The Wingham Advance Times, 1932-03-03, Page 3arm
mins. after the water
To the Editur av all thim
Wingham i'aypers.
Deer Sur:—
A lot av fellahs do be askin me iv
iry day what I tink about the -war in
Choina, an I am afther tellin thim
that I don't tick about it at all, at all,
if I kin' iiilp it, so I don't.
I had a letther from me ould bro-
ther Matt., soon afther the thrubble,
shtarted, an he Could me no whoite
man .cud undershtand how the rnoinds.
av thim fellahs over in Asia wurruk.
Ye will remirnber, what 1 tonld ye
about Matt., an, av how he, shpint
nmosht .av' his life, an made ai lot av
money, wondherin arround in thim
haythen coun:thries, an thin came
home an married a war widdy wid
foive childer, that nivir cosht him a
'cint to rare, an, sittled down wid thim
on a ranch in Alberta. 1 don't hear
from him very often,: but wan ting
T know, he isn't killin himsilf wid
harrud wurruk, fer, shure, shkamin
tings •wus always more in his loine.
Yis, Matt. wus always purty sharp
on a dale, but he often tould me that
he nivir cud git the' shtart av thim
Jap lads. He wus loilce the .Jew in
Aberdeen: he had to lave the place,
arr go .broke. IIe always belaived
that to be a rale good biziness man
ye hev to be a koind av a moind raid-
er, so ye kin guess what the other
'fellah is tinkinabout, but, he said
that no livin whoite man cud look in-
to .a Jap's face an tell what wus on
his thoind. All thim Aistern payples
are good ,at boldin theer oideas be-
hoind a mask, so to shpake, but thim
Japs are the best av anny at it. Fer
inshtanc-e, "see .how they do be liuttin
it over the laige av Nations at the
prisint toime, wid a lot av the
shmartest niin in the wurruid gath-
ered at Geneva.
Fer thim raysons I don't know an
nyting about the thrubble its Choina,
an don't intind to throy to foind •out,
fer, shure, we do' be havin ,enough
worries av our own, wid thim Grits
foindin fault wid iviryting that is
done arr lift undone.
The thrubble down at Parleyinint
seines, to be that too manny fellahs
want to git on the Joineat the same
toime. Mishter I3innitt is doin the
broadcashtin fer this country at mis-
hit, an what might hev them Grits
an Progressives to be - buttin; its?
Shure, they hev no ;say in tings, at
all, at all, so they shudden't be -al-
lowed to shake.
Thin Link. av that bye, Hepburn,'
throyin to hould two jawbs at the
wan toime, laiden- av the Liberal par -
thy in Ontario, an a inimber av the
Dominion Parleyntint. Shure, he is
wurse than a wid two wolves,
an shud be put in jail fer. pollytickle
I don't see that Jarge Shpotton has
been havin much to '.say in Parley-
mint lately, an 'tis plaized I am in-
.toirety that he has sinse enough not
to be afther wastin the toime av the
House inakin spaiches, whin Mis1•tter
]innitt has his nioind all made up
about what he intinds • to do, befoor.
Parleymint shtarts. This laves the
Tory animbers wid plinty av toime to
mind theer pollytickle finces aground
home, an 'tis betther so.
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
A business depression started in
1857 and lasted 12 months.
A business depression started in
1869 and lasted 8 months.
A business depression started in
1873 and lasted 30 months.
A business depression started in
1884 and lasted 22 months.
A business depression started in
1887 and lasted 10 months.
A business depression started in
1887 and lasted 10 months.
A business depression started in.
1893 and lasted 25 months.
A business depression started in
1903 and lasted 25 months.
A business depression started in
1.907 and lasted 12 months.
A business depression • started in
1914 and lasted 8 months.
A business depression started in
1921 and lasted 14 months,
The men who emerged from those
cycles rich and successful were those
who took advantage of the know-
ledge that, when everybody was de -
Pressed and devoid of confidence,
then was :the ,time for action.
The same situation exists to -day.
The then who will control the indus-
trial affairs of this country are those
whose eyes look -toward the dawn,
and not back into .darkness. —From
Pottery, Glass, Housefurnishings and
Toys,, Toronto, Can.
They were new neighbors and the
wife was much interested in there..
In a few days she reported: "They
a most devoted couple, John.
• EV._ ywki
Travellcrs'.Cheques issued by
The Doll/it-lieii Batik are re-'
cognized the world over..
When travelling carry your
funds its'this ,safe astsd ccoiwen.
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Cheques play be purchased
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1B5Y hl3II5A1I315 1871
J. R. M. Spittal, Mgr. Wingham Branch.
roxeter N
Thursday, March 3rd, 1932
He kisses her every time Jic goes out
attd: even waves kisses to her from'
the. sidewalk. VVlty don't you do
"Why. don't I?" replied John,
"Good heavens, I don't even know
her yet."
The disasters that happened to
three of my ctistorners, One said "I
will pay you Saturday night. IF 'I
live" He's dead! Another said "I'll
•see you to -morrow." He's blind!!
The other said ."I will pay you this
week ie .go to " He's gone.
Mr.: and Mrs. Thos. Pritchard,
Margaret and jack spent a few days
last week with friends. at Mitchell.
Miss 'Margaret remainedfor a longer
Mrs. T. 3—Strong and Mrs W. j•.
Horsburgh visited last Tuesdayaf-
ternoon with Mrs. F. McIntosh.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos.. Strong and
family ,spent Wednesday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. •Seb. Zurbrigg.
Mr. Lloyd Griffin of - Toronto,
5last katthe feet
ent most of .wee F
'Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Craig visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
'Jacques, 12th line. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong spent
Thursday with friends in Listowel.
Mr. 'Morley Zurbrigg visited on
Sunday afternoon at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Miller and fam-
ily of Mt. Forest, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs: Thos. Strong. Miss O.
Strong returned home with them for
a visit.
Mr. and MIrs. R. Fleet and family
of Harriston, visited at the Fleet
Miss Ruby Scott spent a few days
last week with her sister, Mrs. John
Mr. Alfred Morgan and chum of
Wroxeter spent Sunday at Mr. Wal-
ter Horsburgh's.
M.Ir. Melvin Finlay was assisting
Mr. John Finlay with his -wood one
day this week.
Mr. Thomas Day is also assisting
Mr. Thomas Ellis with his wood.
Mr. Thomas alit! Miss Padfield
were week -end visitors on this line.
Mr. H. Shelton of Silver Lake was
a Sunday visitor -at Mrs. J. Finlay's.
Mr. Charles Finlay of Wingharn,
was a Tory Corner visitor this week.
Mr. Edward Bennett is not improv-
ing as well as his many friends would
Messrs. J. and H. Finlay were
Howick and Grey boundary visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr., A. Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis called on 'Gor-
r -le friends on Sunday.
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. Robert Brown spent a few
as sth i friends w 1 encsS in Mildmay.
Mr. Nelson had a very successful
bee hauling ice.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Finlay were
week -end visitors at Mr. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James Underwood
were Sunday visitors on this line.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Edgar called
on Mr. Robert Baker on Sunday,
• dr. Nelson Steurnol had a very
successful 'bee hauling ice,
Mr. John Matthews is a frequent
Wroxeter visitor.
Mr. John Finlay visited near Gor
rte on Sunday.
Ile—Yes, 1 niways have a lady hark
her shave the.
She--Gopdness l What if a 'moth
run across the floor,
Moreover, the old-fashioned man
who kissed itis sweetheart's hand,
didn't have to watch which one the I
, cigarette was in.
Mr. Archie Edgar was In Londort
. Miss Mary Harris was with friends
in Win,haun and',Scaforth the past
Mr, W. T. Mclean and -Mrs, W:
G. Patterson visited Mrs: John Patt-
erson in Harriston who was' badly
scalded when removing 4.a boiler'• of
Itet water from the stove.
Mr. Geo. Herd and family of ]3el-
iia:ore have the .sympathy of Wroxet-
er friends in the lost by fire Mon-
day forenoon of their store and
dwelling. Som e hou.t,lluld effects
were saved but the stock and build-
ing was destroyed.
Feb. 25th the Women's Institute
met at the home of Mrs. T. Gibson
with 30• in. attendance. The President
Mrs. Lovell, was in the chair. .Sev-
eral answered the Roll Call with the
ilalne of a composer of music. Miss
K. Hazlewood demonstrated the as-
sembling of a sponge cake, and the
finished article was sampled by those
present. Misses Gamble and Little.
gave : a paper "A Study of Music
Composers Illustrated by the Piano".
The composers:chesen were Chopin,
Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Handel,
and the selections given were Prelude
Op. 28No. 7,Chopin; Beethoven's
"Minuet in G, Mendelssohn's "Con-
solation" and Handel's "Largo," At
the conclusion Misses Gamble arid
Little sang a duet which brought a
very interesting meeting to a close.
Mrs. W. Pattercon and Mrs. J. J. Al-
lan assisted the hostess in serving a
substantial lunch.
'The funeral of the late Mrs. jas.
Leech was held from the United
Chtarch on Wednesday, to Gorrie
cemetery. Rev. G. W. Butt, pastor,
conducted the' service. With the pass-
ing of this highly esteemed lady Gor-
rie is without a resident by this old
name. Although the late Mr. Leech
predecased her some fifteen years
ago, he and his brother were the pi -
i' oneers of the village, and at one time
I it was called LeecbvilIe, and all the
streets are named for a Leech bro-
titer, A large number of friends and
relatives were present from Listowel,
Harriston, Molesworth and Wing-
ham. Floral tributes were received
from Leech family, Detroit, nieces
and nephews, Harriston, Sister-in-
law and niece, Sarnia; Pr. and Mrs.
Stewart, Wingham, also a spray from
W.M.S. and W.A. of the Church of
DANGER ,.�v_ � � c.a
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Insuranee companies are apt to
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and women—they can't ali'ord to
take any risks.
Good Health rannnt long be main-
tained where there's ekeessive weight.
Fat is apt: to shorten life, and con-
stipation, impaired mental activity,
loss of energy and strength are but
a few of many complaints which
sometimes arise in overweight men
and women.
why not lose this superfluous fat—
regain glorious health and good rooks
again—simply take a half teaspoonful
of Kruschen :salts in a glass of hot
water every morning Before breakfast.
Hrusehen is the safe and healthy way
to reduce, based on scientific principle.
The slenderizing action of I{rusehen
can be speeded by cutting out fatty
meats, pastries, and Ong light on,
butter, cretun and potatoes.
Kruschen helps blood, nerves. glands
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again—you gain amazing new- strength
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start the ]ruschen treatment to -day 1
If you have never tried 1Sruschen—try 0. now
at our expense. We have distributed a great
many special "GIANT" packages which make
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Ask your druggist for the new "GIANT" 75c.
package. a
Tliis consists of our regular 76c. bottle together
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ILrusclsen does everything We claim it to do, the
regular bottle is still as goon as new. Take it
back. ,'hour druggist is authorised to return
your 75c. immediately sand without question.
Yon have tried Isa•uschen free. at our expense.
What could be fairer? Mum turerl by
J Grifrittss Hughes, Ltd., 1vi,tuchester, Eng.
(fltstab. 1756). Importers: McGillivray tiros.,
1,45., Toronto.
Fp C'` MU H
Phrn, I3., Opt: 17., R, 0.
Phone 118 Harriston, but
"The Best Bquipped Optical Es
tablishitnextt in this part of
wl:ich the late Mrs. Leech was an
honored member. The pallbearers
were, T. Bradnock, 3. Walker, W.
Hueston, E. W. Bolton', R, Ferguson
and G.McKee,
The Hockey game between the
Ripley and Gorrie-Wroxeter Union
teams, resulted in a 3=2 victory' for
the visitors. The game was played un
heavy ice on Thursday night before
an enthusiastic Crowd which filled
the Wroxeter Arena, Although Rip-
' ley team were tlie' winners ,they did
riot. play the game of hockey that the
Unions did. Every Mart of the Un-
ions played good clean hockey and
no penalties while the visiting, team
Paid many, nevertheless, they were
i pt
ing and playing hard to Score.
Mr. and Mrs, Victor Shera were
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H.
tOrThursday evening of this 'week
at 8 o'clock the Y.P.S. of the United
Church will hold their meeting in the
Library room over the Bank of Com-
' meree,
oin-'amerce, when Mrs. ,(Dr.) Ramage will
!give a talk. Everyone is invited to
!attend this meeting.
Mrs. Jas. Bell has returned to her
home in Gorrie.
'Mr. and. Mrs. W. Jardine and fam-
ily of Brussels, were Gorrie visitors
on Sunday:
Mr. Gordon McGregor, Wingham,
visited in Gorrie, on Sunday,
Mr. Wm. Earngey has had his bar-
ber shop and pool room redecorated,
which is a great improvement. Mr.
Earngey believes in keeping a sani-
t'ary and up-to-date shop,
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross and dau-
ghter, Marilyn of Kitchener, were
Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hennings of
Turnberry, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes.
Mrs. Pearl Kaine spent the week-
end with Mrs. Doan at Molesworth.
The W. A. of St. Stephen's church
will meet on Thursday afternoon of
this week at the home of Mrs. H.
Rev. G. W. Butt, R. J. Hueston
and A. E. Toner motored to' Toronto
on Monday and will spend a few
days. ,
1 The dance in the hall last Friday
evening was well patronized and a1I
report a good time.
The "Pleasure 'Club" were enter-
twined on Friday evening at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Victor Shera. Hon -
!ors were won by Mrs. Abram and
Jos. Sanderson, consolation, Mr.
Morrison and Mrs, J. Hutchison.
The ladies of St. Stephen's Church
are busy preparing a concert to be
given on the evening of March 17th.
The W. M. 'S.' of the United church
will meet at the home ofe 1lrs. Alex.
Edgar on Thursday afternoon of this
The Gorrie Boy Scouts met in tate
Schoolroom of the United Churcl n
m u
Friday evening. The meeting open-
ed with games and contests after
which a :hurt program was given:
a duet by Pill Butt and Dick Jones;
a duet by Vern Abram and Jim 1 itt_
•chard; violin solo, Leland Ashton;
Guitar solo, Rev. Butt; solo, R. G.
' Newton. Mrs. Dr. Armstrong spoke
of how she enjoyed the work with
the Boy Scouts. Four members pass-
ed their tender -foot and were Pres-
: cnted with a Scout Pin. Refresh-
• nients were served at the close of the
meeting. ,
IMiss ,\tine Douglas was a week-
end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Brown, north of Gorrie.
lulls Edith .lfcErven, Of Wingham,
. returned home on Suuday, after
spending, a few days with her aunt Dm
Mrs. M. Abram.
i Guests at the horse of 1!r. and
i Mrs. George Foster during the pat .:
true!( were Dr. and Mrs. Kelly of
1 hordwich, Miss Marion Ellis of 1-.nn-
Idon, and Mr. and Mrs. George Bak-
er, of Or angehill.
! hlr. and Mrs Wei. Straw -T ty, al-
i'u Miss I'attliut, Ashton of Sarnia,
Iwere visitors. on Sunday with R. ,\,
and Mrs. Asliton.
\Ve are glad to sport that Miss
Danny Longley is gaining, hotwevcr
16 an able to be up. Her .brother also !
sister, are moving into the Ionise of
,Mr. Arnold Halliday which has been
vacant for some time, andthe ladies' 1.ll
I eat
ntet on Saturday afternoon to 'give Dom
a willing !unit at ;getting it comfort-
able and in closing this eventful octil
cas'Ion served a bountiful lunch, Bert
thanked the ladies, and said how !ti"
MtiCh he enjoyed their company, also la
invited their all hack again, ounce he fill
had 11i$ new hone erected, which will rill
he its the near future,
Mr. and Mrs, G. Wylie, also Mr, pm
and Mrs. I: Wylie and family, were XI
Sunday visitors of • Mr, and Mrs.' A
Miss Isabel 'Ba 1 of Wroxeter, ism
1 o% T E IEAL LE t TEN
Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat
spent a few days this week at the Lenten services are being held ev-
ery Tuesday eveningin the Orange
Hall, when . Rev, R. S. . Jones gives
an illustrated lecture. Last week the
lecture was on- the Keewatin Mission
and proved very interesting indeed.
Mr. Thos Bradnock was in Tor-
onto over the week -end.
The W. M. S. of the United Church
met this Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Alex. Edgar.
Miss Velma Lennox spent the
week -end with her mother in Wing -
home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest King.
he Woinen's Institute are hold-
ing •their annual social At Home for
their husbands and escorts oh Wed-
nesday evening, March 9th, at the
home of the President, Mrs. L. F.
Mrs. J. T. Strong and Mss: J. Rob-
inson were in Tara recently attend-
ing the funeral of a relative.
An enjoyable evening was spent on
Friday evening last when the mem-
bers of the L:O.B.A. entertained their
husbands and escorts, also the mem,-
nent-hors of the L.O.L. and their wives.
Orange' Hall was' fittingly dec-
orated for the occasion. Mrs. W. H.
Gregg acted as chairman of the ev-
ening and a very fine program con
•silting of reading, solos, pantomines,
also a short play "When Women
Have Their Rights," was' given. Af-
ter the programme a dainty lunch
was served by the ladies.
The Library was the centre of
much interest when on Saturday af-
ternoon a second lecture and tea was
held, Rev. Arthur Leggatt, of Moles-
worth, giving a very interesting ad-
dress on "Hymns and Hymn Writ-
ers." and among those of which he
spoke were: Burns, Wesley, and in
closing, spoke of Lori `Tennyson and
his great masterpiece"Crossingthe
Bar." Also in speaking of each writ-
er, Mr. Leggatt, notonly gave very
interesting facts concerning their
character but also quoted several
lines from what was :considered their
masterpieces. Following this worth-
while lecture, lunch was served by
:Hisses Edith Ritchie, Aline Clarke,
Velma Zimmerman and 111ythe Un-
derwood. The tea table, with centres
of hyacinths was presided over by
Mrs. G. W. ,Butt and Mrs. H. V.
Tdvlmes. It was made known that
the board have decided to snake the
i.ibrary a reading room as well, and
will he open to the public nn 1Ved-
eesctay and Saturday afternoons from
2.5 o'clock, and ale° Sattlrday nights
from 8 to 10 p.m.. We trust the pub-
tr I1 take of this tart
Mr. Gerald Morrison, of Farewell,
was a week -end visitor of Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Bolton.
The best way to prevent colic;
doctors say, is to avoid gas in stomach
and bowels by keeping the entire
intestinal tract open, free from waste.
But remember this: a tiny baby's
tender little organs cannot stand
harsh treatment. They must be
gently urged. This is just the time
Castoria can help most. Castoria,
you know, is made specially for babies
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preparation, perfectly harmless. It
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For years it has helped anthers
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babies and children suffering with
digestive upsets, colds and fever.
Keep genuine Castoria on hand, with
the name:
ME ,. SEE=
Choice Mince Meat 2 lbs. for 25c 11
Large size Prune's 2 lbs. for 25c 1
Apricots, 1` lb. for 19c
Figs 1 lb. for 19c
Dates 1 lb. for ......... . . . . . . 10c
Kellogs Cora Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 2k
Large size cans Corn, Peas, or Tomatoes 3 cans 25c
3 lb. Pail Peerless Shortening 39c
Pure Lard 1 Ib. ... ... , , 19c
Pearl or P & G Soap 4 mars 19c
Cream Olive Toilet Soap 3 bars .
Oxford Orange Pekoe Tea 1 lb. 4iQ
Crown Brand Tea 1 lb. 39c
Fresh ground Coffee . , , ....:. 40 and 50c
20% Reduction on, Rubbers, Overshoes, Underwear
and Overcoats—Spring samples for made- to-
o-measura Suits and Overcoats.
vers St