The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-10, Page 5Thursday, March' loth, 1932
�IIII�III�YIIIili1111111�ILIMpIII�I111MI1IA111Ii�1l11�111�11111�1ill�ll(IAIIII�IIII�III�IIi�L'Ul�llli�ltllllllpllf IpItiI�iltl�NiiIRIIIiIIII�11tI1giI,fIHIIIgMIiIYWlll�llll�illl)wiii�lillpiii»ill
BUY SEASONABLE GOODS NOW at a Big Saving. Get the most for your
Lam"°" )money. "You will get it here." Our Men's and Women's Wear
Stores contribute Values beyond the ordinary. You can make sav-
ings worth while in every Department.
,� a ,. . �. �. •• �.-. ate. ...
Factory Cottony yd. wire .10c
New Prints, yd. wide, now 19c''
Linen Towelling, 2 yds. for .25c
Heavy Striped F1'ette, 36 in. 18c
Pillow Slips, pair .... ..35c
Cotton Batting, 1 Ib. ..30c
Bath Towels, large, ..35c
Curtain Nets - 19c
Wash Cloths, 6 for .... 25c
Table Lnen . • ..........75c
Kimona Cloth, reg. 30c, for .25c
Cretonne, 36 in., reg. 35c, ...25c
,Wrapperette, reg. 35c, now .25c
6 Yds. Bloomer Elastic ......10c
2 Pkges Pins, for ..05c
Silk Bloomers 49c
Charnxoisette Gloves, now 39c
Women's Silk & Wool Hose 59c
All Wool Cashmere )-lose 69c
New patterns in Men's Dress Shirts 98c
i Boys' Heavy Sweaters 98c
Men's Ties Reduced to 39c
Men's All Wool Socks, reg. 75c 25c
• 1 Men's Heavy Work Shirts 89c
Boys' Suits, to clear $3.95
__ Men's Tweed Pants Sale $2.19
1 Men's Cottoriade Pants $1.49
E Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers , .98c
LI Boys' Wool Golf Hose 49c
gl Boys' Caps at 50c•
Heavy Ribbed Work Socks, 4 pr. $1.00
�51 t : eady 44o wear
Women's Silk Hose, reg. $1.00 for 85c
Spec. Rayon &. Wool Hose reg. 50c, 39c
Supersilk Hose, reg. $1.25 '........ 98c
Corsettes Special 39c
Just Received, the New Martha Wash-,
ington Dresses, Guaranteed Color-
fast, Bargain at $1.49
Clearing Women's Winter Coats, Fur
Collars and Cuffs. See them at
$1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $8.50.
Women's and Misses' Silk Crepe Dress-
es, to Clear at $3.95, $4.95, $6.95, $7.50
Special Blend Tea 39c
Snappy Old, Cheese 15c
Pure Lard, lb. 10c
Fresh Mince Meat, lb, 10c
Maple Leaf Baking Powder 20e
Jelly Powder, 6 pkges. for 25c
Baking Soda, per lb. 5c
Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. 23c
Bottle Ketchup 15c
Whole Wheat Muffets 10c
2 lbs. Ginger Snaps ......23c
Jar Peanut Butter 21c
Heinz Pork & Beans, 2 cans ............- 25c
Corn Flakes, 3 pkges for 25c
Large Jar Sweet Pickles '5c
5 lb.. Pail Best Syrup 34c
Large Tin'Red Salmon ... .:.................,..-24c
6 bars P. & G. Soap for .. 21c
4 Cakes Palmolive Soap 25c
Washing Ammonia, 3 for ..........,- 25c
3 Cans Tomato Soup for 25c
Lemons, per dozen 25c
Oranges, per dozen ...29c
nll�lll�9lllEalii3�l I Ir;y7ltl�l!!
11191111"'a 111�1115111E111
foor ye throy to cure it.
Now thin what I do be 'dhroivin at
is this, We -hey lots av unhnploymint
wid txs yet, an the question is, "What
is the cause av it:;" Some fellahs
say we hey beer; afther shpindin too
much money, an other fellahs say we
he'ven't been shpindin enough.
Wan pian will tell ye that salaries
an wages, an the proices av !timber
an harrudware, an brick, an clothes
ail boots an shoes, an tay any toback
ey, an all the other nicissaries a
Joffe shud come down, an thin th
carpenters an brick layers wud all gi
busy buildin houses, an the furniture
min wud• be runpin full toime to fur
nish thim, an the railroads wud hev
to pot on more min an thrains to'
handle the freight. This man no
sooner gits troo .talkin than another
fellalt sez that low wages an proices
wud make tings ivurse, an shpoil us
fer the sayson. intoircly, 'fer thin pay
plc wad hev less money to shpind
than they hev'now, an theer wud be
no 'cash circulation at all, at all.
\•'Van fellah sez that it is be rayson
av the money wasted in the lasht
war that we do be Bevin harrud toim-
es at prisint, an another fellah 'sez
that the thrubble is' because we dc, be
shpindin too much money at the pri-
sint toime preparin fer the next war.
Wan parthy want to reiuce the tar-
iff an make livin chaiper, an another
parthy is in favor av hoigher dooties
to )cape chafe goods out av" the conn
Wan organ sex that unimployrnint is
caused be the deprishion, an another
alae sez that the deprishion is be ray-
on av the uniiitploymint, an he wud
wt6"iviiybody to wurruk Makin roads,
rr diggih canals, arr buildin houses,
rr clearin up land, arr diggin fer
*owld in the Nort Counthry, an thin
tg we wud, soon hev no more deprish-
ion, but ivirybody wud hev lashins
av money, an wud be shpindin it on
autos, an radios, an chisterfield soots,
an new clothes, an pleasure thrips,
an we wucl live happy ivir afther, as
= the shtory books say,
It is a harrud problim, so it is, an
I hev me own oideas about tings, but
N don't intind to shpring thim on ye'r
subshcroibers until I hev had talks
wid large Shpotton an Charley Rob-
ertson, the woistest lads in Nort Hu-
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
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rid Wide News in rief F
.mmuwn umnl®nor,®oawomoo.s liana msropan..lmmnoa.lm.>mo
a..mnaa>.uamsn I mwo.maa®w.u.rm
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King of Marches Passes Suddenly
On Sunday last, John Philip Sousa,
great American composer and band
leader, died shortly after attending a
banquet given in his honor. Probab-
ly no American was as widely known
as this famous band leader. His
fame as "King of Marches” began
while he was still a young man. He
became leader of the Marine Band,
and since the organization. of Sousa's
Band in 1892, his musical talent and
efforts have made hire: world famous.
Gold Suspension Extended
A bill presented in the House of
Cemmens, London, Eng., passed its
first reading, providing for an eaten-
sion of the suspension of the gold
ste.nclard for` a further 12 months'
t1191111ItiliI 81111�lllt I1II5lI1°ills
Eastern War
Peace. between the Chinese an• d
Japanese seers far away. The Jap-
anese continue to•land more troops
at Shanghai and both forces appear
to .be fighting with renewed vigor.
Police Fire on Crowd
Rushing the gates of the Rouge
River Plant of the Ford Factory at
Detroit, early this week, 8000 unem-
ph'yed were fired on by the police.
Your were killed and 26 wounded.
'Hari Arson Patrol
Three fires leave occurred in West
Luther Township recently and as two
of these outbreaks have taken place
while the owners were absent, the
residents of this district are talking
of forming a night patrol to stop
such fires recurring.
11111/111 i1h111811l11llI1;iiIallililiIIIMIiIIIIIINIiMIII1`II181119111119111111111601
A New Industry
Menonites May Leave Canada Teeswater—A branch of the 13rae-
he state of . Chihuahua is now side Fur & Packing Co., of East
considering the application of several Windsor, has opened at the Vendome
thousand Menonites living in Can- Hotel, 'Teeswater. The branch has
ada and the United. States to settle stow, about 120 of the famous Newthele. Zealand rabbits which are particular-
• lv noted for their fur value. The in- a
tcrestcd parties Earl
1 e are .Rev. F. Egan, ales. l.ambertus,
3riand, former President of France' and John Marrs.
died. He held more Cabinet posts
than any other man. He was con- Road Construction Will Continue
sidered the apostle of peace" and Though the Minister of Highways,
will be a serious loss to the League .Tion. Mr. Macaulay, did not adopt an
of Nations. arbitrary attitude, it was quite appar-
ent to Warden Geo. H. MacKay, of
Bruce. County and other members of
Bruce County Council, wlio confer -
storms are Prevalent throughout On- red with him in Toronto last week,
tario at present. • In Eastern Ontario that the Highways Department pro -
it is felt that this fall of snow will hoses to incur; on a curtailed scale,
materially benefit the fall wheat and expenditure in hely construction work
the making of Maple Syrup prodilcts• on the King's Highways in this Coun-
ty this year. The cost of mainten-
No ,Dole in Ontario ante and new work in Bruce this
Premier G, S. Henry stated re- year, as planned by the Department,
eently that the •Ontario Government is estintatecl at $120,000, The princi-
wculd not change the present sys- pal job is completion of the pave -
tem of direct relief for the .dole sys= ntent 'from the junction with the
tem. Teeswater Gravel, where paving ter-
minated in 1931, four and a half
Severe S•torrns
Reports indicate that'- bad snow
L" Phone76—PromptDelivery-`_Phone 76 To the Editur av all thin
Wingham paypers,
}CC1illMDried ;--
Apricots, lb. f Choice Warted Beans Whin annyting goes wrong wid an -
I�► Dried Peaches, Ib. 2 for Y nyting the fursht ting to do is to
�� dinccovor the cause av the thrubble,
�9l e 2 lbs. A , —
Large Prunes, s —
athin tllo
t to fniiid , rime l
1 cl :IWlin
ye git sick, ail siild fer the dochto•,
the fursht tine; he floes is to make a
diagnoses av yer case, nnainin that he
noses, arrotind until l e guesses whe-
ther ye shud take the 'reshtcure, arr
hev an operashtm.
11'• ye do he dhroivin along the
ltoighway an ye car'. suddenly sit -tops,
mebby ye shtart blamin the garage
man, whin ye shud be lookin to see
if ye hev'anny gas ill the tank.
Whitt yer inissus gits cranky ye
laikely shtart worryin about her
health, an want her to see the eloch-
tor, whin mcbby "tis 'only the natch-
t'ra1 pervarsity av wimtnitx that is the
thrubblc wid her.
So, as 1 said befoor, ye Hale to
,fniiid out the cause av inttlyting be -
Choice Canned Pumpkins, 21
size, 10e _
Broadway Blend Tea, ib. 37e !
Choice Golden Bantam Corn PI
2.fat ...
Choice I-Iailowi Dates, 3 lb, 25e pp9
Cooking Onions, 16 lbs. .. 25r FR
Extra Large Fancy Lemons,
dozen ..., 24c
We are Agents for Clinton
Flout — Ethel Bread.
Sodas 5c, 10c and 15c per pkg.
Corn Flakes, 3 for .... • 25c
1 ® Aylmer aiid Libby's Sauer
Kraut, large tins, Spec. 10c
• Rolled Wheat, 31'Ibs. 25c
Red Feather Red Salnion, tall
bei tin 290
Rolled Oats, 7 lbs.
V tin 7c; 3 for
Choice Rices 3 lbs.
Libby's Pork and
ans, :i ib,
Green Giant Peas, tin 15e
Special Bulk Tea, ib 320
Gere us a call, y9t1 wU1 be satisfied.
0 I
iiII111 IM111IElll' 11N1111 I1110I01101i II11111111111 IfI IIIIIIII 111W111111111911011110110IIIYMIiOlIiOIO
miles westerly, near Black Horse, to
tnnnect with the roadway built some
years ago. The type of pavement has
no been definitely decided,;—Walker-
ton Telescope.
Erecting Traffic Signs
N. Lever, Huron County traffic of-
ficer, is making* up and stenciling 'a
complete range of traffic regulation
and warning signs, which will be set
up at all places 'throughout the coun-
ty road system where such is needed.
These signs are large enough to be
plainly seal by. auto drivers, painted
white and stenciled in large 'block
type in black. They incltide narrow
bridge signs which will be set up at
everyone of these danger, spots, rail.:
way crossing • signs, ,right and left
ttirn.'signs, curves, keepto •the right
and many others, all of which if ob-
served,by drivers will have a tenden-
endency to reduce auto accidents 'to a. min-
imum; "We want to make Huron
county roads 100 per cent, Safe," re-
marked Mr. Lever. In addition to
his precautions in this respect Officer
Lever will keep a sharp lookout far
overloaded trite) s. HC bas with hurt'
ound, c
.1t a meeting of the Clinton Public
Hospital Association held this week,
Dr. J. W. Shaw gave an address,
stressing the need of mare accommo-
dation at the Hospital and showed
how the additiort of a wing would
solve the problem of the shortage of
room and provide space for a much-
needed elevator.
The annoyance was aggravated by
the fact that, though a bus service
was operated from London to Wing -
barn they were not allowed to take
on passengers here, as another line
held the franchise. Citizens have.
been taking the natter, up and a
widely -signed 'petition was presented
to the deputy minister of Highways
last week, being presented by Mr,
G. H. Elliott, who pointed out that
it was not a company or a bus. line
he was representing, but the citizens
of the town, who, if they could not
have train service, wanted bus ser -
CAN NOW GO vice.. Word has since been received
,that arrangements have been made as
TO LONDON above stated.—Clinton News -Record,
Arrangements have been made
whereby the Sarnia, Huron and
Bruce Coach lines, operating from
Wingham to London by way of No.
4 Highway, have the pi'itiilege of tak-
iI int;- passengers from Clinton to Lon-
don and from London to Clinton.
Also on )starch 13th the will o -
crate a Sunday service leaving Clin-
ton at 5 minutes past 4 o'clock pill.
for London.
Citizens of town have been much
inconvenienced since the curtailment
of service on the London, Huron and
Bruce lines owing to the fact that
they could not get to London and
hack in a day, without going around
by Stratford, costing more money
and losing a lot of time on the way.
My, MY!
First Pole Drawer: "Watcher,
mate, what's bitin' yer?"
Second Dole ))rawer: "Seven uli
in' years I've drawed the dole ti:td
yesterday it was stopped, after seven
years' faithful service!"
Until we begin to learn that the
only way to serve God in any real.
sense of the word is to serve our nei-
ghbor, we may have knocked at the
wicket gate, but I doubt if uci have
got our foot across the threshold of:
the kingdom.—George MacDonald,
Is the nam of o r ew Serial Story
Read about. Diana Gladwyn the beautiful English social girl, young Dr.
Rathbone,- Dennis and the Mysterious red-headed woman,
What ` ;Tas the Doctor's Secret
He was the grandest maxi' in the works, young Dr. Rathbone. At least
lovely Dianaa
C. cy��nthoughtrr .
so as
as "'l1fretting
she got over about his
-exiling her to the country for a rest from the socks) round. Not, tlt, ori course.,that she was in love with him. She was in love with Dennis—dear, fascinat-
selfish Dennis, who had married the wrong :girl.
But Dr. Rathbone`'a$ "like gharbor", '
tit l l.t, a strong
,, and he Wasn't like the
other men she :knew, That was why he caught her attention. That t a'
s why
she was desperately interested in discovering what Rosalie, the mysterious
reel -headed woman meant to him.
Diana was to find it out at last ----that rl,lxd many, other- things she had-
n't suspected, including the way of true lace
Read this delightful love -story;
3ta,rting Next Week, T usmMard 7th