judging competition at the C.
N. E. at Toronto. Miss Eva. Thomp-
son, Wroxeter, won spare place on
this team.
The prize winners in Domestic
Science were as follows: (Senior),
Nutrition, Verna Birk, Dashwood;
Beth Alton, Lucknow; clothing, Ca
(Continued on Page Five)
Donation Gratefully Acknowledged
The Hospital gratefully acknow-
ledges the 'generous donation of ice
cream on Thursday, June 23rd, from
the Royal Service Station of J. E.
Homuth and T. R. Bennett,
Held a Lucky Sweepstake Ticket
Word has •been reecived that Mr.
Fred Fuller held a lucky ticket on
Sisterai in the Switzerland Sweep-
stakes. Fred is now in England and
will be able to cash his ticket which
is worth 33 pounds while over there,
Fast Circuit Horse Races
at Stratford, July 6th
Three Horse Events, 12 heats, 2
Running Races, Tug of War. Big-
ger and Better than Ever. Admis-
sion 55c. Come. Also at Seaforth,
Wednesday, Jttly 18.
Attended Wedding'""in Toronto
Dr, and Mrs. A. R. DuVal attend-
ed the Fowler -MacLean wedding in
Toronto last Saturday, Miss Mac-
Lean is a neice of Dr. DuVal, and
was given away by him, Miss Mac-
Lean has been a frequent visitor to
town and has made , a number of
friends who wish her much happi-
Won Prizes at Listowel Turnament
At the Annual Tournament of the
Listowel Golf and Country Club,
held last Wednesday, the team prize
for the best net 18 holes was won
by the Kincardine foursome of
which Walton McKibbon was a
member. Walt. was also successful
in winning a golf sweater and socks
for the best net card for the second
Another Swarm of Bees
In the disused part of a chimney
at the hone of 5. A. Haugh, Diag-
onal Road, a swarm of bees settled
and after they had been there three
or four 'days were 'removed on Fri-
day last by Bill Clarke. Mr. Clarke
will soon have a colony of bees if
he keeps collecting these swarms as
this is the second lot of bees he has
collected this year. Three years ago
bees made this same chimney at Mr.
Haugh's their visiting place,
Will You Help?
Last week the Horticultural Soc-
iety issued an appeal to the citizens
of the town to donate a day's work
or the equivalent in money to help
put the lots known as the Canada
Furniture Co.'s property, into shape
that it niay be used as a park and
trial garden plot. The response has
not been nearly up to expectations.
Do your part NOW to beautify this
lot by leaving your name or dona-
tion at the Town Clerk's Office.
Meniorial Service at Blyth
The annual Blyth Memorial Serv-
ice was held in the Memorial Hall
last Sunday evening.- Rev. Goo.
Weir, of St.,= Andrew's Church, was
chaitnan and react the list of names
of those who fell during the war,
Rev. Mr, Pocock, of the Anglican
Church, read the Scripture lesson.
Rev, Mr. Anderson, of Queen Street
Church, . lead in prayer, The address
of the evening "Cause antd Remedy
for War" was given by Rev. Ken-
neth MacLean; of St. Andrew's
l.'resbyterien Church, 'vVinghain, Af-
ter the service the Blyth Band gave
a concert of sacred music on the
Memorial Hall lawn.'
'The large school room of Wing-
ham United Church was filled to
capacity on Monday evening when
the congregation gathered to bid
farewell' to Rev. Sidney and Mrs.
Davison, on the eve of their depart-
ure from this church. Mr. Frank
Howson was chosen chairman, and
a short but excellent programme was
presented. Master Kenneth Craw-
ford gave a recitation "Seein' Things
at Night" which at once 'put every-
one into a jovial mood. Solos by
Mrs. A. H. Wilford, Mrs. Jack Mc-
Kay and Mr. Gordon Buchanan,
were much appreciated, as was also
a reading by Jean VanNorman. A
very appropraite quartette "Will Ye
No Come .Back, Again" was given
by Messrs. D. Geddes, J. Mitchell, J.
McMichael and E. Wilkinson: Fol-
lowing this, Mr. and Mrs. Davison
were called to the platform, and,
while Mr. A. H. Musgrove read the
following address, Mrs. D. Geddes
presented Mrs. Davison with a hand-
Notre silver service of Sheffield re-
production, the tray suitably engrav-
ed, and a walnut tea wagon. At the
same time Dr. R. L. Stewart pre-
sented Mr. Davison with a solid lea-
eather travelling bag.
(Continued on Page Five)
Bowling Club Turnament, July ist
The annual rinks tournament of
the Wingham Bowling Club will be
held on Friday, July 1st. Play will
start at 1.15 p.m. and there will be
three events.
Student hlas Charge of Service
Mr. H. A. Prichard, student of
Knox College, Toronto, and for the
summer months connected with the
Presbyterian Church at Belgrave,
had charge "of the service at St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church last
Sunday evening.
Silvertown Team Again Wins
The regular game of Softball sche-
duled between Silvertowns and Ing -
hams was played Tuesday evening
in place of Thursday this week, as
July 1st is a holiday some of the
players could not be present for a
game Thursday. Ingham's were on
the short end of a 9 to 5 score. Jar-
dine did the twirling for the Merkley
clan while Durant pitched for Ing-
Off To Military Camp
The annual Military Camp will be
held at London from July 3rd to
July 9th. The following front the
Huron Regiment, 1',. Coy., will at-
tend this camp:
Major E. A. Corbett, Fordwich.
Capt. Neil McLean, Wingham.
Lieut. H. Towne.
Lieut. R. S. Hetherington.
Sergt.-Major G. Topphan, Ford-
Sergi. K. Denny, Wroxeter.
Sergt. V. Sanderson, Wingham,
Pte. Arthur Stokes.
Mrs. W. J. Gurney
Maria Mills, widow of W. J. Gur-
ney, passed away in Fergus last
Thursday in her 76th year. For the
past four years Mrs. Gurney has been
in poor health, but it was only dur-
ing the last two weeks that her con-
dition was considered serious. Born
in the Township of Garafraxa, near
Fergus, she lived most of her life in
the town of Acton, but for the past
25 years had been a resident of Os-
pringe and Fergus. She was a life-
long member of the Methodist and
later the United Church.
She leaves to mourn her loss, four
sons, W. H. Gurney, Wingham, R. J.
Gurney, Vancouver; A. E. Gurney,
Sarnia, and D. E., at home, also six
daughters, Mrs. Williams and Mrs.
Lawrence, High River, Alta., Mrs.
Leslie, of Kitchener; Mrs, Robinson,
and Mrs. Kirby, near Fergus, and.
Wilma, at home.
The floral tributes were beautiful
and many, among which were receiv-
ed tributes• front the Retail Merch
nats' Association, Wingham, The
Wingham Utilities Commission, and
the employees of the Gurney Glove
The funeral service was held front
the family residence, Fergus, and
was conducted by Rev. Mr. MacDon-
ald assisted by Rev. Mr. McLaugh-
lin, who was her former minister in
Acton, Interment was made in the
Fergus Cemetery.
Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year.
The lucky winners at the Com
munity Sale draw which was hel
last week, are listed below. Some o
those who won prizes came som
distance to participate in this sale a
one prize goes to Clifford,. and on
to R. R, No, 5, Kincardine; one also
went to Brussels:
List of prizes and winners:
1. Motor Rug, value $9.00, donat-
ed by Walker Store, Geo. Smith, of
2. Pair of Shoes, value $5.00, by
W. H. Willis, Mrs. R. S. Hamilton,
of Wingham,
3. Fancy Pink Bedspread, value
$5.00, by M. Burk, Mrs, Simpson of
4. Lady's Hat, value $5.00, by Rush
Millinery, Mrs. T. W. Platt, Wing -
5. . Jasmine Toiletries, to - a lady,
value $3.00, by - McI(ibbon's Drug
Store, Mrs. C. P. Smith, Wingham,
6. Half Dozen Silver Knives, val-
ue $3.00, by G. Williams, Mrs. I.
Stanley, Brussels.
7. 40 Bread Tickets, by Gibson's
Bakery, Orval Welsh, Wingham.
8, Lawn Seat, by A. J. Walker's
Furniture Store, C. H. Agnew, of
9. 100 lbs. Five Lilies Flour, by F.
Watson, Fred Parker, R. R. No, 5,
10. $200 worth of merchandise, by
Hanna & Co., Mrs. J. Carr, Wing -
11. Pair of Scissors, by Rae &
Thompson, C. Cook, Wingham.
12. 5 Gallons of Coal Oil, by Ma-
chan Bros., Mrs. E. Rever, Clifford.
13. 1 Year's Subscription to Ad-
vance -Times, Miss Reynolds, Wing -
It was announced by Col. W. H.
d Price, Attorney -General, on Satur.-'
f day last, that Alexander Neeb, form-
e er Reeve of Stephen. Township, will
s be Registrar of deeds of Huron
e County, succeeding the late W.
Coates. Mr, Neeb was born in Ste-
phen 52 years ago, and has always
been active in the affairs of the twp.
and county. .He served on the Twp.
Council, was for several years reeve.
In 1926 he was Conservative candi-
date for the Legislature but failed:
to be elected.
Special Train for Holiday
A special train will be run ,by. the
C.P.R. from Orangeville to Teeswa-
ter the night of June 30th, for those
who need a late train. - This train
will leave Orangeville at 7.30 p.m,
(on the arrival of the Toronto train)
and will reach Wingham at 10.10
Notice to Bowlers
All those who are entering the
Bowling Tournament on Friday,
July 1st, please leave your names
with Jack Mason.
Attended Snell Re -Union
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Milton Snell
of Toronto, attended the Snell fam-
ily reunion at Londesboro on Satur-
day, when about 125 of the rela-
tives were present. On Monday they
renewed acquaintances with old
friends in town.
Bishop C. A. Seager
To Preach at St. Paul's Church
The Right Reverend C. A. Seager,
the new Bishop of Huron will preach
in St. Paul's Church, Wingham, on
Sunday evening next, July 3rd, at
7.00. The Bishop will also address
a meeting of the men of St. Paul's
on Monday night next at 8.00 in the
basement of the Church.
Only One Change in -
Public School Staff
At a meeting of the Public School
Board last week all the teachers
were re-engaged except Miss Tindall
who had resigned. Miss M. McDon-
ald, of Lucknow, was engaged to
take the place left vacant by Miss
Tindall's resignation.
Change of Business
Mrs. E. Pettigrew and Mrs, Har-
vey Shane will take over the Bruns-
wick Hotel Dining room on June 27.
They will carry on the usual busi-
ness of Regular Meals and Lunches.
Family Dinners will be served, on
Sundays, from 12.15 to 2.15. Spec-
ial Opening Day on July 2nd. Tea
will be served in the afternoon, also
sale of homemade baking.
Elgin Regiment at Goderich
The visit of the Elgin Regiment
to Goderich over Dominion Day
lends special interest to the holiday
program in the county town, Be-
sides the military exhibition, there
will be motorcycle races, softball
games, alttletic events, etc., in the
afternoon. Band concert and street
carnival, in the evening, Something
doing all day long. See bills for big
50 Years An Editor
Mr. A. E. Ranson, of Flushing,
IVTiclt., has been receiving many con-.
gretulatiotts from his many friends
on his SOth anniversary as proprie-
tor of the Flushing Observer. Mr,
Ranson has called on this office
many times during his visits 'here
with his daughter, Mrs. Jack Hanna.
The Advance -Times wish hint many
nio'e years of good health that he
inay contimie ill his newspaper': en-.
deavor's. -
High School Staff for Next Term
All the teachers of the High
School Staff were re-engaged with
the exception of Mr. W. A. Collins,.
who resigned, Mr. P. J. Bigelow,
Orono, Ont., was engaged to fill the
vacancy on the staff caused by Mr.
Collins' resignation. All the teachers -
re-engaged are accepting a reduction
in salary which no doubt will please
the ratepayers,''
Presented with Gold Wrist Watch
Mr. R. E. McKinney, formerly of
Wingham, Divisional Manager of the
Supertest Petroleum Corporation, of
Toronto, was presented with a beau-
tifully engraved gold watch, last Sat-
urday afternoon by the members of
his Toronto staff. Mr. McKinney
leaves for London on July lst, to
take up the position of General Sup-
ervisor of the Supertest Company,
and the Toronto staff wish him con-
tinued success in his new responsible
Miss Isobel McDowell of Wrox-
eter, is spending this week at the
home of; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doug-
Mrs. Andrews, also Miss Andrews
of Goderich, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell, last
Mr. and Mrs. Will Finch and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Corbett, of Stratford,
spent the week -end with friends in
Mr. R. J. Greer who has been vis-
iting with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Greer
returned to his home in Toronto on
Mrs. J. H. McKay, Evelyn and
Carl, are spending a couple of weeks
at W. A. Miller's Cottage, Kincar-
dine Beach.
Mr. Joseph McDermott, 13.A,, B.D.
of MacMaster University, will occupy the pulpit of the John street Baptist
Church next Sunday.
Miss Lorene Chamberlain of Wrox
eter, returned home on Saturday af-
ter spending the week with her aunt,
Mrs. Louse Roach, Alfred St.
Mr, and Mrs. A. Williamson and:
family, and Mrs. Atkinson, of Tor-
onto, visited at the home of Mrs.
Williamson, over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mrs, 5,
W. Flannery and Mrs. Wright of
Peterboro, were in town last week
attending the Lee -Miller wedding.
Mr, and Mrs. William Elliott of
Wroxeter, also Mr. and Mrs. H. - -
Chamberlain of Wroxeter, spent Sun-
day with Louie and Mrs. Roach, Al-
fred street,
Hon. Robt, Weir spent the week-
end here with friends. He left Sun-
day night for Ottawa, Mrs. Weir,
who has been visiting here, accent -
Denied hip.
Mrs, J, W. Turner and her moth-
er, Mrs. V. R. VanNorinan motored
to Toronto last week. Mrs. Van -
Norman will remain for an extended
visited with her daughter, Mrs. A.
At Royal Service Station Booth
for a nickel, Ice cold drinks, sandy
wiches, oranges, chewing gum, cig-
ars and randy bars, Ice Cream cones,.
Bon -bons, Dixie cups and Popsicles.
Ice Cream in Bulk and bricks,
Mrs, R. A. Spotton returned home
on Monday from a ten day visit with
friends its Stratford and Mitchell, and
while in ,.Mitchell ehe attended the
marriage of her neice Miss Veda B,
Werner to Mr, A. Ross MclKeitzie of